Showing Posts For Poledo.3256:

Haven't played since...

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Poledo.3256


Only thing that kept me playing was rolling new alts once I reached 80. Made a couple ascended items, had to really choose a “main” to use them on. Started logging in less. every other day, couple times a week, once a week, then not at all. Booted the game up today, was reading the patch notes from Tuesday and cancelled the update.

I’m just done with it. Not to say the game is bad, I had a lot of fun. It’s just not an immersive MMO that can keep me logged in. It has a limit and I’ve reached it.

New chars can't get new hairstyles? Why?!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Poledo.3256


I do not see why it should be given for free at character selection /shrug. Getting mad at this reminds me of the several customers I had who were “disgusted” that we charged extra to hook up their DvD players and other devices to their TV, always stating to us it should be free since it is all related to their television.

I could understand being upset if it was a subscription game, but this isn’t a subscription game.

I think the difference here is that the new hairstyles were probably scraps left on some poor shmuck’s computer and got thrown into the game just for a quick buck.

You have to work when you install these DVD’s, right ?

And, seriously, that would have been a nice thing, to just throw such a simple thing for free, once in a while. I don’t give a rat kitten about the new dungeons, I hate the looks of the new ascended stuff, I never even bothered finishing personal story (I just got sick of it, it’s that bad).

So, just for once, they could do a nice thing. Hairstyles, it’s not the end of the world.

Oh, wait…

They won’t. Guess why ? Greeeeeeeeeeeeeeeed. Monnnnnnnnnneeeeeey.

Is that why they are giving living story content every 2 weeks without charging me to play it? because of Greeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeed. Monnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnneeeeeeeeeeeeeey?

Yes. Are you daft. It’s all about money. It’s to get people to log in more often. The more you are on, the more you are likely to spend money.

Something nice. Hah you are a funny person.

Guild Wars 2 23rd best modern game

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Poledo.3256


I don’t agree with 90% of the games on there, but as you say it is subjective.

Have we become spoiled?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Poledo.3256


The only thing I miss about GW2 when I play other games is casting magic while on the move.

What do you find inherently fun?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Poledo.3256


Right now nothing. I made two ascended weapons for my main so that’s done. I’m burnt out on all the temp content and stopped chasing after it. Tired of dailies and time gated content so I decided to ignore it all. Then I realized that when I set that aside, there was nothing I really wanted to do.

Now I log on about once a week, realize I don’t miss it and log out again.

Ignoring the LS is making me happy

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Poledo.3256


I took it a step further — I quit logging in 2 weeks ago, and it’s awesome. Without a doubt, that was the best decision I’ve made regarding this game yet.

I may log in again for the Mad King event, but maybe not.

When you stop chasing the carrot, you look at what does this game really have to offer me now. For me the answer is, not much that I haven’t already done. I am looking forward to the Halloween event just because I love this time of year and the whole ambiance surrounding it. After that, I am probably out.

Halloween incoming!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Poledo.3256


This event coming up is the sole reason I am still here. Excited for the Halloween events and ambiance. I’ll probably be done after though.

Why does RNG even exist?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Poledo.3256


Because creators of D&D knew that asking players to perform calculations with decimal places was absurd.

The idea was that random rolls average out over time, meaning player skill and actions were ultimately more important than will of the dice. This is still the way and reason it’s used by game designers today. It isn’t there to make things random (although that is also a valid approach, and it’s also part of D&D). The problem there is, if you spread the luck too thin, it will never average out.

If you see where I’m going with this, go ahead and read on. (If not, please direct your attention to the section below the break.)

So what happens when you want your loot to drop after killing lots and lots and lots of things? Or if you want your on-crit effect to only trigger for 0,1 of its effectiveness? Well, what happens is that it now takes few centuries for the numbers to average out. You’ve successfully introduced gambling where there should be none. Well-done!

You know what I’m talking about. The Mystic Toilet. T6 mats. Exotic drops. Ascended drops. Even Rare drops. Chest drops. Black Lion chests. Dyes. Precursors. Mystic Clovers. Those silly on-crit effects that only trigger once every blue moon. The list goes on… It shouldn’t happen. It’s a mistake in design.

