Showing Posts For Simon.3794:


in PvP

Posted by: Simon.3794


Use “kick” to kick some one off broken glkitten in skyhammer, the guy was like nice kick, and i was like This, is, Sparta!!!

Balance Patch confirmed for June 24th

in PvP

Posted by: Simon.3794


so 3 month of no reward whatsoever for playing pvp?

Decap Engis are OP, pls nerf

in PvP

Posted by: Simon.3794


Olrun the handsome norn

Legendary armour on gem store?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Simon.3794


Well, no. If you really want to buy legendary stuff, you can always buy gems and convert them to gold.

No thanks the gem to gold rate is poor that will make the ledgendary armour very expensive. I rather give my money to Anet then some gold seller!

EHh no, because Anet will just put the price which is equal to the convert rate.

Why do you dislike PU mesmers

in Profession Balance

Posted by: Simon.3794


It is hated beacause

1st : it is a faceroll build, no skill required
2nd : too many stealth spamming
3rd : does not contribute much in a 5v5 (ofc it will help if you are really good or enemy team is really bad), most people just ignore it as a whole.
4th : no reason to fight with them in a 1v1
5th : conditions

1)Spirit Ranger, Warriors, Necros, – All have specs that could be considered skilless And are also all complained about on the forums.

2)To much stealth spamming is like complaining a class uses it’s skills to much? The spec/class is based on that much like the thief.

3)EXACTLY MY POINT – the spec is built for 1v1’s and solo roaming. It’s terrible in group settings so it gives up all viability in all other aspects of the game to be good at one particular area. That is the definition of balance brah.

4)Correct – You don’t have to fight them 1v1 and you can easily escape them. Once again that screams balanced to me.

5)Conditions – This is about the only point you have any valid concerns over.

1. if you are comparing PU with ranger, warrior, necro in terms of facerollness, you are clueless.

2. we do not simply hate “stealth spamming” we hate what comes with stealth, which a thief do not have. and mesmer spamming stealth more then a thief is just lol

3. it is a pain in the ahole, to fight against or 1v1, it is also a pain in the ahole to have it in our own team (that’s why it is hated, no one want it, no one want to against it either)

4. balanced and what, balance doesnt make this build any less faceroll, or hated, or “no one want it, no one want to against it either”

you don’t get it dont you.

Let me concludes4 you, why everybody hates it.

Because it is a faceroll no skill build, that you don’t want to have on your team, nor you want to fight against (which already included a lot of people, if you don’t realize), which makes noob think they are good, and actually more faceroll then any thing ever existed in gw2. even fighting a MM necro is more fun then fighting a PU, PU mesmer is just a worst most boring cancer build ever made. it is hated in all view angels except maybe the player, it’s just ridiculous.

(edited by Simon.3794)

what cast time can be reliably interrupted?

in PvP

Posted by: Simon.3794


depends, on classes

amazing upcoming patch

in PvP

Posted by: Simon.3794


lol this is hilarious

was thinking exactly the same thing, after seeing the locked thread

like seriously?

How is PvP these days?

in PvP

Posted by: Simon.3794


hambow is not top when there is a decap engi.

and condition is still OP, necro eats engi, necro engi eats thief mesmer or anything without much condition clear. hambow eats necro tho. i assume when hambow war is nerfed to not viable, everyone will just go condition spamming again.

(edited by Simon.3794)

Why do you dislike PU mesmers

in Profession Balance

Posted by: Simon.3794


It is hated beacause

1st : it is a faceroll build, no skill required
2nd : too many stealth spamming
3rd : does not contribute much in a 5v5 (ofc it will help if you are really good or enemy team is really bad), most people just ignore it as a whole.
4th : no reason to fight with them in a 1v1
5th : conditions

Nerf Warriors -- What about our skill cap?

in Warrior

Posted by: Simon.3794


heres a high skill cap for you, 20 0 20 0 30 gs/lb zerker, bullcharge frenzy balanced stance

one of the few skill required balanced builds, too bad, op condition spamming necro or any thing else op destroy it, tho you can still beat them if you are good at dodging all their insta casts and infinite cc’s

CDI- Fractal Evolution

in CDI

Posted by: Simon.3794


Topic Title: Updates to Fractal Currency and items

Goal: Make fractal currency viable again.

