Showing Posts For Obtena.7952:

500 Badges of honor!?

in Crafting

Posted by: Obtena.7952


^^ Um, it has already been explained that JP’s in WvW maps give at least 3 to 6 badges each and therefore, they aren’t random if you wish to farm them that way. Therefore, the comparison is very relevant. You might even argue that even if you dislike WvW, doing a JP is much easier than running a dungeon to farm tokens for a Legendary.

Guardian hp, is it fair?

in Guardian

Posted by: Obtena.7952


Threads like these bring out a lot of clueless people for sure …

Only a few viable builds for Guardian? Only AH is good in WvW? Guardian is a support class? Some real stinkers here. If you discard your ‘WoW’ approach to MMO’s, you will see this thinking all just melts away and you are just left with what is real in GW2. Try it.

Oh and no, we don’t nee more HP and the tools we have to make up for the low HP are more than sufficient. If anything, they make you learn to play. See the connection? People think Guardians need more HP are the same people that need to l2p.

(edited by Obtena.7952)

any upcoming changes to guardians?

in Guardian

Posted by: Obtena.7952


honestly my problem with guardian is atm. were great at support or bunker and thats fine. but going more to the dmg site just isnt viable. and it would be soooo easy to fix . fix some of our utilitys and some of our traits both minor and major in zeal and radiance.

Really? Damage builds are more than viable on Guardian; it’s simply a player capability issue. You actually have to learn how to play a damage build on a Guardian, unlike other classes. In fact, the biggest “problem” is that we have a great offensive capability WITHOUT Zeal traited. Why is that bad? Because if they do make Zeal more appealing as a trait, I can already see the trainwreck of nerfs incoming from that.

Personally, I don’t see a need for any major changes to the class. It does it all.

(edited by Obtena.7952)

Silver Doubloons - is this for real?

in Crafting

Posted by: Obtena.7952


Fortunately, there’s a recipe for this. Combining 2 pebbles and 2 nuggets in the mystic forge, or 3 pebbles and 1 lump, has a 5% chance of yielding a silver doubloon. It’s tedious but if you really want them (or if you want to turn a nice profit) that’s an option rather than farming and hoping to get lucky.

OMG thank you SOOOO much for this information. I don’t think you realize just how much you just helped me out.

gaurdian sucks in pvp

in Guardian

Posted by: Obtena.7952


Just wow. Does everything in an MMO need to be brought down to the lowest common denominator before we stop seeing how much everything sucks?

T6 mats going all up

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Obtena.7952


I’m not confused at all … I’m asking people to consider the value of running a dungeon for gold to buy T6 materials VS. farming t6 materials yourself. You will QUICKLY come to the conclusion that T6 are actually very underpriced and this thread is nonsense.

Therefore it is equally profitable to run CoF OR farm any of those mats. Up until the nerf I could also do that with crystaline dust.

I won’t comment on your assessment because I don’t think it’s statistically valid but I think if you have some confidence that Anet is aware of the impact of their nerf on dust volumes in the market, you can see the direction that these things are going to go … I still stand by the fact that the T6 mats are still relatively cheap right now and that’s just based on gold earning potential from grinding activities and demand for the items.

(edited by Obtena.7952)

The bl TP being abused

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Obtena.7952


I don’t see why someone wanting to buy at a higher price than other people is bad. It’s not bad if you are selling. If you want to take advantage of the market, you have to be competitive.

T6 mats going all up

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Obtena.7952


I’m not confused at all … I’m asking people to consider the value of running a dungeon for gold to buy T6 materials VS. farming t6 materials yourself. You will QUICKLY come to the conclusion that T6 are actually very underpriced and this thread is nonsense.

(edited by Obtena.7952)

T6 mats going all up

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Obtena.7952


^^ He already did that.

T6 mats going all up

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Obtena.7952


I don’t see what rising prices has to do with changing the drop rate. If you think about it, rising T6 prices might be exactly what a game developer wants to see. It get’s you out playing the game instead of running CoF p1 for a week straight.

Except for that with the curent drop rates and potential farming spots, its way more time effective to just run cof p1 over and over again for the gold to buy the mats on the tp, than actualy being out there and playing in the open world gaining the mats yourself.

Yes, which is why crying about the price of T6 mats is nonsense. As long as it makes more sense to grind gold to buy them instead of farm them yourself, the price of T6 mats don’t actually reflect the value of the effort to farm them.

