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In Game Clock - UTC option

in Suggestions

Posted by: Shades.4572


Besides that everyone can check the much more convenient time till daily reset in the hero panel. I rather see that countdown as an alternative clock

Speaking of the countdown clock…I would love to see they add that to the living story achievements just like the daily and monthly. It would make it easier on people then having to ask LA, forums, or digging up patch notes.

View other players profiles!

in Suggestions

Posted by: Shades.4572


@Vayne and others – Elitists already “force” prospective party members to do a gear check by making them ping gear. This wouldn’t be any worse than what’s already in the game, IMO.

But having a profile at the ready does make it worse. Some elitists don’t bother asking you to ping everything and just go with the honor system until you screw up then you get booted. More or less because it’s a hassle checking every group members gear out/they could just ping one set and have different one on. Imagine if ppl can can quickly check with just a couple clicks, more ppl would be checking the gear. Myself included, because as of now I don’t ask ppl to ping gear but if could check out everyones gear I would look and be highly tempted to kick out lvl80s in greens or lvl 60s wearing lvl40 gear.

Add "Group Finishers"

in Suggestions

Posted by: Shades.4572


I don’t know if I like the idea of everyone gets pulled into his regardless of when you start. In any case it is to your advance to kill the person as fast as you can. Such as in WvW if someone is already casting on a downed enemy and you run over with your group finisher it would reclock/cause the first person to have to wait through your animation. Plus it’s more of a waste in WvW for example to have more then 3 ppl trying to finish a player. As epic as it could look to see a ton of players stake the enemy at the same time it’s more exactly practical.

Also along the same lines of your troll example. Players have downed abilities that interrupts the stake, so if everyone is tied to your all they have to do is interrupt you and everyone will be interrupted.

Dungeon chests.

in Suggestions

Posted by: Shades.4572


Or make it so the instance DOESN’T CLOSE until everyone leaves. I was in a pug yesterday and the person who started the instance went afk half way though…rest of the party booted him and everyone was sent back to tyria…. I’d image this also potentially happens when someone is drops/disconnects which seems like a huge design flaw.

If the party leader disconnects/goes offline it doesn’t kick them out of the instance. As long as the party leader stays in group and doesn’t switch characters, they can come and go from the dungeon instance without kicking the party.

It does suck when the party leader goes afk. I always ask who started it the instance before kicking ppl, just in case. But when it turns out the leader is the one afk, it’s annoying since we are forced to go man down or wait.

New weapon icons

in Suggestions

Posted by: Shades.4572


Not to mention some armors need new icon’s as well such as the cultural armors

Norn Heavey T1 (expect chest piece)
Norn Heavy T2, T3 all
Asura Med T3 all

These cultural armor icons are at least special/not plain but they reuse other icons so their color outlines don’t match the set. Simply changing the outline color to match would suffice imo.

Asura Light T2 Shoulder & Boots (same as Heavy icons)
Charr Heavy T2, T3 helm (it’s the T3 light helm)
Human T3 med shows (outline color doesn’t match)
Sylvari T2 light shoulders (same as T1 light)

New weapon icons

in Suggestions

Posted by: Shades.4572


Other Weapons
Karma Cultural/Other set

Glyphic Handblade, Longblade, Brand
Peacemaker weapons ALL of them (Asura T3)
Warden Spear (Sylvari T3)
FlameTrident, Speargun, Spear
Steam Spear
Shiverpeak Spear
Norn Spear, Speargun, Trident
Wolfborn Harpoon (Norn T3)
Krytan Spear, Shortbow, Speargun
Aureate Spear, Speargun, Trident
Seraph Spear (Human T3)
Legionnaire Spear, Speargun, Trident
Tribal Spear, Speargun, Trident
Orrian ALL of them except Pistol (? yet to confirm)

Exotic Weapons
Big Juju
Black Fleet Bludgeon
Bow of the Pale Stag
Bow of the White Hart
Claws of the Desert
Crystalline Blade
Droknar’s Forgehammer
….list goes on I’ll pick it up after work

need more normal townclothes options.

in Suggestions

Posted by: Shades.4572


I like the idea to auto equip your character to wear town clothes when you enter a city/la, but a lot of people won’t like that. Instead maybe there could be an option to auto change or not when entering a town. I wouldn’t mind buying more town clothes if it auto equiped it for me whenever I got into a city/la. As it is now I never switch to town clothes since it’s a bother. And yes in general we need more town clothes options preferably some race related clothes, like the Sylvari has more leaf wear options then the default.

