Showing Posts For Pifil.5193:

Legendary armor: medium vs heavy

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Pifil.5193


I’d say wait and see what the classes are like too. Soulbeast looks like it could be great but Firebrand might also be fun and either way it’s just over a month until the expansion.

Unless you need it right now for some reason just save the tickets until you find which one you prefer in the expansion. If you do that you will also be able to choose the best attributes for the new spec. You’ll probably even be able to choose one of the new attribute combinations being added in PoF.

Please let the hair show it

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Pifil.5193


This would need a re-design for every helmet skin adapted to each and every hair style.

Such is the price of incurring technical debt in software projects. Should have fixed it early.


Also, there aren’t that many hats in the game that need this at the moment, most helmets and hoods don’t need to show any hair so there’s only a handful of “bald” hats in the game that need to be addressed. They also don’t need to be adapted to each and every hair style.

I’d personally be happy if they made two copies of those hats, one for bald characters and the other that has a single kind of hair style that’s attached to the hat (but uses your character’s hair colour).

Unidentified gear - Please No, No, No, Nooooo

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Pifil.5193


No matter what you’re going to be spending 1s 68c per item you identify. That’s a cost of just over 50s to identify 30 items.
For that you probably get a blue, green or crafting materials but may get a Rare or better. We don’t really know what the drop rate will be like. From what I’ve seen on these forums some of us were lucky and got quite a few Rares but others identified a lot and didn’t get a single one.
All blues (and most greens) are worth less than the cost of identifying the gear.
The crafting materials you get out of salvaging a blue or green will typically be worth less than the cost of identifying the gear.
Unless you get a rare or exotic then you’re looking at losing money or – at best -
breaking even on every item.
Either way you’re losing 1s 68c of your potential profit per item so the money made from a rare or exotic will have to cover your losses when identifying everything else.

The point being then, that yes, you can just salvage the unID’d gear directly!

Well, that’s A point yes. You can definitely do that.

It’s not THE point however. The point of my post was to address the claim that:

If you get green or blue it about evens out and rare dropped 2/10 for me, even it’s 1/30, you would still gain plenty profit.

I do not believe this claim is true.

Unidentified gear - Please No, No, No, Nooooo

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Pifil.5193


Why not just id them then, it’s not even that expensive, you would almost always net gain with the drop rate.

Please link the stats that you draw this conclusion from. I haven’t seen any conclusive evidence for “you would almost always net gain”.

If you get green or blue it about evens out and rare dropped 2/10 for me, even it’s 1/30, you would still gain plenty profit.

No matter what you’re going to be spending 1s 68c per item you identify. That’s a cost of just over 50s to identify 30 items.
For that you probably get a blue, green or crafting materials but may get a Rare or better. We don’t really know what the drop rate will be like. From what I’ve seen on these forums some of us were lucky and got quite a few Rares but others identified a lot and didn’t get a single one.
All blues (and most greens) are worth less than the cost of identifying the gear.
The crafting materials you get out of salvaging a blue or green will typically be worth less than the cost of identifying the gear.
Unless you get a rare or exotic then you’re looking at losing money or – at best -
breaking even on every item.
Either way you’re losing 1s 68c of your potential profit per item so the money made from a rare or exotic will have to cover your losses when identifying everything else.

Now you might think that it’s only 1s 68c and that’s not much. Yeah, identifying a single item doesn’t cost that much. Identifying thousands over the course of the expansion? Well, that adds up quickly doesn’t it.

You might also think that the cost of materials is going to rise to cover this outlay. I’d say that’s not really likely as there are enough sources for these same materials both within PoF and in the rest of the game (including the materials that will be released onto the market by those who don’t identify their loot and just salvage it). The exception may be the Eyes of Kormir but we don’t know enough about the other sources for those or the recipes that use them to really know that.

I do think this system could work if they drop the cost significantly. Taking this option should not be such a huge gamble. The cost of blue level 80 gear starts at 60c. That is the most that should be charged to id the loot.

