Make jumping puzzles and mini dungeons discoverable on the map.
Theirs a area in LA where npc’s look like they are about to do a Pokemon style mini duel. I think this is the future plan ArenaNet has for mini’s.
Their is no reason this game can’t have duels out side cities/towns and in selected areas in cities.
How could you all not see this coming?
Players trigger the events. That’s why empty zones have few events.
This post would solve this.
What if every server was a overflow servers?
Their was no gap to begin with. Legendary and Exotic had the same stats.
Many bosses should be a little taller then a Nord at-least.
Seriously? WoW syndrome?
If it’s a human it should be as tall as a human, period.
It about being able it the boss with all the effects on screen.
And I don’t play WoW.
So you want new expansions to be only available to players with Ascended gear. And old content to be obsolete.
This would do thing to generate gem sale, because all new content would be geared towards rich players.
Each zone is on a different server, so paying to fly a dragon form one zone to anther is not possible.
Mounts would only work if they were only cosmetic.If their was no speed increase and automatically exiting mount when entering towns, events. No combat on a mount.
1) Zones are on different servers? Whut? The only event this happens in is if you go onto an overflow server. Even when guesting is implemented, you’ll still be on the same server consistently (LA, The Cursed Shore and Sparkfly Fen on Desolation are all on Desolation). You don’t server hop every time you go into a different zone :/
2) Why would mounts only work if they were cosmetic, with no speed boost? Just saying it wouldn’t work isn’t really a valid reason.
I have no real opinion on mounts. If they add them, whatever. If they don’t, whatever.
Each zone is it’s own map with it’s own time of day and weather. And, each zone must be part of a server cluster.
How could you or anyone disagree with this post? Do you like wasting your time killing every enemy for 5 min without a drop?
It breaks immersion when a kill doesn’t yield any drops at all. I don’t care if it’s under 10c profit.
I have been looking for this armor set too and can’t find it. It is really something that must be added to the game. I would run some serious dungeons to get my hands on this set >.<
Don’t give AN any ideas. Armor should be available in other way too.
Isn’t their anyone here who is sick of not getting any drops when killing multiple enemies?
I need something from every kill.
Who here thinks every enemy should drop something?
I’m not asking for more armor and weapon drops. Just 1 to 3
trophies on each enemy who does not drop mats, armor and weapons.
Well, it could very well be true.
Keep in mind that it is usually the same people spamming all the threads about how much Ascended gear sucks.Those that are happy does not hang around on the forums most of the time and even if they do they might not spam all those threads.
I have seen almost as many: “I like this” or “I am okay with this” people as I have seen “This is worthless, ArenaNet lies!!” people. Which most likely would mean that the majority is actually happy or at least okay with it.
Everyone that complained about the content did it so much that they became the “voice” of the community while the people that enjoy it are playing and not hanging around on the forums!
Playing what? The same dungeon all day long.
I think they should just increase the server cap instead of putting us in another server.
That will do nothing to increase server population. People are quieting because AN will not say if what their plains for progression are.
I wasn’t mean fly like a in gta with plane right
i was mean you pay and dragon or whatever take you to some place.
And mounts,why mounts can’t be in?
Will be allot better if you have horse or dinosaur.
To ride around and not just walk.More fun.
Each zone is on a different server, so paying to fly a dragon form one zone to anther is not possible.
Mounts would only work if they were only cosmetic.
If their was no speed increase and automatically exiting mount when entering towns, events. No combat on a mount.
WvW servers would be part of the home group but not overflow servers. And their would be a permanent number of them.
What if every server was a group of overflow server? Instead of having home server, we would have a home group.
*I don’t care if you don’t want it. It’s a tape of mini game.
*limit to outside of towns
*selected areas in town
*no dueling during events
Moa Racing
*Is it in the game now? I’ve can sometimes bet on a moa race in Queensdale but can’t find the race or how to start the event.
*Gliding works like the diving mini games.
*Found on top of vesta’s and jumping puzzles
*Asura contraption or wings of energy.
Zip lining
*element for some future jumping puzzles
*Put at the end of a jumping puzzle to get back to the starting point.
*Or in the middle of a jumping puzzle.
Pet dueling
*Mini game like pokemon “AN may already be planning this in LA”.
Flying mini racers
*Game that lets your control your mini in a air race.