Map Exploration for Alts!

in Suggestions

Posted by: Shades.4572


I assume that what you are mostly concerned with is not having the waypoints for new characters. What I would suggest instead of 100% Map Completion at lvl 80 would be instead have all wp’s revealed at start. Downside is you have to pay the lvl 80 cost to wp and still forgo all map completion rewards, xp on expanding the map, and xp on poi.

This way you get absolutely no map exploring rewards from the start . But you aren’t put at a total disadvantage since you can still get your skill pts and gain the rewards from doing hearts. Plus I would think it would be easier to add in if they just tag it as a function after you do your character creation and 1st instance, over asking when you hit lvl 80.

Also choosing from the start means you can’t change your mind. For example I create a mez as an alt, but I don’t really like it so much. After giving it some time/lvls/new skills I still don’t like it but I’m lvl40. At that point I say to myself let’s just power lvl the rest of the way to 80 and choose 100% map explore. Another example could be you just hit lvl 80, but with out intending to you got a lot of map explored, originally you were going to choose 100% at lvl 80 but you change your mind since you have so much explored/explored the key wp’s you wanted. Because there are advantages to choosing at lvl 80 is why I suggest you have to choose from the start.

If ppl still find it unfair how some people unlock all the wp’s at start they could always add a lvl requirement for using wp’s (just for those who choose this option not normal play). That way it would prevent a lvl10 from join a zerg in Orr doing a temple and getting the loot.

Edit: One more thing you can only create a 100% map completion character once every 3 days. That way it can prevent players from rerolling x amount a times a days to farm something like world bosses/temples/jps ect.

On a side note I personally am not interested in this I’m just giving a suggestion for those who would like something like this. Such as my boyfriend who doesn’t play very much, but when he does he like to play with me and has to spend 5-10mins running through maps to get to where I am, for him this would be useful.

(edited by Shades.4572)

Mailing ingredients/food items . . .

in Suggestions

Posted by: Shades.4572


For a quality of life change I would like this as well. While I do split my stacks and then move them to mail the items it is a slight hassle having to so the extra step. imo a simple pop up just like the split stack one should pop up when placing items into the mail slots. I know it would benefit myself since a lot of times when I run with friends I end up giving them food and consumables from my stack.

Char armor skins

in Suggestions

Posted by: Shades.4572


I’ve seen a post that said approximately the same thing and a moderator responded that they are working on it but it’s not a priority and have only a few people on it as there is way less charr than human/norn.

Which is funy since a good portion of the reason why there is way less is because they look so bad. Many people, myself included, do not roll charr simply because nothing/very few things look good on it.

Please let minis swim again.

in Suggestions

Posted by: Shades.4572


What annoys me the most about minis is that you have to double click them every few minutes because the game decides to stash them every time you touch water or leave the map or die (etc.)

The main reason given by the devs is that they don’t have the time to create unique swimming animations for each mini, which I understand completely, but here’s the thing: why not just put the mini into a bubble of air, and it can float by your side? The bubbles are already in game (dwarf mini dungeon, some skills) so there wouldn’t be that much to code, and it would make additional animations unnecessary.

That would so be cute to see a little mini floating around in a bubble!!! Also a good idea around creating individual swimming animations, basically program the bubble and you are good to go for all. As cute as some minis swim animation are I wouldn’t mind giving up on it and just switching over to the bubble idea if all of them no longer break in the water.

The Price of Transmuting

in Suggestions

Posted by: Shades.4572


You would think it’d be as simple as putting 4 Transmutation Stones into the Mystic Forge to create one Transmutation Crystal. Or some similar formula.

As Leamas said, it wouldnt be fair to them to make the recipe this simple, as Anet makes their money thru gem-store sales. The recipe has to be something that costs as much or slightly more than converting gold to gems. Otherwise, they have no incentive to put this conversion into the game, and would be happy for us to continue buying gems to get our transmute crystals.

In the game there are currently a few MF upgrading recipes such as changing common crafting material such as mith ingots into orich, as well as a recipe for cores into lodestones.

