I dont want a Frodo, I want a Gandalf!
I dont want to handhold someone, I want them to know what they are doing from the start!
Getting someone who really represents the WvW community.
I vote for lordkrall :P
I would do it myself, but we know why anet wouldnt choose me
Maybe if you kept yourself from being banned, you might be a suitable candidate
And maybe if anet told up the truth rather than lie to us for 2 and a half years, players wouldnt be so hostile. This is all anet’s mess, not ours.
Getting someone who really represents the WvW community.
I vote for lordkrall :P
I would do it myself, but we know why anet wouldnt choose me
Would you hire a plumber to do brain surgery? You wouldnt be saying “Give the guy a chance” there, so why should we here?
He only has 2 pages of posts on his profile! Most of which arent in the WvW forums! My account has 12 pages, my banned account has another 12 pages, this does not include deleted posts! 90% of my posts have been in the WvW forums!
This guy doesnt fit the bill, we’ve just saying there are better people for the job. Hell I’ve seen PvE EOTM karma train players with more WvW rank than he has!
I understand all of your concerns on whether or not im even qualified to be called a “specialist”. So here are some of my stats that may help with those concerns.
Total hours: 2,500 WvW rank: 300 Total AP: 8,500 Total Kills: 5,700The worrying thing is that you consider those stats to be sufficient to be defined as a ‘specialist.’ Your rank is disproportionately low compared with the number of hours you’re claiming you’ve put into the game. That means most of your in-game focus has likely been elsewhere and not in WvW.
I think the main reason is due to this:
In fact here is one of the requirements:
- must have a Guild Wars 2 forum account in good standing with a history that includes minimal, if any, warnings or infractions
That alone probably disqualifies most of the more active members of the WvW Forums.
So any active WvW players who post regularly here would not meet that requirement, as we’ve been infracted for our concerns.
I think the next question is, how many people knew that Anet were taking applications from players to become a “Forum Specialist”?
You see, the post regarding that was posted in the General Discussions forums, WvW players most likely hardly visit that section, sticking to this one.
I do not recall a red posts in these WvW forums letting us know that they were going to do this. This means a lot of people who would have wanted to sign up, didnt because they didnt know because they stick to this forum instead.
Marmatt, your stats and post history are the problem!
A lot of players here will have 5000+ hours, rank 1700+, 14k+ AP, and over 125k+ kills! And over 12 pages of posts in their forums profile section, where almost all of their posts are in the WvW Discussions section!
Someone who really represents the WvW community will have at least 1 banned account, and a second which lots of infractions and temporary suspensions, and a third account ready for when their 2nd is also banned. Why? Because these people are willing to argue with the mods and devs and are not afraid to put their honest opinions forward, even if they are opinions anet does not like!
(edited by Pinkamena Diane Pie.8054)
I feel ashamed..
875 hours
3 drops (2 x lover, 1 x rodgorts flame..all 2 weeks ago within 10 minutes..MF)
This is what I love about RNG. (by love I mean absolutely loath!)
4217 hours : 0 pre.
Most expensive thing I’ve had is a lotus node from a BLC, which noone wants to buy and the price has fallen a lot in the last week as well
wait wait….you ahve to pay for the expansion? i thought this was a 1 time pay game and everything that comes after is free. how much is that going to kitten cost?
And it still is a one time pay game. HOT is an expansion, you can carry on playing the current content for free, but to play the HOT content, you will have to buy the expansion.
Some are saying $50, but for what was briefly shown during the announcement that is way too much for such a small expansion; $25-30 would be better suited.
But as with most of the details, we dont know the release date, all the content, or how much it will cost. We’ll find out in the coming months.
What I love about this thread is just how wrong it is!
Do you think that just because they are listed 1-8 and the 9th being one chosen from whoever is between 9-12 on the rankings makes them the best?
Yes they are the “top” servers in rankings, but as we’ve said about WvW, it’s not about your skill, it’s about how many players you have over the 24 hour period.
Numbers and coverage makes you “top”, but not the best.
Then let’s not forget that many people say that EU servers are more skilled than NA servers, even if both play as zergs. So comparing ratings between NA and EU servers when we’ve never had matchups between them is just making assumptions again.
