No excuse anymore for not giving ‘hide mounts’-option
No thanks to unidentified weapons.
Of my 6×80 chars, mesmer has most hours (520 hours), and I can tell you now I won’t play it anymore in wvw. Not they are bad, but now they are ‘utility slaves’ of the zerg (veil, portal, time warp). On their own they bring very few to the tables Imo. Having both viable condition/ physical damage build, always has been a great plus for me. So Mesmer falls of my list now.
7. Thin out the pve mods in pvp. Nothing is more frustrating than attacking a thief right as they stealth and instead hitting a freakin gold moa and now I have a thief AND moa on me. Or having someone rally because they killed a pve mob.
This. As a Necro nothing frustrates me more than using the warhorn locust skill for swiftness and then needing to dodge every mob to avoid getting in combat.
As a necro you should love the critters. Nothing better then full death shroud when entering combat.
When i’m bored or have scouting duty or wait for a buff I tend to kill mobs, and they often gave me good reward (sometimes so good, that i could fully upgrade a tower with the money i made from them). No i’m not saying wvw should be pve, but I like the mix. In pvp, you have no mobs, boring imo. In pve you have no opponent players. In wvw you have both. That’s what always attracted me to the game mode. There really not that much mobs around in wvw, so I think this ain’t a problem. It also makes it possible to do dailies easier (like kill 13 different kind of mobs), dont have to pve for it.
4 hours queue. Haha don’t you realize it vizunah? You are so indestructible everyone bandwagoned to you (every guildless t1 person). You own fault. Hihi t1 super queue karma punishment for not wanting to quit the blobbing/morning capping.
Sorry i have nothing against the minor core of vizunah, but it get’s frustrating vizunah never seems to have drama. So yes i can’t help but smile drama should come soon with 4 hour EB queue =D. Finally I can dream vizunah will break down…
But there’s troma… Crap, nope it won’t work. Ok vizunah stays t1 forever (until Troma dies).
This was by no means a flame, but rather a sarcastic post trying to make the more ‘open minded’ ppl of vizunah showing how SFR/deso feels.
well for once pvp is full of thief atm, and their burst (especially doubled by two thiefs) is impossible to counter. Especially as necro. Your traps barely slow them (marks) or condition damage. All to slow, burst takes you down in SECONDS.
I saw one thief do 6x heartseeker in row, how is that even possible. 10 ini max, (unless traited, but almost no thief takes that).
Yesterday i fought a D/P thief, and there was litterally NOTHING my necromancer could do to stop him. Once i heard advice ‘STAND IN THE BLACK POWDER’, SO his heartseeker fails to cloack (because it hits you). Didn’t work at all. He did perfect rotation, and once he almost finally died, he just kept spamming cloack in close proximity (so i don’t regen out of combat), but he regened because of trait, and he just outhealed my conditions, went back with full hp (me still empty waiting for cooldowns, and got defeated in the end.
Now this is the cookie cutter thief bield. Any other is easier to counter, if my response times are good. But this build, i’m still trying to figure out how to counter it properly.
To bad. In pvp i almost always die due to condition pressure, burning here, poison there, bleed there, in a never ending sequence. Physical damage i can avoid with weapons build in evasion, however the non stop aoe condition blast overrule it. I tried ‘signet of renewal’ but for me it stinks.
Guess the only (sort of) counter is Regen Ranger. (Signet of wild passive, regen passive, cleric gear etc), lots of hp a second.
Especially the new 15 sec cd shout has me intrigued (half the cd of most shouts ingame, especially guardian). But like you say you can spam them, because the effects are situational. You must choose between removing condition, or well timed active. To bad. And that while warrior/guardian, just keep the active effect (boons).
I recently started doing pvp because of the dailies. Still have mixed feelings about pvp, but I have some form of respect for it now that i didn’t earlier.
However with this update, bye bye Anet. Not gonna consume time for just lousy achievements.
So i’ve always been a fan of this rune set, cause in wvw, you need your fast cleanses ready (it’s especially handy to cleanse roots). But the long cd’s, relative weak effects always put me off to use it.
But with these updates, what do you guys think? Is this another build, that can be added the list of viables ones (good if prefer)?
While I agree, I sometimes can’t resist being kitten at Anet.
