Tarnished Coast – Dissentient [DIS]
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So im a little confused by WvW. I remember when GW2 launched it seemed like there were battles everywhere. Now I log into any of the borderlands around 7pm EST and they seem dead. If they are not dead there is only one blob of about 40 people who runs around border land to border land. It doesn’t seem like there are massive battles or defenses. I had a fond memory of defending stone mist castle near the launch. There were about 14 waves of attacks before they left. Now it seems like we just hand it over and flip flop owner ship. I currently play on Tarnished Coast. Why does it seem like a lot less people play world vs. world? Or is it like warhammer online where you have musical bases so everyone gets points but never fights? Or is prime time different on Tarnished Coast? I understand that a lot of people have complaints about WvW, did that hemorrhage players?
Most of the guilds that play enemy border maps get going at around 8 PM EST. Until then it can be quite quiet on those maps, with generally just the map roaming group hopping in every now and then. During that time it’s not uncommon to queue up the maps.
On enemy border maps, we try to flip the keeps, but the purpose of this is to “paper” them so they can’t get or lose a waypoint. Garrison is usually strongly defended and is difficult to flip, the two side keeps are easier targets. We may defend for a bit for the fights and maybe eek out a bit of PPT, but ultimately we can’t hold a keep on an enemy border overnight so it’s not worth putting too many resources into it.
There’s usually something going on in both home border and EB, no matter what time.
In general, the only places actively defended are home border and your 1/3 of EB. Stonemist is not “traded”, the enemy usually will not just let you cap it, but at the same time it’s not often upgraded either. An EB keep will be strongly defended though (EB is a bad map to pick if you want to get your keep capture daily done as stonemist doesn’t count for it).
I’d suggest you join the TC mumble server, you should be able to get the info in map chat.
Refresh tokens are valid until either the user explicitly revokes them via the management UI or you consume them to get a new access/refresh token pair. The access token should only be valid for a day.
In my testing I was able to use the same refresh token repeatedly.
If there is a regular expiration date most applications should be able to safe the last timestamp of their refresh, don’t they? Anyway, I would prefer an information from the leading database, so an API field of an expiration date would be fine.
Anyway, most of us have to deal with a different (application<>API) timezone and the local architecture of the application server or client. I’m not sure if this is an important feature, but a nice2have. More important would be a 1) documented 2) minimal lease time until a refresh must happen
I believe the spec calls for an “expires_in” field which is provided in seconds.
How long does the access token and refresh token last before they expire?
Yes, could we get “expires_in” included with the access/refresh token response please?
You can’t change the context field. If you did, positional audio wouldn’t work unless you happened to have the same FoV setting.
Is there anything that allows to pull outgoing damage? Like how much damage you are dealing to an enemy, everything (flat damage, condis) included. Possibly pull data from the combat data that’s already implemented as a chat option?
The devs have stated repeatedly that they do not have access to real-time data. All of the API’s data is cached and usually at least 5 minutes old.
I think this kind of thing (exporting chat/combat logs) should be handled directly by the client.
Either a real-time stream or a slash command to save the log.
I get through the oauth redirect/callback ok and swap the code for an access_token successfully. Requests to /v2/accounts result in {"text":"ErrBadData"}
Trying the node.js scripts results in printing “undefined”
I’m now getting the same error. Was working yesterday.
Would /v2/characters expose everything that we currently see in the character select screen?
That would be …
It would be useful to me to see which guilds an account belong to, having the guilds each character is representing may not give a full list but it would be something I could work with.
I’ve also had some ideas about how I could use the name of the character they are currently playing, and order of most recent play would achieve that.
The OAuth2 library I am using (perl’s Net::OAuth2) wants to add “Host: account.guildwars2.com:443” to the access token request header. This results in a 403 error from the server.
It works fine if the header is set to “Host: account.guildwars2.com” or left out entirely.
I was able to make changes to the library code to fix it for myself, but other users and possibly other libraries may come across this problem.
Could you capture and paste the request that’s returning 403 (make sure to remove the “code” and “client_secret” parameters from the query string)? I’m totally unable to reproduce the behavior from the host header alone.
Sure, I attached the two request headers (one that works, one that doesn’t) to avoid forum formatting.
Same thing is happening with any of the endpoints, here’s a test perl script ….