So TC may currently have a rating of 2133, and SFR has a rating of 1912; but dont assume that because of that TC, or even BG and FA which also have higher ratings, will be able to beat SFR.
(edited by Pinkamena Diane Pie.8054)
You only just found out about these? These are really old bugs!
Yes every now and again when you flip a camp, it’ll still spawn enemy npcs, it’s a bug, pretty sure it’s been reported to death, but as we now know the devs have been “busy” with HOT.
As for the claimer being outside, pretty simple; all you have to do is whilst attacking an enemy tower, lure the claimer outside and kill him there, then cap; when you cap the claimers doesnt repawn but resses as your claimer. Sometimes they’ll run back in, but sometimes they just stand where they were killed.
It’s a great change, but there is just one problem, I think the following will sum it up (read to the tune of 1 potato 2 potato song):
1 AC
2 AC
3 AC
5 AC
6 AC
7 AC
9 AC
10 AC
11 AC
13 AC
14 AC
15 AC
17 AC
18 AC
19 AC….
……OK now you’re “fighting” a german server…..
And that’ll just be the ACs, superior ones of course :P
(edited by Pinkamena Diane Pie.8054)
Just remember the main thing here:
Guardian = lots of kittening loot
Water Staff Ele = “Is this all I get for helping all of you stay alive?! You should pay me for my waterfields!”
As a water ele myself I can tell you you will make a hell of a lot less gold playing ele, you wont get nearly as much loot as the rest of your zerg shouts about.
So many times I hear people on TS saying after wiping the enemy zerg “OMG so much loot!”, I check my inventory and I have picked up like 5 items, mainly spikes and hooves, and think WTF they on about.
And who goes cleric, ventari ftw!
Oh and not forgetting you have to work your butt off to keep yourself alive whilst keeping your zerg alive; whilst guardians just spam 1.
(edited by Pinkamena Diane Pie.8054)
Indeed, golem are no fun at all if you on the defensive side. Even of the offensive side you either use them cos you are bored, the enemy have filled their tower with dozens of arrow carts and refuse to come out to play, or cos you have no skill even when you out-man the other server 3-1 and still need golems to take a tower or keep.
As said golem are pay to win, you pay gold for the blueprints; and although these prints can be bought by everyone if they so wish, lower populated servers may not have the gold needed or players required. You make a lot less gold in the losing server so the cost of buying an omega golem isnt justified to many.
Who wants their entire evenings hard-earned gold and hours of upgrading their towers to T3, only for them to fall when the enemy zerg still golem rushes when most of your server has gone to bed!
Anet have always used the excuse about balance; you call this balance?!
I’ve said it a few times before, WvW needs to be torn down and rebuilt properly; I very much doubt they spent much time on the expansion additions and changes, in fact I feel things could get a lot worse for WvW when the expansion comes out.
It’s funny that, notice how the transfer fee is for the “benefit” of WvW players only now.
If you were once in a low populated server, your map zones in PvE could have been just you on it, the rest of it empty. So if you wanted to play with other players, moving to a more populated server would have been the answer.
But now thanks to the megaserver, all PvE players are thrown into the same instance, once that gets full they are put into a 2nd, if the first get’s some slots available, you now not only have the choice to join that more populated server, you also get a nice little buff.
No longer do PvE players have to spend their “hard-earned” gold on gems to transfer to a more populated server.
They also had guesting, though limited to 2 a week, they could still guest to the 2 most PvE populated servers!
So why do we WvW players?!
If PvE players dont have to, then I say we shouldnt either any more! We WvW players already spend a lot of our time fighting in WvW, whilst all PvE players benefit from the buffs their server acquires from the matches each and every week?
What has PvE ever given us?! Apart from all the PvE mobs we dont want and PvE event loot.
I think one thing is blatantly clear, Anet have yet again made changes without considering the effect they will have on WvW.
We barely make enough in WvW but from the sounds of it we may have to end up relying on PvE players selling siege instead. Yet again PvE FTW for making gold, whilst WvW we’re just kids working in a sweatshop as child labour.
Honestly, is there any staff ele that actually uses their elite skills in a zerg/group battle?
Tornado is useless now as it’s too slow and just makes you a sitting duck.
Golems are meh
Fiery Great Sword, well tbh I only use it to catch up to my group if I fall way way behind.
