Players who love the game and enjoy it will keep playing it and getting more gems.
Players who dislike the game, are not enjoying the direction of it and are not supporting the game are less valuable than the newcomers.
They already got the money from you, want to play, keep playing, or quit, doesn’t matter.
So what happens when these players come to the game, slowly learn all the mechanics, and then discover there’s nothing to do at level 80? Maybe there should be a tutorial on that too? Perhaps once you hit max level Trading Post pops up with gem store sales?
I’m hardly playing this game already these days, I’m really not as infuriated as the most people anymore, I just don’t care.
But here’s what I’ve been wondering these past few days – what was this patch designed for? How is level gating content a good thing? What were they trying to achieve? Is this what they’ve been working for (as a background project) for past few months while Living Story was running?
I really don’t understand Arena Net anymore.
SoS is stable and highly competitive.
Is that what SoS people are telling to themselves while they’re doing their daily karma training duing OSX/SEA time fighting only NPCs on an empty map?
It’s easier to cater to people who love Facebook and Smartphone though.
It doesn’t take as much work and effort.
Difficult, rewarding and interesting content/games requires more work.
Maybe you unlock all idle animations at certain point/level?
Maybe idle animation was too confusion for the new players?
I’m hoping so see this being implemented to see all the fans justifying it for not being bad.
I.. My only reaction: “What happened?”
My reaction would be – “Did something happen?”.
I’m not planning on leveling alts, so personally I don’t care about new player experience.
What was this patch supposed to do?
I just logged in after two week break, clicked few new logs for 10 minutes and logged out.
With these time gated level up unlocks, are they trying to make GW2 look as if it had tons of different skills?
I’m fine with Guardian not being the best DPS, what I do want is at least one thing Guardian does better than any other profession. And not just by a small margin.
Guardian isn’t master of anything, it does everything average.
Guardian isn’t excelling at anything.
Other professions can do what guardian can just as good if not better.
Here’s wondering why Guardian isn’t the best support class in GW2 but only slightly better than all the other ones.
The game most likely isn’t losing players at alarming pace, that being said, I do believe that the number of active players are decreasing.
The “updates” are very lackluster and I find it hard to believe that different tag colors and new traps will bring back burnt our WvW players who were not satisfied with the stale and repetitive game play.
Of course there’s “no” grind with the DR and non-farmable dungeons.
Do you think it would be ok if I quit the game now and came back later in two years jst to find out that game has expanded only by 2 new zones, 2 new sPvP maps, 3 new skills and 5 new traits (for each profession), few mini dungeons, no new WvW map and 20 Living Story missions where each mission can be done in less than 2 hours and has a mediocre sub par story compared to most single player games?
<snip>I have made it known that I would like to see things like FoW, UW, and DoA come back. Even going as far to say that those areas should function similarly to how they did in GW1 – your party wipes, you start over. <snip>
I would like to see more bosses like Liadri. It required (a bit) of skill, you had to understand mechanics. You had to practice it. I never stumbled across someone who never played Liadri and finished it in one try. <snip>
So, can it be explained why things like TA Aetherblade path, Arah, Fractals aren’t being considered end-game content?
Because the rewards are extremely poor.
Just last week, I ran FOTM 49 every day and by the end of the week I had only “earned” around 20G.
It’s not worth the time and effort.
I’m well over 500 FOTM runs and I still haven’t received the skin I want, the RNG is too insane.
I don’t want WoW end game.
I don’t want gear grind.
I want GW1 end game.
So, as someone who doesn’t play LS, and who has done almost everything that’s doable in GW2, what’s there for me to look forward?
WvW. There’s strategy there if you get in the right guild. Be a GOOD commander…there’s certainly a lack of them. But, hey, if that’s not your thing, then I really can’t help you.
WvW? What exactly?
Season 3? Losing every week for 4 weeks straight?
Should I be looking forward being face rolled every day by massive SoS OSX/SEA player base? Should I look forward for even more frequent golem rushes now with the mastery?
WvW is the only reason I’m still logging in, however WvW has become extremely stagnant and repetitive, each week the same, same matches, same losses, etc.
So, as someone who doesn’t play LS, and who has done almost everything that’s doable in GW2, what’s there for me to look forward?
Perhaps they should have called it “Revamp Patch”.
Trading Post, Mini Pets.
How is this supposed to bring bored players back?
What did you expect?
Just take a quick look at Living Story, it’s even more lackluster.
If they’re currently not working on expansion, I have no idea what those 300+ people are doing at Arena Net.
Maybe 250 of those employees are forum moderators?
Was this what Arena Net thought would be perfect for veteran players?
Did Republic City insult Chinese/Asian people in Legend Of Korra?
Did they riot when The Great Wall was recreated in The Last Airbender?
Or maybe they didn’t watch it at all because it was animated in Korea?
In any case, it’s ridiculous.
(edited by Nick.6972)
Might be interesting first time, maybe even second or third, but certainly not after you’ve done it over 100+ times.
I’d suggest for the people who say Guard is OP to play it for a bit and go roam WvW.