#! /usr/bin/perl
use LWP::UserAgent;
my $ua = LWP::UserAgent->new;
my $api_uri = 'https://api.guildwars2.com';
my $url = $ARGV[0] || $api_uri.'/v2/build';
my $response_with_port = $ua->get($url, Host => 'api.guildwars2.com:443');
my $response_without_port = $ua->get($url, Host => 'api.guildwars2.com');
print "With port: ".$response_with_port->status_line."\n";
print "Without port: ".$response_without_port->status_line."\n";
And the results …
With port: 403 Forbidden
Without port: 200 OK
(edited by Nabrok.9023)
The OAuth2 library I am using (perl’s Net::OAuth2) wants to add “Host: account.guildwars2.com:443” to the access token request header. This results in a 403 error from the server.
It works fine if the header is set to “Host: account.guildwars2.com” or left out entirely.
I was able to make changes to the library code to fix it for myself, but other users and possibly other libraries may come across this problem.
If we also get build templates, it’s not a big deal. Preferably a system that works in both PvE and PvP, but I’ll take just PvP for starters.
Also, you guys missed another implication … if it’s in the same queue that would mean you could play it without owning the expansion.
Makes me wonder how they plan on handling the guild aspect of this. If I’m remembering correctly, they stated there would be a guild leaderboard for this mode. There HAS to be a way to play this mode outside of the normal conquest queue.
There will be a guild leaderboard. The leaderboard is not specifically for this mode.
My questions …
1. Will the map be included in the standard rotation for unranked or is it a separate queue for this game mode?
2. If it is the same queue, this mode would seem to require different builds than conquest but you discourage switching characters at game start … build templates??
3. Although you’re testing in 5v5, you seem open to different team sizes. How will larger team sizes work with the current party queuing system?
4. Communication seems very important in this game mode, more-so than in conquest. Are you concerned that pre-formed groups with voice comms will have an even more distinct advantage in this mode?
John Smith
“You shouldn’t be able to place buy orders below vendor price, that is the bug. We’re aware of it and will have a fix soon.”And they did. Those orders still there are old ones from before they stopped people from placing buy orders below vendor price.
Okay…so if that’s fixed then the problem is that Anet is leaving 2+ year old buy orders on the market. I’m pretty sure this has been suggested before but couldn’t they just remove them?
It wouldn’t be too crazy for orders to have an expiration date either.
As to removing them, I gather it’s too much trouble and they aren’t hurting anything.
John Smith: Source
Prioritizing a bug fix that doesn’t actually affect the TP usage at all over any fix in the game that does affect players would be irresponsible.
It affects my usage. It means I have to go in to every non-zero item and see if I can actually just sell it now or if it’s just an old listing.
Will adventures have a daily/monthly/quarterly leaderboard, similar to the challenge missions from GW1?
Yes, only Druid will be able to use the staff. A base ranger will not be able to.
However, you can switch between ranger/druid whenever you are out of combat.
Class mechanic is the F1-F4 skills. Those will behave differently in the specialization.
Reward track progress is not tied to rank points in any way, and has its own balance between wins, losses, and the different arena types.
Reward track progress is linear, and the same for all tracks.
Potions give a fixed amount.Awesome, thanks for sharing!
Knowing this, we can probably work out the rest on our own.
I have one more question – do bonus points (e.g. for top stats or autobalancing) count towards reward track progress at all?
No. But keep in mind celebration and birthday boosters increase reward track progress.
Can you tell us why you can’t tell us?
It seems an odd thing to keep hidden.
Also, is ranked/unranked the same progress on reward track (as it is with rank points)?
It still shows 10k daily AP on my main account + 2595 monthly. So they did not merge it.
The new 10 AP comes from the daily completion after the patch. The Monthly is still shown below the daily.
Well that would be a bad solution. Why didnt they add the montly to the daily AP? Looks very ugly to have 2595 monthly AP.
How hard can it be to add up 2 variables and delete the obsolete one. Thats a less than 10min work beginner task for programmers.
I hope this is just a quick and dirty temporary fix and not the final solution for this.EDIT: I just checked my other accounts with 0 monthly AP and it does not show monthly AP for them anymore. Too bad they didnt take the extra effort to fix this for accounts with more than 0 monthlies.
Could also mean we can get a full 5k more AP instead of just 2.5k.
Which would ruin all hope of having at least the top 100 of achievement points in a competive state. And also ruin all reason for me to buy all the black lion weapons (read less money for Anet) if I cant catch up to rank 1 anyway.
