Showing Posts For Pifil.5193:

1 year in Tyria =?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Pifil.5193


So, the day/night circle in game takes 2 hours of real time. That means for 1 day in real time, 12 days have passed in game time. The first story step took place in 1325 AE. Head of the Snake took place in 1330 AE. That means 5 years in game has passed, coinciding with the real time. Does that mean 1 year in GW2 equates 12*365 = 4,380 in game days?

That wiki says Mouvelian calender has only 365 days but that seems super off compared to what actually happens.

Any lore fan can confirm?

Is just a game mechanic, the in game day is 2 hours so that events can repeat at a particular time without people waiting a full day. The calender advances when the plot says it should. It’s nothing to do with the in game day /night cycle.

All in game maps can be thought of as stuck at a particular point in time. It’s just how MMOs have to work.

Can we have expansion 2 soon

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Pifil.5193


It hasn’t even been announced yet. So we’re probably getting the announcement with the final episode of LS3 again, somewhere around autumn.

Then it’s a year or more until the xpack comes out, because as Crimson said they had too much negative feedback over the polish.

So either late 2018, or early 2019.

Or, more likely, RIP and in GW3.

They’re not going to have another 9 month content drought before the second expansion is released. The game won’t survive that, they know this, that’s why we’re being LS releases every two or three months now. If imagine that the expansion will be 3 -4 months after the end of the LS and the next LS will start about 6 months after the expansion launches.

The way HoT was handled with the drought in the run up to the release and the drought afterwards as they fixed the borked reward schemes they must added almost killed the game, IMO.

GW2 Remastered?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Pifil.5193


Out of curiosity, what major MMOs have “remastered” without releasing a new sequel of the game? I’m not sure how I would even research the question, so I’m relying on other posters anecdotes.

My guess is that this is something that no game company has ever done.

World of Warcraft “remastered” over the course of a couple of expansions. Updated character models, textures, effects and so on. It’s a massive undertaking as you’d expect and I don’t think it’d make sense for GW2, I think the game looks really good now, of course, YMMV.

I want some extra starting content.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Pifil.5193


Also, no numerical downscaling can balance out the entire specialization mechanic and several additional skills. On top of what a lvl 15-20 character has, a lvl 80 has 18 traits, up to 2 utility slots and an elite slot.

Not to mention the set of max level armour and weapons with three or four attributes and sigils and runes, and of course max level trinkets, you only start getting trinkets at level 20.

Players pinging their loot

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Pifil.5193


I understand RNG can be frustrating at times, but there is no need to rain on someone else’s parade. People like to celebrate by linking the good stuff and get a round of applause.

Yeah, I’m always delighted when someone links the loot they got or the legendary they just made, congrats to them!

I'd Buy SAB Home Instance For.....

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Pifil.5193


Doubt that, it could easily break with fundamental changes to physics or movement in the engine but every release? That would imply that every map breaks with every content patch. If that’s the case then there’s something fundamentally wrong with their code or systems.

Doubt SAB will get world 3 and 4 now

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Pifil.5193


The irritating thing is that if it hadn’t been for W2, we could have had W3 and 4 simply by breaking the Rapids, Ninja Dojo, and Mountain Peak into their own worlds.

I like them, but those worlds are too long, IMO (as in too long to play through in a single sitting world checkpoints). I prefer the zone length in world 1.

It’s a shame, but I think you’re right, the content in those worlds could have been used to make 2, 3 and 4.


in PvP

Posted by: Pifil.5193


Tissue Paper Amulet?

Disappointed in April Fools

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Pifil.5193


I thought the patch notes were funny, I laughed out loud several times.

What if Anet made a pve poll

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Pifil.5193


Poll is notably missing a Living Story Season 4 option.

[idea] 4v4 conquest. Fixing SPvP

in PvP

Posted by: Pifil.5193


The good thing on it is, it´s very easy to implement. But we all should be aware that the weight of one player will count more. This also means a bad one or disconnect.

Just 5% more.

I think this sounds like an interesting idea.

Current status is an alert : what next.

in PvP

Posted by: Pifil.5193


Gw2 was seen as a wow-killer to no-one but Arenanet. Sad but true.

The press did call it one of the possible wow killers but for a while it was popular to call every MMO a possible wow killer (just click bait, quite often) so it means nothing.

