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Should zerk gear be used by casual players?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Seera.5916


“Should zerk gear be used by casual players?”

No. Go to Dragon’s Stand, the amount of people who get downed in one hit is too kitten high. Squishy people die and do nothing useful, they wait for revive and scale events up. People laugh at me for wearing Knight-Cavalier gear on my Necro but in the end, I deal more damage than dead people. Thanks to my unique invincible Necro build, I literally don’t even get downed in PvE. We would actually finish meta events faster if people stopped dying.

I’m a casual.

I could care less about following a meta rotation to the T. I don’t care to put forth the effort to get better at the game.

My characters are mostly in a mixture of Beserker/Assassin’s gear. And Assassins mixed in only due to cost. I use meta builds because I don’t care enough to make my own

I only have one piece of ascended armor outside of a few rings that dropped for me in Fractals. And I made that one piece of ascended armor a week or two ago. And I haven’t started on making the next one yet.

Did I start off my characters in that armor? NOPE. My main, and Elementalist started off Cleric’s. And traited for survivability. The rate at which I killed stuff was laughably bad. I did run with some friends in Fractals with this main. 3 in meta builds, another was a Cleric’s engineer. I was dead the most often.

It was maybe a couple of months before HoT released when I switched my main off of her Cleric’s gear. My other characters that were created before that time but after my main were already in the Berserker/Assassin builds.

A lot of times dying vs not dying comes down to paying attention, not a player’s build. A player’s build may allow them to pass by not paying attention one or two more times possibly than the player in glass cannon gear, but they’ll still end up dead.

Should zerk gear be used by casual players?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Seera.5916


All casual refers to is a player’s playtime and maybe investment with the game. It’s not an accurate indicator of skill level. A casual player can be just as good in berserker gear as someone who plays 12+ hours a day.

There’s two types of casual. The time casual and the playstyle casual.

The time ones don’t have the time or don’t care to put in the time.

The playstyle ones could play for hours, but don’t care about being perfect or doing things quickly.

Is lying about LI worth it?

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Seera.5916


then you’ll find yourself on a black list.

Shame things have become this bad.

I don’t know about you, but I wouldn’t want to play with someone who was known to lie about important things.

And if a player does it to enough people, word will get around. I know there’s one person who did have a tendency to post a topic weekly who happened to end up kicked at the beginning of raids due to word of mouth of his behavior. And he openly admitted in those threads that he lied about experience and about his LI.

I also can’t see any game no matter how easy the content was that wouldn’t be in the situation of a player who repeatedly lies finding themselves unable to get into a group to do content. So this game was that bad on day 1.

Is lying about LI worth it?

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Seera.5916


No, it’s not worth it. If you lie too much and get caught, word of mouth will get around to those who PUG raids often and then you’ll find yourself on a black list.

Because if you don’t have experience, it will show.

Best to be honest up front. Players are more willing to be helpful to the player who is honest about their lack of knowledge than to the one that lied about it.

Please let us vote when we buy stuff

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Seera.5916


That’s all very well, but isn’t it the players who buy things that ANet needs to keep most of all?

ANet needs to keep players playing the game. That includes those who can’t afford to buy gems.

Now if it was a poll to see what to add to the gem store, then that may be a good way to get a good sample.

But for what to add to the game for gameplay, it’s not. There are too many reasons why people don’t buy gems with money and only polling players who choose to buy gems isn’t a good sampling of players who play the game. It would skew the data.

Should zerk gear be used by casual players?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Seera.5916


It should be used by anyone who wants to use that gear regardless of what labels they or others put on them.

Not all casuals are bad at the game. I’m casual and I don’t die that often to things that I wouldn’t have died to in even the most survivable builds.

And not all casuals care about being optimal. They typically just care about having fun. And some people find challenges fun. And find the joy from finally succeeding to be worth the 3+ party wipes that had to happen previously for them to be able to do it. And they probably got better at the game while doing it.

Please let us vote when we buy stuff

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Seera.5916


No. This puts the favor of what gets added to those who can afford to buy things off of the gem store.

I would rather them occasionally have polls that are advertised on the news feed for what we would prefer between X options. Then it gets seen by players who are playing the game regardless of their ability to buy gems or not.

Can't Marauder's really work in PvE?

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Seera.5916


Depends on what you want to do in PvE with this character and gear.

If it’s open world, then you’ll be fine.

Fractals and Dungeons are forgiving enough that there are enough players open for non-meta builds and gear sets that you should have no problem finding a group right away to do the content.

If it’s raids, unless you’ve already got a group you raid with, you may find it harder to find groups willing to not take meta than with fractals and dungeons, especially if you don’t have any proof that you’ve done raids tons of times and/or if you raid off peak hours.

Venting over 2/7-17

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Seera.5916


Whether it not one person considers the whole thing understandable doesn’t mean everyone is going to see it that way a lot of people planned their days around this patch because they have real life commitments and they had to clear things on their plate to make sure they were going to play today I can personally understand the patch not coming out today but I can agree with some of that frustration some players felt like they were being strung along like the patch was going to get released While I cant speak for everyone in the game nor would I try to Safe bet most of us are big boys and girls if Arena net woulda came out and gave us the likely hood that it wasn’t gona release today at a way earlier time frame I woulda been fine instead we got strung along only to find out after hours of waiting it wasn’t going to happen and it still might not happen tomorrow I am all for understanding the uncertainty of whether or not it was going to happen I’m not understanding if its uncertain and were made to believe that it likely will but doesnt

And maybe they kept just having problems after problems that they thought they could fix in a short time when they made the comments prior to the clock running out for it to be released today.

Ever have one of those days where everything seems to go wrong? Maybe that was the case here. Maybe they fixed one bug for another one to pop up. And it kept happening enough to stop progress enough to where it couldn’t be released today.

What did they have to gain by stringing people along? No one has yet to come up with answer on that one.

Episode 4 release time?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Seera.5916


As a few have already said, their communication was fine, perhaps its the way you read that communication that is the issue..

Clearly saying ASAP for a whole day isn’t clear communication.

What else can they say if they have no ETA and they want to let players know that they’re still working to get it released that day?

I already provided a reasonable solution to this.

If they don’t know when.

Then tell us “Hey don’t sit there and wait we’ll let you know if were ready at X time”

This way everyone doesn’t have to wait until it is X time and then we can hear from anet whether or not it is ready.

This is a fair solution to them not knowing the exact time.