There just isnt an elite skill that feels like an elite skill, and again tbh I wish I could fill it with a normal skill instead!
tl;dr Eles elite skills are still useless!
Whenever I think about anet not caring about WvW at all I just think of this video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4Kk3CDbAO0M
Waits for infraction point
You know, Anet could have dodged all this hostility towards them if they just said 18 months ago “We are working on an expansion and have no time for you”
Yes it would have upset a lot of people, but by dangling a carrot in front of us for over 2 years is much much worse!
Tenner bet I get infracted for this post before you are for yours. Why? just check my sig :P
(edited by Pinkamena Diane Pie.8054)
Assuming Green>Blue>Red
What I’ve seen is that if Blue attacks Green’s BL, Red sees this and uses the opportunity to attack Blue’s BL.
If Green attacks Blue’s BL, Red uses this opportunity to attack Blue’s BL as well.
Red will only take Green’s camps until they get enough people to take Lake and Briar. Until then they stay on their BL and EB
Green will attack whoever they like to annoy.
WvW is too much about PPT, the weakest server will take any advantage to compete, even if it means taking scraps from Green.
This is all too common in german servers, they refuse to fight unless they feel they greatly outnumber you to the point of guaranteed victory in a fight; if they dont or if they have wiped in a previous fight, they will run with their tails between their legs to another corner of the map or another BL where there is much less resistance in order to cap more towers.
If they is a stronger server, they follow like scavengers behind the stronger server which spends a great deal of effort taking a T3 tower, once capped the german servers then quickly cap the now T1 tower to gain more easy points.
This is why WvW is SO imbalanced. All those excuses anet have used about balance, it’s all a farce; if this current state is balance to them I’d hate to see what imbalance is!
Indeed, it’s been asked for for so so long, almost as long as a new map :P
We go through almost 300+ superior rams a week! Not every guild member makes rams, most likely due to this tedious process!
Easiest thing to do is to add superior prints to one or more of the crafts. You can go there choose how much you want to build or build all in a single click.
Sorry anet but just like the main WvW achievements, we dont want to waste 50 minutes a week on building seige!!!!!
PVE is way harder with all the POIs and heart quests with all those mobs chasing after you, rather than players in WvW really.
Going through all those PVE maps is more tedious in the end, from the perspective of a WvWer.
But yet you dont hear people complaining that they should remove all the PvE maps from map completion though :P
If PvE is much harder, WvW should be a doddle. So why do many complaining about removing it?!
Just wondering if anyone from Griffins Guardians in Guild Wars 1 is still playing GW2?
Or we can leave WvW out of map completion altogether, as has been requested thousands of times.
No, no. no. no and no.
Did I mention No!
If we WvW players have to do all the PvE maps for our map completion, then surely 4 small maps in WvW isnt a problem for PvE players.
Keep it in, I am sick of PvE getting all the pandering from the devs. WvW is part of the World, map completion means getting all the points in the world! It’s pathetic that you are coming here complaining about not being able to get that last POI or vista!
Just wait a few weeks, sooner or later your server will be assigned the colour you need to be, making map completion so much more easier. Or is waiting too hard to do? If so move to a better server. I am sure you have made enough gold from farming in PvE to get enough gems, use it!
Pics or didnt happen !!!
Indeed, obviously the OP hasnt seen how many times she posts in other forums compared to this one. And it’s with all devs and mods, WvW forums are like a leper colony to them, you dont go in there unless you absolutely must.
With the announcement of the new map they obviously had to come here, but dont worry the 2 week period is almost up, we wont hear from them for another 6 months after that.
(edited by Pinkamena Diane Pie.8054)
First we suffered that horrible lag again, and now this at reset. Things are not looking good for WvW, yet again….
If you’ve seen some of the queues the top 6 servers gets, with the exception of Jade Quarry, you’ll see that EoTM is still very much needed as a waiting room. Obsidian sanctum simply isn’t entertaining enough while waiting for queue :x
And if you read my post I did mention T1 servers.
Only a WvW player refuses to use AC’s in fair fights
Tell that to the german servers!
Oh wait you said fair fights, they only fight when they outnumber you 3-1 so I guess yeah they can build their ACs cos they arent fair fights.