Proposal Overview: Allow fractal tokens to be used for a variety of ascended related items.

Proposal Details: Since launch, there have been no significant changes to what can be obtained from Buy-4373. At the same time, Ascended gear, arguably, has its main use in Fractals of the mists. Currently many of our hardcore fractal players are sitting on tens of thousands of relics and hundreds of rings. Thus, we should add support for the fractal currency to acquire new items from Buy-4373. In addition we should add a new vendor which would allow us to exchange items. The amounts listed below are for demonstration purposes:

Add New Items to the Fractal Vendor

  • Amulets – 2000 fractal Relics
  • Earrings/trinkets – 1900 Fractal Relics
  • Dragonite ore – 5 Fractal Relics
  • Bloodstone Dust – 5 Fractal Relics
  • Empyreal Fragments – 5 Fractal Relics
  • Add a simple white 20 slot bag to the vendor – 100 Fractal Relics
  • Add Fractal Weapon Boxes to the vendor. – 5000 Fractal Relics
  • Add the Fractal Tonic to the Vendor – 15000 Fractal Relics
  • Add Fine infusions to the Vendor. – 3500 Fractal Relics

Add a Currency Exchange Vendor to Fractals.

  • Fractal tokens for laurels. 100 Fractal Relics for 1 Laurel
  • Fractal tokens for Karma jugs. 1 Fractal Relics per 10 Karma Point. A Jug of 6000 Karma = 600 relics.
  • Fractal tokens for Guild Influence. 1 Fractal Relic per 10 Influence pts.
  • Ring Exchange: 3 Rings for 1.
  • Ring Exchange: 1 Ring for 5 Pristine Fractal Relics.

Goal of the Proposal:
While other parts of the game have been updated, the fractal currency has fallen behind. Currently, and without much sense, you cannot acquire ascended related materials in the place where it matters most: Fractals of the Mists. We are in need of a change that will add support to our existing currency by expanding its base, while at the same time introducing a mechanism to exchange fractal currency into other types of in game currency.

i really dont want fractal weapons become legendary grind fest, instead of relics, 3 fotm weapon for a weapon box would be better

CDI- Fractal Evolution

in CDI

Posted by: Simon.3794


Fractal weapon trade

3 fractal weapon for 1 fractal weapon of your choice

Old, untransmuted fractal weapon trader

Trade old fractal weapon for it’s skin form.

After 1000 tournament games...

in PvP

Posted by: Simon.3794


you forgot sp thief, meditation guard

Custom Arena - "No HS Warriors"

in PvP

Posted by: Simon.3794


LoL you said bunker thieves +1

it does exist, lord glaphe, top 200 soloq, he got in to 1st page once


in PvP

Posted by: Simon.3794


just so you know, i have another ss, this is spirit watch as well, the winning ss, other ele left, so ill put this one


Take orb from downed player (spirit watch)

in PvP

Posted by: Simon.3794



15 message body

4v5 Solo Arenas

in PvP

Posted by: Simon.3794


man, you play too much

I love decap engi

in PvP

Posted by: Simon.3794


i eat engineers for lunch on my zerker ranger.

so skilled, much wow

Best levelling build for Eles?

in Elementalist

Posted by: Simon.3794


staff, so aoe, much damage
blink fiery greatsword instant kill aoe so fast.

So...why are they nerfing thief damage again?

in Thief

Posted by: Simon.3794


who cares, its not affecting pvp,
wvw, crit damage too op,
pve ppc too op.

