Showing Posts For Pifil.5193:

How to stop outnumbered abuse

in WvW

Posted by: Pifil.5193


Changes to how the outnumbered bonus is acquired is coming in the next release.

Outnumbered 5 pips should stay as its, the other bonuses should be buffed.

Outnumbered really revived Roaming, it should stay, If you want to punish abusers then make sure it does not punish legit players with them.

Loyalty should cap at 4 pip, 1 for each week you spend in the same server.
WvW ranks should cap at 10 pips for Diamond, Invaders start with 4 pips.
1st server should get 5 pips, 2nd 3 pips and 3rd 2 pips.

Something does need to be done either with the pip allocation or the amount of pips required per tier alright, as it is a new player (up to level 150) stuck on the 3rd place server would get 1 pip per tick so it would take them 100 ticks to get the last tier of the Wood chest (that’s 500 minutes), after one week they’d get 2 pips per tick 50 ticks to get the last tier of the Wood chest (250 minutes). They would get 10 WvW Skirmish Claim Tickets for their 4-8 hours effort.

To put that in perspective, the cheapest armour is 175 WvW Skirmish Claim Tickets and you can get a maximum of 175 Tickets per week (should be higher, IMO, but 175 requires 1450 pips) at 1 pip every 5 minutes it would require you to do 120 hours of WvW to earn all 1450 pips… it’d only be 60 hours the second and subsequent weeks but either way it’s not feasible.

I appreciate that ArenaNet want these as long term goals and that this is the worst possible scenario but even taking that into account it’s a ridiculously slow trickle for new comers, IMO and is not very inviting. At the higher WvW ranks it’s much more reasonable and that’s great, players should be rewarded for their dedication but it’s no surprise to me that people would try to take advantage of the Outmanned bonus for the extra pips.

A new player who happened to be on the 2nd or 1st place server would of course earn twice or three times as many pips but that just encourages stacking and is also not good for the game mode, IMO.

Also, the 3rd Tier armour should be the WvW legendary armour precursor (in the future, of course).

(edited by Pifil.5193)

Trading Post Exploit?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Pifil.5193


I can see why people would post them here, so Anet would actually do something about them. Same for players hacking, if you report in game/support nothing happens, but if you report on the forums, action happens whether its the kind you want or not.

The only “action” that happened here was Gaile had to take time out of her day – and had to drag in ArenaNet engineers – in order to investigate a spurious claim.

Race should matter! A short rant.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Pifil.5193


I’m not sure what is wrong with race being part of the meta as class is part of the meta. Nothing should be so unequal that people don’t want to, or are shunned if they play a certain class. So the same should be true if race mattered to your build.

So you would be happy you leveled up a human warrior when all the meta groups say to you sorry charr is better race you cant join us.

Are you “happy” if you level up that Warrior and all the meta groups don’t want Warriors? What’s the difference?

The difference is you can relatively easily have one of each class at max rank. If racial skills are kept weak and race is just cosmetic that’s just 9 characters that cover all the bases. If racial skills are buffed and race is not just cosmetic then you need 5*9=45 characters to cover all the bases. Having to reroll a warrior because the latest patch buffed Asura and nerfed Charr so that Charr are no longer the “meta” would be a PITA, IMHO.

Also what would we actually get from them buffing racial skills (which were deliberately left weaker in order to avoid the scenario where any race was required for any profession)? Some people would get a feeling that they’re… somehow… special now? ArenaNet would get another set of variables to keep in mind while balancing skills.

DS fail'd -> bail(ers) ->dail(y's)

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Pifil.5193


He’s talking about the real chrono runes, i.e. leadership.

  • Superior Rune of the Chronomancer, named after the specialization
  • Superior Rune of Leadership, the choice for the meta chronotank (used by some, but not all, chronomancers)

I hope folks can understand that many players (perhaps even most) would assume “chrono rune” would refer to the first.

Yeah, when someone calls one item by another item’s name then it kinda throws me a bit thanks for clarifying!

As for Leadership Runes, oof, painful, I wish you luck Faaris. Personally I think that they’re a bit overpriced but they seem to have put quite a significant price barrier for raiding gear in general.

Can we please have range indicators?

in WvW

Posted by: Pifil.5193


Like an option to display the exact distance to a target?

We have players running around and skill ranges are all over the place… and it’s frustrating to waste skills because we incorrectly calculated the distance to a target. Would be nice on portals and such too…

Although not what you asked for, when your skill is out of range a red bar appears underneath it.

(At least one of the DPS mods also shows the exact range to the target).