The game is about fun. Wvw you get tons of fun when the match is balanced. However the current system totally imbalances the matchups. While you could argue ‘there is still fun left’. Perhaps. But having played balanced matchups, and now the current imbalanced, I keep wanting a quick fix back to the old matchups. And it simply aint coming. There are some easy fixes Anet could do with just a press on a button. They resist, and don’t tell us why they don’t do it. That frustrates me, because from my point of view, things could only improve if they implement these things (like lower points from nightcapping, glicko fix etc). Stubborness of a developper never feels good.
But op thanks for reminding me it is after all still a game I left another mmorpg after lot of dedication (and quite some money), after they made mistake after mistake (not small ones that you can ignore, massive promise breaks etc, greedy actions, almost equal to stealing money from players, etc. Customer service was a total joke etc.). I played guild wars 1 with a lot less pressure, and should do the same for gw2.
I like your idea, even though i think acid alone is not enough for necro. This is our unique chance to get a skill (within reason) we want and there’s lots of stuff a necro lacks. Giving this won’t fix those issues, so i think a lot of people will keep suggesting skills like teleports.
Either way i like your idea, although your idea suggest it should be quite spammable, since it’s like a more static bleed version, that can hit structures. Maybe they can add it to auto-attack then (life blast), and a 5th utility skill nonetheless.
With upcoming mesmer confusion nerf, their condition damage is not viable imo. The condition that we guys are trying to get some idea’s for, could well be implemented on mesmers too (perhaps chance based on chaos storm, dunno about auto attack/chaos armor cause those might give to much procs on a strong condition).
Good summary. I saw that “call to arm”, and think people forgot about it too quickly.
While I agree about free transfer, I still don’t get why you mention lag. It’s affecting both sides, I’m having fun trying to land a good hammer stun with lag + 20fps.
I’m not accusing vizunah, but it kitten me off today that vizunah could get 90 damage packets (a lot of skills) off in 5 seconds on my character (with 40k hp, plagueform), while desolation could only do an auto attack every 10 secs. If vizunah even remotely had same lag, this would NOT have been possible.
60 vizunah (estimation there were a lot of you like alwyas, blobby viz), if we take 90/5 = 18 attacks per seconds. That’s about 1 attack per 3 vizunah every second. Desolation had more lag than that.
The most frustration part of the combat log was that certain ppl had zero lag against me. I had 10 auto attack strikes (crossfire), in very short time on me.
No accusation, but if the biggest zerg also get the least lag it’s very frustrating, and tempting to think there’s a complot.
I added some things to the wvw-statistics (if you press “b”):
- shows how many players are in the queue (every map)
- shows your place in the queue
- shows how many people are online on all maps
- shows the percentage of the population of all servers
- shows the point gain dependent from how many players are online
400/1000 players online (on all servers) -> servers get 40% of their potential pointsHow would you like it?
Best suggestion ever. They don’t even need to waste hours brainstorming anymore. We have the fix. The have the solution. Stop being stubborn Devs and implement it. It will greatly fix the glicko shortcomings.
Two ways to go Anet:
1) you ignore this and tons of wvw veterans will leave
2) you finally give in to the best suggestion in the Galaxy, because ultimately it’s the right and only thing to do.
Did I mention this is the best gw2 suggestion that ever rose in the complete Galaxy?
The only solution to the problem is ANY SERIOUS (not super chilled out) person at Anet, play on SFR/deso in peak our, and feel the destruction of vizunah.
But so far, it’s very indicated that they don’t care. I beg to the one dev answering a lot in these forums (you know I mean you yes, you popped here about a month ago, since then kept answering a lot of topics). Set your character on desolation or SFR. Play at 7-12 pm (would be midday to 5 pm in america). Just do it. Play. Then you will know. Then your mind will be absolutely certain something is broken and needs to be fixed.
@Phoebe : it’s ok bro, the masterplan is to have 3 FR servs in T1. Pl0x let it all green.
If that’s true then why Arborstone bandwagoned on JS/VS I remember the Arborstone/vizuanh square t1 days, and I know with 100% certainty even then vizunah had LESS THEN HALF the people it has now.
Either vizunah pokes pve players to come wvw (seems like it, you have a lot of pugs, not knowing what to do), or you got bandwagon people.