If they ever did add a MF recipe I would assume it would be similar to those formulas are ready in the game. For example the modified Lodestone formula would look like:
2 Transmutation Stones + 1 Bottle of Elonian Wine + 1 Crystal + 1 Crystalline Dust = 1 Transmutation Crystal

However I doubt they would go with this unless they increase the Stone input to around 10-20. Since people could just reroll new characters and map complete the low zones to get the 3 Stones quickly, granted people can still do that but they would have to do a minimum of 4-7 maps to get the 1 Trans Crystal.

or a modified common crafting formula would be:
250 Transmutation Stones + 1 Transmutation Crystal + 5 Crystalline Dust + 10 Philosopher’s Stones = 10-40 Transmutation Crystals (average ~17)

IMO I would prefer this option over the Lodstone modified recipe. Because frankly with the lodstone version getting the required stones is easy and fast so you would be getting 1 crystal steadily throughout playing making the crystals not as rare and rewarding when ever we get them. Needing 250 makes it more end game since it take awhile to get that much and rewarding since we get ~17 Crystals at one time. Not to mention that it is less farmable with rerolling to explore low zones since the amount is so high.

Plus a stack of 250 Stones input shouldn’t affect the gem store too much.

  • First off the cost of Stones is 20-25gems per stone depending on bundle and Crystals are 32-40gems per crystal.
  • Gem Cost for recipe 250*20=5000 gems and output max 40*32=1280 gems, so obviously the recipe doesn’t allow you to be able to buy stones and gamble to get more crystals then just buying crystals it straight up.
  • Next ~17*32=544 gems going rate 100gem=6.8g so 544gem=~37g The amount of time and effort it takes to get 250 stones you could have easily gathered 37g to just buy the gems instead. Beside those of us who already have stacks of stone in our bank, the recipe shouldn’t effect those who would’ve purchased them with gold, since it is easier/less time consuming to buy crystals then gather stones (through map exploring & dailies)
  • Lastly those that buy gems with money for the crystals would still. They purchase either because they don’t want to waste the time getting gold or they just want their preferred skins with out the wait. Since an input of 250 is so high/time consuming it’s a safe bet that people who buy gems wont bother with the recipe.

Guild Kick NEEDS Confirmation Prompt

in Suggestions

Posted by: Shades.4572


A friend of mine has this nasty habit of kicking me from our guild when he tries to spam the “join” button. So a confirmation box would be nice.

Cinematic Viewing Room

in Suggestions

Posted by: Shades.4572


I think it would be neat for us to be able to relive our old cinematics like our character creation, personal stories, or living story stuff.

What I picture is some sort of movie projector or TV to be placed in the Home instances. When you click on it bank like tabs pop up for different categories. In the slots are items similar to Marjory’s Journal or Zephyr Sanctum Model, but you can’t remove them just double click to view.

The categories/tabs of the bank would be:

Personal Story

  • Profession icon/item = Character Creation Cinematic
  • Race icon/item = Prologue
  • School/Legion/Dream icon = Part 1
  • Order icon/item = Part IV Order chosen
  • Grawl/Quaggan icon = Part V Racial sympathy chosen

When you click the profession icon it will act like Marjory’s Journal and will allow you to review the cinematic, but for your character creation. For the personal story part it would allow you to watch the dialog again and see the choices you pick, just like it is when you are in someone else’s instance. To make it easier to program it won’t show all the picks you did, but the straight line path, for example in reality you picked vigil, back, whispers, then yes but the cinematic re-watch just shows you picking whispers then yes. They could also throw in the little scenes in the instances too, such as a bad guy talking to his crew/the bad guy dying when you complete it. The last part might be a little harder/more work to add in though, and is not necessary imo.

Dungeon Progress (Account wide)

  • AC ghost icon = AC Dungeon Story
  • AC Tear = AC Dungeon Paths

Account wide because we already have achievements tied to our account wide stats so they can just pull the data from that. Again clicking on it will show the dialog again, but I would want to see the spawning/death skits of each boss fight in the dungeon and other skits. For example the scene of both lovers coming out of the tombs in the AC dungeon or the scene where the 3 argue which path to choose (AC dungeon).

