No excuse anymore for not giving ‘hide mounts’-option
No thanks to unidentified weapons.
Lol @ 2 servers vs one. The last hour its 100% obvious. They are not fighting each other at all. French friendship i guess. Either way i’m proud of my server, that we don’t go this low for victory.
It’s pretty simple, vizunah has fun now because they can kill lot of people (because they outman everything). Soon everyone leave (no fun fighting a tyrant), they are bored (vizu, no oppenents, no battle, empty wvw), and thus the fight can then maybe actually begin again in a fair manner.
I’m currently using Khilbron armor. Why khilbron? cause it synergizes for condition damage. It gives condi damage (important), it also gives thoughness (always handy, and with rune of the undead 6th slot, you get 5% thoughness > condition damage conversion), it also gives crit rate.
Now the last may sound silly, but weapon slots work on crit, so Sigil of earth (60% chance on crit 5 sec bleed) works better this way. Same for the minor trait in curses, 66% chance on crit to bleed.
Atm Khilbron is again expensive. With karka event lots were brought to economy making the price drop. If this event has a similar chest, the price might drop again, keep an eye on it.
If this is to expensive, carrion is a nice set to start. But it felt slightly (not much though lacking). Hit points (vitality) isn’t really defence (thoughness), and power aint necessary for condition build.
I’m fine with it atm, i rarely feel ‘omg it must recharge faster’. On mesmer i don’t like other manipulation (wich it is) so -20% recharge on those is a waste, most of time. However on ele, cantrips are very usefull, all of them. So i rarely go without -20% recharge trait. This makes the different for me only 6 seconds, wich i really can live with, if you realize with the trait ‘cantrips give vigor/regen’ is much stronger then any mesmer trait involving manipulations. Balance is a gift, and I like it the way it is.
(edited by Phoebe Ascension.8437)
Wathever I do hammer feels to slow. The thing is without symbol of protection, your 1-chain is INCREDIBLE weak. And the thing is, there’s LOADS of ways to screw up a 3rd attack in chain (dodge by enemy, CC you, die before that, just moving) etc. Everytime i need dps from SoP, it fails, no matter how hard i Try. Secondly to predictable. Everyone sees your hits. If you know guardian, you know you just have to dodge the third one, making the weapon pretty useless. I like the GS so much more. both control/dps wise, it feels so much smoother. But that’s just my opinion. I WANT to like hammer, but no matter what i do, i rarely am in the mood for it’s ‘slowness’ (and being easy to dodge).
One major advantage of thief is they can always escape. And thus eat food, and never die while having it. In my opinion this give thief a 5-10% attack bonus (there’s food that give 6% of thoughness/4% precission all towads power). For a profession that’s able to never die if well played, such a buff is cheap and almost overpowered to other professions.
Agree, this game is made to be enjoyed. There are still flaws, but I have hope they might be fixed. And if there ever come expansions, this game will have ‘endless’ amount of content (wich it already has not, but might be a tad repetive at times).
Rune of soldier, 3 shouts on skill bar, Renewed focus, altruistic healing and you are set. did I die in zergs? yes. Did i escape impossible situations? yes. You can use all 3 virtues twice (once before renewed focus, and once after), they all give healing due to altruistic healing. Two shouts give protectoin AND regeneration at same time. Use greatsword leap of faith to get out of range. Time shouts when they immobalize you to remove it (rune of the soldier, full set).
In gw1 i waited incredible long before i grinded endgame (obsidian armor). Then suddenly it was crazy crazy hard to get them because super high prices (low supply, high demand), and so few players farming ecto. Secondly my personal ecto drop rate went from reasonable to nothing, pure waste of UW scroll (also expensive).
I promised myself to NOT make this mistake in gw2. Guess what i travelled 16 days in september (two weeks, right when I was about to hit 80 before my guildies). Guess what this disturbance alone, penaltalized incredible badly on me.
Firstly I missed the cheap exotic rush (1-2g a piece, lvl 80).
Secondly I missed the ’there’s ppl on every map, so getting completion is a piece of cake’, now i must work triple as hard on some maps to get the same level of completion.
Thirdly everything has gotten CRAZY expensive. Even now when prices should have stabalized LONG time, it’s still rising. Rising for god’s sake. Every day I don’t farm, the goal for legendary goes more and more away. Yes some days i grind hardcore. But then the next day I cannot see a single zombie anymore and I must go elsewhere (wvw).
I though gw2 was about freedom not pressure. Sure legendary is endgame. But without a FIXED amount of pressure (aka steady, not going up every minute), the endgame gets hader and harder, and puts pressure on people in the form of ‘farm now, or die later due to excessive requirements’.
I hope you actually fix this because, well you know. In the Ama reddit posts they said they would add ascended gear to all parts of the game. I secretly REALLY hope they do so in wvw. I love wvw, but i rarely play it because i doesn’t reward enough. Still if ascended gear (don’t care if it costs 10k badges) is added to wvw, i will 100% focus on it. Now I feel forced in pve stuff i don’t wanna do (fractals, Orr farming, map completion – i like this last one but I want to take it slowly, so i can enjoy the game even after a year, legendary now forces you to do it now, and be bored later because of to fast tempo/repeading).
I really hope the it’s just a precursor inflation, wich means higher T6 demand. Arenanet, please don’t insert precursor (unless you don’t trick me again like in that legendary karka failure where i missed my lonely chance) anymore, until the market has stabalized. Or next event, reward players with T6 mats to even it out, instead of precursors. Now the high precursor ‘ownage’ blocks T6 market, and players to acquire them. I know you guys don’t have enough manpower, but atm it looks like you are to much waiting for the problem to be automaticly be solved.
Clearly there’s even this month (watch monthly question marks) but please please please DONT MAKE THIS CRAZY MISTAKE AGAIN. no more precursor/t6 mats imbalance (that one of both drops way to much compared to the other).
(edited by Phoebe Ascension.8437)
I must express this concern as well. I WANTED to farm legendary. But every day it gets more expensive. I get 23g (tops, on a very good day), a day. But sometimes Some mats (250 fold) get already in total that much more expensive in a few days. Meaning I farmed for nothing. That i haven’t made progress. And without progress, I won’t even start on it.
there’s two groups of players that have opinions on the thief. The mediocre (or bad) players and the good (responsive) players. First group will hate thiefs, and QQ until they get nerf. Second group will understand the mechanisms, etc. That group knows how to escape a thief attack, and will most of the times manage to do so.
I do fractals and instances and all I see from thieves are P/P thieves which is just as bad as a Guardian using staff. Your damage SUCKS and all you are doing is making the fights take longer. I don’t care if you enjoy the looks or playstyle you should be doing what you can to help down mobs in an efficient manner not doing the crappiest damage of everyone in the group.
STOP using P/P in group instances it SUCKS
If the instance is easy I agree staff guardian sucks. However for surviving and support, staff is great. Especially if it’s hard to reach the mobs from your current location, the cone will hit all of them. against the legendary ice elemental (dredge), staff + empower + altruistic healing + line of warding (at the burnt lava locations) = win.
So please think before you post. Sure i can see some noobs just spamming staff aoe 1. But that doesn’t make all staff users bad. And in combat i mainly use GS/hammer as main weapon, switch to staff when things go bad (empower can heal quite a lot to me and to party members).
For fast moving i recommend Greatsword as second weapon set. Spam Leap of faith (faster then swiftness running). Keep in mind staff symbol swiftness does NOT trigger if you already have any amount of swiftness on you. Only cast it when you are out of swiftness.
My opinion is the following. Thief is a class you must know. I’ve played all profession now, except Engineer.
A profession that you don’t play, but seems to do impressive stuff, always seems op. This goes for 100b warrior, this goes for cloacking thieves, that smash you to dead with combo’s.
However having played now both warrior and thief, I must say those professions don’t feel overpowered. Most profession have a steep learning curve to get the full potential out of it. Thief especially.
I think thief profession would have no point if damage is nerfed further. Thief is about hiding, coming out, doing a combo, and vanish again. They are punished with heavy squishyness, so a mistake is punished quickly. Being mainly a melee profesion, we almost have no defence, except our profesison mechanism, cloacking. And it works greatly. It’s for sure true that, a cloacked thief, using up all Initiative, will crank out a lot of damage. However is this overpowered? nope. Because any other profession, responding with Protection, retaliation, Stability, Dodge, or any other defensive moves, will have a lot of chance to survive this combo. And after this combo, the thief is an easy target. If he can’t cloack to escape, he’s a dead man. That’s how it works. High risk, high reward. Don’t see the problem with it tbh.
If you ever nerf thief (wich I really think is unnecessary) then boost armor/Utility/survival. For instance our condition removal ain’t that good either. Another punishment me think? Everlasting swiftness, that a lot of profesisons have, we don’t have either. While this isn’t bad (we got a signet of shadows for that), it’s still a downside. We also have skills like shortbow 5 but those cost initiative.
In my opinion the problem is people crying they died by a capable thief. I’ve met thief, that were incredible easy to kill (easier then almost any other profession). However their skills were not so good. However capable thiefs really can be a pain. But isn’t that the point? I mean good mesmers, guardians, warriors, ele’s, etc can be a pain too in their own way. I think lot of players are also yealous of thiefs. It’s one of the few professions that can escape a ‘lost battle’ so well. It’s indeed annoying when you finally have a thief almost down, that he disappears and doesn’t come back. But that’s how the profession works. If you like it, make one yourself. But since you keep crying, i think the issue is, people want to play the easier profesisons (at least for them personally), and still get the same rewards, as they think a thief gets. But they struggle when actually playing one, so instead of accepting it, they go QQ (whine).
Keep as it is in my opinion.
Atm that’s correct. However a few weeks earlier (before winter hour got introduced), it seems it was 1 am (2 am GMT). I might be wrong on it though.
Make new char? I probably lvled 13 chars to 20 already (deleted a few), made new ones with different looks/races etc. Going to different stories really is fun. Human, norn, sylvari stories are very different, as are their starting area’s.
As for endgame. Wvw i considering endgame, althought everything (including wvw) gets borign after a while. So now i switch between farming gold (Orr, on guardian), wvw (on any of my 4 lvl 80 chars for variation), and making new chars. So far good balance. The moment they add even more content (wich they eventually will), guild wars (potentially) could have a lifetime content (like gw1 had tbh).
800 hours playtime here. Yes sometimes I’m bored, but there’s so much to do in gw2, that switching to something else, always stops boredom for me. Talking to new people, making friends, talking about builds, puzzles etc, also fun to me
With 30 into virtues even more certain to use active. Because you get 30% virtue recharge rate bonus. 23 secs around that is now. That goes pretty fast by. Basically you got an extra skill! Also if you got 5 in radiance it counts as a aoe blind (forgot to mention that). So it even gets more use.
With the trait renewed justice (15 in radiance tree). Definitely activating. Without activating, sword with it’s fast attack rate and 3rd hit that counts for 3 (so 3 hit-chain means 5 hits, so means every chain gives one Virtue of justice trigger), might take more advantage out of passive. However you must know BOTH the strenght (damage per second) and the duration are worse with the passive as the active. So imo always use active. Especially with 5 in virtue traits, you get even more out of it. The might you get this way, doesn’t work with the passive. So you only get might when using it.
Last, you want to use burning as fast as possible to boost kill speed. By only hitting on 5th attack, it might sometimes come to late, and be of no use at all. While activating it, you will get full use of it most of the time.
I don’t hate zergs. Let this be clear. But wvw Anything is possible. Even unlikely stuff like 5 people capping a keep. It’s incredible boring that you guys never try this.
It’s so predictable these days. Expect any moment a VS zerg, and the moment they loose, see them flying like loose rabbits. BT/AS (and other servers) at least have some 10 vs 40 (in defence) victories. It’s your right to it but it’s boring. I play wvw for exciting fights.
Vs is indeed top tire, but only because they know the loopholes in wvw.
@ Slashpaf. I’m not a pvp pro by far. That’s what makes it so funny when 95% of Vs loose 1 vs 1-3 to me. (but this only happens if we manage to split up your 40+ zergs, when you panic away – otherwise never meet Vizu in this small amount) Really just using basic pve strategy (should never work in pvp stuff), killed a lot of VS people.
I know saying this doesn’t change anything. But this game is about fun, and Vizu really seems to have forgotten that.
And just interesting to see reactions. Like the one saying BT is the zerg server. You know last week when I was online there was rarley a commander online. Maybe half of the time we managed to get 40+ people group but all the rest were small groups, defending against double Vizu numbers.
A suggestion: learn your skills. Then vizu with their huge numbers might actually have 3K list points instead of 2050. As it stands last week BT won with smaller number to my opinion wich gives more satisfaction then zerg-victory.
(edited by Phoebe Ascension.8437)
Vizunah square has weak pvp skilled players, but only win because they are groupies.
Last weeks I had 100+ encounters with Vizu. They NEVER EVER were in groups smaller then 15 people. They never ever fought till the end because then they would die (with equal numbers). They always keep running and running. Mistform addictives I call them.
Sure zerging is a viable strategy. But if you can only win with that, then you are a weak server. I’ve seen no pvp skills worthy yet from Vizu players. Very few of them worth oppenents 1 vs 1. Sadly they hide behind ‘downed, backup, get allies heal, go in again’ strategies. Without it, they are peanuts.
If zergs (will never happen), somehow would be prohibited, Vizunah square will drop in the list so fast, as you would never have seen before. So weak are they in the pvp area.
preps for lot of pissed Vizu players.
If you want me to change my statement, come and fight with smaller groups. And proof those small groups can survive, not run away like you are so good at.
Now, this has no indication of difficulty, but both swamp and aquatic are easy as heck, and the fastest fractals. Whenever I see them Im more than happy.
Eesh, I built both of those… guess I need to toughen them up a bit…
No thanks. Every single Fractals instance is harder then gw1 Slavers’ Exile and i Hated that dungeon for real. Making it even harder is takign away all fun I will ever have in gw2.
I have necro, ele and mesmer at 80. I’ve chosen Necro. They may not be best, but they are the best Allround imo. good for siege (marks ftw, can hit people on walls unlike stupid Iberserker now of mesmer). They are durable (not as squishy as ele), And their melee builds outshine the other two imo. Only mesmer 1 vs 1 Might be good due to immortal frenzy skill. But allround when zerg vs zerg, mesmer feels waste, as does ele. My necro happely sneaks marks from far away under the zergs feet, to confuse/scare them.
I’m using my necro all time in wvw. Greater marks rocks for attacking buildings. You can easely do some nasty condition damage on them. Then I cast Epidemic, and poof see them running It doesn’t always kill them but hey they are occupied and that means we can freely take the gate
1 vs 1 I must still practise but i’m getting better at escaping warrior/thiefs burst now. And having 1200 range really is nice. You need it. Otherwise a zerg can overrun and cul you. Spamming conditions at max range + spread them is such a nice way to break a zerg up. And while those people run away my people advance and soon we get upper hand. Not saying that’s all because of me, but it definitely helps. 5+ stacks of 1000+ condition damage bleeds stacks on people makes them panic.
And panic is a good way to kill people.
Hardcore farmed today to get 15g necessary for this. Thanks for mentioning it. I would never have noticed. Now we will see if this set is really that great as many say
8G? it’s 15G already. I rushed selling everythign with a bit of worth i had to get 4 of the 6 pieces so far. But soon they all go up even more.
I demand retry for those who missed Arenanet.
This event gives Zero reward while the mobs are very hard and easely kill you. Fail arenanet. I’m glad they don’t show as achievements though.
WTF? Double Iberserker nerf? Maybe i can live with LoS fix (still hurts a lot to me as i find damaging on walls essential for wvw), but 60% damage reduce? omfg. Then i can’t even farm Orr anymore. Really Berserker was the only thing that consistantly Tagged mobs. The only loot generater.
Omfgroflstomp. ele made useless. Mesmer made useless (especially pve).
Wells are both Utilities (blind, vulnerability, etc), and damage spells. The main stats to increase damage on wells are power, precision and crit rate, (in this order). In my opinion they go best together with an Axe/X Dagger/X build since those also require those stats to be effective. Some wells can be used however with condition builds. Well of Suffering damage is very high and even works good without heavy boosts to the listed stats.
If you like to focus on wells, you definitely should take the trait ‘wells recharge 20% faster’.
I like to stack Blood is Power, with Well of suffering, and Life transfer, for a high spike in damage.
Tbh if you are against weak teams, I love to farm some mobs, that way I keep my money up by loot for repairs. Without events, no reward, without reward no fun, and no repair funding.
/Rolls a Warrior. Seriously. I don’t like close combat, but I don’t like nerfs and a squishy profession, that does less damage as close combat one, and gets nerf after nerf.
Bleh. Weakest armor in game. Weakest hp ingame. And now you buff our only counter? (bunker build)? Evasive arcane should grand 1 blast finisher every 10 secs. End of story. More then one each 10 secs in same element probably OP. This however is underpowered. It surprises me Arenanet over and over ‘does small tweaks’ but in reality do huge changes. Realize this Jon peters. Evasive arcana effects (apart from water one) ARE WEAKER then the blast bonus. Get it? Weaker. So you just made Evasive arcane a grandmaster trait for the squishest class in the game, and one of the only worthwhile ones, over 50% weaker?
I’m laughing hard at it.
Same as Gw1. Overpowered ritualist (now guardian/warrior). They brought some laughable boost to the elementalist in gw1 but they never fixed the ‘ele need mana so they loose at least 2 skills only for mana management, compared to other profession’.
Same here. Now our problem is ‘squishyness’. We barely can survive. And now you made it worse.
So our main damage skills that can be avoided way easier then other profs (you can dodge and kill them, instead of only dodging), got weaker? Thanks Arenanet way to go. And trust me this will introduce new PvE frustration. Now When a path goes straight up the berserker won’t move or will be stuck in a stone. Wathever. Saw it with other phantasms, now this one is bugged too. This exception made the phastasm a worthy skill. Now bye bye mesmer. Will only use for jumping puzzles now.
Lame, bye bye mesmer for most of my time. Weak phantasms got weaker, huray for it. Now we cannot damage Castle Wall cowards at all. Lame.
9000 responses. No thread ever as far as I know reached that for GW2. Time to listen Arenanet.
It’s not ok to justify using a bug to compensate for lack of other skills/abilities. They should fix it, and give something useful in return, that can be used to similar effect (aoe of some sort).
And i think the overall power of this ability is exaggerated a bit, it’s more of an annoyance then anything else. You shouldn’t die to it.
Have you realized a ‘fast moving’ Berserker like this, will actually be bugged more with this ‘nerf’? Cause the moment there’s a difference in heigh he will get stuck and bug out. Thank you for for bringing more bugs instead of fixes to the mesmer.
I’ve defended walls. And trust me Meteor shower is WAY more deadly then iBerserker ever will be. Every ball of MS can do as much as a fully berserk builded iBerserker. Not that impressive imo. A dodge + heal and you are back in play.
What about warriors and killshot? Nerf it as well? Because i don’t like it kill me once standing on a keep? I don’t think so.
in Account & Technical Support
Posted by: Phoebe Ascension.8437
Win 7 yes. Didn’t change and power saving settings on my friends pc, so it’s default.
in Account & Technical Support
Posted by: Phoebe Ascension.8437
Bump (It might be important for a lot of players, if this actually works for others, I think a sticky is in order, still I’d like to hear if this works for others).
Copy pasting my Solution I posted in thread but it seems it vanished.
Hi everyone. My friend, bought Gw2 today. We installed the game. But the moment he logged in he lagged very badly, with only 2 fps. His computer has same fast cpu as me (3570K) and faster gpu (7850). I have no single issues, so it was clear something wasn’t right. We tried everything, and nothing worked, until trying the following:
*Go to taskmanager.
Select gw2.exe, right mouse, priority, select high from the list.*
I though about this because, i know 3570K is very fast, and if used at 100%, it should absolutely give gw2 no performance issues. The weird thing was it kept hanging at 20-60% tops. My gw2 experience is it more like 30-100%. So giving gw2 all resources it needs might fix it. And guess what! frames went up from 1-2 fps (really on lowest settings), to 135 fps (lowest settings). All lag gone.
Not sure if this is a fix for everyone, but since lot of people have this problem since last week/patches, I thought I might as well post if for everyone. I know how irritating it is, not finding a solution to this kind of problems.
Good luck fixing your problems, dear players.
Hope this helps
in Account & Technical Support
Posted by: Phoebe Ascension.8437
Hi everyone. My friend, bought Gw2 today. We installed the game. But the moment he logged in he lagged very badly, with only 2 fps. His computer has same fast cpu as me (3570K) and faster gpu (7850). I have no single issues, so it was clear something wasn’t right. We tried everything, and nothing worked, until trying the following:
Go to taskmanager.
Select gw2.exe, right mouse, priority, select high from the list.
I though about this because, i know 3570K is very fast, and if used at 100%, it should absolutely give gw2 no performance issues. The weird thing was it kept hanging at 20-60% tops. My gw2 experience is it more like 30-100%. So giving gw2 all resources it needs might fix it. And guess what! frames went up from 1-2 fps (really on lowest settings), to 135 fps (lowest settings). All lag gone.
Not sure if this is a fix for everyone, but since lot of people have this problem since last week/patches, I thought I might as well post if for everyone. I know how irritating it is, not finding a solution to this kind of problems.
Good luck fixing your problems, dear players.
I’m fully against it. They make our most competitive server full in no time, giving the actual EU players almost no interesting wvw server choice.
This problem would be a lot smaller if there didn’t exist french/german/spanish servers. I agree it’s usefull they exist, but now all the americans go to English (international) servers on EU, wich there are only a handfull of them, if we only count the serious wvw contenders. Either increase capacity of any international server (English), or stop this US/EU hopping.
People need to realize, there is no such thing as pure night capping. You’re playing on a server that anyone from all around the world could be playing on. Your perception of ‘night time”, IS their daytime. To others… you are the night cappers. Understand?
The few servers with actually 24h capture coverage are full. And here starts the issue, in my opinion, Arenanet. Make the servers bigger. Now some lucky people – prime time players -(sorry but it’s simply the truth) joined the right server that soaked up the small Asian player base, to have night coverage.
Call me A QQ’er but I want serious wvw, and my current server is pure ‘casual pve’-player based. Way to few wvw. Wich means no fun. Of course Arenanet allows transfer, so me happy. Until I click transfer window. Half of the server are not for me because they are german/french. Then the other half is ‘full capacity’. Then the first ‘possible’ ones in the list, have barely higher wvw population, organisation, night capping strength, then the last in list. Basically, the people who now start focussing in wvw (I didn’t wanna rush that part of the gameplay until i had some PVE experience), are to late to the party, and must miss all the fun. Until new wvw projects are started on the smaller servers, quickly rising to full capacity/night capping availability, there is no way for me to get into the realm of everlasting excitment/battles of wvw.
(edited by Phoebe Ascension.8437)
in WvW
Posted by: Phoebe Ascension.8437
After reading your posts about removing arrowcarts and PVP, I don’t think you’ll fit in with the mentality on Blacktide.
Seafarer’s Rest might be a better option for you.
If you read the actual topic, you see that my mind is changed somewhat about that. And 275 kills (vs overpopulated server) only 20 defeats around, ain’t bad Killed 3 arrow carts today. Basically if my server has the courage to build equipment we would have taken 4 castles already. Now with pure player skill (no equips) vs larger group + equipment, we fought 4 hours, without being defeated.
If they just used arrow carts like you guys did, we take the keep already.
76 Ele (latest), 80 Guardian, 70 Necromancer. I keep coming back to Mesmer knowing there is more potential to it then i’m currently using. I stopped using it after Orr farming frustrations. I found courage last week to play it again, and with a few upgrades (berserker) feels so much better already. My damage really went up. And i still need many more exotics. So i’ll stay at it for now I also found a very good way for tagging events. (greatsword). So i’m ok with it. What i love is that normal attacks do more damage then Ele. Ele rotations are fine, until after 30 secs, you exhausted all the worthy skills, and still didn’t kill the risen chasing you.
in WvW
Posted by: Phoebe Ascension.8437
Then it bugged lol. I think the ‘homeworld’ BT people see it as high while the people actually able to transfer see it as red. I logged like 5x last hours to see nothing changed, full full full
I looked at other servers btw but i’m not gonna join language specific servers. I want English one. To many german/FR ones. As I speak neither, I rather join Blacktide or alike without listed language (like vizunah square).
in WvW
Posted by: Phoebe Ascension.8437
Stop inviting lolz. You gave me false hope. Your server is full. Before someone leaves, nobody can enter. So no more advertising for Blacktide
It gives people false hope.
A full server doesn’t mean that no one can join that server until someone leaves.
A full server means that the server is at maximum capacity (in terms of people online at the same time) at that moment. If you wait for the server’s population to drop down to “high” or lower you will be able to join the server.
So, to transfer to this server, just wait until an ‘off-peak’ time and transfer then.
Good luck with your transfer and new server experience.
I’ve been looking at the transfer screen for 15 hours, nothing changed. You remain red. Just like Desolation. This is pretty calm hour and yet you guys still full lol. After 4 am i also looked full. So i don’t see possibility to join lol.
in WvW
Posted by: Phoebe Ascension.8437
Stop inviting lolz. You gave me false hope. Your server is full. Before someone leaves, nobody can enter. So no more advertising for Blacktide It gives people false hope.
Well i’m sure that book has no strategy, that can win in the mentioned situations (20 vs 50+ equipment). So that won’t solve anything.
You’ve completely failed to comprehend that this is exactly why you’re losing these battles. You’re pre-destined to lose them. Period. You’re expected to lose them. Siege isn’t the problem. Your tactics are. Let’s slow this down a bit.
You want to attack a superior force. All things being equal, this is strike one.
You want to attack a fortified position. Strike two.
You don’t (or won’t) understand why these result in a losing situation. Strike three.Think. If they’re there, they’re not somewhere else. Attack where they’re not. Starve them out. Beat them with points. Who cares if they hold a keep if the rest of the map is yours? If you want to charge head first into a fortified position with inferior numbers… you can’t blame the game for the inevitable results.
You fail to see one point of wvw. Chaos. Chaos serves in that way that many surprises can happen. If every battle was pre-destinied who wins (bigger force), then wvw would be boring and pointless. Wvw is about the battle you cannot win and still win. Look at youtube. So many guild posting ‘omg was so fun we owned them outnumbered’. Those alone proof you point wrong. But that is a whole other topic, strategy, that doesn’t really have to do with this.
Just to give you a hint of what happened yesterday. Our score was 48k vs 50k vs 78k. Now it’s 56k vs 79k vs 88k. Epic loss yesterday Clearly underdog. Basically it was helms deep. We fought what we could, but now lost.
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Contact /u/e-scrape-artist on reddit if you encounter a bug.