The Mounts are Useless

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Pifil.5193


Yes mounts and HoT masteries share a lot of the same functionality but where those HoT masteries typically can only be used in certain places (like bounce mushrooms, for example) mounts give you access to those abilities throughout the world.

That seems like a huge advantage to me. I’m looking forward to doing world completion on my raptor.

In PoF, What Reward Does UnID Gear Replace?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Pifil.5193


This is a step back from even GW1 where we at least we knew the rarity of the item that was unid’d. Does anyone ever like systems like this that are arbitrarily gold sinks?

To answer your question, it’s a gold sink and a bad one.

Advice to ArenaNet: if the system you are implementing is not as friendly as the mechanic in your game a decade ago, probably don’t implement that system.

Good point.

Very good advice too. The starting point of this new system is far too vague for me. It’s a green item that may turn into just about anything if I spend… the approximate cost of a green item. So I can give you money to get back an item that might be worth a lot less than what I’ve paid you? Or may (rarely) be worth a lot more?

That’s just gambling. I don’t really like gambling.

In PoF, What Reward Does UnID Gear Replace?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Pifil.5193


It’s not going to “replace” anything — it is part of the reward.

Part of what reward? That is what I’m trying to find out. Currently if I get blues, greens, rares, & the occasional exotic, I know exactly how I handle those and what I get from those rewards. I am trying to figure out how getting UnID Gear changes my reward (see the thread title).

It allows people with low magic find to sell directly to people with high MF and earn more, for less effort.

Does it? Where did you find this information? Especially about earning more for less effort?

The assumption seems to be that people will buy these on the TP, then pay to identify them in the hopes of getting lucky. They may but it also may not be worth their money.

Obviously it’s all up in the air at the moment, we don’t know what kind of new material sinks the expansion will introduce but at current market prices and from the little I’ve seen it seems to be a lot more profitable to salvage the unidentified loot and sell the materials rather than pay to identify them (identifying them mostly gives blues and greens worth less than the cost of identifying them) and then salvage them. If you add in the cost of buying them on the TP before identifying them then it’s a lot less attractive.

You may get lucky, of course, assuming precursors and whatnot can drop.

In PoF, What Reward Does UnID Gear Replace?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Pifil.5193


It seems to replace some equipment drops, but I did get normal items from mobs so it doesn’t replace all of them.

I like the Unid gear. I certainly receive a boatload of Rares, and a few Exotics. Selling one Rare covered the cost of 15 or more identifications. I also received regular blues and greens, etc. from mobs. It seemed most of the Unid gear was from event rewards (chest on side of screen).

Do remember, Magic Find affects Unid gear identification.

Yes but Magic Find also affects regular loot drops and those are “identified” for free as soon as they drop. Magic Find can also affect loot bags like some of the ones added to HoT and opening those is free and the resulting loot is “identified” as soon as you do so. So a new system is not required for Magic Find to work here.

The real problem with loot in HoT, IMHO, was that it dropped far too many different types of loot containers, recovered equipment chests, vined caches, mushroom caches, mordrem caches, champ bags (that didn’t always stack despite having the same name), and there were bags contained within bags.

They could have solved that problem by simply making sure that all the expansion maps dropped the same kind of loot bag, affected by Magic Find and by making sure that loot bag has a chance to drop unstable salvageable materials as well as equipment of all rarities.

Instead they’ve come up with an inconvenient (only at completed heart vendor) and quite expensive service (it often costs more than the resulting item is actually worth) that we never needed before in order to save some bag space.

It all looks like a bad deal to me and ArenaNet have given no information that makes me think otherwise.

Unidentified gear - Please No, No, No, Nooooo

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Pifil.5193


So……. let me get this straight…. MANY people over the years have complained about loot filling up their bags and there has to be another way. In comes the copper and silver salvaging gizmos. Then the complaints went to too many runes and stuff so still have to make a pit stop to sell off those and many came here and still come here to post these random complaints or dislikes or what have you.

