Showing Posts For Nate.3927:

[LFG][NA] Looking for small social guild.

in Looking for...

Posted by: Nate.3927


what timezone do you mainly play? Also for the WvW part, what server?

two things that will make wvw better

in WvW

Posted by: Nate.3927


Edit to add: It’s also soulbound, so if your guild’s scribe is online (big if) and not already there, he or she faces quite a battle to get from spawn through the attackers and into the contested objective, THEN the three minute installation time. Good luck with that.

I agree with the WP idea, making it go back to the way it was. But this is demonstrably untrue. I have slotted upgrades before on non-HoT accounts. You likely can’t slot them since your guild didn’t give you the permissions.

Dragon Stand meta D/C beyond acceptable

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Nate.3927


Since connectivity issues are an actual thing, and often beyond the control of either the user or the game provider, games should have systems in place to deal with disconnects in a non-frustrating manner. It’s an obvious and essential quality of life feature. Games are meant to entertain, not frustrate.

GW1 had a reconnect option added during its lifetime. It’s actually quite baffling that, given that earlier acknowledgement and fix, GW2 wasn’t built with such a feature from the ground up.

everything in GW1 was instanced. Different game, different systems.

That being said, I do feel like they should look at some ways to deal with disconnects. But at the same time people should also do everything they can to improve things on their own end.

d/c problems are not new to HoT I used to crash and d/c all the time in WvW when a large number of players show up. So I lowered my settings, I played WvW on minimum settings, I also did all world boss events on minimum settings. I only crash and d/c doing those things when I forgot to lower my settings.

Mentor Tags

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Nate.3927


I do agree that the mentor tag is too easy to get, it probably should’ve been obtained halfway up the mastery or at the end of it instead of at the beginning. That being said as somebody else already mentioned, what kind of tag it is doesn’t matter, what matters is the person behind it.

Engineer Survivability

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Nate.3927


A good bunker engineer can tank 4 people in spvp and laugh at them. So can a good bunker ele.

Anet balances for sPvP, hence why both of their defensive abilities will be adjusted.

So are Bloodbound Weapons priced incorrectly?

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Nate.3927


I imagine now that you brought this up, the gift will now cost 500 tokens

Guild Mission Problems

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Nate.3927


At least the WvW supply lines missions are bugged too. Tally for escorts doesn’t count at all.

Not quite. The WvW guild mission issue is that it doesn’t show up properly on the missions screen, but they do count. My guild completed all of our WvW missions already this week, at no point did any of the counter/progress track actually go up. But we got credit once we had enough dolyak escort, wvw rank points etc. So basically we stayed at 0/5, then suddenly we got “mission complete” and the favor and personal rewards.

More visible titles/roles for squads?

in WvW

Posted by: Nate.3927


All I really want now is subsquad tags appointed by the squadleader for a complete squad system.

Well that and seeing character name instead of account name, plus a tweak in the color of your own subsquad (blue or only slightly brighter blue is poor design.

I agree with the need for subsquad tags. But we already see character names instead of account names, unless you mean it the other way around?

New WvW borderlands too much pve.

in WvW

Posted by: Nate.3927


So let me get this straight, your complaining that the terrain in the new borderland maps is too much “PvE” because it’s harder to get around, and to get where you want to go? Also, your other complaint is about a boss, do you mean the LORD? I’m happy they made it harder, now it takes real tactics and knowledge to get around, and do well, unlike before where, it was just one big loop, and made it significantly easier for the ol’ Karma-choo-choo to get around.

i think u miss the point. the lord does not need to act like a pve dungeon boss as wvw is a game mode where the players are supposed to defend and not a raid boss that takes long to kill. most of us actually loved the fights in the lordsroom. those fights sometimes went on for hours and u know what that actually needed tactics…running in, timing banners, zergbusting , kiting, rushing, pushing and all that was great fun. killing a lord for 2-5 minutes that hits really hard is getting in the way of lordroom fights as it is all about his skills…
the terrain is a pain as it actually promotes zerging way more than before. also if u die u will not run back. who wants to run for 3 minutes to go back to a fight?
this map destroys zergbusting guilds as yes we do wipe, but with the old simple terrain at least we could run back and face that mapblob and didnt have to run for hours . if u miss the zergtrain u will have to wait or try to catch up which is annoying and always annoyed me about eotm.

op has played 200 hours in wvw and thinks wvw is too much pve. i have played around 3500 hours in wvw and yes its too much pve and the whole gamemode was made way less tactical and completely dumbed down with the hot changes and the new map as much as i tried to like them and wanted to make them work. they dont work at all for me and thats it. im done…other games that are more fun are out there atm. ill check back occasionally to see if something changed but for now im done

If it takes your zerg 30s to burn down the lord when exactly does the defenders get a chance to defend?

if death is more costly than before timewise then people should really be improving their tactics and builds so there’s less yolo rushing everything with superior numbers and more actually fighting smart.