But you know what the punchline is? No, really? Remember WoW? Its developers know about this. They’ve seen no end to unlucky players being unable to collect 6 Wolf Pelts in the beginning zone for a month straight. And they fixed it. In WoW, the longer you go without collecting a random reward, the higher your chance that you’ll get it next time. So while an extremely lucky player can still get 10 Epic Loots from a Big Boss, there’s no situation where someone will slay it ten times over and walk away without a single Epic Sword of Rat-Slaying.

There goes you throwing 400G worth of exotics into the Mystic Toilet and getting nothing in return. There goes you farming the champ train instead of running dungeons or whatever else. There go your Exotic and Ascended drops which most players will brush off as a fairy-tale. There go the amazingly underwhelming wonders of Black Lion Chest. There goes that Luck meter – that you spend 50G on – doing seemingly nothing at all.

There’s your problem, ArenaNet.


Okay, a bit more explanation.

Please direct your attention to this article.

More specifically, the graph to the right. It shows how many times you have to roll a 6-sided die before it turns out you might as well be rolling a die with “3.5” on each side. And that number is about 400 times, to be generous. So, it takes 400 rolls with a one-in-six chance for luck to vanish as a factor. Everyone on the same page here? Okay, good.

So. Gaming. How exactly do you award your player a 0,01 pieces of Epic Loot because you only want them to have it after killing 100 Epic Rats? Well, you can’t. Okay, you can introduce crafting, but shut up. Traditionally this problem has been solved by having each Epic Rat have a small chance to drop said loot wholesale, because with certain probability in place it WILL drop after killing close to 100 rats for most players.

Same applies to combat. There’s a big difference between your lowest and highest damage, a crit and a non-crit, right? Well guess what. After delivering your 1,xxx,th strike, it will average out.

Or at least it should if you’ve made your game with the basic knowledge of what the heck you’re doing. And ANet know what they’re doing, right?..

I’ve used this explanation multiple times when arguing with my guild about the RNG. Most of them refused to acknowledge the issue, while those that did acknowledge its existence have since quit. I used to play WoW and I really admire the way that Blizzard managed their RNG. If I didn’t get the item I wanted, I would do that event again and I would probably get that item. If not, within 5 runs I would get the item I needed without fail.

I could go for years in GW2 without getting the item that I want.

That is the problem right there. Someone can throw 4 items into the forge once and come out with a precursor. I’ve seen it happen to strangers and to guildmates. Then you have someone who just threw 400g into the forge and got nothing except for a few exotics that sell for 1g. This is a problem. As OP said it’s nothing but gambling.

How do you think it feels to be the guy that just blew 100’s of gold to watch someone else just toss some random items in and get what the other person was after? Bad business plan.

What are your feels of having a Healing Role?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Poledo.3256


Is the Majority GW playerbase Hipsters

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Poledo.3256


If we were hipsters, we wouldn’t be playing. GW2 is not underground enough.

Why does RNG even exist?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Poledo.3256


It’s an antiquated mechanic that has no place in modern MMO’s. Especially a game such as GW2 that is supposed to be innovative.

Ignoring the LS is making me happy

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Poledo.3256


I’m ignoring SAB v.2 and Tequat’l v.2. I gave Teq a shot just to see the changes (they’re good imo) but he’s permanent so I don’t care. I ran the crap outta SAB v.1 and ya know what? It’s not worth the time and lameness that is a return to 16-bit gaming simply for weapon skins that don’t match anything else in-game.

So I’m just playing GW2 right now the way I did when it was released. And I’m having so much fun again. I’m not worried about getting xx achievements done for a meta reward. I’m not following a champ-zerg train. I’m not hunting pinatas or doors or baskets for RNG loot. I’m not forcing myself to ignore all the great stuff Anet put into this game for the sake of a 2 week rush to get a meta or exploit a zerg farm. I even rolled an alt. I’m playing level 20 zones again nd having fun. I’m exploring areas I’ve never made time for before.

