(edited by JETWING.2759)
More way to fight at mid and long range.
1- Hip Shot: increase the range of this skill to 1500.
2- Net Shot: This skill is redundant (we already have Net Turret), shoud be removed and replaced by a new skill – Underbarrel Grenade Launcher.
Underbarrel Grenade Launcher: Fires a Grenade that explodes on impact o_o (explosion, blast finisher, 1200 range, 240 radius).
3- Blunderbuss: inclease the range of this skill to 900.
4- Overcharged Shot: "This skill now fires a overcharged bullet that travels at insane speed damaging and disabling foes:
0 – 400 range: blowout.
401 – 800 range: knockdown.
over 800 range: stun.
Max skill range: 1200.
5- Jump Shot: Increase the range of this skill to 900.
Great. If only they added burn to autoattack during the pulse.
Maybe 1/4 second burns, just for the flavor of it? It really makes no sense that a FLAMETHROWER burns only at the end of auto.
They thinks that the adversary will stay stopped in our front waiting the last hit
Explosion: Skills that count as explosions for the traits Steel-Packed Powder, Explosive Powder, and Shrapnel are now marked with a skill fact. Scrapper gyro detonations are now considered explosions. Skills that do not hit the enemy, such as Smoke Bomb and Magnetic Bomb, are no longer considered explosions for combat clarity reasons.
I see this and think with myself: Yes! Now this trait will be viable not only to Grenades… But when i log on the game, the house comes down…
The changes wasn’t good because they(Balance Team) stopped at half of way…
If they wants make FT condi based, they could started for the obvious, giving 1s burning to each hit of auto attack(Flame Jet)…
That increased time on last hit was… No words to describe.
The second skill(Flame Blast) still ok giving burning, but the esquece attack(Detonate Flame Blast) could be explosion(obvious) and keeping dealing high direct damage.
They should change the PVP rule and style. Point fight is no longer suitable from HoT.
Elite specializations were a really cool idea, and I actually didn’t mind the way they were implemented. It made me feel like I was truly growing my character, even at Lv80. However, the power creep was unreal.
Generally classes had at least one “mandatory” specialization tree before HoT. Warriors it was Discipline, Thief it was Trickery, Necromancer Soul Reaping, etc. Some would argue that certain classes had more than one. With the introduction of Elite Specs and the power creep they bring, they have pretty much become a must take on every class — effectively adding another mandatory trait line. We can dig into the specifics as to why this is on a per-class basis, but I wanted to theorize about a solution that came to mind:
What would happen if we could use the skills (utility, healing, elite) from our elite specialization without actually taking the trait line? In my mind, Warriors would certainly get a lot better. Head Butt is massive.
Would that help build diversity? What else can we think of to start down a healthier path?
Elites was a good Idea, but the way how was implement wasn’t.
The new weapons, habilities and traits really should be allowed after upgrade the client to HoT, but not via one single trait line(specialization).
They should share the new traits between all 5 trait lines(specialization) and prevent the OP combination of everything in one line that we see now.
(edited by JETWING.2759)
Class stacking is not the problem. The problem is unbalanced skill of the stacked class.
If each class has wheight 1, five of the same class needs have wheight 5. If they have more than 5, means that something on that class is unbalanced.
Excelente map!
- 2nd mechanic is original, fair and do not includes pve elements. The place also is perfect, accessible from all nodes.
- The map size are excelent, with large and good combat áreas.
- Mid and Home points have near same distance from respawn. It’s possible run in direct line to far if wanted.
1 – Elites killed build diversity.
2 – Game play became all passive.
3 – Low skill based. Just spam some new OP skill and win the fight.
4 – Too many skills with multi effects, doing everything in one button.
5 – Too many AoE.
6 – Few maps.
7 – Too many useless skills and traits.
8 – Power Creep
9 – No conter play to conditions.
10 – Some runes, sigils and ammulets are OP to some classes and completely uselles to others.
1 – Nerf elites
2 – Nerf passives
3 – Nerf OP skills. Make the game more skill based.
4 – Choose a single role to skills or increase the cooldown according number of effects. No more all effect skills.