You can already transfer for free, you just have to delete all your characters and restart all over again with a lvl 1 on the new server :P
So if you have a scroll of experience and 60 tombs, you’ll be level 80 in minutes on your new char.
EotM was not asked for. What was asked for was another WvW map.
The funny thing about the EOTM map now is that originally it was brought in as a queue map, but thanks to the neglect WvW has received, so so many players have stopped playing that the only ones who get big queues are T1 and server who cna only win by running in one big zerg!
The original use for EOTM is no longer required; until the release of HOT of course, but then depending on how good or how bad they have finally updated WvW, it may not last long.
Holding objectives is a part of WvW, but on second thought it will make WvW rather dull for most.
Why? Siege everywhere!
It’s bad enough fighting german servers who rely on arrow carts for everything, but the above will mean every server will do it! Towers filled with endless siege.
I guess if you are rewarded for it, unlike now, it will make those who enjoy defending
happy, but those who want real fights will find it a complete bore, imagine your group of 25 having to run to get supplies to build siege to destroy the enemy siege and then more siege to get into the enemy tower before they can even hit an enemy themselves! Half your group will fall asleep.
Well anet have another 2 years to work on it before the next real WvW update so….
You chose to ignore facts, simply to support your negative attitude, that you want to have. That is fine. It doesn’t change the fact that it is disingenuous, given that a great many changes were made based on various CDI discussion, player feed back, or other discussion.
-They took out the water and added an entire new mechanic for points for spiking.
-They added righteous indignation to prevent flip spamming. Made multiple changes to it.
-Removed orbs from EB.
-Added WvW seasons.
-Added, restructured WvW trait lines.
-Ran tests for PPK
-Ran test for sword removal.
-Completely changed population cap per server map.
-Completely changed AoE cap to 5 due to massive community outcry.
-Completely changed boon buff cap due to massive community outcry
-Added different PIN colors.
-Added Art of war upgrades.
-Added siege razor to aid with under populated times on a server.
-Added new maps through edge of the mist due to massive community outcry
- Added siege names to the build sites to prevent troll siege from being built.
- Added slimmed down ram build sites.
- Added siege disablers.
OMG look at all those content updates!
Cos past CDIs have given great results havent they…..
Indeed. They have offered some very good results if you ask me.
Results?! What results?!
The only thing I have seen is coloured tag, and 1) It’s for the entire game not jsut WvW and 2) it took forever!
The commander CDI was over a year ago! It took them a year to copy and paste and fill in an icon with 3 other colours!!!
I believe this is reason why we get “Tounaments” shoved at us, WvWvW’s design flaws makes that insufferable hype train a necessary evil.
Are you saying the WvW tourneys are just a way to get us off their backs about new WvW fixes and content?!
I dont know what’s worse, that anet did this or that so many people fell for it over and over and over again! What’s that WvW S4 coming soon?
Cos past CDIs have given great results havent they…..
Yeah, so the new borderland map joins the rotation with the borderlands we have today
Erm what current rotation is he talking about? O.o
I think he’s talking of a future rotation.
No, the way he has phrased it implies there is already a rotation, a rotation of one is not a rotation!
Yeah, so the new borderland map joins the rotation with the borderlands we have today
Erm what current rotation is he talking about? O.o
so people are going to be able to play the expansion pack for the first time in early March and then get into beta testing right after that
So that means a Summer release…. that’s too far off really.
(edited by Pinkamena Diane Pie.8054)
I want that one.
LMAO at the guy who seem to have taken my last comment seriously
The fact that I ended it with “The End” should have given it away, but I guess there’s always 1 :P
They have been very very clear from the beginning that, like war, WvW is neither designed to be balanced or fair.
That’s funny, cos when it came to designing new maps, the main excuse used was that it take time to map balanced maps. So which is it, balanced or unbalanced?
(edited by Pinkamena Diane Pie.8054)
Nah my new solution is the best!
In order to make the game fair and balanced, everyone who tries to join any map is entered into a queue.
In order to get onto the map one player from each of the other 2 servers must also be in a queue.
This guarantees that the number of players on a map are equal for each server on each map.
No more outnumbered, no more complaining about zergs cos if the enemy has a zerg you know you have an identical zerg on your map somewhere.
The end.