So if you’re getting burnt out from the constant LS, just ignore it once. Ignore one patch for 2 weeks and just play how you want to. You may remember how fun this game is when you stop worrying about finding 30 balloon towers and focus instead of joining those 2 random people who are doing DEs in Wayfarer.

Me too, and I’ve started questioning what the heck am I playing for? I got bored and haven’t logged in for days.

GW 2 was advertised as a fun, casual MMO.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Poledo.3256


It used to be, back around the beginning of the year. To me it started going downhill when they began messing with the original way dailies worked and has kept going from there. I’ve left and come back a couple times, but I always reach the same point. One day I log in and realize, I really have nothing I want to do, I am just doing daily grind for …. yeah no reason really. Then I pack it in for a while. Feeling that a bit right now.

Back after 4 months

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Poledo.3256


Not sure if serious.

Glad you are enthused about the game. You’re going to find a lot of people here aren’t quite as excited as you are.

Champs now drop loot, there are a couple zones where people farm champs around the clock.
Ascended weapons are now in the game.
Tequatl is now a challenge, be prepared to hit overflow pretty much every time. It can be done, when people aren’t complaining that it can’t.
Dungeon tokens etc no longer take up bank space but are in a “purse” in your hero panel.

So how do we fix Berserker?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Poledo.3256


Without Holy Trinity it is gonna be hard to make all the stats viable, any body got any ideas?

Remove 1 shot mechanics, until then I see no reason to not put out the max possible damage on any character I play. No more support for me. Berserker all the way.

how many 80's do you have

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Poledo.3256


8 character slots. 6 80’s, one 67, one 16.

An honest conversation about concerns

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Poledo.3256



Around 40 threads were made because people thought ta F/U was hard, it’s probably going to get revamped, and honestly, I hope anet takes a long and good look at dungeons because a lot of stuff needs to be fixed/changed.
Also, it’d be nice if they decreased the HP of elite mobs in some dungeons (like arah) and increased the damage, for example make them do 50% more damage and have 30% less hp, that way the encounter is more fun than it is tedious.

There is already enough 1 shot hits from mobs that all I run is zerkers anymore. If I am going to get 1 shot, might as well spec for max damage. I don’t think increased damage is the answer.

Am I the type of player you want?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Poledo.3256


So by “just playing” I have 300 dust, 10 dragonite ore, 20 fragments, and 15 dark matter. I’ll have an ascended weapon by October 2014 at this rate.

I went ahead and tried to get dragonite ore. I found that I had to sit around and watch timers in addition to getting to an area early in order to avoid being dumped into overflow. Then I got to mill around, bored, while waiting for the world boss/event and then I got to fail along with everyone else in the group and got nothing.

Enthralling game design right there.

Yes and no. Up until recently you weren’t really missing anything by not attending boss events. Therefore you argument would be invalid about having to camp in zones to beat overflows and stand around bored. However now that we have dragonite from world bosses it’s validated. Sure you CAN get it elsewhere, but expect to have enough by Christmas if you are just getting it from world chests a few at a time.

WvW seems to be a good way to get the mats. I don’t do WvW though. However I have also made two ascended weapons as of last night so it’s not a challenge for me. I do empathize with you though and understand the frustration.

Making content your engine can't handle?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Poledo.3256


Just got a new PC on Friday. Ran all kinds of events all weekend long with everything maxed. It was a whole new game. My old comp was a pretty high end system when I got it 5 years ago, but it was barely limping along in GW2. It took me forever to save for a new one, money is tight!

Why does it constantly drop my targets?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Poledo.3256


I always assumed it was so you couldn’t press 1 – auto attack – and go AFK.

Am I the type of player you want?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Poledo.3256


1. I will probably never have a legendary, now that you’ve nerfed karma. I toyed with the idea pre nerf, but imagine my surprise when I started getting karma vials from completing dailies a few days after I spent most of my karma on temple armor. I will not grind 2000+ events and/or dungeons. I left that other MMO precisely because of this type of treadmill/grind.

