It is quite funny to see them all ranting about “learn to dodge, how hard is it?” in map chat. They also say things like “people don’t know how to read map chat”, and I always reply that maybe, then can read, but they sure don’t want to because it’s just a line of abuse. Most people have it either turned off or have the people who abuse them on ignore, so they aren’t even seeing the abuse hurled their way. So it’s all just a load of excess energy gone to waste, imo.
Exactly. It’s pretty funny really. Probably half the reason nobody’s seeing the chat is because of abuse like this. Everybody turns it off so they don’t have to watch these idiots.
I try to be up beat in every marionette battle. People don’t need to be abused because of this fight. Nobody’s gonna want to do it if a few rotten eggs make it a horrible experience. If people are having fun, then they’ll want to be a part of it and learn how to do it.
I just tell people how to block the negative people.
Honestly, I’d just merge less populated servers.
Or finally create underflows
I agree.
Personally though, I’d rather they get rid of servers for these areas all together. PvE doesn’t need the servers. Servers are just a hindrance. They can just have channels and you can choose which one to join.
They almost can’t release such a finisher because of the existence of that fetish — you can look it up, but be ready to avert your eyes.
Someone will definitely bring that up if they do, and it would look bad.
Uh, yeah…
I’d warn people NOT to look it up actually. And yes, that fetish is exactly why they will not release that as a finisher.
Sad but true, I even heard about people selling places on main server party for Teq during weekends, holidays in prime time for real momey. No wonder, over 1 hour average queue and up to 2h on holidays, who has time to do that
I actually heard that in reality, there are no real players on Desolation. There’s just 3 guys selling spots from different accounts.
…didn’t we just have a thread about this ?
Yep, but Desolation thinks it’s only a full pop server because foreigners are taking their jobs.
As long as invites can be turned off, and I can choose to make the duel and anybody standing around watching it invisible, sure. I don’t want to see duels, and I don’t want to hear them. I don’t want anything to do with them.
I’d much rather have an open PvP server to put all you people that want them :P
Maybe they can just let you do it on the same character again so you don’t have to roll another character. Just do it infinite times on the same character.
I think it definitely needs to stay as a requirement. It’s the best requirement. The only one that even makes sense as a player.
I like it. I’d buy it. But I can’t justify spending 500 gems on it. But I still keep going back to it, trying to figure out why it’s so special that it’s so expensive.
I feel the same way. I like it, but not 500 gems worth.
Queensdale Champ train all the way to 80. You’ll get lots of mats to help you with the Ascended grind on the way up there (alternatively salvage all the low level gear for luck).
I do this for my alts too. It’s easy and pretty painless. My main I took through the maps, but I just want my alts up to 80 fast and with a minimal of effort. After they hit 80 I take them where I want. It’s like primary school.
I have a custom chatlog set, called “Queensdale” with all the chats turned off so I don’t have to hear them whining when they get annoying ;D
I agree. This is really annoying. I have the pass in my inventory. I obviously am allowed in.
Who cares how old you people are?
And OP, I bet the stuff’ll come on the January 21st update. Just hold tight. That bright neon green backpack will be yours in no time
I was going for FSP, but not anymore. I don’t want it changed. I don’t want burning pages coming off the thing or as footfalls. It doesn’t even make sense. Ghostly words might be cool as footfalls, but I like FSP as it is. It’s noble and tasteful.
I quit going for a legendary altogether. I’m not going to spend so much time and effort to get something I like and have them change it. I’m just saving the stuff so when they do change it I can just sell all the mats and Chosen. I just can’t ever trust that things won’t be changed later.
I think it’s mainly the eyes on the new female faces. If the eyes were more fierce then the faces would be more charr-like.
As they are, I don’t mind them but they’re not my thing. Y’all have been doing a good job with them. I’m just having a tough time coming up with a character to use them.
HOWEVER, they need to serve snacks and light refreshments to make it really veep. Showers and a sauna would be nice too.
Agreed. All the NPCs need to be wearing tuxes as well.
The pass definitely needs to be infinite on all characters. A new button on the interface would be nice.