Fact is, with these things happening, there will never be 3x french in t1. (and yes i know you’re sarcastic)
why the hate,
Because vizunah square are boring to fight. Because they run away in towers, scared of 1,62s repair cost. I died 20x on eb Saturday. I could have died WAAAAY less, but that would be boring. And cowardice. Did I loose money? Not really, got 5 rares from vizunah bodies. Why don’t you guys play the game (standing afk in tower aint playing). At least 20 vizunah square are not playing wvw but only busy with guild rosters, planning, point calculating. Where’s the fun in that? It’s mindless faith in an unrewarding cause.
Voila We hate you because of that. Correction, i Hate the pug army of vizunah square. All respect to troma, meta, WL, similar, and caring ppl (probably like you, since you use forums). They at least try. They at least play. They at least seem respectfull.
The hidden pugs army (80% of vizunah population), that never posts on the forums, we hate you! Pvdoor-addicts… (the pugs).
You stopped playing when losing or why you think you lost? Then the other servers got bored or shafted by Anet and you come out of your holes again. Same old, same old or why you think your commanders got burn out and your pugs are bored exactly at the moment of highest enemy pressure? Why you think your pugs flood the zones every night again when the enemy isn’t playing?
“Perfect coverage”, I lol’d. It was a simple counter to your map hopping night choo which got you defeated so easily, even while try harding before taking a “small break”.
We ( WvW VZ community ) never stop playing or only when it’s boring matchup like now. Or maybe our doors were too strong for you when you outnumbering night, afternoon and “Op baguette” with poor score if we had stop playing ?
Servers hoppers, free and paid transfer had kill EU ladder, so don’t blame us.
Our PvE’s pugs flood the zones every night because RG and Friends were going out before the lose, one more time.
Stop blaming only free transfers for the problem. While you may not be at fault the 80% pug army of vizunah is. 3-10 weeks ago, vizunah square was way more fun to fight, way more active, way more engaging, way less pvdooring. After the SFR collapse, the playstyle of vizunah suddenly become: more green arrows, more noobs (only spam 1), more blobs, more pvdooring, more running away tru portals, basically way more cowardice. You can deny it all you want (since you take it so serious i think, you are not one of the pug army, so no blame to you), but the fact is YOUR MINDLESS PUG ARMY kills the fun. While not your fault, it’s VIZUNAH SQUARE’s fault, and you’ll have to live wit hit.
Are the individual forum warriors responsible? Nope. Your pugs are.
Tell me this vizunah (it’s getting VERY VERY close to this), if no single individual from SFR/deso fighted you, everything is green on the map with NO competition. How would you feel? You would quit. You would be bored. And it’s all because of yourself (the pug army, no blame to the few good players).
The only reason you will forum warrior hammer me to dead is because you know all servers have people who just can’t stop playing, giving vizunah enough doors to bash to still make the pug army up and running. But soon those players will leave too. Every day one veteran leaves. So in aprox 2-3 months, t1 will be officially defeated by vizunah square, making it a complete dead man’s land.
Have faith in your cause vizunah! You are almost there.
Wait but you need doors… And they won’t be there anymore. Question does vizunah square has a conscience? Cause it should be shaking massively hard now…
(edited by Phoebe Ascension.8437)
Honestly I feel no pity with Deso or SFR at all, you know what you were about to face when you entered T1. I still remember when ER was kinda stuck in T1 and when we were finally about to drop to T2, SFR purposely stopped fighting and lost, so that they had better preconditions for the WvW reset, which didn’t take place as we all know. Fortunately Jade is pushing this week, thus making us lose some more points. Actually I quite like the situation at the moment. T1 is stuck, but so is T2 and thats a good thing, because this way we have nice fights with Kodash and we’ll never have to face Vizunah again. I’d love Jade to move up a tier, but I guess that won’t happen. Maybe Piken will take their place once holidays are over…
Anyway, thats what you get, when you’re on an artificial bandwagon server, so now stop whining and live with it.
Most selfish post ever. This post alone proofs Anet has to do something about it. Desolation, SFR, Elona, Kodash, Jade see in my opinion are ‘equally’ strong server at the moment and good opponents. What gives elona more the right to have ‘good fights’ then Deso or SFR? Instead of bashing us, that it’s our own fault, you should congratulate us for trying. Many weaks desolation, managed to get incredible close to vizunah (that alone is a massive achievement). Without us, your T2 would never have been that fun. And now that guild drama’s come (they would have happened to elona too, if you remained 2 months against vizunah square, so what gives you the right to bash us, when it’s just a matter of luck who is in t1 and who’s not?), we all deserve a drop.