DS fail'd -> bail(ers) ->dail(y's)

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Pifil.5193


People will always do DS for the materials there. If you want the chronomancer runes, you need to do it. I’ll keep doing it because it’s the most fun meta in the game. Only issue is that you need to plan for up to 90 minutes doing it, including opening the pods afterwards. I’m usually kicked from the map shortly after I opened all pods that are not hidden somewhere or heavily protected.

I don’t understand. Why do you need DS for the Chronomancer Runes? You get the recipe just from fully unlocking Chronomancer.

How to balance Condition damage

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Pifil.5193


Add a new stat mainly to reduce condi damage on you,similair to toughness vs power.
I dont see them ever nerfing condi damage across all classes.

That’s kinda already there; Vitality (of course it also works against power).

How to balance Condition damage

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Pifil.5193


I’ve been insta-downed in WvW quite frequently recently. A thief roamer, steals in and spikes over 19k damage instantly. Instantly, as in, one second I’m standing at a resource camp gathering supply and the next I’m down. At least a condi-build would do that over a number of seconds giving me a chance to cleanse.

The problem here is in the perception of Condition damage. I think that people tend to see the ticks, fixate on those and think “I just cleansed and I already have another 5 bleed stacks, that’s unfair” ignoring the fact that those 5 new bleed stacks were applied by another hit. No-one would (I hope) think “I just healed that power damage and I’ve been hit already again, that’s unfair”.

That’s why I think most of the suggested fixes for the condition damage “problem” won’t work; it simply isn’t a problem.

Guild based servers

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Pifil.5193


This wouldn’t work. My server is always matched against the same handful of servers. Anyone could easily join WvW guilds on three of four servers to spy on all of them.

Perhaps if you chose your server at the start of the week and couldn’t rep another server in WvW for that week then it’d work better? However, there is already a mechanism where you can switch your WvW server (an expensive option with gems) I don’t think we really need another.

Loot quality, Magic find, Please explain..

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Pifil.5193


A 300% increase to your chances at something with a 0.1% chance of dropping just makes it three times as likely to drop, bumping the odds up to an underwhelming 0.3% (assuming my math is decent. It often isn’t.)

It’d be from 0.1% + 0.3% = 0.4% percent which changes it from a 1 in a 1,000 chance to a 1 in 250 chance. I know which one I’d prefer.

Loot quality, Magic find, Please explain..

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Pifil.5193


With 22 Precursor drops, I’d say your luck is pretty good. With half your time played (for nearly 5 years), I’ve only had 2. 0.o

Yea I second that I played 1/3 of him and got 4.
Edit and took 2971 hours before I got my first.

I’ve played for 3300 hours and I have 1 precursor drop, Howl, which dropped a month or two ago in Bitterfrost from an Icebound Chest (my base MF was about 210% but I don’t know if MF even applies to those chests). To me, at least, it seems that he has been very, very lucky.

Create toon exactly the same as another?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Pifil.5193


If you go to the Aesthetician you can see all the settings you chose for your character, you can take screen shots of those settings when remaking characters:

Fighting cats in home instance

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Pifil.5193


Having the ability to control aspects of the home instance would be a great idea and a good step towards making it more personal, more like a home.

[Suggestion] More than coats please.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Pifil.5193


Obviously it’s vitally important to be able to recognise professions (or rather armour weight classes) by their silhouettes in competitive modes that’s why the exclusive armour sets for sPvP and WvW are… not trenchcoats but in PvE where it doesn’t matter at all it’s trenchcoats out the wazoo!

That recognisable silhouette stuff was some kind of z-list jedi mind-trick.

Summer festival?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Pifil.5193


I agree with the OP. Queen’s Jubilee etc. would be tons of fun. The other day, I was attacked for suggesting to bring events like the Festival of the Four Winds back, when my intention was merely to come up with an example to have more festivals during the year, even if it’s just “old ones” returning.

Yes, something like the Four Winds may be technically old but remember to anyone who joined in the past few years it is new. I think the argument was the airship crashed? I am reminded of a saying:

“Anything one author invents another can get out of.”

What is against, oh, a few survivors stumbling out of the jungle one day and a party being thrown to celebrate the occasion? Or just an event memorializing the crash?

Or a new Master of Peace starting to gather the survivors to rebuild their society (and their airships).

Then returning from time to time to trade and pick up travellers as they did before.