*talking to npc’s about fish and river, lack monsters
*scary fish to catch like in “river monsters TV show”
*different fishing rigs
*crafted lures, reels, bate
*some fish like blow-fish would have drops that can be used for poisons.
*not mounts
- Bet on centaurs jousting at the circus
*Jousting mini’s game
Next Halloween their should be a great pumpkin event chain.
I would revolve around one in a pumpkin patch that with a pumpkin that grows over the course of the event chain. The pumpkin will evolve over the event into a scary looking jack o’lantern to size of a small building. And then lifts it’s self out of the ground by it’s roots and starts attacks everyone with it’s thorny vines.
*pumpkin patch should be in a scary looking area with energy in the air and coming out of the ground.
*the great pumpkin would attack with poison form it’s vines. And throw pumpkins at the players.
*Parts of it would be on fire because it’s a jack o’lantern
Their should be more smaller DE for 1 to 3 people. They could require the person who triggers it to more the event forward. And would have a time limit so if the event does not end it disappears. Small DE’s can be triggered by affecting small thins in the world.
Many meta events require killing champions but few people kill them because of the loot.
Also one of the misconceptions about people who want Horizontal progression. Is that they want everyone to be the same. That’s not true. I want unlockables and to stand out. But not in a way that gates content.
Horizontal progression is content not geared towards increased players stats that make the player more powerful.
In GW2 their is vertical progression up to level 80. Once you reach the cap the game then becomes about Horizontal progression.
Horizontal progression can include:
*more achievements
*ranks instead of levels
*unlockables that don’t give a stat advantage
*adding a visual affect to items
*upgrading player houses
Horizontal progression already in game
*unlocking hair dyes
*commander icons
Horizontal progression is not easy for developers to make so they get lazy and add vertical progression.
I want to see dueling but limit to outside towns and selected areas in cities "training areas, arenas.
People who are 100% against this are selfish because it can be done in a way that doesn’t affect anything.
What a thief needs is the ability to steal useful things I can sell.
“agony item buffs” buffs could also be in the gem store chests.
Don’t just stop it. Reset it.
Agree, as long as exotics have the highest stats.
This would solve problems with people not finding groups for fractals.
Re-posted in the suggestions.
Why not use buffs designed for fractals instead of Ascended items.
You play the lower levels of the fractal to collect “agony buffs” items that can be used for higher levels of the fractal.
Ascended skins will then become a legendary with exotic stats.
And this forces all players to replay the lower levels of the fractal to collect “agony buffs”
If you don’t have a buff item your teammate can cast one of you.
(edited by Onshidesigns.1069)
Why not use buffs designed for fractals instead of Ascended items.
You play the lower levels of the fractal to collect “fractal buffs” items that can be used for higher levels of the fractal.
Ascended skins will then become a legendary with exotic stats.
And this forces all players to replay the lower levels of the fractal to collect “fractal buffs”
If you don’t have a buff item your teammate can cast one of you.
This is what new tiers of gear do. gates content
Yes, because the game then becomes about the players skill. And all content is accessible to everyone.
You: Ascended gear gives an unfair advantage in WvW!
Anet: Ok, let’s make WvW use PvP gear.
You: Gold lets you buy upgrades and siege, and gives an unfair advantage!
Anet: Ok, siege is now bought with medals.
You: Server population gives an unfair advantage!
Anet: Ok, let’s limit the allowed players to the lowest pop server.
You: Timezone coverage gives an unfair advantage!
Anet: Ok, WvW is only available during peak times.
You: Grinding jumping puzzles give an unfair advantage!Anet: Look, just play tPvP for gossakes!
Moral of the story: WvW was never meant to be balanced. External meta-game factors make a far larger impact on winning and losing, compared to anything that one player or character does or has.
This ^
We should give Iran half of our nukes to make the war fair. Fair is not a word you use to describe war. Although Guild Wars is a game, WvW is a “war simulator” of sorts that takes real military tactics/strategy to win. Bigger army with better skilled and better armed soldiers wins the war.
Real war and WvW are not the same thing. All sides in WvW should start on a equal playing field.
And Iran would never nuke Israel. They are only opposed to Zionists and the corrupt criminal banking cartel who support them. “Google Rothschild conspiracy”
I don’t see why they would do that to generate money for the cash shop. when they made so much money on the Halloween clothing in the gem store.
