RNG generator means that I, who has played since launch have still not received a precursor.
RNG means that someone who created a trail account and played for the weekend got one almost immediately.
RNG doesnt reward dedicated players. It’s random.
Megaservers were more to reduce the issue of particular maps being empty while others are permanently on overflow. For instance, before Megaservers, you could go to Brisban Wildlands pretty much any time you pleased and see, at most, two other players. Now that map is more populated because they can condense multiple server’s worth.
In comparison, getting your Frozen Maw done practically required you being on the map a half hour before the event even started, as otherwise you were kicked off to an overflow where the event could have still been an hour away and possibly not even have enough people to complete it.
Megaservers were not done because of a shrinking player population.
Erm, the examples in your posts proves shrinking populations.
As players left, some servers became less active. As a result players moved to more active servers.
As a result, the servers which were losing players had empty maps, and the servers gaining players had the overflows.
Megaservers were done precisely because of shrinking populations. Anet could not let people think players were leaving the game. Megaservers throwns everyone onto one server until it fills up.
Oh and I forgot to post megaservers helps reduce costs. With so many players leaving they cannot afford the upkeep of server specific worlds.
No longer having to upkeep server specific worlds, they just need the one main and a couple overflow. So they have gone from 25 servers to probably 5 at the most.
If that isnt shrinking population, I dont know what is!
All the evidence that this game is on it’s last legs is right in front of you. And unfortunately an expansion which will be more of the same as the current state of the game, will not help matters.
Simple, it wont, not without some serious hard work and commitment to ALL game modes, not just PvE.
Do you know how badly this game is doing?
The real reason for megaservers was to merge to populations because if they didnt the server specific maps would have been empty! That is how many players have left the game!
If an expansion comes out, how many will buy it? How long will it keep those who do buy it, in the game?
WvW populations have fallen dramatically as well, where there was once queues on all 4 maps, you only see 1 map queued to 50+ as all players try to join the zerg, cos there are only roamers on the other maps doing very little.
If an expansion doesnt come out, more people will leave the game
If one does come out, some players will continue playing for a while until they have finished one or two run throughs.
But what we all know for certain is that they “cannot talk about it”.
Most likely has already been posted but hey.
Well first of all, cannot salvage WvW gear, has runes of melandru on all 6.
The most expensive superior rune costs under 13 gold.
The most expensive sigil costs 82g.
The most expensive infusion is 550g.
The current price of an upgrade extractor via gold-gems is just under 40g!!!
So is this item supposed to be just for those players who run fractals?!
As a WvW only player I cannot afford such luxuries :P
Do you doubt Anet?
Do you not think Anet will do anything?
They will do what they always do.
Infract you for posting, and me for posting they infract people for “grieving” about trolls.
All hail the perfect system to burying your head in the ground.
Could you post a summary of what you think is the problem and how to fix it?
There are probably no dedicated WvW Devs#
There are no updates for WvW
WvW is not balanced,
Get dedicated WvW Devs, more than one.
Add real content updates for WvW
Find way to actually make WvW fair and balanced, rather than the bigger zerg is the “better” server.
Dont try silly little changed like you have now, it will just cause more players to leave
The WvW population has fallen dramatically, even in T1. Players are leaving and Anet has no idea, or no resources to add new content to it.
They know their only hope is PvE, hence why we have biweekly updates for Living Story. But even PvE isnt doing well for GW2. Even in PvE so many players have left the game that they had to resort to megaserver in order to make maps look active. If we still had server specific world maps, you’d see the real ghost town Gw2 has become.
Even if there is an expansion, a PvE expansion, in the next 6 months; who is going to buy it? When this expansion comes out, it is then when we will realise just how many players are still left in this game.
I think it’s intimidation.
If you can push a server hard for the first couple of days, you can get quite a few pugs to stop playing in WvW for most of the week. This makes the rest of the week easier for your server. It also roots out the hardcore from the leechers.
Then again, you have the leechers, as reset is the busiest, it means more loot if you are on the stronger zerger, i mean server. So as soon as they have their loot, and the pugs on the other servers stop playing due to wipes, they too have no reason to play anymore, as it means less loot.
