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Legendary Recipe Adjustments

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Seera.5916


A Message from Matt Pennebaker

Hello Legendary Crafters!

I wanted to give you all a heads up about an upcoming change. We discovered a bug in the crafting recipes for the new legendary weapons Eureka and Shooshadoo. One of them used a Visionary Crystal and one used a Legendary Inscription to craft the third tier precursor. Neither was wrong but it was actually intended that both items be used in the crafting process. To resolve this, when the next legendary weapon is released, it and all weapons going forward will use a new item, the Visionary Inscription, in their third tier precursors. The Visionary Inscription is crafted from a Visionary Crystal and a Legendary Inscription. In addition, we will adjust the recipe for Eureka’s and Shooshadoo’s third tier precursors to use this new item in order to maintain consistency between all of the recipes. If you are working on Eureka or Shooshadoo now, you will have until the next weapon is released to craft it using the current recipe.

So, a bug caused a reward to be obtainable in an unintended way, the classic definition you use for the word ‘exploit’ and you tell people NEVER to make use of an exploit for personal advantage, and you usually remove people’s ‘ill-gotten gains’ whether or not they do it knowingly .. so tell me, why are you now condoning people EXPLOITING a bug for personal advantage nor are you removing the rewards so obtained?

Because in the long run, the few people that will be able to take advantage of this will not at that much of an advantage over those that don’t.

People can’t make multiple of those legendary weapons due to the account bound on acquire nature of the precursor and only being able to make one of them. So there is no financial gain from people being able to make multiple of them to sell later on after the change.

They typically don’t punish players who use an exploit once. Because until you stumble into it, you don’t know it is an exploit. They typically only punish the players who start behaving like they know it’s an exploit but do it anyway.

Mystic Coins 1 gold each

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Seera.5916


Whats the rationale for thinking that MCs should cost 50s?
Thinking thats something should cost “what I think it should cost” is not how any economy works.

Everyone has a price that they think things should cost. It’s called the maximum price we’ll pay to buy something or the minimum price we’re willing to sell things at.

Sometimes an item’s equilibrium price falls basically at that price. Sometimes it’s higher and sometimes it’s lower. Right now for some, the equilibrium price for mystic coins is too high. It just happens to have the most people who are happy spending that price (and that most may not be majority. Some may want it higher and some may want it lower – remember buyers AND sellers have prices they want things to be at).

Mystic Coins 1 gold each

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Seera.5916


I would argue that the mayority of players is fine with a price of 1g BECAUSE THAT IS THE PRICE THEY ARE BUYING AND SELLING IT FOR.

I’m pretty sure that the majority of players do not, in fact, buy MC’s at that price. If i’m wrong, and the number of players is indeed that small, we have a really big population problem.

Equilibrium price isn’t necessarily the price where everyone is happy with the price. There just has to be enough players happy with the price to keep it there. Which is why if you want the price to go lower, then you need to not buy coins until they are as cheap you think they are worth.

You only can blame those players that think mystic coins are overvalued and dont sell their own coins.

If all the players who think MCs should only cost 50s, would fill buy orders with their coins until the price goes down to that price. If only a small part of the player base is willing to pay higher prices, it should be easy for those that think its overvalued to fill that demand and once it is, they can start buying MCs from those, whose demand is filled.

Buyers and sellers come into the equation with equilibrium prices. Given the pace of Mystic Coin generation by an individual player, it may be easier to talk others into not buying more instead of selling off unused coins. Which is why I suggested to mess with the buyer side of the equation.

Mystic Coins 1 gold each

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Seera.5916


I would argue that the mayority of players is fine with a price of 1g BECAUSE THAT IS THE PRICE THEY ARE BUYING AND SELLING IT FOR.

I’m pretty sure that the majority of players do not, in fact, buy MC’s at that price. If i’m wrong, and the number of players is indeed that small, we have a really big population problem.

Equilibrium price isn’t necessarily the price where everyone is happy with the price. There just has to be enough players happy with the price to keep it there. Which is why if you want the price to go lower, then you need to not buy coins until they are as cheap you think they are worth.

You only can blame those players that think mystic coins are overvalued and dont sell their own coins.

If all the players who think MCs should only cost 50s, would fill buy orders with their coins until the price goes down to that price. If only a small part of the player base is willing to pay higher prices, it should be easy for those that think its overvalued to fill that demand and once it is, they can start buying MCs from those, whose demand is filled.

Its not quite that simple. Take player A, an average player in GW2, who thinks MC should cost 50s each. He could put up his couple hundred MC he has saved up max and fill out a tiny fraction of the buy orders yea. But now he has no MC at all. If he wants to get them back he has lost money now since he will be paying more for new ones than what he gained from selling his. The only way he can break even is if thousands, or possibly even tens of thousands, of other players do the same thing as he did. Organizing that many people to sell their MC just to bring the price down just isn’t realistic, it turns into a massive version of the prisoner’s dilema except instead of prison and being released we are dealing with the price of MC (whether each user makes enough gold to get the MC they sold back for instance, and whether collectively they can lower the price).

However, assuming the near impossibility that the above happens, what will statistically happen is that most of those MC that were sold will end up in the hands of the people who are hoarding them, or starting new hoards. So now, even if the price temporarily went down to 50s like Player A wanted, an even larger supply than ever of MC would be controlled by an even smaller amount of players than ever. So they would have an even easier time controlling the market rate for MC and it could go even higher than it currently is incredibly quickly. And Player A, along with the thousands+ other players that magically cooperated with them, will now be worse off for it. There is no benefit to selling your own MC in a futile attempt to bring the price down. Absolutely none. But there are plenty of downsides to it if your goal is just to bring the price of MC down. This is a lose only outcome for the players you are talking about.

Conversely, he can get others to not buy MC’s until such time as the price is lower. And there’s no rule that states you can only sell your Mystic Coins if you sell them all. Let’s be realistic here, most players would not sell off 100% of their Mystic Coins unless they were sure they wouldn’t want anything that requires them for a good long while or are willing to buy them back at potentially a loss.

If he finds that hard to do, then it may just be something that he has to accept that many other players are fine with.

Mystic Coins 1 gold each

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Seera.5916


I would argue that the mayority of players is fine with a price of 1g BECAUSE THAT IS THE PRICE THEY ARE BUYING AND SELLING IT FOR.

I’m pretty sure that the majority of players do not, in fact, buy MC’s at that price. If i’m wrong, and the number of players is indeed that small, we have a really big population problem.

Equilibrium price isn’t necessarily the price where everyone is happy with the price. There just has to be enough players happy with the price to keep it there. Which is why if you want the price to go lower, then you need to not buy coins until they are as cheap you think they are worth.

Mystic Coins 1 gold each

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Seera.5916


Why will less people be doing the ABML event when its nerfed.
What else will they do in the same time that provides more loot?
Even without multimap, ABML still provides more loot for the time taken to do the event than any other event in the game.