If AN really thinks Ascended items will generate more cash shop sales, they are mistaken. Many will look at this as if it’s a mandatory monthly fee. And they play this game because it’s BTP with the option to buy extras items to support the game.
What about the people who have 3 stacks of might and ascended gear? Any difference no matter how small is to much.
It’s not actually the ‘grind’ most people disagree with.
It is the grind to advance instead of a grind ‘at your own leisure’. It’s why people mention vertical and horizontal progression. Need gear to get gear versus get gear to get other (often cosmetic) stuff.There were people who complained about Legendaries being difficult to get; but they weren’t many. There were people complaining about WvW badge drop rate; but they weren’t many.
I’ve seen nobody complain about the grind to acquire titles from the achievement list.It’s not the grind per se. It’s the enforced grind and what it represents and how many people have experienced it affecting other games most seem to object to.
And it’s the going back on words by ANet. The change in design philosophy.It’s just easier to write ‘grind’ than a long explanation and most people seem to understand the difference …. except when wanting to cause argument.
Maybe your looking at it wrong? Achievements is more like reading a good book with a conclusion. Then you find out there is a sequel to the book. I look at the Achievements and figure out where to ponder in Tyria to complete my goals. Some are more repetitive, but its mostly from playing the game in a ‘normal’ sense.
Grinding is me purposely doing the same action over and over again. It’s more like me reading the back cover of a book over and over again. I did not really enjoy the book nor will I care about a sequel.
The difference is that I earn achievements by playing all contents of the game. I grind for a legendary in a specific location. I could have a legendary with 500 achievement points and not have a legendary at 15,000 achievement points.
If we hate dungeons, being forced to do them to remain competitive is a grind. sorry.
What? I started dungeons with rare gear. My first exotic dungeon set was from TA. Then with mats I had and some bought, I had my friend CRAFT me an exotic set. All other sets of armor from dungeons is my reward for grouping with friends to master the mechanics of each dungeon.
If you spent 10mins with me on Ventrilo during a dungeon run, you will know that I hate skipping content that is considered hard by the GW2 community. Of lately, I have pugged a few CoF and insisted that we defend Mag the legit way.
Most importantly is that you do not have to run dungeons to remain competitive. There is many ways to obtain exotic gear, and you don’t even have to step foot in a dungeon if you want a Legendary.
Lol, did you miss the detail that ascended gear is 20-50% better than exotic? Besides, I have zero interest in mastering the mechanics of any dungeon, lol. Why force me to do so?
For something that gives about 8 more Power/Precision, I find it hard to believe it will be 20-50% better than exotics. And by your math, that’d mean Exotics are close to 200% times better than Rares
They said they will add more.
Reset the stats and put the infusions on all exotics. Collecting Exotic and upgrading them provides much more endgame and doesn’t limit endgame to one location.
They said they will add more Ascendant Gear, not more stats.
The stat increase over exotics outside endless dungeons needs to go. It will destroy the game.
How is the stat increase any different from the stat increase from Rare > Exotics? If anything the difference between Rares and Exotics is a bigger problem than Exotics and Pinks.
And I’m pretty sure they announced they would release ways to acquire Pinks outside of FotM. Oh and btw, you actually craft the Pinks via Mystic Forge. And you get most of the mats outside the endless dungeon anyways so no worries there^^
The only thing you get from the dungeon is Vials and I’ve gotten like 5 vials going from lvl 1 to 6 the first day.
Rare is for under 80. Exotic stats are the cap. Once you reach 80 and get your exotic you are now on a level playing field with other lvl 80’s. This makes the game skill based.
A new tier makes the game not about skill.
Can someone just clarify this for me: What changed?
People are saying the game is no longer fun, but the game that existed before the patch is still here. They simply added new content.
If the old content was fun, why are you trying to do things that are un-fun? Why not stick to the stuff you find to be fun? (I personally hate sPvP so I don’t sPvP. Problem solved)
I already explained it to you. Grinding on a treadmill for hours a day to get the best gear, that will be required for future content, has killed all motivation to play, thus making the rest of the game not fun.
can’t seem to find this ‘required for future content’ info. care to share a link?
Adding item progression is a delicate process normally undertaken in an expansion, but we feel it’s important to strive to satisfy the basic needs of our players sooner rather than later…
So it’s important for us to be able to add an expansion pack’s worth of progression and rewards to support that content[that content being agony system].