I love decap engi

in PvP

Posted by: Simon.3794


this guys would like to agree heh

heres a better version


(HELP!) Is it my attack too low ?

in Warrior

Posted by: Simon.3794


lol you want pure damage? full ppc ascended gears with +5 power infusion
25 stacks of bloodlust
1 banner of discipline
4 signets with + precision trait
use signet of rage.
runes of scholar
sigil of accuracy

30 30 0 0 10,

if you already have 100% crit chance go 30 10 0 0 30.


in PvP

Posted by: Simon.3794


Lol, i like how i’m in this picture(as one of the warriors) as well as in the 5 engi picture in the “decap engi” thread as one of the engis and both posted in similar time. btw that 5 engis match, we actually won. kinda sad he only ss’d the beginning of the match.

(edited by Simon.3794)

should we have a fractured map?

in PvP

Posted by: Simon.3794


you mean edge of the mists?

Glory removed,butwhat happens to sPvP armor?

in PvP

Posted by: Simon.3794


i have like 500 chests that i can not open because i simply have no enough salvage kit and things you get from it right now are bad.

Lag/DCing again....

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Simon.3794


seems like LoL have this problem too, it’s probably caused by the weather

If the devs don't play spvp why should we?

in PvP

Posted by: Simon.3794


o_O Where to people come up with this stuff?

ALL of us play PvP. Though, I’ll give you that I’m no where near as good as Powerr, Grouch, Roy, Hugh, and Tyler. I’m pretty sure they’ve all made it to the top 100.

I play on Isle of Janthir, and you can usually find me in Solo Arena as Flux or Aegir.

Do they all play warriors? That would explain a lot lol.

you are clearly not top 500 soloq to be able to have a chance to q with them to know what they play.

and i’m surprised that you don’t even know what Grouch plays, make me think that you are a PvE troll.

Vote for the Warrior Development

in Profession Balance

Posted by: Simon.3794


Hey devs, I think warrior need the vote, besides ranger, because the concept is bad, the fighting style it’s too simple and forward, no skill play, stats stacking.

that’s why i think it needs the vote, because this seems to be a big redesign which is what a warrior needs, from the core of it’s concept. because right now, it will mostly either be op or just complete trash, because a lot of it’s skill designs and class design.

Vote for the Warrior Development

in Profession Balance

Posted by: Simon.3794


I’m sorry but I don’t think you understand what “Collaborative Development” actually means.

Warriors are already DEVELOPED ok?
They are viable across all aspects in this game, thats a 100% fact.

There are classes out there that need actual attention and development.

Rangers, I’m no longer even going to bother posting about this class – it’s not even a class imo, its just there. This class is the least viable class in the entire game. Name me some scenarios where a ranger is more useful than any other classes.

Thieves – Textbook definition of one trick pony – stealth and backstab. Run into any trouble? stealth and disengage away. 0 skill involved with this class as well. Just stealth up and go around backstabbing. This class needs more viabality across all boards instead of ONLY roaming…

Eles – breath on them and they die, easy one here. lowest HP pool + lowest armor. Terrible DPS if they do decide to go for PVT armor… great synergy in terms of their offensive repertoire but they rarely get to complete it given the fact a skritt could toss a bottle at it and instantly down the ele.

Those 3 easily need more development time and thought from the Devs.

I could care less about warriors, sure they need some nerfs, but again, buffing other classes is waaaaay more important than anything you just suggested.

Classes should have multiple viable builds in all aspects of the game.
Focus on that first. Not any redesign of a class like warrior whos already viable in all forms…. make the other classes viable first, than balance it out.

No, Other classes are already viable, they are “not viable” (except ranger, that’s another story), it’s because warrior is easiest class to play, with a lot mistake tolerance. So you want all classes to be buffed to facetank hundred blade no skill classes just like the warrior? ? or you prefer warrior need the same level of skills to have sustain like every one else. (pve wise ofc) (in pvp, i think everyone agree that warrior passive sustain should be brough down and skills should be redesigned instead of buffing everyone else, thats just power creep.)

Sorry dude, but everyone that voted in the collarborative development thread has stated which classes are UNPLAYABLE and LEAST VIABLE and warrior is the least of other voters worry.