For some the fun may have been the organized chaos of making sure multiple maps succeed and then stay open so that people can move from map to map without a map completely closing. And without it they might not do it at all or as often.

Mystic Coins 1 gold each

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Seera.5916


I disagree that this is just a “maybe” like you insist. ANet has stealthily acknowledged that the rate of acquisition of new MC into the game was too low for a long time, that’s why they have slowly been introducing more ways to obtain them. Even as recently as the Nightmare Fractal release they were introduing new ways to acquire MC, so obviously ANet agreed on at least some level that the rate of acquisition of MC versus how many are needed for crafting individual skins is off. Another one or two new trickles like that may very well be enough, maybe ANet thinks that right now its enough. But they have added these new sources recently, so they do agree at least in part that acquisition vs spending MC was off.

It’s pretty clear from our exchanges that we disagree.

That is a good point about the rate of inflow changes, though. I don’t think it significantly changes my view, but I’ll think further about it.

If it does, though, I feel like it also bumps your view, in the sense that ANet are clearly doing something about the inflow rate already.

You are correct, the recent additions of new ways to generate MC are making this less of a problem in the game. I think its obvious to everyone in this thread that I still don’t think sources of MC are quite there, but soon they will be. Just 1 or 2 more small faucets that are slightly more available than lvl 100 challenge mote fractal. Though, since ANet did make the new sink fairly hard to get to (what with the needing the AR and needing to be pretty good at your class and have a competent group to clear the challenge mote) they may be of the opinion that this represents all of the sources needed to make incoming MC supply more elastic.

Given that some of the hoarded supply is likely sitting with players looking to make a profit, ANet may not be adding too many sources too quickly to keep from causing a panic in the Mystic Coin market. Not to mention, it will make it harder for them to over correct on the supply side.


in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Seera.5916


I still dont get how we can have theee pages of discussing dailies when literally all it is is: gathering some resources in one area, talk to a vista, and do one chore that takes 1-2 minutes like a blue wins pvp round or capping a ruin in wvw

Because I honestly believe it’s just people who wish to complain.

I remember when dailies were regional exactly how the OP says they ‘should be’ and some complained about that. I mean you had people complain when Anet gave everyone a free shared inventory slot.

Anet knows not everyone is going to like every daily. That’s why there is 4 from each type of game play to choose from and only 3 from any combination needs to be done to get the daily meta as you point out. I’m not so sure what they could do to please some people.

How can you not like the free shared slot?
Its nothing but a useful thing. And if you dont want to use it, drag it to the bottom and ignore it. Honestly, people would complain over anything these days.. I miss the dark ages, that’d give people something to complain about

To be fair on the shared slot it was originally unmovable and it had to be at the top. The complaints went away when the slot was made moveable, as I recall.


in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Seera.5916


I still dont get how we can have theee pages of discussing dailies when literally all it is is: gathering some resources in one area, talk to a vista, and do one chore that takes 1-2 minutes like a blue wins pvp round or capping a ruin in wvw

Because I honestly believe it’s just people who wish to complain.

I remember when dailies were regional exactly how the OP says they ‘should be’ and some complained about that. I mean you had people complain when Anet gave everyone a free shared inventory slot.

Anet knows not everyone is going to like every daily. That’s why there is 4 from each type of game play to choose from and only 3 from any combination needs to be done to get the daily meta as you point out. I’m not so sure what they could do to please some people.

So no one should suggest anything that would change the game because others have said they prefer it this way or others would not want the change?

Just because you don’t agree with the solution or think that it is a large enough of a problem to warrant a fix, doesn’t mean that those affected can’t post their opinions and their suggestions based on them. They should however be willing to objectively read the opponents positions and see things from their point of view. Which both sides in this thread seem to have a problem doing. Which hurts the case of their side when they do it.


in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Seera.5916


No, I can’t see it from their point of view because you’re still talking as if there is only one event going on at the same time and people ‘have’ to go where everyone else is. I purposely avoid the mob and spread out away from them and often times finish 4 events while people complain in map chat about how they miss an event because the group is faster than them. I’ll whisper them and link a WP to an event away from the group but they have no interest in going there because they feel some need to follow along. How can that possibly be Anet’s fault?

And just because they keep barely missing events or not getting credit doesn’t mean that they are the ones who follow the mob and then refuse to leave the mob. Could be just bad luck and they keep finding events that are two seconds from being done. Not a large group of people would fall into that category (and I don’t know if the OP is or if they are one of the ones who follows the mob constantly and them complains they aren’t getting credit).

And I never claimed it was ANet’s fault. Please find and quote where I explicitly said it was ANet’s fault.

And there are ways to reduce the times it happens without undermining the reason for zone specific dailies. They could make it do events in two specific zones when it comes up instead. That wouldn’t lower the number of players on a map too low to complete events while still bringing players to maps they may not frequently go to.

I know there have been days for me when I’ve gone to spots on the map on lower level zone map days only for the event to be over by the time I reach it numerous times and I don’t follow the zerg, at least not intentionally. Not often, but it is frustrating when it happens.


in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Seera.5916


As for zone specific event completer, I think it would be better served removing the starter zones from them. They’re the zones most at risk of not being able to get credit due to too many around.

There is more than one event running at any one time in a zone. I do the starter zones all the time for event completer and there is few, precious few, around events except where the mob of people are. Yet people still want to group up with the mob. That is player choice, not bad game design.

You could have a map filled to capacity and if people spread out, there would be no issue about missing out on an event because it was completed too fast.

Just because it doesn’t happen to you doesn’t mean that it doesn’t happen often enough to a minority of players that it makes them upset at the game after spending time to try to complete that daily only to progress slowly if at all and that some of those minority are more vocal than others. There aren’t enough posts on the forum about it for to be anywhere near even half of the players. And definitely not enough for it to be a high priority fix. I’d say low priority fix and not to remove it.

It doesn’t happen to me, but I can see how it may happen to others – and not necessarily due to the fault of the game but the player’s hardware or internet. And to some extent ANet does need to be mindful of their player’s hardware and internet.


in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Seera.5916


…sometimes foraging is troublesome in Ascalon, but alas)

This one thing is part of the reason why I have an issue with all the complaints. How can foraging be troublesome in Ascalon when there is a potato farm in Ashford that never moves because it is permanent and has been there for years?

This example goes to the real heart of the event debate…people don’t really want to learn the game. They want to rush in and get things done. Problem is, that is often the slowest way to do things.

It also goes to show people will complain about anything. People even complain when Anet gives free things out to everyone.

I would say thanks for sharing this knowledge, but apparently you said a bit too much. I’m sure you’re perfectly knowledgeable about all trivia in this game?

I’m not really sure why you had to blow a offhand comment out of proportion to rant about the ills and laziness of the player base. I’ll take responsibility for my own ignorance; you can leave everyone out of this. It’s almost like you had nothing of value to reply otherwise.

I bring up troublesome because Ascalon is far from where I normally am, and it can cost a penny or two more than other locations. I have a lot more valuable plants to gather than potatoes mind you. Plus I don’t like the visuals of the zone itself. These are fairly minor issues, which is why this so called complaint doesn’t have me demanding more nodes in Ascalon.

