Madness Rises [Rise] – Banners Hold.
Don’t argue with idiots, they pull you down their level and own you with experience.
What’s the point of SAB you ask? To have some fun ofcourse. First time i jumped in i kittened myself laughing about it. Made me go back to my childhood playing mario and the like on the 16bit nintendo.
Yeah i made people fly with my knockbacks, especially that ramp down at south Fire keep can be tricky when it comes to that. Although hard to reproduce.
With the desert borderland failure at launch in mind, i dont even want to think about a new map or how it’s going to look like. The horrorscenario eeeeek.
Many of my guildies and friends stopped playing and im pretty much sure they won’t come back for a tournament where the winners are decided before it even starts.
This pet should become wvw only so it represents the state of that mode.
There are some looks that cry out for bunny ears to complete them.
Crafty. Perhaps a Lake Doric scroll backpack to complete it?
Bunny ears break your immersion but all those oversized backwings and stuff doesn’t? Interesting.
This is what Anet spends time on instead of fixing real stuff.
Next pet will be a whale with a harpoon in it, dragging several japanese with it.
Changing score system to an absolute perfect one doesn’t fix the real issues that’s plaguing wvw.
Birdy told me that the Balance Team is pushing for condi to get stronger so there isn’t going to be a nerf to condi, soo therefor WvW is going to be screwed
I hope you are not right, however its Anet we talk about so it wouldn’t surprise me if they buffed condis even more.
Ghost Thiefs have 0 impact on Zerg/GvG combat and 0 presence in the ppt game, and those are the only things Anet balances wvw on.
And besides, there are other specs that are borderline just as annoying as Ghost Thieves (Condi Mesmers, Boon Warriors/Druids, Dragonhunters, etc)
I’d rather fight any of the classes you sum up there, cause you can see em while fighting, right?
A party of five (or six) isn’t roaming, but good job poking the bear.
Germans roam in groups of 20 so can’t see the issue here.
I’m fine with any prank as long it doesn’t last a whole day. Quite boring to hear the same joke over and over irl too.
People want wvw ascended vendors for some reason beyond me. It already has the best/cheapest ascended armor/weapon acquire method atm. If it does come it will just be the same as the spvp version which will still require 500 crafting.
How exacly does wvw have the best/cheapest way of acquiring ascended? Because boxes can drop?
I play wvw several hours each day and have over 300% base MF, and I got just 5 ascended boxes in the whole of last year. Not even one complete set in a year. Gee, really efficient. I have to craft it? With food and siege expenses I make maybe 5-10g in an evening. It would take me months to fully gear a character in wvw.
Meanwhile ascended drops like candy in fractals and is handed out for free in pvp. How exactly is it easy to get ascended in wvw? Teach me, senpai!
Or stop talking nonsense and quit bringing up this completely backwards argument.
Oh no! Months for top gear!
Fractals do not drop ascended gear like candy… And hello…Ascended is required there. And no it is not free in spvp anymore. Ascended gear boxes may be RNG in wvw but it’s free and so long as you play the mode they will drop. It might not feel like it at times but they do come.
I don’t get what is so hard about getting ascended gear in wvw…Just play wvw, boom done easy.
Waitwut fractals dont drop asc like candy? I get at least 1 chest every daily runs. 3 last night with 2 rings. I know people with 5k ranks in wvw and they barely seen a gear box drop.
So ya why not a ascended vendor in wvw to please that playerbase. Give proofs and honor badges another purpose idk.
Only contested with siege… only if gates cannot be pvd’d…
That was the case with Hardened Gates upgraded, been nerfed to 50% pvd. However you do not need to tap a gate, just drawing guards attention does the trick these days.
Do ya turn your helmet on/off every 2 minutes to make a request like this? lol
Join WoW to see how toxic tools like this can be.
As it got buffed last balance patch the question if its intended would be a big fat YES.
And please stealth traps no counter to them, unless theyre blind and really kittenty.
I plant a barrage on archers at wallcorners, there outplayed your trap mechanic.
Why so concerned about a teef, any class can tap a keep easily just by drawing guard’s attention. Get killed? Plenty time to run back and do the same thing over and over again within the 3min marker.
Siege disablers been disabled. Such an irony.
Just do whatever you want to do. Want to take a keep without a tag? ask for help in /m or /t, usually gets you some ppl to do same stuff.
@RedBaron, you forgot Giant Slayer and Spirited Drinker achievment to lock it even more from the people who don’t want to spend 300g in first place.
Anet should revert this to actually tapping the gates, rather then pulling archer’s attention and get it contested. I can see why they changed it with HoT and the gates upgrade, but tsince that one has been nerfed to 50% pvd they can revert this change aswell.