It also would’ve been nice to know the day of the storm there might be a delay but I can understand if they didn’t have the knowledge of the delay until it was announced. I don’t think its fair of them to delay for an unknown time whenever they could have done something like provided. Clearly it didn’t happen today and I’m over it but its a suggestion for the future in the event something like this happens once more.

Nobody had to sit there and wait. They made the choice to do so. It’s also unfair to delay the release until some announced time if they happen to finish early just because of those that want world’s first in the raid or feel inclined to sit glued in front of their PC staring at the chat window for the yellow text.

It’s not only for the raiders, many waited. It’s totally fair to make everyone wait if there is a set time because then you’re still waiting but you actually have some sense of security instead of the endless question of “are we there yet” this isn’t a matter of impatience but a matter of just knowing when.

But then there’s the player that had work in the evening and if they released the patch when ready would have been able to get the patch going before they headed off to work and maybe if they were lucky, got to pop in and do a LS mission or two.

And if they literally thought the patch was going to be ready soon when they made the announcements they were making, why would they decide to make the launch time way in the future? What would they have to gain?

One gain is they get more cred as a PR team. Also avoids a lot of unnecessary drama on forums like we see now. Obviously this system wouldn’t work for everyone but having a set time is more fair then being in question. Clearly set times are impossible when you don’t know when you’ll be done but at least a set announcement time would be more than enough. If they finish early they could patch early but we should be given some fair notice if its going to be ahead of time. Literally 1 tweet can do that. Wouldn’t be hard and would be fair to the players.

Really?! Patch possibly ready in 10 minutes, make announcement that you’re going to make an announcement in 3 hours…

Makes absolutely no sense and would tell me as a customer that one team has no idea what the other team does. Would be bad PR in my books to think you’re about to release a patch soon but tell the world that you’ll let us know if the patch is coming today in 3 hours.

Makes total sense as this wouldn’t happen EVERY patch. Only those where problems like this arose. Clearly something like this would benefit today but could potentially not benefit another time. The problem when not knowing when something will be done is a thing and a system like that would solve that issue for the times its needed. So what if we have to wait for a patch a few extra hours its not like we’d ever know at least we’d know how long to wait for.

Oh really? I wouldn’t know?!

Public post says they are still trying for today but will let us know in 3 hours if the patch is going live today or not.

That statement tells me it’s likely going to be later than sooner for the patch.

10 minutes later patch goes live.

I go wtf, you just told me it was going to be later than sooner? Is communication that bad? Is trust in your staff that bad?

And I don’t want to wait 3 hours for a finished patch just because some people can’t handle things not being scheduled.

The patch was already scheduled for today. If the patch is ready today, then they don’t need to announce it prior to releasing it. Because we were already told it would be today.

Episode 4 release time?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Seera.5916


As a few have already said, their communication was fine, perhaps its the way you read that communication that is the issue..

Clearly saying ASAP for a whole day isn’t clear communication.

What else can they say if they have no ETA and they want to let players know that they’re still working to get it released that day?

I already provided a reasonable solution to this.

If they don’t know when.

Then tell us “Hey don’t sit there and wait we’ll let you know if were ready at X time”

This way everyone doesn’t have to wait until it is X time and then we can hear from anet whether or not it is ready.

This is a fair solution to them not knowing the exact time.

It also would’ve been nice to know the day of the storm there might be a delay but I can understand if they didn’t have the knowledge of the delay until it was announced. I don’t think its fair of them to delay for an unknown time whenever they could have done something like provided. Clearly it didn’t happen today and I’m over it but its a suggestion for the future in the event something like this happens once more.

Nobody had to sit there and wait. They made the choice to do so. It’s also unfair to delay the release until some announced time if they happen to finish early just because of those that want world’s first in the raid or feel inclined to sit glued in front of their PC staring at the chat window for the yellow text.

It’s not only for the raiders, many waited. It’s totally fair to make everyone wait if there is a set time because then you’re still waiting but you actually have some sense of security instead of the endless question of “are we there yet” this isn’t a matter of impatience but a matter of just knowing when.

But then there’s the player that had work in the evening and if they released the patch when ready would have been able to get the patch going before they headed off to work and maybe if they were lucky, got to pop in and do a LS mission or two.

And if they literally thought the patch was going to be ready soon when they made the announcements they were making, why would they decide to make the launch time way in the future? What would they have to gain?

One gain is they get more cred as a PR team. Also avoids a lot of unnecessary drama on forums like we see now. Obviously this system wouldn’t work for everyone but having a set time is more fair then being in question. Clearly set times are impossible when you don’t know when you’ll be done but at least a set announcement time would be more than enough. If they finish early they could patch early but we should be given some fair notice if its going to be ahead of time. Literally 1 tweet can do that. Wouldn’t be hard and would be fair to the players.

Really?! Patch possibly ready in 10 minutes, make announcement that you’re going to make an announcement in 3 hours…

Makes absolutely no sense and would tell me as a customer that one team has no idea what the other team does. Would be bad PR in my books to think you’re about to release a patch soon but tell the world that you’ll let us know if the patch is coming today in 3 hours.

Episode 4 release time?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Seera.5916


If Anet doesn’t want to cater to the audience that cares about this subject that’s up to them. I’m personally suggesting that they do as there are many players (you know people supporting their game) who do care about the time. Whether or not you care about when the patch comes out is irrelevant to the ones who made sacrifices because they were told by anet the patch would be today. (Were fine with delays anet just give us a heads up instead of leading us on! And if you don’t know when it’ll be ready at least let us know when you guys plan on making the calling choice because waiting for an entire day with no definitive news until MO’s post wasn’t fun for many.)

They did give a heads up about the delay about an hour after the earliest it would have released. They still thought they would release today so they didn’t give the announcement that it wouldn’t release. When they knew for certain that it wouldn’t release, they made the announcement.

This still doesn’t solve the problem. “When they knew for certain that it wouldn’t release, they made the announcement.” What I’m suggesting is why can’t we be told there will be an announcement at X time and that will say whether or not we get the patch. Therefore if its done BEFORE the X time well anet can just hold off until that set time. If it doesn’t done, no big deal they just delay it and let us know that it’ll be delayed.

The problem was in reality we weren’t told we were getting this announcement or any announcement for that matter. Every post was random (time wise) and didn’t provide anything until MO’s post. Why can’t there be some structure to the way they communicate with us? I don’t mind waiting MORE time if it means we know a time we’ll be getting news on the situation good or bad.