Permanent Super Explosive Finisher?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Pifil.5193


I sure it’ll be back, surprised it isn’t already, it’s still my preferred finisher!

Suggestion: Show SAB daily inside SAB

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Pifil.5193


I had no issue seeing my SAB dailies in SAB.

Simply select which ones you want to track from the daily achievement panel, like normal dailies, and they display right where they should.

I think OP wants the SAB dailies to be shown automatically.
When you enter PvP you are automatically shown the PvP dailies.
When you enter WvW you are automatically shown the WvW dailies.
When you enter PvE you are automatically shown the PvE dailies.
When you enter SAB you are automatically shown the …
… PvE dailies. Sounds useful to me.

Furthermore, in the LS 3 zones you see the dailies for those zones too. Would be nice, probably just an oversight.

question about hero points

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Pifil.5193


You didn’t need any of Core Tyria’s hero points after the trait rework.

Before it shipped, the plan was that you received 400 points from leveling, but needed an extra 65 points to fully unlock your core specs.

Yep, I remember that, I remember making sure I had 65 ready to go on each of my alts.


in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Pifil.5193


Having their feathers under these gauntlets must hurt.

About as much as asura’s ears being crammed under their helmets. Or their sticky-outy, side-toes being cut off in some boots. Youch, the price of fashion, eh? Beauty hurts!

Blaine's letters (?)

in Living World

Posted by: Pifil.5193


I just got the fourth letter from Blaine, at least three weeks after feeding him. I did not get the first three letters. FWIW.

Is possible one of your other characters got them I think, I got one on my guardian but my thief was the one who fed him so I think it’s sent to the first character you log on to after the patch or maybe the first one in Lake Doric after the patch?

Where's elona/Cantha?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Pifil.5193


I’m reminded of Spinal Tap’s “but this one goes up to eleven” bit.

map reserved PLEASE

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Pifil.5193


As far as I see it, WvW works with queues because it’s a none dynamic map, the instance is fixed for everyone, PvE has dynamic maps which change player size and delete themselves to create new instances, saving on server usage.

In terms of joining a PvE map, it would have to say “is the map full? No? Let them in” or “Is the map full? Yes, Are they on the reserved list? Yes? Ok let them in” the reserved list would contribute to filling the map but players would be removed from that list after a minute of not being present, so as not to bloat the servers still. I don’t see how that is of detriment to the servers while also being great quality of life to players

It’s worth noting that the PvP maps/servers already have something like this reservation system. You can log out to change characters and it automatically ports you to the right map/server when you log back in. I think they already have a lot of the infrastructure needed, it just isn’t a priority for them. As you say all they need to do is reserve a slot for a minute or two and to take it one step further, they only need to reserve a slot for a minute or two when the client doesn’t shut down normally, as in, if the client crashes or loses connection, hold a slot for a minute or two to see if they come back.

About AFK farming

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Pifil.5193


If they actually can prove people are AFK that is.

It’s not hard to find out if someone is afk or not. Standing there, watching them get attacked without fighting back normally, but using the same aoe skill at regular intervals makes it pretty obvious. I spotted two necros with minions piled around the same tree yesterday, using the same skill at the same time, never moving. Some I even whispered, asking if they were afk. No answer. Not replying doesn’t help them, it just confirms that they’re obviously not there.

Doesnt mean they weren’t there and couldn’t have responded if they wanted to. Them not responding to some random whisper from some random dude means nothing.

About AFK farming

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Pifil.5193


Opened ticket about this. GM clearly stated this is aganist rules.

Also said…

“Please note, we get hundreds of reports a day and we have to investigate all of them. By the time we get to an “AFK” farmer they may no longer be doing so."

So… Proper fix needed on spawn spots or loot tables to make this unappealing.

Their impact to game eco maybe tiny, but still i hate people abusing game so i will report and laugh(evil) when they lose their farming spots.

(I doubt it will happen, toxic people always wins.)

Adjusting the spawn rates or drop tables would harm people who play normally.

What they could do is log on to a Bitterfrost map and pass through it checking for AFKers themselves, if they were interested in doing so. They don’t need to wait for reports they could be proactive and cut off a few dozen tickets a day.

If they actually can prove people are AFK that is.

Is Tyria flat?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Pifil.5193


I believe that there are some in-game globes depicting Tyria as a sphere.