This one thing is part of the reason why I have an issue with all the responses to complaints. People don’t actually read the entirety of people’s post and make up their intentions.

It also goes to show you that people will defend Anet about anything. Even when the critics aren’t actually hating the game.

Anyhow, thanks anyways. I’ve tried several iterations of this post but found it hard to keep a straight face. So, that was entertaining.

I don’t have to defend Anet on anything. There is simply nothing worth noting about any of the complaints. The OP talks in absolutes about how it’s bad game design to have dailies the way they are and refuses to consider it’s just his dislike of it. Many people had the same point of view when dailies event completer was how he wants it to go back to. What makes him so much smarter than everyone else in his opinion?

And nothing in the game has to cost more to go to than any other place. You can get to WvW or Heart of the Mists from anywhere in game and from those locations walk through the portal to Black Citadel and right out to Ashford where it takes a few seconds to get to many nodes. All for free and all just as quickly gotten to as anywhere else.

And the reason I highlighted that one point is it goes to show people don’t use the resources many other players, as well as the wiki, provide. A simple Google search of “foraging in Ascalon” brings up a link to this page, which guides someone to the best nodes to be found.

The same simple search can be done about events as well. There are many events running concurrently in every zone and if someone wants to get it done they can. The OP simply wishes to complain for the sake of complaining.

Conversely, not being able to see how those who tend to run into events that are done by the time they get there more often than the average player would want that event changed to be more enjoyable for them is just as bad as not being able to see how most players don’t really have a huge issue with the daily and it’s not super critical that it be changed. I do think some in this thread in favor of the OP’s idea are that bad.

You can see it from their point of view without agreeing to the solution.


in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Seera.5916


This example goes to the real heart of the event debate…people don’t really want to learn the game.

How many world-class players are there at any given video-game? A handful. Even the biggest games really don’t have that many A-level or Platinum Level players. This turns out to be a natural phenomenon because players play games to relax, not to master, so looking on GW2 wiki to find a potato farm in Ascalon is really not anyone’s given goal.

I don’t think anyone has ever searched “Best way to collect potatoes in GW2”. Though I may very well be wrong. My point is that you aren’t wrong but you expect more than what is reasonable from a source of entertainment. Just because you play Chess does not make you aspire to be a Grandmaster, just because you play a 1 player RPG doesn’t make you aspire to be 100% complete with the world record for some boss on a character no one uses, and just because you play Poker doesn’t mean you want to throw your entire life into betting.

Sometimes it’s just a game.

My issue comes in to play when people don’t bother looking and then go “bad design” when it’s right there when simple map completion shows you much, if not all, of the things talked about in this thread. You don’t have to be an A+ gamer to know any of this stuff.

Conversely if you did map completion a couple of years ago and only have one character and you don’t scour the maps constantly, it can be easily expected to forget where the potato farm is, if you even remember that there is a potato farm.

As for zone specific event completer, I think it would be better served removing the starter zones from them. They’re the zones most at risk of not being able to get credit due to too many around.

Or like how the PvP class wins are Elementalist or Ranger wins, they could make it Queensdale or Cursed Shore event completer.

Just bought HoT, still can't use Black Market

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Seera.5916


There is a waiting period to make sure the money clears. They have to do it this way because of bank and credit card fraud.

It’s more than a few days for some things.

Just bought HoT, still can't use Black Market

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Seera.5916


There’s a period of time where paid accounts are limited to reduce the impact of gold sellers. You’ll just have to be patient while those timers go down.

New limit prevents editing of my guide

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Seera.5916


They can’t increase the number of characters in the post as they no longer work with the company that used to manage the forums. You’re only solution is to try to find ways to reduce the number of characters used.

Cost of shared inventory slots

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Seera.5916


The price is 700 if you buy one, but it gets lowered to 560 (per slot) if you buy 5 of them at once. Maybe the price of one slot is so high so they can do the discount for the many slots?

I honestly didn’t even think about this, thank you for the reminder! I might just grab myself 5 slots sometime in the near future.

Still, I think the individual price is set a bit too high. I fully understand how useful these slots are, but they shouldn’t be more expensive than the bank slots IMO, because it is, after all, just one slot. Make it two slots for that price, and I’m sold.

Without those slots, players have to buy multiple of the unlimited tools to not be inconvenienced by having to go to a bank to swap them out. So for each slated shot filled that’s multiple 1000+ gems they don’t get.

Suggestion: Mythic Rarity Equipment

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Seera.5916


I still don’t understand how this makes the game better for most of us: swapping gear is already relatively cheap:

  • Exotic gear: an exotic inscription/insignia plus a few T6 mats.
  • Ascended: the same exotic inscription/exotic plus 5 ecto

Wouldn’t it be better for ANet to spend the time on build templates to make it more convenient rather than inventing and balancing a new tier?

The improvement would be that you don’t need to pay those “cheap” costs, it’s already paid for. Nor would you need to go to the Mystic Forge to do it, just get out of combat for a moment and you can adjust as needed. Nor would you need new inscriptions.

As for inventing and balancing a new tier? Well, the balancing part is already done. It’s the same stats as Exotic. The inventing part would be the stat swapping, I guess? But that too is already in the game, for Legendary gear. It’s in for weapons, and if it’s not in for armor and trinkets, it will still need to be developed for them anyway as they’re introducing Legendary armor (and I’m sure the trinkets are right behind).

If the idea doesn’t fly, it doesn’t fly. I can live with that. This is just an attempt to take things we already have and mix them up to make a possibly better option for some people. Do we need it? Nah.

And those costs are there for a reason.

There’s no reason to introduce armor or weapons with what you’re describing. It doesn’t solve a problem better than other suggestions given. Build templates solve it better because you could have ascended or legendary items in the build template with sigil and rune changes. Usable at any level gear, while staying within the stats provided at that level (so no putting exotic level stats on a level 1 staff).

Mystic Coins 1 gold each

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Seera.5916


And if the price for mystic coins was 1 silver, would you still be as adamant as you are now that there is a problem that needs to be addressed?

Obviously, the change to supply/demand ratio that caused the increase in price made the problem much more visible and troublesome than it was before. So yeah, the situation that caused the problem should be resolved anyway, regardless of the current price of the coins.
Of course, if they were cheaper, the problem wouldn’t be as pressing and likely less people would ask for immediate fix, but now that we know that the underlying system is broken, the fix is needed anyway.

The only difference being the demand with supply untouched which the OP is strictly speaking about supply.

First, the daily changes decreased the supply. But that’s besides the point. What is important is that, since the supply is set and cannot be increased (it’s impossible to farm for coins), any new item requiring MCs to craft that Anet might introduce (like a new legendary) is going to increase demand and cause MC’s price to go higher. It’s a flawed design.