Once again:

They wanted to get the release out as soon as they can. I’m sure many would prefer that. I’m sure they also wouldn’t appreciate having to wait an X amount of time if they happen to finish early just to appease those that wanted word’s first in the raid or had to keep their eyes glued on their PC screen for the yellow text.

They could always release early if they finish early. – but at least give a heads up. You’re acting as if them being a bit more open/giving info ahead of time with/to the community who they all know are waiting for this is a bad thing?

So let’s say that they give a response to players that they would give an update to players in 3 hours. They finish in an hour and are ready. They then give an announcement that the release will go live in 10 minutes. You’d be okay with that?

Yes and no, 10 minutes is a bit short but thats essentially the deal. I want a time of certainty but if they finish and decide to release early (before the certainty) there should be a notice on like twitter/forums/reddit whatever maybe 20-30 minutes ahead of time so people can get online and prepare for whatever content they’re planning to tackle that day. And if they don’t finish early or decide to release early we have the “time of certainty” where we get some news good or bad and no harm no foul either way.

10 minutes is enough time on a patch day. Content isn’t going to disappear if you aren’t able to get online within 10-20 minutes of launch.

World Firsts in anything isn’t enough to delay a patch that’s already been delayed.

Episode 4 release time?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Seera.5916


As a few have already said, their communication was fine, perhaps its the way you read that communication that is the issue..

Clearly saying ASAP for a whole day isn’t clear communication.

What else can they say if they have no ETA and they want to let players know that they’re still working to get it released that day?

I already provided a reasonable solution to this.

If they don’t know when.

Then tell us “Hey don’t sit there and wait we’ll let you know if were ready at X time”

This way everyone doesn’t have to wait until it is X time and then we can hear from anet whether or not it is ready.

This is a fair solution to them not knowing the exact time.

It also would’ve been nice to know the day of the storm there might be a delay but I can understand if they didn’t have the knowledge of the delay until it was announced. I don’t think its fair of them to delay for an unknown time whenever they could have done something like provided. Clearly it didn’t happen today and I’m over it but its a suggestion for the future in the event something like this happens once more.

Nobody had to sit there and wait. They made the choice to do so. It’s also unfair to delay the release until some announced time if they happen to finish early just because of those that want world’s first in the raid or feel inclined to sit glued in front of their PC staring at the chat window for the yellow text.

It’s not only for the raiders, many waited. It’s totally fair to make everyone wait if there is a set time because then you’re still waiting but you actually have some sense of security instead of the endless question of “are we there yet” this isn’t a matter of impatience but a matter of just knowing when.

But then there’s the player that had work in the evening and if they released the patch when ready would have been able to get the patch going before they headed off to work and maybe if they were lucky, got to pop in and do a LS mission or two.

And if they literally thought the patch was going to be ready soon when they made the announcements they were making, why would they decide to make the launch time way in the future? What would they have to gain?

Episode 4 release time?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Seera.5916


As a few have already said, their communication was fine, perhaps its the way you read that communication that is the issue..

Clearly saying ASAP for a whole day isn’t clear communication.

What else can they say if they have no ETA and they want to let players know that they’re still working to get it released that day?

I already provided a reasonable solution to this.

If they don’t know when.

Then tell us “Hey don’t sit there and wait we’ll let you know if were ready at X time”

This way everyone doesn’t have to wait until it is X time and then we can hear from anet whether or not it is ready.

This is a fair solution to them not knowing the exact time.

It also would’ve been nice to know the day of the storm there might be a delay but I can understand if they didn’t have the knowledge of the delay until it was announced. I don’t think its fair of them to delay for an unknown time whenever they could have done something like provided. Clearly it didn’t happen today and I’m over it but its a suggestion for the future in the event something like this happens once more.

And maybe they weren’t expecting as many unexpected problems to come up. So they didn’t think a “Hey, we’ve got a problem that’s going to take a while to fix” was necessary. Maybe they didn’t think it would be very long each time they made a decision to post an update.

Sometimes when problems happen, other problems come up as well.

And you haven’t answered my question: what did ANet have to gain by not saying what they knew earlier than they did, which you seem to imply they did?

Episode 4 release time?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Seera.5916


And tomorrow is ASAP in this case.

ASAP means as soon as possible. Sometimes it’s not possible for ASAP to be a short period of time.

Episode 4 release time?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Seera.5916


This exact subject is already being discussed in several threads. Did it really need another?

The storm was well out of their control and they tried their best to get the release out today. When they realized that it was no longer possible, it was announced. I’d rather they try than give up the second they reach an obstacle where they may not make it.

Players are the ones who chose to take time off of work or spend their day in front of the computer. In case people don’t realize, all LS3 episodes are permanent once you log in. You don’t have to do it today. You don’t even have to do it tomorrow. It’s not going anywhere.

More about the raids, specifically those planning on racing and taking it seriously but clearly its a joke now lul. but what does this reply have to do with them having better communciation?

Their communication was fine. We got an announcement early in the day and then again several times throughout the day. Once they realized that it wasn’t going to happen, they made that announcement. I’d rather they work and try to get the update out as soon as they can than postpone it off the mere chance that it could not get done that day and would upset the handful of players that care about getting world first in the raid wing.

Idk if you actually read what I said, I don’t care that the patch was delayed. They had to delay it that’s totally fine. What I’m not okay with was the constant “ASAP” posts we saw on twitter from the official GW2 account. If they knew there were issues out of their control why couldn’t we been told at the very least a time that they’d say whether or not if it’d be out that day instead of sitting around waiting until they finally decided to wait until the next day.

You made the choice to continue to wait. They didn’t announce it would be delayed until tomorrow until they knew for certain that it couldn’t release today. I believe that I said that twice already, Wait… yes, I did.

If you saw the aerodrome I wasn’t the only person waiting all day. Many players were patiently waiting for whenever ASAP was. I’m not upset about the delay I just wish anet could’ve called it earlier or at least set some kind of time for people to check back on. When it comes to WF raid races every minute matters so ofc anyone wanting to participate in that content is going to continue waiting. What’s so hard about Anet either calling it early or saying “hey no need to wait until like 5PM est then we’ll let you guys know or post it” <- example

Or they had problems with the build, possibly caused by the unexpected power outage and they kept thinking they finally fixed the last bug and were going to be able to release it soon when they posted the updates.

Then another bug comes up and delays it.

You keep assuming that ANet knew well before they announced it that they wouldn’t have it done today. What did ANet have to gain by doing that?

