Uh, you can have 5.
Ok look, if a another player gets more abilities than me as a guardian, because he bought heart of thorns, and i still have the standard abilities, than the player who bought heart of thorns has a better variety of ways to defeat me, plus he is automatically more versatile than i am. So that is pay to win my friend, paying for more abilitties and a better class set, is pay to win. Screw that, i regret buying this game.
Sounds like MMOs are not for you then, because GW2 is one of the most generous ones out there. A fixed, fairly low price, without a sub. They have given us 2 years of free content on top of that. The base game gives potentially thousands of hours, judging by the number of people that clocked up 3k hours or more, yet you seem to have an issue with a pricetag for a new expansion.
To avoid dissapointment, please stick with single player titles, and buy a new one each month. At least it won’t be P2W by your definition.
Just to be clear, you only need to have done the skill challenges. I ran all my toons through the starter areas and Orr to make sure I had +65 skill challenges completed on each (I PvP a fair bit, so I got several toons with hardly any map completion).
It looks like DB is unlikely to recover either. It appears a lot of PvE players choose the server for it’s ‘cool’ name, making recruiting of WvW guilds to the server a nigh on impossibility.
If you’re big on WvW you can chose to either ride out the glide down and see where the server settles, or switch servers.
Ofcourse you can, Vit! I noticed you already applied through our website, so we’ll hook you up as soon as possible.
Welcome to SCTY!
My best guess is 300×3 traitlines = 900/2 = 450 over six armour pieces, weapons and trinkets?
each traitline gives you a max of 300 in stats. I also remember reading that half would be rolled into base stats, but not too sure.
It’s impossible to say how they’ll spread them out over armour/trinkets/weapon(s) though.
The wings are needed to ‘direct’ the magic’ Like rudders, or flaps.
I dunno, I’m making stuff up. I’m baffled that you can’t suspend your disbelief ove such a common trope as dragons, while there’s plenty of other stuff as fantastic if not more so (talking frogs anyone?).
Some tips vs LB rangers;
- save your Dodge for Rapid fire.
-If you can’t dodge, break LoS by using terrain.
-Use your chills/cripples/blinds to get the upper hand.
-DS is your friend. It has an extra chill and a fear to interrupt with.
-LB ranger is pretty bad at condi clearing, use it to your advantage.
For my guardian, I prefer Speed, because Guards have a low healthpool. If that is not a coinsideration, Traveler is generally superior.
I suggest Warrior or Guardian for your first character. They’re more forgiving than other classes, with mechanics that are easy to master. They have the added benefit of bring quite popular in dungeon pick up groups.
We’re still recruiting!
That all being said, I’m not trying to instill doubt in Anet or their game but I find it laughable that people can blindly believe things not presented to them squarely like a bunch of sheep. Just like I’d only believe that the RNG is borked once someone provides enough evidence to prove it outside of just me relying on their word, I can’t just accept that it’s IS working as they intended until they show me some statistics and documentation of what the game is actually doing.
Until then, I can only believe what I perceive.
I mean, if Anet told us all from the beginning that loot was distributed by GENIE and said nothing else, I’d want to see what they’re talking about and not just believe what they tell me.
I’m a little confused by the above statement. The premise is this:
Starting tomorrow, April 28, heroes adventuring in the Maguuma Wastes have a chance to find a mysterious portal to the heart of the Maguuma Jungle. Looting one of these special trophy items grants you access to the next Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns™ PvE closed beta event!
For a limited time only, rare portals will drop from enemies in Dry Top and the Silverwastes. Portals can’t be traded between players, so bring your friends along to hunt for their very own! Don’t worry if your portal gets misplaced in a sandstorm or devoured by a passing ravager; beta access will be flagged upon looting the item, and it’s not required to claim participation.
Going by the above official statement, the drops are supposed to be random (by chance). If you have statistically significant data that proves otherwise, could you please present it? Otherwise your beliefs are just that, beliefs.