Diminishing return on CC would go a long way.
This is being changed. The jump pads inside the keep will work without owning the shrines.
Why are such changes NEVER posted in the patch notes? It’s not like you have to write a whole wall of text when it comes to wvw right.
I find it a very weird design to have 2 alpines and 1 dbl. To me it should be 2 weeks of 3 abl and 1 week of dbl so all 3 servers gets the same maps at the same time.
Ranger attacks from stealth > revealed.
Engi attacks from stealth > revealed.
Mesmer attacks from stealth > revealed.
Ghost teef attacks from stealth >Stop coming with this nonsense when its completely irrelevant to the ghost build.
Mesmer has 2 Shatters that can stack quite a bit of condi from stealth while also summoning Illusions for extra condi/dps…
I believe there’s also runes like Balthazar and Perplexity that can stack conditions while in stealth…
Why not have conditions reveal similar to power? That would fix peoples issues no?
Thing with clones is you can see what’s going on.
But yeah make condition reveal would go a long way.
Ranger attacks from stealth > revealed.
Engi attacks from stealth > revealed.
Mesmer attacks from stealth > revealed.
Ghost teef attacks from stealth >
Stop coming with this nonsense when its completely irrelevant to the ghost build.
Dredge power suit. Henry shooting flux bombs on zergs for 10k dmg a tick.
It seems you have the solution to your problem, but you don’t want to hear it from others…
Ghost thieves are indeed annoying, they are troubling to deal with, and with the amount of them in WvW, it gets old fast.
But, with most things, they can be countered, measures can be taken to turn the table on them, many people don’t want or like hearing it, you obviously don’t, but they are able to be beaten, using what’s available.
Stealth Traps
Stun Breaks / Stability
Condi Clears/Immunities
Predicting where they are and then standing inside their Black Powder ring (They hit you, and then aren’t stealthed.)Even with them in full DIRE gear, they are able to be caught and killed.
yadayada…. Still doesn’t justify STAYING in stealth while dealing DAMAGE….
I can do the same on a mesmer or engineer.
I dare you to upload a video where you as engi/mesmer kill people and stay in stealth the ENTIRE time.
I just don’t get people coming with other classes to a topic that’s clearly about one specific build. Do you also compare apples with peers?
It seems you have the solution to your problem, but you don’t want to hear it from others…
Ghost thieves are indeed annoying, they are troubling to deal with, and with the amount of them in WvW, it gets old fast.
But, with most things, they can be countered, measures can be taken to turn the table on them, many people don’t want or like hearing it, you obviously don’t, but they are able to be beaten, using what’s available.
Stealth Traps
Stun Breaks / Stability
Condi Clears/Immunities
Predicting where they are and then standing inside their Black Powder ring (They hit you, and then aren’t stealthed.)Even with them in full DIRE gear, they are able to be caught and killed.
yadayada…. Still doesn’t justify STAYING in stealth while dealing DAMAGE….
They WOULDN’T be in STEALTH if you used STEALTH TRAPS and stood inside their BLACK POWDER ring, but, hey, let’s complain and cross our fingers for a nerf, so we don’t need to use our brains and try.
I know how to counter them without stealth traps. Just with a wolf fear followed by sic em and longbow spam.
That still DOES NOT JUSTIFY them being able to stay in stealth while dealing damage. Other game studios would consider this as an exploit unlike Anet, who even buffs them.
All classes that are considered to have ready access to stealth , can inflict damage while staying in stealth to varying degrees.
The thief has been able to do this since rollout and as stealth rolled out across more classes others gained this ability. That thief is able to do this more readily (a build that is hardly optimal and gives up damage to do so) is related directly to the amount of stealth access they can have.
Those classes using stealth do not have permanent stealth, always big tells and pop out of it every now and then, unlike ghost teef.
But i guess some of you guys like cheesy stuff like this so ill just stick to my signature for now.
It seems you have the solution to your problem, but you don’t want to hear it from others…
Ghost thieves are indeed annoying, they are troubling to deal with, and with the amount of them in WvW, it gets old fast.
But, with most things, they can be countered, measures can be taken to turn the table on them, many people don’t want or like hearing it, you obviously don’t, but they are able to be beaten, using what’s available.
Stealth Traps
Stun Breaks / Stability
Condi Clears/Immunities
Predicting where they are and then standing inside their Black Powder ring (They hit you, and then aren’t stealthed.)Even with them in full DIRE gear, they are able to be caught and killed.
yadayada…. Still doesn’t justify STAYING in stealth while dealing DAMAGE….
They WOULDN’T be in STEALTH if you used STEALTH TRAPS and stood inside their BLACK POWDER ring, but, hey, let’s complain and cross our fingers for a nerf, so we don’t need to use our brains and try.