More money? Players who get peeved by waiting all day to be disappointed aren’t likely to buy more gems than they planned on before getting told it wasn’t releasing today. Either they’ll buy the same number or worse, they’ll buy less (and none is less).

Another log in metric? Given the type of player who would take a day off of work to ensure they would be on for the patch going live was going to log in that day anyway even if they knew at 9 am EST that they wouldn’t be able to finish today.

Episode 4 release time?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Seera.5916


@Slowpokeking, many of us are not happy that the patch did not come today. However, we are also aware that kitten happens. Its called life. Anet is a business. A business which was impacted by unexpected weather. They aren’t the first and won’t be the last to be put in a position where an item was stated as being available to customers, but ended up being postponed due to unforeseen circumstances. It happens every day in the consumer market to varying degrees.

They still made they attempt to deliver the patch despite the set back, to the best of their ability. They took it right down the to the line for business hours, and only then admitted defeat in meeting today’s deadline. However, they have also stated that they plan on working through the night to get this pushed out, which is admirable. Many companies will not do this.

We understand that you’re disappointed. So are we, but you need a serious wake up call regarding how life apparently works.

It’s not like we are asking them to pay us money, just some ingame stuff which will cost them nothing other than click some program.

It does cost them.

There may be players about to buy gems in order to buy a set of keys to get a chance at one more ticket for the weapon skin of their choice. This ticket means they don’t buy gems.

It also shortens the time players take to get their goals. MMO’s need their goals as no MMO company can produce content faster than players can consume it. Players with no new goals in a game tend to go to new games with new goals they can complete. Players that leave the game don’t buy gems. They don’t contribute to the number of players who log in on a given day. They’re less likely to buy expansion packs.

Short term has no effect, but you’ve got to look long term when it comes to MMO’s.

Episode 4 release time?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Seera.5916


Wow. I’m honestly surprised here at just how many people are losing their minds about this. Let’s quickly recap something here:

This is FREE content available to currently active GW2 players that adds both story and reward content to the game above and beyond what is currently available. Let me repeat the key word in there in case it was missed: FREE.

For the things that Anet makes mistakes on (which plenty know I can and will unabashedly call them out on) this is not one of them. Not by a long shot. So unless you are their IT team, sys admins, devs, etc and know their infrastructure like the back of your hand then please hush it and let them work on getting the content out to people. The’ve actually kept their player base informed on this one and I thank them for that. One more day or so before the patch dropping is not the end of the world.

As for Anet, thanks for keeping us in the loop and I look forward to playing the update when it drops. I’ve been really,pleased with the storyline thus far and especially the nod backs to GW1. Plenty of us know that all of this work doesn’t even need to be delivered for free and you could have just as easily shoved it all into a paid expansion with years of nothing between them. I might have some grievances but this is certainly not one of them.

Gems and BLC tickets are FREE as well, it’s not like Anet would lost any real money for it.

Let’s say that every player that gets the gems turns it into gold. Let’s say that the average gold earned is 50 (it would change as more people converted gems, the later ones getting less than the first ones).

How many players are actively playing? I would say it’s safe to bet 10,000. It’s likely higher. But 10,000 × 50 is 500,000 gold. 500,000 gold magically entered into the game’s economy in a couple of days. That’s a set up for bad inflation to happen. And remember that my active population estimate is likely low…

Conversely, they give everyone 1 free ticket. Given the likelihood of this happening frequently, they wouldn’t want to waste any dev resources on making anything. Meaning a ticket can be put towards any of the weapons, including the ones that can be sold on the TP. And just one ticket would likely anger many in the community since there are a number of weapons that require more than one ticket to buy. It would be seen as a ploy to get players to buy keys. And that’s not the kind of PR you want.

Mouth of Zhaitan, Hara, Personal Story

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Seera.5916


There are some preambles/storyline WITHIN the instance – i.e. you have not fully followed the story, hence why you have no crew with you – they are probably waiting at a prior step. Sounds like you have rushed forward of the internal storyline.

For example, he may only start throwing rocks when the servants start feeding him phase – the fight proper. Note, if you’re in a group others can kill the servants making him vulnerable for others to kill – not doable solo.

Based on the text from the OP, they are referring to the Victory or Death encounter with the Mouth of Zhaitan and not Estate of Decay. And the precious poster gives good advice for that one.

Let me try this again

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Seera.5916


I see now regarding the Meta status.

As far as Valk stats I use that for survivability, with the Reaper I can get Crit capped any way just through traits, my weapon and accessories are all ascended zerker.

Sure, I’m generalizing, but there’s your first problem: taking survivability stats; there are other team members that will keep you on your feet. If you are still going down either you’re doing something wrong or your support members are doing something wrong.

To address your original point though:

The word Meta get tossed around waaaay too much and, while Metabattle had it’s time of glory, it doesn’t hold quite the prestige that it used to. Nowadays qT are the go-to kids on the block because they not only post the gear, traits, stat distribution, but they also goes as far as putting videos together demonstrating the strength of the class they are showcasing.

Specifically, when it comes to Power Necro? Personally, I don’t bring them along, not even in fractals. I’m sure that there are players that have min-maxed that class to the max and can bring some amazing things to the table….but for the general player-base it’s an underpowered build. As in, what does the class that another class isn’t already doing if not doing it better. Other classes do more damage, offer more healing, etc.

Now, while Condi Necro was gutted there is definitely still a spot for a Necro because of how well they can manipulate conditions. pair that will tele-revive (which power necro does share), and you have a pretty good team player.

Ultimately though, you’re at the mercy of the group you are trying to join and what their play style is. Sure, any class/build is viable. I mean, you have top guilds beating bosses with as little as 4 players in a 10-man encounter. But not everyone that plays is as precise as top-guilds. Thus, each raid group will run with what they feel will best get them through the content.

Sure, a good portion of groups want to get thing done but also want to get them done quickly. Thus, they will go with “meta builds” which have more potential than your potato builds (woodenpotato pun not intended). The difference between a “meta build” and a potato build is that the meta build can outperform any other build if played to the precision and accuracy of its potential. Though in there lies, the problem, if you can’t perform in the meta build you’re gonna be hurting the team.

Thus, you have teams that don’t abide by meta simply because they know they cannot perform it to the precision needed, are uncomfortable with the build, or otherwise don’t care to run those builds. That’s where you lie and need to find a guild/group that shares that same mindset.