Revenant + Scroll of Experience + 60 Tombs of Knowledge.
Yes it is better than nothing, but this was promised 2 years ago.
Still waiting to find out what was promised 2 years ago…
Read his posts from last year! I’ve posted about them dozens of times, so if you are too lazy to read them yourself, it’s your problem if you havent kept up with the WvW forums for the last 2.5 years!
Also look at the previous WvW CDIs.
I am more concerned about the WvW aspects. For 2 years we’ve been waiting for new maps. After really bad treatment from anet, we finally get one, but only one.
If I buy this “expansion” what can I expect for future WvW updates? New maps? New events? New features? Or just more masteries and QoL fixes that take the least amount of time to do, but 2 years to add?!
lmao noah, 2 years is no asap!
WvW is mass PvP, what other PvP game, apart from MOBAs has just one PvP map without a new one for almost 3 years?!
Even MOBA have redesigned maps. Even when GW2 was released Devon said they were looking at more maps and rotation for WvW, imo WvW should have been released with 3 maps and the rotation system in place at launch! Not doing so and fobbing players off has cost WvW dearly in WvW players.
@Nate, yes you are right, it’s actually been 2 and a half years! Thank you for pointing out that I was underestimating the time we have been waiting. I apologise if this caused any confusion for other readers or if I misled you by quoting a lower figure.
You do realize that making maps takes a long time right? The Devs have said as much. So churning out new maps on a regular basis for WvW as well as PvE just isn’t feasible.
First of all WvW should really have come with 3 borderlands to begin with!
Second it takes 6 months to make a map. If they really had a WvW team working on WvW, we should have a minimum 3 extra maps by now! Fact is there was no WvW team meaning there was noone to make any new maps. This is again should to be the case as WvW barely got any updates since launch.
Copy and pasting maps and making tweaks are signs of someone trying to finish something quickly, so this again proves the game was released early.
So the game wasnt ready 2 years ago, it hasnt been ready over the past 2 years either; question is will it be ready with this “expansion”?
Well, the devs already promised to look into that…
2 years ago
No Devon later said it was “more complicated” to fix; funny how they can set it for PvE every 2 weeks but 2 years later all WvW has got is season achievements but nothing done about these. One would think they dont give a kitten about WvW, nah I must be crazy to think that.
Though I guess working on an expansion is more complicated, so he wasnt lying.
But what I like about this post is that it’s a necro post. And even though Mike threatened us with a hidden sticky, note that the WvW forum was still the only forum to get that sticky about necro posts!; but now it’s not there so we can necro them again! Until they add the sticky again.
(edited by Pinkamena Diane Pie.8054)
If everyone can still play WvW when those Borderlands maps are active, then why put them in the conference yesterday as part of the x-pac?
They had to, if they didnt it would cause a riot.
What has WvW really received since launch? Not a lot.
We asked about new maps, they said they are working on it, months go by, they then say it’s more complex, more months go by, it’s now coming soon. WvW has been fobbed off more than anything!
So imagine after 40 Living Story updates in the last 2 years as well as 2 feature updates for PvE, they now announce a new expansion but dont mention a thing about WvW. It would signify that what is currently in WvW is all we’ll get. Some players would leave straight away, others would play for a bit before asking themselves why bother, and the rest wait for another game to come out to play.
But even then what did we get, 1 new map and plans to change defense?! Still WvW is getting the scraps from the bottom of the barrel which the rats wouldnt even eat!
This is where alliances would be better. As you said smaller guilds have to leech of larger guilds for guild missions to be successful, the larger guilds either wont mind or hate you for it, I know some players jump in and for the tougher missions they end up ruining it because they dont know what they are doing.
Alliances would stop that.
Guild Wars 2 HoT Release Date? [merged]
in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns
Posted by: Pinkamena Diane Pie.8054
Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns will be released when it’s ready.
Is there a -1 or a thumbs down button we can press to rate this comment? :/
Just a minute ago my windows had to disable aero due to a graphics driver crash.
I usually ignore this as a random graphics crash.
But just now it not just happened to me, but at least 4 other guild members and a few friends they know who were also playing.
This is more than just a random coincidence! Something in GW2 caused this to happen and should be looked at.
One thing in common is that we all have Nvidia cards.