There are already plenty of revealing outfits. I don’t think we need g-string thongs or any further oversexualization on a game rated T/Pegi 12.
I don’t know who “We” is, but it’s not me. I want oversexualization in my games!
I agree we need sexy clothing for town and combat.
I like Linage 2 style clothing.
When you mouse over some of them, the cursor turns into a dialogue cloud. Even when the NPC has nothing to say.
This tells me that Areananet has plans for those NPC’s
Nothing for level 30 above [FINE] in the Trading Post...
in Suggestions
Posted by: Onshidesigns.1069
There are fewer buyers for lower level items.
You could just buy extra bank/inventory slots with gems. I kinda think that’s what they intended. You have to realize that you’re discussing a convenience, and most conveniences are obtained through the gem shop.
This means no storage in player’s house when released. Only bank access will be available in player houses.
This is the original post by from by GustavoM.7605
/dance as a “Weapon set”.
Like, a player’s weapon skill set changes to five different “moves” while /dance’ing, that can be improved/adquired via the Cash Shop. And also changed based on the player’s preferences.
Something like:
1- Twist
2- Shout
3- Spin
4- Jump
5- (Change to a different move list)
So, my dear reader….what do you think? Leave your thoughts right below, and help this suggestion flow.
Everyone seemed to like the idea. So I created this post to show it can be used for more than just dancing.
Ex: Boxing, Drinking, fishing
And some like “Boxing Weapon Set” can be used in duals.
Downgraded players just need better loot.
This post is expanding on and reorganizing the ideas here:
Idea turning the skill bar into a emotion bar.
The Skill Bar is made up of:
*1-5 weapon skills
*6-10 utility skills, healing, elite
Add one button to the right of the Skill Bar. That turns the Skill Bar into a Emotion Bar.
1-5 skill bar, “Weapon Set Games”
6-10 Skill bar
- Other animations
Emotion bar is customizable in the same way as utility skills.
*6-10 for animations
*1 to change “Weapon Sets Game”
Weapon Sets Game
*Some “Weapon Sets Games” will work with a future Dueling system.
*Ex: Boxing Duals, Dance offs, Drinking contest
*each game has 1-5 moves
Buy “Weapon Sets Games” in the gem shop.
(edited by Onshidesigns.1069)
“Giving the world two separate instances on each server would make this possible and even further improve the end-game”
If you do this, no high level players will play with lower level players.
We need more rewards for downscaled players because it is almost just as hard kill some enemies. This would also bring life back to lower level areas.
I disagree with
2. Remove Teleporting Fees-this game needs this gold sink
3. Dynamic Level Scaling-I think low levels should be challenging
5. Increase Defend events’ difficulty for each successive success-play more than just Orr
Some guilds have too many players and the maps are on different servers.
Clearly you want to make some of the basic items available in high level zones so we don’t have to go to starter zones to get them.
I think players should have to go to lower level zones to find a carrot.
Image is too big on the other link
Chart of known Bilderberg Members and their connections in the world.
Now back to the topic of the post.
Chart of known Bilderberg Members and their connections in the world.
Now back to the topic of the post.
(edited by Onshidesigns.1069)
Would mount get level 80s out of Orr?
I’ll do you one better. They should have an event where players are reminded to vote, possibly taking the game offline for that day so that people won’t sit on their kitten and go vote.
Votes don’t count. Central bankers rule the world.
Google Rothschild, Rockefeller, Federal Reserve, Bilderberg Meetings, Council of Foreign Relations, Trilateral Commission.
presidential debate commission
The Creature From Jekyll Island (by G. Edward Griffin)
The Halloween event Shadow of the Mad King will start on
October 22 and end on October 31.
I think that’s to short. Remember we have a depressing
election coming up and one of these clowns is going to win.
GW2 players need this event to take there mind off of the
My suggestion is to extend the Halloween event to November 5.
Go have fun in the lower level areas.
I would like the fishing it to be challenging.
*Ability to fish on the bottom
*Control the depth with a fishing float
*use chum
*cool fish to catch “Goliath Tigerfish, swordfish, sawfish”
make it work like this:
The Skill Bar is made up of:
*1-5 weapon skills
*6-10 utility skills, healing, elite
Add one button on the hud to turn the Skill Bar into a
emotion bar.
Skill 1-5 can have options like:
Dancing skills
Boxing skills
Fishing skills
6-10 will be for other animations
With a dual system you could also have a Dance Off Dual. Each move would work like a attack.
Expanding on that:
The Skill Bar is made up of:
*1-5 weapon skills
*6-10 utility skills, healing, eliteAdd one button on the hud to turn the Skill Bar into a
emotion bar.Skill 1-5 can have options like:
Dancing skills
Boxing skills6-10 will be for other animations
Combine this with the dueling system when it’s released. Could make for some fun dueling games.
*drinking contests
Expanding on that:
The Skill Bar is made up of:
*1-5 weapon skills
*6-10 utility skills, healing, elite
Add one button on the hud to turn the Skill Bar into a
emotion bar.
Skill 1-5 can have options like:
Dancing skills
Boxing skills
6-10 will be for other animations
Guild Wars 2 should have prepaid card for gems in stores if they don’t have them already.
