Madness Rises [Rise] – Banners Hold.
Don’t argue with idiots, they pull you down their level and own you with experience.
Maybe it’s better just to merge certain server. Only downside is that Anet won’t get much money from transfers which is most likely the idea behind tossing worlds around every 2 months.
Expected a grammar lesson here though, or is it thogh.
I believe there was a dev saying they would make their return in the form of a reward track. Can’t find it ofcourse of this marvelous search function.
There are several hay bales around cliffs now providing you a soft spot to land. Mr kittenwarr probably used one to save his kitten .
Oh snap that zerg is going to kill us……… Hurry to da vista!
The OPness of hammer trains was cause of meta, not cause of skill lag….
Bet anet makes good money off transfers, so linking is a success.
Welcome to open world PvP…or just PvP in general. PvP is meant to be toxic. We are literally finding the best ways to kill people…Oh and again, condi cleanse is the easy counter…any other game with PvP balancing? Bwahahahaha. WOW, Aion, BDO, Rift. All of them have imbalancing and ALL of them have “OP” “Troll” flavor of the month class builds.
But really, trolling? I wouldn’t call it trolling. It’s called WvW.
None of these games you mentioned supports a build that grants 100% stealth up time while dishing out (condi) damage. You just trying to find a justification for this build and frankly, you have some very lame arguments for it
Offair.2563, offcourse it will be better, more power creep, more aoe, more condi, stronger anti-condi passives to counter the poor balance, it will be amaaaazziiing.
more pve with more damage and classes that are gimmickly designed to counter that so that every one must play the new armor tier… i ment class progression…
Condition damage increased with 50000%, 10 more types of CC, complete removal of stability, each class gets 100% stealth and block uptime and a new map you cannot even look further then 3meters at any time, any place.
It’s funny how this topic always comes up shortly after a server relinking.
As the bandwagon boat is going to depart onwards the next fotm server.
Expansion has to be really good if they want my money for it. If it is like HoT and the crap that came with it, i’ll spent my money on hookers and blackjack instead.
+10 Cygnus. But it seems to be a L2P issue rather then very bad design if you may believe certain posters.
Wonder how they feel getting hit/killed by someone who hacked under the map as its basicly the same.
I still find it a bit odd when i have claim on a t3 garri with full upgrades slotted I still get the claim pop on a camp. That should not be the case imo.
Can always put them on private only. I know not the best solution of all but i have done it couple of times before to stop them pulling it on purpose.
Yes its not OP yes there are ways to counter it. It’s the fact they can stay in stealth while dishing out condi damage that’s the issue.
I’ve seen complain posts about rangers/engis/mesmos spamming stealth but this ok to you guys? Jeeze get a grip.
Scrap the waypoints and make this capnodes used for bloodlust, like you know they have on alpine borders.
Can always use PaySafeCards.
Nice video, perfectly to make this exploit known gamewide.
Sometimes it’s better to simply have common knowledge of exploits. It’s the only thing that can hasten a fix. WvW hitbox/building exploits isnt exactly top priority. If people hadnt posted videos on how you could completely bypass DBL keep walls and just leap through both outer and inner on the druid we’d probably still have that.
Normally i would agree with you. But its anet we talk about and im pretty safe to say that we both know how they deal with exploits/hacks in this game.
Funny how people come with a stealth trap as counter (no other class mechanic requires that) or saying L2P while this “build” would be considered to be an exploit to most game studios. Unlike Anet who leaves it up for more then a year without giving a flying kitten about it.
So this change means all the people who left of 2.1.1 will be all back!
Only it this comes with the WANTED Dead Not Alive posters nailed at door posts and such.
Nice video, perfectly to make this exploit known gamewide.
Dodge – Dodge – use skill 5 to leap and 2 to rush, by the timeyou did 2 out of these 4 possibilities the moa already ran out of duration.
In other threads you state that condition don’t do 10k damage before 15sec, conditions are a niche and now asking for a nerf on a condition based skill? GG.
So the next big improvement to wvw will be a couple of pieces of artwork.
Sounds about right.
Expect huge hype train about massive improvements and then we’ll get 6 new icons.
Don’t forget that typo correction in a tool tip no one ever noticed.
Or another npc fleeing from his eb home upon destruction.
Deso needs the manpower as theyre 24/7 outnumbered according to some posters in the past.
1. Skill Balance
2. Skill Balance
3. Skill Balance
4. Skill Balance
5. Skill Balance
o and a extra one Skill Balance
6. Skill Balance
7. Less kittening around with scores as it doesn’t matter anyway with this server/transfer format
8. Bit more tranparancy on what they work about and what we can and can not expect.
In my opinion teef is hands down the worst implemented class i ever seen in an MMO. And please don’t take this too personally teef players.