(edited by Pretty Pixie.8603)
I think people mistake ‘random’ with ‘fair and even’. A random system is not fair and even. Crazy streaks happen under a random system. Everyone has the same base chance (disregarding MF), but that doesn’t mean you’ll be rewarded for the effort you’ve put in, since every roll on the table is unique and unaffected by the rolls that came before it, or time put in.
If anything, I feel people are upset because random is too random, meaning potentially unrewarding.
There’s likely a lot less effort involved with outfits, not having to test if it clips with a huge amount of skins saves time and money, meaning its far more cost efficient for them.
Thanks for the bump, Frankie!
This is of course a premature discussion. We don’t know how many traits we’ll get for each tier. What we do know is that more are planned for the future:
“This new system provides a solid foundation for our plans to expand the number of available traits and skills in the future. "
You also get the new Elite Specs on top. It is possible that you end up with less traits at the start of HoT, but if that creates a better framework for useful traits in the future, then you should at least consider giving them the benefit of the doubt.
Specilizations: Condition and boon duration.
in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns
Posted by: Pretty Pixie.8603
Primer blog:
“Each profession’s attributes will be updated to have half of their functionality be part of a specialization and half of their functionality will be a baseline for that profession. For example, elementalists now have a base attunement recharge of 10 seconds, which is reduced to 8.7 seconds when the arcane specialization is equipped.”
I would think that durations, class skill cooldowns etc are all covered by the above quote.
Still open for experienced and new players alike!
FNG got some amazing peeps, come check them out!
Come join SCTY for your comedy fix!
If you have your own ectoes to salvage for the dust, and promote all the cores, the profit’s 180g-200g. I do it every few months.
The only way you could possibly ‘kill steal’ in this game is if you’re a high level toon killing stuff faster in starter areas than people can tag it. Even this can be dealt with by the downlevelled player by waiting until other players got a few hits in before killing the mob.
Luckiest I’ve been. was throwing in some random stuff in the Mystic Toilet for the daily, and getting Dusk. Took me a few minutes to realise I’d gotten it too. “Wait.. what?! Noooo… Yessss!”
SoS and YB need more OCX to even out T2. T1 is stable as it is. T3 and below would be boring from a fights perspective, although you could make a difference just PvDing or defending against it. FA fastly outnumbers the other two T2 servers in OCX so a choice for FA would likely be a choice to PvD.
Seems to me that it would be easiest to simply allow all hair colors for accessories as well. With the newer color there’s enough there that would be usable, and it seems doable to implement that, since those colors are already a part of the dye kit.
Might be completely wrong on the latter, I’m no Anet dev.
WE call him Shameless Rush to his face, and a million less flattering things behind his back!
Come join us so you can insult him too!
The community site is in the original recruitment message: http://yaks-bend.enjin.com/
If you type /wiki [name of map here] the game will open the wiki entry for that map. They ussually have a zoomsble version of the map with the heart borders shown.
Thieves have access to a signet that gives a 25% Movement speed boost. It’s possible you used it before but swapped it out.
Shortbow 5 is an extremely fast way to get around as a thief as well.
Swiftness gives a 33% movement speed boost. Thieves don’t have easy access to this though.
I have a few tips!
-Don’t judge a class until you hit level 40 at least; having all utilities and the Elite can make a huge difference in how a class plays.
-Don’t expect Trinity play; every class can do everything.
- Kite. This is action combat, so movement and positioning are very important as active damage mitigation.
-Don’t be afraid to ask questions in /m mapchat. A lot of players will be super helpful.
-Use every harvesting node and store them directly in your bank in dedicated tabs by opening your inventory, clicking on the gear icon and choosing ‘Deposit all materials’
-Clear maps completely. Doing so will reap substantial rewards.
-in the same vein, explore! There are many hidden gems for you to discover.
-Everything nets XP, so do whatever you want.
-Although grinding monsters is generally inefficient for levelling, Monsters that have been alive a long time grant a significant XP bonus on being killed.