NOW you get stacking unidentified gear that I assume stack to 250 and now you have:
1. Option to salvage
2. Option to have discover the gear then salvage.

So ANET once again seems to honor those who have the issues and I see no harm done in it. If you salvage and it appears you risk salvaging a possible exotic or precursor….. um…your risk you take.

Personally I see it as a good thing of saving bag space during random runs through the forests and in my downtime I can go discover and then salvage what I like.

People will just kitten anymore about anything….

As someone who complained about this inconvenience feature…

  • I never complained about bag space. I don’t even have all bag slots unlocked.
  • Stacking UNID’d gear is only better than stacking loot bags because you can choose to salvage. They’re worse than loot bags because if you want to “open” them, you have to go someplace specific and spend silver.
  • If this feature is meant to honor the requests of people who wanted not to have to deal with green runes and sigils, it seems like an odd way to go about it. Why not jsut make a vendor all option?
  • Assuming there will be bag space saving, you’re trading possible gain in time between inventory management stops for either: (a) losing out on being able to actually see what loot you’ve gotten; or (b) trading that time for time spent going to a heart, doing the heart (assuming you don’t otherwise care to), plus silver spent per ID. This is a bad trade either way.

Now, maybe there’s some purpose to this feature that we aren’t seeing. Perhaps if ANet were to stop being cryptic and actually explain the feature in full, including what they hope to accomplish, I might change my mind. As it, though, I can’t see how this is anything but a bad idea.

The goals as I see the are twofold:

1) reduce loot types. This system combines the “unstable” salvageable loot types we saw in LS3 with generic level 80 trash. Salvaging the unidentified loot gives a good mix of level 2-6 materials. Good job, on this one.
2) act as a gold sink. Charging people so much in order to identify their loot causes them to lose quite a bit of gold as they gamble on getting better loot. They added a high cost to identify them. They also added extra inconvenience in that you have to id the item at an unlocked heart. This part is terrible, imo.

Adding a type of bag with a choice of dropping unstable items and a right-click option to “open all” or “open x” where x is the number of empty inventory spaces in your bags would have been better, imo. Or having a type of bag you can salvage.

[Feedback]Path of Fire Preview - August 11 - 13

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Pifil.5193


I hope this demo excluded content and events that this map had. If it didnt i dont see any meaningful content in there. Other than that the map the skybox the music are all great.

Also if i may be honest i try to compaire the core and hot map sizes to this first 1 and the map just doesnt seem as big as i was led to believe.

We didn’t get the full map. During the HoT beta, only 1/5 to 1/4 of VB was accessible and few events happened. I’d imagine this is the case now too.

The PoF beta gave us about 2/3 rds of the map. On the world map it didn’t look all that much bigger than a lot of the the core Tyria maps or the HoT maps and those had multiple levels. Maybe the scale is different but they didn’t seem that much larger to me.

[Feedback]Path of Fire Preview - August 11 - 13

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Pifil.5193


I loved the mount, in fact I spent a lot of my time in the demo just riding him about the place. The mobs seemed good to me, I like the events I played (I didn’t understand the sand shark pup event, they seemed to randomly become usable sometimes).

I do not like the unidentified loot. The unidentified loot itself salvages nicely, replacing all the unstable materials and other random loot but you’ve basically changed it so that actually getting “regular” loot now costs me a lot of money.

If the system stays like this then the cost of identifying needs to be drastically reduced or removed. If the loot was categorised by rarity so you knew it was a rare or exotic item by the item itself I’d be OK with the cost.

Edit: also there didn’t seem to be a whole lot happening on the map, very few events.

(edited by Pifil.5193)

Unidentified gear - Please No, No, No, Nooooo

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Pifil.5193


I’m wondering if we’re really losing anything. If unidentified gear stacks, then how can the game identify which one is an exotic and which isn’t? Is there a secret, unseen list that keeps track of the identity of the items that have yet to be claimed?

From the sound of things, unidentified gear is just another die roll that drops on top of the kinds of drops you would normally get. Is there any proof that we’re missing out on rare and exotic drops that we otherwise would’ve gotten?