Once again, Warrior is the LAST class right now that needs to be looked at in TERMS OF DEVELOPMENT. What you are discussing BALANCING. THIS IS ABOUT DEVELOPMENT

You know how many different builds warriors have? quite a few. Not all classes are on that level of diversity as warrior. you can’t argue agaisnt that.

I already stated theives/ele/ranger diversity in builds.
You still want more? Necros/Engineer are pretty much condi bunker. No power damage or burst available at all. Both classes have a ton of potential variety but they just are viable because Anet has yet to make those other options up to par with their condi skills.
Neither of these classes even have a dangerous burst build lol.

Guardians are in a really solid place, no arguement there, they don’t need much fine tuning or development.

mesmers are unique with their class specific ability and are pretty useful in zerg or roaming or pve , they like guardians , useful everywhere they go.

mesmers/guards/warriors dont need as much developement as the other classes.

I know that no many people will vote for warriors, because they think it will only be buffs or some people just want to be as brainless facetank as warriors, i just posted this to get devs attention.

tbh balancing is a part of development, warrior is definitely not developped as say an engineer or a elementalist, it became playable simply through stats stacking, even guardian is more developed then warriors

again i don’t know in which mode you are talking about from build diversity, in PvE it’s all over which build does the most damage, since that’s all its matter, in tPvP, Hambow PTV, that’s it, everything else seems viable in hotjoin or 1v1 are simply supported by the over the top passive sustain and stats stacking.

like i said, thieves and eles definitely do not lack diversity, what ele needs is sustain. thieves are already diverse enough, having sp, dp, sd, sb each of these sets have few different builds, pvp wise. in pve it’s all over sword aoe and dagger single target.

ele actually has some diversity in pve, all weapon sets can be used, my friends in fotm actually switch from s/d to s/f, and some other eles play staff or d/d. in pvp, all ele need is sustain.

guardian definitely in good spot, best bunker pvp, damage better then warrior in pve, etc.

mesmer needs some tweak in pvp, but that’s it.

Vote for the Warrior Development

in Profession Balance

Posted by: Simon.3794


And Necros – game breaking bugs since launch, so many problems with defence, mobility etc.. broken class mechanic (Deathshroud skill bar lag).

They are up there with Rangers as the least desired class in dungeons.

Condi-bombs are too strong in certain situations.

Lack of attrition, which is what the class is supposed to be about – being hard to kill and wearing opponents down over time.

Necros need a lot of tinkering.

My 3 were Rangers, Elementalists and Necros

Warriors do not need any focus at this point – they are extremely playable in all aspects of the game.

Once they nerf crit damage and increase condition cap(which they talked about), i’m sure there will be more necros, now on to topic, warrior are extremely playable and they are complained by everyone else and they are over the top, it’s because it’s brainless facetank dps, easiest class to play, instead of “having high skill ceiling and out shine other classes when well played”, while other classes are hard to play, so by that, do you really want other classes to become brainless facetank dps just like the warrior?

and i thought a lot of people would want to see warrior nerfed and actually acquire skills and can have skillful plays, but i guess i was wrong. i guess people just want to brainlessfacetank on all classes then.

Vote for the Warrior Development

in Profession Balance

Posted by: Simon.3794


I’m sorry but I don’t think you understand what “Collaborative Development” actually means.

Warriors are already DEVELOPED ok?
They are viable across all aspects in this game, thats a 100% fact.

There are classes out there that need actual attention and development.

Rangers, I’m no longer even going to bother posting about this class – it’s not even a class imo, its just there. This class is the least viable class in the entire game. Name me some scenarios where a ranger is more useful than any other classes.

Thieves – Textbook definition of one trick pony – stealth and backstab. Run into any trouble? stealth and disengage away. 0 skill involved with this class as well. Just stealth up and go around backstabbing. This class needs more viabality across all boards instead of ONLY roaming…

Eles – breath on them and they die, easy one here. lowest HP pool + lowest armor. Terrible DPS if they do decide to go for PVT armor… great synergy in terms of their offensive repertoire but they rarely get to complete it given the fact a skritt could toss a bottle at it and instantly down the ele.