Summer festival?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Pifil.5193


I would love to see the Queens Jubilee and Queens Gauntlet come back. The Gauntlet would be great with a little love to the arenas. A flat neutral floor rather than the mesh we had, no “walls” to constrain the camera. I almost had Liadri the last time, I had her down to a sliver of health before I dodged into a wall. I don’t remember the wall being there at the start of the fight. I think she bribed it to interfere in the match. Calls for a stewards enquiry went unanswered. ;(

It’d be a pity if we never see that content again.

Could we get a "Rebirth" option?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Pifil.5193


Anyway, yes, theoretically that would work. But that would still be quite a bit of work to build an item for. I don’t think it would necessarily be cost effective for them, and does pose its own set of bugs if something gets overlooked. (Doesn’t it always?)

Would it be a lot of work? Perhaps, depending on how you define a lot of work and it would, of course, require significant testing.

Is it worth it? This is a saleable product and it should probably cost more than a new character slot. I would guess somewhere in the 1200 to 1600 gems range.

Personally speaking, I know I’d buy… oh… two as soon as I got home. Maybe a third for my Revenant. Oh and I’d need two or three name change contracts too.

It’s probably just as well that they don’t have this item; it’d cost me a fortune.

Could we get a "Rebirth" option?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Pifil.5193


It’s not likely a database issue. I haven’t worked with NoSQL dbs (which as I understand, is what they use), so I don’t have experience there, but I think it’s probably more they have things hard coded in the actual game code, which is what will cause the issues. There are likely things that should have / could have been saved to the db but weren’t because of design choices that were made before launch.

Well, as I said in my previous post the key is selectively copying some data to a new character and deleting the old one. Not attempting to reset an old one.

The new character effectively gets a Level X boost (where X is the old character’s level). This gives them some map completion, some items in their inventory (probably in a box like with the Level 80 boost) and a boost in their crafting disciplines.

I understood they were still using SQL databases but regardless of whether it’s a SQL or NoSQL database a database is still a database. The same principles apply; if you can find the relevant entries associated with a character (their inventory, map completion, crafting recipe lists and so on) then you can copy or move it to another character’s entry.

Stop making unannounced changes to the game

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Pifil.5193



No actually I’m not mad it’s gone, it should have never been a work around for poor leather drops with high demand for every piece of gear. What you’re missing is the point of patch notes. They could have added that to the multiple additions to patch notes since the first one, instead they left it out. So why not include it in patch notes? It’s a fair question.

So if patch notes won’t tell you all of the patched changes, what’s the point of patch notes again?

Similarly, the refining recipe for silk was changed sometime recently from 2 scraps to 3, and I haven’t found that in the patch notes. I do have to admit that I haven’t done an exhaustive examination of the patch notes from 2016 to see if its in there somewhere, but it isn’t in any of the 2017 patch notes. And didn’t Anet say they didn’t want to fiddle with recipes any more?

That particular recipe was changed a long time before HoT released. Possibly within the launch year of the game.

Actually, hang on, if I check the Wiki the information there was changed from 2 scraps to 3 scraps at 16:29, 29 October 2013 so it’s a loooooong time ago.

Could we get a "Rebirth" option?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Pifil.5193


It doesn’t have to be complex. All they really have to do is:

1) Have you create your new character. This is done using the normal way. This creates a normal level 1 instance of the character.
2) Copy your existing characters inventory to the new character (rewriting character IDs and packaging up any equipped gear like they do with the level 80 boost).
3) Copy your existing characters name and date of birth to the new character (which preserves the birthday).
4) Delete the old character.

This would effectively overwrite your old character with the newly created one but it would be a new, fresh character with no personal story progression that keeps only a few key elements of the old character (your inventory, name and date of birth).

If they wanted to get “fancy” they could copy other aspects of your existing character (such as map completion and level) to the new one. Again the key is selectively copying some data to a new character. Not attempting to reset an old one.

Edit: actually they should copy map completion and level to the new one. And crafting.

Even though you think it’s that easy to selectively copy data, I’m not sure why you’d think that it’s never occurred to them to try this sort of work-around. This topic (or its cousins) has been around since near launch.

It’s not complicated; there’s just a lot of simple things that need to be taken care of.

I’m an experienced software engineer. I’ve worked quite a bit with databases over the many years I’ve been working. I know it’s easy to selectively copy data. I’ve also looked at the GW2 API so I have a good idea of the kind of data they have.

As for why this solution never occurred to them; they’ve already decided they can’t do this so what makes you think anyone at ArenaNet has ever thought about this at all after the initial “oh that’s really difficult, rolling back the personal story would be a big problem there”?