I guess I’ll just focus on my Warrior, in group content I assume the support will keep it healed, in the open world I’ll just trait the defense line since that’s solo with no pocket healers.

I’ve got to say though trying to do open world with a Zerker Berserker feels like trying to carry water from a well with a leaking bucket, at the end of any fight with 3 or more adds the guy’s losing health like a gunshot wound.

I play solo on a berserker/assassin warrior and I fully 100% the map and didn’t die too terribly much when I took it into Crucible of Eternity with PUGs who were likely just as new to the dungeon as I was.

The trick is knowing how many you can take on and keeping an eye on the surroundings to make sure you don’t grab too many enemies will dodging and moving around while fighting the one(s) you’re already fighting.

And having the gear stats and traits is as far as I go with any kind of “meta”. I can’t follow a rotation to save my life and my gear is mostly exotic with a spattering of ascended.

I'm part of the 1%. Capitalism = Noble ingame

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Seera.5916


The TP by definition doesn’t create wealth – it just transfers it between players, and reduces it in the process. Every bit of wealth you have from playing the TP has come from other players – by you purchasing something at one price, and selling it for a higher price – if you hadn’t meddled, the 15% would be taken once and one or the other player would be that much richer.

So no, I’m not going to sit here and let you tell me that doing dailies harms everyone else in a minor way, but you flipping ectos or leather because of the upcoming changes is somehow helping everyone. You flipping mats on the TP pricegouges the people actually playing the game – requiring that they earn more gold from the game to account for the gold that is destroyed in the TP transaction.

Speaking of – the BLTP could have a tax weekend, where none of those percentages are taken. That’d be an interesting event, I should think. Please don’t do it though, ANet. Someone will manage to obliterate a couple important markets in the process, and I’ll get blamed for it. A plague is interesting, intellectually, that doesn’t mean it’s a good idea. Don’t invite the plague.

if we haven’t meddle, the 15% you saved would be meaningless, because instead of the same item being 10g due to removal of gold twice (making gold more valuable), you now have to pay 13 gold for it. No only that but people would be paying more for the same item because undervalued items are quickly purchased, leaving only the expensive ones behind, whereas in a free market, the TP players buys up the undervalue items and resell them at a profit/loss determined by the buyer themselves.

If you buy something, it is not overpriced because you were willing to pay for it, therefore proving the investor position that the item was undervalued and it was simply corrected, leaving more supply available to the public. Nobody is forcing the buyer to buy it. If they can get it cheaper from someone else or get it themselves then they can go ahead and do that. If they think its too expensive and they can afford to sell it cheaper, they are welcome to sell their supply cheaper. Nobody is stopping them. All we do is remove gold supply, increasing the purchasing power that your gold have. Which is a GOOD thing.

In regards to gold generated in the wild like daily not affecting other players negatively is illusion and is the same as disputing gravity. As common sense would dictate, as there is more of one thing, the value of that thing diminishes. If diamonds were as common as the leaves on the trees, then even that luxurious item would be virtually worthless.

I will agree with this much: the 15% TP fee is game-saving for the economy.

Events like Halloween, Wintersday, and New Year are great gold burns because they award “bags” which are sold in great numbers, draining gold from the economy.

I would be interested in seeing what percentage of the 15% sink is from the 1% doing flips, and what percentage is the “commoners” performing basic buys/sells. Only then can we really say if the 1% is helping the economy in the way the OP states.

hypnotically, even if the 1% is only doing 2% of the world trade via TP, it still does not retract from the notion that they are doing something GOOD for EVERYONE by removing more gold than people who have less gold.

There’s no real harm in the 2 gold from the dailies. Players do have to spend some time to do the dailies after all. It’s the only way that they can guarantee that the reward for doing all of the dailies remains at the same amount.

Any item that they put there would soon reach vendor trash due to oversupply.

That being said, as long as there are multiple flippers in the market and not just one, it’s overall good for the community.

Let me try this again

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Seera.5916


Shikaru’s advice is apt: look for groups that meet your needs. Or start your own. Be willing to adapt; be flexible early before asking for permission to do your own thing.

The issue has never been what builds can succeed at raids. Anyone who plays this game enough knows that mechanics and coordination are more important than builds. For pick-up-groups with unknown experience/expertise or any others struggling to succeed, it’s important to eliminate as many potential obstacles as possible.

Among the biggest impediments to success are:

  • Unwillingness to adapt to circumstances — people are looking for flexibility.
  • Unwillingness to follow the leader’s plan. Raids need everyone pulling together.
  • Difficulty in communicating. There’s a lot of read-aim-fire (or even fire-aim-fire-ready-aim-fire), which means lots of instructions/suggestions; people have to trust that everyone understands.

Insisting that you want to bring a non-meta build before the raid has begun suggests an unwillingness to adapt and/or follow the commander’s lead.

Anyone can be a communication bottleneck, whether squad leaders, members, or potential recruits. The OP is probably well off being insta-kicked — that probably indicates a commander who’s unwilling to listen or work with the OP anyhow. By the same token, folks who justify their build with a phrase like “that’s just the way it is” aren’t going to be welcomed by a lot of groups; not many are willing to deal with someone who stopped listening before the conversation started.

tl;dr it’s your right to insist on bringing your choice of build; it’s also the commander’s choice to not welcome someone who does so. If you want to insist on insisting, then be very selective in the groups you join. Or better yet: start your own; you know that there are plenty of like-minded people who want to run their own build.

To be fair if the builds are on METAbattle then they are Meta.

No no no, that’s not true. There’s only one meta build for raids for Necro and it’s this one

Why does everybody swear by it then, if it’s such a bad site then where is the GW2 equivalent to WoW’s Icy Veins?

No one said it was a bad site, but not every build that’s listed is meta. A lot of the builds are experimental, in testing, or in progress. The meta builds are marked as such. They usually say “Our curator decided this build is in the current metagame regardless of rating.” but I assume that since Necro has fallen out of the meta due to the jagged horror nerf, they took off that line from the Viper Horror build. It used to have it before that patch.

So in other words a whole entire class is excluded from raiding, that doesn’t sound toxic or anything.

I don’t think that means that that class is excluded.

It could mean the ratings for that build improved. As there are people who will get together with their friends and trash the ratings of builds they don’t like. And that line means that just because some rude people are dumping the ratings that that build isn’t meta.