Like the mile high decoration known as the globe of whispers.

They must be fakes, though. There are invisible walls all over the place that were built by the aliens to prevent us from falling off the edges of Tyria. Ain’t nobody can deny it.

I’ve seen those edges, they’re hard and cold and smooth like glass but they’re not glass! The government knows about it!

Where's elona/Cantha?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Pifil.5193


fully enjoying ESO myself and can not wait for the new stuff to come out there. as well as you do not need to sub to still play the game but you can get that if you like .as well as its support for DX11 .

I’m curious — what does DX11 support actually bring to the table here?

Nothing, by itself.

Some people seem to think updating to DX11 is a magic wand that’ll fix whatever they don’t like. They don’t seem to realise that upgrading DX versions would only be the beginning of an extensive batch of refactoring required for the improvements they want.

Purpose of Next Ally?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Pifil.5193


Yeah, that was pretty funny

Still, computers are literal beasts. And technically, “party members” are considered different from “allies.” Computers have a very strict code (ahem) about such things. “Allies” are mindless NPCs; party members are mindful humans (although, of course, some are more ‘mindful’ than others).

No doubt the game should use a different word than “next ally”, like maybe “next NPC.”

And “next party member” would be a useful addition to the set of commands we could bind to a key.

Erm… party members are allies, the effect targeting rules are:

“Effects that target allies prioritizes party members, then party members’ pets and minions, then other players, then friendly NPCs.”

Unfortunately I have no idea how they decide who the “next” ally should be. If it cycles through all allies in a certain radius well that seems kinda pointless in the open world. “Next party member” sounds more useful.

Should ANet change the Floppy Fish?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Pifil.5193


I think it’s hilarious, so I guess I have no pity for pixels. I’m sorry you had a negative reaction to it Flesh Wound.

I thought it was worth a thread to discuss it. And I’m glad you like it. I’m reminded now of an old saying that I heard back in the 60’s.

“Everyone to his own taste,” the old woman said when she kissed her cow.

Wonder how the cow felt about that….

Cows don’t have feelings. They’re animals. O.o


You’ve never been around cows have you? Animals do have feelings, not the same as humans, perhaps, but they do have feelings.

And yet you pity this poor fish. How strange…

The /s means /sarcasm, don’t take the post seriously.

Oh, I didn’t get the /s thing… you kids and your new-fangled expressions back in my day a winky smiley was all we had and we liked it!

Infinitely Repeatable Achievements?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Pifil.5193


I’ve heard a few players brag about being able to gain 20-30 achievement points EVERY DAY on top of the 10 points the daily gives us. When I asked these players how they are getting the extra points, they refused to answer.

So, are there such things as infinitely repeatable achivements that have no caps on points earned or are these players exploiting a bug or two?

I suspect the reason they refused to answer was because there aren’t any infinitely repeatable achievements and they realised they were about to be reveal that they were talking out of their backsides.

Should ANet change the Floppy Fish?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Pifil.5193


I think it’s hilarious, so I guess I have no pity for pixels. I’m sorry you had a negative reaction to it Flesh Wound.

I thought it was worth a thread to discuss it. And I’m glad you like it. I’m reminded now of an old saying that I heard back in the 60’s.

“Everyone to his own taste,” the old woman said when she kissed her cow.

Wonder how the cow felt about that….

Cows don’t have feelings. They’re animals. O.o


You’ve never been around cows have you? Animals do have feelings, not the same as humans, perhaps, but they do have feelings.

Should ANet change the Floppy Fish?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Pifil.5193


Looking forward to the next pet: a perpetually drowning cat that spasms as it drags itself around after you.

Precocious Aurene ooze generators bugged?

in Living World

Posted by: Pifil.5193


Awesome pet name.

Airship Oil , Auric dust eater ?

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Pifil.5193


My meaning of Sell well is you put it on the average price (after looking at TP site)and it sold in 3 day at volume of 10 or more.

Right, I post above average price in units of as many as I can manage and I’ve never had trouble selling all within 3 days.