Could we get a "Rebirth" option?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Pifil.5193


It doesn’t have to be complex. All they really have to do is:

1) Have you create your new character. This is done using the normal way. This creates a normal level 1 instance of the character.
2) Copy your existing characters inventory to the new character (rewriting character IDs and packaging up any equipped gear like they do with the level 80 boost).
3) Copy your existing characters name and date of birth to the new character (which preserves the birthday).
4) Delete the old character.

This would effectively overwrite your old character with the newly created one but it would be a new, fresh character with no personal story progression that keeps only a few key elements of the old character (your inventory, name and date of birth).

If they wanted to get “fancy” they could copy other aspects of your existing character (such as map completion and level) to the new one. Again the key is selectively copying some data to a new character. Not attempting to reset an old one.

Edit: actually they should copy map completion and level to the new one. And crafting.

(edited by Pifil.5193)

Outmanned buff is amazing

in WvW

Posted by: Pifil.5193


With how big that outmanned pip increase is, yes, it lends itself to abuse. In my case as a Bronze Soldier, I get 1 pip for my rank and since we got tossed against 2 higher tier servers, only 1 pip for our 3rd position in the warscore, for a whopping total of 2 pips per tick…so yeah, 5 extra pips would be a godsend, but our server is still populated enough and fighting hard enough that the buff does not appear long enough on any of the borders to actually get the extra 5 pips. At least we’re playing the game and not trying to game the game.

I’m not (quite) a Bronze yet so I get 1 pip per tick. I’m enjoying (actual) WvW a lot right now but the temptation is there to hop onto an Outnumbered map at the end of a night’s WvW to get two or three Outnumbered ticks whilst cleaning inventory etc.

Unlock Raid Mastery Please.

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Pifil.5193


You don’t build something for the 1%, and then lock the other 99% out of rewards simply because they choose not to raid.

Earning spirit shards after maxing masteries wasn’t originally a thing, so in this case, it’s more like they added it because it was the only the 1%. Raid masteries are locked for the same reason; to further incentivize raiding.

While true they removed the spirit shards you got for levelling when they introduced Masteries and then reintroduced them for those who had maxed their Masteries. It is not OK, IMO, to remove something everyone had access to and then to give it back only to the “1%”.

They either a) should not have done that or b) introduced a selectable mastery track that allowed everyone to choose whether or not to get Mastery XP or put that XP towards Spirit Shards.

Halo unobtainable

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Pifil.5193


Although collections can be a nice idea I’d suggest just adding them to the laurel vendor like other LS 1 items. A lot easier.

Leg. Armor Rune System for Leg. Weapon Sigils

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Pifil.5193


they said it will impact the economy. as usual, too afraid to give it a go.

That’s misleading. What they said was that they intended to implement it alongside l-armor rune swapping and while researching (or perhaps even while testing), they discovered that it was more complicated than it appears. Impact to the economy was just one aspect.

Based on recent comments, they still have plans to address this. It just might not be right away.

Well, that’s good. Hope they don’t leave this hanging too long.

Placing markers as a basic squad option.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Pifil.5193


This sounds like a good idea to me. I agree that it shouldn’t be restricted to squads. As someone who has raided and ran a lot of dungeons in wow I can confirm that it’s very useful especially when explaining mechanics and encounters to newer players, regardless of voice comms.

If you don’t see a use for it then that’s fine but others can see a use for it. As for trolling, well if you’re not in the squad/party you won’t see anything, will you?

Will we ever get a REAL leather solution?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Pifil.5193


Prices are not going to lower from it if players don’t do it. The entire purpose was to give players the means to control the prices which they did. Whether or not players did that was on the players.

No, that wasn’t the purpose of the farm. The farm was intended to give people a way of getting their own leather.

Anyway, apart from possible crafting changes with the next expansion I doubt they’ll “fix” anything.

Hardened Leather and Update.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Pifil.5193


I really was expecting them to revert a combination of the salvage, drop rate, and crafting recipe changes once the glut of leather had been purged from the market.

All three changes were needed to wipe out the excess supply, but now that the supply is gone, some tweaks need to be made to bring the generation rate up (or consumption rate down, unless of course their plan is to give the same treatment to Gossamer…

I also have previously advocated for insignias to have a leather and a cloth variant, which would cause the two materials to provide a form of price parity between each other (i.e. if cloth is cheap, people use cloth for their crafting. If the price of cloth goes up too high, then people switch to using leather for their crafting).