5 – About AoE…
6 – More maps
7 – buff or rework bad skills and traits.
8 – About powercreep…
9 – Damage and mitigation needs be reworked. We just cant keep all fight just pushing that clean button while the condibomber just keep pressuring pushing that condiburst button.
10 – Rework or improve the concept about equipes and what each can grants and do:
- Runes, for example, could keep granting specific stat that define their role, but 4 and 6 effect should be accessible to all classes.
With 6k Vault, Thief kills with 1 skill.
One of those 2 new ammulets could has defensive status like toug/vit/heal…
2 berseck + boon duration and no one defensive…
lol Anet. Change this until the S4.
Looks like Anet just wants equalize power builds to condi builds with these 2 OP ammulets.
(edited by JETWING.2759)
The character has 3 main potentials – Damage, Resistence and Support. This potentials could be removed of especializations and only be obtained by equips like ammulets, runes and sigils. But to be viable, DoT conditions needs be balanced.
The potentials could be divided by:
Power (with precision and ferocity).
Condition (with precision and ferocity).
Armor (to resist power damage).
Vitality or Health (to resist condition damage).
Heal (to increase self and group heal potential).
Concentration (to increase self and group boon uptime. This could be interesting if Anet limit boon uptime of all professions, making boon duration stat so important as others stats in terms of balance).
With these few changes, the game could be less passive and more strategic with players needing to choose their rolê between soft or heavi dps, tank or support. No more unkilable classes with insane damage.
(edited by JETWING.2759)
Freestacking was so that long-acting condis (necro utilities, etc) weren’t overlaid with short-term reapply condis (engi pistol AA). Reverting that change would be awful.
Secondly, balancing around expertise is actually a better option as it means that condi builds start having more than one stat influencing their potential damage-similar to the power/prec/fer triad for power builds.
IMO condi builds need to add more “offensive” stats so they will need to put less stats on defense. They can be very tanky and also have the ability to condi burst which is not available for most power builds.
Remove expertise and lower overall condition damage. Allow conditions to crit. That way non offensive condi builds can still be tanky but deal less damage and people can still condi burst if they choose do take precision for it.
Add more condi cleanse problem solve condi is ok but the lack of cleanse is what make them see op
Think about keep the entire fight (1 v 1 scenario for ex…) doing nothing but pushing that full cleansing skill while your adversary just keep pressuring and pressuring conditions with no risk…
I have a solution: stop playing and stop complaining. It’s that simple!
May be interesting if 50%+ of GW2 comunity follow your suggestion
The problem is that they have infinity sustained burst damage.
The strategy is just go and faceroll.
They became useless. And all those anti projectile that we see now…
If Anet wants remove or reduce AI, they could least make turrets skills actived by player like a dropable kit and replace weapon skills to be controled remotely.
Destroyer Turret…
#1: attacks the selected target with his .50 bmg.
#2: attacks the selected target with a rocket, damaging the target and nearby foes.
#3: attacks the targeted área with small rocket barrage.
#4: common skill. Overcharge granting a specific boon to nearby allyes and increasing efficiency for a short time, it’s desteiyed(but not explodes) when the recharge ends.
#5: common skill. Funcionou Spy. This allows the user to use the turret’s camera to look around the turret or select a target to attack even if the user is at distance limit (10 000).
(edited by JETWING.2759)
Why not half and half?
I am trapped in a wall like this. Lasts 1 win to me reach to Ruby, a am matched by premades or full Ruby team while mi team has amber or emerald.
Players of diferent divisions should never be matched or queued, even if premade.
If someone wants help a freind, he needs be able to clinb down one or more divisions.
Problem is, Engineer in general is a hard class to learn
Not really, putting aside a game where you don’t need to aim, has virtually no resource management, is not mechanically demanding, etc nothing is hard to learn, engi is a middling class, and scrapper is one of the easiest to learn.
The only weakness it has is heavy condi pressure.
It has other weaknesses, for example its damage application is poor, when you are fighting on a point in PvP that doesn’t matter, but when you are out in the open in WvW it makes a big difference, it has no decent ranged kit for damage (they are weak to useless at range – e.g – you can literally walk out of mortar at long range), so scrapper is really easy to kite in WvW on certain classes/builds, it also lacks chasing ability with rather crappy mobility (hammer 3 is probably the slowest gap closer in the game), combined with that lack of good damage application.