Living Story Year 1 & Living Story Year 2 or
Living Story 2012 & Living Story 2013

  • Shadow of the Mad King
  • The Lost Shores
  • SAB
  • Dragon Bash
  • ect

I prefer Year 1 and Year 2 due to the fact that only 3 events were in 2012 and having the tabs split according to GW2 anniversary seems more fitting. What we would see for the living story is more varied since so much happens for each event and not every event has the same types of content. My suggestion is to have 1 video per Living Story. The video would be a collection of cinematics, dialogs, and scenes from the event, similar to a trailer but more informative like a documentary of sorts. The past living story cinematics would be given to anyone that has at least 1 achievement in the catergory. That way if you participated a little you get the cinematic and people can’t complain how they would’ve tried for such and such achv if they knew you would get the cinematic. Future cinematics however can be tied to attainable achievements, meaning the average player should be able to get it. For example the “A Sweet Friend” achievement was easily attainable for those that wanted it due to the LS achs and the dailies. The only problem is The Lost Shores since it doesn’t have any achievements tied to it, but it has that great cinematic of the karka burning in the lava. Not sure if they keep records of those that participated in that.

Positives for a cinematic viewing room:

  • It’s a cooler way to look back at your personal story
  • A nice organized record/reminder of living story events.
  • Adds more to home instances
  • We can see all the beautiful cinematics more then once
  • Anet spent the time and money making them, so why only see it once
  • Having a bunch of separate Marjory’s Journal or Zephyr Sanctum Model like items will crowd peoples banks (and cause complaining)


  • Creating new video collages
  • Figuring out a “fair” way to grant past cinematics
  • The Lost Shores participation issue
  • Time and money spent to make them (granted we could buy new cinematics with gems, but it feels less rewarding that way and I would want my past ones/dungeon/personal story free)

Back to the roots

in Suggestions

Posted by: Shades.4572


Personally I don’t mind the temp content, and really like the idea of the Living Story, I just wish we had more time for it. I would honestly prefer to have 3 weeks to 1 month for each living story update. Releasing a new one every 2 weeks is pretty intense for those who try to get every achievement. Some people have families, jobs, and school to go to and spend time with. I remember I went on vacation during the Cutthroat Politics for a week and half, and I missed out on a couple achievements for the Trails. I would’ve enjoyed it more if I didn’t feel so rushed after getting back from vacation to get those achievements done. Keeping up with the living story and dailies is like having a part-time job that you can’t take a break from. Extending the new content to every 3 or 4 weeks instead would take some of the pressure/rush off of doing all the new content. Plus Anet can either take that extra time to polish up the content every update or just expand on it more.

(edited by Shades.4572)

Mad King Says is bugged

in Blood and Madness

Posted by: Shades.4572


Mad King wouldn’t even play ‘Mad King Says’ when I was in LA. He just walked around telling jokes and then vanished. What are we supposed to do if his game won’t even start?

The Mad King walks around for a few minutes telling jokes, those are the treats. Then he disappears and door appear on the map that drop you into the cauldron and he randomly appears turning people into the Halloween tonic guys, his tricks. After that he will pop up and do Mad King Say. It’s on a timer ~45 minutes apart.

Who got the mini prince?

in Blood and Madness

Posted by: Shades.4572


I wouldn’t be so bad if the node were everywhere like last year. Ya I know there are a couple out in PvE but not nearly as much as before. The on top of that it seems like all the zerg groups got bored with the maze after 5 days.

I just hope they fix the issues with Mad King Says so I can farm it for the bags, because coming back every 40mins and getting a mask every time is annoying. I don’t need 10 of them =/

Suicide Button when Downed

in Suggestions

Posted by: Shades.4572


You’re probably just pulling a baddie move & trying to rez yourself with someone attacking you, it takes max 40 seconds after going down to actually die. It’s not hard to not push any buttons….

40 seconds if still a decently long time to wait and die. There has been plenty of time where I’ve been in situations where I get downed and don’t want to get up/can’t get myself up in a timely matter and I just want to die, but I have to sit there doing nothing for around a min before I can die.

An example of a situation could be I was downed at a contested temple skill pt in Orr, but killed the mobs around me. I can’t revive myself because my revive gets interrupted by the contested skill pt and there is no mobs to rally off of or to let kill me since I just killed them. In a time like that i wouldn’t mind a kill button to just end my wait.

I think it's time for new emotes....

in Suggestions

Posted by: Shades.4572


Yes!!! I really like all the emotes in the game and wouldn’t mind having some more. I would even buy a new set with gems if you add it to the store.

