I miss the days when people played games for the entertainment of playing a game. When the only carrot was getting better and doing better than before.
You need to go back to arcade games for that. MMO’s have always had carrots.
I thought it was as well. Right up until I didn’t :P
After I got my second to 80 and geared out within in 24 hours – I realized I had nothing left to do except start the next alt.
Haven’t logged in for 3 weeks
Taking a break – got my second character to level 80 – decked it out in gear and played for a few days and realized I wasn’t having much fun, and was tired of leveling alts through the same zones again. So I am going to take some time off.
One thing I love about the game, outside of missing out on laurels I don’t feel I need to log on everyday and that I can take time off from playing.
You mean the trinity where the DPS does DPS, the tank wants to be DPS and the Healer wants to be DPS. I think I’ve played that before.
I think I’ll stick to the GW2 system. I don’t even know if I will ever want to play a trinity game again after this.
They need to be easy until they fix the major lag at these events. If there were things you needed to avoid or be aware of you’d miss it.
I actually leveled to 80 now and I spent about 20g gearing up my guardian and even bought an ascended piece. The only slot that doesn’t have at least an exotic now is one accessory and a couple back up weaps. I still couldn’t complete it. I sure did a lot better and I smoked the stuff leading up to the slave master, but it got even worse.
Not only is she elite and summoning 4-5 mobs but she resummons even if they die! I got the boss down to 50% but with stuns, poisons and knockdowns and 4-5 adds that respawn as soon as they die it’s just not possible! I even run a shout build with rune of the soldier so every shout cures conditions and I am poisoned and snared non stop.
I think instead of adding more slots or more abilities, give us the option to switch between more than 2 weapons.
3 months into the game and I would say no character is really my main yet. I think engineer is the only one I have found that I don’t enjoy yet.
It’s hit and miss today. I guested just so I could some done. I can definitely see the attraction, logged into another server, pre event was up, killed dragon got loot.
Can we get a notification that will tell you if you are going to hit overflow by taking a waypoint into a zone that is in overflow?
I left the instance and tried it again, same thing. I get to the slavemaster. Kill the guards and orb holder and the master slaver activates and proceeds to summon 4 adds and they beat the heck out of me.
Intercepting the orb, I have watched video on this and once the initial adds by the master slaver are down and she is active no more adds come in. However when I fight her she spawns 4-5 and I can’t do a thing. I’m dead with no chance.
Hey everybody,
We’ve made some changes that should improve overflow issues on most maps. The team is also investigating larger solutions to help in the long term.
I noticed the difference right away yesterday. Thanks for all your hard work!
I only hit overglow on Jormag yesterday, I’m not sure why Jormag seems to be different. There we so many in the overflow I wouldn’t be surprised if there was a secon overflow.
WoW has tons of fluff – it should after almost 10 years. So you can log on and amuse yourself even if you aren’t progressing a character.
GW2 seems to be lacking the fluff. RIFT at least had artifacts which was a great fluff activity and even profitable.
Either you log in and have fun or you don’t log in, I can’t give you any reasons to log in I am not you.
(sigh) Unpopular post time.
During GW2’s development, I used to look at those Tequatl and Shatterer event videos and the furthest thing from my mind as I watched their footage was the question of how many times I could farm them a day for rare drops. And yet, now this seems to be the only question on the minds of most players.
I’m sure the community that just wants to be showered in rare and exotic drops will strongly disagree with this, but I really wish Arenanet would just completely remove chest rewards from these open-world boss events altogether. Instead, make the events do something that gives players in the area a reason to beat them, like locking down a portion of the map until they’re defeated, or awarding victors with a buff only applicable to that zone. And then players who are actually adventuring in these zones will have a reason to band together and beat these bosses, no loot-carrot-on-a-stick required.
I would love to see these world events entertaining only a fraction of the crowds they attract now (who are there for all the wrong reasons). I choose quality over quantity every time. This whole loot pinata thing is just ruining the entire sense of adventure this game was supposed to have. I’ll even suggest that it’s introducing elements that are counter to the philosophy of the game. Those bosses are like open-world resources, and we’re now practically competing over them as we fight to see who can out-camp whom, with the loser ending up cursing on an overflow map. And not because we care about the boss or the event, but because we want that loot drop.