Are you kidding me OP? Guardians got MASSIVE healing power and MASSIVE protection update, and a full invulnerable elite at their disposal. The warriors will have to sacrafice 30 trait points for this. Really just QQ from someone who doesn’t wanna loose their OP profession.
Flame blast (sigil), and retaliation to me seem to tag nothing at all.
You are exagerrating. warrior still up, guardian still op. This chance is gonna barely make a difference. Guardian don’t get a nerf, and you moan? hahahahaha.
Although it hurts me to admit this, Staff 1 (and 4) are overpowered in wvw, zerg vs zerg. It’s like an never ending aoe, that ticks every second, the auto attack. Just to powerfull. Single target auto attacks, don’t stand a chance against it.
That day Missy vizunah will die. I could only dream of a week where everyone says ‘nope, we lay down our weapons, you get no more pvdoor vizunah’. It would utterly destroy the reason for the existance of vizunah Square (at least the mindless pugs).
Yesterday a zerg smashed my downed state down in 0,5 sec (no kidding). While it may sound like ‘but it’s a zerg, of course you die so fast’, that isn’t true. My Ele (if i don’t use mistform), survives at least 2-5 secs depending on how much burst the zerg is using on you.
Play gw1 death nova, and you’ll immediately agree gw2 version is underpowered Especially since it’s so hard to reach in grandmaster trait. It should do more damage.
Reasons why vizu wins:
1) Language communities are easier to build.
2) On top of that they have the luck of having some of the most skilled community builders around. I’ll challenge you to beat Troma in this regard. Making pictures/sites/movies just to encourage a server.
3) morning capping.
4) Bandwagon people, i still have friends in the server (lower tires) I joined before, and those lost a lot of people. Almost every server is loosing people. People are bored of wvw. The only server NOT loosing people is vizunah. 3 weeks ago they did not even have half of the people they have now. So basically (they never admit it, but we know it’s true) they got a huge influx of bandwagoning.
5) Pvdoor (just hitting doors, no players), gives to much reward, for the effort, making the vizunah ‘no-sleep-zombies’ more motivated to keep on degrading t3 towers to t1.
6) headstart with t3 towers every day, when other server have to rebuild them (morning pvdooring)
7) The french seem more focussed then any server i’ve ever seen on point. When SFR it was actually fun because vizu didn’t hide in towers. They actualy often did suidice runs just to safe a tower/point for point tick. Now they just sit in towers because pvdooring does all the work for them.
At the same time this give this to enemy servers:
1) Anet made massive mistake, making sfr free to transfer server (medium pop), during that action. All the cheap players transferred there. They ATE the queue of the more skilled guilds. And i must admit, SFR suddenly became less organized and easier to kill. Vizunah can thank Anet for making it easier for them. Many good guilds left.
2) Desolation have very good motivation, but the always ‘just not, just below, still underdog’ feeling, slowly began to demoralize. When the SFR nerf came in (Anet influx of pugs, free transfers), the game totally blown out of the water, giving desolation no chance at all. Influx of leavers. We wanted to drop for 4 weeks. The condition of many guilds was ‘drop or we leave’. We lost them because of the system. Being fed up with vizunah and yet being locked into a prison with vizunah is demoralizing desolation to hell now.
Who’s at fault? Anet for not caring about the most fun part of their game (wvw). Pvdooring not punished enough. Zerging by pressing button one (and i state ONLY), there was confusion counter to it, but now even that is not nerfed.
What’s the conclusion? Anet changed the game that way that Everything vizunah likes is boosted, and everything the opponents like is NERFED. Vizunah will have a free ride for YEARS now, and every server fighting them, will have a nightmare week.
Symptoms that need fixing? Morning pvdooring should NEVER EVER yield as much points as in peak hours. NO WAY. The karma/exp/gold alone is much higher then in peak hour. THAT alone is enough intend. Don’t give it even more intend by overpowering +500 easy point ticks. It’s plain wrong Anet. Play for a weak against vizunah square and you’ll know.
Mindless zerging should be nerfed. Arrow cart stacking should be nerfed (max of 2 withing 3k range).