And again, Friday night is when most people will be free, and so obviously more people will be online as well.
I hate PPK, yet again it rewards zerg behaviour.
Take an unskilled zerg and a smaller skilled group.
The zerg it taking a tower and the smaller group comes to defend.
The zerg slowly whittles down the smaller group, which is able to hang on whilst it’s dead players run back again.
Eventually, after several wipes, the smaller group manages to defeat and push back the zerg.
With PPK the zerg is still rewarded more points than the smaller group as the smaller group suffered more deaths than the zerg. So even though a smaller group was able to defeat the zerg, the smaller group is not rewarded for their skill.
But as usual the real problem is that WvW is just not balanced! And Anet not spending resources on improving it is not helping; making silly little changes like PPK and removal on white swords will not fix anything.
OH actually u had an update!!
No white swords.
WvW Content Updates
Content Updates
Is real WvW content updates!
Merry Xmas!
Good to see you are slowly taking care of the hackers.
But isnt a cure better than removing scabs? Of course I’ve read this is an issue as the hacks are client-side and hard to track, but that just means you need to fix your client so it cannot be altered so easily.
As for the thief saying no fair I almost killed you, well they cannot look for cheaters when they are dead.
But again, the best way to find the cheaters is for you not to announce you are there.
Having your anet logo visible is like sending up a signal flare saying dont cheat whilst i’m here. But when you are gone, they are safe. Again this adds to fixing the client instead.
This, and you can always fall back on WvW Achievements for a perfect argument on how the gametype gets so little attention. GW2 is pushing 2.5 years old, and they still haven’t simply adjusted the crazy numbers for most of these.
DevonCarver.5370:But it’s not as easy as just saying “Let there be new achievements”
Their solution: Create WvW Seasons. Add new achievements.
Pretty sure that’s the opposite of that quote……
Welcome to GW2.
Intentions?! They had no intentions.
Yet again they did the lest amount of work required to add 2 small changes to the mode.
Not only that, they claim they got these ideas from “requests” from their adopt-a-dev sessions.
I for one would still like to know who, or which guilds requested these changes, as as soon as a dev posted that they were going to implement these changes a lot of people replied saying they did not want these and that they would make things worse.
As usual the devs did not listen. Which again begs the question who did they actually listen to then?!
since when WvW player care about reward ?
It seems you fail to realise the cost of upgrading towers and keeps.
We get hardly a thing compared to PvE for putting in more effort and time, and then we have to pay a fortune on upgrades, and then the enemy zerg takes the tower, and the whole thing begins again.
Show me a rich, casual WvW player, who’s only made their wealth from WvW alone. They dont exist, they are broke!
“I’m sorry but we cant hear about it at this time”
I dont want to say I told you so but I already have.
Of course you can wipe out the enemy zerg with a small group. That’s the point, EoTM is not WvW if you can cut through them like butter.
It’s time Anet realise that and change it if they want WvW players to use it. Otherwise it will remain a K-Train map for PvE players and uplevels.
I think this is another example of how EOTM is not WvW
Of course it needs new content, not QoL crap.
I’ve already posted so many times that a new map would refrsh it more than LS does for PvE.
I’ve posted how they can make a new map in under 2 months.
They just have to spend the resources on it!
Wait, are you saying the changes which noone asked for are bad?!
so almost 5 minutes of nothing much happening???
Yeah I saw that, but still, I haven’t seen anything that actually tells me “yes, we’re here”. This just leads to more and more disappointment in that sense.
So you’re telling that the red post on the thread saying “Yes there are GM’s and yes we are working” means nothing?
If you think a Anet response doesn’t mean anything why you are asking them somenthing at all?
It means the same to me as posts like this one: https://forum-en.gw2archive.eu/forum/game/wuv/WvW-Achievements-are-unrealistic/first#post2462697
Why do we still post? Well it’s a form of protesting really, at least for me it is.