Wasn’t this supposed to be the game that moved away from that kind of unpleasant competition?
These bosses would sit mostly untouched at that point though. Especially since there is no real mechanic to it, target boss > press 1 > boss dies. There would need to be a drastic change to the events themselves to make them interesting but even then, without any type of reward linked to it people are not going to make return trips to kill the boss again.
Self imposed for me. I still have not spent a laurel yet but I know I will want to one day and I hate to think I missing out on obtaining them. So I want to get them done everyday. Whenever I finally settle on a main I will start spending them, probably will buy a lot of dye as well.
Someone just had an interesting idea in overflow just now. Can we get a message or warning letting us know the place we are going to is experiencing high player volume and we will be put into overflow? I’d sure like to keep that 4s and not waste my time.
Sorry I meant this is silly that there are complaints about finding these items when compared to what we used to have to go through in the old MMO’s.
I know. I have the same reaction someone says something is “too much grind” . . . and I giggle behind a hand remembering the “heck levels” phenomenon in EQ.
Oh yea….the old “heck levels” in EQ. Not to mention “de-leveling”. Those were the days!
That’s a hard one to answer. GW2 isn’t really structured with end game like other games. Firs thing I did was build up enough Karma to suit myself in some exotics. I did this chaining events in Orr and doing world bosses. Now I spend a lot of time playing alts because I actually really enjoyed the leveling experience and I am having fun trying different things out.
Really you need to find what you like or if this is even the game for you at 80. I’m having fun so I’ll keep playing but if I was hardcore raider, and I used to be, I would walk away from this game.
Hey everybody,
We’ve made some changes that should improve overflow issues on most maps. The team is also investigating larger solutions to help in the long term.
Mark that is great news! Thanks for the heads up!
Oh thank God. I thought I was suddenly failing as my Guardian on that Krait part. Glad they fixed it.
Yep quests have come a long way. I don’t miss the EQ quests either but this is a bit silly
You think this is silly and too much? Hehe.
Remember when console RPGs didn’t require you to have a strategy guide open in the chair next to you to be sure you absolutely positively didn’t miss anything one-time-only?
Remember when you played certain types of RPGs on the PC and had to make your own maps on graph paper or be utterly screwed? As in “where the funk-n-wagnalls am I?” screwed.
Remember when the drop chance was a 1/255 chance and there was no way of increasing it, but that drop was so heads-and-shoulders above anything else you had to have it?
Remember when games allowed stuff like party-wide instakills and it wasn’t considered too much so long as it wasn’t done all the time? You just had to spend the whole combat praying and trying to remember when you last saved . . .
Good times . . .
Sorry I meant this is silly that there are complaints about finding these items when compared to what we used to have to go through in the old MMO’s.
Gaming has changed, I guess this is the result. Gone are the days of the Stein of Moggok and The Ghoulbane.
The Ghoulbane. A quest added when enough people complained about how to get that sword and EQ devs went “you know, we can do better”. And you still had to half stumble upon it and not quite know where to begin looking.
I do not miss EverQuest quests that much for that reason. More often you weren’t given much to go on about where to find things, you were expected to intuit them out of some mystical hivemind. Even worse, at least once I recall being directed to the completely wrong place, but I can’t remember which quest that was for.
The quests got better, around Velious but they were often so complex on mechanisms that they broke fairly often.
As for the possessions, the best advice I gave someone without being spolieriffic is to say “they dropped them on the path to the city, so search in a spot along where Refugee Sign Posts are”. It almost works in Diessa Plateau, but not as well.
Yep quests have come a long way. I don’t miss the EQ quests either but this is a bit silly
My god a lot of badly thought out ideas here.
I’ll just put this here:
It isn’t guesting. That has been around for a long time (comparitively).
The problem is the loot change. you now get a rare for opening that chest.There are an estimated 3 million owners of GW2. I would be surprised if a single instance (ie map) could handle more than 200 players on it. They all want those chests now.
Now instead of doing dungeons exclusively due to all blue/green loot from event chests. They run every dragon/event they can; because it is a guaranteed 50 silver. (ecto from 1 rare + change from everything else).
Sometimes you even get 2 gold from one chest; sometimes you win the lottery and get a precursor. Which was always the case, but the critical difference is now the minimum reward is more than 5 silver.