I know how to counter them without stealth traps. Just with a wolf fear followed by sic em and longbow spam.
That still DOES NOT JUSTIFY them being able to stay in stealth while dealing damage. Other game studios would consider this as an exploit unlike Anet, who even buffs them.
It seems you have the solution to your problem, but you don’t want to hear it from others…
Ghost thieves are indeed annoying, they are troubling to deal with, and with the amount of them in WvW, it gets old fast.
But, with most things, they can be countered, measures can be taken to turn the table on them, many people don’t want or like hearing it, you obviously don’t, but they are able to be beaten, using what’s available.
Stealth Traps
Stun Breaks / Stability
Condi Clears/Immunities
Predicting where they are and then standing inside their Black Powder ring (They hit you, and then aren’t stealthed.)Even with them in full DIRE gear, they are able to be caught and killed.
yadayada…. Still doesn’t justify STAYING in stealth while dealing DAMAGE….
The way the game has always worked is that if you specialize in ONLY ONE thing, then it is OP. Every class has this, and necros have finally gotten ONE thing to specialize in at the loss of a lot of other things (just like every other class). I am personally happy that necros cant be 1/1/1/ed to death any more, and that you need a bit of skill to take one down now instead of using your ONE thing to burst them down.
Even at full stacks, bleed is still only ticking like 3 or 4K whereas burn guardians can routinely get 7-8kper tick. So you are asking for a nerf because necros can finally do half the condi damage of a guardian? Give me a break,
That explains…..
They don’t own a keep on DBL, slackers.
While at it, make condis reflectable so spammers have to think twice like i have to with my pewpewpew.
Stealth is fine when you are forced to reveal yourself to actually kill your opponent. This ghost thief build is 100% stealth and can still kill you. That’s absurdly broken.
I disagree. A 3s window to kill an attacker with a host of evades and teleports before they go back into stealth for long periods of time is not a well balanced mechanic. Stealth stacking should be removed. At least then stealth builds would have to “come up for air” every few seconds allowing some counter play. It also eliminates the Ghost Thief.
FYI A visible ghost thief is in trouble because they have to burn there only 2 dodges to generate caltrops and they don’t have room on there utility bar for teleports (traps are in that place)
A ghost thief literally has to burn his steal, both dodge rolls, and all his utility to take a target down. If this damage is cleansed or stun break is used then the trapper looses the kill entirely and the target runs away.
So in short conclusion a trapper thief has to burn his entire repertoire of utlity and dodge rolls, and steal to take down 1 target, how is that OP?
If he kills an entire group of players that refused to bring heal/cleanse support then you all deserve to die.
It’s WORLD vs WORLD vs WORLD not 5v5 sPvP. It’s not fair and it’s not an even matched game mode, it’s survival of the fittest.
It is not overpowered, it is the fact they can remain stealthed while dishing out condi damage, that is the issue. Completely broken.
Remember the countless threads about certain people “hacking” under map to kill people? I consider this being the same.
Anet saw our complain topics about this and thought “well lets kitten the community off by doing the opposite of what they would like to see, LETS BUFF IT!”
Anet logic never gets boring, although save your sanity and do NOT try to understand.
The horsies been beated to death in countless mount topics.
Because who doesn’t want more cc in WvW am I right guys…… guys?
I want more cc as there isnt enough already.
Communication is a banned word in their office.
or just delete old server make new fewer ones but this promoting few servers and oppressing certain servers is lame as kitten
Linking gives way more money then merging servers permanently. Each 2 months they see a flow in their cash with bandwagoners going to the next flavor of the month server.
What? Server balance was achieved in Wednesday’s patch, thus;
Being killed while outnumbered no longer grants any war score to the enemy team.
this is a huge thing that went largely unappreciated. i can now suicide charge into enemy siege if i need to.
I do that anyway, giving away points or not but that siege going down!
In all honesty the linking is never going to work when people can transfer every time the wind changes direction. How are they meant to know the wvw population when it changes every 5 minutes by people moving server?
And anet likes that, more transferring equals a potential source of profit from wvw.
KACHING …..Here with your transfer moneyzzzz!
i think all classes should be able to perma stealth ^^ we would have no lag for sure..
Anet can i be paid to do random poo poo in your game as well?
Just wait for next xpac, im sure they will add more and more stealth as anet seems to love it.
HoT happend. That’s all i can say to answer your question.
Great example how broken some builds can be. People start to accuse em for hacking
Hurray balance team, well done!
However if i can get the EB grub as pet with same size i’d be happy too. Especially when u switch pets in combat and enemies faint due to the size of it lol.
I’d still like a boa constrictor snake pet. F2 it strangulate its target and its called The Eye Popper.
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