Interesting article. Eerily relevant.
Thanks for linking it.
Absolutely. I hope we see a trend of people moving away from the “it’s cool to be a troll” aka hate monger and a little more personal responsibility.
Edit – Good points Blood Red Arachnid. It’s always good to look at the other side. I think there is also a problem with people not knowing how to properly communicate their dissatisfaction with something, and can only express their frustration through those means.
(edited by Poledo.3256)
Completing events is what people should be ashamed of? No. People who intentionally fail events should be ashamed. They’ve lost all sight of the game they’re playing and just focusing on their selfishness and greed because their lives are empty and meaningless. Then they come to the forums to berate people for playing the game as its intended to be played?
Utter trash.
If your statement ended after the first two sentences I would entertain a civil discussion. You however are exactly the type of person I am talking about. You take a person or persons you know nothing about other than they are farming something and you don’t like it. So you begin the hate machine, calling them selfish and greedy and their lives are empty and meaningless.
Stop it. People have forgotten how to have a conversation to settle differences and just resort to hating the opposing side. You sir are the problem.
Since neither game was out when the mechanic was probably being designed by both companies what the heck does this have to do with price of tea in China?
Just look at the kitten update notes.
Just look at the number of profession bugs for the engineer and ranger that have existed since beta.
There is no excuse for that.
This still would have nothing to do with them releasing bi weekly updates. Do you think they have the same people designing content that is released every two weeks also working on bug fixes?
I’ll answer #3 for you – when there is no real penalty for dying in a game, there is no such thing as difficult. 50 people swarming a champ, even if all of them died, they would respawn and keep going till it died.
Half the people in this thread should be ashamed of themselves. Whining at first because they don’t like something. Then plotting to do something just as bad as those they are claiming are the bad people abusing something, then rejoicing when they think it’s going to get nerfed removing something a lot of people were obviously enjoying.
Your attitudes suck, they really do. Whether you feel justified about something or not, you take something that bothers you and seek to make those you perceive as the enemy feel your pain and get elated over it.
I find you worse than any farmer “exploiting” a change to the game. You take a valid concern and blow it into something so large where the only answer is to make others suffer and nerf it to the ground instead of seeking to find a common ground where everyone can enjoy the game in the style they want to.
If you’re willing to throw common decency to the wind just to get your way, I have no sympathy for you and I think you need to re-examine just who are the bad people here.
edit Just for clarification – I haven’t taken part in any champ farming so this is not me defending anything other than human decency.
EQOA was the first console only MMO that I know of, and I had a blast playing it for a while. It never really gained a huge following though. There was definitely a hardcore base of about 300-500 that stuck with it all the way to the end but that hardly qualifies it as a success I think. It’s the first MMO that I know of that Sony completely dropped servers on and no longer supports.
I know others have come since, but they never seem to take off as well as the PC versions. I think it has a lot to do with what people own consoles and PC’s for.
8 – 4 of them are 80, 2 of them are in their 60’s, 1 is 30, and the other I just remade.
Out of all those I have not leveled a Charr or Sylvari yet so I will need at least one more slot because the one I just remade is a Charr.
They stole it from the Norns. The Norns legs, at least the males, are waaay to short. It looks so out of proportion.
The males’ legs are supposed to be shorter, as they’re built like bears.
That’s fine, I don’t like it personally so I purposefully avoid playing male Norn. I’m not heartbroken over it.
Be like me and have one of each
I’d recommend making an Asura, their ears actually move based on emotions (in combat, out of combat, /cower /laugh etc.). On top of that they are also a bit comical in general, sort of clumsy. At least that is the way I see them. If you really insist on humans, light armored classes can use robes to cover up the legs. I do agree that the human race is rather thin in this game, you can’t make a wrinkly or chubby character sadly.
Oh you can do chubby on all the races, most people just choose not to.
The mesmer magic is temporary though. The outside form changes, is in a sense an illusion, but inside it is still the mechanical critter.
I am very much against not only racial rerolling, but class rerolling via gemstore items. It would make class and race selection at the beginning essentially pointless. It would require no thought at all on the part of the person making a new character. They wouldn’t think long and hard about what they really wanted to do, because they could just throw real money at it and make it something else…of the same level, with no drawback what-so-ever. Definitely no.