Infracting posts for raising concerns about the future of the game is just a fascist act on Anet’s side.
Removing posts which reflect negatively on the game is just showing their “Everything is Awesome” attitude. It isnt awesome, WvW especially is in dire need of help! Things are going badly quickly!
Megaservers are great, if you ignore the fact that it could mean so many peopel have stopped playing that they were forced to merge PvE servers so people would still see some activity.
Fortnightly PvE content updates are great, until you realise that you can do the first run in 30 minutes, and you only need to redo it for achievements points.
The lacks of any WvW content, note I said content not QoL lordkrall there is a huge difference, for over 2 years is great…….oh wait no it isnt.
WvW is resistant to change because it is a known game, like chess. You don’t change the rules, the pieces or the board mid-game.
Sorry but WvW is not chess!
This is an MMO, and WvW is a game mode in it, which like the rest of the game, requires updates and new content to keep people interested.
Do you know how many people have left this game over the last year?!
In WvW alone it’s huge!
In PvE it’s enough for Anet to crap individual maps for each server and merging them all into a single megaserver!
Last year my guild went to NA from EU. We played in T1 for a few months. Even at EU late night there were zergs from all 3 servers on all borderlands and EB!
I have recently got another account and have it on Blackgate. And oh what a difference a year makes!
Late night EU and there is hardly anyone on! If you are lucky there is one borderland queued with about 5-10. But this is everyone! Everyone wants to run in a big zerg still and all group together. The other 3 maps are almost completely empty bar a few roamers!
The difference in activity in just a year is astounding! What was once a busy tier almost 24 hours a day, is now just a handful.
Was over a year ago, just like all the other promises and ideas for WvW.
Please refer to this post by Devon:
But it’s not as easy as just saying “Let there be new achievements”
Funny, pretty sure that is what they ended up doing with Season Achievements.
I’d love to be more informative in terms of date, but I don’t know either, so I can’t.
He’s the WvW Co-ordinator, yet even he doesnt even know what he’s doing……
I think that explains everything.Funny enough they were able to adjust some sPvP achievements and two of the WvW supply use achievements. No idea why they cant adjust all of these achievements in one go.
Please look at when he posted that
Please refer to this post by Devon:
But it’s not as easy as just saying “Let there be new achievements”
Funny, pretty sure that is what they ended up doing with Season Achievements.
I’d love to be more informative in terms of date, but I don’t know either, so I can’t.
He’s the WvW Co-ordinator, yet even he doesnt even know what he’s doing……
I think that explains everything.
(edited by Pinkamena Diane Pie.8054)
Are you saying because I play mainly WvW i shouldnt expect to get the same amount of rewards as others do in PvE?!
Where is the balance in that?!
Do not worry, the new event where they remove white swords and add PPK will totally revitalise WvW, and we can then spend the next 2 years enjoying these special additions before the next ones are added!
I agree to this, only if they also allow WvW players to get all PvE points by just logging into Lion’s Arch.
but the limits will lift in a relatively short time.
Is a month a short time???
And note that you can only send 2 emails in a row to the same account. Try sending a third and you get an error. You then have to wait a couple minutes to each addition mail!
It’s not the best option, it punishes us players more than it does the gold sellers. I was transferring all my junk items and unused items to my 2nd account and it took over an hour! Something that should have only taken 10 minutes if it wasnt for this mail limit.
The 2 email limit is here forever, it wont go away I’m afraid.
Yes and I have made several posts demanding to know who asked them for it! Still no reply but they are going ahead with it as if the entire community wants it to happen.
I currently have 30,000 badges in my wallet.
As said the only useful thing to buy is siege with them.
- Removing white swords will make it impossible to find any fights… Goodbye WvW
Not true, you just need to have scouts at towers and important paths.
Preferably a thief so they can stealth and follow them a little, but these scouts will have to spend all their time scouting or patrolling an area, nothing more.
So it’s a good thing that they will be handsomely rewarded for such an important task…….
1000 gems, you can buy a mini-dev that follows you around and promises to make change to wvw and new maps…..