So you’re annoyed that it takes time to catch up to the ktrain zerg in eotm and now you’re annnoyed that it takes time to catch up to the zerg in wvw? So basically you’re annoyed that it takes more effort for you to ktrain? Also it does not take 3 mins to run back, I’ve died and had to run back plenty of times on the new map.

I do not love the new map I’m mostly neutral because other than people making up new excuses for avoiding the bl. It’s pretty much been the same except less ktrainers will follow me when I go to a bl.

New WvW borderlands too much pve.

in WvW

Posted by: Nate.3927


if you can’t even beat an NPC boss with 10 people, what makes you think you can beat enemy players?

The keep champs are no longer complete pushovers like they used to be, which is good. But at the same time they can still be taken down by a duo like the other guy mentioned.

Every single complaint I’ve seen so far about too much PvE and not enough PvP actually boils down to “I can’t ktrain objectives anymore cos it takes too long to break down a wall and too long to kill a boss”. If you actually want enemy players to come and fight you, you need to give them time to notice that you’re there, champ bosses taking longer to kill help that goal.

Then i guess ill give you one. I shouldnt have to watch for blinking statues while trying to fight on a bridge. I shouldnt have to watch a whole zerg jump to safety by simply jumping off a cliff. Those are the pve things that annoy me. They have nothing to do with ktraining.

Then learn to blob less. Send a couple people to take the shrines. They can be soloed in seconds and turns off those effects.

Fighting on a bridge in air keep with defensive turrets on is no different to fighting on the bridge in hills with a treb constantly knocking you around. It’s a lot easier to send a few people to go cap some shrines than it is to rush a treb on the other end of a very hot chokepoint.

New WvW borderlands too much pve.

in WvW

Posted by: Nate.3927


if you can’t even beat an NPC boss with 10 people, what makes you think you can beat enemy players?

The keep champs are no longer complete pushovers like they used to be, which is good. But at the same time they can still be taken down by a duo like the other guy mentioned.

Every single complaint I’ve seen so far about too much PvE and not enough PvP actually boils down to “I can’t ktrain objectives anymore cos it takes too long to break down a wall and too long to kill a boss”. If you actually want enemy players to come and fight you, you need to give them time to notice that you’re there, champ bosses taking longer to kill help that goal.

WVW is DEAD and full of well Professors rofl

in WvW

Posted by: Nate.3927


To be fair to the poor fella EotM use to be the karma train place. But people would rather go there now while waiting in a queue then to one of the borderlands. So i doubt it will get better soon. Atleast in EotM another player has to be there to throw me off a walk way.

+87 for you. I totally agree that throwing yourself off of uncertain height cliffs to die gets old really fast. I’ve been playing new bl almost daily since launch and I still manage to kill myself because there are no visual cues to tell me if the drop will be fatal.

the visual cue is that the ground looks really far away. I mean you could just as easily jump to your death in many many places near Hills and even a few spots near Bay. People don’t anymore because after playing on that map for 3 years they know roughly which spots are safe. I killed myself falling off cliffs constantly for the first month or so, but almost never these days since I’m getting used to the map.

lets kame all mats 1/day

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Nate.3927


Is the balance even that bad? I have yet to come across a single class/build that will consistently beat me. I’ve come across specific players that will beat me no matter what they play and what I play, but that’s simply due to a difference in skill.

Desertion bug?

in PvP

Posted by: Nate.3927


Add me to it as well. Got a forfeit at Battle of Champion’s Dusk for I don’t know what exactly since I participated through the whole match, no disconnect, nothing to justify it.

Forfeit is because someone on your team deserted and you lost. This is to separate it from a full defeat.

What about “bye”?

You won and the other team had a disconnect.

Does the game make any distinction between a disconnect and a rage quitter? Because I just got a “bye” in a match that my team would’ve won 5v5 except one guy on the other team clearly went and rage quit on them.

A Compendium of Minor Annoyances

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Nate.3927


How did you get that from what I wrote? That’s not it at all. My point is that the game erroneously conflates “I am being damaged” with “I am in combat.” My issue is with the in-combat status, not the post-mortem DoTs still ticking.

snip the rest

Being damaged = in combat, damaging others = in combat. That is a simple rule that must remain in place. If that wasn’t the case then I can easily run through most anything at full speed, avoiding all mobs.

Couple things about your examples:

1. Retreat gives you aegis. The large majority of guardians I know have a trait or a rune that damages/hurts enemies in some way when their aegis is broken or when they block an attack. Check your trait setup. Most likely a mob hit you and got burned or damaged in some way.

2. Your symbols can cause you to get in combat after you’ve already walked past and the symbol is still there and a mob steps on it. Same with mesmer focus 4 since that one cripples.