There is no list, it’s more RNG. The phrase “missing out on rares/exotics” is to indicate that if we salvage unids, those might have ID’d into rares or exotic.

In that case, I do not see the problem. If something we previously earned is being taken away due to unids, then there would be a problem. But if it is an additional system added on to loot that people are complaining about gambling on, then that is strictly an opt-in system. I’m going to salvage all my unids and never look back.

I’ve yet to see a definitive statement from anyone which suggests that we will still get the normal chance at rares and exotics as we get elsewhere. All I got was blue and green normal drops, but that might be due to a relatively small sample size.

It’s the other way around. You’ll have to prove that we’re losing out on drops elsewhere with the unids. It is a bit defeatists to assume a new system is inherently ripping you off via hidden changes to loot ratios mentioned nowhere.

This is ANet we’re talking about, remember. NPE? Adept traits available at L36 that unlocked in L60 areas? “Every player by level 80 should have max stat gear?” Not enough MP’s to be able to fully progress and avoid niche content on HoT launch.

I always, always, always assume the worst. That way I won’t be disappointed.

For me, the system kittens kitten. If I got an Unid’d drop I did not get a regular one at the same time. Paying to ID plus do heart plus go to vendor makes it more clicking and more tedious. If PoF needs to resort to this lame gimmick to keep people playing, ANet has sunk to a new low.

Exotics and rares still drop separate of the unID items in the demo.

OK, that’s fine. I wonder how drop rates are affected, but whatever. Still, ID’ing was done better in GW, where you could see the item rarity and thus make a better-informed choice. If it turns out the only value to IDing is to get weapon skins, then I suppose I can live with it, though I’m never going to like this inconvenience feature.

They do drop separately yes, I got a good few Elonian rares during my time in the demo, a lot were through event rewards.

However, the unidentified gear can also drop Rares and Exotics when identified so you are turning down chances at getting Rares unless you identify your gear.

The price is the issue for me here, when they said you’d have to visit a heart NPC I thought it’d be free, or cost some nominal fee in Karma, 1s 68c an item is far too much to ask to identify something that probably vendors for less than 1s 68c.

I hope they fix this now and don’t launch another expansion with loot problems.

Confused about home instance

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Pifil.5193


You said you used the Level 80 Boost you got from purchasing PoF. Have you done any of the personal story, or did you just start mapping?

The first step of the human story has you entering your home instance, and home instance modes will not show up as part of that.

That’s it I’d say!

Confused about home instance

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Pifil.5193


They should be in all your home instances, they are in all my home instances, regardless of which character I use.

Oh, so if I take a human into any home instance in any city they will appear there too? I guess I just never noticed as I probably haven’t gone to any non human home instances on my main since I’ve had the unlocks.

Yes, no matter what character I’m on I gather the stuff from the Asuran home instance as I find it quite compact and easy to get around there.

Maybe it has to do with level. Maybe at or below a certain level you don’t have harvesting unlocked so the home instance nodes don’t show. What level was your alt in DR and what level in BC.

I was wondering that myself so I just created a human hunter and ran her straight into the home instance in DR at level 2 and all my nodes and chests appeared for me. Oh well, might as well do a key run now.

Confused about home instance

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Pifil.5193


They should be in all your home instances, they are in all my home instances, regardless of which character I use.

Guild Wars on Consoles??

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Pifil.5193


Been asked a million times already, they’re not doing it, they’ve said they’re not doing this.

I would have no interest in GW2 on console. I have it on PC, a console version would be a step down.

Confused about home instance

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Pifil.5193


Your account unlocks like the nodes, wintersday tree and so on appear in all 5 home instances, they’re account wide.

You can only harvest them once a day per account so that may be why you didn’t see them when you took your human alt into your home instance?

A thought on new WvW legendary Armor

in WvW

Posted by: Pifil.5193


after all the models are there so adapting them to gw2 should be very little effort right?

