Showing Posts For JETWING.2759:

Warrior Discussion

in Warrior

Posted by: JETWING.2759


No one looks that warrior is a single and permanent target.
- No have minions.
- No have invul.
- No have stealth.
- No have teleport.
- No have blind spamm.
- No have combo fields.
- No have easy access to protection, retaliation and aegis.
- No have good heal.

This. Nerf healing signet and destroy warrior.

- endure pain , beserker stance ( sort of invuln.)

- 1skill kills, ( who needs minions when you hit everything down in 1-3 skills)

- stun aoe chains, ( its better then blind/ protection/ retaliation or aegis)

- 2 times the healing a thief has ( should other closecombat characters get a boost to healing then ?)

- movement skills that stun/or dps targets on low coolodowns + good swiffness uptime ( gs )

- and dont forget the stat advantage a heavy armor character already has. ( more toughness for free )

put it on par with the other closecombat characters , or boost the other closecombat characters .

- Endure Pain and Zerk Stance are ridiculous. Compare with Blurred Frenzy or anothers skills that provides true invulnerability for more uptime and with less cd.

- 200 extra toughness not compare with protection, stealth, invul, perma evade, teleport spamm, minions (not, they aren’t one hit kill).

- Stun AoE where? Hammer?, on of most weak weapon of warrior. One skill that requires full adrenaline to grants 2s stun. Not compare with CC spam that others classes have.

- 2x Thief heal?
Thief heal when hits. Thief heal while in stealth. Thief heal when use iniciative. Thief heals when bleeding. Thief heals when uses shadow refuge. Thief heal when breath. Thief heals with each action.

Warrior Discussion

in Warrior

Posted by: JETWING.2759


Just revert healing signet buff and the warrior will be in a good place. Berserker stance can stay like it is now then.

According you…
Good place = Free kill

It was never a free kill……….

Still being.
For me is the easiest classe to kill. I rarely dye for warriors.

Warrior Discussion

in Warrior

Posted by: JETWING.2759


No one looks that warrior is a single and permanent target.
- No have minions.
- No have invul.
- No have stealth.
- No have teleport.
- No have blind spamm.
- No have combo fields.
- No have easy access to protection, retaliation and aegis.
- No have good heal.

This. Nerf healing signet and destroy warrior.

Warrior Discussion

in Warrior

Posted by: JETWING.2759


Just revert healing signet buff and the warrior will be in a good place. Berserker stance can stay like it is now then.

According you…
Good place = Free kill

Some Ideas to Improve Banners

in Warrior

Posted by: JETWING.2759


Due to dislike of good part of warrios about how to carry his banner without to lock weapon skills, i thought some sugestions to buff and make banners more fun without keep out warrior theme.

To the point, look in atachements a list of changes in passive and active skills:

Here some explanations:
- Stow Banner is a burst skill only avaliable when wielding some banner, and will make the warrior put the banner in back suport, allowing him to carry the banner and wield weapons or another thing. Only one banner can be stowed at once, if one banner are stowed and the warrior are holding another banner and uses f1 skill, the alredy stowed banner will be swaped to hand.
- Summon Banner starts 25s cd when banner vanishes.
- Summon Banner change to Wield Banner skill while the respective Banner are in the world. This skill will change to previous Summon Banner when the respective banner vanishes.
- Wield Banner has 10s cd, 1200 range, and make the warrior wield his (own) banner if any other player are wielding.
- Wield Banner will make warrior make a subit movement (like teleport) to respective banner and wield, allowing to use banner skills. This skill also remove every stowed banner of back suport.
- Wield Banner could share cd if more than 1 banner are in the world.
- The trait Inspiring Battle Standard could be removed of game and replaced by another trait.
- That compassionate banner skill not grants regeneration, only heals.

I think are good and no op way to pair banners with others summons, and also improve build diversification, sustain, team weight, and skilfull play.

Its all for now


(edited by JETWING.2759)

Banner healing

in Warrior

Posted by: JETWING.2759


I think are a incompatibility between Banner of Tactics #2 and Inspiring Battle Standard. Has a punishiment for how uses active skill because that trait alredy grants perma regeneration, and also that heal is very weak.

How to adjust Warrior sustain properly

in Warrior

Posted by: JETWING.2759


I don’t agree with nerf in Healing Signet. Warriors are very weak and easili kilable, nerf his heal could destroy the class.

Warrior Discussion

in Warrior

Posted by: JETWING.2759


Zerk stance could increase damage instead condition imunity.
If you guys think this skill is too strong actualy…

I said and say again, this skill is bad and weak. Trash if compared to Automated Response of Engineers :/

Question to the all true warriors

in Warrior

Posted by: JETWING.2759


Warrior is a Warrior, of course
Every one that go to War or conflict, and make use of some habilitie to defend a cause or an ideal can be considered an Warrior.
No matter if melee or ranged, with sword or rifle, with heavi armor or just dodging.
For example, an american soldier that fights for his country, his people or his life style.