This is just the beginning. In November, we’re only adding the first level of Infusions and Ascended Rings and Back slots, so that leaves us a lot of room to build upon these levels of Item progression in future content.
Eventually, you’ll be able to kit yourself out with a full set of Ascended gear and high end Infusions to help give you the edge in end game content.
We are also working on other reward and progression systems for the game that tie into current and new content and features.
That clear enough for you
still looking for the required part. this is required to have fun?
The “required part” is what people are trying to prevent from happening. Gating new content towards only the players with the best equipment. And preventing other players from enjoying the whole game.
It’s not actually the ‘grind’ most people disagree with.
It is the grind to advance instead of a grind ‘at your own leisure’. It’s why people mention vertical and horizontal progression. Need gear to get gear versus get gear to get other (often cosmetic) stuff.There were people who complained about Legendaries being difficult to get; but they weren’t many. There were people complaining about WvW badge drop rate; but they weren’t many.
I’ve seen nobody complain about the grind to acquire titles from the achievement list.It’s not the grind per se. It’s the enforced grind and what it represents and how many people have experienced it affecting other games most seem to object to.
And it’s the going back on words by ANet. The change in design philosophy.It’s just easier to write ‘grind’ than a long explanation and most people seem to understand the difference …. except when wanting to cause argument.
Maybe your looking at it wrong? Achievements is more like reading a good book with a conclusion. Then you find out there is a sequel to the book. I look at the Achievements and figure out where to ponder in Tyria to complete my goals. Some are more repetitive, but its mostly from playing the game in a ‘normal’ sense.
Grinding is me purposely doing the same action over and over again. It’s more like me reading the back cover of a book over and over again. I did not really enjoy the book nor will I care about a sequel.
The difference is that I earn achievements by playing all contents of the game. I grind for a legendary in a specific location. I could have a legendary with 500 achievement points and not have a legendary at 15,000 achievement points.
If we hate dungeons, being forced to do them to remain competitive is a grind. sorry.
What? I started dungeons with rare gear. My first exotic dungeon set was from TA. Then with mats I had and some bought, I had my friend CRAFT me an exotic set. All other sets of armor from dungeons is my reward for grouping with friends to master the mechanics of each dungeon.
If you spent 10mins with me on Ventrilo during a dungeon run, you will know that I hate skipping content that is considered hard by the GW2 community. Of lately, I have pugged a few CoF and insisted that we defend Mag the legit way.
Most importantly is that you do not have to run dungeons to remain competitive. There is many ways to obtain exotic gear, and you don’t even have to step foot in a dungeon if you want a Legendary.
Lol, did you miss the detail that ascended gear is 20-50% better than exotic? Besides, I have zero interest in mastering the mechanics of any dungeon, lol. Why force me to do so?
For something that gives about 8 more Power/Precision, I find it hard to believe it will be 20-50% better than exotics. And by your math, that’d mean Exotics are close to 200% times better than Rares
They said they will add more.
Reset the stats and put the infusions on all exotics. Collecting Exotic and upgrading them provides much more endgame and doesn’t limit endgame to one location.
They said they will add more Ascendant Gear, not more stats.
The stat increase over exotics outside endless dungeons needs to go. It will destroy the game.
I dont see why people compain. If u think about it, Anet will HAVE to add new gear. Complaining about this is just like complaning about how extocis are OP because they have better stats than rares etc.
No they don’t have to add new gear with higher stats.
People can collect exotic skins. If AN wants infusion, they can be put on exotics.
Rares have less stats because they are lower level weapons. 80 is the highest level this game ever needs and all new zones should be level 80. So all players can enjoy future content.
It’s not actually the ‘grind’ most people disagree with.
It is the grind to advance instead of a grind ‘at your own leisure’. It’s why people mention vertical and horizontal progression. Need gear to get gear versus get gear to get other (often cosmetic) stuff.There were people who complained about Legendaries being difficult to get; but they weren’t many. There were people complaining about WvW badge drop rate; but they weren’t many.
I’ve seen nobody complain about the grind to acquire titles from the achievement list.It’s not the grind per se. It’s the enforced grind and what it represents and how many people have experienced it affecting other games most seem to object to.
And it’s the going back on words by ANet. The change in design philosophy.It’s just easier to write ‘grind’ than a long explanation and most people seem to understand the difference …. except when wanting to cause argument.