2. I will never have ascended trinkets. I’m sitting on 62 laurels, but I am loath to spend them because I have multiple characters and I never know what wonderful changes you will implement next. I don’t want to be caught in a situation like I was with karma points, where I spend most of laurels and then you implement some change that makes them more difficult to get or they become necessary to obtain even better items. In addition to this, I only do dailies if they correspond to whatever I’m doing that day. I don’t log in to do chores, ANet.

3. I will never have ascended weapons. That is, unless the required mats build up in my bags through daily activity and leveling crafting isn’t cost prohibitive. As it stands now, leveling that one crafting discipline is cost prohibitive for me.

4. I will never have ascended armor, for reasons stated in point 3.

5. And because of 1-4, I will never participate in WvW because being at a constant disadvantage when playing against other people isn’t fun.

I log in to have fun, ANet. Not to do daily chores, not to grind, not to chase more powerful, and required gear…I log in to have fun. When I bought your game, you led me to the impression that the best gear would be easy to get at level 80, so I could spend my time doing whatever I wanted. Looks like I was wrong.

Has your philosophy regarding the type of player you’d like to retain, changed as well?

It doesn’t seem like MMO’s fit you — try another style of game because <<O=grinding something ALWAYS, that’s half the fun for many.

I don’t know that it’s half the fun. It’s half the reason they haven’t quit yet maybe, chasing the carrot.

Endgame content

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Poledo.3256


The things you did while leveling? Same thing at 80.

Can we get Orr dailies/monthlies?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Poledo.3256


No more daily content. Add in all the things you like to Orr, just don’t make it daily content!

Boss Week Tequatl Rising achievement

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Poledo.3256


There is a boss week achievement checklist that does not require completing Tequatl outside of participating in the daily, and you need to do only that, participate.

The Tequatl achievements are separate and permanent.

Does anyone actually LIKE their class?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Poledo.3256


Just leveled my second Guardian. I guess that would be a yes.

I'm getting so tired of this...

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Poledo.3256


Do you know that for sure?

LOL if you think ArenaNet would do that then I’d question your sanity.

Why do you think Game Guides shot up in popularity in the later part of the 90’s and now they exist for almost every game that comes out? If you think companies aren’t working with these people then it is you who are deluded.

If you think Dulfy is not making, then I definitely question YOUR sanity.

Strafing in GW2 - Why is it so slow?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Poledo.3256


Trying to be realistic. At one point, they even had a charge up phase, where you’d basically go from walking to running when you first started moving. Since it was hated and felt weird, it was short lived.

Strafing at a forward angle is full speed though, while strafing at a backwards angle is like walking backwards.

Why is my character trying to strafe backwards though? That is what always bothered me. I can strafe right ok, but if I strafe left, instead of turning and strafing forward to the left you go backwards!

I'm getting so tired of this...

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Poledo.3256


I was prepared for another poorly stated complaint thread; what I found was a well written post I agree with 95% of.

Love the boss changes

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Poledo.3256


Paragraphs man!

Whos' Killed Teq?

in Tequatl Rising

Posted by: Poledo.3256




That hurts

I have no real opinion on it yet, but I can safely guess that they will nerf it.

The new boss killing time - 15 minutes ?

in Tequatl Rising

Posted by: Poledo.3256


It’s artificial difficulty. It’s what an innovative design team has become after a year of trying to please everyone instead of sticking to their vision.

Incorrect, it now can actually be difficult. Before a handful of people could do the events without any chance of failure. Large groups could simply auto attack and ALT+Tab away for the event. The rewards were increased but now their is a chance to fail. This system should have been in place before the game launched.

Now it can actually be difficult? Because it has a timer? A R T I F I C I A L difficulty.

Superior Rune of the Sunless

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Poledo.3256


This also caught my eye. Wonder what it will do…

It will put a time limit on your next encounter.

The new boss killing time - 15 minutes ?

in Tequatl Rising

Posted by: Poledo.3256


It’s artificial difficulty. It’s what an innovative design team has become after a year of trying to please everyone instead of sticking to their vision.