Hmmm…. you don’t say? <sidles quietly over to trading post>

Blocking dps meters

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Pifil.5193


Sykper.6583 feel better now you got that out your system?
depsite what you think Anet like any other company its policys need to be in acordance with the law and it dosent matter what country you live in they all have laws to protect your privacy thats why Anet has such a thing as a privacy policy in the first place and it is not just something they made up as they went along it is based on law’s that even they must follow

Anet are not the all powerfull company you piant them out to be they do not have total control over my private info and canot do anything they like with it as you claim

The privacy policy refers to your personal information (your name, address, contact details and so on).

The data the game generates and uses (including all combat data) is not your private information. In fact you don’t own it, ArenaNet do, they create it and share it as required (your combat data is not actually your data at all).

Maroon Dye

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Pifil.5193


Well, the RGB definition of Maroon is wrong. That’s just a dark red.

Maroon is supposed to be Blue+Red.

That’s my expectation too, and how I’ve always thought of Maroon. Does this vary from country to country or region to region?

Anyway, crimson lion seems to be close to what OP wants (although calling it Tyrian Purple seems especially appropriate).

Update on Hearts and Minds

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Pifil.5193


I’ve been keeping an eye on this post, and I’ve seen several comments asking for the removal of the penalty box. Unfortunately, that mechanic is intricately involved in the design of the entire instance and removing it is simply not feasible.

That’s unfortunate, Sean. Because, with the penalty box, the mission is simply not worth the time spent playing. I recommend abandoning your other fixes, because they won’t help significantly in comparison to leaving the penalty box.

The penalty box is only an issue when you’re trying the instance in a party, right? Some (myself included) have no desire to ever play the story in a party (something I think they know by now) fixing the other defects would help us to complete the instance without frustration.

Update on Hearts and Minds

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Pifil.5193


I would like to be clear on the scope of the changes being made: It is my goal to fix all blocking bugs within the instance and to address as many QoL issues as are quickly actionable. A major mechanical overhaul of the encounters is not in the works, but I will incorporate small changes that should result in noticeable improvements to the fun and quality of the experience.

Just to remind people what Sean said (my emphasis) so that people don’t expect too much: they’re not going to be able to rework the instance so I imagine that that means no changes to the Migraine penalty box. Personally, I’d love it if they just removed Migraine as a requirement for the chapter rewards but that, unfortunately, does not seem to be on the cards.

Blocking dps meters

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Pifil.5193


Actually the OP clearly stated that he was a vet player, and does good dps numbers when playing. Hey simply doesn’t like the feeling of being monitored by other players when he plays. So point A is incorrect.

Point b. isn’t really an issue to me. Most people don’t actually mind others wanting to play their best, or wanting to play with like minded players. It’s when they act rudely based on that desire that people dislike.

As a mater of choices and actions, while it’s true no one is forcing anyone to use a meter or not. Someone using a meter may be forcing that meter onto others wishing to not use it.

Actually, I got the feeling he had never used a DPS meter and wouldn’t ever use one so I wonder how does he know he does good DPS? What even is good DPS? What’s his basis for comparison?

I mean, I haven’t used a DPS meter in GW2 so I don’t know what my DPS is much less what good DPS is for my main much less my alts.

Update on Hearts and Minds

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Pifil.5193


Great news, Sean!

Blocking dps meters

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Pifil.5193


@Grogba.6204: it doesn’t matter who had how much alacrity (i don’t use that that monitor garbage so i can’t give you that info), bottom line we killed the bosses without any issues (beside one wipe on Gorse because 5 people got egged – which is CLEARLY not a an alacrity uptime issue) and all that dps meters contributed to was toxicity in the group, LITERARY nothing else.

Blame the player not the DPS meter, the meter is just a tool that player would be the same without it.

But Anet giving their blessing to the tool… gave those toxic players more tools (the puns) and reasons to grief other players. I mean by the same logic, why not stop moderation of the forums all together – toxic posters will be always there and won’t change, right? Or removing the blocking someone feature – same thing.

Not really, removing those kind of functions would be more like removing the ability to kick someone from a group, I’d recommend people kick players like that. If someone is causing grief because they perceive issues with other people’s performance then kick em.

Blocking dps meters

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Pifil.5193


@Grogba.6204: it doesn’t matter who had how much alacrity (i don’t use that that monitor garbage so i can’t give you that info), bottom line we killed the bosses without any issues (beside one wipe on Gorse because 5 people got egged – which is CLEARLY not a an alacrity uptime issue) and all that dps meters contributed to was toxicity in the group, LITERARY nothing else.