And stop making people leave the game. Every server but vizunah is a casualty of players leaving game/wvw.
Why they leave?
Wxp update not that good
Profession nerfs that kill builds
Overpowering servers, that in no way can be defeated (demoralizing)
Even worse, the loosing server realizes this, WANTS TO DROP, and can’t.
Because of the crappy glicko system.
Being locked with overpowering enemy slowly demoralizes, and in the end you destroy communities. Desolation lost 15 guilds so far because you locked us in t1 with a too strong enemy.
Resulst, we are weaker, vizunah is stronger, and the system STILL doesn’t allow us to drop. STILL, STILLLLLLLLLLLLL. C’mon anet wake up.
When i have to do work on computer, there’s two realities. There’s the errors I make, and there’s the screen I look at where everything is perfect. If you type errors, and look for them on computer screen, your brain FIXES them for you before you realize them, never seeing them. Anet is suffering from this.
The issues are RIGHT THERE IN FRONT OF YOU. No the Guild Wars Paradise ain’t there yet, it aint perfect yet. The errors are still there begging for you to be fixed in a proper way (tested, unlike confusion nerf).
(edited by Phoebe Ascension.8437)
Agree with Tallis completely. Well they could have used their monthly salary, not use it on SAB team, and get more ‘skilled profession balancing’ hired, to TEST stuff actually before it goes life (and conclude the obvious fact, that the confusion nerf is way over the top).
When you hit yourself for 5k when you use a skill its pretty self explanatory.
You need Massively burst, timing and perfect combo to get 15 confusion stacks on someone. On top of it, a player should NEVER HAVE that many on him. He should have dodged at least 5 of them, lowering it to a 3k hit wich by far aint that that. If you die by 5k it’s your own fault. Only in complete chaos i give you the benefit of the doubt, but hey it’s CHAOS everywher can die. You can die by unexpected killshot too… Lets nerf it too…
I got 6×80 profession. Mesmer has the most hours, but for instance the lack of aoe, or trusthworthy condition damage (good players avoid confusion damage altogether), always pushed me away. This change, sorry bye bye mesmer. Not that the mesmer stinks. The nerf stinks, and the one responsible for it.
80% of the vizunians on EB are mindless uplevled ppl (mostly), who just want WXP, they see WXP, they go for it. They see a gate, they step into it because open field is to hard for them. They see the commander? They mindless follow him.
Meta and War Legends are the only vizunah guilds I respects (and a few others i’ve forgotten the name). But they represent almost NOTHING in EB/bl. Nothing. I rarely EVER see them.
It’s the pug ‘I must have WXP’-rage, and low-end french server > vizu bandwagoning, that makes vizunah win.
Of course forums warriors will disagree. Most likely the ppl doing that are right in their own way (they worked hard, and are not the pug wxp addicted players). But the fact remains while those people THINK it’s because of them vizunah wins, they are wrong. The pugs are. The Bandwagon pugs. The no job/no sleep/canadian people. Disagree AGAIN all you want. WE KNOW you have no sleep on the job ppl OR Canadian people OR no job people. We all know it’s probably a combo of all 3.
While i know Canadian player are exagerrated here on forums as reason vizu wins (they don’t have that many), why do you keep lying, when a vizunah friend already confirmed it to me MANY times, that you have canadian people? Get your facts straight people.
Congratz to GC allies (the behind the scens workers), meta, WL and similar guilds. You do a nice job. You probably at least partially even deserve the victory because of your work. (not that SFR or deso work worse, but it’s quite sad vizunah respect for our work is so low. like we don’t have to work for our communities). Kuddos to Troma (while i know he has great assistents, i’m 100% sure without Troma anywhere around, Vizunah would drop at least 20% in efficiency).
To the 80% of Vizunah Zombie WXP wanting army: Nope you didn’t deserve the victory. You should be ashamed of yourself. You have no Honour, and a lot of you bandwagoned, (deny it all you want, most of bandwagon ppl probably never even visit forums, or talk, or use teamspeak, so why deny it?).
So yeah vizunah is right AND wrong at the same time. No matter how much we discuss it this will remain.