3. Ranger is not a good example as pets do randomly attack stuff if you have a mob targeted or get attacked by stuff since they draw a lot of aggro running around like that. Warhorn 5 on ranger is also a blast finisher. It’s not at all unlikely that you accidentally blasted something which damaged/hurt a nearby mob.

Your complaint is that Rev can’t do much damage and is squishy. That’s not limited to PvE, especially considering WvW uses the same gear as PvE. And a lot of your specific examples are actually stuff that other people complain are too OP about the Rev. Have you seen the complaints about OP revenant hammer is? Or how OP the heal is?

You said you’re level 80 and that you play PvE which means you have at least some extra hero points that can only be spent on Herald and nothing else. Facet of Elements doesn’t require a full unlock of Herald.

Also Mesmers didn’t get a semi reliable movement speed boost until the trait revamp. And a reliable one only with Chronomancer. You would know this if you played Mesmer, this problem isn’t unique to Revenant. As I said in the rest of my original post I do agree with a lot of what you’re saying, only pointing out the problems with some of them.

Why can't I level my masteries anywhere?

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Nate.3927


Regular masteries can be lvled anywhere in central tyria. And its not hard to level maguuma masteries at all. Dragons stand is pretty great for XP.

Its great until the game crashes without warning.

For no discernible reason.

And on the off chance you had a group lined up so that you can cover for Anet, hopefully it doesn’t crash near the end. You only have so much time to get the chest, and then burn through your machetes, which will be eaten into if the shard decides it is now full.

And doing the same set of objectives over and over again kind of sounds like a grind. Especially if it’s just to unlock masteries so that you can do all of the content.

Stop trying to munge different issues together. Server stability/performance issues whether they are real or imagined should be treated separately to design complaints whether they are justified or not.

I had a lot of stability issues when HoT launches that has disappeared once I started using the 64-bit client. For some people this doesn’t work and in fact makes things worse. That’s something for the server & networks team to handle. Not something for the game designers to handle.

Been in enough MMO’s to know the casuals are the lifeblood of any game and once there chased off the game withers and dies.

None of these people complaining are actually casuals. If you’ve already maxed out central tyria masteries from your farming, you are not a casual. I have actual casual player friends who would run around with a full mastery bar for days despite having other mastery tracks with no exp in it as well as enough free mastery points to get that mastery simply because they didn’t care enough about it to notice. For them their mastery bar is just another thing to work on while they do content.

(edited by Nate.3927)

Why can't I level my masteries anywhere?

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Nate.3927


There is no reason to lock this up behind annoying content people don’t enjoy, seriously why can’t I open them doing what I have fun doing, what do they have against people actually having fun and being rewarded?

I have fun afk’ing in LA chatting to friends. I should totally get everything I want simply by doing that.

On a more serious note, masteries are account bound. The required levels can be gotten very easily with almost no effort. The higher level masteries are not required but are helpful when doing certain parts of the content. If masteries were soul bound then I would agree with you.

Now that I completed the central tyria masteries, every single event, dungeon, fractal, became pretty much pointless, the exp has no value whatsover, the gold is gone, and karma, is karma even used for anything new? *

So you went out of your way to farm the masteries as quickly as you can and are now complaining that any further farming you do is pointless?

Karma is used for the pact vendors that travel around giving you access to older recipes that at one point were completely unavailable.

Multiple Elites, account bound acquisition.

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Nate.3927


Dulfy has a guide; perhaps, it has a video…I’ve not looked at it.

Good luck.

I looked for videos for about an hour before I gave up and knuckled down on my thief elite…

9 hours to get it to 80% complete on the new maps. It wasn’t hard navigating the maps, the hardest part was waiting for half hour minimum at group event HP for atleast one person to come and help. I have a tag which made things easier.

So at that rate, it should only take about 170 hours to unlock 17 elites… Yay.

Question still stands: Could Elites be account bound?

I just want to WvW and have fun to it’s full potential instead of… This.

9 hours is a bit long. Get somebody who knows what they’re doing and at least 3 people in your group to fight the champs that needs to be killed and assuming you have no HP at all in central tyria. You’ll be done in under 2 hours for each character

Until you get bouncing mushrooms, updrafts and exalted ideally your run is guided by a mesmer who has those masteries and can port you places. But doing 1 HP run will get you a lot of exploration exp. After I think 3 HP runs I had all the required masteries and then some.

(edited by Nate.3927)

Guild Unlocks that should have been automatic

in WvW

Posted by: Nate.3927


Guild bank access is still there on the bl through guild registrar. Not sure about ebg though

Too much sustain on bursty new specs?

in WvW

Posted by: Nate.3927


Maybe instead of spamming all your CDs and hoping to win you should learn to time your skill use better? A competent marks and wells vanilla necro should roll over the large majority of DH players without even trying much. Any ranger with a pet can do the same with a little bit more effort. Break los with the DH and have your pet go at it.

Why can't I level my masteries anywhere?