Honestly, this all boils down to people crying because they don’t want people getting fair market value for their farming even though the cryers do want fair market value for the gold they farm. That’s such a BS double standard. If it take 1 hour to get a certain amount of gold doing a dungeon and you get 5-10 T6 mats per hour of farming … how much should those T6 mats ACTUALLY cost? We aren’t ANYWHERE near the point of what I would call ‘expensive’ for T6 mats. If you are smart, you will spend every copper you have to buy them now.

(edited by Obtena.7952)

The bl TP being abused

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Obtena.7952


But that’s the thing … are people so daft they don’t get that the market is there to be manipulated in the first place? For example., you mention flippers ‘taking advantage’ of people. That’s REALLY disingenuous … the people being ‘taken advantage’ of are WILLFULLY selling their loot at lower prices. Ignorance is not a reason to limit market activity.

Let’s be frank … what is the purpose of the market if you aren’t allowed to get the highest price for goods you sell or the lowest price for the goods you buy? Sounds what some people here need is a big slap to the face with some reality and honesty. If people think they are being manipulated by people on the market, they have a CHOICE to not use it and farm their own gear or they can learn to be competitive on the market as well. It’s nonsense to shine a light on something that is done by design.

(edited by Obtena.7952)

T6 mats going all up

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Obtena.7952


Seriously when is anet going to adress the issue with ultra low t6 drops? All of the prices are hiking like no tommorrow. Seriously this is getting out of hand and they really don’t care? You are driving players away from the game by doing this..

I don’t see what rising prices has to do with changing the drop rate. If you think about it, rising T6 prices might be exactly what a game developer wants to see. It get’s you out playing the game instead of running CoF p1 for a week straight.

The bl TP being abused

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Obtena.7952


I got a real question (though it might seem like trolling to some) … why even let these threads flourish? It’s not like any of the people that start them want to be educated on why they are wrong.

How in the world do I deal with Retaliation?

in WvW

Posted by: Obtena.7952


Doesn’t it occur to anyone that retal is a counter for multi hit attacks? Is it unreasonable that some things have counters? Of course not!

Retal 'Solution'

in WvW

Posted by: Obtena.7952


Sounds to me like nerfing retal is a solution for know-nothing zerglings. Some day people will realize that zergs are very inefficient anyways. The smart people that can organize will take advantage of that.

500 Badges of honor!?

in Crafting

Posted by: Obtena.7952


the 100 badges per 30 min is sustanible in some chases ….

If there is a case needed to get 100 badges in 30 minutes, it’s not sustainable.

But I don’t think 500 badges is out of the question for someone who is completely uninterested in PVP. At least you know how much you have to farm JP’s to get them, unlike T6 mats, clovers or precursor.

It sickens me to see hackers

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Obtena.7952


Gems prices falling? LAWL!

How do you like your guardian?

in Guardian

Posted by: Obtena.7952


The only reason I have for NOT playing my Guardian is if i want to try some long range strategies for certain content. Otherwise, Guardian has it all.

Fix most broken autoattack in game

in Guardian

Posted by: Obtena.7952


Yes when something is broken in such a draconic way, new content should be put on hold while old content gets fixed.

Saying it doesn’t make it fact. There is nothing draconic about the bug so it shouldn’t be alarming it hasn’t been fixed. Even with the bug, Guardian and scepter are still functional. If you can’t see why this hasn’t been fixed yet, you just don’t understand what is a priority.

(edited by Obtena.7952)

Mystic Clovers (18.2%)

in Crafting

Posted by: Obtena.7952


I can’t wait to see the thread complaining they are using the 10 recipe to get T6 mats and all they get is clovers …

Oh wait ..

Fix most broken autoattack in game

in Guardian

Posted by: Obtena.7952


Yeah OFC … they should definitely hold off releasing global game content that everyone has access to for a minor bug that affects only one class. What was I thinking?

(edited by Obtena.7952)

Glacial Heart Ideas:

in Guardian

Posted by: Obtena.7952


I think the whole ‘chill’ thing on hammer is out of place. Still, I doubt there is much justification to change it to something more fitting.

The problem I have with Glacial Heart is it’s value in PVE (none?) and it’s value as a 1 second duration for a medium effect, tier 20 trait in PVP. I mean, if someone is in your hammer range, the chill effect is overkill and the duration is negligible.

Increasing to 4 seconds with 15 lockout seems a little out of place with other procing effects. Probably something like 3/30 is more reasonable. I would love to see the ‘optional’ part be “deal additional damage to chilled targets”.

(edited by Obtena.7952)

Fix most broken autoattack in game

in Guardian

Posted by: Obtena.7952


This is truly mindboggeling, How can it not have been fixed this patch?? How? Why?