I’m an altaholic so I only allow myself to buy slots when they’re on sale. I bought two slots. Man, I was waiting for this. Thanks OP ;D
You need to talk to support, not us. We can’t help you.
They should just get rid of servers altogether for PvE. We don’t need them. They only hinder PvE. They should just have the zone and as it fills up, add a channel or whatever you wanna call it.
I dunno. I like dodging. I wish the game had unlimited dodges. It’s just funner for me. But I really like stylish action games so maybe it’s just me.
For me it creates a funner game. It feels more alive and moving.
I’m not sure about it killing berserker builds. I mean, wouldn’t it just stick vitality builds in it’s place? We’d be in the same predicament just with a different name.
Why do you care?
I know I don’t. Sometimes people talk to me like if I was a guy, and I only correct them if my gender is somehow relevant for the conversation (and it usually is not, of course).
It shouldn’t matter if you are male or female. I don’t get why so many women have this need to tell everybody on the internet that they are female.
Same here.
I don’t think calling someone a dude means we think everyone’s a male. I’m a girl gamer and I really don’t care what terms ppl use. I feel more that “dude” and “guy” are gender neutral than meaning male anyway. Just my opinion though.
I rarely say anything unless it’s relevant, which it usually isn’t…
Oh man. I loved the first book! So worth it. I definitely would love a new one though I hope they upgrade the first one in stead of carrying two books.
Somehow, though, the pass has gone from account bound (as my current pass with 1 week left is) to soulbound on acquire. Now, as I said, I’m a big fan of this pass, but there is no way I am gonna buy a soulbound pass for even ONE of my 5 characters, let alone all of them.
Can someone explain why this is now a soulbound item?
Wow. That’s really bad.
Yeah, I’d never buy a soulbound one either. Not even if it’s permanent. Ruins it.
Well everyone in this game can do with a lot fewer “tents” around their legs. That has nothing to do with male and female characters.
Personally, I say down with trench coats, armor skirts, and dresses. Bring in the pants. This game needs more pants for everyone.
(edited by Panda Shepard.1248)
I jast call it Claw
Yeah, me too. Makes more sense and it’s shorter.
I don’t see much of this in the champ trains anymore, but when I do I just tell people how to block and report.
I also suggest getting out of Queensdale. Why not offer to party with the newbie and show them around another zone? Or maybe help them with the personal story or something?
I removed a couple hundred buy orders today from months back. Clicking Remove over and over and over again took forever and made me wish I was watching Sally. Yes from the 90s.
The time it would take to do that is insane, as well as extremely lengthy.
It’s just another form of grinding. Except you have a bit more security knowing they’ll never nerf the TP.
That’s why you just save it until you need the space. Have a hierarchy and get rid of what you don’t want first/can’t use first. Your first thought shouldn’t be “I need to buy more bank space” it should be “what can I get rid of”. Y’all are pack rats, but you don’t need to toss things willy-nilly either.
Save it until you need the space or you can change the stats.
Why would you destroy it? If you have the space, then save it. Anet could definitely change things so hold on to it and one day you might be able to choose the stats.
I would pay 2k gems for a permanent one, but temporary ones are of no interest to me.
This was already suggested when the passes were available last time, but looks like Anet ignored the suggestion.
Man, I’d pay that for a permanent one too. I laughed at the idea of this place until a pass dropped for me. I loved it. Everything is right there close to each other and the place isn’t full of silly people afking and taking up space.
It was wonderful T^T
I’d never pay for the temporary one though.
Well the little guy laughs his head off every time you hit him. I think he’s having fun.
The female Charr wear different versions of several of the town clothes really. Those cargo shorts turn into ridiculous daisy dukes, and the frilly shirts are the low cut versions.
If female Charr armor should be different, how would a female Charr’s armor be different to show that she’s female?
Or if you think this way, how would you make the male version different if everyone’s wearing the female one now?
What is the Charr idea of feminine/masculine armor/clothing? I don’t know that I’ve seen NPCs differentiating.