Whats wrong with this forum community?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Poledo.3256


Nothing wrong. Perfectly natural outlet. Was there some predetermined way people are supposed to react or behave that this place is violating?

GW 2's Emptiness.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Poledo.3256


With the addition of Ascended gear and grind, I believe many players have simply left their alts to die. I used to play a lot on my other characters, exploring all over the map, but sadly all I do now is grind with my main.

I camp my alts at JP’s now so they can get my main emps for crafting. One I use for farming. Then I will hit a few jp’s on my main as well. I have the GS crafted, now I just need to craft the other weaps.

So I guess I haven’t stopped alting as much as I have actually had to settle on a main.

Rune of Strength.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Poledo.3256


While you’re looking at Rune sets can you fix this set’s 6 piece bonus? It hasn’t worked since launch. It does nothing.


I laughed. Also what movie was that from? I’ve seen that somewhere a long time ago…

If you enjoy GW2 leave positive feedback plz

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Poledo.3256


There are a couple other games I really like but I am spoiled by being able to move and cast and I can’t go back to standing still to cast spells. Mobile is awesome.


in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Poledo.3256


I’m glad i’m not looking forward to lobby wars 2.

Because gw2lfg isn’t the same thing only slightly less convenient.

I’m normally against LFG tools myself, but in GW2 not so much. Since we already have gw2lfg and the dungeons here are so bizarre in their design, this is going to make it much easier to get groups for the less run dungeons IMO.

Sadly that means I will be dying. A lot.

How much money have you spent on gems ?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Poledo.3256


Around $200.00. I’m kind of an impulse buyer, and my wife and I tend to use our entertainment budget on gaming so since there is no subscription we don’t mind forking over cash occasionally for fluff items.

Overflows are a problem again

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Poledo.3256


The problem is the crafting mats in the chest everyone needs and the high volume times everyone want to play. They tied Dragonite ore to Event Boss Chests and Empyreal Fragments to Splendid Chests and jumping puzzles. So the boss event starts in Frostgorge and players go for the ore not the chest. But keep in mind that now pretty much 24/7 you have a huge group of players zerging champs. Which is fine but those players probably count to how many can be in the area especially since they usually do the troll very near Claw.

The best solution would be to do a 10 minute window for the Event like the Scarlet Invasions. Give us an in game timer to plan our gameplay so we could decide what events we want to do. We click a tab and can look at the event schedule for the next 4-6 hours and see Claw is in 20 minutes. So in 20 minutes we have 10 minutes to get to Frostgorge or an overflow to do the event. That’s fair for everyone.

I know that’s what they will be doing with the new Tequatl, spawning the event in overflows for the first 10 minutes just like the clockwork events. Not sure about other world bosses.

Yup, unfortunately they have to do it manually right now as they haven’t figured out how to automate it yet. So this means it will likely only be a short term thing to handle the initial influx of people wanting to see the revamped content.

Hopefully they can come up with a permanent fix.

Will we ever see race changes ?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Poledo.3256


If they ever start to see drops in revenue, you can bet they will introduce things they have said no to in the past. As long as there is a healthy influx of money from the cash shop as it is, I doubt we will see it.

Overflows are a problem again

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Poledo.3256


The only two zones I ever see overflows for are Frostgorge and Queensdale. Since you can do guild missions in overflows I don’t really see it is as a big problem.

Guess it depends on your server. On TC for most events, if you aren’t in the zone ahead of time you are going to hit Overflow, common on Maw, SB, Teq, Shatterer more than others.

As predicted, nerfing dungeons has backfired

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Poledo.3256


Now that dungeons are not worth farming, I’m stuck with a huge zerg of 80s running from champ to champ in Queensdale. Lord forbid you kill a champ out of the order they are running in. Lots of “nice” comments in Map chat if you do.

Chat was worse before the champ farm there if you ask me. Now that everyone is s busy running champ to champ it’s kinda mellowed out. You get the occasional kitten but you had that regardless.

Well, if my experience today on Borlis Pass is any example, there is now no chatter allowed on Queensdale /map chat if it doesn’t pertain to the Champion farm. Not at all a pleasant atmosphere.