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Nate.3927


Not at all .. they designed HOT for the vocal minority that say they want 1990s group-or-die over world content then implemented Masteries in such a way everyone else who doesn’t particularly care for that type of game has to endure it or give up and they know most won’t give up due to their addiction.

I have to disagree with that. I’ve already solo’ed a few of the champion HPs. Some of them I’ve failed to do solo because the build I enjoy playing is a bad matchup for the champion’s abilities. But other than that “group or die” is only true for the first couple hours while you’re still not used to the new abilities and behaviour of the enemy AI.

Why can't I level my masteries anywhere?

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Nate.3927


This is killing the game for me.

I don’t enjoy my time in the jungle, its stressful, it’s on the clock, I just want to explore the place, but to do that I need to level my masteries first.

BUT I can’t play fractals and level them, because for some illogical reason its impossible to level the Maguuma outside of it.

Now that I completed the central tyria masteries, every single event, dungeon, fractal, became pretty much pointless, the exp has no value whatsover, the gold is gone, and karma, is karma even used for anything new? *

Do an HP run and you’ll find that your mastery bar fills up really quickly. I haven’t done any meaningful HoT content beyond 5 separate HP runs and I already have all the necessary ones for exploring the first few maps. I have gliding 2, itzel 1, nuhoch 1 and exalted 1 with gliding 3 basically full after i get a few more vista views/exploration exp. I’ve now actually almost run out of mastery points in HoT and will probably need to do the story simply so that on my next HP run the exp doesn’t get wasted.

They haven't forgotten wvw (it seems)

in WvW

Posted by: Nate.3927


  • snip*

You do realize that they fight against each other right? I play during late OCX and SEA. We have people on all 3 servers and we fight each other.

They haven't forgotten wvw (it seems)

in WvW

Posted by: Nate.3927


OMG People… im not sure if you are sarcastic, trolling or just plain stupid.

There is no NIGHT CAPPING cause the world is round, and its day time elsewhere.

Until ANet releases a server saying “EST” or “PST” or “Central” timezone, you better stop crying about this so called “night capping” cause this game is global, and everyone can play whatever time they want.

//end of rant

Yes well unfortunetly for us they did release 27 servers within the UTC/GMT timezone over 3 years ago. You must have missed that.

yes well, unfortunately they discovered that the earth is roughly a ball-ish shape hundreds of years ago. You must have missed that.

Moving server without the cost of gems

in WvW

Posted by: Nate.3927


Honestly, now I’m waiting for someone to try this and then come back here and say “TROLLZZ IT DOESN’T WORK”. There goes 6+ lvl 80 characters and (most) of the rewards of 2000 hours of gaming. Honestly, though, if time = money? You’ll pay the gems for the transfer. Seriously.

Edit: okay, maybe not most of the rewards. A lot, though.

No, the OP’s not wrong; you can even contact customer support. When a RL friend of mine joined the game, and he joined a server I wasn’t playing on by accident without realizing the consequences, they told him that character deletion was/is/will be an option. That said, because the account was less than a day old, they did move him for free out of kindness for a newbie and respect for real friends playing together rather than having him go through the process of reaching level 10 again.

I honestly have no idea why you have to select a server at creation. It is pointless. You shouldn’t have to do it until you go into wvw for the first time. Give people a chance to make friends and then select.

There was a dev comment where he/she basically agrees with this, but also said that changing this isn’t easy or quick. Which makes sense.

WvW population solution? None.

in WvW

Posted by: Nate.3927


Just a thought for discussion.

Replace what would have been players in an empty map with respective npcs (until it reaches the player cap of that map), that is organized and constantly fight to capture and hold key strategic areas, in a perpetual conflict that would (without intervention) result in a balance equilibrium or equal points to each team. When a player does log on, they will randomly replace an npc. If enough players log on, then all the npcs will be replaced. Depending on the numbers of npcs remaining on map, their roles may change as well. Imagine the forever epic feel of logging on a map to find fights always happening!

Now a privileged player (one with commander tag or some other ability or prerequisite) could influence npcs and give them instructions and focus. So in theory, even if only one human player plays on a server in tier 8, for a few hours a day, could make a difference to their server if they make good decisions to manage the npcs.

In another scenario, imagine a lesser populated server paired off against a larger populated one. It may give a cunning player a fighting chance if the player could instruct the npcs to attempt to capture points all over the map forcing the larger group to commit players to defend.

That sounds good on paper in terms of maintaining constant activity and could even be made quite simple e.g. basically have siegerazer events that trigger automatically without needing 5 players around him. The siegerazer event will attack the nearest keep and supporting camps/towers, NPCs follow nearest commander etc. But I don’t know if that would be good for the game mode as a whole.

People are already complaining about auto upgrades. Imagine the QQ if something like this ever gets introduced. You’d basically be turning it into a siege warfare simulation with zero player input required.

A Compendium of Minor Annoyances

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Nate.3927


1. Agree with some of these.

I disagree that we should move faster in combat.

I disagree that you seem to think condis should disappear once the applier is dead(?).

I disagree with the comments about boons turning on in-combat status, that only happens when say you drop a symbol on the ground to get swiftness and then a mob walks on the symbol. Other than that it has never been an issue and that’s more about you needing to learn where to place your symbols than anything else.

2 & 3. Agreed

4. Agree with the problem, disagree with the solution. Mobs should not be able to damage us when we can’t reach them.

5. No opinion.

6. Haven’t had enough time with my Rev to really comment, but the numerous revs that have wrecked me in sPvP and WvW would probably disagree with you. Also fairly sure Heralds can get perma swiftness.

Black border removed in latest patch??

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Nate.3927


I never had any kind of black border so not sure what you’re talking about. I have screenshots from all the way back in early access.

2 things population and getting started

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Nate.3927


I find that there are more toxic players in general in sPvP than there are in PvE or WvW.

However this is true in all games and generally speaking I’ve seen less toxicity (in-game) in this game than other games.

Can we talk about condition disparity in PvE?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Nate.3927


there are definitely runes that focus on bleeding. Not sure about poison though

Master Armorsmith,

in WvW

Posted by: Nate.3927


you can access guild bank from the guild registrar person. Not sure about milling basins, haven’t really crafted in wvw anytime recently

Seriously Anet?

in WvW

Posted by: Nate.3927


I lag and crash during 3-way 40 v 40 v 40 battles. Although this happens less now that I use the 64 bit client.

Haven’t seen a big 3-way battle in the BL yet. The biggest I’ve been in was about 10 vs 20 around the oasis area and there was no lag. At least none beyond what is normal for me living in Australia.

Kudzu and the new legendary longbow

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Nate.3927


What about a vampire themed bow? I think bats trailing smoke and sparkles would be great projectiles while the footsteps give sparkles. The character would emit a pale glow with sparkles. Juggernaut shouldn’t be the only legendary to give cool armor effects. The bow itself would look silver with gargoyle and bat wing accents.

Sounds ok…..but almost everything sounds better than flower bow…

I can understand not liking Kudzu because it’s too flowery. But to simultaneous dislike Kudzu for it’s flowery theme and implied girlishness while liking what is clearly a sparkly teen vampire angst inspired bow seems weird to me.

Seriously Anet?

in WvW

Posted by: Nate.3927


I lag and crash for a lot of reason, but never because/around the oasis event. Is this possibly an issue with the EU servers?

Feels like griefing now.

in WvW

Posted by: Nate.3927



I agree with almost all of this. Increasing the incentive to defend is good and auto upgrades are a step in the right direction. However rewards for defending also needs to be increasing, because as somebody else mentioned above, you could successfully push back a superior force with lesser numbers, but unless you kill one of the attackers, you actually get no rewards. Unfortunately this isn’t an easy problem to solve, for example if you simply reward someone who happens to be in the area and did some damage to an enemy during the defend event, then that could be very easily abused.

Feels like griefing now.

in WvW

Posted by: Nate.3927


Its hard enough to take keeps with noone defending said keep

Now defending a keep feels like pouring salt on an open wound

Taking a keep with no defenders was ridiculously easy with the old system. Now it’s only normal level easy since keep lords have more variety to them and are not pushovers. It can still be done with 2 people by the way, it just takes more time and requires both people to know their professions reasonably well.

Goodbye WvW

in WvW

Posted by: Nate.3927



2 hours is not enough to fully fortify a keep unless you have absolutely zero people taking back camps and sniping yaks and even then i don’t think it takes 2 hours since the base timer for fortify is 6 hours.

I agree with your complaints about +5

I agree that having no coverage sucks, but that’s not specific to the new changes and was always an issue.

I agree that having guilds leave sucks, but according to your statement most of them left for other tiers, so that’s not specific to the new maps either.

If you choose the right gate and know your way around, it doesn’t take 10 minutes to run to the nearest camp for supply and back, it only takes 2 mins or so.

Other than that, your complaint is that when you try to take an objective it takes longer so defenders show up?

A plea to the devs- Get rid of auto upgrades

in WvW

Posted by: Nate.3927



Jim I have been doing this so many times now that I know this for a fact:

T3 tower can be taken in under 15 mins by 3 people
T3 tower can be taken in under 10 mins by 5 people
T3 keep can be taken in under 25 mins by 5 people
T3 keep can be taken in under 40 mins by 3 people

This of course includes running for supply to the nearest camp

If your people are truly roamers why are they so reluctant to run to the camp and get supply? I would’ve thought the possibility of running into an enemy on the way there and back would be something that they would like?