Wrong! The old assets are useless as GW2 is a lot more detailed than GW1. They would have to rebuild everything. They probably couldn’t even use the old artworks as these might lack the necessary detail that GW2 demands.

Then there are different races and other character customizations in the game. The devs have to design multiple sets of armor and deal with clipping issues.

well it’s not like we do not already have few sets pulled straight out of gw1 in the gemstore already…. [first two to come to mind, primeval armor, krytan armor]

updating already made models is much easier than developping one from a scratch….

They weren’t pulled straight out of GW1. They made a suit of armor in GW2 that looked a lot like an armour in GW1 but the meshes are so completely different I doubt it was a matter of updating it.

Unidentified gear - Please No, No, No, Nooooo

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Pifil.5193


I don’t like this system either, charging us to identify the loot we just got seems like another, significant cash sink. The cash drops will have to be boosted a lot in order to compensate for this.

Why is this unidentified loot system any better than say having mobs drop a single type of “loot bag” for the expansion zones? A loot bag that can be salvaged or opened to drop one piece of loot.

Official Episode 6 Feedback Thread: One Path Ends

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Pifil.5193


Just resurrecting this to say that I don’t like how hard it was to find the pages and other usable objects this time. Looking for a grey square on grey terrain is not fun. All this does is push people to external guides quicker.

I think you should respect the “Show All Usable Object Names” option, if people have that option selected then show the names above the objects. If people don’t want that option then they can deselect it.

more adventures? really?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Pifil.5193


Well the lack of responsiveness of controls coupled with the incredibly tight gold time makes it all but unwinnable for me. I tried a bunch of times then gave up.

Request- Strafe for Mounts

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Pifil.5193


I like the way they work now, they feel more like riding an animal rather than just wearing leg extensions.

Is anyone HAPPY with the new elites??

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Pifil.5193


People tend to post to complain with things they are unhappy about, they don’t tend to post to say “I’m OK with this”.

I’m looking forward to the new specs.

[SPOILERS] Season 2 is still better

in Living World

Posted by: Pifil.5193


For me, Season 3 was much, much better than Season Two.

I guess it’s all just a matter of taste. Thus, it makes it difficult for the Devs to know what to do to please the playerbase.

I preferred Season 3 up to a point but I thought that the story part was too condensed. Season 2 had more story instances and so more time to actually tell a story, the story in Season 3 felt a bit rushed to me, there were too many plot lines to do them all justice. Wrapping up the white mantle story line felt good to me though.

I really liked the maps though.

Leftover Mastery Points Shop?

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Pifil.5193


i understand both sides, but i will say this, mastery points are designed to be an incentive to complete content. At the point at which they become surplus, with no purpose, they no longer achieve their goal.

On the other side, some people dont want to have any purpose in the extra ones, because they will feel compelled to get them.

I think some people are treating this as a black and white issue, and it is grey. They can give something, without it being as compelling as leveling a mastery. They could offer to convert them to new zones mastery points at lower rate. They could give exp that could be used in otherzones to level mastery. They could recreate the hall of monuments, and offer titles/trophies for getting them.

or they could have them be worthless, but i would think that it would be better for something meant to be incentive to do things still have some incentive, even if it becomes a lower incentive.

diminishing returns on investment isnt a crazy idea.

The thing is these “mastery points” tend to come with achievement points and those achievements often count towards meta achievements. That should really be enough of an incentive for any completionists who want to pursue them.

They don’t need any additional incentives and they don’t need to become a currency IMO, those should be enough.

Lily of the Elon preview

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Pifil.5193


There IS hope for this … as they just did this for the new Mistlock Sanctuary. You go to the portal that has all the Tyria city ports, and one option is to return to the location where you scrolled into the Mistlock Sanctuary. Perhaps they will do this for the other exclusive lounges as well in the near future.

They can’t do it for the other maps for the technical reasons they gave in the post Inculpatus cedo linked:

The difference is that Mistlock Sanctuary is an instance wheras the other Lounges are part of a map. It’s a pity as not having the option to return to where you came from is a huge disadvantage for the other Lounges.