A simple solution would have been to require both leather and cloth in equal numbers instead you need 8 cloth scraps and 30 leather sections per T6 insignia, given that imbalance its not surprising that Gossamer is so cheap while T6 leather is so expensive.

Hopefully they have actually learned from this and repair the damage they did.

Hardened Leather and Update.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Pifil.5193


I suspect they will have an economic update as part of the expansion. I hope they undo some of the changes they made to leather then but I wouldn’t be surprised if they do what OriOri suggests instead and make cloth the main gate instead (by, for example, requiring 15 bolts for a patch or requiring more scraps per bolt). I hope they will “heal” rather than “harm” crafting but I wouldn’t be surprised.

Is game still fairly busy

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Pifil.5193


The maps seem fine to me, I think a lot of people forget that the mega server system means that their map isn’t the only map.

If you use LFG you can normally get onto busy maps doing the events. For example, I did Dragon’s Stand today in the afternoon in EU with no problem.

Are the new zones worth it?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Pifil.5193


The new maps are fun and seem well populated to me. I rarely find myself on an unpopulated map and I’ve played on them quite a bit to get full ascended trinkets for all my level 80s.

The hearts on the latest map kinda drag on too much but the earlier maps are quick to do and the events are as fun as any other zone, IMO, and people still do them.

New WvW blog post June 1 2017

in WvW

Posted by: Pifil.5193


So the new Tier 3 ascended armour won’t require crafting. Does the Tier 2 armour use the same crafting system as the Fractal and sPvP ascended equipment? As in will we be making Grandmaster’s Marks for them?

So we are cowboys now?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Pifil.5193


The other reason I object to silly things like cowboy outfits is it destroys any illusion of immersion that there is left. The game isn’t the wild west, but each to their own I suppose.

The “cowboy outfit” looks like several of the medium armour sets in the game so it’s not a radical departure from what’s already there. If it breaks immersion then it follows that they should also break immersion.

Are you sure it’s not the name that breaks immersion?

[Bug Fix] Hardened Leather Sections

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Pifil.5193


I have like 20 points left to go on my leatherworking that I can’t reasonably complete, because each item I craft costs roughly 20 gold. It would take about 200 gold to finish.
Most of them only sell back for ~6-8 gold, because idiots. And can take several days to do so due to low demand.

What are you doing, are you actually crafting Insignias? Buy 4 different cheap Intricate Gossamer Insignias from the Trading Post: Magi, Rabid, Dire, Shaman’s, that’s about 5 gold.

You need 4 helmets, that’s 12 hardened leather sections that cost 4 gold total (the other stuff is cheap).

Then you discover that kitten and sell it. Those 20 levels only cost 9 gold if you are lucky and use a crafting booster. It’s likely that you need to craft a fifth item though. Just buy another Rabid Insignia and discover them gloves.

You are welcome

This is the best way to level alright. They may actually fix the issues they caused around leather in the next expansion but I wouldn’t hold my breath.

How big of a market crash with sigil swapping?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Pifil.5193


I don’t have any actual numbers of course, but I suspect people who regularly swap the sigil on their legendary weapon are a tiny minority. Most people I know in-game just stick with one build, or use different weapons in different situations.

If anything I suspect the introduction of sigil swapping would get more people to try it, and therefore increase sigil sales.

Seems likely to me. I know that if swapping sigils was required frequently and my sigils cost several gold then I’d craft a second ascended weapon with the stats and sigils I wanted.

I don’t really know how useful stat swapping truly is without sigil swapping. I’d be disappointed if it doesn’t come before or with the expac.

Trahearne voice actor (possible spoilers)

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Pifil.5193


I hope people are aware that if his voice acting is “boring” it’s because someone in ArenaNet directed him to be “boring”. Or at least was OK with him being “boring”. Just saying that criticising the actor for this might be a bit unfair (the same way that criticising him for what the character says would be unfair as he didn’t write the dialog).

Please defend the medium legendary armor

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Pifil.5193


The idea that trench coats somehow define or differentiate medium armour makes no sense as most light and quite a few heavy armours also have long trench coat like skirts (look at light and medium bladed armour; the silhouette of both is very similar).

Not too mention the fact that the whole concept of identifiable silhouettes went out the window years ago when they added outfits.

Sounds like a “because we say so” to me alright. It may have been the original idea but please realise that it no longer makes sense. Please give us some options here.

Anyway, I main a thief and the medium legendary armour made me OK with the fact that I don’t raid. So I take that as a positive, I think .

ArenaNet Please Backup your Servers!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Pifil.5193


I doubt they use windows servers at all.