Multiply the minimum reward by 10, increase the minimum number of players wanting to do an event by 10.
Meatea there is no need to be insulting. If you read the thread you will see what you have said has already been stated many times.
Gaming has changed, I guess this is the result. Gone are the days of the Stein of Moggok and The Ghoulbane.
Sometimes it makes no sense. There are times when I know I put in major dps on my warrior and then I get bronze. Other events I have shown up in the last 15 seconds of an event, shot a few things and got gold.
I would be in a world of hurt if they did. I have a hard enough time deciding and wanting to change later on anyway that I would spend coin hand over first constantly changing races!
I don’t think there is currently is an option to just trade it back to the vendor for a refund. You may need to contact support on it. I’m not sure if that will help or not.
I think this is something that should be addressed though. I’ve done it a few times with karma items and I found it frustrating that I couldn’t sell it back to the vendor and buy the right item. Yet it was still a pretty minimal inconvenience so I never thought about it saying anything.
I think if you have not equipped the item for use it should be able to be sold right back to the vendor for a refund on the currency.
Long version :
- Prior to the changes in loot mechanics at the last content patch, I (and my guild) regularly participated in dragon and other world dynamic meta-events. This happened organically. A few of us started the trend, we started showing up as a guild, had fun, and then many of us began to keep track of these events. We would characteristically show up en masse, often 10-15 individuals sporting our guild tag would appear at an event. We would have spontaneous guild camaraderie and events. Those who enjoy roleplay would strike up in-character conversations with people hanging out, and gaming would happen. Community would happen. Those of us who might not be roleplaying ourselves could still watch, or run around and kill things, work on dailies, or tease people in WvW to join us. It was, in other words, fun and team building.
This I think is what I miss the most.
It’s actually quite interesting to note that Lion’s Arch, which used to almost always kick you into an overflow, has been suspiciously free of them lately. Almost as if all the people who used to be there doing fractals and dungeons were off somewhere else in the game.
I love the people who just have it in their head the guesting has nothing to do with it. IT DOES…PERIOD! Might not be THE reason. But it has never been a problem before guesting and the new patches. The new loot from chests or whatever, coupled with guesting is the reason.
Get over yourselves and think for a change
Guesting had been implemented for a month with no issues, while everything’s gone to hell within a week of the chest buff causing people to hit world bosses like a swarm of locusts every time they appear. Seems like the culprit is pretty obvious to me.
Makes sense to me.
Purely a matter of personal feelings on this but it is one that others do seem to share so I think there is some validity to it.
Up until Laurels were added in to the game, GW2 had what no other game ever had and I appreciated it beyond measure; no feeling of needing to log in to do something. Now with the change to dailies I feel like I at least need to get on and do those. I don’t set out to just do the daily unless I am really pressed on time, but it is always there looming and I know I won’t log off until it is done.
Again this is a matter of choice on my part but this is the desired effect they were going for I think, and I resent it a little. I don’t need agreement on that point it’s just how I feel and it does effect my opinion on the game (which I still love).
Yeah, Eviscerate in particular does feel incredibly underpowered now, and I can’t help but think that yet again, it was a knee-jerk fix rather than letting it play out and seeing how players adapted to it.
There’s a lot of this, where ArenaNet seem to react in an over-the-top panic to certain community complaints, and yet brush others under the carpet and pretend they don’t exist. Nothing ArenaNet does appears to be in moderation; currently it’s all extremes.
I really dislike statements like this because it lacks anything concrete to go on, it is just a feeling. Yet I have to agree 100% with it. It’s this underlying feeling that never goes away that the major issues that should be worked on are left aside for quick reaction fixes to complaints. Those reaction fixes are bad because they are knee-jerk fixes and not thought out.
They’re not going to prioritize home worlders and kick guesters because that would be griefing. The most they could do is give home worlders in overflow the priority. Now imagine if the guesters were in the middle of something, such as a guild challenge or open world dungeon. How would it be fair to suddenly kick them? They should have joined overflow to begin with? It didn’t exist of course. They should have guested on the other server? Now they’re complaining.
If you’re going to kick guesters, you might as well kick everyone in the zone that’s not participating in the event. That’s what you want right? Or, you want it to be fair to all the home worlders? Then kick all the level 80s out of the low level zones in favor of the lower levels, so the fresh level 1 doesn’t have to deal with it.