Interesting changes who died?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Pifil.5193


That skelk oil is a heck of a drug. :/

Kids, take a good hard look at the OP because that’s what skelk does to you!

more adventures? really?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Pifil.5193


My problem with the adventures was in the awkward controls: these were arcade-style minigames with controls that were fundamentally unsuited to arcade games.

I’m not against adventures in the expansion, as long as the controls are better implemented and we don’t have to be beetles or mushrooms.

Me too. I thought the idea of adventures was great but the implementation was lacking and some were downright terrible (“Fungus Among Us” for example, it’s hard to believe they are OK with the ridiculously short gold time and wonky controls, toss some lag into that and you have a horribly frustrating experience).

I hope they don’t lock mastery points and collections behind them this time, Achievements sure, no problems but don’t require them for progression.

Hopefully the new ones will be better and more fun. That’s all any of us can hope.

2nd Elite Spec Weapon Collection

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Pifil.5193


Hmmm, that pretty much is just a nicer Sohothin… Maybe it’s Rytlock’s.

Love gliding!!!

in WvW

Posted by: Pifil.5193


Well, don’t I feel silly, I never noticed those guys.

Thanks everyone!

Guess this is how we're getting to PoF

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Pifil.5193


It would be a real shame not to go via Ebonhawke. That guarded gate is begging for this use since inception

I want to walk through that gate some day.

Love gliding!!!

in WvW

Posted by: Pifil.5193


I wish they gave us a WvW ability reset before adding Gliding. I foolishly spent all my points just before the patch (yeah, I know I can get more as I rank up but I want it nooooooooooooooowww /stamps foot).

Multiple elite specializations>

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Pifil.5193


No, it will not be possible, it’s intended that you will only ever be able to use a single elite spec at a time, it was one of the first things they told us about elite specs and is why they only allow you to equip an elite spec in the third slot.

Mounts in WvW

in WvW

Posted by: Pifil.5193


Please no mounts, there is already too much PvE fluff in WvW as it is.

Like weapons and armour and skills and…

Best item ever put in Gem Store

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Pifil.5193


Finally!! I’ve been waiting for this for soooooo long!!

Sincerely, a loyal player from BETA with 72 character slots,

You need to update your sig so.

Catmander tag

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Pifil.5193


Someone should totally sue . . .

That’s the only reasonable response…

Mind you, if you’re suing for your gold back then you’ll have to sue them in Tyria and I heard that ArenaNet totally control the courts there.

Catmander tag

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Pifil.5193


So does buying the new tag unlock the old one as well, if you don’t already have it?

Because otherwise it’s 450g for existing commanders to have all the tag options and 600g for new commanders to have all the options.

Why would you ever want regular tag when you got cat tag?

I’m holding out for a dog tag… geddit??!

Catmander tag

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Pifil.5193


>When you bought the Tag back when it was only 100g and will only pay 250g total

Feels good.

It really, really, really does, doesn’t it? :P

Best item ever put in Gem Store

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Pifil.5193


Now the new people will buy them and complain they don’t know what to do :P

I think it’s over due BUT I think there should be a limit per account.

People manage to lvl to 80 the old fashioned way and still don’t know what to do most of the time.

Exactly, in the first couple of months of the game I got my thief to level 80 almost exclusively by spamming Pistol Whip. I think I still had about level 50 equipment when I hit 80. I learned a bit more since then.

Basically I’m saying that you really don’t have to learn anything in order to level up and in my experience when you play a character for 50 hours at level 80 you learn more than you would if you spent that 50 hours levelling up.

The boost is a great idea for those who want it (I have so many scrolls of experience and Tomes of Knowledge that I’ll never need it). No limits are needed, let people spend their money how they want.

Pips Buffed

in WvW

Posted by: Pifil.5193


It was desperately needed, at the lower end it was painful when your world was in third place.