Race and class selection should mean something, and gemstore swaps trivialize this.
This is a bad thing how? I can have a character leveled from 1-80 in a few days as it is – now we have instant level 20 scrolls. Why would having this option be a detriment other than you don’t like it?
Personally I will be heading to FFXIV when it comes out later this month. Not because I think it’s better, but because I am a huge FF Fan and I found the beta fun when I played it. It does nothing new or ground breaking but it’s fun and I like the class system.
You know what’s great though? I don’t have to give up GW2. I only returned recently after taking a couple of months off and I had a blast. I’m feeling a bit bored again so FFXIV will be a nice break and I will still log on to GW2. Great thing about a game being "free:.
I agree that the human proportions are weird, and legs are too long and sticklike. It is as if they based the humans off of runway models.
These sites can give you some ideas about the armors you can get later on so you can see if there is something that will satisfy you if you stay with human:
They stole it from the Norns. The Norns legs, at least the males, are waaay to short. It looks so out of proportion.
Traits and Talents as far as Rangers go is pretty abysmal.
Lance for Guardians.
More than one shield type for Guardians, small round shield, tower shield etc.
At some point my level 80 warrior must have had his Traits reset. I never noticed it and could not figure out why I was sucking so badly.
6th post down. This was on the second page. Even admitting that the search functions suck on this forum, you came here with the worst case scenario in your mind as fact when it was only a guess. You could have just asked a simple question.
Every profession is viable. Find people of like mind and forget what everyone else says. Warrior was my first 80. I knew nothing of the game and failed at making a good build and gear set up. So I shelved him and leveled a Guardian. I found I could live through almost anything and played that for a while. I had tried an Elementalist but I was squishy I couldn’t play it anymore; that is until I came back to it later and read up a lot on the class and how to play it better and now I love it. Now I just hit 80 on my 4th character, a ranger. So much negativity said about that class but I am doing exceedingly well. I’ve also now revisited my warrior and geared him up nicely. With might stacking I am hitting up to 29k with certain abilities.
I also have a mesmer in the 60’s and I love it. I have tried an engineer about 5 times and scrapped it each time, until I made a cool looking Asura and I love how it looks and moves with dual pistols and a flamethrower. I play it purely for fun and I suppose I will work on leveling it at some point.
Basically anything has its place and can be fun if it feels right to you. If other people’s opinions do have an effect on you, then you’re going to have to decide if you are going to let that guide your choices or not. I say heck with them and find a good guild who doesn’t have those issues.
Play an Asura, no matter whether they have speed boost or not it always feels like they are trucking along. Worst decision was making my Guardian the tallest Norn I could make, even when speed boosted it feels slow.
This is what I have read so far:
Something postive.
Something negative mocking the positive.
Rawr my opinion is right yours is wrong!
No your opinion sucks. Fail. Rawr.
Absolutely hate farming and the philosophy behind it. I don’t think a lot of players like farming they just like loot. To be honest a lot of MMO Players, particularly Progression Type players often have Self Esteem Issues and other Psychological Problems. Progression and obtaining rare gear or equipment gives them something to be proud of and allows them for once in their lives to be successful at something and rise above their peers. No longer are they that weird rejected kid with poor social skills, they are now powerful and 1337 and they believe that other players look at them enviously. Once this wears off they move to another game and rinse and repeat. It’s a sad reality really.
progression type players have self-esteem and psychological problems? the kitten?
Maybe they like dedicating time and effort into a game and be rewarded with trinkets and trophies that they and others can appreciate? Isn’t that the whole point of an MMO?
It’s a sad situation that you actually believe your notion.
What’s more sad actually is that my notion is 100% true. And no the whole point of an MMO is to generate revenue. You know, real world stuff?
All that aside it seems the reason you play an MMO is to be rewarded with trinkets and trophies to be proud of and show off in-game believing that other players will appreciate them? Go ahead and read my paragraphs again and take a look in the mirror. Don’t forget to tally up the number of hours and money spent playing this MMO and any other MMO in your past. Speaking of those past MMOs how are the virtual goodies you earned in those games working out for you now? All of it is just a temporary patch to fill the space from whatever is truly missing from your life. It’s a decent patch but it won’t fill the void.