It may be harder for classes that aren’t in the team comp meta to get into a meta group or non-meta builds to get into a meta group, but that doesn’t mean that there aren’t groups out there that are willing to take non-team comp meta classes or non-meta builds.

All around feedback from a solo player

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Seera.5916


WvW progress for Gift of Battle:

You can take camps solo (just run off or let the other player kill you if you run into the enemy) and complete non-PvP specific dailies in WvW (Big Spender – you should have some badges of honor from achievement point chests, capture a ruin, camp taker, veteran killer). Just hang around in WvW after taking the camps so that you get progression (hang out far from a camp or back at the home base area).

Just make sure you’ve selected the Gift of Battle reward track.

Condi damage broken, and how to fix it.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Seera.5916


So just two builds out of how many condition damage builds are possibly a bit broken and all condition builds are broken and therefore all condition damage builds need to have a penalty placed on them?

Not seeing how your solution solves the problem.

Two builds have issues. Those two builds should be looked at and fixed if needed. Not every single condition build.

Condi damage broken, and how to fix it.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Seera.5916


Not sure I get how it’s broken and how your solution solves the supposed problem.

Can you go into more specifics of the problem for those who don’t have the ability to sort out what does what DPS? And then more details into your solution.

Question: Is this considered Botting by Anet?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Seera.5916


Must have been some short bans good to know anet is so forgiving when it comes to these things players can commit the same offense over and over again until anet gets tired of dealing with them *If it ever gets to that point

Or you just caught them between ban waves.

Remember, they don’t ban immediately after so as to keep botters guessing as to what got them banned.

Question: Is this considered Botting by Anet?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Seera.5916


I have reported several of these players specifically in the bitterfrost frontier near the first brazier the same rangers or necros everyday for hours at a time you can guess when they are afk because of when the storm kicks up all the champions most of the time you see a champion or 2 in a single spot everyone goes to tag them for the loot ..not these players they sit still their pets or minions rarely get hit so they don’t get the loot I can only assume they are indeed AFK and since I continue to see these players after several reports over the weeks its a safe bet anet has made up their mind in regards to this issue

They ban botters in waves to reduce chances of them improving their programs to avoid detection. And if it had been some time, they may have given some of them temp bans that they apparently didn’t learn from.

Request: More than one daily reward per day

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Seera.5916


Actually you’re not disadvantaged at all for not logging in.

I log in every day and in 28 days I have a specific reward. You log in 28 days in six months. You’re logging in the same number of days I am and getting the same reward. It’s not like you’re in game to spend that currency anyway, so you’re at the same point I am for the same amount of time.

If you were getting stuff for not logging in, maybe some days I wouldn’t log in because I wouldnt’ have to. I wouldn’t hook up with guldies who needed help with something. I wouldn’t become involved in stuff on those days, because I don’t have to.

The entire idea defeats the idea of daily log in rewards. It’s never going to happen, nor should it.

If someone plays 5-10 minutes every day for a total of 35-70 minutes in a week gets more rewards than someone whole plays 2 hours just on one day every week, then yes you’re obviously disadvantaged. Even more so, as there some very specific rewards are tied to the login rewards.

I’m not saying it needs to change, but there’s some very obvious advantages and disadvantages to specific playing schedules. And to be fair, it’s not weird to question that.

In that regards, the whole daily login rewards are a tactic that android and iOS games use to keep you logging in to their games. It’s more a necessary(?) evil to keep people logging in to not fall behind in rewards, regardless of whether they are actually enjoying the game or not, so they play and are more likely to spend money on the game. And really whether it’s a daily weekly or monthly reward, there’s always someone missing out on a certain timeslot as they are being busy in that time with other things. Though obviously longer increments make it easier to manage.

In a way monthly and daily rewards were sort of a mixtre that allowed people to not completely fall behind. You basically could do a monthly in the stretch of 4 days , as 4 dailies were required. and still getting a significant reward that month if you played enough to get the monthly. (about 10 or 20 times a daily I believe.

Both the systems were part of the game at some point, and both systems have pros and cons. But these days rational discussion on game forums is not common.

I commend you, FrizzFreston.5290, for taking the time to comprehend what I wrote and understanding my perspective on the subject. And, sadly, you’re quite right that rational discussion in not common on game forums these days.

In my personal case, in a practical sense I could log in for the login reward almost every day of the year. However, there are days that I simply don’t want to and you know what, that’s OK – no one should be beholden to a video game lol…

That said, there are lots of folks who really can’t login every day and for those people it means that they absolutely will have fewer Mystic Coins, Laurels, and other login rewards per year than the people who have a real life schedule that allows them to log in every day of the year. Given that both groups of people purchased the game, I think it’s reasonable to have an alternate method to get those rewards that doesn’t require logging in every day of the year.

Finally, I am not naive enough to believe that the login rewards exist simply to make players happy – they exist to drive the metrics of a business (which is totally OK). I suggested a weekly email sign up, because much like the “flyers” produced by retailers, it would be a good faith “value add” for the customer. Sure, some cynical people would just add it to their spam filter, but many others, myself included, would welcome the convenience of the publication.

But the person who logs in more logs in more. It’s not unfair for the ones who login more to get more log in rewards. Players who play individual sessions for longer get more additional rewards that can supplement gold missed on days they don’t feel like logging in.

And it’s not like the reward track rests when you miss a day. So players don’t lose out on the Day 28 reward because they can’t log in every day during the week.

HoT becoming free?

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Seera.5916


Free if you buy the next expansion sure so a free to play would get both hot and the new expansion.

All we know for sure is that if you buy the most recent EP, you get any previous ones.

We do not know if they will add any content to Free to Play.

LFG Abuse -> Raid polluted with adverts

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Seera.5916


In what way is it against the rules? You are trying to form a group to discuss joining your guild which is a legal use of the LFG tool. Since you guild is a raid guild, the raid lfg is the best currently existing category for that purpose.

Here are a couple posts that reference guild advertising in the LFG isn’t legal in the thread that was posted earlier in this thread by me and one other person:

LFG Abuse -> Raid polluted with adverts

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Seera.5916


I agree that adding a guild recruitment category would be the best solution to this issue, but until that happens the best spot for a raid guild recruitment lfg is in the raid category. Thus it is not appropriate to report those players at this time.

It is appropriate as it is against the rules.

City of Hope: Leave It To Me, Predator Prey

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Seera.5916


No Seera, Spacial did not understand what a Collection in GW2 was. Now he does.

No, it was clear to me that he was going after that specific collection.

