Title implies and logo implies that we’ll be fighting the dragon, whatever was his name, and we’ll probably be in the area where he resides.
It’s not an expansion. It’s the Season 3.
Think about it, they can’t possibly add full scale (current gw2 map size) expansion just basing it on Maguuma.
Probably next Living Story.
I don’t see Maguuma jungle as an expansion, not much to see there.
Or maybe it’s something similar to Sorrow’s Furance GW1.
Lets say they confirmed that they’re currently working on an expansion and nothing else.
I’m not into the whole lore or living story stuff, but, what are the odds of us going to Cantha?
If I had to guess from the last trailer, we might be getting Elona (Crystal Desert → Desolation → Vabbi) before Cantha.
Then again, there’s that Jade Sea block too, so who knows, maybe the Dragon will awake and fly away to Cantha.
Maybe if players actually read the LFG messages and didn’t join the parties that didn’t want them to join, maybe then we wouldn’t have this kind of a discussion.
Even if Arena Net is working on an expansion, I highly doubt we’ll heading back to Cantha or Elona, because, you know, Guild Wars 2 takes everything we loved about Guild Wars 1 and throws it out of the window.
Is anyone actually really hyped about this?
Maybe it’ll be an interesting story update, but hyped, don’t think given their track record, but hey, please arena net, prove me wrong.
Looking back at 2014, seeing everything that was implemented, or wasn’t, lets speculate what 2015 holds for WvW.
Will we finally see a new map? A new score system? New season and free transfers?
Will there finally be a WvW CDI?
Been saying it since beta.
CD should be 1/2 lower and radius higher.
It’s the topic for the next CDI.
Which means it wont be implemented for at least next 6-9 months. Maybe by the 4th GW2 birthday we’ll finally have GvG, unfortunately by that time, I doubt there will be anyone left there who wants to play it.
Couldn’t care any less – I always play with muted sound.
Sad you spent such a short amount of time in the best part of the game
I don’t play MMOs for lore, I play the for engaging group content, like Fractals or WvW.
None of those two have received anything in 2014.
I liked Siverwastes, interestingly designed map, was fun for about 3-4 hours and then I left and ever returned, just like that other map.
There’s nothing to do on those maps unless you want to AP farm or zerg.
Cantha? Expansion? Finally Precursor crafting? New dungeons and ftactals with increased difficulty? New WvW map? New sPvP game modes?
Just another episode of living story.
I’m begging for them to prove me wrong though.
If you can locate your AWSD, F, Space bar and Enter, and have the basic reading comprehension skills, you’re ready for GW2.
FOTM 38-50 Daily.
I don’t know what this game is trying to become OP.
But I do know what it doesn’t want – it doesn’t want to add new Dungeons, there is no Dungeon developer team, and it doesn’t want to invest resources in real WvW Developer team.
They should have split game into 3 game modes – WvW/sPvP and PvE.
Currently, they can’t boost Conditions due to them being overpowered in sPvP and WvW.
What do you people think about this build?
4 in the mystic forge for a shot at a legendary ring?
Here’s an idea I already proposed two years ago.
4 Ascended rings of same kind (lets say Berserker) in Mystic Forge → Ascended Earring (Berserker).
And yes, I also have around 70 rings on my storage character.
Guild Wars Original was more unique than GW2, less similar to all the other MMOs on the market, Guild Wars 2 is the opposite, it’s more to what you could call a generic MMO.
They’ve already abandoned almost all the things that made the original game unique and all the promises made more than a year ago, I don’t see why they should suddenly be against removing downed/rally.
Here’s a brilliant idea.
Remove gates and replace all Lords with mini Tequatls.
How about an option that turns you into an ambient creature that can be one hit, that cannot jump and you cannot leave the form unless you leave WvW.
I think this would be a fun compromise.
Expansion? I wouldn’t be surprised if there wasn’t one o if they weren’t working on one even if this game needs it.
Expansion or not, there needs to something that adds new sizable chunk of content to the game.
Hello everyone.
I’m new to mesmer and I’m looking for the most optimal PvE FOTM (38/49/50) and Dungeon build.
Thank you in advance
I still remember Arena Net talking about underwater exploration being a huge part o the Guild Wars 2 pre-release.
Priorities. Under water combat isn’t one of them.
0/0/2/6/6 Full Cleric plays exactly like 6/6/2/0/0 Full Zerker except the damage is x5 lower.
You still make and use the same attacks, you’re no different from the guardian next to you.
No you couldn’t.
My main is Guardian.
Over 1500 hours on it.