You have a very uninformed view of the current state of MMO players.
I’m curious though as to what you would do in this game if there was no loot at all.
(edited by Poledo.3256)
What a fail. I dont even have a reason to reinstall this game anymore :/
No RNG on birthday gifts has ruined this poor mans life. Shame on you Anet.
Tarnished Coast is pretty RP friendly, heck I would even say that is the un-official RP Server.
That’s because it is, so is Jade Quarry
As for the OP. Official RP servers are the worse servers in any MMO for RPers. They have to be assigned by the people who play in them, rather than being arbitrarily assigned by the company. It minimizes the grief factor of anti-RP douch baggery.
Or the company needs to enforce the rules there. EQ back in the day was great for that. The community also did a lot to police itself back then as well. When the company is not willing to help enforce it and handle the griefing then it has no hope.
Dulfy is great! Outside of that though, don’t stress if you miss out on some of these events. There isn’t a whole lot of really great things to miss, maybe an occasional skin, but most have been less than good. The only thing you miss most are the achieve points but even then it’s not so bad.
If you’re just really missing the enjoyment of the actual content itself then that does suck. Personally I haven’t played any of it until the Jubilee and I don’t feel like I missed anything.
The thing with the pavilion is that it is a guaranteed place to get items/mats/gold that people need to either breakdown for crafting, or selling to make money to buy parts of their legendary or upgrade gear. Up until now they have gone out of their way to make sure there were no areas like this. So when one is introduced it’s no big surprise that it is packed day and night with people trying to get as much as they can before it goes away.
That being said, it’s kinda fun, it’s not very deep as far as content goes but it is fun. It’s actually the first living story events I have chosen to do yet.
Any thoughts regarding this?
Nothing is going on except discounts. Just another Evon fanatic who is a sad panda.
With the first 30 I got after they came out I bought an accessory for my Guardian. Since then I have bought nothing but dyes and will probably continue to do so.
There were two on the front page at the time of posting my comment. No search needed.
Disregard that ^
They were on the Suggestion forums which I was reading before this, my apologies. This will probably end up there as well however.
(edited by Poledo.3256)
I think I am the only person that voted Kiel because I disliked the character of Evon.
Was there a need for a third thread on this?
I actually applaud this.
Nobody is keeping you from running your alts, just do it the next day.Yes. Please keep telling me how I should have to play the game. You know, the old way didn’t effect you in anyway nor does the new way (or if it does – you just don’t care).
Of course the old way affected me, as you guys with the gazillion alts constantly exploiting these dungeons are the same guys crying for “Zerker ONLY!” in LFG.
Thus influencing everybody to “suit up”, making your oh so efficient “gameplay” the norm.So now you can´t run these Dungeons like a production line anymore.
But instead of waking up from the grind-stupor, you´re actually complaining that you may have to take a slight break from this moronic quasi-robotic gaming style.
Well, you´re going to start rethinking your exploity playstyle and drop the Zerker gear for a while. Maybe even start playing with the dreaded casuals, until you´ve found the many exploits in the other dungeons of course.
But enjoy them while they last, because it´s on the record that this is just the start of ANet´s long overdue Dungeons revamp.
That came across as “Hah! I got my way. No longer will you get more stuff than me, you will play my way. You’re still a jerk though and I am sure you will cheat, but they will fix you in the end mister, just you wait and see!”
Really kind of uncalled for.
I ran all three of my 80’s through CoF1 daily (back to back) and never ran into diminishing returns, always the full 60 plus the 9 from loot bags. It definitely was not in the patch notes, they only mentioned the gold change.
Regardless, I don’t really care. I’ll do something else with that time. Maybe I’ll actually be able to find people wanting to run Arah for once.
I use regular bags and keep any items like extra weapons etc in the first few slots of my bag. I sell and breakdown frequently and always use deposit/combine.
I would highly recommend at least an invisible bag as your last bag. This removes any possibility of an accidental sell (or worse, salvage), plus if you want to carry a collectible and not deposit it (such as a mini-pet), you can place it in there and it won’t go with deposit all.