It’s not at all. The dev stated they had no idea when that would be fixed. They only acknowledged it wasn’t correctly implemented. The only truly mindblowing thing is that people equate ‘no idea when it will be fixed’ to ‘next patch’.

May 28th Guardian Patch Notes

in Guardian

Posted by: Obtena.7952


I love the interpretations … The dev guys said they recognized scepter speed should be fixed and was especially clear that he had no idea when it would happen either. If you think that means ‘next patch’, you have alot to learn about software dev cycle … or reading.

Best cleric build

in Guardian

Posted by: Obtena.7952


I’m not certain what you would do this for but:

I think the best defensive set is Mace/Focus because it gives the most variety of defensive skills, boons, CD removal and symbol.

justification for no projectile control?

in Guardian

Posted by: Obtena.7952


That doesn’t mean people who don’t use it are delinquent or neglecting their ‘job’ of saving their teammates like the OP implies.

It does.
WoR does arguably more dps than guardian itself in Lupi fight, for example.

It doesn’t because a few instances where a tool is super good doesn’t make it ‘the best’, nor does it make the players that don’t use it delinquent either. Contrary to popular opinion, it’s not the Guardian’s job to be the team babysitter, especially at the expense of generally more useful skills. If WoR is the right skill to use in an specific scenario, use it. Do not try to claim it’s de facto awesome and everyone who’s not using it all the time is clueless because of it.

(edited by Obtena.7952)

My ultimate PvE build.

in Guardian

Posted by: Obtena.7952


There is no diminishing returns on toughness. In fact the more armor you have the more powerful signet of judgement becomes, so stacking a ton of toughness is actually good if you take it as a utility. That said, for PvE there’s no reason to stack defenses quite so high, since killing things faster is generally better.

There is most definitely diminishing returns on toughness. I attached the generally accepted formula for damage dealt as a function of armor from GW2Wiki. Damage dealt is inversely proportional to armor. Therefore, there has to be a decreasing rate of damage prevented as you stack toughness.

Damage done = (weapon damage) * Power * (skill-specific coefficient) / (target’s Armor)

Also Signet of Judgement is more powerful for lower armor values because the 10% damage you prevent having no armor is greater than the 10% you prevent with alot of armor. If you stack toughness, giving you lots of armor, then using signet of Judgement would not be considered the best use of a utility slot.

Generally, those % damage mitigations are best used when you have very little toughness/armor.

(edited by Obtena.7952)

justification for no projectile control?

in Guardian

Posted by: Obtena.7952


What tool is better than WoR at mitigating projectiles for Guardians?

Nothing … WoR is great for mitigating projectiles. That doesn’t mean people who don’t use it are delinquent or neglecting their ‘job’ of saving their teammates like the OP implies.

(edited by Obtena.7952)

My ultimate PvE build.

in Guardian

Posted by: Obtena.7952


I think we can be more fair to the OP actually. You may not be aware that you get less effective damage mitigation as your toughness/armor increases so at 3200+, your a little high for most people’s taste. Tone that back to about 3000+ by removing knights trinkets and you can go with zerkers, giving you better balance between your damage and your defense.

I don’t see anything particularly bad here, it’s just not typical. I question the sigils and runes but those are just minor issues. I think you will find the amount of vitality you have will be more than you need once you build your confidence in playing.

(edited by Obtena.7952)

Charged Lodestones not rare enough

in Crafting

Posted by: Obtena.7952


You do realize that you can’t craft a Legendary without a Precursor, right?

Completely, which goes to my point really. Precursor is simply rare because of it’s very low probability to get it from a random process. Legendary, by design, is made to be crafted. It’s not rare because it’s intended to be, it’s rare as a consequence of a poorly implemented way to obtain one of the pre-requisites for it; the precursor. Anet themselves already acknowledge that fact with some hints of the scavenger hunt as an additional way to obtain a precursor. Read between the lines … the RNG method to get a precursor was a bad idea and they know it. I guess the real point here is that the Legendary shouldn’t be harder to get for everyone else just because you want to feel good for having one and feel it should be a rare thing ingame when it’s not.

But while the game is set up so that anyone can actually make one if they want, only a small portion of the population will achieve this goal.

So then there isn’t a problem here to begin with. No reason to make it harder if you already acknowledge only a portion of people will ever bother to make a legendary.