Basically, by using this design, Anet has put themselves into a difficult situation – they cannot introduce new recipes/sinks involving MCs without disrupting their market. It’s simply impossible for market suppliers to compensate for increased demand. And the market can adjust only in one way – by increasing the price on MCs. There’s no mechanism that might allow for the coin price to go down.

They have obviously realized this already, because they tried to introduce a new source (leyline anomaly events). Unfortunately it was a mass zerg event, that happened to be a real pain in the neck, so noone is doing it now. Thus that source became purely theoretical – in practice, it might as well not exist.

So, current demand doesn’t matter, as it can only go up with each new recipe. What matters is that the supply is set and cannot follow suit.

The amount of mystic coins that a player can earn remaining unchanged. Players can earn 20 mystic coins every 28 days as well as one per day. Actually, they can earn more when the daily is available. Players also now have reward tracks where they can get mystic clovers as well as the 7 they can get from the chest on the 28th day. This reduces the number of coins that they need.

Did you complain at launch that the coins were unable to be farmed? Did you even have a problem with that? There weren’t any complaints because the price was at about a silver.

Ley Line Anomaly event was added like 8 months or so after HoT dropped, so no, for most of a year the amount of MC that one could get monthly was severely reduced over what it used to be despite a demand that was far higher than ever.

And you still have not yet addressed the issue that the anomaly event is a group event that very few people do anymore. Making it much more difficult to complete than it was when it came out.

Well if people really felt that mystic coins were an issue, they’d do the event. Just because people choose not to do it, doesn’t dismiss it as a source for coins.

Depending on the numbers required for the event and megaservers, there may be people who want to do the event but can’t complete it successfully.

What is the point of Legendary Weapons?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Seera.5916


You likely know and associate with only players who would agree with you on this as they face the same dilemma. You shouldn’t use bandwagoning if your bandwagon is going to appeal to a very specific minority. That’s like an oil baron thinking that oil needs to be used more and saying that his “buddies” agree.

The reality is that you’re the one trying to insist for a vast majority when in fact you represent a very distinct minority. Most people aren’t running X armors for each class to run an entire plethora of material throughout all game modes as required by their homebody friends. It’s just not true.

Do not get me wrong about your plight; I do recognize it as legitimately a problem for high-end players but the fact that high-end players distinctly fail to disconnect the reality of the weapon from the reality of it’s components and upgrades is unfair. Of course at 100% efficiency you want everything to hum in tune but you could always exaggerate that out to a new level of ridiculous just as I did with taking a level 80 and stating I deserve a legendary for it and all the associated accolades of play regardless of how it impacts the economy.

It would increase the costs in the short term while people bought the sigils they wanted. But once most players had the sigils they wanted, the price would drop drastically since players aren’t having to buy multiple ones when they want to make a new set.

Mystic Coins 1 gold each

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Seera.5916


The biggest problem that I have when people say that you have “options” in regards to MC is that its just simply not true. Superficially, yes, you do appear to have options. Realistically, you don’t.

That’s simply not true. I always have the option to buy mystic coins.

Read closely, that’s what OriOri said. You have an option to buy mystic coins, or you have an option to buy mystic coins. The “farming” option is unrealistic for any larger MC quantities.
(and the option not to play the game… let’s say it’s not the one devs should want their players to pick)

This is exactly what I was trying to say. Its the illusion of choice.

…or it’s a design decision that owning all the legendaries shouldn’t be “standard” for players, plus a mechanism to let people who really, really want to do so get around it.

I think at heart, though, the reason you are getting argument is simple: you are treating it as axiomatic that buying mystic coins on the trading post is a bad thing.

The folks arguing with you disagree. I sure do. Seems like a perfectly legitimate and functional situation to me, especially as there are currently more than 20,000 coins available to you by way of doing … anything at all, even just the three dailies which reward you with ~ 2.17 mystic coins a day in gold.

I’d strongly prefer a system that made MC available via gold purchase in-game than one that reduced my choice in how to obtain them by sticking them behind, well, any specific activity. If I can turn time into gold into MCs, life is good, because everything rewards gold.

I don’t think anyone would have an issue with their current price if they were only used in Legendary weapons.

But they are included in a decent number of exotic weapons as well. And that’s where the problem lies.

Mystic Coins 1 gold each

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Seera.5916


I should also say that I do feel Mystic Coins are higher than they should be. But I do feel that ANet has to be careful in how quickly they do things to make them drop in prices due to the fact that so many people horde them.

And a portion of those hoarders would dump their stacks at decreasing prices should they even think the prices are about to drop. Which creates a self-fulfilling prophecy as more and more dump their stacks. If too many do this, it may send them to vendor levels which I think we can all agree is too low. And since total supply outweighs demand, the prices would likely not increase unless ANet dropped the generation of coins down.

ANet over-corrected the prices of mystic coins when they were really cheap.

Mystic Coins 1 gold each

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Seera.5916


Let’s look at the choices:
1. Buy from TP. Well, this topic started because some players (many I think) considered that TP being the main source for the MC supply is not a good think. To buy from TP is not a choice. It is (almost) the single way.
2. To “farm” the coins. :-)) This is equivalent to advise someone to “farm” deldrimor steel ingot. You can have ONE MC per day in this way. If you want to craft a new Legendary you need 500. But if you need to craft 2 new legendary, well you are in trouble – you need 1 000 MC. So, back to the point1: Buy from TP.
3. Buy and “farm” the coins: Taking the point 2 into account, we can translate point 3 to: Buy and Buy the MC.
4. Decide you don’t want anything that requires mystic coins …… WHAT ? This topic is about the players WANTING something but because the way ANet handles a component, they cannot have that something. To want nothing? What kind of advice is this? Is equivalent to telling the players to stop playing GW2. This cannot be a real choice :-)))
5. Decide its worth it to buy and/or farm the coins for some items but not all. Well, in essence this translates in: Peoples, you cannot have all the GW2. You can have only slices of it. So, be careful in your choices and decide what you want. Still, be good customers and pay the price for the entire GW2.

As for the statement: “The number that want to make all of the items that require mystic coins is extremely low compared to those who just want some or none”. Do you have some evidences for this or this is only your opinion?
Because I think a more accurate statement may be: The number that want to pay the price to make all of the items that require mystic coins is extremely low compared to those who ……"
Is as with the scribing. When leveling the scribing had a high cost, very few players leveled it. Not because the others were not interested in it. But because the cost was to high. Now, when leveling the scribing has a lower cost you can see many other players leveling it.
So, make the MC a very low cost material. And you will see how many players want to complete all (or almost all) items containing MC in recipe.

But the cost of the MC is high. And, I think, will continue to raise. Because TP is the only source you can have more than 0,66 MC/day. (20 MC / 30 days = 0,66 per day)

I don’t need to show numbers. Most players aren’t completionists. They don’t go for every AP, every skin, every mini, every ascended item, every legendary, etc. Most people just go for what’s the best item for what they want to do and what skin(s) look cool or fit the theme of the character they’re playing. Be more realistic when you try to use the numbers needed. Go for half of the items. Or go for 10 weapons (2 full sets of one handed weapons plus underwater weapons for a class that can weapon swap) and 2 sets of armor (it can be reasonable for players to have 2 areas they focus in which would require different stats).