-Use the TP. Vendoring is generally a bad idea.
-Make friends and/or join a guild. It’s so much better with other people to play with, and you can join up to five guilds.
For GW2, The Razer Deathadder is preferable to the Naga. A Deathadder has higher DPI, but fewer buttons.
I find this preferable because GW2 doesn’t use a million skillbars, and you can bind everything comfortably with the two thumbbuttons, meanwhile, you’ll get the most out of the action combat with the Deathadder’s higher precision.
Thanks for the bump Frankie!
We are accepting new players and old. Just got the game? Chose Yak’s Bend? Hit us up!
FNG is a solid group for any Ocx players on YB. Come check them out!
Added Merc and Ydeirt recently to the Guild, welcome guys!
Trehearne says in the personal story that he’s no military leader. This ‘stupidity’ ( in this context it would be a mistake out of inexperience) manifests itself in making a grave tactical error by underestimating Mordi and flying way too low.
His decisions we’ve been part of before have been by and large strategic, something you’d expect from someone with an academic background that’s studied his enemy.
Hanlon’s razor applies because it was a ‘stupid’ tactical mistake to make, made because he’s an inexperienced general.
“”Never attribute to malice that which can be adequately explained by stupidity."
Hanlon’s razor
Giving it until Noon then uninstalling....
in Account & Technical Support
Posted by: Pretty Pixie.8603
Threatening to uninstall is probably not a very effective threat for a B2P game. This is of course counting on anyone with any say about it reading the post and changing a company decision on the fly to appease a few vocal players on the forums over an issue that will be resolved within a day anyway.
Stop playing if you want, but the only person you are affecting is you, and possibly any friends that you play with.
I had the same problem. I got an AMD chipset, and turning off the AMD Gaming Evolved app solved this for me.
I believe you can only dig for chests during a downtime between events. Someone correct me if I’m wrong, I’m not all that big on PvE.
Also, you can purchase episodes from season 2 for 200 gems (roughly 28g) and play them. Episodes now come with achievements for multiple playthroughs, and season 2 had Carapace armour skin rewards, which you can also get in one of the two new areas, Silverwastes. the other one, Dry Top, also be accessed through Brisban Wildlands. The entry for both maps are on the Westside of the map.
You can also use excess laurels to get T6 bags.
Human dance is the Melbourne Shuffle.
Not conpletely sure on the first one; but it pops up when you try to sell below vendor value.
(Edit: corrected by Fernling) For your second question, it’s a countermeasure against farmbots.
(edited by Pretty Pixie.8603)
Hi Korben,
I’ll add you and help you in game. That way I can immediately see what, if anything, can be improved in the way you play.
In my experience as someone that trains newbies for my guild MMO experience isn’t an assett, because people tend to have preconceived notions on how the game’s supposed to work.
Your chosen stat set actually works against you, since you can’t kill stuff quick enough before being overwhelmed.
We welcome Alice to Society!
Lookit you bumping like a pro, Rush!
Could you please provide some sources for your claim that veterans are a minority? Judging by the many threads requesting more robust content in the past, there are more than enough people looking forward to it.
Daewoo Securities seem to agree: https://forum-en.gw2archive.eu/forum/game/gw2/Earnings-forecast-hints-at-expansion-Q3-2015
Are you really suggesting halting all this development in favour of QoL improvements?
That would mean a substantial expected earnings drop, and no return on investment.
Your suggestion makes no financial sense. On the plus side, it’s perfectly possible we’ll get more QoL updates between now and the expac, Like the camera changes, for instance.
We welcome Mogath to the guild!
Most people that have scrolls and enough tomes to insta level an 80 will NOT be newbies. It takes at least a little time and effort to collect these. I expect most of the people doing this will have levelled multiple toons to 80 already.
I’m personally not keen on being forced to level to 80 from scratch because someone thinks I might be bad at the class.
Guildkick because you know I got tomes stacked.
reinvited and kicked again for insinuating I’m a baddie.