An emote that I wouldn’t mind having a would be /peace. Text can say “[Player Name] comes in peace” and perhaps have the player make a peace sign. It would be slightly useful in WvW too since as of now the standard for when you are doing the WvW jp’s is to /wave when you are trying to be neutral, but it would be nice to have a /peace emote. Granted people can trick you by attacking after they emote /peace, but regardless I would find it useful.

Dye Suggestion

in Suggestions

Posted by: Shades.4572


@Diamondgirl it’s funny you say that about the greens considering how they have one of the least amount

Colorwheel found here:



in Suggestions

Posted by: Shades.4572


It is a matter of principle for some people.
If I don’t want people to look at my stats, people shouldn’t look at my stats.
If they really want to see what I have they can ask me and I can decide if I want to show them or not.
Simple as that.

There is already a problem with elitism in this game. And it will most likely increase tenfold should they implement a inspect option.
The reason many people don’t bother with it now is because it is an “annoying” process to check someones gear. But if it suddenly starts being as easy as a single click, way more people would probably do it.

I have to agree with this. As of now I don’t ask to see anyone’s armor or anything and I’m fine with running dungeons with lower lvl players (granted they are at least the required). But if I could inspect ppl that easily I would and I have to say I would be tempted to kick lvl 80s in all greens, or a lvl 60 wearing lvl 50 gear…

1 handed weapons sheathed on back

in Suggestions

Posted by: Shades.4572


I’d like the visual versatility of a back sheath option. It’s handy to have weapons at the hip when previewing chest piece armor skins, though.

Shades, hurrah for aesthetics over practicality, but unless I’m very much mistaken you run slower with weapons in hand than sheathed. So I think you’re slowing down your mobility.

I’m pretty sure I don’t run slower with my weapons out. As long as I just attack the air I stay out of combat and it doesn’t change my speed…But you do have me wondering though and I plan on double checking when I get on later.

One small crafting suggestion

in Suggestions

Posted by: Shades.4572


you could also use the search fuction in recipe list tab to quickly find the recipe you need. but yh this function would actually be helpful

Ya I do use the search function/bar to get to them but even still it is an annoyance when you have to search/backtrack to make items.

One small crafting suggestion

in Suggestions

Posted by: Shades.4572


That would soooo come in handy for cooking. For example cooking…

Orrian Steak Frittes needs> lotus fries which needs> salt and pepper
Orrian truffle and meat stew > staple soup & herbed meat stock > red meat stock & simple stew herbs

It can be so annoying having to double back 2x searching for the other recipes to get all the stuff for one thing. I total support something like that that will just bring you to the recipe.

Or can we have the little plus symbol like we do in the discovery tab. For example with the Jeweler and making an orichalcum ring you need the band setting and 5 exquisite jewels. Let’s say you have 4 orch filigree, 1 exquisite ruby, and a setting you put the ruby, the band, and the setting in the discovery tab. if I remember right there was a little plus button by the ruby for you to make the remaining 4 since you have the crafting stuff for it.

If they could somehow work that into the crafting tab it would be nice. I would also imagine it wouldn’t be that hard to add it since they do have it in the discovery tab. Sure if the recipe was 3 steps or more long you would still have to double back, but it would be an improvement.

Achiev points / daily

in Suggestions

Posted by: Shades.4572


I find people who kick the those with low achv stats is just silly. I know 2 people who have been around since the start who have just 1.8k and 3k pts. It’s not that they are not good or don’t play they just don’t bother with getting achievement points. I get where they are coming from (the people who kick) because the majority of the time if they are under 2k pt they are pretty new, but that’s just not the case with some people.

Prevent players from picking up banners

in Suggestions

Posted by: Shades.4572


But there is some strategic use for other people being able to pick up your banners.

For example, a single banner warrior can provide a group with a total of 4 banners that each with Regeneration. If the warrior himself was the only one who can pick them up, then using multiple banners would actually be detrimental, as you could only take one of them with you.

How about you try to spend less time hitting the F key like a greedy, loot-crazed salivating puppy?

Can’t forget skill 3 and the area swiftness boost. That’s great for running in zerks when others use them too. Regardless though all you have to do is change your interact to some other button and leave aoe loot at F. Other people picking up banners very good strategically I wouldn’t want it to change.

Achievement Progress at a Glance

in Suggestions

Posted by: Shades.4572


I like this idea! Personally I prefer the second one over the bar, but that’s just me. Either would work to be able to quickl see that the achievement is a multi-tier one and you can quickly see which tier/how many more are to go.