Those 3 easily need more development time and thought from the Devs.

I could care less about warriors, sure they need some nerfs, but again, buffing other classes is waaaaay more important than anything you just suggested.

Classes should have multiple viable builds in all aspects of the game.
Focus on that first. Not any redesign of a class like warrior whos already viable in all forms…. make the other classes viable first, than balance it out.

No, Other classes are already viable, they are “not viable” (except ranger, that’s another story), it’s because warrior is easiest class to play, with a lot mistake tolerance. So you want all classes to be buffed to facetank hundred blade no skill classes just like the warrior? ? or you prefer warrior need the same level of skills to have sustain like every one else. (pve wise ofc) (in pvp, i think everyone agree that warrior passive sustain should be brough down and skills should be redesigned instead of buffing everyone else, thats just power creep.)

tbh i don’t know in which game mode you are talking , because in pvp thieves have dp sp sd(each has few different version of trait builds), in wvw pd pp are viable too, there are even sb thief bunker player amount top 100 soloq. while in pve, it’s sp that dominates, not backstab, dd for single targets, sword for stacking aoe damage. while ele in pvp gets dominated, ele in pve is simply the highest dps class, pve is so easy too, if you die, better ask about your skill.

(edited by Simon.3794)

Warrior Immunity concept.

in Profession Balance

Posted by: Simon.3794


I’m not talking about mist form, Focus earth 5. 50 CD 4 seconds invulnerability which you can cast other spells during it, i play SF ele, i know it.

So, you compare ONE skill against another. Ignoring the fact that Ele start with Lowest Health, Lowest Armor and are forced to go into defensive options in order not to get 1-2 shot.

Sorry but that doesnt work.

That’s why i’m saying that the skills have no problem, the problem is healing signets and passive sustains, can’t you read? or at least understand? you did just mention having lowest health, lowest armor and warrior have so much more. did i ever say that focus5 has problem? please buy some logic, because you clearly don’t understand.

and ele is not forced to go full defensive, blink can be used defense and offense, so is arcane shield, 30 points in to air is not defensive as a scepter player

####Too long, English too difficult version :
warrior op need nerf, nerf passive sustain, nerf healing signet, no nerf stances.

(edited by Simon.3794)

Warrior Immunity concept.

in Profession Balance

Posted by: Simon.3794


tbh, anet need to stop giving warriors passive sustain and give them more active sustain and utilities

the concept of warriors being able to “facetank” and no much technic involved is just bad design.

the problem is not these active skills(stances), it’s warriors passive sustain. ele has 4 second complete invulnerbility with only 50 CD(which warrior need 3 utilities to achieve) and can cast other spells during it, no one has problem with it.

Erm, Endure Pain 4 second duration, Mist Form 3 second duration. It also locks the ele out of weapon skills, heal, utilities and elite and has a higher cool down…

Warrior then has access to block, 3 second duration Vs 4 second of ele which has a 50second cool down vs 30seconds of warrior

Endure Pain + Block = 90 second cool down total. 4 seconds of immunity to damage and can still heal, use utilities and weapon skills

Mist Form+ Obsidian Armor = 125second cool down. 3 seconds of being locked out of weapon skills, heal, utilities and elite.

So not sure what you were actually saying. Warrior has BETTER passive healing than any class by simply equipping a signet. They also have the Highest Health and Armor of all classes the only one that has BOTH high/high. They also have crazy CC ability and the BEST mobility in the game. that requires taking Greatsword, Hammer and Healing Signet…That is it, that is ignoring the traits, the utilities and everything else.

They can go zerker and still be plenty tanky, Go ele and try going Zerker…

I’m not talking about mist form, Focus earth 5. 50 CD 4 seconds invulnerability which you can cast other spells during it, i play SF ele, i know it.