Most players are only going to want a fraction of the skins that require MC (remember 9 out of 10 skins is a fraction of the skins). They’ll think one is ugly or one requires them to do some content that they abhor and they don’t want to play or pay to bypass it at all (pay as in buy runs of raids or dungeons or fractals, etc). Or they don’t do underwater content enough so they aren’t going to bother with any of the underwater only items.

Most people choose option 5: they decide to not get every skin/item that requires Mystic Coins. And many people likely don’t even consider the Mystic Coin cost when deciding to get it or not. It may affect some players decision on some of the items, but I would be wary to say most.

Would it be nice if they lowered in price? Yes and no. It would be good for players who still have items they want to make using the Mystic Coins. It would be bad for players who don’t want to make any[more] of the items that require it as they get less money for selling them. Would I be upset if they went down to a lower price but not so low as to be vendor price? No. Would I end up making more items just because the Mystic Coins price went down? No.

I just don’t like people saying there are no options when they’re actually are options. Just not options you’re happy with. Due to how the economy works, if there were enough people who put their foot down and said: I’m not buying until the price is much lower, the price would become much lower as people took down and relisted or more people posted coins and undercut people.

So vote with your proverbial wallet: Don’t buy any coins until they reach the price YOU think is reasonable. None of the items that are made with them are required to be able to be successful at any of the content in the game so it’s not going to lock you out of anything. Get others who agree with you to do the same thing.

Do I have to Delete my account?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Seera.5916


@OP: There is a misconception in your understanding of the XP bar. It does continue to progress, thus does level your Masteries just fine. It doesn’t matter what game mode you play (except for PvP, which has its own XP system), you will always continue gaining XP. It just takes a little longer than at Level 1. Your usual reward after Level 80 will be a Spirit Shard.

As for leveling Tyrian Masteries: All you need to do is activate the Mastery you currently wish to level, then you will see its progess bar. Once the bar is full, you need the respective amount of Mastery Points in order to finish the track, afterwards you can select the next one you wish to level and so on.

We all did it that way, it’s fairly simple. You don’t have to play any specific game mode for this, however, you need to do stuff that provides Mastery Points, which should be indicated in your journal.

You only get the spirit shard if you’ve completed every mastery in the area you’re in. So until you’ve gotten all of the Core Tyria masteries finished you don’t get spirit shards for filling up the experience bar.

And that’s where the OP is having a problem: he doesn’t have the mastery points to unlock everything and doesn’t want to have to do the things that give mastery points. And he needs the reward from “leveling up” to get him to continue playing.

You get spirit shards from Silverwastes bags tho (noxious seed pods) or airship cargo from VB, so he can still get said rewards just in a different way.

Based on his wording it’s the filling up the experience bar and getting rewarded for it that keeps him playing. So unfortunately that won’t work for the OP. Based on my interpretation of what the OP said.

What is the point of Legendary Weapons?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Seera.5916


Remember when Legendary Weapons were introduced Ascended Weapons did not and even after their introduction the ability to change their stats was not immediate. A completely hotswappable always up-to-date weapon that takes up just one slot is going to always be worth more than whatever paltry gold you spend on sigils. The only time it becomes cumbersome is if you’re constantly swapping which is not a problem of the system but a problem of player consistency.

What nonsense. There are professions that are versatile for a reason. Take my Ranger, for instance. At least three full sets of armor and trinkets are required (I even have four), along with weapons with different sigils that fit the current build:

- Viper (full Condi for Fracs and Raids)
- Magi (full heal for Raids, if required)
- Commander (for WvW)
- optional: Berserker (Glyph DPS build), IMO the best for your everyday solo PvE

Two of these builds require a staff, several of them a sword and/or an axe. All with different stats and sigils. I am not complaining about this, it’s my choice to want to be versatile — I love it, it’s fun.

Now back to my point: When you invest tons and tons of time, effort and mats into building a Legendary Weapon, you should be able to make it usable in any build you want, and just changing the stats does NOT do the trick if you want 100% efficiency. You are better off having simple ascended gear for that purpose than Legendaries, as the latter are only good for their skins and graphic effects — the stat change without the ability to change sigils along with them can only be viewed as a “mere inconvenience” by very few professions whose builds don’t depend on different sigils. It is quite ignorant to say otherwise.

He’s not saying that it’s not an inconvenience. Just that it’s not due to the system only, but due to players as well. Players who don’t min-max or just focus on one area of play aren’t inconvenienced by the system as it stands.

The problem with changing the system now is that it may tank the last sigil market that’s not sitting at vendor value. And eventually rune market as well when legendary armor becomes more common. And ANet may not want to do that so it may be wary of adding in sigil swapping.

Not to mention more players would likely go for legendary weapons and drive up the prices of items a decent amount of players are already saying have reached the point where it’s not worth it to buy them and the wait is too long for the quantity needed. The one I’m thinking about is Mystic Coins.

It would be great if they could come up with a system to allow for easier sigil swapping, I just don’t see it happening soon given the current state of the economy. Don’t get me wrong, I do sympathize and I hope ANet can solve the problems adding sigil swapping (or something similar) will bring sooner rather than later.

Do I have to Delete my account?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Seera.5916


@OP: There is a misconception in your understanding of the XP bar. It does continue to progress, thus does level your Masteries just fine. It doesn’t matter what game mode you play (except for PvP, which has its own XP system), you will always continue gaining XP. It just takes a little longer than at Level 1. Your usual reward after Level 80 will be a Spirit Shard.

As for leveling Tyrian Masteries: All you need to do is activate the Mastery you currently wish to level, then you will see its progess bar. Once the bar is full, you need the respective amount of Mastery Points in order to finish the track, afterwards you can select the next one you wish to level and so on.

We all did it that way, it’s fairly simple. You don’t have to play any specific game mode for this, however, you need to do stuff that provides Mastery Points, which should be indicated in your journal.

You only get the spirit shard if you’ve completed every mastery in the area you’re in. So until you’ve gotten all of the Core Tyria masteries finished you don’t get spirit shards for filling up the experience bar.

And that’s where the OP is having a problem: he doesn’t have the mastery points to unlock everything and doesn’t want to have to do the things that give mastery points. And he needs the reward from “leveling up” to get him to continue playing.

My Email

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Seera.5916


You have to contact Support to get the email changed on the account.

Warning - HoT removes Tyria Dailies

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Seera.5916


So, to sum it up, the problem that OP is complaining about simply does not exist. It’s a complete fiction

It all depends on how you define it. Do you lose access to core dailies (albeit they will be on another day)? No. Can you get a HOT daily rather than a core daily? Yes.

I would rather not have hot dailies added to the list, tyvm. For me HOT is something that gives me access to the elites. I could give a toss about the new zones.