PSA update your computers

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Pifil.5193


Thanks for the heads up Yargesh, away for the weekend so missed the news.

Most boring (time-gated) "quest" ever.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Pifil.5193


I do miss quests in GW2, they’ve mostly been replaced by collections which do a terrible job of telling a story.

For example, I’m currently crafting Tigris and just did Dragons Stand for one of the tiger refuge sign parts of the collection. You just complete the event and the collection entry completes, that’s it. No story, no sense of doing something relevant to the collection, you don’t interact with a sign over near the tigers the game just… ticks a box and a little notification appears in the feed on the right.

When I compare that with the Hunter’s and Naturalist’s journal parts (which are excellent) it’s especially apparent just how unsatisfying this kind of content is. Just a barebones checklist.

Are Guild Missions Still Supported Content

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Pifil.5193


Guild missions seem to have been abandoned by ArenaNet. When HoT was being discussed we asked if there would new guild missions alongside the guild hall and were told not at launch but maybe later (might have been on reddit, can’t really remember where). Call me cynical but I don’t think they had any intention of adding any more missions.

Massive problem with legendary armor

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Pifil.5193


The “active underwater GvG community”? Were both of you very annoyed?

Will we ever going to see Gear Progression?

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Pifil.5193


No thanks from me too. If they add another tier I’m out. Just as well they’ve said they won’t another one or raise the level cap numerous times.

New Ele Speculation...

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Pifil.5193


oh, was that not obvious? because Chrono Trigger, thats why! Marle and Lucca could dual tech their Fire and Ice magic to make Antipode spells. would be a great shoutout.

No, not obvious at all. I don’t know who those people are probably because I didn’t play Chrono Trigger.

I have to admit I also don’t see the relevance that this (quick google search) 22 year old SNES game has to GW though.

Currencies are not crafting materials

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Pifil.5193


It’s fine for me to have them in the material storage, only thing I noticed is that you don’t see how much of the stuff you have when you are at a vendor. The item you desire just shows red but you don’t know if you need 1 more Berry or 100. I use gw2efficiency for that, but would be nice to see how many of the items you have while being at an Unbound Magic vendor without bank access.

If you click on the item you’re interested in then the status bar at the bottom of the merchant window show that information.

So if you select something that costs Unbound Magic and Winterberries the status bar at the bottom of the merchant window should show your current amount of Unbound Magic and the total amount of Winterberries you have in your inventory, bank and material storage.

Legendary Armor: Feedback [merged]

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Pifil.5193


Taking a look at these armours in game last night I have to say that the medium and light armours both highlight a serious issue with the way armor is handled in this game: they have massive, ballooning skirts. Yes I get that it’s to reduce clipping but it’s a terribly ugly and clunky solution to that problem. It’s an issue that needs to be addressed for a game that prides itself on offering aesthetics as a reward.

I really don’t like the “hot air balloon” look.

Legendary Armor: Feedback [merged]

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Pifil.5193


Yeah, fully agreed. This is so utterly disappointing. Come oooon. This is the best your team can do? Then you need a new team

Especially if this mess took 2 years to cough up!

It seems like their answer will be no team at all instead of a new one, meaning they don’t plan to create more Legendary Armor sets ever again


Well that’s a massive disappointment. Not just for people who want to get a set through another mode but also possibly for those raiders looking for their next accomplishment (perhaps expecting set two with the next expansion, for example.)

Salvaging Currency

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Pifil.5193


You do know about the “deposit all materials” button right? You don’t have to go to the bank to deposit them.

Permanent Bank Access Express

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Pifil.5193


So the price on those are 4,6k now, i bought 4 (one for each of my mains) before Anet gave us shared inv slots. So i was hoping that Anet would at some point either unaccount-bind those perma qol items, or just make an exception for everyone with multiple of them.
how many people even have more than one of each?

I have one (dropped from a BLC for me) and of course I want them to stay account-bound. You are being quite egotist for wanting them to be made character-bound.

It’s nobody’s fault you spent that much gold for multiple ones. Most people had the common sense not to buy any before shared inventory slots were introduced, as this didn’t really make much sense then. Why should others be punished for your expenses?

I don’t think they want them to become character bound, instead they want them to be not bound at all l. Presumably so that they can sell their extra copies.

Permanent Bank Access Express

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Pifil.5193


I don’t think they will be able to help you because these are bought with gold from the TP (unless you were incredibly lucky and got all four yourself) rather than with gems from the gem store.

It would effectively be support gifting you gold (when you resell them). But you never know they might.