Blame the player not the DPS meter, the meter is just a tool that player would be the same without it.

Blocking dps meters

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Pifil.5193


p.s.: even if I run a dps meter, that doesn’t display other DPS, i still never say nothing to other player of they like provide poor quickness, GotL or alacrity. Nor I say nothing if we fail because not enough DPS or because someone make mistake at doing mechanics.
If for me the group can get the kill, I try untill we do it or the group disband. If I think the group can’t do it, i Just leave without blame people

100% Support this attitude!

I am using a meter that can see the dps of all party members (estimated dps). I mentioned that in a raid this weekend and people asked me how they were doing and were interested in their performance. I didnt blame anyone or flamed in squad chat to kick underperformers. I told one guy (after he asked me) that he was underperforming (and by that i mean he was doing half of what the other dps classes did in the same squad). He improved after that and got into the top dps for the next tries until we got the kill.

If hed ran that meter himself he would have benefitet earlier. And thats true for a lot of persons.

Exactly, as I said earlier, I don’t raid in GW2, I don’t even do dungeons/fractals. I used to raid in WoW however and I always used a DPS meter in that game, because your build only gives you less than half the picture; you need a good rotation, you need good placement and GW2 is no different. I can have the best build in the world, my gear could be best in slot and my DPS could still be terrible if I’m (for example) standing just outside melee range swinging my weapon at nothing.

A DPS meter is a useful tool for people who want to get better at the game. Some may abuse it, some will abuse any tool.

Battle of Tarir

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Pifil.5193


I did the meta twice today, first time it was successful, the second it failed. I could loot all the chests the first time, the second time I started looting and the “medium” chests were already opened.

Crazy idea guys: there may be bugs here. It may have been the same map instance, maybe it didn’t reset properly, maybe something to do with the failed attempt, whatever.

That’s not a bug. If Tarir fails, then the only chests that will be available to loot are the small chests, and you’ll be limited in how much of the underground vault you can enter. That’s the penalty for failure.

If the Battle for Tarir fails you don’t get the large Grand Exalted Chests, I know that.

However, you do get access to a number of small Exalted Chests and medium Great Exalted Chests, the number depends on how well the attempt went, in our case we killed three of the four Octovines so a number of rooms were unlocked and in those I could see the small and medium chests. I could loot the small chests but the medium chests looked like they were already looted (they were already open).

Battle of Tarir

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Pifil.5193


I did the meta twice today, first time it was successful, the second it failed. I could loot all the chests the first time, the second time I started looting and the “medium” chests were already opened.

Crazy idea guys: there may be bugs here. It may have been the same map instance, maybe it didn’t reset properly, maybe something to do with the failed attempt, whatever.

Cin Business and inventory spam.

in Living World

Posted by: Pifil.5193


Not sure the Mursaat Tokens, Gold Coins, Badges, etc. have different ID numbers, but as I’ve never seen one, I can’t be sure. /shrug

Of course they have unique IDs; if they didn’t then the game wouldn’t be able to tell them apart.

Trust me, I’m a software engineer.

Cin Business and inventory spam.

in Living World

Posted by: Pifil.5193


Except those ‘collections’ were all the exact same item. It might be different when there are different items, and some/all have flavor text and different icons. Dunno.

I, personally (and this is just me), would miss getting an actual item. I love keeping my souvenirs. (Still have ‘Soggy Bag’. Lol) /shrug

They’re not the same item, they’re all different items with unique ID numbers. They happen to have similar names but as far as the game is concerned “Journal Page 2” is entirely different to “Journal Page 4” (because their identifiers are different).

Blocking dps meters

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Pifil.5193


Pifil.5193 i cant say for sure witch ones allow squad monitoring coz i dont agree with them i have never looked for a dps meter of any sort but im sure someone can tell you

If you don’t know which ones because you’ve never looked for any DPS meters then how do you know that “most other DPS meters allow you to see everyone in your party/raid’s DPS reguardless of what they have installed”?

I don’t use DPS meters in GW2 (I don’t raid) but I have looked for them now and none that I can find allow you to see everyone’s DPS unless they have the same DPS meter installed.