And vizunah is BORING TO FIGHT LIKE HELL. You Pvdoored everything. Got loads of loot. And when primetime comes you STILL FLEE LIKE CHICKENS into your towers when we ‘might’ (far from sure, because you have more numbers) win. C’mon guys. 1,62 silver. Is vizunah that greedy? Is 1,62 silver more important thant a good fight (wich I equal to fun). Is pvdooring more fun? Or are the pvdoor rewards just to tempting? Is reward all you care about and that’s why you train so much? Well I already know the answer since 80% of vizunah are WXP zombies. (Not that sfr or deso don’t have those, but in much lesser numbers).
(edited by Phoebe Ascension.8437)
A-net knows what they are doing,
No offence but they don’t. The SOTG INCREDIBLE disappointed me. The two Anet interviewed guys where WAY TO often WAY to clueless. If they even REMOTELY played the profession in their free time at least 50-100 hours each, they would’t not have made such epic mistakes in the video. Such plain wrong decisions. That show their ignorance to the real problems.
The confusion nerf PROOFS they don’t have a clue. They haven’t played wvw enough. End of the story. And decent player knows that almost any build used by a smart players outmaches confusion at any time. If they cant realize that then i’m very disappointed.
The best worker at Anet is by FAR, by very very very FAR Robert Houda. Massive congratz to that guy for caring for gw2 so much. If I had anything to say, i fire almost every gw2 worker, or let them change their style to Houda’s, and make Robert boss of Anet in the process. If he had anything to say over class balancing, this game would SKY-ROCKET.
(edited by Phoebe Ascension.8437)
It is overpowered,if you ever play wvwvw you should know it is…just as quickness was overpowered and reduced with 50%…I can understand you not liking your class being touched,but you have to stay realistic and deal with it.
Read my post Above. If you play like 1) part of my post, then you deserve to die. ‘noo you are op QQ is just pointless when it’s clear it’s your OWN FAULT you died.
Confusion is the most clear thing of everything in guild wars. You see it you can avoid it. End of the story. If you cant deal with that…
I have 6x 80 professions, still not sure wich to make because non are ‘trule’ overpowering all others in all aspects (i’m a very demanding person, and even a slight fail like bad underwater skills tend to put me off on a profession). With over 200 hours on all 6 professions (and 560 on mesmer) I can conclude with 10000000000% certainty that Nerfing confusion is wrong.
You have FULL condition damage, sceptor/torch + staff. You burst the crap out of them. The target can do a lot of things.
1) he’s a new player and keeps doing fast auto attacks. With exotic gear, and healing burst ready (nr 6 skill) it would take aprox 9 auto attacks (5 stacks confusion, wich most burst aprox apply), each ticking 1500 damage to kill the player. NINE. And he played very bad. I saw a lot of player STILL survive after this. The problem with my current weapon setup is the other condition damage is very bad, only with some lucky bleeds/burns on staff you might push the enemy but most of time you almost do NO damage. Nerfing it to current state would make a ‘new player’ (kind wording, but you know what i mean), to trigger aprox 30x a 5x confusion stack to kill himself. (only perfect timed heal interrupt might kill him sooner). What Anet forget is that while he takes confusion damage we ALSO take damage. Many auto attacks even almost do as much damage as this 1500 confusion damage ticks. So basically this so called overpowered confusion, still barely is better in the hands of a skilled player against a ‘new player’.
2) This was only the beginning. We started against new players and had trouble setting off confusion enough, to take down opponent. Now we play against good player. He makes a mistake (does two skills in succession with confusion on him). He takes 3k damage. He soon realizes this, either removes the confusion or stops attacking. The moment it wears off he punishes you with your bad damage and goes all out against you. You take at LEAST 3k damage. All this effort for a ‘status quo’ (no progress for neither player, but probably the WORST for the mesmer).
3) Against a master player now. Crap you don’t stand a chance. It won’t do a kitten. No this aint kidding Anet! It’s the truth. They recognize your action to perform confusion. At most they do ONE mistake and take ONE confusion stack damage. ONE. After that they INSTANT remove it, INSTANT punish you so hard, like you never seen before and before you know it, you are downed and defeated.
Confusion OP in wvw? Anet Anet Anet. Wake up. Wave of Wrath is 100000000000000% stronger then confusion. It does 1k damage on crit (often with popular knight builds), and might trigger flame blast aoe (sigil of fire), to 5 random player in front of you in a massive cone, that never misses. Spam that button, and garanteed win in wvw, if you are in a zerg and know how to survive. And Anet thinks confusion is op? Halleluja. You just nerfed condition mesmer into the GROUND. And meanwhile mindless auto-attacking zergs, have even LESS punishment for their LAZY yet succesfull actions. Epic mistake Anet. Please correct it ASAP.