Maybe your looking at it wrong? Achievements is more like reading a good book with a conclusion. Then you find out there is a sequel to the book. I look at the Achievements and figure out where to ponder in Tyria to complete my goals. Some are more repetitive, but its mostly from playing the game in a ‘normal’ sense.
Grinding is me purposely doing the same action over and over again. It’s more like me reading the back cover of a book over and over again. I did not really enjoy the book nor will I care about a sequel.
The difference is that I earn achievements by playing all contents of the game. I grind for a legendary in a specific location. I could have a legendary with 500 achievement points and not have a legendary at 15,000 achievement points.
If we hate dungeons, being forced to do them to remain competitive is a grind. sorry.
What? I started dungeons with rare gear. My first exotic dungeon set was from TA. Then with mats I had and some bought, I had my friend CRAFT me an exotic set. All other sets of armor from dungeons is my reward for grouping with friends to master the mechanics of each dungeon.
If you spent 10mins with me on Ventrilo during a dungeon run, you will know that I hate skipping content that is considered hard by the GW2 community. Of lately, I have pugged a few CoF and insisted that we defend Mag the legit way.
Most importantly is that you do not have to run dungeons to remain competitive. There is many ways to obtain exotic gear, and you don’t even have to step foot in a dungeon if you want a Legendary.
Lol, did you miss the detail that ascended gear is 20-50% better than exotic? Besides, I have zero interest in mastering the mechanics of any dungeon, lol. Why force me to do so?
For something that gives about 8 more Power/Precision, I find it hard to believe it will be 20-50% better than exotics. And by your math, that’d mean Exotics are close to 200% times better than Rares
They said they will add more.
Reset the stats and put the infusions on all exotics. Collecting Exotic and upgrading them provides much more endgame and doesn’t limit endgame to one location.
I don’t understand what peoples problem is about a “gear grind”. After max level, full exotics, what do you expect to do?
What do you do after obtaining a new Ascended item? You wait for the next patch.
More horizontal progression is whats needed. This includes:
*wardrobes so we can collect all skins we like and upgrade them to Exotic level.
*More Dynamic DE’s, so their is always something new to see in old areas.
*more interchangeable skills that can be unlocked.
*more combos
*housing and guild halls that can be upgraded
*More lore to find
*More crafting items but that can’t be too powerful.
*expansion that are playable without the need you a more powerful weapon.
Areananet can still have infusions as long as their is a limit to their power. And you they are limited to some endless dungeons.
Grinds should not be for stats. This gates content.
let’s say during launch all this ascended gear was presented, i do not think many gw1 players will really be against it.
Yes it makes the exotics useless. Even old items should still have a use.
Uh oh, the semantics of whether GW1 is or is not an MMO. Does it really matter? Really now?
I’ll go along with GW1 not being an MMO in the sense that a Mac is not a PC (personal computer, irrespsective of OS). Even though by dictionary defintion, both items fit their respective categories, they do not meet the typical defintion per common usage. A better description for GW1 would be a Diablo-like game with horizontal progression and GUIs instead of text menus for the game lobby. Note that Diablo itself is heavily based on gear progression, much more so than your average MMORPG.
Just because no MMO that I know of has used horizontal progression doesn’t mean that GW2 shouldn’t have done it. If we stuck with only doing things that had been done before, we would all still be living in caves huddled over fires. Doing new things is necessary for any kind of evolution to take place.
Seriously suggesting League of Legends though? It has no PvE component and has a very rigid format. It fits into the e-sport theme quite well because of this, and has aspects that ANet should take note of should they truly want to develop the PvP into an e-sport. However, it really doesn’t seem relevant to discussions about the PvE portions of GW2.
It’s about having enough common sense and foresight to see that for most ppl, cosmetic player growth is simply not enough. Long term players want stats. People who don’t are for the most part not long term players, but the flavor of the week, entitled casuals.
You can disagree, but it is, what it is.
The stat increase is a illusion. Enemies that require the new items are just as easy for you to kill. You not gaining skill only numbers.
Stats are just a number to me that gates content. Cosmetic player growth are real progression I can see. Other things like houses, mini-games, guild halls are going to be part of horizontal progression.
Progression != Grind
No progression=bored at endgame, move on to another game, which is what casuals tend to do anyway.
The whole world is your endgame.