With all that access to super speed?
Elixir gun is amazing, combine with near perma quickness.
All these elite needs urgent nerf.
- Make some mitigation to condition damage, actually they are out of control, no conter play.
Starts for rework the damage formula to include VITALITY. Then if someone wants run bunker needs spend resources in toughness and vitality.
Also remove EXPERTISE from game and make conditions able to crit upon application. Then if someone wants run condibursters he needs spend resources in cond dmg, precision and ferocity (ferocity will define the increased time of appliated condition if lands critical).
Full dps scholars and adventures actually have far more sustain that soldier classes, then Anet still buffing and buffing soldier sustain to match with the insane dps of scholars and adventures, and keep buffing here and there again, again and again. This increase more and more power creep.
- Make a light tweak in ARMOR atribute of each kind of profission. Then if scholars and adventures wants run full direct or condition dps and quickly kills, they need take some risk of be one shoted due low armor.
- Scholars should mitigate damage via skills, teleports, auras, transferences and boons.
- Adventures should also focus in edurance to mitigate damage, all them could have 150 points to spend in dodge and mibility(with faster dodge animation and/or travel distance).
No longer cc, dash and perma stelth spam for adventures. Then they can still fighting on capture point without penality or ovepowered skills like “bouding dodge” or “electro-whirl”. - Soldier could have fast hands as core hability. They were treined and disciplined to be weapon masters, then they could have some advantage of equip like sigils, runes, heavi armor(more armor) and weapons(fast weapon swap).
No longer tons of heals and invul over invul. No more power creep, means stable and fun game and more easy of balance.
- Ammulets should be all 4 stats, looks more easy of balance.
- No ideas for now to runes and sigils.
(edited by JETWING.2759)
Mmr can’t fix coordination inssues.
I talk “stay here on point”, and the braindead in my team leaves the point to run around, no capturing points.
I hold a fight against 2, means that we have others 4 against 3 of them, but in some point my team mates loss a 2 vs 1…
Is unfair to punish those players that make a premade to avoid bad players. Just make no more possible multi divisions encouters, Ruby only fights Ruby and emerald only fights emerald for example.
Assim vc ferra com a comunidade brasileira.
Apague o tópico.
My gameplay is good. To start i run full of cleanses, and they are not enough. And when all cleanses ends i become easy kill to them. This occurs with all classes, except necros, warriors and some eles.
The goal of my suggestion is balance conditions and power. Is make condi bursters(i also use condi with my necro) less tank. Is make those player use some strategy instead just come and hit, hit and keep hitting until kill without skill or dificulty.
The goal is improve the game to everyone, not only some specs.
I told to remove condi duration and make increased for ferocity, but players need run like berzerk specs to be condi bursters. They will need spend in condi dmg to give real dmg like power specs.
I also told to change formula, Then the base dmg need be toned down to match with the 3 stats.What profession do you normally play?
I was using Lissa runes to extra clease, but wasn’t enough. Then i replaced for leadership to increase quickness and others boons uptime, while keep with minor group cleanse.
Try this instead. If you really don’t like the elixir heal, swap back to the turret. I find they are more or less the same after the nerf. Also, you really need elixir gun. Bombs are cool, but you already have the mortar kit. Use elixir-gun 3 in group-fights to cleanse your team-mates of condi’s, 5 to cleanse your team-mates and yourself of condi’s, and 4 to lay down a damaging field. If you don’t want 4 to move you, then “weapon-swap” right after casting it, and you won’t move far at all.
You are not meant to throw yourself into a teamfight. Stay mid-range, throwing down aoe’s on point, cleansing people of condi’s, and using rifle for CC and minor burst.
I ll try
My gameplay is good. To start i run full of cleanses, and they are not enough. And when all cleanses ends i become easy kill to them. This occurs with all classes, except necros, warriors and some eles.
The goal of my suggestion is balance conditions and power. Is make condi bursters(i also use condi with my necro) less tank. Is make those player use some strategy instead just come and hit, hit and keep hitting until kill without skill or dificulty.