You listen to a lot of QQ, and while i udnerstand some of it, now you went a bridge to far.
Atm mesmer is not my main, (having issues choosing one tbh, but that’s beside the point). So i’m not biased here, you are nerfing a class, i’m not playing, and yet i’m here to tell you Anet, it’s wrong.
The only reason you’ll ever die in a 1 vs 1 to confusion is YOUR OWN FAULT. Confusion can’t kill an enemy, unless he makes terrible mistakes. Now you are telling me, the player that played bad, didnt deserve his defeat, and that the mesmer should be at the short end (defeated)? Meh, just meh. Think better before updating stuff like this.
Lag battles = chance to fail ‘standing in circle’-event reward.
Renewed focus can already be as strong as you suggest op. No update needed. Just use ‘superior runes of lyssa’… Apart from the ‘to allies part’ but yeah that would be op anyway.
Yeah a similar one, VIII in Arcane. (staff skills have greater aoe.). the biggest ones remain capped (meteor shower), but almost all of the small ones become bigger.
Google how much AMD opteron/Intel Xeon cost (especially the faster models). Then realize this game doesn’t have subscription. Where do you think they find this amount of money for 50 servers? I’m afraid it won’t happen. The problem is just to small for Arenanet to pay this much money for. (with small i mean, for me i get this skill lag for about 5-10% on a global scale, although some days are really bad, like weekend).
Sorry but disagree with you. Norn are known to be arrogant, and even a little selfish. Their looks/size/lore supports that. I Just love them 6 of 9 of my characters are norn. And they definitely look more arrogant/sturdy. Humans look fragile in comparison.
Under which rock do you life? SFR kicked your kitten 5 weeks in a row without toomuch effort and than stopped playing as they used to be cause guilds retired, left, take a break, decided to drop a tier (or 2), getting bored of no competition at all. Than you will win another week and start bragging about how good Vizu is? Tell me pls where I can buy that drug, seems to be pretty good.
As I said…
Let’s put it a easier way then… VS players never take a break… Maybe later you’ll understand… As for the kicked kitten without toomuch effort or the lack of competition I’ll just remember you your server arrived “Ah now we’ll kick your kitten right into T2” And with all your strength(without even talking about deso “help”) you only made us go down one place… So yeah…
Oh and I never said VS is good(I don’t think that). I didn’t even said you were bad. I just said you had no chance of victory with your current mind state…
So wrong. Last month vizunah barely played. Barely had number. Barely had commanders. Barely had morning cap. Suddenly, out of a miracle, their coverage is tripled, they have 3h+ queues again, commanders again, morning capping again. News floats fast. The catalyst for this is (and only every will be) Troma. Without troma, the guys playing the other games wouldn’t care much.
He’s only the catalyst. haha. Way to few credit. I know what uniting a server means and how hard it is. Without troma, the ‘superior uniter’, even you would mean nothing. If if you think Desolation only stands for destruction, and has no means of having fun/teamwork/involving pugs etc, then you are incredible mistaken. But we have our problems (just as you guys have). If vizunah WAS perfect, they would never ever have lost with their massive coverage. But they did. Troma recovered Vizunah. And you guys can all go in full denial now. But this is the truth, and deep down you know it.
This is by no means trolling or flaming. It’s just stating the obvious fact. Troma gets way to few credit. Since most of the vizunians are ‘mass players’ (aka they don’t know what to do on their own so they follow the mass), you guys probably don’t understand how hard uniting a server actually is. For you it might seem cake, but in reality it isn’t.
(edited by Phoebe Ascension.8437)
BTW where is the source for this? The person mentioned in OP always scares me because he’s to naive on a perfect guild wars 2, making it often worse with naive decisions.
Knowing the OP’s posts in the vizu/deso/sfr thread, he’s absolutely trolling.
Agreed. We need to figure out how we want to handle this, however, so I can’t say when we’ll do something about it or what the nature of the solution will be.
Put a mini pet in the store that sells for 2k gems. This mini pet picks up all your bags automagically. You would have a gold mine with this.