Again, block can be easily interrupted by unblockables or deal damage through, and you can’t do stuff while blocking, endure pain is 60 CD 3 second damage immunity, during which you can be CC’ed, apply conditions, and more stuff.

“So not sure what you were actually saying”
i’m talking about how passive sustain (like healing signet) is bad design and should be removed, you clearly can not read.

“They also have crazy CC ability and the BEST mobility” but they can’t have both of them at the same time, or else they are not viable. Also if you are talking about PvP maps, every classes that has blink have better mobility then a warrior.

i’m sure you don’t play a lot of classes don’t you.

note: just so you know, every pvpers should play multiple classes.

(edited by Simon.3794)

Vote for the Warrior Development

in Profession Balance

Posted by: Simon.3794


Before you start asking why, because it is a class which is good (in a bad way) in all game modes.

Collaborative Development doesn’t mean buffs.
I think warrior needs a redesign.

the concept of having their sustain passive is bad design in my opinion, pure passive sustain will never be balanced, either over the top or just complete trash. and the class mechanics is definitely the least developed compare to everyone else, right now, only stats stacking and passive heal making the warrior shine or in another word op, in various game modes.

Let’s go through the utilities in general.
This class has no useful utilities other then pure stats buff and selfish stances,

all pure stats buffs (banners) are just power creep and doesn’t provide any skillful play. you just plan it there and you will never touch it.

stances is pretty much the only utilities out there that provides some skill play while not being completely useless
like all the physicals and shouts

i think these skills are just useless, back in the days you can still use bullcharge frenzy hundred blades, but then, Arena net spread stunbreaks over all utilities, so it became useless, not to mention its a 40 CD single target CC with 1 second cast time, still tho, it’s the most useful one imo.

Nothing much to say, Pure stats buff on CD spam power creep, the only one that provides interesting plays and important plays is fear me, this is pretty much the only long range fast CC warrior has, that can prevent enemy guardian’s shelter

Signets( exclude healing signet, because we are talking about utilities here) can be played and provide some what interesting plays, but i feel like they are really limited, like the unblockable from signets of might, it is really situational (unlike signets on thieves, powerful and useful), and active on signet of fury is not that good as well, the only useful one is Dolyak signet and signet of stamina, i think they are pretty good, but still need some improvements.

Let’s talk about Elites:

Signet of rage:
pure on CD spam powercreep that can be boon corrupted, stolen, in terms of PvP, people just use it because it’s low CD to enjoy runes of lyssa, we should call it Signet of Lyssa instead.

One of the worst skills, nothing else to say.

This one is good, it provide nice buffs, but you wouldn’t want to spam it on CD.
one thing bug me is that, why can’t it self rez, like spirit of nature if you cast the skill before you die, you can self rez, and elixir of engineer too, well i guess that’s just design.

In conclusions, warrior doesn’t have much useful utilities that provides skillful play and gain their sustain purely through passive is bad and need redesign.

Also, Why warriors only have fire field.

Note1 : Warriors without cleansing ire and longbow and berserker stance is not viable.

Note2: Anet nerfed warriors damage before buffing their sustains, which forces warriors to go bunker, bunkerish, hard to kill with a lot of CCs, Also warriors need CC to land damge, power warriors utilities doesn’t provide any survibility (in another word simply not enough)

Note3 : All movements skills of warriors are affected by Cripples and Chills (again, lack of useful utilities to get out of combat = go bunkerish) Which means, cleansing ire and longbow F1 is a must, or you will just be kited to death.

Note4: power skills of other classes are way easier to land then warriors’, which again, make warriors to CC bunkerish.

To concludes again, i want warriors to get their sustain more through active and have more useful utilities other then on spam power creep stats buff, not just 6789, but in all skills set, maybe adding f2, f3, f4, etc.

Tell me what you think.