1 handed weapons sheathed on back

in Suggestions

Posted by: Shades.4572


Agree it does look weird sometimes with some skins and armors. That’s the main reason I never run with my dual Jade Axes stowed. I just fire an attack at the air and run with them out, but if they have them stowed on my back I might consider just leaving them stowed if they look nice.

Daily Orr Killer/Events

in Suggestions

Posted by: Shades.4572


only if all the mist stuff is removed from the normal daily, i don’t mind walking in orr but i can’t stand PvP.
there is already a PvP daily, don’t make PvE players go through the mist for such a lame reason.
i know that there are alternatives but the mist already takes 3 spots on the daily list and i really don’t want to hunt down champions, do dungeons, farctails or other crap every day that takes to much time.

I assume you mean the WvW stuff that is in the PvE category. It really ins’t that big of a deal that it’s there even if you don’t want to do WvW. Currently there are 15 dailies. So even if you don’t want to do the WvW, Halloween, or Teq dailies you still have 9 dailies to choose from. So you should be able to easily avoid doing the dungeon, fractal, and champion dailies and still get get your daily done in a short time. Beside that champion and fractals are not really time consuming. All you have to do is 1 fractal not a whole run and that is like ~10min on lvl1 and people run around farming the champions in Queensdale and Frostgroge all the time so that would take just a couple mins to do. Just saying, I know some people prefer not to do those or get the dailies like that.


in Suggestions

Posted by: Shades.4572


I like this idea. Personally I tend to run around with magic find food normally and swap out to health gain or power boost food when entering world boss events/dungeon/WvW battles, so having a quick access bar for consumables would be nice. I also see this being beneficial for people who use consumables for Teq fights.

Skill Alteration 1.5

in Suggestions

Posted by: Shades.4572


I like the idea of getting to choose which skills you want for the weapons. That would definitely add variety and personal play styles. Often times I don’t choose to use a weapon because I don’t like 1 or 2 of the skills so this would help with that. I do prefer the drop from 5 bonus to 3, since it seems easier to deal with devlopwise as well as managing, if they stick with your standard 1 damage, 2 cooldown/cost, 3 other.

Not sure how much I like the standard 5 chain weapon skill for the 1 slot, if you intend for every weapon to be like that. For one a 5 chain attack seems long, I believe the chains in game now only go to 3. Second including a leaping/moving skill in skill slot 1 seems like a bad idea. Personally I know I don’t like some skills because they move my character and I could fall down cliff using them or they move me out of a stack.

(edited by Shades.4572)

Cross-class Armor Transumutation

in Suggestions

Posted by: Shades.4572


Personally I think the problem with armor is more of an issue of the lack in variety. With a few exceptions light is all skirts and tailcoats, medium is all trench coats, and heavy is solid plates.

Having a bit more variety with in the armor types would solve issue a lot of people have with wanting their necro look different then their ele, or not wanting all their medium classes have trench coats. While at the same time pvp and wvw people still can differentiate between them by glance (once they learn/recognize the new armors) . Plus people who think necros shouldn’t wear heavy armor or warriors shouldn’t be in a robe will be happy too.

Some ideas to add new skins into the game without having to buy them with gems could be to make each temple armor look different. In order to adjust for the new skins it could be similar to how they had us choose our stats when magic find changed. For example let’s say all the Balthazar armor changed appearance, those that had it before the change could choose from keeping the old look or switching to the new look (one time choice).

(edited by Shades.4572)

Daily Orr Killer/Events

in Suggestions

Posted by: Shades.4572


Personally I like the idea of including Orr with the dailies and I don’t see it being that big of a deal with lower level characters. There is enough daily options a day for them to get their daily, so it’s not like they can’t get their daily if they don’t travel to Orr.

Having a few Orr dailies would give Orr back some attention they lost with all the living story stuff. I also wouldn’t mind having a participate in a template run, sort of like Boss Week had participate in a world boss event.

Add New Species to Ranger Pets

in Suggestions

Posted by: Shades.4572


Not sure about the pet evolution thing, but I like the idea of adding a couple more families in the game. If they did add a pet evolution thing to the game I think it would be neat to be able to choose the F2 skill for the pet.

As far as more pets go the underwater pets is lacking in my opinion. I would like to see more Shark or Armored fish to choose from since they are in families by themselves.