I think all classes in this game is an Warrior, but the gw2 Warrior is a mix of some tipes of soldier.

And the main goal to Warrior is defend a cause, an ideal, something that judge important. Then gw2 warrior is lacking of some mechanic focused in this point.
Even a terrorist defend an ideal, and put his life in risk for this ideal.
- Who go to some place to just to kill isn’t warrior, is a mercenari, a murderer.

Actually, adrenaline just increase one extra weapon skill to warrior. If traited can grants extra crit chance, extra damage, or same regeneration (no more that 2 of these 3 at same time).

The excelent way to improve Warriors and make more fun are make actual Juggernaut (Rampage Transform) the base body to Warrior(without those stats, of course), allowing him to use fisical skills (rampage skills and fisical skills) for free choise, without weapon.
- Warrior start the game with all fisical skills (martial arts) unloked, and could unlock weapon skills as actual mode.
- Warrior could have an extra mechanic that allow him to stow his 2 weapon set and fight without weapon, making use of fisical skills (fisical and juggernaut).
- Adrenaline could have more weight, impoving Skill (efficiency, duration and range), body (base stats, health regeneration and endurance regeneration), and urgency (action speed and action cooldown).
- The actual fisical skills in utilitie menu could be replaced for another tipe of skills.

I think gw2 warriors would more fun and more like true warrior.

(edited by JETWING.2759)

Stance Mastery needs a -20%.

in Warrior

Posted by: JETWING.2759



-20% cd to stances.

Warrior Discussion

in Warrior

Posted by: JETWING.2759


Actually, if you watch the gw2pvptv stream, most streamers I have seen (Arken, OstrichEggs, Muffinz, phantaram) agree that the regen on warrior’s right now with the signet is just over-the-top. The problem with the current design is that it plays into the rock-paper-scissors class design where there are hard-counters and doesn’t lend itself to play-style counters. That is a problem for warr’s as it is for necros and old spirit rangers.

Sustain is only powerful on warriors right now because of the Sigil of Paralyzation bug (+1 full second stun duration). Because of this, warriors can chain stuns much more effectively than intended, and they take less damage than intended too, because a stunned opponent is not dealing damage. Fix the sigil, and it becomes very apparent that warrior sustain is balanced.

Same players talk like all warriors run Stun Lock build…
- What happens with all another warrior’s build if decrease sustain?
- What happens with another weapons if nerfed?
- What happens with this class if still lacking sustain?

Cyclone Axe should give Evasion.

in Warrior

Posted by: JETWING.2759


Stolen Wirling Axe >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> deep >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>another deep>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>Wirling Axe.

Thieves just deals double or triple damage, and reflect projectiles.

About Cyclone Axe:
Agree. This skill could be evasive.

Warrior Discussion

in Warrior

Posted by: JETWING.2759


A healing signet warrior has higher regen than a guardian with clerics set, all the while doing substantially more damage. I feel the problem is that healing signet scales too well without cleric gear. It should hit 400+ hp when a warrior is decked out with healing power.

Otherwise its much too strong.

Yet Guardians are still the best bunkers in the game

My point is warrior can go full damage and still out heal guardian without the need to go healing power.

How is that balanced? There is no choice to give up damage for better regen. They get damage and regen without sacrifice.

|| Here someone that no want balanced game.

Warrior has only 400 hp/s, while another classes have 2, 3, 4 or more heals + teleport + stealth + summons + protection + + + + …
The true is that warrior need better sustain and traits.
- Warriors still being the easier class to kill.

Elite healing skills

in Suggestions

Posted by: JETWING.2759


For warrior only.
This classe need sustain.

Suggestion for Banners

in Warrior

Posted by: JETWING.2759


Every sugestion are welcome
- Worse than it is, can’t will be
Banner are the worst summon in this game, just a waste of slot (in my opinion).

- Banners are so bad, that Anet safe that guy ( of needs come back to banner position to pick up his banner His banner comes magically to his hand with slap of finger.

I just think to carry that thing in my back can disturb future back skins (wings, lights, or other things for example), and leave my char with shark appearance

I still think 3 things:
- Teleport to banner location (this skill replaces summon banner, and have 10s CD).
- Increase range (1200 – 1500) and efficiency.
- Rework skills.

if you’re talking about PvP or WvW, sure i guess Banners are bad (i don’t play either mode).

but in PvE, Banners (of Strength and Discipline) are the best utilities are Warrior can bring to a group. ginormous DPS buffs that everyone will get because bosses rarely move.

In PvE everything still good.
But bring PvE to PvP and WvW is unfair to warriors, because banners become waste of utility slot (we have 4 useless skills that could be replaced for 4 usefull, and needed, skills).

