Whole game needs an expansion, PvE, sPvP and WvW, all game modes are seriously lacking new fresh content.
Still looking forward to see the testing results on EOTM being implemented in WvW.
Because that is what EOTM was supposed to be according to Arena Net – a testing place for future WvW content, now 12 months later, still nothing.
So, theoretically, I can cheat as long as I want to if people don’t see me?
So basically, those people who used hacks to get under the map (invisible) and attacked the players were never banned? I could never target them.
You are standing in LA wondering what to do.
I mean, can we expect too see at least one new skill this year, or is that too much to ask?
Is it a low priority for Arena Net?
Is Arena Net not interested in adding new skills to the game?
Is Arena Net not interested in adding new weapons to the game?
Is Arena Net not interested in enabling existing weapons to be used on more professions?
Quite frankly I believe people are getting tired of talking about same problems month after month for nearly more than two years, both on official and unofficial player made threads, getting tired of not seeing any fixes being implemented even after players have given countless of good constructive well thought out solutions, getting tired of waiting and seeing how some game modes get neglected and being at low priority compared to Living Story.
Enough will the talking, where are the fruition?
As for example WvW PPT system. I find it extremely difficult to believe that no one at Arena Net has come with a solution up to this day of how to fix it, even after hundreds of threads and countless of excellent suggestions for over two years.
(edited by Nick.6972)
It’s not just about Dungeons. WvW and sPvP is suffering too. Where are the new game modes of sPvP? EoTM was supposed to be made for testing future WvW content, alost 12 months later still completely nothing.
Where are the background projects promised by Colin in 2013? Canceled?
Exactly what’s going on at Arena Net? Just last year we were told that only small portion of Arena Net is actually working on Living Wolrd and by-weekly updates – what are the rest of people doing? Researching Gem Store?
Aetherblade? As far as I know rewards are even lower than FOTM 49-50.
And it’s already hard to find or create a FOTM party due to neglected state of the game mode. Just read go read the reddit/dungeon section.
Rewards are all messed up, each new patch fixes 1 bug and creates 3 different new bugs.
Reactor fractal will probably take good 6-12 months to fix, just look how long it took to them to finally tone down the ridiculous Dredge fractal.
There is no dungeon team at Arena Net, and as they’ve shown before, on forums and on interviews, they have no desire whatsoever to invest time and effort on creating or fixing existing or new dungeons.
Interesting. The game most certainly isn’t for those who enjoy Dungeons and Instances, neither it’s intended for those who enjoy large scale PvP or balanced sPvP, the main focus of the game is Living Story, however Arena Net is not going to admit it and is hoping on clueless buyers.
Direction? More Living Story, more Gem Store, more Fashion Wars.
Maybe they’ll give us a new Dungeon but only because of Living Story.
Over 600 runs, 2 skins – Bow and Scepter, 50+ useless Ascended Rings.
Getting Fractal Sword is harder than Precursor.
All the new armor sets have a place, just not in PvE.
Celestial works great in sPvP, Nomand in WvW, Sinister in sPvP and WvW.
PvE is just too simple, wearing Cleric’s gear doesn’t make the battles harder, it makes the them longer.
Remember old Mai Trin pre nerf? People whined about her being too hard and 2/1 shots.
The fight were so “hard” for pugs some of them rolled their protective sets instead of zerker to stay alive longer. Even I had an instance where my team mates were dying so much I had to reroll my WvW Cleric set.
That was a well designed boss that utilized the game mechanics well, too bad most people whined about it and she was nerfed.
There has never ever been an MMO without a meta game, meta builds or meta tactics.
Pardon me for bumping this thread, but I’ve been experiencing some intense rotation lag lately.
FPS drops from 60 to about 20 FPS or less and I’ve no idea what’s wrong.
Have anyone found a way to fix this?
Reminds me of those Warriors in Guild Wars 1 who played Meteor Shower.
Made no sense whatsoever.
Or Rangers with pet skills but no Pet.
“But it’s fun!”
How is taking absolutely useless skills you literally can’t activate “fun”?
You’re speculating and giving your own opinion based on no real evidence or proven facts.
I could easily flip that statement saying new players easily get frustrated by the sheer complexity of this game and the massive pool of build variety which makes them overwhelmed and ultimately leads to quitting.
You’re talking “I”, “Me” and “I”. Stop being selfish.
Grow thicker skin. There are bad apples on both sides, believe it or not.
I’ve seen role players mass spamming map chat with annoying and perverted Qaggan messages, should I start generalizing role players as being obnoxious and toxic individuals? No.
I’ve run through dungeons countless times, but I still use soldier’s gear with healing banners because I have more fun with the people that don’t speed run. We communicate, joke around, and do stupid stuff to make it fun.
So where’s the problem?
Please elaborate. I don’t see it.
As far as I’m concerned, speed clears actually make game more interesting – adds replay value to dungeons which have gotten repetitive and boring. Attempting to set a new “world record” or seeing/testing how fast you can beat the dungeon is quite fun.
Why would you want to play AC P1 “slowly” if you’ve already done it 1000 times before?
Are you playing from Eu or Na?
I was experiencing some slight skill delay today too.
One new map per year.
Yeah, I’ve checked that too, and the Power Options.
While playing Guild Wars 2 over Wi-Fi (correctly configured and working perfectly fine on other devices). Windows 8.1. Perfect signal strength.
I play Guild Wars 2 for approximately 15 minutes and the whole connection freezes.
The troubleshooting window shows that the “Default gateway not available” and fixes the connection by resetting it.
The problem only occurs when playing Guild Wars, and only when playing via wireless connection.
Any idea how to fix this?
What I tried:
Resetting router. Updated Drivers.