You clearly played rappelz. And you know that game made tons of mistakes (bugs, wrong decisions), Anet do not copy anything rappelz did, they are the masters of failure (understatement). Loot pets cause more lag, bugs, not picked up loots, more name tag overhead on screen etc.
Roflstomp, if i enter zerg, i get aoe’d by 3x barrage STACKED. 30x 900 damage (if berserker). And you are kitten that retaliation exists? It’s there for a reason. Everything has a perfect counter. Confusions mesmer 1 vs 1 are very hard to beat but they suck in zergs (compared to other professions/builds). Barrage is good in zergs, but has it counters. Mesmers hate conditions, so spamming them on mesmer like necro can or SB archer will kitten them off. It’s how it works. People just want perfect cookie butter builds, but they don’t exist. Ele comes close, but at least they don’t have retaliation. Guardians need retaliation imo. 5 aoe’s stacked can bring down a guardians hp in no time, but guardian has to stay in the frontline.
If he had retaliation, it’s your fault for being to ‘killhappy’, or loot hungry.
Only FEW (very few!) aoe’s need a nerg. That is barrage (10 aoe hits in a row is incredible strong, most aoe’s, tick 1-3 times). And there’s the kit engineers have… Won’t call it out loud, but you know what I mean. Necro marks are good pve, and a big nerf might be to big, but the amount of damage they can do is enormous with maxed out condition damage. Certain melee auto attacks are also to effective.
Zerg vs Zerg should be defocused from melee auto attacking. 2-5 skills, should be the ones that make most difference.
Pvp damage/heal nerfs are WAY to big to be implemented in wvw. If they copy them… Then all the fun is gone. Fun is what the game is about NEVER EVER forgat that.
We’re lucky hate and Anet didn’t destroy Vizu.
Only reason vizunah doesn’t collapse is Troma. We all know that. Without him, most of the vizunians wouldn’t even play anymore.
Don’t take this the wrong way but it would be healthy for t1 if Troma didn’t have miraculous charming power over other players. Then we finally would fight with equal weapons, and not against burned out, at least twice as big as the enemies armies.
@ vynt in borderlands vizu and SFR both blob way worse then deso. You guys create 90+ blobs… That’s madness and need perfect control of the ppl who are online. Deso rarely have that amount of people, and if they do, they rather split up. If you think 50-60 blob is bad, then look at your own 90+.
Omg this is the WORST STONEMIST LAG EVER. Everyone frozen, you teleport back to where you moved. Attack skills NOT WORKING AT ALL.
Stop the 95+ stonemist blobs vizunah… You can’t want this lag either. And that you guys are not good with smaller zergs is your own fault. Ethically, WANTING this much of lag (or knowing it, and being responsible), is just wrong. Stop it vizu.
All the people who adore Time warp either do dungeon or pvp. In Wvw (my main playground) Tw is ‘just good’ (i’m not kidding here, in the chaos of the battle, the full potential of quickness goes incredible easy gone, and with only 50% boost, mesmer staff auto attack, attacks 2x more then normal.) That’s in best case scenario a 2k damage boost because an elite. (other players ofc can take advantage too, but it’s very random, and they might only get 2k out of it as well). You can Speedclear Cof all you want, you can pvp all you want, in wvw time warp is mediocre now. And I don’t like moa morph, and the cloack one is only good for roaming, so i’m pulled away from mesmer again I guess. Ele/Necro elites are way better. Like tornado of ele. Or Necro plague form.
In wvw it’s is massive better then a quickness field. It has FASTER CD. STABILITY (better then almost anything in wvw), and it repeatly stuns multiple enemies (massive CC), this skill will turn the tables in a battle, massive better then Time Warp. And for the pvp crybabies, ofc quickness is OP in a 1vs 1 fight (old quickness x2 speed). I don’t disagree with that. But they should have split this decision from pve/wvw. Almost all other profs have at least one elite affected by traits that affect one kind (4 total thus) utility skills. Thief = basilisk venom (many trait), warrior Signet of Rage, Ele Glyph of elementals, necromancer Flesh golem etc etc etc
insane battles versus IRON and a mixed SFR raid jesus i like it so much, i think i’m going to scream war songs and charge like a kittening crazy
Now you making me even more curious wich of the vizu commanders you are. I hope you are not the lonely commander that ran behind Wildcreek today. He/She was an incredible easy kill.
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