And I only asked you to confirm if I had what YOU were saying right or wrong. Not for you to comment on what Spacial was saying. I’m beginning to wonder if the issue is you read things differently than others. Since apparently at least one other person got what Spacial was saying, then it’s probably a personal issue on your end on what you interpreted. I have this issue especially if people start using metaphors that aren’t in your face obvious as I’m very literal. Sometimes you have to step back and go “is it a communication error” when you get into a repeating cycle with someone else, which is what you two had gotten into.

LFG Abuse -> Raid polluted with adverts

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Seera.5916


Can someone give a link to some official documentation that says these LFG posts where people are selling raids are against the rules?

I’ve always viewed the LFG tool as a pretty free and open form of communication and don’t like the idea of adding restrictions to how it could be used. If we don’t allow these selling posts we need to be very specific about the rules and consider what other types of posts would be disallowed.

In the current system, if I want to form a group to just chat with other players about things in the game I can do that. There doesn’t have to be gameplay involved. I think this is a fair and positive use of the LFG tool.

If I want to talk about a specific subject, it makes sense to put my lfg in that subject’s category. If that topic is raids, then there is no reason not to put it in the raid lfg.

If I’m looking for a group of people to talk with me about buying raid kills from my guild, then it makes sense to use the lfg tool and to put it in the raid section. This is exactly what the lfg tool was meant for.

Also, one of these posts in the lfg tool takes up a relatively small amount of space. The most I’ve seen at one time is 4, which can just be scrolled past. If these posts were not allowed in the lfg then you’d have those 4 people spamming map chat every couple minutes instead which would be much more disruptive.

If a post doesn’t interest you, just move on like you do with the rest of the LFG.

Here’s a link to the rules for the LFG:

City of Hope: Leave It To Me, Predator Prey

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Seera.5916


Spacial and Pifil, you’re miscommunicating.

I think Spacial was looking for the specific reason for that collection what made it so special as to warrant doing something one found tedious. Because the HoT Chapter 1 collection gives an ascended item, which in turn is an item in another item collection achievement

Pifil was answering the question in a general sense. Because item collections give rewards.

Spacial and Pifil, correct me if I’m wrong on my interpretation of your posts.

LFG Abuse -> Raid polluted with adverts

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Seera.5916


Join the group and then report the one who posted the LFG if you think they have broken the rules about what can and can’t be put into the LFG.

anet isnt going to do anything.

How do you know? Do you work for ANet? If not, then you can’t say whether they do not follow the things they have posted they do.

People who do not report because they feel a company does not act are just as bad as the players who break the rules. Because to me, not reporting rule breaking is the same as condoning it.

We don’t need to work for Anet to know nothing will happen…. Just take for instance… Gold Sellers. Been here 4 years and they still going strong with the same advertisements from the same website, selling the same service, using the same broken system that has been in place. Some things they are good at fixing, others not so much. Advertising and spam has been met with no fix and no response for 4 years now. Feel free to post or make a ticket all you like, it isn’t going to change what they are already aware of and not fixing….

And those who do sell gold, get the account(s) used banned. The gold sellers just use stolen credit cards to buy new accounts to start over. So please, tell me how ANet doesn’t act on gold sellers.

No MMO company can get rid of 100% of all gold sellers until such time as players stop using their services. In this case, it’s not ANet’s fault that gold sellers exist.

Players putting up non-legal LFG posts aren’t gold sellers and likely care about their account getting banned for too many rule violations. But saying that you shouldn’t report rule violations because ANet doesn’t do anything is just as bad as breaking the rule yourself. Because that action to me condones the rule violation.

If they do act on it, the rule violator will get punished. If they for some odd reason don’t act on it (I can’t think of a single reason why ANet wouldn’t act on reports of rule violators), then reporting them will give ANet more work to do clearing out the report log and maybe they’ll eventually start acting on it to reduce the number of reports they get on it.

LFG Abuse -> Raid polluted with adverts

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Seera.5916


Join the group and then report the one who posted the LFG if you think they have broken the rules about what can and can’t be put into the LFG.

anet isnt going to do anything.

How do you know? Do you work for ANet? If not, then you can’t say whether they do not follow the things they have posted they do.

People who do not report because they feel a company does not act are just as bad as the players who break the rules. Because to me, not reporting rule breaking is the same as condoning it.

T6 Mats for Dungeon Rewards

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Seera.5916


As scarce as T6 mats are I usually find myself needing many, many times more T5 mats than T6 mats. I wouldn’t be opposed to increasing dungeon rewards, but first I really just want to see dungeons changed. Remove 33-66% of the trash mobs in each patch and make the rest of them unskippable. This makes dungeons shorter for PUGs, makes them longer for organized groups that skip content, but mostly it goes a long way towards normalizing the time needed to complete a dungeon, which means ANet can adjust the rewards more fairly. Because right now they aren’t balanced that great, a speedrunning group is getting those tokens and gold in ~2-3 minutes on most paths, whereas an unorganized group can take up to 20 minutes or longer if they are really bad. Its hard to find a reward level that is appropriate for both extremes imo

It’s not 2-3 minutes on most paths. The ones that can clear the very few that can be completed that quickly are highly skilled and coordinated groups which are beyond what you’d encounter in most pugs and non-pug groups. Dungeons shouldn’t be balanced around groups that play terrible otherwise you just remove whatever challenge is left and we’re stuck with even more boring dungeons.

I wasn’t calling for dungeons to be rebalanced, just for the time to complete them to be normalized between all groups. The reason that a lot of PUGs think that dungeon rewards are crap is precisely because of how long it takes them to do a dungeon, and for their time investment the rewards are truly pretty kittening terrible. I don’t think the solution is to increase rewards, but rather just to remove some trash mobs, make the rest unskippable and then just leave dungeons like that.

You are correct on the time, I underestimated it due to the quickness of Caudecuss’ manor clears. But still most dungeon paths can be cleared in under 10 minutes, and a good portion of them are under 7 minutes.

You can’t normalize time between organized speed run groups and PUGs. The latter group will always on average take longer than the former.

You reduce the trash mobs and instead of two skills being used to bypass the mobs, you good down to one and have another DPS move and kill things faster.

LFG Abuse -> Raid polluted with adverts

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Seera.5916


Join the group and then report the one who posted the LFG if you think they have broken the rules about what can and can’t be put into the LFG.

My personal stupid story

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Seera.5916


You’re welcome!

Just send me a message in game if you need anything!