Make me a PvE Greatsword build that is drastically different from this one http://gw2skills.net/editor/?fVAQFARlsApXolCxfH8DBA-TBBXgAA7PK/C1B0r+zjSQA-e
which completely changes my play style.
It’s the same build I’ve been running since the open beta.
Utilities don’t change the way you play.
Don’t be ridiculous.
Go to http://gwpvx.gamepedia.com/PvX_wiki and count all Meta/Great/Good working builds for each profession, PvE, and PvP.
Then come back.
Thanks.Out of the 11 meta SC builds, 8 rely on having at least 2 people (tanks) using shadow form as an elite, if not 3 to 6 people using it. Just by that it is clear that tank builds were not so diverse….
Those are SC builds, count ALL viable and working individual PROFESSION builds.
(edited by Nick.6972)
Don’t be ridiculous.
Go to http://gwpvx.gamepedia.com/PvX_wiki and count all Meta/Great/Good working builds for each profession, PvE, and PvP.
Then come back.
I’ve no idea how people can even defend this system that was supposed to replace trinity.
Even GW1, a supposedly trinity based game had much more builds and viable play styles.
Even FPS games have more roles available than GW2.
Still waiting for the regular skill updates promised in 2013 and precursor crafting promised in 2012.
Knowing Asia MMO market and experience from the GW2 launch, first few months – exodus because of the lack of content or things to do, what made Arena Net think that GW2 can be successful in China?
If everything Arena Net has released up untill now was released as a single update instead, I’d be disappointed – disappointed for the low ammount of content supposedly triple A MMORPG company can produce with over 300 employees in more than 2 years.
Two weeks ago, I logged in, had absolutely nothing to do, lost 300G on mystic forge, didn’t care at all and logged out.
I’m at point I no longer care for better looking skins or better loot, I want new engaging replayable content.
There should be a “Consume All” button.
Go Vote! Don’t let that joke of an MMO, singleplayer game beat Guild Wars!
Nice attitude.
Voted TSW.
I personally couldn’t care any less whether they added more or entirely removed the options to choose what dailies you do.
I couldn’t care any less if they handed out free precursors each time you logged in.
Neither do I care about laurels or APs.
No amount of shinies or incremental “Qol” “updates” will compensate the lack of new content.
As someone who’s been playing since the first beta, I find it quite ridiculous.
I don’t want to replay and redo all same old maps and events, it got boring already after the my first 100% world which was 2 years ago.
Could it correlate to the leaking player base?
Yes. It’s wonderful.
Stacking next to a foot while spamming all your skills.
I’d much rather have more Legendary Grawl Shamans.
Remove or nerf Berserker armor and everyone will just jump to the next most optimal set, is it really so hard to understand?
Here’s a better idea. How about Arena Net makes a hard content where every mob is equally as dangerous as Mai Trin scale 50 (with less HP)?
I’m willing to bet you’d all come here complaining and ask for nerfs.
How is this supposed to excite the people who’ve left because of the non existent updates of real repayable content like Dungeons?
If I were Arena Net, my top priority would be to stop the leaking player base.
Really? Which one is that?
Haven’y played WvW for a couple of months.
I mean, new WvW map, have they added one?
I think i’m out of loop.
We have gotten a completely new map.
Really? Which one is that?
Haven’y played WvW for a couple of months.
What about TP flipping? While I’m not interested playing the game itself, maybe I could play the TP? I don’t have any prior knowledge on it though.
Seeing how rapidly gold is losing value and the continuously growing inflation, gem exchange rates, how can one future proof their wealth?
What I mean by that –
I have about 1300 gold and there’s nothing I want to buy at this moment, and I’m hardly playing the game anymore. I’m concerned that when I finally decide to (play more actively) or buy something on the TP/Gem Stote (via exchange) , my gold will have lost it’s initial value due to inflation/market fluctuations.
Since (real) gold is considered to be the safest investment in real life – could same be said about ectos in GW2?
Would it be safe to invest 1200G in 3000 ectos? Keep them and resell in future?
I can play how I want, unless I have no friends on and everyone wants to do speed Zerker clears and kicks you
Why are you playing an MMO?
It’s supposed to be a social experience, go make some like minded friends.
That or go play a single player game.
Voted World Of Warcraft even though I’ve never played it.
There must be a reason why it’s still going even after 10 years, they must be doing something right even with all the complaints you here on GW2 forums.
I don’t see GW2 lasting that long.
Yes. I’m demanding too much – Fractal bug and drop fixes.
Found this old Factions OST.
Maybe…if we (Arena Net) doesn’t want to go to Cantha, maybe Cantha should come to Tyria. Launch an invasion. And player have to chose their side.