I’ve wondered a little about that, Tei. It was said earlier that they have different town clothes. I’m a bit confused on why that is in the first place since their body styles aren’t very different. The males are bigger but that’s pretty much it, right?
Why DO they have different hairstyles?
It’s not even that the hairstyles are more feminine (except the newer ones). The females have those cool mohawks. Why can’t guys have them? And some of the braided male ones, I’d like to have on my female Charr.
I’m having the same problem. It started last night for me.
I’d always figured that the whole point of the precursor scavenger hunt was that it’s a sure way to get it. I definitely wouldn’t mind putting the money and time in if I know I’ll get the precursor at the end of it.
Yeah, female Charr aren’t wearing “male” armor. They’re just wearing armor.
Well it doesn’t seem like they’re a thing for long. Most of them are leaving in a few days.
I really love the new male faces. I can’t find a female one I like, so I just changed one of my guys.
I’m so glad they made these
Lol, it looks like an angry Tybalt!
Lol! Well luckily I never wear face covering helmets. I like my Charr faces too much to cover them up. Not much point in wearing one at all really since they all remove either your hair or your horns, or both.
That’s pretty bad. It’s pretty hilarious too though.
I really like the male ones. I didn’t like the male faces until I messed around with them though. They feel a lot more expressive to me than the originals. They do feel more goofy, but I really like them. It’s a nice bit a variety to the face choices.
I haven’t messed with the females ones yet, and I’m not too sure about them right now.
Maybe if the OP is willing to have all their Wintersday minis deleted if the gems are returned and pick just one to reacquire this year?
Oh definitely. OP’s got to give them back if he get’s refunded. If not, then I’d like a “refund” too.
You’re asking people on the forums. I wonder how many people in game would answer forums?
Lol! Yeah, this should be asked in game too.
Well, I was with you for a long while there OP!
I started just after the game started, but just did the Arah story this passed weekend. My brother and I hated the idea of having to do a 5 man dungeon so we never did it. We finished it pretty easily with just the two of us. It wasn’t bad at all, and now that lamo story quest is gone from the screen
These people can’t stop though. They’re addicted.
Maybe Anet should allow a way to just cap the accounts of the people who’re having problems. Why hurt the people who enjoy going for all the points?
I know sometimes if I’m close to getting my chest I’ll start doing as many points as I can to get to it. It’s fun that way for me. I’d hate to run into the cap.
Personally, I hope they keep putting more daily/monthly options. I only do the ones I like and that’s it. If they’re not fun, then I don’t do ‘em. If they keep adding more then hopefully I’ll find more I like.
I’m not sure about capping the points. I mean, if someone has the drive to do as many as possible, then why should we hold them back? Why shouldn’t they be rewarded?
Of course, a lot of places cap peewee football games nowadays. Maybe it’s the same thing? Maybe. I dunno.
This is the kinda stuff I would love for a living story series, digging into Lore like this is 2-3 month period.
Man, me too. I love this stuff. I wanna know more about it!
are they zombies or just a clan of norn who worship the elder dragon? I was always under the impression they were more like crazy radicals who blinding worshipped this dragon but still had a sense of free will, so long as it was in the name of their god.
I’m not sure of the lore myself. I always thought they were dragon minion zombies because they were slowly turning into Icebrood. There is that guy up by the Claw who’s trying to resist the Dragon, so they do have free will. He’s having a tough time of it though.
Jormag is calling to them and they follow his will. So if the Svanir do join Scarlett then I’d say that’s a pretty good indicator that Scarlett’s in cahoots with the Dragons somehow.
Same if the destroyers join right? Aren’t they just dragon minions too?
I give myself 15 bucks a month to spend on gems. Pretty much the same as a subscription.
I rarely got any T6 mats from them. I quit opening them a long time ago and just sell them. Let someone else deal with the randomness. I’m taking the money.
Exactly. Log in yourself and find out! You might like it now, you might not. Find out for yourself. We can’t tell you if you’re gonna like it or not.
What we can tell you is that there’s not too much new stuff for you to do since you left.
There’s a tower in Kessex you might like to try, but that’s all I can think of off the top of my head.