First, i have, and its not that bad. Secondly, congratulations you found the thing Guardians dont excell at.
Neither does is excel at 1v1 in sPvP and other classes tank better than Guard.
I’d suggest for the people who say Guard is OP to play it for a bit and go roam WvW.
The more you dumb down the game – make it more accessible, the more money you can potentially earn. There’s no learning curve, you can just pick up the game and play without knowing anything.
I’ve always thought it would be quite interesting if they added agony like mechanic in WvW witch activates when there are certain number of people stacked/too close to each other.
Other than that, they could just reintroduce “Disease” condition – in GW1 this condition transfered from player to other nearby players causing health degeneration.
Trouble is that the noise is being made by a tiny minority of players who inhabit the forums.
Most people are not satisfied with the government and/or politicians.
Most of the majority remain silent and keep the dissatisfaction to them selves instead of doing anything about it.
Only small minority actually care enough to be vocal.
This game isn’t designed to be liked by people who like raids.
This game isn’t designed to be liked by people who like dungeons.
This game is also not designed to be liked by the people who like PvP and balance.
Go figure.
Suggestion #1 for future “raid” like bosses – make them instanced.
It’s a misconception that making bosses instanced somehow makes them less accessible. It’s the opposite.
Currently I have to plan few days in advance and spend around an hour just preparing.
If Tequatl and Wutm events would have been instanced, they would be played much more than they are now.
Glacial Heart cd is still far too long. I’d personally make it 7 seconds.
It’s nice and all, but is this really they can do in 5 or however long it was months?
Add appropriate rewards first to Tequatl, then buff the other bosses. If I have to endure huge zerging, lag spikes, low FPS and DCs I don’t want to be rewarded with few greens and occasional gold.
I think Tequatl has pretty good rewards. You get 1g guaranteed for 10-15 mins of actual gameplay (not counting AFKing), and normal world bosses require the same amount of time from your side. You get pretty much karma, usually 2-4 rare items, maybe an exotic on every second week and still have a chance for ascended chest. When I do Tequatl, there is always a guy on the map who gets a pink container, so theoreticaly you can be the lucky one one day.
Yes, I would be happy for more loots too, who wouldn’t be, but let’s be fair, Tequatl is already in another league concernin the rewards than other world bosses (Karka Queen included).
Option A – Run AC p1 in less than 15 mins to get ~2 Gold at any time I want.
Option B – Dedicate specific time of my day to organize server to do Tequattl, get people in TS, explain newcomers mechanics and wait for about an hour in advance – all that for ~1 Gold.
And then you get randomly DCed for whatever reason and you can no longer get in.
No thanks.
Do you guys think that there’s a middle ground between ultra hard and easy?
For example, I think we could clean up some of the issues with the Shatterer and just make it a more engaging experience. So rather than spending the entire fight hiding under his right paw he could, say, turn his head and attack that area? :] It doesn’t have to be hard, just a little more involved.
We tried to put in a few changes here and there when we added the new world boss timers. Reactions varied.
Add appropriate rewards first to Tequatl, then buff the other bosses.
If I have to endure huge zerging, lag spikes, low FPS and DCs I don’t want to be rewarded with few greens and occasional gold.
Remember how GW1 had all those additional drops during the festivals?
Would be nice, if nothing else, if mobs dropped cakes or something with useful buffs.
Back then I remember watching all those trailers and being extremely hyped.
I remember how I waited for each class to be revealed and how I wanted to play the Thief as my main.
However soon after launch something happened, the game was gorgeous and beautiful, however the content itself was pretty poor, and continues to be that way to this day.
They had a direction before the launch, now, not so much.
I’d like to know what’s being done to fix this bug?
Apparently Arena Net begun investigating this glitch 8 days ago.
Second time this week Hammer bugs.
I’d like for it to be something unique, both visually and skills.
For example, make it shoot blue rays.
How is it relevant to WvW?
/was posed on WvW sub forum/
(edited by Nick.6972)
solo-roam guardians are better cause they can clear camps faster.
Even rangers are good against NPC Guards.
And I’m tired of seeing that Meditaion Burst build, it’s like it’s the only build we have.
I’m happy for those who are satisfied.
I am not happy that they’re giving middle finger to those who enjoy GW2 for FOTM/Dungeons sPvP and WvW.
with the evolution from gw1 to gw2 i think gw3 will be
a gemshop + chatwindow + warderobe + weekly story in chat
Fully integrated in Facebook?
I want to see results from the previous CDIs before they make new ones.
WvW got EotM
EOTM isn’t WvW. It’s a PvE Karma Train map.
Wanted to make exactly the same thread.
Guardian feels the most linear and boring class in GW2.
It’s only good in a team, even then support, and lets be honest, isn’t that great.
I can’t roam efficiently in WvW with all the cheese builds.
I can’t tank as good as other professions in sPvP.
I can’t deal as much damage as the other professions without going full zerk and sacrificing all defense.
Warrior feels superior in almost every possible way.
Cantha reveal trailer.