Do Auto Upgrades increase the amount of time needed to take an objective? Yes it does because now you’re not always going to run into nothing but paper objectives. And I see that as a good thing. The longer it takes for you to break through an objective, the higher likelihood that a defender will show up and you get some fights. The longer it takes for an enemy to take your objective the higher the chance for you to make it there on time to fight them off.

This has been said before by somebody else and I am echoing them because I agree with them. In the old system, if I see white swords on the other side of the map I think “That’s a paper objective, it’s probably lost already”. Under the new system I can click on the objective on my map and see what upgrades it has. Quite often it’s either secured or reinforced and I think “I may still be able to save that, gotta quickly rush over there”.

I do support the removal of WPs from T0 objectives and I think changing the auto upgrades to remove the timer and have it rely solely on dolyaks is something that could also work. But some of the other complaints people have are silly and uses made up exaggerated numbers. Like the people who say “It takes 20 mins to run to a tower” It really doesn’t. I’ve had to run from spawn to the opposite corner’s tower before and it was under 5 mins on a necro with no movement skills.

A plea to the devs- Get rid of auto upgrades

in WvW

Posted by: Nate.3927



I actually don’t know what your point is anymore as what you’ve said in your last post is: upgrades don’t matter at all.

Not quite. My point is that with no defenders around, upgrades don’t matter (since nobody is using them). So you don’t need a large force to cap an empty map.

When the defenders seriously outnumber the attackers upgrades also don’t matter since they will likely just push out and fight regardless.

Upgrades matter when there’s a roughly equal number of attackers and defenders or when the defenders are outnumbered. Which is why the auto upgrades actually help slow down ktrains since it allows a smaller force to cause a lot of pain to a larger force. In the meantime the objective they’re defending is still ticking to the next upgrade, so the longer they can hold it, the stronger their position becomes.

I am not against removing the timer and making upgrades rely solely on dolyak count e.g. 5 dolyaks to secured, 20 to reinforced etc. But even if they remain the same, there is nothing about the auto upgrade system that promotes ktraining. Paper objectives promote ktraining because they can be captured very quickly with minimal effort. Upgraded objectives that require an attacking force to actually think and manage their supply/siege placement don’t.

The auto upgrade system promotes a more offensive strategy for all servers since you don’t want your enemies to have too many T3 objectives. And at the same time it helps outnumbered defenders fight against a superior force until either help comes or the attackers are sufficiently demoralized that they leave on their own.

A plea to the devs- Get rid of auto upgrades

in WvW

Posted by: Nate.3927


I did not change my complaint, I was commenting on someone elses post. You also fail to mention the actual effects of the auto upgrades, ppt requires offense that means capturing stuff. When they make capturing stuff all that much difficult, not that it shouldnt be, but to out of balance the way it is now thanks to auto upgrades, blobbing and ktraining becomes the standard tactic, do you really not understand this? Whereas in the past you could leave a small team to cap stuff on a map, now you need a large force anywhere.

Actually I did mention it, twice in fact. Read again:

“I recently took 5 people to cap a fully fortified enemy fire keep, fighting against I believe 2-3 defenders, one was a minion master necro so it was hard to tell. Took us about 15-20 minutes to break into inner and then I don’t know how long we spent fighting the fire lord. But the champ gave us more trouble than the enemy players. Do you stand zero chance to take a fully fortified objective from an enemy group multiple times your size? yes. But you also stand zero chance to take a paper objective from an enemy group multiple times your size. So no difference there.”


“However a smaller team logging in to a fully fortified hostile map will find that it is harder to maintain PPT because it will take you more time to recap your home bl. But at the same time, any objective you do take back will be easier to defend.”

Will a blob take a T3 objective faster than a 5 man group? Yes. Will a blob take a paper objective faster than a 5 man group? Also yes.

Do you need a blob to take a T3 objective? No. You only need to have a force that is the same or slightly larger(or more skilled) than the defending group. The only time you need a blob to take a T3 objective is if another blob is defending it.

A large enemy force taking your objectives and actively defending it is not ktraining, that’s called WvW. Ktraining is when you go around in a rough circle just constantly flipping one objective after another without bothering to defend because you want your enemy to take things back so you can then cap it again and get more karma.

A plea to the devs- Get rid of auto upgrades

in WvW

Posted by: Nate.3927


You dont seem to understand, idk if thats intentional or your just not bothering to actually read my posts before replying to them. You took one sentence while ignoring the rest of my post which actually (if you bothered reading) explains my point to throw this label on me as someone who somehow supports ktraining? How is me talking about the importance of small teams helping their server during dead time zones supporting ktraining? And furthermore how is me pointing out how the new autoupgrade system encouraging ktraining and hurting small teams make me someone who wants more ktrains?