Also we need:
*50% more gems for our money
*more items in the gem shop
New Health bar options
*show only the health bars and npc icons
*Make health bars show as a percentage
*show health bars as a symbol
Map options
*hide levels of zones
Areananet could just give people a better deal in the gem store. Then there will not be enough profit for gold sellers.
Cities are beautiful but lack anything to do in them except crafting.
Make auto-fill a on/off option.
It was released with unfinished content meant for release. Arenanet did not make the deadline on many this.
Go into the cities look at the NPC’s, under construction areas, few mini games, in city events.
I’m sure they are working to add the content that should have been done. But, fixing bugs is probably their top priority.
Adding more skills to weapons and allowing us to choose which ones to use for the 1-5 buttons would go an enormously long way in making the combat more engaging…
I agree with this. It makes the game more tactical if you have to choose between skills.
The game is unfinished. You can see that in the cities.
At least you don’t have yellow under garmants.
An I explaining this right? It’s a common sense kick kitten idea.
Dogs are food over there.
If you are playing event you will have some items you do not want. That don’t sell for much. But if you go to a collector npc. He might have something cool to give you for your junk.
You already had a thread about this, why did you make another?
Edit: Also, my opinion of this is still the same: an absolute no. Such a drastic overhaul is unnecessary and detrimental to the game, as what we currently have is great.
That said, I have nothing against a simple toggle for those who would rather see colours instead of levels. This would forego the rest of the proposed suggestions.
Exactly this, 1. it’d be a toooon of work for 2. a completely inferior system when 3. the devs have already put in so much work for a system that works great.
You could choose not to do it.
2nd the perfect mmo would be a mix of the new and old.
I didn’t think they would really do it. This post was more to convince people a no level game can work.
Collector NPC could sell other things then armor and weopans:
*better mats then the area.
*wappoint tickets
*event items
Reasons why is this is good
*Some people miss the traditional quests.
*collector NPC’s are in the first Guild Wars.
*Something to do while waiting for events it the area.
*It also gives trophies a new use other than just selling to a vendor
Combine this with more high level dops for downscaled players. It could be very profitable.
Combine this with a trophy area in the bank
(edited by Onshidesigns.1069)
Once you get your high level gear, what do you do them?
Here are some other ideas you might agree with.
*High level recipes should include some low level crafting mats
*High level drops for downscaled players need to happen more oftenMake karma vendors also collector vendors
*Offers rewards if you bring them what they want.
*If for a silver fee would make it a cash sink.
*Npc asks for: items + fee to make it a cash sink.
*Should be unlocked
*Some might require items more than one zone.
*Collector NPC ask for trophiesI could get behind the first two things there. Not sure about collector vendors, as those tend to promote farming which is something that arenanet is trying to prevent (or so they said).
In any case, that’s another thread, as it doesn’t have much to do with this one.
Some people miss the traditional quests. Also collector NPC are in the first Guild Wars. They will also just you something to does while waiting for events it the area. It also gives trophies a new use.
If you combine this with more high level dops for downscaled players. It could be very profitable.
Some level 80s don’t know what to do when they get their exotic armor.
I have a solution for that. When your exotics break they can not be repaired again. That way your search for exotic armor will become Endless and you will always have a reason to play the game.
I want a list of all the emotions in game that I can click on instead of typing.
Add color shifting dye to that.
Just make it a 3 day waiting period.
Once you get your high level gear, what do you do them?
Here are some other ideas you might agree with.
*High level recipes should include some low level crafting mats
*High level drops for downscaled players need to happen more often
Make karma vendors also collector vendors
*Offers rewards if you bring them what they want.
*If for a silver fee would make it a cash sink.
*Npc asks for: items + fee to make it a cash sink.
*Should be unlocked
*Some might require items more than one zone.
*Collector NPC ask for trophies
Take you time and enjoy the game. Exotic armor is a long term goal.
People are stuck in this mindset that they must get to endgame content and only play end game content. But this game is not designed for that. It’s designed for the whole game to be played at level 80. But people look at this stupid level number and think they should only be in those areas.
Just because a hearts is filled does not mean you are ever really finished with any zone. The game has downscaling and good ex at low level because the game designers want you to still create events.
Traits should be downscaled some too.
And how would you do that? Make you reset your traits every time you go to a new zone?
The point is to one day have a game without level. Where you play for fun and not to grind for exotic gear that does not improve your character much.
Okay, but hidden level and no level are completely different things. And I can tell you this game isn’t ever going to be a no-level game. There is no way it ever feasibly could. They would have to redesign almost the entire game from scratch. So if you want a game without levels, quite frankly, Guild Wars 2 is not the game for you. As I pointed out in your first thread, you may want to try Ultima Online.
This is the same system with a skin over top of it.
There are maybe only 10 players in 1-15 zones on my server. Because high level players think they need to be in Orr.
New gear you use will have better stats. The color/symbol on the gear tells you if you can use it.
Dungeons with auto scale you down.
In PvE who’s going to look at your level? Players will see if you weaker or stronger based on the color/symbol.
the NPC mobs? You can tell their strength compared to yours with the color/symbol.