Make applying damage conditions reveal and problem solved.
This would break many things for thieves. Starting from stealth on steal trait becoming useless. And traps revealing thief would be even worse, since thief traps are already terrible and only used in ghost thief gimmick build.
Caltrops on the other hand could be given initial damage when dropping and it would kill off the perma stealth thiefs. But then again, ghost thiefs aren’t really meta so I don’t see why it needs to be gutted anyway. Isn’t enough people already playing d/p because of lack of viability of other builds? Just because ghost thief is annoying and hard to kill doesn’t mean it’s very effective. If it was so op then everyone would be playing it. Until then I don’t think ghost thiefs are problem.
One could also argue that one-shot thief builds also need nerf (well, every class can pull off one-shots if you make such build) because technically you don’t see it coming and you’re downed instantly (ghost thief needs time to kill and you really need to be unaware of what’s happening to die). But these are mostly gimmick builds and aren’t meta for reason.
So if these traps are already terrible and only used in ghost gimmicky teef builds, why are you against to add some damage to it so it reveals, and completely destroys the ghost build?
Real gankers don’t complain about things they can overcome with ease. Hint; do NOT fight em next to portal, but lure away. Problem solved.
Just move an inch every 10min if it really bothers you being afk in WvW taking up a slot doing nothing.
Happy new year chaps! Let the condi bombs be tasty as usual!
Not sure what makes you think that all the people that left due to class imbalance will suddenly flock in with another meaningless tournament.
CC/Kill em before they manage to hop into the portal again.
Nah keep the pvp in spvp/wvw. I really enjoy pvp, but not when people are busy on a dragon being backstabbed by a bunch of rats on broken builds, which happens a lot in wvw.
Nah its not just you vier. They just neglect wvw mode as much as they can. No communication at all, heck even when they would tell us no on certain things it would be highly appreciated but instead they go for the silence treatment.
And perhaps some people might come here to tell us anet doesn’t want to communicate with us as were “salty” “cranky” but that is just the result of not getting any communication AT ALL.
There was never an overhaul to begin with.
Can i join? Just killed a stealthy condi teef scrub.
We already have this…… just play against yaks bend for a week and you’ll see!
Add any national server to this.
My guess they put in ascended in spvp to make it look more populated.
The fact that the game mode isn’t doing well has a little to do with the braindead additions they have made to it, but that’s not really the biggest issue. People keep talking about new maps, new rewards, new this, new that.
None of that matters if the fights are not fun.
The leader of my havoc guild used to make really cool videos from WvW footage, showcasing guilds on our server and so on. She recently came back and wanted to record fights and make new videos. What she found, however, is that the footage was boring as hell because the fights were boring as hell.
There is no balance, no diversity. It’s all particle showers and skill spam. Use whatever is off cooldown and let your passives take care of the rest. There is no push and pull, none of that “he used X so I’ll use Y”. There are no turtle guards who sacrifice damage for survival, instead there’s DH that has both. Or Daredevil. Or Scrapper. Or Berserker. Block block block evade evade evade invuln invuln invuln. 8k, 9k, 12k crits per skill.
WvW is all about the fights. The objectives, the map design, it’s all there to encourage encounters with the enemy. So when the experience of those encounters is nothing but the same condi-passive-block bullcrap over and over and over, is it no wonder that people leave?
The solution lies not with the WvW team, but with the apparently non-existent balance one.
^This should become a sticky imho. Good points Gutter Rat.
Sometimes im protecting my shopcart as if its the last dolly to teir3, looking around paranoid if there are some inc to snipe it.
Strength in numbers yarr yarr moar bodies to be gut.
Merg US with EU + fix a system for the different time zones.
Then Let us fight vs the Chinese servers. Combined with New wvw maps. (no Eotm2.0 nor desert) this is how you can make WvW great again.
And add a lot of more lag then we already experience.
“OMG I KILLED OP Condi Chrono!”
Did you now! Well, I didn’t. Burned my Berserker down like nothing in a few seconds yesterday. Kitten.
But conditions only doing 10k+ damage in a 15-30sec window if u may believe that post in another topic. So using this logic, what went wrong?
Yeah as if scoring even matters when there are so many other issues plaguing wvw.
Simple answer, because there’s so many condi trash mesmers around. DH has the chance to kill mesmers, so if you dont want to play a lame condi build, play dh. Thats why I play mine anyway, its satisfying blowing up those keyboard turning baddies in dire gear that think theyre actually good.
Oh, the irony.
Pwned. Fight cheese, with cheese.
Jim, be careful what you wish for.
Lol How sad is it that there is a very real possibility a dev might read that and think it’s a good idea?
Scoring changes is one of my least concerns and probably not effecting decline in numbers like other issues like class imbalance/condi meta bullcrap.
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