(edited by Simon.3794)

Vote for the Profession Collaborative Development

in Profession Balance

Posted by: Simon.3794


1. Warrior

even tho this class is good (in a bad way) in a lot of game modes

the concept is bad. passive sustain is bad, being able to facetank stuff passively is bad, also this class doesnt have any useful utilities except pure states buffs and selfish stances, physics utilities are just bad and no one ever use it in all game mode(except bullcharge).

Warrior Immunity concept.

in Profession Balance

Posted by: Simon.3794


tbh, anet need to stop giving warriors passive sustain and give them more active sustain and utilities

the concept of warriors being able to “facetank” and no much technic involved is just bad design.

the problem is not these active skills(stances), it’s warriors passive sustain. ele has 4 second complete invulnerbility with only 50 CD(which warrior need 3 utilities to achieve) and can cast other spells during it, no one has problem with it.

(edited by Simon.3794)

what characters the developers play?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Simon.3794


Roy plays asura engi with 2 legendaries

saw him on stream in dungeon the other day.

daily skyhammer rage thread

in PvP

Posted by: Simon.3794


just bring a warrior!

oh wait..

best class to carry a team in soloq?

in PvP

Posted by: Simon.3794


engi, best carry class, warrior doesnt have mobility or team support

thief can be good carry class, if your team is generally tanky and cant do damage.

Are Warriors Op?

in Profession Balance

Posted by: Simon.3794


No other class in GW2 is capable of combining top survivability, top CC, top damge and top buff/debuff capabilities all in one build. I wont say the damge the warrior deals is OP, I wont say the survivability is OP, I wont even say the CC’s or the buffs are OP. I just say that the combination of all those aspects are OP. You can have your damage. But don’t claim to be tanky and specced with a hell lot of CC’s at the same time. And that’s the problem with the warrior right now.

Engineer has good mobility, good defensive tools, good aoes, good kit-ability, good aoe CC, good unblock-able CC, good team support, variation of conditions and stealth.

just saying.

1. The engineer can’t offer all those aspects all together in one build
2. Isn’t the engineer considered OP in spvp?

1. I said that all based on one build which i’m playing right now
2. What do you think.

Are Warriors Op?

in Profession Balance

Posted by: Simon.3794


No other class in GW2 is capable of combining top survivability, top CC, top damge and top buff/debuff capabilities all in one build. I wont say the damge the warrior deals is OP, I wont say the survivability is OP, I wont even say the CC’s or the buffs are OP. I just say that the combination of all those aspects are OP. You can have your damage. But don’t claim to be tanky and specced with a hell lot of CC’s at the same time. And that’s the problem with the warrior right now.

Engineer has good mobility, good defensive tools, good aoes, good kit-ability, good aoe CC, good unblock-able CC, good team support, variation of conditions and stealth.

just saying.

Decap Engi

in PvP

Posted by: Simon.3794


2.) Sure a axe/sword – bow Warrior will kill this type of engineer. But the fact you either give up utlities for stability (and the chance of a decap is still existing) makes the warrior not that powerfull compared to a hambow.

3.) Please, don’t refer an NA-Tournament as an argument to proove facts. That doesn’t work. A good engineer can hold extremly long in a 1v1. Also we don’t talk about top-teams only, but also lower-tiered teams, where such engineers have the biggest impact, because unexperienced teams don’t know how to handle/neutralize such builds.

4.) If you send a thief back you are outnumbered on mid. The only reason why teams can survive such situations is the reason of too much sustain (especially setups with warriors and rangers). In the burst-meta, no team was able to make such a rotation (Balance in gw2 these days is completely kittened up anyway).

7.) Again! The problem with decap-engis is that if you ever get knocked out of the point, they will immobilize instantly. Stunbreak doesn’t help on immobilize.

Really interesting, it comes to be a L2P issue after you try to explain it.

You said NA-Tournament doesn’t work to be a proof, so why don’t you get some? And what lower-tiered teams should be? A decap engi still need practice and knowledge, you can’t faceroll or just skill spam. You thought decap engi is much easier to learn but I don’t think so, you need practice to hit enemy successfully, and leran when to dodge and block since engi got less reliable break stun skills. A bad bunker engi falls really easily. In the video, you can see a DPS decap engi killed another bunker decap engi which his CC skills always missed, it’s hard to see so many miss in a “top-team” game, and AR didn’t helps.