Depending on if you’re NA or EU will determine just how much I can help.

My personal stupid story

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Seera.5916


Seera5916 How do I find you?

The easiest way is to become friends. And then go to the same map (I’ll come to you).

To do that open up you’re Contacts and LFG (default keyboard button to open this is Y).

Then in the Add/Search field type in my display name here: Seera.5916

Then hit enter.

Edit: And I added you in game and it appears you have successfully started the HoT story

My personal stupid story

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Seera.5916


I don’t know what NA means.

North America

There are two main regions the game is in: North America or Europe.

You can join the same instance with anyone on a server in the same region.

If you let us know what server you joined, we can tell you which region you’re in if you don’t know.

My personal stupid story

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Seera.5916


It won’t let me get the first chapter, however it will allow me to purchase via cc the last chapter. can I start from there?

First chapter should be Prologue: Rally to Maguuma in the Heart of Thorns section.

Not in Living World Season 2 or Living World Season 3.

And unfortunately, this is a mission you have to be the primary on. You can’t accept someone else’s progress on it. Or I’d let you piggy back with one of my characters to get you into HoT’s maps.

My personal stupid story

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Seera.5916


If you’re NA, when you’re ready to tackle the mission again (if you decide to skip ahead), if you’d like help with it, just send me a message and I’ll be happy to party with you to complete it.

And regardless of region, if you’d rather just have tips, I’ll be more than happy to do so. Just send me a message in game.

Good luck! If you want another person in a story instance in HoT’s story send me a message as well if you’re on an NA server. I can’t help with builds or tips, but I can be another body to help.

My personal stupid story

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Seera.5916


Which mouth step did you do? And are you NA or EU?

If you did Estate of Decay, I can definitely help with tips and if you’re NA, I am willing to run it with you if you’d prefer that way.

I don’t remember the other one off of the top of my head.

And if you don’t mind waiting some time and you want someone to go in with you, I’ve got a character 3 missions away that I wouldn’t mind using. I’ll get to work on getting her ready just in case. I’ll be one mission behind so that I can choose the step you did.

Tradeing post limit

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Seera.5916


You’re trying to buy more than 10K gold worth of chak egg sacs?

If not, not sure how your proposed solution will solve your problem.

Global Map Completion (QoL)

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Seera.5916


I would also love to see this. And I also agree that it doesn’t need a reward. At least not until they’ve decided they aren’t adding anymore maps to the game.

Warning - HoT removes Tyria Dailies

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Seera.5916


Astralporing isn’t wrong. The HoT ones don’t remove any of the Core Tyria ones. They just add to the pool of possible dailies.

And there are 2 sets of possible dailies: one for those with HoT and one for those without HoT.

According to the wiki, today, if you own HoT, you get Auric Basin events and the other three from Core Tyria. I have verified this.

However, if you don’t own HoT, you get Wayfarer Foothills instead. I can’t verify this. Can someone without HoT verify?

But owning HoT doesn’t remove any of the options from the pool.

I’m able to get non-HoT specific dailies when they get chosen from the list. There’ve been several days recently where that’s happened. Some of them got posted in this thread.

Let’s say there are 50 possible daily options from the core game. And there are 10 specific HoT ones. Players with HoT don’t have 50 possible options. They have 60. The 10 HoT specific ones did not replace 10 core ones, they got added.

All that’s happened is a reduced chance of having core Tyria dailies due to HoT options being added. Nothing was removed.

Warning - HoT removes Tyria Dailies

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Seera.5916


It isn’t two sets. It’s one list that has parameters which dictate whether or not you can see/complete each daily.

You can probably run through the info and see how/when/if it overwrites the daily flagged with only “GuildWars2”, but my guess would be that it overwrites it with the one flagged with only “HeartOfThorns”.

There’s a set of dailies for those with just the core and those with core and HoT.

How the game figures out which set of dailies to give to a player is irrelevant. And how similar/different the sets are is also irrelevant.

How you choose to break up sets and subsets is arbitrary, but all accounts get access to that same list each day. Accounts without HoT throw out the daily flagged with only “HeartOfThorns”. Presumably accounts with HoT throw out the daily flagged with only
“GuildWars2”. Same list, with flagged restriction.

You can also view it as subsets. Given the list with {A, B, C, D, E} all having “max” = 80; {A, B, C,} flagged as “GuildWars2” and “HeartOfThorns”; {D} flagged as “GuildWars2”; and {E} flagged as “HeartOfThorns”; the subset containing “GuildWars2” would be {A, B, C, D}; the subset containing “HeartOfThorns” would be {A, B, C, E}.

It’s still different sets of dailies no matter how you phrase it back to me.

I’m fully aware that the game likely pulls from one master set to form at least 3 sets of dailies (Max level with HoT, Max level without HoT, not max level). There are likely more than 3 to account for players whose max level character isn’t level 80 yet, but also isn’t level 2 anymore.

Warning - HoT removes Tyria Dailies

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Seera.5916


It isn’t two sets. It’s one list that has parameters which dictate whether or not you can see/complete each daily.

You can probably run through the info and see how/when/if it overwrites the daily flagged with only “GuildWars2”, but my guess would be that it overwrites it with the one flagged with only “HeartOfThorns”.

There’s a set of dailies for those with just the core and those with core and HoT.

How the game figures out which set of dailies to give to a player is irrelevant. And how similar/different the sets are is also irrelevant.

Warning - HoT removes Tyria Dailies

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Seera.5916


For example, there’s always one harvesting daily. Core has access to 18 of those (6 regions, 3 harvesting types each). HoT accounts do not replace those with 3 new ones, but rather expand that list to a total of 21 options (18 from core, 3 from hot).

I’m pretty sure this is false. The HoT ones replace the corresponding Tyrian ones. If you’re playing without HoT enabled, you’ll still see four; the Tyrian one that was “covered up” by the HoT one.

This has to be true, otherwise people who don’t have HoT would be missing a daily.

However, what is not known is how often the HoT option(s) are chosen. But, when one is chosen, it replaces the Tyrian one (for HoT owners).

What they SHOULD have done is add a fifth daily option, but only allow us to fulfill 4 of them (for rewards). The fifth option could be HoT plus other content, like Wastes and Season 3, perhaps.

Astralporing isn’t wrong. The HoT ones don’t remove any of the Core Tyria ones. They just add to the pool of possible dailies.

And there are 2 sets of possible dailies: one for those with HoT and one for those without HoT.