For the Shark family there could be the great white shark, hammerhead shark reskin, tiger shark reskin, zebra shark reskin.
The armored fish family can be renamed to just armored family and could include the armored fish, turtle, crab.

I don’t think it would be too hard to add those since the Sharks are really just reskins and they could just change up it so in Southsun those Sharks are now Zebra Sharks, Bloodtide Sharks are now Tiger Sharks, ect. Then we have the armored family which are already in the game.

Necro: Flesh golem, inanimate objects

in Suggestions

Posted by: Shades.4572


In all honesty I really don’t care if the Golem does absolutely nothing in the water but swim and get hit by things. It’s just having to wait for the cooldown after going in the water for a second is such a pain.

Necro: Flesh golem, inanimate objects

in Suggestions

Posted by: Shades.4572


I agree when ever i run as my necro It is highly annoying have my Flesh Golem drown all the time. I also don’t even care if they just make him swim on the surface and not attack the fact being when I get out of the water having to wait for that cooldown is bothersome.

I do wish the staff would be set off by more stuff. Seeing as how they are pretty useless against world bosses. An idea for a fix could be to have it stay as it is and enemies can set it off when they run over it, but also add a manually trigger. That way we can lay out marks and trigger them on the world bosses.

Please improve the Looking for Group tool

in Suggestions

Posted by: Shades.4572


Personally I like the way the LFG tool is and I don’t think it needs separate categories. Even if they did there will still be people who click on the wrong one and join your group anyway. More or less I just think people need to type what they want better/right to the point. There really is no need to type lf3m or lfg since everyone can see how many are there and can see what professions. After awhile people will stop using the shorthands like lfm, at least I hope anyway. That way people can just see/type Story or Exp Any Path, Path 2 Speed run, ect. Once people stop saying unneeded information like lf3m it will be less likely for the description to get cut off.

Title for completing jumping puzzles

in Suggestions

Posted by: Shades.4572


That would be nice. I remember one of my guildmates actually ran through and did all of his jps because he saw a bunch of people with the title “Distinction in Applied Jumping” and he assumed you got it from doing all the jps. Unfortunately he realized it was for SAB a week late and had to wait til it came out again to get his title.

Toy Maker

in Suggestions

Posted by: Shades.4572


If you mean a Toy Maker like for town clothes I wouldn’t mind having that. In fact I would like to have a crafting station for town clothes and toys. Before someone says that they won’t because town clothes is their moneymaker they could just have it so you create basic town clothes and the festive fancy town clothes and costumes are the ones you have to buy with gems.

Bloodstone Dust/Empy Fragment to 10% ratio

in Suggestions

Posted by: Shades.4572


The only issue I see with this is what about the empy fragments you get doing mini dungeons or jumping puzzles. In those you only get around 3-9 so reducing that would either make the rewards go away completely for jps or reduce it to 1 which is way to high in comparison to a dungeon only giving you 5. WvW also has lower drop amounts for doing varies things which would be another issue.

I get where you are coming from though it is a minor annoyance whenever I can’t deposit them due to already having 250. That being said it really is just a minor annoyance, since I do have my crafting up that high I just quickly refine them and be on my way. For those that don’t have their crafting that high I imagine it is a big bother though, because I know I wouldn’t just destroy them, I would want to save them for when I could use it.

Sent Box for Mail

in Suggestions

Posted by: Shades.4572


This would be so great to have. There could be a Sent tab/button underneath the Compose button in the Mail menu. Even if you limit the Sent box to 10 just like the Inbox it would be nice.

I also wouldn’t mind having the text stay there when you hit reply, like emails. For example someone mails me “Hello” I hit reply and in my text box it says “Someone: Hello” and I can choose to just erase it or type in it like a conversation.

Daily Dungeons / Monthly Dungeons

in Suggestions

Posted by: Shades.4572


If anything I feel like they would just move the WvW dailies to their own category. That way all 3 play options WvW PvE and PvP have their own categories. It wouldn’t be that big of a deal to create a daily category for WvW since they already have 3 WvW dialies for you to do a day. Plus we have the WvW Season 1 in living story which is kind of like a monthly in a way.

Dungeons on the other hand are not offered as a daily everyday it’s more random. Plus a run on average takes around 30mins give or take depending on the group. Having 4 dungeon dailies could take 2 hours to do, I just don’t see that happening everyday.