Blocking dps meters

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Pifil.5193


lucadiro.4519 the dps meeter your useing is just one of many that are currently permited and they dont all work like that most other DPS meters allow you to see everyone in your party/raid’s DPS reguardless of what they have installed

Which DPS meters, specifically, are you talking about? I’ve just searched for GW2 DPS meters and everyone requires the entire group to have them installed in order to see other player’s DPS.

It is possible to calculate the DPS done to a boss from the entire group, but you could do that with a stopwatch too (for example, if you know a boss has 1,000,000 hitpoints and the fight takes 100 seconds, the group DPS is 1,000,000/100 therefore the group’s DPS is 10,000).

Blocking dps meters

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Pifil.5193


This kind of thing is why I rarely PUG. I didn’t know much about DPS meters, but I had no idea they weren’t just for one’s own performance.

I agree, bad idea, ArenaNet.

Maybe I’m out of touch here but a quick google search indicates that I’m not.

Guild Wars 2 only sends your damage to your client. You cannot tell how much damage any other player is doing. The only way those would work would be if everyone in the group has the same damage meter installed and that damage meter shared information over the net.

Cin Business and inventory spam.

in Living World

Posted by: Pifil.5193


Full agreement with the statements in this thread. If a collection item can’t be sold or handed in, don’t make it an actual item in the inventory. Pointless clutter is just annoying.

I can pretty much promise that if it was trivial to do that within the capabilities of the engine, the developers would do so. Which they have not, so we can infer: not so easy as it sounds, I guess. :/

They HAVE done it, however – some of the pieces that go into the order backpacks go straight to the collection achievement without touching your inventory.

You’re right, they can do it and they have done it, they did it in the previous LS episodes and this one; the letters left around by E, for example, unlock collection entries without requiring or creating an item, same with Mursaat tokens and tablets, the coins in Dry Top, badges in Silverwastes and so on. They can do it, they just didn’t do it that way, instead opting to produce items with no monetary value and no “This item only has value as part of a collection.” tagline.

Those examples are part of the rewards for completing a story step, however, so it might be that the specific means of gaining them gives them options they wouldn’t normally have.

I don’t think so, they have proven that they can unlock collection entries from interacting with objects, completing dynamic events, dancing in front of the queen, “stealth gliding” as a particular class. The collection framework seems to be very powerful and can trigger off many different kinds of events in game.

Ascended Shards overtuned

in PvP

Posted by: Pifil.5193


This is ArenaNet’s balancing in a nutshell, unfortunately, in season 5 it was undoubtedly too easy to obtain these rewards so in season 6 they all but removed them. There’s now no reason to play sPvP for the ascended equipment. You would be far better playing in PvE (where you can get the crafting materials you need).

They just can’t seem to resist twiddling all the knobs available to them when adjusting something.

Why Raid Asc. vendor not requite crafting?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Pifil.5193


Challenging group content should have real rewards that get used in that challenging group content. They have a really usable, healthy, balanced economy right now in Magnetite Shards. If they were to hamfistedly change it up they would ruin the reward system in-place and do vastly more harm than good. This isn’t like the S5 PvP vendor where you could get an entire armor set in 1 day with 0 gold cost. The opportunity cost alone for spending your Magnetite Shards is immense.

It is significantly cheaper to buy Ascended equipment using Magnetite Shards than any of the other vendors (or basic crafting). This is based on the “opportunity costs” for those shards (although I do wonder just how realistic getting 250g for a Ghostly Infusion really is).

The real issue is why this vendor doesn’t require crafting while the others do. How “usable”, “healthy” or “balanced” it all is is quite debatable as is whether or not it’s a suitable reward for the content (given that you get actual ascended drops from the raids too).

I suspect they won’t change anything here because the numbers raiding are quite low and most people raiding already have Ascended (probably).

The influx of people into sPvP however caused them to “adjust” things there, and of course they applied the usual ArenaNet overcompensation there, the previous season you could get 1200 shards quite easily, this season you need over 300 wins or 600 losses to get that same amount of shards, at 10 minutes or so a match you’re looking at 3000-6000 minutes (50-100 hours) spent in sPvP (and then you just get a moderate discount over regular crafting as you have to supply a load of gold and crafting materials on top).

How does LFG actually work?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Pifil.5193


Bug Fix:
Fixed a bug in which the Looking for Group tool would not display all postings.

That bug fix was 4 days ago the OP was talking about yesterday so I’m not sure I understand the relevance.