And that’s a completely unrelated issue than the one the OP is saying. OP is saying there’s a 0% chance of getting Core Tyria PvE Dailies once HoT is installed. Which is not true no matter how you define it. OP’s initial post may have been a bit exaggeration at first read, but his later posts agree with the first: that there’s no way to get Core Tyria dailies once HoT is installed.

It would be nice like how they have Guilds give an option for the Guild Missions between PvE, PvP, and WvW, that players with HoT could have an option to do have all Core (which would pull off the current list for players without HoT), all HoT (what the OP thinks happens), or both (which would be identical to how it is currently). With bonuses given to doing both.

Can a GM change my mistake?

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Seera.5916


They refused refunding me the currency I wasted on the infused ring that’s un-attuneable. They said they were unable to refund the ascended currency.

That’s because the ring has a glitch and you were asking for a refund if memory serves me right

The OP may want to say in their ticket that would like to exchange the medium armor for light armor.

You may also be able to ask for an exact same cost item in exchange for the one you’ve got if you really don’t want to wait until the glitch on the ring to be fixed.

Based on what I’ve read on similar situations, exchanges may be possible since it’s not the currency.

Mystic Coins 1 gold each

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Seera.5916


Illconceived Was Na.9781

I don’t see that it’s relevant that all the recipes might require as much as 11k coins — all those recipes would also require hundreds or thousands or even tens of thousands of gold in other materials. Is it wrong to expect that folks willing to invest that much in skins can also expect to pay a premium for m-coins?

Yes, it is wrong. Because that investition is not as great as you suggest. You start on the basis that the players wanting these skins will buy the materials from TP. Well, this tread is started by a person who does not want to be forced to buy.
Let’s calculate the material needed for a specialization weapon: The shield Horologicus. The only item you can spend some gold on it is the Mystic Barricade. All the rest you can purchase using aurilum / ley line crystals / airship parts. The Mystic Barricade needs an Eldrich Scroll + 30 Mystic Coins + a total of 20 Orichalcum Ingots.
You can gather the orichalcum in less than 1 day. So, without the MC a specialization weapon can cost you almost nothing. But you need to wait almost one and a half month for Anet to handle you the MC. Or to buy the MC. Well, let’s suppose you have 9 lvl 80 characters – one of every specialization. You need around 14 months to wait for Anet :-)) Or to buy from TP. Is this impatience? Is the specialization weapon a luxury thing? I doubt.

Wanting the coins is not the same as needing them

Is this a joke? If you don’t need something why you ever bother to want that something? Are you sure this is a sane person behavior? Are you saying that the persons complaining here about MC are only wanting the MC but, in fact, not needing them? All the persons asking here for more MC are insane?

The word “impatience” is appropriate in a situation when you have the chance to choose between several ways to have a thing (slower of faster ways, easier or harder) and your choice is to buy. In the case of MC we have no choice. The quantity of MC entering the game is decided by Anet. And if the real needs of the players are higher, this is BAD LUCK. Because Anet calculated the needs. And if you don’t like the result you are an impatient person. I think a merely 15 years to complete the items containing MC in recipe is an OK period of time in Anet’s opinion.

There are multiple choices:

  • Buy mystic coins off of the TP.
  • “Farm” mystic coins yourself. In quotes due to them being time gated.
  • Buy and “farm” the coins
  • Decide you don’t want anything that requires mystic coins enough to wait or buy the coins.
  • Decide its worth it to buy and/or “farm” the coins for some of the items but not all.

The number that want to make all of the items that require mystic coins is extremely low compared to those who just want some or none. And that’s before even considering what mats do into the items.

So while you may not like the choices, doesn’t mean that the choices don’t exist.


in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Seera.5916


They actually planned on changing the dailies a long time ago. Back during season 1, they talked about wanting to get players out into different areas of the game, which is why they changed it from “do this wherever you want” to “do this here”. The new dailies are however far more rewarding.

is showing events where there aren’t any

Events identified by the nearby event icon on the map, but don’t appear in game are hidden rifts. You need a stabilizer from the current events to open them.

Or in the case of starter zones, over before the player got there. It’s almost worth just waiting for the world boss on most of the starter zone maps and doing the pre-events as well.

It's time for race changes in the gem store

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Seera.5916


So instead of trying to come up with a way to bypass the multiple problems with the personal story and cultural armor, you just post inb4 that stuff? Really doesn’t give me any reason to support your suggestion.

I’m not opposed to race changes, but I realize that ANet did not make the initial personal story easily changeable or even changeable without major problems. Just look at all of the problems that changing the order of the missions has brought to the game. I would hate for the problems to happen to players who spend a lot of gems to change their race.

So how would you solve the personal story problem? Saying inb4 does not mean you get to avoid answering questions regarding it before you say you don’t have to answer it.

Universal Gobbler

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Seera.5916


This would remove the potential rewards that they can copy and paste to reward us for completing achievements.

Not necessarily. You’re limited with this gobbler to what ANet wants it to gobble. Other gobblers would be able to gobble items on demand.

And the universal one I would say would be for items that aren’t generated quickly, but the supply has greatly exceeded the demand for them. Not necessarily items that players would constantly get too many too quickly for.

Map Completion and Mastery Points

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Seera.5916


Mastery Points are account bound so it only awards mastery points once for completing maps.

Suggestion: Keep Items in Gem Store

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Seera.5916


So that players can know when they are in the store if they don’t pop into the gem store often but are looking for a new skin or new mini for their character.

Suggestion: Keep Items in Gem Store

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Seera.5916


There have likely been studies done that show what ANet does actually brings in more money on average. More players who are on the fence buy it because the item isn’t going to be around for a while. Or they may have a character that glider will work for in the future but not now. Whereas if the item was there for forever, they wouldn’t buy it because it’s not going anywhere and will buy it when and if they have a character it will work for.

Plus, it likely gets some players to spend real money on gems instead of just time in game to convert gold to gems.

Bandits vs Mercenaries (Activity Game)

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Seera.5916


Gamers have gone too soft to allow this in games today. Personally I would LOVE LOVE LOVE to see open world Pvp in GW2.

Some of my best gaming memories are with impromptu fights in cities and while questing. I always found it fun.

What’s fun for one person isn’t fun for another. Has nothing to do with how soft or hard gamers have gotten.

I don’t find PvP fun at all.

Fractal (lack of) loot

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Seera.5916


The problem with putting ascended gear in fractals is that you need asc to do fractals in the first place. Sure, you could spend ages grinding the T1 fractals in exotic and get your asc this way before proceeding in higher tiers, but that’s more work than maxing your crafts.

Now compare that to the completely free pvp asc gear.

It doesn’t take long to get a few pieces of ascended gear and the agony resistance needed for higher tiers. If you know mechanics and are upfront about the gear differences, then you should I’ve no issue finding groups to do fractals if you do not do them with friends or guild mates.