I’ve thought about it but I don’t really need it. I’m used to managing my inventory this way. I have the items I want to keep, followed by my breakdown kits, so there is always a buffer and I know never to touch the first few items.
Works for me.
It depends on what you enjoy. If you prefer to do the story do that. You really don’t miss out on much with these events except a few achievements, maybe some skins for weapons. I’m having fun with it this event though so I am spending time doing the content. I have skipped many in the past because I did not find the events fun and I don’t feel like I missed anything.
So do what you like!
I only started the gauntlet last night and made it up to Salazan. I’ll be tackling the rest tonight. I gotta say I am not looking forward to her. I envision much cursing in my future.
I use regular bags and keep any items like extra weapons etc in the first few slots of my bag. I sell and breakdown frequently and always use deposit/combine.
First update they’ve added that I actually like. Funny how that works.
Your major gripes are what draws most of the current player base in. The model you are describing exists in most MMO’s currently on the market. Have you tried RIFT? I think you would honestly like it.
I think you stated your thoughts well but you totally lost me at supporting griefing. I’ll agree with you on the dungeons. They are lackluster and either too easy or too frustrating. Easy/hard does not equate fun and most dungeon paths are just not fun. I’ll run them for money or tokens but rarely for fun and that disappoints me.
I wouldn’t want to see raids added in though. That’s another tired mechanic and a scene I am done with after 14 years of playing MMO’s.
Thanks for the post.
Xae makes some good points but it still would be nice if it stayed. This is actually the first event they have added in that I have actually enjoyed. Sometimes mindless zerg rushes like this are nice to break up the monotony.
I’d like to see Guardians have a couple shield options to choose from, for instance possibly a small round shield and a tower shield each having different abilities based on their size.
Like the round shield could be thrown and daze an enemy or the tower shield could have a shield rush. Just some basic ideas but the general idea being adding in two shield styles for guardians to use.
Poledo, after you have logged into each of your characters one time, your gold should be combined. Before you log in with them, each character still has their individual gold. That may be causing your confusion.
Thanks Nikk, that clears it up!
I’ve said it before and I will say it again now. I don’t personally care for any of the content they have released, yet it does not affect my game at all if I choose not too participate in it. So therefore it would be very self centered and petty for me to ask for it to be removed.
However it would be nice if we could see some more long term plans and bigger content design to go along with bi-weekly updates they are doing currently.
I feel like I am missing something. All my characters still show having their own money. When I open the wallet it is only showing my gold for the character I am currently on.
I’m with you. There isn’t a single event that interests me that they have put out in these filler events. On the upside, I don’t feel like I have missed out on anything by not doing them. So since there are a lot of people that do enjoy them I’m not looking to see them removed because that would be incredibly self serving.
I would love to see something else besides running races etc.
Sometimes the dailies force players to play change the way they play. By making players play in areas they are not in the mood to play. This can leave whole other zones nearly empty. This goes against the play your own way philosophy.
Nothing is forced. Players make their own choices.
Again, people need to accept responsibility for their behaviors and choices. Look in the mirror, the game doesn’t force it or even require it. Its totally a choice.
I see people say “forced” all the time and I see your typical response. Semantics. Ok we know people are not technically forced, we didn’t even need to buy the game. They add things in like this though that creates the feeling of needing to log in. Do you really need to? No of course not. If you want to stay up on the best gear though, you had better. That is where it became an issue, is when they added laurels into it.
Personally I don’t have any challenges with it, I get mine done everyday. That’s me though. I try to have empathy for others who can’t instead of telling them it sucks to be them.
The issue I have with dailies in any game, and I have said this before; is that it starts off fine, some daily content gives people something to focus on each day. Then they decide they want to add more daily content, and more, and eventually you log in and there is this mass of daily things you feel you need to accomplish. Again you can choose to not do that, but there is a reason they do it. They design it that way so most people will do it. So you’re not forced but they are definitely trying to steer you that way and they are banking on it, literally.
(edited by Poledo.3256)
No game sounds or music, dubbed over with a good tune. I prefer something heavy with a good hook. No rap. <— my opinion