The absolute simplest solution is to revert the chest loot. I wouldn’t be surprised if they did that just to stop the whining, a lot of which is based on false information.
Since guesting I haven’t been able to finish a Jormag event, and before guesting there was never an overflow map in Frostgorge, on my server.
You haven’t been able to finish the Jormag event and Frostgorge has been in a constant overflow since… January 28th, 2013?
Surely you meant since February 26th, the day chests became worthwhile and everyone started to farm them.
I made a choice to play on a server.
I demand to have priority on that server over a player who has chosen
another server as a home.
It is that simple.
All the rest stuff you added about lower level players/zones etc are your suggestions,and assumptions.
As you noticed, guesting was not a problem before the chests.
Which is another fact that proves that currently the guesting system is
being exploited by farmers and should be removed until the devs can
improve the system and make it farm proof.
I understand the frustration but making demands isn’t going to further the conversation nor help you achieve your desired result.
The issue with giving home server players priority in the zone over guests, is that you might as well remove guesting altogether. You may say “Great! Do that!” but I am trying to be realistic and I don’t think something that was asked for by players and implemented by Anet is going to disappear so easily. Like someone said above if you boot guests into overflow while they are in the middle of something they are going to see no real purpose to even guest then, knowing you could lose any progress at any time and be kicked because too many people were in the zone.
If guesting is the issue, and we still haven’t seen proof that it is, then I would hope they are working on a solution as we speak. They do read these threads obviously. So if we can keep this to being constructive we may actually have a voice in promoting changes.
I’m wondering when Anet will start adding content that further progress the story of Guild Wars 2’s dragons. I’m anxious to fight the other dragons and since there has been no other words about the dragons and their events I feel like ANET is avoiding those content.
Is Anet waiting for the next expansion to be ready before building up to that specific content? I mean, I still don’t know how the Living Story content is a step forward to the game, other than adding more things to do. Of course Living Story content atm is still a tease…Yea… I’m not patient at all lol.
Who knows where the living story may eventually go…
Overflow is just a symptom. The whole problem is caused chiefly by people abusing the predictable timers of bosses, using third party websites to calculate the next spawn time. Predictability + better loot = overcrowding => overflow. Whole crowds of people appear out of thin air and camp the spawn point right before the spawn window opens; and even if you are crafty enough to avoid the overflow, the fight is over so fast you may be lucky to get your participation registered at all.
I’d say, just randomize the spawning times and make them less often. Bosses should be a rare encounter anyway… something you stumble upon by random, not something you camp and gank bi-hourly. I remember when Behemoth was bugged on our server, appearing like twice a month or so… but when he finally appeared, it was THE event. Today, though? Just a generic loot piñata that appears once every two and half hours.
I’ve said the same thing before Iey, randomizing the spawn times would help.
First, yes 0 guests and Overflows can still happen, but if guest beat natives to that zone, it will fill faster. So guesting can, and sometimes does, make things much worse.
The servers themselves need to be looked at. Sure, we could make the events happen more often, but even the 30 min ones are getting Overflowed now. Personally, I think I’m done with bothering. There’s enough elsewhere that offers better total rewards.
Not to you but just in general because I’ve read this enough already. This whole thing of visitors and natives, it’s ugly. These are Anets servers and you are bringing bigotry into the situation that isn’t needed. Mentioning the issue of over-populated zergs is fair so they can look at it, but then making a dividing line between players isn’t cool.
You’re kidding, right? The only “ugliness” is what you yourself may be bringing into it with that kind of thinking. This isn’t bigotry. There’s guests and then their are server residents, or natives, or whatever you want to call them. These words have simple meanings that don’t have anything derogatory to them unless you put it there.
We all had to choose a server when we started. We do this in every single MMO. These servers have communities. Heck, these servers in particular frequently duke it out in PvP to best one another on leaderboards. There is no shame in having pride in your server, and frustration over not being able to play on it because slots are being used by players who didn’t pick the server as their home.
I see it from both sides really. I think the ire should be directed towards the situation not the people doing the guesting. They are simply using the resources provided by Anet in lieu of the free transfer system we had. There are a few who relish in the fact that they may be causing stress to others but in general I don’t think this is the case.