Why A New Race Is Highly Possible [Merged]

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Seera.5916


What I find funny is that some people think that a AAA game such as this that focuses and exploration and diversity wouldn’t add a new race. Yes guys I’m sorry but eventually they will. This game has finally found its format for creating and delivering content. The only thing they are missing is a deep focus on lore and storytelling. The addition of a new race allows developers to focus on lore expansion and story development. I’m sure that most developers in Anet have realized that what the game lacks now is lore and depth. Not only that but we will be going to new continents with different races, and you think they won’t include them into the game??? This isn’t like gw1 that you only played one race. This game needs this. It will happen. No matter what you guys think. Eventually it will come.

Since you are a developer for Anet, with the red logo right over there <———-

we can just go ahead and use this as a source then, right? New continents too, meaning

NOT Cantha and Elona? You heard it here first folks, breaking news!!!!


Telling us soooo confidently that Yes, this will happen. The game needs this. Eventually it will come.

In reality he’s just one more anonymous poster on the forum and he doesn’t have any more insight into whether or not anything will happen than any other person who comes on the forum and gives their opinion.

Foolish remark. New continent to the current map. So yea Cantha and so on. It’s an analytical statement. To me it makes the most sense. If you can’t wrap your head around it, then that sounds like a personal problem.

It only makes sense to your biases. Also, it’s pretty sad when you accuse people of having problems simply because they don’t agree with you. It’s time to come down off your judgmental high white horse.

What is sad? It’s what makes sense to me? Your assumptions are funny. Judgmental high white horse??? Are you sure you’re using the term appropriately? You seem to not get it at all. I dont care about “judging” anyone. What is said is an analytical statement and what makes the most sense??? When did you interpret that as a reality? sigh it seems the judgmental one is you.

Really… what I’ve seen is you making a post and telling people how things are gonna be whether they like it or not, nothing we can do to change it or stop it. So you are being put on notice that this isn’t your game, and you don’t get to make these decisions. Feel free to discuss though!

Its a high probability. When i make those posts its towards people who are adamant on a definite “NO”. Which is wrong. I am speaking in terms of probability. Hell they were even considering it in their first Xpac, which was rather small and heavily rushed. Therefore, you honestly believe that it WONT happen at all for a future PLANNED Xpac? Yea right! I’m am not saying YES, im saying its highly possible.

Probability is expressed mathematically.

Where are your numbers?

If you’re a statistician. Probability is a word. Your comments are rather pointless and ill intended. Dont be surprised if you get ignored. Maybe if your next comment is a bit more constructive and includes a bit of depth, then you’ll receive a response. Asking for statistical date on a constructive opinion. Do you realize your comments really lead…no where? LOL

So you are not able to support your claim.

Okay then.

Just because someone doesn’t know the exact numbers for the chances of a new race doesn’t mean there is nothing supporting the claim. All the post says thT it’s possible and may be probable. And not even highly probable, just probable.

Why A New Race Is Highly Possible [Merged]

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Seera.5916


Chances are if we ever do get to go to Cantha or Elona that we’ll get a new race, even of it is just Human – Canthan or Human – Elonian. I just don’t want corners cut with their development of the new race just to say they added a new race. I’d rather no new race if they don’t give them the same treatment as they did to the original races.

Why A New Race Is Highly Possible [Merged]

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Seera.5916



And if you’ve actually read the thread closely, you’d realize that I’m hot one saying they should add in a race at any cost. That most of my posts, except the one you’ve quoted hasn’t argued for a new race to be added. Just saying what I would want in a new race and how much work it would entail.

Why A New Race Is Highly Possible [Merged]

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Seera.5916


Your “shoehorn a race” into the game isn’t what people want from a new race. No matter how you state it or how you portray it.

Don’t speak for everyone.

For one, your “shoehorn a race” argument might seem reasonable to some but from my perspective, you’re just being unreasonably picky. For two, you’re specifically picking out the suggestions you don’t agree with while offering nothing to replace it. For three, I don’t even think all the checkpoints you list off are even wanted by the majority and you only want it there to specifically sabotage the implementation of a new race.

Would it be nice to have a “like the original” Personal Story? Sure. How many people actually liked the majority of the PS? Not just the 1st chapter, but going through the orders, making the pact and following Trahern’s lead…How many people like the changes they made to the PS? How many players go out of their way to replay the PS on all their new characters? While I do enjoy the PS on my characters, up to a point, after you go through it once then explore some of the branching options, I don’t tend to go through most of it after that. Even with there being the PS for a new race, it’s still not a big deal (I’m certain it wouldn’t take that long to create…just about 3 Living World updates worth of missions should do it). Regardless of how much effort and time it would take to make a new race’s PS, I’m not dead set that it MUST exist just like it has for every race prior. It can be changed, it can be updated in pieces, it could coincide with living world updates, it could be something completely different. Encouraging Anet to create something polished and unique is good, but suggesting they must follow a stringent formula even if that formula is lined with hiccups and mistakes is not.

I don’t have an issue with there being a new race. I do have an issue with sidesteps and shortcuts and it not being properly implemented. Adding it by Living Story episodes, and it not having the same types of features the other races have… I and “some others” (is that better?) do not think that is the proper way to go about it.

And what would you and others know of proper? You’re not making the content, telling the story or investing the capital to have it made. My point is, if the devs want to seek a different method or outcome, partially because it would be easier, cheaper, faster, make more sense for their choice in delivery or just because they want to do something experimental, who are you to label it as a short cut when ultimately adding a race would still require a massive amount of work? I guess this truly is the age of entitlement where the only time you won’t get called out as lazy is if you take the path of most resistance and still get whined at for not devoting all resources to every individual persons desire. They could try to go above and beyond to add something but if they don’t bend over backwards while also adding some other thing while simultaneously fixing all bugs, they might as well shouldn’t have bothered at all.

Speaking as a game designer, there is no way I would take the steps you’ve mentioned to shoehorn any feature, new race or otherwise. The reason is that I care about my product. For example, voice over is tricky enough already with professionals. To have a non professional do even the simplest of tasks is just asking for problems. You mentioned using someone with a less demanding job than others to do it. Let me be perfectly clear in game design all tasks are demanding.

Speaking as a consumer there is no way I’d want to play a game that cares so little for it’s product that it would take the steps you recommend. If your looking for cheap, shoddy games to play I think you should try the indie market.

Exactly! and that is why adding a new race in the long run is brilliant. It’s the perfect chance for Anet to focus on lore expansion and story development. Its the depth and richness that will add even more flavor to this game. Now that Anet has found a platform for their game, I think that lore and story are the next step. A new race would be a perfect opportunity to focus on these things.

Not really, the story is one of the five races against the dragons. Promoting a minor race to major goes against the lore that the new races won’t emerge until after the old ones have defeated the dragons.

The new race’s personal story does not have to be shoe horning them into the Zhaitan story.

Why A New Race Is Highly Possible [Merged]

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Seera.5916


I find most of this argument funny. The price of adding a new race, it’s entire development, is a drop in the bucket compared to that of a new expansion— which we will be getting.