Depends on the day, and who is there but then again it always did. Queensdale used to be a cesspool not unlike Barrens chat. As I said I find it better than it used to be but there is always some BS going on.

As predicted, nerfing dungeons has backfired

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Poledo.3256


Now that dungeons are not worth farming, I’m stuck with a huge zerg of 80s running from champ to champ in Queensdale. Lord forbid you kill a champ out of the order they are running in. Lots of “nice” comments in Map chat if you do.

Chat was worse before the champ farm there if you ask me. Now that everyone is s busy running champ to champ it’s kinda mellowed out. You get the occasional A – Hole but you had that regardless. On TC I rarely see anyone flaming or getting kitten ed anymore. If someone does, put them on block, I do it even if it’s not directed at me. Don’t waste your time on that type of person.

Champs are killed out of order all the time in Queens and you just move to next in line. If you are looking to kill multiple champs though, there is no reason not to go with the flow. If you just happen to come across one and want to kill it, go nuts.

Fix Eternity

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Poledo.3256


There’s much bigger issues in the game than your gold seller acquired legendary not being flashy enough.

Step back folks we got a revolutionary on our hands.

Holy Grind Wars 2!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Poledo.3256


Just crafted mine yesterday. What was holding me up was empyreal fragments because I only run a couple dungeons that I really like every now and then and I usually avoid jumping puzzles. Knowing I wanted to craft an ascended item I started hitting some jp’s and with every mesmer and their uncle porting people up to jp’s in LA, I just hit some of the easier ones in the world and now I am done.

I’ll keep gathering mats and continue to make more for my characters. It’s going to take a while especially since I have 6 80’s.

Fractals took WAY too long

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Poledo.3256


I dislike being locked into something for that length of time. It’s fine with me though, I just don’t do them. Lots of other content to enjoy.

/deaths /age

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Poledo.3256


284 hours and 21 minutes over 218 days. Been playing the game 277 but this character was made late. Died 247 times.

Champions need to be more powerful

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Poledo.3256


Thanks for proofing my point.

Are you being purposefully obtuse? Proving your point? If your point is that you can’t manage to get credit when everyone else is and the problem lies with you, then yes!

Look I am not completely without empathy. I miss some too, but so what?! I don’t go blaming the others. It’s farming, if you want to kill stuff that takes longer and has more HP, run the meta route and kill Jormag etc.

If you are missing out on one, then make it up on the next one. There is no reason you should be not getting credit unless you are not keeping up. Every class has some sort of speed, use them when you should. Every class has range options, use them.

Train starts at fish, simple easy. Off to Kodan – everyone runs out into the ice water area east of his spawn if he is not at his spawn to see if he roamed off – go with them. If he is not out there go back and wait at his spawn with the rest of the zerg. No problem. Norn, is almost always a bit of a wait, and you should not miss him. Only time he is up is if the fish and Kodan have been a bit late to spawn.

Next we have Wurm, which everyone WP’s to. If you can’t load fast enough to make it down there, skip it and go to Broodmother. If the Quaggan is up, some will go for that, other will head right to Troll – you will almost never get both of those if Quaggan is up. Troll is another one you can skip though if you can’t load fast enough. So head right back to fish. You also run the risk of missing fish if you hit troll if the people who skip troll find the fish up. This is where you can miss out on a couple because you show up as the fish is dead, and they have moved to Kodan and you show up late for that, but then you catch up at Norn and get back in rhythm.

Again this is a farm, it is quick, it is profitable if you can do it. If you want to start making it take longer, you’ll find yourself by yourself trying to farm champs that now take twice as long to kill for 80 people by yourself because the farmers will be doing something that is faster.

Keep up, stop blaming others. Stop asking the game to change to suit you and your inability.

(edited by Poledo.3256)

Champions need to be more powerful

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Poledo.3256


I think the people who want to see a champion dead in less than 10 seconds are the entitled persons, not me.

Something dying quick to 80 people hitting is a result, not a want by those people. Keep trying. They seem to have no problem getting credit.