Outnumbered is the same issue too, it’s a 5v5 game, not WvW. And it’s not a hold-home-and-mid game, you can’t always do this pattern, that’s what decap engi focuses. You still can win if you know what to do, complain can’t help you.

And Rifle has both launch and immobilize since released, so is AR (thought it’s bugged at first). Engi didn’t got any buff like warrior’s healing signet, so decap engi should have existed for a long time, but becomes a issue just recently.

decap engi was a thing long ago, people ran it in solo and team, and a lot of people rage because of it, became a thing recently because some people posted on forum and more people started to run it.

Are Warriors Op?

in Profession Balance

Posted by: Simon.3794


The build in question is FOUR signet-1 shout hambow with unknown traits.


I don’t like Berserk Stance… Then i slotted signet of fury

How can you not like 8 seconds of total immunity to conditions plus adrenaline gain?

Very long CD and very easy to counter…

Yeah, you are weak against cripple and chill and you can be kited, oh wait …

any warrior that doesnt have cleansing ire and a longbow is weak to cripple and chill and can be easily kited.

Warrior true weakness

in Profession Balance

Posted by: Simon.3794


warrior weakness? no mobility hambow, or sucks at condition cleansing
problem with warrior is that it’s sustain is given through passive which is bad design.
a warrior alone is ok to deal with, but when there’s 2 PTV hard to kill heavy armor warriors spaming AoE CCs which will eventually kill everybody on a node, now that’s hell.

Thief...falling more and more behind

in Thief

Posted by: Simon.3794


I mean even our signets are half as powerful as those of others.

Unlike Rangers, you don’t have to spend 30 points into a traitline to make em work, so stop crying about signets.
Thief signets are not that bad, it’s just that warrior signets are way too good.

But yeah. was playing on my ranger today in EotM, i feel sorry for you guys since you have no reliable stability. I kept sending thieves flying off bridges time after time, never had such an easy time against thieves in my life.

warriors’ signets arent even that good, signet of rage is only good for being a low CD elite so you can combine it with lyssa, the buff it provide can be easily stolen or corrupted and doesnt provide much actual plays. signet of might and fury are pure useless and signet of dolyak is a 60 second CD stability. only good signet is healing signet.

Tired of thieves being so overpowered

in Thief

Posted by: Simon.3794


no need to troll, thieves are easily one of the most noob friendly classes next to warrior and necro.

A love letter to conditions...<3

in PvP

Posted by: Simon.3794


Condition war is rather useless imo, i’d rather play an engi or a necro for condi pressure.

but then again, i think condition necro need a nerf (they are doing right now to dhumfire, not sure how itll turns out.) engi probably need better animations.

Thief...falling more and more behind

in Thief

Posted by: Simon.3794


thieves are dam good in team tournaments and the best at what they do and the best mobility, hands down.
and beast in wvw.

i have no idea what else do you want.

Is Warrior hard to play?

in PvP

Posted by: Simon.3794


Naw brah naww. Even before they were broken warrior was easy to play. The only difference was before if you in general knew what you were doing in pvp you would be fine. Now of course you can just smash your keyboard and be effective.

lol nah brah, before warriors were complete trash which no one gives a lol and not viable at all in high level tournaments play.

Which healing skill after HS nerf?

in Warrior

Posted by: Simon.3794


Stance is absurd, my thief’s elite skill have 36s cooldown. They should reduce Mending to 15s and cure 1 condition per second during 5s after activation and improve heal.
Defiant Stance and Healing Surge to 20s.

Is there suppose to be a [sarcasm] tag in that post? Defiant Stance is already amazing in zerg fights reducing the CD to 20 seconds would make it ridiculously OP.

please, which zerg fight you are talking about. defiant stance can be in the list of worst skills warrior ever have.