(edited by Obtena.7952)

justification for no projectile control?

in Guardian

Posted by: Obtena.7952


I agree but then again, I didn’t make the assumption that if you don’t have projectile control, you aren’t putting effort into mitigating your team’s damage. I’m of the opinion that there are better, more generally applicable damage mitigation tools and those also include the ones your teamates should be using to mitigate their own and the team’s damage.

(edited by Obtena.7952)

Zerker guardian

in Guardian

Posted by: Obtena.7952


I think it’s a bit lopsided for two reasons:

1. You’re pairing the low damage Mace with a high damage gear load. If you have played a damage build on Guardian, you may be surprised with the comparatively low output of the mace, even with the setup you propose.
2. You’re pairing a high healing Mace with a low heal power setup. The heal and the regen is only as good as the heal power you match with it.

These two things lead me to question your choice of primary weapon. I get you want a lot of damage with some effective damage mitigation but I don’t think you may be aware of the limitations of the choices you have made. You might consider something more middle of the road weapon choice like hammer.

(edited by Obtena.7952)

justification for no projectile control?

in Guardian

Posted by: Obtena.7952


Personally I think they are just crutches for your team to slack off. Unless there is some content where they are absolutely critical to success, I don’t rank them as high in importance as others do.

so; to stop your team slacking off; you do it instead?

I’m not slacking because I don’t use projectile controls. On the other hand, if my team isn’t actively dodging and protecting themselves from projectiles, they are.

Honestly, I don’t think it’s anyone’s place to tell others what tools are the best, inferring that they should be using them in specific situations. I think the people using projectile control tools in dungeons should try to do better because the Guardian toolset certainly give people the ability to do so. It’s much too specific to be high on my list of go-to utilities for dungeons.

(edited by Obtena.7952)

Damage range

in Guardian

Posted by: Obtena.7952


Had some discussion with guildies about the damage range Guardian has. Just interested in seeing if anyone has done the testing to determine the difference between a heavy defense and heavy offensive builds, for instance:

1. Full clerics with mace/sheild or mace/focus in a 0/0/30/30/10 (our generally accepted heavy defense build)
2. Full zerker with GS or sword in a 15/30/20/0/5 (or some other extreme damage traits)

I was estimating a 100% increase from 1 to 2. That’s just purely speculation.

which build would you prefer in your party

in Guardian

Posted by: Obtena.7952


Whatever you choose, I would advise you err on the side of offensive capability. You can actually rely on your team to provide some level of their own defense and even some team ones. You will already provide enough team support with your intrinsic tools. I definitely don’t think you should load up on mace/shield in Clerics with a 0/0/30/30/10 build. Try to balance yourself somewhere in the middle on the damage/defense spectrum.

Time to Change something on Guardian?

in Guardian

Posted by: Obtena.7952


If anything the most significant changes Guardian could use is in Zeal line.

justification for no projectile control?

in Guardian

Posted by: Obtena.7952


Personally I think they are just crutches for your team to slack off. Unless there is some content where they are absolutely critical to success, I don’t rank them as high in importance as others do.

Charged Lodestones not rare enough

in Crafting

Posted by: Obtena.7952


So by this standard, Precursors aren’t rare, they’re just hard to get. And since everyone has access to the materials needed to get one, there should be no Precursor Scavenger Hunt then?

I don’t think I can agree with that logic. Getting a precursor is based on a completely random process based on a low probability so I think the word ‘rare’ can actually apply here, depending on the relative drop rate for it compared to other items of varying scarcity. Legendary isn’t as much rare as is it hard to make simply because it has a predetermined expectation for how many mats you need to craft it, as well as the activities you need to get them. A precursor is a matter of luck, a legendary is more a matter of time.

(edited by Obtena.7952)

When do you activate Virtue of Justice?

in Guardian

Posted by: Obtena.7952


Their isn’t a straightforward answer to that question: it depends on what your build is, the mob, if you have a team, etc…

Simple rule: Use active VoJ if:

1) you build for burning
2) you have Rad 15 and Virtue 5
3) you have a team

I run around often in a condition damage build and with Virtue 5 so using active VoJ at the beginning of every fight is a no brainer for me.

(edited by Obtena.7952)

precursor prices dropping?

in Crafting

Posted by: Obtena.7952


I can’t see precursor prices falling (not like there are enough to create a trend in the market anyways). More people are approaching a point in the game where they are thinking about legendaries because of the mats they might be hoarding, etc… As Anet makes more content that allows creation of wealth and materials, it’s a matter of time before more people will want their legendary weapon.

Charged Lodestones not rare enough

in Crafting

Posted by: Obtena.7952


It is meant to be hard to get.

Hard to get = rare. Thanks for agreeing with me!