As somebody who’d like to have a full radiant set someday, I’ll gladly take the extra 2.5k over chasing some people I don’t even know on a leaderboard.
It still shows 10k daily AP on my main account + 2595 monthly. So they did not merge it.
The new 10 AP comes from the daily completion after the patch. The Monthly is still shown below the daily.
Well that would be a bad solution. Why didnt they add the montly to the daily AP? Looks very ugly to have 2595 monthly AP.
How hard can it be to add up 2 variables and delete the obsolete one. Thats a less than 10min work beginner task for programmers.
I hope this is just a quick and dirty temporary fix and not the final solution for this.EDIT: I just checked my other accounts with 0 monthly AP and it does not show monthly AP for them anymore. Too bad they didnt take the extra effort to fix this for accounts with more than 0 monthlies.
Could also mean we can get a full 5k more AP instead of just 2.5k.
This will be coming in the pre-HoT feature patch! Right, anet? Right?
Sword and Staff are the only two confirmed by the trailer. Spear is the most likely water weapon due to the class clearly being martial in nature.
It’s unknown if they will get weapon swaps or not. I’m leaning toward thinking they do, as if “channeling legends” is their profession mechanic, how is it different from Elementalist attunements?
No, channeling a legend will do something else. I have no idea what, but it will not function like attunements.
It could be more like engineer kits (channels equipped in the utility slots) than elementalist attunements.
I think it will not have weapon swap. It gives a nice symmetry. Not only will we have 3 heavies, 3 mediums, and 3 lights, there will be one class in each weight that has an alternate mechanism to weapon swap.
OOC swap for all three would be nice though.
They spawn on a timer, but I couldn’t tell you how long it is (who camps these things?). I’m guessing its somewhere between 10 to 15 minutes, otherwise people would farm them.
More importantly, why is this daily in the game at all? It’s WvW, not PvE.
I could think of plenty more interesting WvW dailies to spice up it’s rather weak rotation:
- Kill 3 players with an Arrow Cart.
- Kill 1 player with a Cannon.
- Kill 1 player with a Ballista.
- Kill 1 player with a Catapult or Trebuchet.
- Kill 1 player with a Mortar or Burning Oil.
(Probably shouldn’t do Flame Rams for it’s unlikeliness or Golems for the supply drainage it’d promote.)
- Successfully escort 1 Dolyak supply carrier to it’s destination.
- Throw a Ballista finish— build site on a defeated enemy player.
- Kill 1 enemy player in a one versus one with no other player damaging your target or supporting you during the fight.
- Destroy 1 wall or gate from a Tower, Keep or Castle owned by an enemy team.
- [Rare daily] Steal Bloodlust in a borderland from an enemy team while it is not already under your team’s control.
- [Rare daily] Capture Stonemist Castle from an enemy team while it has at least 500 supply in the depot.
- [Rare daily] Complete the Obsidian Sanctum jumping puzzle.And I could name a fair few more, but sadly, we currently only have a limited and boring selection of dailies, while PvE has a wide list of different ones… Oh, and then there is this daily that shouldn’t even exist in the first place.
This daily exists precisely because the game mode is WvW. WvW is a combination of PvP and PvE elements.
To be fair, other than some wild mobs, some gathering nodes, and some guards/lords as part of the PvP focussed holding capturing mechanic, what exactly exists in WvW that makes it a combination of PvP and PvE? Don’t mention EotM here, that’s a different game mode entirely.
Then the next question, what do you think the majority of players primarily considers WvW to be? A PvP focussed gameplay or a PvE one?
Quite honestly I don’t see the reason to have this daily when so many alternatives exist. It was an uninspired addition to the already weak selection of possible WvW dailies, which only serves to highlight the lack of attention WvW received since the game launched.
Capturing a tower/keep is essentially a PvE activity, only there are (sometimes) other players trying to stop you.
WvW certainly has more focus on PvP, but there are, and should be, limited PvE elements to it as well.
Also, EotM is only a different game mode entirely because players have chosen to make it so.
So solo Q’ers get punished even more vs 5qs?
Not sure how, the worst case scenario in what I posted is the exact same as what you currently get for a loss.
By the way, I solo q probably 75% of the time.