Movement speed in combat

in Suggestions

Posted by: Shades.4572


Tell me about it. My necro is a minion master and no matter where I go I have to fight everything in my path. It is just not possible for me to run past anything since my minions attract a lot of attention due to the fact that we are a spread out bunch. They get hit I run slower and lose my meat shields if I choose to just keep running, which is hard since I’m so slow running and don’t have the signet equipped as a minion master.

Display plant ranks

in Suggestions

Posted by: Shades.4572


I personally don’t have an issue with this since I only use Mithril gathering tools and switch to Orichalcum when mining orich and ancient, so it’s not much for me to keep track of. I can imagine it is frustrating for those who do swap them out all the time. An idea of how to make it easier for people could maybe change the color of node text to red when you don’t have the right level equipped that would be easily noticeable, although I don’t know if that would be hard to add in.

a Daily i'd like to see implemented

in Suggestions

Posted by: Shades.4572


I would +1 this but you have it as a question I cant =/ But I do like the idea it is a great way to promote the lfg system. For those that think it’s too easy of an achv point to get for the daily just look at the one for visiting the laurel vendor that one is basically just to promote using laurels.

I agree with Mercury though and how it should be just for opening the window or something along those lines since it would cause massive spam on those days.

Neutrality in WvW

in Suggestions

Posted by: Shades.4572


For everyone who talks about the neutral being toggle on and off and zerks using it to take over places, obvious if they ever add something like this it wouldn’t be a toggle on and off thing just for that fact. I do wish there was a white flag option for the jumping puzzles though going through the first part of the of the EB puzzle and getting killed in the cages really sucks along with sneaking my way past all enemies in their Borderlands just to be killed at the entrance of the puzzle also sucks. Besides getting a couple of blueprints doing the puzzle does nothing for WvW and I hate how people choose to camp there killing people. I would just like for there to be a white flag option at the entrance to the jumping puzzles like a buff that will add a white flag to your back like a backpack of sorts when you enter the jp zone/area. It can be optional though choose to pick it up or not. If you pick it up you can’t get rid of it until you leave the area and you don’t get the blueprints if you have it.

Saved Custom Graphics

in Suggestions

Posted by: Shades.4572


Just as the title says I would like there to be a Saved Custom Graphics setting. The reason for it is I switch my graphics down to the lowest/Best Performance when playing WvW, fighting Teq with TTS, and when running in with Zerks, since it is less likely that I will crash or lag if my settings are turned down. When I’m down doing that I go back to normal PvE stuff and it takes a minute to set my graphics back to my preferred setting. Typically I choose auto-detect and then tweak it since I don’t like the post processing because of the outlines and turn down the shaders and a couple options because of all the shiny surfaces. It would just be really nice to have a custom settings saved that way I can switch back and forth between lowest and my preferred without any hassle.

TL;DR Want custom saved grphic setting, so people can swap between lowest and preferred easily.

Account wide Commander

in Suggestions

Posted by: Shades.4572


As much as I myself would also like an account bound commander tag it’s just not going to happen. There are many people who have bought them for their alts. Changing it to account bound would make those people rage hard about how they bought x number of tags and would want to compensated their gold back.

New professions suggestions

in Suggestions

Posted by: Shades.4572


i dont know about necro style but ive had an idea using the atunement system for a heavy.

A Heavy class that “attunes” itself to either offense or defensive roles. Its class mechanic would be to have an offensive and defensive chant that would switch weapon skills based on it . It would have a medium base health and have the following weapons
Main hand
Off hand
2 hand
An example of offensive vs defensive chant might be
Sword Dagger offense grants a chance at poisoning a foe on dagger strikes and is purely offensive where as Sword Dagger defense grants a chance at stability every so many seconds and has more block/evade skills

This is a pretty neat idea. I picture it to be similar to how ele attunes to its different elements and only allow it to have one weapon set at a time. Could even maybe be Offense, Defense, Support if they feel like just offense vs defense isn’t enough. Offense could grant might and damage conditions. Defense stability and blocks. Lastly support could remove conditions and regen.

Guild Chat

in Suggestions

Posted by: Shades.4572


Agreed being able to see Guild Chat from all my guilds would be great! I would want a filter for “All Guilds” and “Repping Guild” though. That way I can have a tab for “All Guild” chat that can flash for me when my other guilds are talking.