Balthazar Rip-Off

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Pifil.5193


Ragnaros is an elemental lord, ruler of all fire elementals.

Balthazar is the god of fire.

That’s basically it. They’re both the “rulers” of fire. I would argue that Ragnaros is more of the absolute ruler of fire in WoW than Balthazar is in GW. Apart from that they’re pretty much completely unrelated to one another.

I would guess that that person you were talking to doesn’t know anything about GW lore (and I would hazard a guess that he knows little about WoW lore either) but has fallen into the standard internet trap of hearing “fire” in two descriptions and then assuming “rip-off”.

Why raiders should be happy with new armor

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Pifil.5193


I don’t see why I should put so much effort, time and gold into getting just another trenchcoat for my Thief. It’s not an incentive for me to do raids. People do this for the looks and prestige, not for utility. I’m not crafting HOPE because I can change its stats, I will never do this, I craft it because it looks cool.

Medium legendary armor simply doesn’t look cool.

People definitely craft legendaries for the utility. The same reason people buy shared inventory slots. Some utility items are just as expensive as legendaries. Why would anyone put money or effort towards those if people just want looks and prestige?

Just because you wouldn’t doesn’t mean other people wouldn’t.

I’m sure there are people like that. I’m also sure they are a very small minority. The legendaries are ridiculously expensive and they’ll never be a cost-effective way of changing your gear. Most of the people craft legendaries because that’s the long-term endgame goal this game has, and because they are shiny. The added QoL is just a small bonus.

Exactly true, I know you can make a couple of dozen or more ascended weapons for the cost of a single legendary but how many sets of ascended armour, for example, could you craft for the cost of a single set of legendary armour? 5? 6? More?

The convenience of legendary armour is nice but having multiple sets of ascended armour is probably more cost-effective and overall more useful especially for those of us who have multiple alts.

Mind you, I plan on crafting a legendary armour set for my main, probably from WvW but maybe from sPvP as I already have 3 pieces of “precursor” armour from sPvP, but that’s more to give myself a long-term goal. The rune and stat swapping will be interesting of course but without more legendary trinkets not all that useful, IMO.


in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Pifil.5193



Thaumanova Fractal boss teleporting at 50%

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Pifil.5193


So basically, before the teleport didn’t happen because two bugs countered each other. Then one bug got fixed and it revealed the presence of another bug.

Yeah this kinda stuff is why fixing bugs in a codebase with millions of lines of code is always scary. Sometimes its better to NOT fix a bug :P

Do you have an example of a bug that if fixed could mess up a diff something else?

When designers play “Attached” effects on a creature, the effect is actually rotated 180 degrees the wrong way due to a code bug. So artists and designers would manually rotate the effect to work. But since there are already thousands of attached effects, fixing this bug would break all of those effects.

Granted, with some work you could probably make a clever python script to find all references to all attached effects and manually do some kind of fixup along with the patch, but it will still break for people working in different code streams than the main one that you do your fixes in.

thought this would have been fixed by now…

The fix is in the arkk balance patch. Just wait a day.

Lol. You are amazing for taking the time to interact with us like this and tell us great stories. You should seriously consider running a mini blog where you just post stuff like this to it.

I second this. Even if it’s not always a strange bug of the month blog. This was a fun read.

Yeah, thanks Benjamin, you’ve given us all great insight into the bug and the process used to identify and fix it, it should really help people appreciate what actually needs to happen in order to fix these issues.

Just to emphasise what others have already said: you’re awesome dude, keep it up!

Path of Fire physical copy availability ?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Pifil.5193


A physical copy is basically just a dvd case with a code in it, right?

All we are missing.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Pifil.5193


I never saw the absence of mounts as a “feature” that sold the game to me. I can’t see why not having them is that great. Complaints about “visual clutter” or losing “immersion” don’t hold much water in a game where you can’t even locate the mobs under a flurry of particle effects.

At least mounts in this game serve a game-play purpose other than being just a way of getting around (slightly) faster. They have unique skills that add something both to combat and to exploration. That’s one way GW2 is avoiding becoming just another “generic” MMO, another is by avoiding wiping the slate clean at the start of the expansion with raising level caps and introducing gear progression and despite the “thin end of the wedge” doom and gloom from the OP I don’t see that changing.

I’m looking forward to these mounts. They look good (well, the bunnaroo is very silly) and they’ll add a lot to the game.

When are you "rich"

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Pifil.5193


Found a cool site that gave me some answers. =)

So if you break 57,432 gold on your total account worth you enter the top 10% of all players. =)

For pure Gold availible 1143 Gold breaks you into the top 10% apparently.

Am I reading the data correct if some one can check it out. =)

That is correct.

Story bits for new Elite specs

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Pifil.5193


Watching the postshow yesterday where we got to see some details about the new expac was about as awesome as the announcement itself, but one thing that made me so happy was the fact that the new elite specs have in-game lore tied to them.

For example on WoodenPotato’s stream he showed one of the mesmers who had become a Mirage, Elite Awakened Trebuchet I believe her hame was(jkjk), and you could ask her stuff about being a Mirage. What it means. How you become one etc.

How cool is that?!?!? I think it’s so awesome. And from what I understood there are these things about all the new e-specs.

Awesome job Anet!

That’s great! It would be brilliant if there was more of a “story” around becoming an elite spec, even if it was two steps where completing step one unlocks the spec and step two unlocks when you finish training the spec.

The one thing missing for me in this game is a sense of “ceremony” around these things; GW2’s collections style unlocks don’t tell a story. They’re dull.

I was disappointed when my Daredevil’s staff just materialised in his backpack because I spent some hero points, it wasn’t an interesting way of doing it. He apparently just suddenly decided, “hey, what about a staff? I reckon I could use one of those” wished for one and the universe provided him with one. It’s a pity he didn’t wish for a full set of legendaries!

If I had gone into a story instance, found a staff and was forced to use it when getting out, or if he decided to learn how to use one from an Itzel staff master or something. That would have been so much better, so much more satisfying.

I’ll take any improvement, mind you.

Leftover Mastery Points Shop?

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Pifil.5193


As an adventurer, im just annoyed at looking at currency with nothing to spend it on.

Stop looking?

The points exist specifically as a way to offer so-called horizontal progression. Extra points exist so that no one feels pressured to do every unlock, that people have the freedom to choose to do certain points or not.

If you can explain how ANet can indulge your preference to have a zero balance of mastery points and maintain the goals above, I’m sure they’d love to hear about it. So far, I haven’t seen anything in this thread that does.

People keep repeating the same argumeny:
“Excess points exist so people are not pressurec into doing a fixed set of things but have options/freedom"
Again, we’re not arguing this, and the last thing I want is for a lack of freedom.
The entire discussion is about, what to do with the extra points after everything’s been unlocked.
I, individually, am just a bit annoyed at seeing all these points in my wallet without anything to use them on, hence, a secondary purpose that is in no way a considerable obligation isnt asking for much.
Im thinking of.. a bag of rare gear, or a VI crafting bag, something like that.
Casuals will have their excess points, and therefore, their freedom, while adventurers have a little extra reward.
As for your point, “don’t look at them”, well, I’d have no objection to anet zero’ing the counter and removing the visibility of mastery points on achievements once everything’s been maxed. Its kind of like.. what if Mordrem Blooms still dropped but there was no vendor, you see them pile up in your wallet never able to do anything with them.. wouldnt that raise your eyebrows?

They’re not actually in your wallet though, are they? They’re not a currency so they aren’t shown in your wallet. They’re only shown on the Mastery tab. The same way that Hero Points aren’t in your wallet either. They’re shown on the Training tab.

When are you "rich"

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Pifil.5193


I have about 2,300 gold at the moment and according to that puts me as higher than 95% of the 139,434 accounts that use that website. So 2,300 gold puts you in the top 6%. The richest account that uses that site has 199,384 gold. So that’ll give you an idea of what the richest of the rich have.