Or your score could be just:
300 + your team’s score + 200 bonus if you win
That would be significantly lower than the 1,500 you currently get for a win. Is it your position that wins are currently too rewarding?
Was expecting that yesterday, but I’m still stuck at 10k. Any news on when this will happen?
Nothing annoys me more than people giving up on a match, whether it’s by abandoning or just AFKing.
I think the problem, particularly in unranked, is there’s no difference if you lose with 10 points or lose with 490 points.
So my proposal would be to give out more rank points based on your score. It could use a similar breakdown to the ladder position system.
This would at least give a little motivation to improve the score, even if there’s very little chance of a win, and at the same time is much more rewarding for those close matches.
It can only be activated if you claim a site for your guild in WvW. It can also only be active on one site at a time. If your guild leader activated it, you can see that it has been activated/is building. If you don’t have the supply camp/tower/keep you are in claimed for your guild, you can’t activate the buff. If you have it active elsewhere, you cannot activate the buff IIRC.
This is not correct.
You can activate the buff at any time, any place. You do not have to have a claimed structure in order to activate it. When the buff is active its effects will be applied to any structure that you subsequently claim or already have claimed.
If you claim a second structure, the buffs are removed from the original claim and applied to the new claim.
I’m stuck on Blackgate … There’s no one in my maps
No. They are tracked separately. We track one core rating per rating type, and one profession rating per rating type, for a total of 18 ratings. Right now profession rating is being ignored, but the intent is to start combining it with the core rating at some point.
Can I ask why profession rating is currently ignored? That was not indicated when it was discussed in the live stream.
What’s the point on getting high AP anyway. Besides hellfire armor, and it’s not like there isn’t 1000 other armor skins you can use.
If it is for kitten… well you won’t have your kitten if high AP is easy to get anyway.
Hellfire? Pfft. It’s all about the radiant!
I will never understand this compulsion that some have to get EVERY SINGLE AP, even if it means doing things they don’t like.
Did you ever consider that these are set up to be merely token rewards for people who really like each particular activity? And to ensure that they continue to get at least a small reward, even if they choose to play (something they like) an awful lot over wintersday? Or that they are not designed to be something where every player has to do every single one?
This game gets way more fun once you accept that you can’t/don’t need to do every single thing.
This! You don’t have to get every single AP (and this is coming from somebody who is about to hit 23k).
I pretty much ignore any limited time repeatables.
As for the dailies, you actually have to go and do them now if you want the reward for it or do 3 of them if you want the AP.
Before you’d get your daily pretty easily doing whatever, so they just took that reward and gave it to you anyway. If you want the rest of it, you have to go and get it. This is fine by me, and I think the new rewards are great, and often worth getting even if you’ve already done your 3 for the AP.
I used the free VPN hotspot shield to patch, then turned it off to play. Worked well.
Still having problems. Tried Hotspot Shield. Tried flushing DNS.
EDIT: never mind, restarted hotspot and then it worked.
(edited by Nabrok.9023)
West Michigan here (Grand Rapids), also comcast. Can’t get the patch to download.
I was able to patch ok yesterday, but I had this same issue a few weeks ago.
Fractals aren’t exclusive to 80s; I did low ones @ 60s and to little trouble.
Scale 11-20 fractals are pretty exclusive to level 80s. While theoretically a character below level 80 can still participate while uplevelled, none of his equipment (barring perhaps crafted level 78 backpacks) will have slots for Agony Resistance, meaning that certain attacks of every boss and occasional environmental effects will tick 10% of his max health off per second while also negating his healing effects for its duration. For a character with the appropriate level of Agony Resistance, they’d only take 1% of their max health from Agony.
A lower level player could be carried through fractals despite low Agony Resistance, and if he’s really good at dodging he could avoid most instances of Agony (each final boss has unavoidable Agony right at the start of the encounter). I would assume that most players being referenced to here aren’t being carried by level 80s, though.
I have done level 19 or even 20 fractals with people with 0 AR many times. It’s not that big a deal.
The first songs are slower. The later songs are faster.
I actually think the faster songs are easier. You can get into the rhythm more easily.
I think the point he was trying to illustrate was that 10AP/day < 12AP/day. This could be seen as a problem for serious achievement hunters who are working towards the high-AP armor/weapon sets.
If you have enough AP that you’re even thinking about getting leg or chest achievement armor, your daily achievement are at or close to cap already, so those 12 AP from dailies did not exist.