I am not deliberately misunderstanding you. You changed the focus of your complaint from one post to another. You had two complaints:

1. Auto upgrades promote ktraining
2. Auto upgrades makes it harder for small teams to maintain PPT during weaker timezones

The second one is partly true, the first one is not. A ktrain can only exist when at least two sides are continuously flipping objectives. There are two ways to stop it, make it more and more painful for the ktrain blob to take your stuff and you will demoralize enough of them that at some point their number is reduced to more manageable levels. Or let them take everything without backcapping and once they own everything, they have nothing to do so they will get bored and leave. Auto upgrades makes it easier for small teams to defend their objectives against a larger force. It helps small teams in their effort to derail the enemy ktrain.

With regards to the second complaint, this all depends on what you’re logging in to. A small team logging in to a fully fortified friendly map will find that it is a lot easier to delay and in some cases defeat a larger enemy force (depending on morale etc). This makes it easier for a small team to maintain PPT even while outnumbered.

However a smaller team logging in to a fully fortified hostile map will find that it is harder to maintain PPT because it will take you more time to recap your home bl. But at the same time, any objective you do take back will be easier to defend.

I have been in a situation before where it was literally 4 people on my side against 2 separate 30+ blobs on the enemy side. In order to maintain PPT for our server we had no choice but to continuously flip stuff and in doing so we participated in and helped the enemy server keep their ktrain going.

(edited by Nate.3927)

A plea to the devs- Get rid of auto upgrades

in WvW

Posted by: Nate.3927


Auto upgrades, in its current implementation it simply encourages more blobbing and ktraining, then ever before because it becomes a more valuable strategy as small guild/havok teams become essentially shut out of the new wvw.

No it really doesn’t. Some of your points are valid, like the complaint about +5. But auto upgrades discourages ktraining because it makes it easier for a small force to defend against an unorganised larger force and if all they’re there for is the ktrain you can even make them leave the map completely. However a smaller force can only delay a determined and organized larger force. Which is how it should be.

Without auto upgrades, a small force trying to recap their BL that was lost during a dead coverage period will likely leave everything as paper until the enemy ktrain comes back simply because they don’t have anyone to spare to babysit upgrades. With auto upgrades those objectives will get stronger the longer you hold them even without any babysitting. So now, by the time the enemy ktrain comes back you likely have at least cannons and oil and if you’re lucky you may also have reinforced walls. Which gives you a chance to fight back.

Now during a dead coverage period, the bigger server can easily T3 everything with little to no effort.

  • It can pick a couple towers and karma train while keeping one eye on these towers.
  • Initially, if you try to take them back, they quickly hit you.
  • But once the towers start getting upgrades, it becomes progressively harder for you to take them back, and they can be much more casual in responding. The bugged gate and wall upgrades and lack of +5 certainly doesn’t help your small group ninja the towers back.
  • Once they’re T3, you have zero chance of taking them back.
  • And then they pick two more of your towers.

They don’t need to spend any gold, babysit any camps or dolyaks, or really even be around at all once upgrades start rolling in.

If you are literally outnumbered 30 to 1 and can’t maintain any of your objectives then at some point they own everything and the ktrain stops. If everything was paper and you continue to backcap everything without ever defending them, then all you’re doing is participating in and encouraging the ktraining. The auto upgrade encourages servers to take a more aggressive approach to keep enemy objectives from reaching full fortified status. It does not enable or encourage ktraining.

I recently took 5 people to cap a fully fortified enemy fire keep, fighting against I believe 2-3 defenders, one was a minion master necro so it was hard to tell. Took us about 15-20 minutes to break into inner and then I don’t know how long we spent fighting the fire lord. But the champ gave us more trouble than the enemy players. Do you stand zero chance to take a fully fortified objective from an enemy group multiple times your size? yes. But you also stand zero chance to take a paper objective from an enemy group multiple times your size. So no difference there.

Do you stand zero chance to take a fully fortified objective with the number of attackers greater or equal to the number of defenders? no you don’t. It all comes down to which side knows what they’re doing.

During those dead times, small teams could easily keep ppt up by constantly recapping paper structures not just on home bl, but other maps as well.

The impression I get from this is that basically you actually want to ktrain (constantly recapping) and this is now harder so you’re unhappy. Without auto upgrades, sometimes you have no choice but to constantly backcap everything largely because you can’t afford to spare people to babysit upgrades. With auto upgrades as the outnumbered side, you actually get more options. Now you don’t have to babysit them to let them upgrade, which actually makes it easier to defend. Let me give you an example:

1. I log on to find my server’s entire home bl fortified or reinforced by the enemy.
2. I get together a few friends/guildies to first retake earth keep(and the northern camps needed for supply)
3. We get earth keep and dolyaks start coming there
4. We move on to air/fire keep
5. While we’re sieging air/fire keep, earth keep gets upgraded to T1 due to auto upgrades and the constant flow of yaks
6. Enemy ktrain blob on other map notices we took earth keep back. Best case scenario it’s a pure ktrain blob and will finish their current map before coming back so there’s a chance we can get to T2 before they come back. Worst case scenario they hate our server specifically and comes back straight away.
7. Assuming worst case scenario, while we’re still fighting in air/fire keep, outnumbered buff pops up.
8. We get ooc and wp to earth keep and start sieging it up.
9. Enemy blob attacks earth keep.