That’s not agreeing with you. Yes, it’s meant to be hard to get; that’s clear from the stuff you need to make it. No, it’s not meant to be rare; it’s an goal open to every player in the game. Clearly, Anet make the methods to get the mats available to everyone to create it. It’s presence in the game is only limited by people’s willingness to make one. If everyone wanted it, then there is no reason that everyone can’t eventually get it on equal grounds.

I don’t believe there needs to be a mechanic ingame to increase the difficulty of getting one. The premise that one is needed to make current owners feel ‘special’ and maintain it’s rarity is rather stupid.

(edited by Obtena.7952)

Corrupted lodestones

in Crafting

Posted by: Obtena.7952


Some people need to learn how statistics work.

Charged Lodestones not rare enough

in Crafting

Posted by: Obtena.7952


No one from Anet ever said it was meant to be rare. It is meant to be hard to get.

Charged Lodestones not rare enough

in Crafting

Posted by: Obtena.7952


If you think legendaries are meant to be unique so you feel special, you missed the memo. yes, they are hard to get, but they aren’t unique and not meant to. It should be equally hard for everyone and it is.

The last part of that statement is completely false, getting an legendary now is harder then it was for early players. Many things have changed to make me confident in that statement, one of the main things being use of alts to certain areas for farming etc..

As for me I have 1 80 and 2 lvl 7s and am about 90% done my legendary “Meteorlogicus”

The recipes haven’t changed, there are more ways to get the mats and there are more people selling them now than there was when the game first came out. It’s COMPLETELY false? That’s a rather self-convinced opinion-based fact I would say.

Charged Lodestones not rare enough

in Crafting

Posted by: Obtena.7952


If you think legendaries are meant to be unique so you feel special, you missed the memo. yes, they are hard to get, but they aren’t unique and not meant to. It should be equally hard for everyone and it is.

Charged Lodestones not rare enough

in Crafting

Posted by: Obtena.7952


I farmed my rear off to craft it.

The irony is that so does everyone else that crafts it. You aren’t special. Legendary is EQUALLY hard to craft for everyone. I it should be made harder, then I think everyone with a legendary should have it removed and refunded the mats. Good for the goose is good for the gander.

1h sword needs improvement

in Guardian

Posted by: Obtena.7952


I wouldn’t call those deficiencies because if you want symbols, etc… you have access to them through weapon swapping, an intended part of gameplay. I think sword plays a really good role, combining damage and mobility in one, similar to GS, but giving you the added benefit of pairing to an offhand of your choice. Sword is a very flexible weapon this way. These ‘soft’ aspects of the sword make up for ‘deficiencies’.

I also believe that you don’t want to make any particular weapon THE pinnacle. If Anet added all the things you see as deficiencies, it would be way OPed.

ZD could stand some improvements but other than this, sword is appropriate.

(edited by Obtena.7952)

The game's economy

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Obtena.7952


I read that article too but … I can’t help notice that the economy is separating the people that know how to use it to make money and those that don’t. I don’t really see why the state of the economy, good or bad is that important anyways. The market is just an option, just like farming is. You either decide to farm your mats or you farm the gold to buy em. The beautiful thing is that as things get more expensive, eventually farming the mats yourself becomes a more attractive option. There is a steady state in there somewhere.

Best All-Purpose Guardian Build

in Guardian

Posted by: Obtena.7952


I can see a reason why … because you load yourself with boons AND remove conditions from 4 people the same time. It’s a team tool and if you get lucky, your team can support you back. I can see how that makes sense if you can be a pillar in your team to take on boons that they can’t handle as well.

I don’t believe you actually need a remover for SY … it works well all on it’s own. That’s my opinion here but I don’t consider SY in a build without removers a flaw (and his build has the appropriate remover for SY, so … ?).

(edited by Obtena.7952)

ANet reintroducing the triad?

in Guardian

Posted by: Obtena.7952



You forgot to say smite does the best damage on golem training dummies. Why? Because they do not move.

And you forgot to mention that the more enemies hit by smite, the less damage it does. So yeah….

In that case, let me rephrase that to “Smite deals the best ranged damage on training dummies, everything in PvE, every stationary object in WvW, and 99% of players in PvP..”


No one stands in smite the full duration unless they aren’t very smart players. And in pve many mobs do not stand still or they come in a group. So your analysis of smite being the best skill ever isn’t very realistic.

Um, they don’t have to. Even if you get 1 or 2 tick off on someone it every 5 seconds, it’s very good. Root them for the full duration with #3.