In January the caps are merging. I’m not sure what the current max possible for monthlies is, but I’d guess it’s around 3,000 (I’m at around 2.5k, I’ve missed some but not a lot). Which means that you’ll be able to get an extra 2,000+ AP from the new daily system at a rate about 3x faster than the current/old monthlies would get you.
I agree about the repeatables, at least ones that are also temporary. Things like the salvage kit or dungeon runner repeatable are fine, and I think most of the WvW achievements should be modified to have much lower limits but become repeatable (with AP capped at X times of course).
In general though I don’t mind the temporary or easy (give gold to NPC) achievements. A big part of the reason for achievements is to point players towards things. For example a player might not know you have to donate to the NPC to get the dolyak escort event running, but they see it in the achievement list and can find out about it from there.
I’ll still try for most of the achievements, but I’m not going to bother with the repeatables.
Moment of silence for those of you who actually liked the AP treadmill, but I had given up on APs some time ago and laurels were the only strong play driver for me.
Why? This change makes it easier than ever to keep up with your AP, and come January those who have capped dailies will have another 2-3K AP open up for them with the combined monthly/daily cap.
well the occasional extra laurels were nice of course, and I have no reason to turn down a few extra gold or some karma. But the nebulous value of a few percent this or that increase, skins to a mostly incomplete armor set, titles that i wouldn’t be displaying anyhow, and some consumables I either never used or could get elsewhere; these things really didn’t prompt me to run the AP game.
Sorry, I wasn’t asking why you gave up on AP, but why you think this is a bad change for those pursuing AP.
Moment of silence for those of you who actually liked the AP treadmill, but I had given up on APs some time ago and laurels were the only strong play driver for me.
Why? This change makes it easier than ever to keep up with your AP, and come January those who have capped dailies will have another 2-3K AP open up for them with the combined monthly/daily cap.
Can we also ignore monthlies as well (from a purely laurel-centric viewpoint)?
This is the last monthly, there will not be one in January.
You’ll still get 10 laurels for completing the December monthly.
You actually get more than before if you pick laurels on the day 28 chest.
Also, I got an additional laurel when I completed 5 of the Wintersday Daily items.
Before the change PVP and WvW players had 2(or 3) achievements each,meaning they had to do 3(or 2) PVE achievements to complete their daily.I don’t see other people crying,even tho 2 of the PvP achievements are class specific.So if they don’t even own those two classes they can go into PvE and finish their daily there.
While there were only 2 PvP or WvW specific dailies, this is a bit disingenuous. Many of the old dailies could be completed in any format. For example, dodges, interrupts, kills, even revives could all be done in PvP, and of course WvW.
I do find it funny that the people who are complaining often seem to state that they don’t care about AP, when AP is now the only reason to do them.
EDIT: It’s not about AP’s for me, but freedom, which has been taken away.
Well then, you’re in luck! Because the only thing you get for doing those dailies is AP, plus the small task specific reward.
The rest of the rewards you get for just logging in.
There’s nothing that I want to buy with the ugly clothing. If there was an outfit or mini as there was for Halloween, I’d probably do that, but as it is I’m just going to open 5/day for the daily and sell the rest.
I’m ok with that, I need the money after just finishing a legendary.
I don’t think I can change it to a question, but maybe a moderator can.
That suggests the cap has not been increased yet, so we’ll have to wait until next month.
I’m currently very, very close to 10,000 for my daily achievements. Has the cap already been raised to the combined 15,000 or does that not happen until next month?
I just want to thank Anet to make a cheap home instance ’’node’’.
All the others either cost 800gems on gem-store, some for 15g and 25 laurel (or meta-achivement), rare drops from BLC and the treasure chest.Now a christmas tree for (if buying at tp) just a few silver and less then 700karma.
Thanx Anet
Do you have that already? You get it from the orphan thing, right? I didn’t start that until after reset and after a few steps it told me to come back tomorrow (if I’d known, I would have done it before reset). Does it just take the one day?
Being an asura makes no difference. Your jump distance is the same as everybody else.
I can make the jump past where the blue boxes spawn 99% of the time on my asura.
Can someone explain how it works? I don’t understand why some people have now recieved 2 daily log in rewards and some only 1…
Anybody who logged in between the daily reset prior to the patch and the patch itself did not get the 1st reward until the daily reset after the patch.
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