I also agree that there is nothing wrong with having pride in your server and expecting some sort of preference over those who are guesting, and I think if people guesting would be objective about it they would agree.
I didn’t mind the dungeons required in Feb. It finally got me into running dungeons. The monthly for March was more like a weekly. I was done in four days and the only part I set to actually complete was the crafting.
(edited by Poledo.3256)
https://www.guildwars2.com/en-gb/the-game/releases/march-2013/ Next FL Update
A small paragraph? What about new features? What about wall paper? >.> so jipped.
That’s it so far. Last month they added to that consistently throughout the month. There will be more.
I’d really like to see some official data: how many players use the guesting system to farm dragons? I don’t see a lot of em on the forums (or maybe they don’t dare to speak up :p), and in my not-so-small guild I don’t know anyone who does it.
It IS possible that most of the problems are caused by native players. Hell, I didn’t look at the dragons before the update, now I have one alt on stand-by whenever a dragon is called in guildchat. And at launch and pre-launch, the starting areas were in constant overflow as well – and that was waaay before the guesting system.
So before I grab my torch and pitchfork to chase out the strangers who took our jobs, I want to know just how big of a problem they really are.
I would as well. I actually guested for the first time last night because I got put in overflow at every event on my server. If I wanted to do any of the chest events I had to guest or sit in the zone waiting at least an hour before, sometimes even then I was in overflow.
Although i dont really think one is "forced " to guest another server ( seems like an excuse to screw someone else ) I do agree that overflows should be on the same clock as the main server so if you get put in one you dont miss said event . How doable said solution is however i have no idea
Not possible. I posted that very same topic and it was not possible as the overflow server hosts people who overflow from various servers. No way to be on the same timer.
Yup I have started guesting now as well, two nights in a row of overflows and no events I got tired of it. I have to leave my server to do events.
It’s worse tonight that I have seen it yet. Overflow on any zone that has an event prevent much.
What’s fun is when I am stuck in overflow on a toon I am playing and an event pops, and I switch to my main and get put in the normal non overflow zone. I can’t win! LOL.
Even without guesting, you’re going to get overflow.
Let’s say in theory they suddenly disabled guesting… I can bet you that you’re going to get overflow and lag.
It’s exactly like when FoTM came out. People go play it and boom, overflow. The dragon chest loots just happened to be so appealing right now that people log on for an easy rare.
If you really want to not ever see overflow at those events, you’d have to go to the smallest server possible, or the loot gets lowered and people don’t find it worth doing as much anymore.
I think so as well, but the guesting does leave a very visible target to release frustration at right now so it’s only natural they have become the scapegoat.
What people dont realize is that “overflow” is not really a seperate server, but rather one of the other servers that are not currently full. Overflow is just a title that you got moved, not an actual “extra” server as many would like to believe.
This information is actually totally wrong. Overflow are separate from the worlds.
Thanks for clarifying Martin. Is what I was thinking of possible then? Or is it a programming nightmare?
As overflow servers are a shared resource (they are not world specific) my guess is that it would not be possible.
Thanks Martin, good to know. back to the drawing board I guess.
What people dont realize is that “overflow” is not really a seperate server, but rather one of the other servers that are not currently full. Overflow is just a title that you got moved, not an actual “extra” server as many would like to believe.
This information is actually totally wrong. Overflow are separate from the worlds.
Thanks for clarifying Martin. Is what I was thinking of possible then? Or is it a programming nightmare?
What people dont realize is that “overflow” is not really a seperate server, but rather one of the other servers that are not currently full. Overflow is just a title that you got moved, not an actual “extra” server as many would like to believe.
See that’s the type of thing I was unaware of. So when I am moved to a low pop server when I am put in overflow? My idea would definitely not work in that case.
How about you just dont let people guest to very high pop servers
Despite the issues that are caused by guesting, and honestly we still don’t have concrete proof on all of it, that doesn’t seem like a great answer. Anet created the issue, and punishing people that want to play elsewhere with friends or avoid transfer costs seems like a bad choice. It’s not their fault, this is what Anet left them with when they removed free transfers for guesting.
To have a plot hole you must first have a plot.
The enemy of my enemy is my friend.
Tune in next week for a new episode of the Rocky and Bullwinkle Show.