The goal is improve the game to everyone, not only some specs.
I told to remove condi duration and make increased for ferocity, but players need run like berzerk specs to be condi bursters. They will need spend in condi dmg to give real dmg like power specs.
I also told to change formula, Then the base dmg need be toned down to match with the 3 stats.What profession do you normally play?
I was using Lissa runes to extra clease, but wasn’t enough. Then i replaced for leadership to increase quickness and others boons uptime, while keep with minor group cleanse.
My gameplay is good. To start i run full of cleanses, and they are not enough. And when all cleanses ends i become easy kill to them. This occurs with all classes, except necros, warriors and some eles.
The goal of my suggestion is balance conditions and power. Is make condi bursters(i also use condi with my necro) less tank. Is make those player use some strategy instead just come and hit, hit and keep hitting until kill without skill or dificulty.
The goal is improve the game to everyone, not only some specs.
I told to remove condi duration and make increased for ferocity, but players need run like berzerk specs to be condi bursters. They will need spend in condi dmg to give real dmg like power specs.
I also told to change formula, Then the base dmg need be toned down to match with the 3 stats.
Conditions are droping de target’s HP faster than brute dmg. And no have counter play to condi builds.
As berzerk specs, condis specs should spend resources to maximize their dmg, but now they only need condi dmg and keep with good/high sustain.
The fórmula to all cond dmg should change and include precision (if get crit, increease time) and ferocity (to define the percentual of time increased).
The condi duration stat should be removed and the condition weakness could affect condi dmg.
Evade may be better balanced is ruled for some base stat. Then some classes could need choose between spend resources in edurance regen(or max edurance) or damage.
The problem is that they dont need use #2 – #5 skills. Evades and aa do all job. They can kill but cant be hitted or killed.
Wrong. They use skill 3 to evade as well, and maybe occassionally use the AA. They don’t use 2, 4, 5 because those are all power skills with no condition damage.
Works better with conditions, but power specs also spamm evades as a kind of invul.
The problem is that they dont need use #2 – #5 skills. Evades and aa do all job. They can kill but cant be hitted or killed.
Fine to me… Better than S2 where i got an eternal loss streak.
I think that a fail of anet was no reset divisions and make players starts the S3 in divisions that no reflects their skill level.
They fixed the mmr but not fixed the problem created for S2 mmr.
(edited by JETWING.2759)
- Explosive shot could have 180 or higher radius.
- Poison volei could pierces.
- flame shot could pierces.
Make it works with explosive traits.
- Net shot coud have a faster travel speed.
- Overcharged shot coud be umblocable and ignore anti projectile effects.
- Jump shot could have 900 or 1000 range, and works with quickness.
The relative trait could increase 25% attack speed.
This gadget could focus on teleport…
The tool bel skill could be a ground target skill that throw a mine.
The skill icon changes and a new skill is allowed. This skill destroy the mine, breaks stun and teleport the Engineer to the mine location, but do not does damage.
If an enemi enters on mine ativation radius, the mine glues on the enemi and an another skill is allowed intead. This skill is activated by the Engineer and teleports the afected enemi tho a ground targeting location without inflict damage.
The utility skill could for now be replaced for the actual toolbelt skill “mine field” with instant cast.
I’d think that this changes make it viable and competitive.
(edited by JETWING.2759)
Awesome thread so far everyone! I really appreciate everyone taking the time to write up their feedback and keep it constructive. Let’s do a quick recap:
1 * Remove/adjust the breakable panels at A and C point or Add second layer under the hole so players dont die, but still lose time for falling into them
- Which do you like better?
2 * Glass Panels only break from cannon fire- What do we think about this suggestion?
3 * Enlarge the Skyhammer Platform, Add line of sight props
4 * Add multiple portals to get to and from the skyhammer platform- Does this have to be in both places: in center of map and skyhammer platform or just the skyhammer platform?
5 * Adjust the jump pads
6 * Take away the ability to die from falling damage- Do we want to completely remove the ability to die from falling damage or make it only in very specific places?