I’d buy that for a dollar!
Lots all trust in Anet.
I might buy the expansion if I get bored, but apart from that they aint getting any more from me.
If they want more they have to show that they deserve it.
And even if you do crowd source it, tenner bet it all goes to PvE :P
Baby steps , but steps none the less !
Baby step for over 2 years?!
If you aint walking after 2 years then there is something wrong with ya!
How long has it been since anyone changed the standard chess board? Has to have been a few decades.
Those red and black squares are so boring. The pieces never change.
Now try playing chess when you start with only your king, and the enemy has all 16 pieces!
The funny part is: I see more complaints from the top tiers about the lack of people than from the lower tiers where there are less people.
This is most likely due to all the bandwagoning. One server will have greater coverage at say oceanic times, and so will continue to try to get all oceanic players to their server.
Just like how lower tier server complain about being outmanned all day and night, T1 server complain about being outmanned during those 2 hours in the middle of the night in the USA.
(edited by Pinkamena Diane Pie.8054)
so basically..nothing changed?
More players left, is that a change?
Enemy tags!
With tags you can see a zerg from a mile away!
You can see a mesmer hiding in a corner, or catch a small group trying to sneal past your zerg.
If you really wanted to make a challenging change, removing the ability to see enemy tags would have been a way better options imo.
Updates? This is WvW!
Yeah a new map would do a lot to refresh WvW, maps have been asked for for over 18 months now.
Players asked for map rotations, Devon replied oh so long ago that that was the idea and new maps would be coming Soon™. But here we are with still nothing.
We players have been posting ideas for well over a year, but unless Anet actually spends the time and resources on actually working on WvW, it will forever remain in its current state.
It takes over 9000 days to make a map!
Please come up with ideas which require the most minimal of effort, time and resources to implement, eg, account bound WXP, coloured tags, a new mastery, PPK and removing white swords.
I still think you people are too drastic…
I dont think so, PPK alone will get rid of what little fights are left.
“Oh look an enemy! There’s one more of them than us, run away dont let them get your points!”
Even now a bad zerg will still run away from a smaller better skilled group, especially after a couple of wipes from them already. PPK will just make them turn away with their tails between their legs, back to a tower and their dozon superior ACs.
Removing white swords is something they can do in probably a few minutes. If it takes more than an hour I’d be surprised.
It is yet again the most minimal thing they can do for WvW, and a change NO ONE asked for! In fact when it was announced the forums were filled with players asking them who on earth gave them this idea!
They clearly are not listening, yet again. We have said we dont want this, yet they still want to test it out. You can already see what will happen, within a hour of this being implemented everyone will come on here demanding it to be undone immediately!
Add a feature that allows guilds or a X numbers of players from other servers to “invade” a server to a “specific” map (could be random from time to time) warning players about that, so pver’s avoid going there and by that making the game have REAL OPEN PvP!
Interesting idea but….Megaserver.
If they wanted to charge a sub, even if it was half that of others at £5 per month, GW1 players would have probably paid for it, I know I would have.
However, thanks to the “we cannot talk about it” attitude, and strict rules and especially rules made towards one certain part of the game, i.e No necroing posts sticky in WvW Discussions forums but no such warning on other forums; punishing players who posting concerns about bugs glitches and hackers etc etc etc etc etc etc.
Well basically we already know a lot of people have already left the game. Half of those who are still here have little faith left in Anet and probably only play because friends still play, and the rest are those who havent or are new players.
Introducing a sub now ruin this game now, a lot of players will be asking anet, why should we pay you more? You wont talk to us about the future of this game, you wont fix the hacking issue, and you ignore WvW like the plague.
Anet lost the plot long ago, even a new expansion will not help this game, PvP and WvW players will still ask why they should buy a PvE expansion which still ignores their game mode!
So the answer is No, no, no, no, hell no!
I got a weird lag today and REALLY WEIRD !
Poor you, you complain about 5 seconds of not being able to cast 1 heal skill.
Here’s a video of me not being able to give waterfields for 2 minutes.
Come back when you’re in my league