All I see is people complaining about ‘amount of work’ necessary for a new race. I’m no special snowflake— so I don’t have an issue with a nonlinear timeline. When I help a friend kill Zhaitan, my character is living in the past. I was there, I did that. I have a brain capable of including my friend in my adventure. Most people are completely overthinking new races. Introducing them to the Order of Whispers/Pact/Priory and then into the Pact wouldn’t a problem at all. A Kodan/Tengu/Quaggan/Skritt/Moa Commander? We already have Quaggan Pact Members.

When you start a level 1 human, you are starting the human in Tyria’s Past, not the Present. It would be the same thing for any new race. When I bring my Charr into Kryta, the Krytan Humans don’t address me as a “Stinking Charr”, infact they don’t talk about my race at all. Nor do the Land Stealers in Ascalon call my Human character the rightful owner of their lands. Long Live Ascalon!

^ THIS!! people dont seem to comprehend this.

Unless you want to double the voice work for lines that mention the pact commander, you have to figure out to get our new race characters to be a pact commander.

I also do not want them put into the Zhaitan story. I want a story that tells what they were doing during that time because they obviously weren’t fighting Zhaitan. Basically I want the first part of the original races’ personal stories. Before they joined the Order. And obviously, they wouldn’t join an existing order, at least not in the same way.

Some story that is unique to them.

Let us choose how we activate glider! =(

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Seera.5916


You shouldn’t imply stuff because you always view it as something your aginst.

I don’t always view it as something I’m against. And even if I did, it’s impossible to stop doing it. We all do it. It’s why people can read the same sentence and get a different meaning out of it. Happens all of the time on forums since we’re missing tone. Some people will think there’s sarcasm when there’s not and some will miss sarcasm when it’s present. Anything typically conveyed by tone and tone itself is implied by word choice over the internet.

You shouldn’t assume things.

Let us choose how we activate glider! =(

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Seera.5916


No one said that they want it asap only you asumed they did because your aginst it. Yes, they can be working on tons of things some things people will like some things people will hate who knows. The forums is for input and really there no downside to this input other than well they would need to shift focus sometime to do it.

Please quote the post where I’ve said I’m against it.

I seem to recall saying multiple times I hope they add it soon, but I didn’t think it was high on the priority list given the other things people have asked for.

The last sentence of your previous post implied to me that you felt they should just go ahead and add it because it doesn’t matter since ANet never tells us what they do so glider keybind can just be done first.

Why A New Race Is Highly Possible [Merged]

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Seera.5916


I have a problem with it permanently adding to the work load of the game with no added gameplay.

This. If they’re going to add in another race which just adds in more work (it is that many more lines to record and that many more armor sets to create) for not much return (it won’t generate a significant increase in sales on its own), then they better do it right. Not cut any corners. So hire the voice actors. Commit to creating the same number of cultural armor pieces. Commit to giving them a story prior to when they band up with the Pact Commander’s group (and that’s not even addressing who the Pact Commander would be for characters of this race).

Let us choose how we activate glider! =(

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Seera.5916


I don’t really find the thing a big enough problem however I do see why some others might. I don’t think this would take a huge time to add within the game all it’s doing is making a check box or a rebind option to change it.

If your worried about it taking away from something else being made well it will but because Anet doesn’t tell us anything they are working on it really shouldn’t matter.

Just because we don’t know what they are working on, doesn’t mean that we should just say that any old quick QoL update should be done immediately. Because they could be working on other updates that we prefer over the latest one mentioned on the forum.

Let us choose how we activate glider! =(

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Seera.5916


It’s definitely not just Dreamy having an issue with this. I do as well, as apparently others who have started similar threads. It hurts no one who is not having this issue for the rest of us to have much needed options.

No one really has an issue with the option being added, it’s just that work towards that means no work towards other things that other players want and it becomes a priority issue.

Why A New Race Is Highly Possible [Merged]

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Seera.5916



You’re really telling me, that as a customer, that what I want doesn’t matter?! When what I want factors into what I choose to buy and what I choose to not buy? I can’t think of anyone who doesn’t factor in what they want into what they buy or don’t buy.

That if I do not want a race put in withbshort cuts taken just to have a new race, I should not say anything because what I want doesn’t matter? That I shouldn’t voice my preference for a race that has the same effort put into it as the other races because what I want doesn’t matter?

What I want matters. I’m not saying that ANet should listen to what I say and only do what I want, but what I want matters. What you want matters. They’ll have people do studies to figure out if your preference for race or mine would give them the most money. But I can’t imagine that most people would want a glorified tonic for a new race. Not at the expense of content that even players who only play humans would play.

You’re not a customer at a fast food place, you’re a customer of art. Book writers don’t make a story based off of what their customers want. They make it and you like it, that’s it. So no, your opinion has no reflection on a developer’s/writer’s creativity and desire in which he/she wants the story to go. You have no influence at all. You will either like it and buy it, or eventually like and buy it. If you decide to stop playing and completely throw away all you invested into the game, three other new players could find the new story development complex and intriguing.

What I want doesn’t matter either. You are right in the sense that studies can be made on what the public suggests, but that study doesn’t consist of more than just a few devs reading our stuff and talking about it in staff meetings. No real studies are actually conducted.

Anyways, the possibilities in living world are endless and story development wise, they will create art. If they base a story based on our desires, then they will run their company to the ground. Creativity isn’t suggested by others, it’s created by the self based on our many experiences, thoughts, and imagination.

But if the author’s publisher doesn’t think enough of the public wants it, it won’t get published. So again, what the customer wants does matter.

And many more could leave the game due to the shoehorned in race than comes in.

Because to me, a company who will cut corners to add in a race into their game may cut corners for other things. So to me, a company shouldn’t cut corners. They should give new races the same things they gave to the original races.

  • Unique voice actors – not voicing any of the existing playable characters, electronic editing of existing characters does not cut it for me. I want change in pace and where emphasis is placed and dialect like the current characters have.
  • Unique personal story chapters, with a few choices (this does not mean 67 missions, this could be 18 missions long – aka, the same chapters that are unique to each original race).
  • Unique racial city
  • Unique 1-15 zone
  • 18 sets of unique cultural armor (3 tiers, 3 weight classes, 2 genders), though 9 sets if gender doesn’t affect clothing

Why A New Race Is Highly Possible [Merged]

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Seera.5916



You’re really telling me, that as a customer, that what I want doesn’t matter?! When what I want factors into what I choose to buy and what I choose to not buy? I can’t think of anyone who doesn’t factor in what they want into what they buy or don’t buy.

That if I do not want a race put in withbshort cuts taken just to have a new race, I should not say anything because what I want doesn’t matter? That I shouldn’t voice my preference for a race that has the same effort put into it as the other races because what I want doesn’t matter?

What I want matters. I’m not saying that ANet should listen to what I say and only do what I want, but what I want matters. What you want matters. They’ll have people do studies to figure out if your preference for race or mine would give them the most money. But I can’t imagine that most people would want a glorified tonic for a new race. Not at the expense of content that even players who only play humans would play.