(edited by Nick.6972)
Disclaimer and conflicts of interest:
I do NOT claim to be 100% objective and I am highly biased toward expanding the megabosses rather than creating Guild Raids.
I’m a biased person but not an obtuse one.
Hopefully Arena Net understands this and doesn’t listen to cherry picked opinions that lobby certain type of content.
Just please top with all this Casual vs Hardcore.
Just because I’m able to play few hours in a week doesn’t mean I like hand holding and hate challenging and punishing content.
Likewise, I could be playing 12 hours/day for 2 years straight role playing and exploring without even touching dugeons, fractals, spvp or wvw.
Why all the talking about armor?
I’ve done FOTM 50 runs both with full zerk Ascended and full zerk Exotic and I honestly feel no major difference.
What makes a difference however is whether the other players in your team are competent.
I’ve been in parties that require gear check (full party of zerkers) who wipe on first Swamp fractal Tree boss / take ages to kill it becuase they don’t know how to play/dodge properly.
Casual does not mean one is a bad player or does not want hard content.
This should be in OP.
I mostly log in only for scale 50 FOTM, I haven’t touched the Living Story for months, nor do I role play or explore the world.
And why am I a casual player? Because the game does not provide a content (I) would like to be playing.
Punishing – if one player or all players fail, they should start from the beginning or get completely kicked out of the instance like in Underworld, Guild Wars 1.
That being said, even if the party fails an attempt, the monsters inside the instance should provide decent enough drops with relatively low RNG, again, like Underworld in Guild Wars 1 – Aatxe ecto drops.
Proposal Overview
Truly challenging (and repayable) content – requires the mastery of all game mechanics, competence, cooperation and teamwork.
Content that rewards skill (and punishes failure) appropriately (with minimum RNG) and provides long term goals for dedicated players – unique aesthetic rewards (not RNG based).
Goal of Proposal
Replayable and challenging content for players who want to test and challenge their skill and knowledge of the game.
Proposal Functionality
The current design of the game does not provide anything for dedicated PvE players that are looking for challenge.
Elite Missions/Raids will fill the hole GW2 has had since the day one.
Associated Risks
Elite Missions/Raids may force the new or long term inexperienced to finally start learning the game if it no longer holds their hands.
Yeah, and don’t forget to give it the same drop rate as the Fractal weapons.
Can someone fill me in with the current situation of T2?
Is SoS imploading?
Did YB receive massive transfers?
What GW2 needs is elite areas like GW1 had.
Fissure of Woe
Realm of Anguish
The Deep
Urgoz’s Warren
Slavers ExileAnd so on. These areas can be rewarding and fun.
But that takes quite a lot of effort. So lets revamp how people purchase gems to make it more profitable for us.
We already have that. It’s called FOTM lvl 50
You’re right. Let me roll a Fractal scale 50 and get another useless ring I will never need.
And maybe, just maybe when I reach 100 000 fractal runs I’ll finally receive my Fractal Sword I’ve been trying to get since 2012 November.
Make a Guardian.
Equip Staff.
Press #1.
Guardin in a nutshell.
Would be too confusion for the new players.
You should know Vayne by now.
On topic, OP, do something fun since you’re leaving, convert all your stuff to gold and gamble on precurosrs / BLTC chests.
Or mess up the economy buying huge amounts of ectos and reselling them.
Do something fun, it’s no like it matters anyway.
Maybe go to Queensdale and mail all your gold to a random GW2 newcomer, or maybe warn the new players of what GW2 really is.
So after watching these 2 videos of this guy getting 4 and more precursors – Dusk, Dawn, Kudzu x2,
I decided to gamble a bit too and got The Hunter on third attempt using Exotic weapons.
Maybe they’ve changed the drop rate?
In any case, I’d suggest people to give it a try – Mystic Forge.
Here’s wondering what were to happen if they were to replace word Raids with Elite Missions.
Nice. I decided to log in first time this week, roll FOTM 49, get bug on second fractal, restart, bug out in third fractal Shaman.
So .. now we know what GW2 needs to be more successful ..
1. more grind aka Lineage
2. more tanks
3. It should be either a shooter or mobagreat .. lets do that .. lol
That actually wouldn’t be that bad when you think about it.
You see, GW1 was a niche and they wanted GW2 to be more accessible and mainstream, isn’t that the whole idea of the game? Easy to get in, easy to drop, easy to get back, easy to learn, cash shop, dress up mini games.
Just because GW2 is not on the top 10 doesn’t mean it’s doing good, not to say that it’s doing great either.
Personally, I blame the non-existent direction, lack luster content updates and stagnant state of the game.
Maybe they do have some big background projects, but as of now, there’s absolutely nothing (for me) to be hyped about or nothing to look forward to.
Time for Arena Net to step up their game.
Few bright ideas – add VIP, make people pay gems to unlock dyes, remove gold to gems, let people to buy legendaries on TP with gems.
Here’s the reality.
Most of the people who play GW2 do not care about the latest gem store patch, most people wouldn’t even care if GW2 went full p2w, they would simply quit.
That is what happens when you build your game upon the casuals.
Here’s wondering when they are going to add BUY GEMS button to both log in screen and character selection screen.
Makes me wonder, if games are getting dumbed down so much these days, what’s going to happen in future?
Maybe 10 years from now you’ll be able to swipe your credit card and watch your character do everything for you instead of actually plaing the game, learning mechanics and getting better.
I leave the gw2 for a few days and come back and see this.
Somehow I’m not surprised.
Where’s that VIP system?
I’m wondering, what’s more rare, a precursor or fractal sword drop?
Come to think of it I’ve seen more Grinning shields than I’ve seen Fractal Swords.
Forget new classes, weapons or professions, where are the regular new skill additions that were promised more than a year ago?