7 * Adjust middle point high ground- Do we want to completely remove this because of gameplay/camera problems or adjust it as it creates good gameplay but messes with camera
8 * Secondary Mechanic Adjustment- Reduce Damage
- Increase Cooldown
- Reduce the turn speed
9 * Remove Skyhammer from Unranked- Do we think the map simply can’t be altered to stay in Unranked?
Just to clarify, this is just a discussion and we are not specifically committing to any or all of the suggestions, but it does help us to understand how you (the pvp community) sees the map and determine what can be improved.
1 - Since only skyhammer break the glasses, may be not necessary create second layer. But not problem with this.
2 - Would be better.
3 - Enlarge
4 - 4 portals on each room edge, and 4 portals on center on map.
5 - …
6 - Make no more possible from platform.
7 - I’d like those high places… Not problem with camera, we just turn or approach.
8 -
Reduce Damage – Yes!
Increase Cooldown – Yes!
Reduce the turn speed – Not!
9 - The sPvP needs more maps, bad ideia just remove. And there is always a solution – To every thing excepts to death!
1-Lobby: Allow players to do something while waiting. Crafting station; dueling area(only duel in this specific area); replace those cannon/ballistic/trebuchet for new 3 golem spc(1 condition caster, 1 cc caster and 1 projectile caster).
2-MMR: No longer soloQ vs PartyQ, and no longer inter division team(allow only players of the same division, except while in high divisions like legendary, diamond or even ruby).
3-Map: More maps like foefire(with a big capture point); bring back capricorn, but without underwater fight(this game needs more maps in spvp); rework skyhammer(Ex: Introduce a glass wall around all map to prevent that lol fall down and make glasses indestructible by players, only the cannon could destroy the wall for a short time. Make no longer possible players fall down from control room, and only golem can operate the cannon. Each capture point has a control painel to summon golem to respective team, the 1st golem use the cannon until dye, the 2nd and 3rd golem protect the 1st and replace him if he dye, enemy golem attacks the golem in cannon. Couldn’t summon golem while in combat, and only can summon golem after the golem of respective capture point dye. The cannon shoot affect all map, removing all boons and knocking down all enemies for a short time, the cool down could be 30s) and spirit watch(Ex: The orb could only activate a flame/light/some effect that grants extra point from respective capture point, until other team decap this point. Also the orb could spawn one time every minute).
4-Classes: Nothing conter class stacking, only about class and elite/core balance and power creep.
5-Itens: Too many runes useless and/or unusable for some professions…
Honestly when I see 3+ necros on the other team I figure it’s going to be a fairly easy win. They are slow. Avoid 1v1’s with them and run around them.
Yes! Do this!
I ll just watch my scepter and 2,3 or more minions melt you w/o even need go shroud/reaper
A – Necro (op condi spam and boon corrupt)
B – DH (lol trap spam and that lb…)
C – Crono/Rev/Temp (too many all in one skills)
D – Scraper/Druid (its OK!)
E – War/Thief (hum… For now, OK!)i dont say this often but if thats your list you need to L2P
OK! I’ll l2p and go full condi necro…
A – Necro (op condi spam and boon corrupt)
B – DH (lol trap spam and that lb…)
C – Crono/Rev/Temp (too many all in one skills)
D – Scraper/Druid (its OK!)
E – War/Thief (hum… For now, OK!)
Hey all – I’ve checked everyone in this thread and they should be unstuck. I will monitor this thread and other threads throughout the day. Please post if you are stuck.
Check me also plz… I can’t enter pvp
Increase projectile speed or blast radius.
Mace or Sword
And remove tool kit
The related trait could make banners regenerate HP and increase banner radius intead grant regeneration boon.
To start… This.
Doing well with signet stance resiliente… Strong over most of classes except necros, eles and renev.
Then make this skill ground target… We could choose the dodge direction or even dodge w/o move out(on top of walls for example we could stil use rifle #4 w/o fall down).
Other point is that the shoot could fire in midle or end of dodge, cause we are loosing the immobilize advantage for shoots before dodge.
Arms grants P. dmg, cnd dmg, crit rate, mobility, adrenaline, umblockable fact…
I did well with this build: