Time for another bump.
Someone incredibly intelligent, pretty and humble (and pretty) <.< >.> wrote a post that might help you find a guild that’s a good fit for you.
Did I mention Pretty?
Hey Fogh! It’s awesome finding someone that does the same thing I do when I find a newbie!
Out of interest, What do you put in yours? I generally send 2x 15 slot bag, 4x dye based on their preference, 20x low level food/util and 3g.
(Not meaning to blow my own horn, genuinely interested if you got any inclusions I did not think of).
Hi Kuba,
First, keep in mind that this isn’t a trinity game. Every class needs to do damage in PvE, has an own heal, and can often support with fields/boons.
I’m personally not that big on PvE (fractals/dungeons) but Warriors, staff Ele’s and guards are all top picks for the more hardcore PvE meta as I understand it. Mesmer is also useful for some specific applications.
Engie and Thief have their uses, While Necro and Ranger tend to be less than optimal for the real competitive PvE. Ranger because of dodgy Pet AI, Necro because other classes simply do PvE better.
This is not to say any of those are useless; any class can run just about anything. They’re often just suboptimal. However, there’s plenty of people that don’t mind. Content doesn’t become harder, just slower, imo.
Hope that helps. Maybe someone more versed in fractals/dungeons can offer their insights.
You are misrepresenting the argument. I specifically stated that it could have been a hack. The issue is with you attempting to call people out without providing verifiable proof.
Less emotion and more logic would be beneficial in discussions like these. If you took a similar tone in previous threads you undermine your own credibility, leading to people disregarding your actual message.
‘No other explanation left’ is not a fact, it’s a conclusion made with limited information.
To call anything proof you need a lot more information, and then verify it.
You had a hunch it was a hack. It could have been. It’s just as likely it wasn’t, as Tricare’s post showed. Tricare could be mistaken, but he’s got a lot of experience in this game so I tend to give more credit to his observations in this matter.
You don’t need to claim things are ‘proof’ or ‘factual’ if you don’t actually have all the information.
20s is more than enough.
Good turnout for guildmissions today!
You getting awfully defensive of this guy. It’s not like it was you. He didn’t alt+f4 nor did he swap maps or else I wouldn’t have ran into him coming out of spawn so soon. His smart kitten reply is precisely what the kind of punk kid running a hack would say. I have no evidence that it was a hack? You have no evidence it wasn’t. So unless someone can explain to me how they pulled it off, I’ll call them out for using one.
Burden of Proof lies with the person making the claim, not those disbelieving the claim.
For example, if I claim to have seen Bigfoot and want to be taken seriously, it would be up to me to provide verifiable evidence, not the people sceptical of my claim.
I am not saying the person wasn’t using a hack; I’m saying that your suggestion that your allegation is credible because it can’t be disproven is fallacious.
We’re ready for a few more!
Tonic Race this Monday, and the recent WvW raids have been a lot of fun!
Come check our site for Raid vids.
Here’s a link to what I consider a well written analysis on what P2W is:
TL:DR: author defines P2W as If there are any unique purchases that positively impacts the game experience and are only available with premium currency (aka real money), then the game is considered Pay to Win.
Most claims I’ve seen of P2W here fall down at the ‘only available with premium currency’ bit.
Hi Odinsraven,
Most guilds either advertise in the LFG subforum or on the Yak’s Bend community forum: http://www.yaks-bend.com
Alternatively you are invited to check out my guild. The Society is an established PvX guild on Yak’s Bend with 50-60 active members per day. you can reach us at http://www.gw2society.enjin.com/forum
There are hacks out there that will let you teleport, but severe lag can do the same. There’s a gap between where the lagging person is on your client and to where he is on the lagging person, causing him to ‘teleport’ as his client catches up and says ‘No he’s here’ to the server.
combine that with the other threads complaining about severe lag in SPvP, and I would think that that’s the case.
The experience of seeing meaningful patterns or connections in random or meaningless data.
What irritates me about revenant skills
in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns
Posted by: Pretty Pixie.8603
If you reread the blogpost and interviews out there, Roy says that ‘new tech’ allows these powers.
On the upside, this means that it’s likely the specialisations will have them.
Dhemize knows what he’s doing. Join [CROW] if you’re into Havoc and play Late SEA/early EU!
Time for the daily bump!
Thanks Dhemize! Still open for more people in SEA/Ocx!
Simply play tpvp fo farm tomes on whatever class you’re happiest with, and level your engie that way.
I run a mix of zerker and Celestial with speed runes. you benefit tremendously from the vit from the speed runes and cele stats, while throwing out bigger burns, larger medi heals and good crit damage.
Sure. No problem says ANet. Gem store or in game? Then you better get on your knees and pray for gem store because Gwyenifred says HI! (Drop rate, one in 200,000 bags, account bound, so unsaleable by those who don’t want it or the few that get 2)
And if anyone doesn’t think they won’t make the drop rate that low again, I have some nice marsh land to sell you with only minor crocodile problems.
You mean alligator right?
I didn’t say where the marsh was.
Salt water Croc beats your alligator any day of the week.
Straya, more ways to die than anywhere else!
5.7k hrs. 1x Forge, 1x drop.
We ae still open for recruitment!
I should definately bump this.. Been lazy. >.>
Sorry Niloy.
Voski never lies! Unless he’s dissing me. Happy for a few more!
When you just saved Tyria from an Elder Dragon only to have a fatalistic salad guy claim all the credit.
When you’re just after some quick gold, but they keep undercutting you on the TP.
When you manage to get into the keep just before it flips.. …on a ranger.
You cannot directly compare Class specific skills, like virtues, atunements, burst or the pet ones for Ranger. The design differs per class. For ranger, you can get some decent CC if you use the right pets. Warrior Burst skills on the othe hand, deal damage. Different mechanics.
If you directly want to compare Evicerate to anything on a ranger, you’re looking at Maul or Rapid Fire. Rapid Fire outperforms Eviscerate in a number of ways; longer range, higher availability, and doesn’t need to build a resource first.
Evicerate has a decent telegraph. If you’re within range of Eviscerate as a LB range, you’re already doing something wrong.
Not yet, but spvp has a shiney new reward system, and on the pve side there’s collections to keep you happy, and the last few LS chapters are well worth your time.
Should be enough there to tide you over.
Hi Valios! Please make sure to fill out an application form at gw2society.enjin.com by clicking on the recritment tab on the main page. We’ll be happy to hook you up!
In the meantime, I’ll see if I can get someone to send you a guild invite.
Come join us! Dutchie’s getting a bit lonely during EU!
Questions about Pricing and Payment [merged]
in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns
Posted by: Pretty Pixie.8603
According to Massively, O’Brien stated that:’It’s a boxed expansion pack’. This seems to suggest that a gem purchase would be less likely.
Reopened recruitment for the SEA/OCX/EU timeslots! New players more than welcome!
What was *not* anounced for the new expansion
in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns
Posted by: Pretty Pixie.8603
I had another close look at the expansion trailer, and at about the 55 sec mark you see Rhytlock march into a temple of sorts towards 3 glowing beings. what’s interesting is that he’s followed by what looks to be 10 PCs.
Could be 10 man raids?
I sent you a little bit of gold ingame to get you back on your feet. It’s more than sufficient to cover repairs, new gear and wp costs for your level.
Have fun!
What Bandit said. Maps are populated on guild affiliation and friendlist, then server, and then overflow from other servers, iirc.
First off, congratulations on putting in all this work. It’s also brave to throw your labour of love to the forumwolves like this. I do have some criticism, but I hope you’ll take it constuctively.
A few points:
Acceleration and Tardiness seem to have an overlap with quickness and chill respectively. while being way more powerful.
Time warping seems incredibly powerful in group settings, with a long duration. In a WvW zerg setting this can easily be 30k or more, if the Chronomaster has the vit/tough to survive it. Also, who does the damage get applied to with multiple attackers?
The time manipulation thing seens to be covered by the mesmer already, with powers like portal and timewarp.
If you are still using the standard keybinds, you’ll be at a disadvantage. You want everything to be in easy reach.
For instance, my mouse has a thumbbutton set to CTRL. Instead of reaching for 6 and 7 etc, I got utilities bound to CTRL+2/3/4, elite to V, Heal to F, and ‘use’ to Z. Similarly class skills are CTRL+Q/E/A/D.
There’s no one true way to set it up, but making it easy on yourself will help a lot. To start, use the second keybind column to set the new binds, and let the old ones alone. If you then hit the old keybind, the power will still fire. It’s a handy backup until muscle memory sets in.
Apart from the motherboard it looks pretty solid. GW2 seems more proccessor heavy than average games, and that i5 should do swimmingly.
Keep in mind that your internet connection is also important when it comes to WvW.
Using excess laurels to buy T6 crafting bags will turn a quick profit. You can also sell t3/4/6 crafting mats in your bank for quite a bit of money.
The main thing that worked for me was a recruitment post in the Lookin For subforum. The important part is to keep it positive and to the point. People have short attention spans. You just want to hook them, not bore them with long posts with multiple bulletpointed segments.
Make sure that the title of your post encapsulates what you stand for. People need to see at a glance on which server you are, what your guild does, and when you play.
Now that you got your post, you need to bump it, daily. Keeping your post on the first page will deliver maximum exposure. Keep your bumpposts friendly and positive. Use it to tell people what your guild has been doing, make them want to be apart of it, show the reader you’re active.
Make a guild website. Services like enjin make it easy for you to form a community hub outside the game, with all the extra info you wish to share. It alsomakes you look more professional and engaged.
(edited by Pretty Pixie.8603)
I’d caution against Tier 2/3 servers right now. Currently 2 out of the potential 4 tier 2 servers (population wise) are in a revolving door situation with Tier 3. The actual yier 3 severs lag far behind in population with both FA and SoS. DB and Yak’s seem save for now, but an unlucky RNG can change the the dynamics on the drop of a hat. A matchup with Yak’s or DB with FA/SoS could lead to Yak’s or DB being pushed down; an other option is Yak’s being pushed up and a Tier one server coming down.
All in all a rather volatile situation. My bet eould be Tier 4 if you’re after stability. Likely not as populated as you’re used to, but.
Any reason is valid, because they don’t owe you anything.
T2 is pretty blobby. I’d scout T2 first before committing.
My favorites, in no particular order:
The Combat.
For me, this combat system is one of the most fluent and exciting combat systems out there. Especially how powers interact between players.
The polish.
2 Years in the game still looks awesome. There’s nooks and crannies to explore everywhere. Most everything is well crafted and thought out.
Server communities.
Through WvW thriving server communities have sprung up, often with distinct identities. This is a marvelous and brilliant experience for me.
Well still have no heard any official word why Anet thinks there is justification for my money to switch because of thier failure….I am waiting.
You’ll be waiting a long time. Anet is under no contractual obligation to provide you with a free transfer. If you were keen on WvW from the get go, I wonder why you failed to put in the effort to find a server more suitable to your needs?
Why are you being rude? I simply posed a couple of thoughts and you are telling me to do more research. If you don’t want to post anything helpful, then it would be best not to say anything at all.
I’m not a big Chaba fan, but she wasn’t rude. She corrected your unfounded claim regarding influence, and gave you information where to hook up with WvW guilds by pointing out server forums.
Going by the information you offered, she’s right. If you did your homework beforehand, you wouldn’t have joined a guild on another server to play WvW with. You are now demanding that Anet changes the game to correct your mistake.
Oh by all means, FE. The TLAs are simply meant to get the basic message across in your Topic Title. You have limited space, so it pays to be brief and to the point, while still giving enough ‘at a glance’ information in it. They’re general indicators.
Thanks a lot Gaile!
Eager for more recruits!