If the larger enemy force is a coordinated and motivated group, then at best we can delay them until either help comes or we are overwhelmed. This is true with/without auto upgrades. If the enemy blob is a mindless ktrain, the free upgrades we got because of auto upgrades will help us demoralize their ktrainers until they leave and eventually the blob losses enough people that they are no longer a serious threat.

It will be a long journey

in WvW

Posted by: Nate.3927


Goodbye, this game doesn’t need you. And neither does this community.

Actually, we do. WvW population is dropping. Anet has lowered the caps on servers as a way to artificially inflate our assessment of the situation, but for the most part anything other than t1 NA (not sure about EU) has no queues outside of EB. We can all sit here and pretend that there aren’t any population issues, but there really are. I’d wager that 90% of people still playing are aware of that. People are quitting left and right, so encouraging more people to leave makes you almost as toxic as the ones who you’ve labeled as toxic.

I have no real comment on the rest of your post, but why is it that so many people see queues as a good thing? I personally like being able to hop to any map I want without having to sit in a queue.


in WvW

Posted by: Nate.3927


It takes 6 hours for an objective to fully fortify if you make sure no yaks get to it. I haven’t done the maths, but I believe if an objective gets the max number of yaks possible it cuts that time in half? Or maybe less?

If you have absolutely no roamers or havoc groups taking any camps on your BL and sniping yaks and trying to retake towers and keeps, then yes you will come back to fortified objectives on your own BL. But this was true even before auto upgrade and has nothing to do with it.

Now the +5 complaint I fully agree with. Level 37 is way too high for something basic that should be available by level 10 or 15. 20 maybe at the highest if they don’t want to see a lot of one man guilds putting +5 on everything.

A plea to the devs- Get rid of auto upgrades

in WvW

Posted by: Nate.3927


Auto upgrades, in its current implementation it simply encourages more blobbing and ktraining, then ever before because it becomes a more valuable strategy as small guild/havok teams become essentially shut out of the new wvw.

No it really doesn’t. Some of your points are valid, like the complaint about +5. But auto upgrades discourages ktraining because it makes it easier for a small force to defend against an unorganised larger force and if all they’re there for is the ktrain you can even make them leave the map completely. However a smaller force can only delay a determined and organized larger force. Which is how it should be.

Without auto upgrades, a small force trying to recap their BL that was lost during a dead coverage period will likely leave everything as paper until the enemy ktrain comes back simply because they don’t have anyone to spare to babysit upgrades. With auto upgrades those objectives will get stronger the longer you hold them even without any babysitting. So now, by the time the enemy ktrain comes back you likely have at least cannons and oil and if you’re lucky you may also have reinforced walls. Which gives you a chance to fight back.

I hate to say it

in WvW

Posted by: Nate.3927


So Mr. Kuru, you’re saying I should delight, with glee, my ability to solo hold off a 30- blob?

Jana it my guilt complex. If it’s easy for me to do alone, it feels unfair.

Yes, you should delight with glee… Because if they ever fix this upgrade-on-top-of-upgrade bug, walls and gates will melt much faster than they do now and you’ll be scrambling to hit those gathering nodes before they run you over.

I’m not so sure that’s even a thing. As far as i can tell the walls on top of walls thing is just a graphical glitch and has nothing to do with actual wall hp

I hate to say it

in WvW

Posted by: Nate.3927


Yeah i think treb damage shouldn’t go through gates and walls. You can still treb away the enemy rams but you need to actually hit them.

Revenant Hammer exploit

in WvW

Posted by: Nate.3927


Yeah I’ve had my projectiles go through walls and get obstructed by thin air as well. It’s annoying and also exploitable

A plea to the devs- Get rid of auto upgrades

in WvW

Posted by: Nate.3927


I’m not against the idea that objectives should only upgrade based on a yak count as opposed to a timer that gets sped up by yaks. However yaks are more useful now than before because they speed the upgrade up considerably.

A plea to the devs- Get rid of auto upgrades

in WvW

Posted by: Nate.3927


you think the “core people” for off peak enjoys running around doing nothing but upgrade things?

As somebody who plays “off peak” I don’t enjoy doing that. Also I am actually more motivated now to defend yaks and retake camps than before, because I know that each yak that gets to one of our objectives decreases the timer for upgrades, whereas before the objective could be at full supply but because not enough people is around to defend, we don’t even bother upgrading. It remains paper until taken by the next ktrain who will then leave it with full supply ready to ktrain another one of our objectives.

In fact, in the past when heavily outnumbered, it is sometimes better to never retake the camps, that way when the enemy ktrains your stuff, they leave it with no supply.

(edited by Nate.3927)