Banner need be good in every mode, like anothers summons.
And more!
Banners need be best than mobile summons for serevals obvious reasons.
- Banners don’t move.
- Banners don’t attack.
- Banners don’t disable.
- Banners don’t inflict conditions.
- Banners don’t block attacks, conditions and cc.
- Banners don’t grants combo field.
- Banners don’t disturb the foe. Just the opposite, disturb allies when they pickup then for acident.
- Banners are uselles!

The only good thing in banner are animation, i like it.
I disagree to carry in back.

Balance the stealth mechanic

in Suggestions

Posted by: JETWING.2759


Stealth mechanic still good.
I think when someone hits an invisible foe, he descover the target’s location.

1 – Make the damage ballon apear everytime that a player hits an invisible foe with a melee attack.
2 – Burning and Chill cancels and prevents stealth (unable to retain or enter in stealth while burning or frozen).
3 – Disable cancels and prevents to induce himself or others to stealth.

For obvious reasons

(edited by JETWING.2759)

Mesmer Phantasm 20% dmg nerf?

in Mesmer

Posted by: JETWING.2759


Mesmers are very hard to kill, near perma invul + stealth + teleport + cc + moa + etc…

Wait… you’re fighting a Phantasm-Mesmer 1v1?
Why would you do that? :’(

There’s a reason you didn’t see Mesmers at Pax: Once you fight in a group, say tPvP, PMesmers fall apart.

I go to node and find a mesmer there. What i need to do?
a) Run to other node because i am supreme noob.
b) Fight the mesmer and dye faster than my eye can see.
c) I don’t leave my house alone, because i am a suport class.

But ok.
May be the real problem isn’t mesmers

(edited by JETWING.2759)

Suggestion for Banners

in Warrior

Posted by: JETWING.2759


Every sugestion are welcome
- Worse than it is, can’t will be
Banner are the worst summon in this game, just a waste of slot (in my opinion).

- Banners are so bad, that Anet safe that guy ( of needs come back to banner position to pick up his banner His banner comes magically to his hand with slap of finger.

I just think to carry that thing in my back can disturb future back skins (wings, lights, or other things for example), and leave my char with shark appearance

I still think 3 things:
- Teleport to banner location (this skill replaces summon banner, and have 10s CD).
- Increase range (1200 – 1500) and efficiency.
- Rework skills.

Axe should Bleed and Torment.

in Warrior

Posted by: JETWING.2759


That Blademaster trait would be way too strong. Assuming I get 3K per Sword auto-attack (not even counting the bleeds it could stack) I’d get 300 health every half second. Blade Master could reduce Sword cooldowns and give it a 10% increased crit chance

Don’t see why Savage Leap would give Torment. Seems more like it would apply bleeding or vulnerability. Even the cripple is fine

I think…

The auto-attack last more that half second (about 1,0 – 1,5 second), and you need run glass to get these numbers. I think you go down very easily without sustain (i assume that you use sword for mobility and control while deal damage with GS)
More crit chance not grant sustain to pair with Ranger, Guardian, Mesmer or Thief (all then wielding sword).

More bleed?
We have 2 bleeds in auto-attack and 8 – 12 in f1. I don’t think more bleed solve the problem, and criple is fine but we have one in auto-attack. Savage Leap could be good as i told, or dealing blind, weakeness, or rip boon

Why do warriors suck so much?

in Warrior

Posted by: JETWING.2759


Warrior is melee only in WvW against underequiped and/or inexperient players. Or in the best case in sniper mode (i like it) with rifle.
In sPvP an Warrior can’t face any other class in 1v1, or even cap a node. Need wait someone comes and finish the fight (if last at there).
While other classes just spam 1, 2 or 3 skills to deals huge damage, i need spend 2 weapon sets, 1 or 2 utilities, and my elite to try deal the same damage.

I am completely convinced that, in this game, Warrior are a ranged/suport class.

(edited by JETWING.2759)

What people think of mesmer

in PvP

Posted by: JETWING.2759




Axe should Bleed and Torment.

in Warrior

Posted by: JETWING.2759


Sword need buff.
Comparing Warrior with Thief, Ranger, Guardian and Mesmer, Warrior have the worst skills with sword.
- How can a Warrior (supposed weapon master) have so poor sword skills?

Sword #1, #2, #3, and f1 need buff or rework.
All classes have some way of sustain only with sword skills:
- Guardian have teleport, blind and block.
- Ranger have 2 evades.
- Mesmer have boon rip, invul, body sheld (clone), and teleport.
- Thief have blind, daze, teleport, cleanse, evade and boon rip.
- Warrior have… No have

Sugestions about sword:
Blademaster: Gain health equal 10% of damage done (this includes damage per condition because #4 and #5). Sword skills recharge 20% faster.
Savage Leap: This skill could inflict DoT instead one more criple (could be torment), have 900 range and deal damage and torment stacks based in distance.
0 – 300 = 750 damage and 3 torment for 3s.
301 – 600 = 500 damage and 5 torment for 3s.
601 – 900 = 250 damage and 7 torment for 3s.
Final Trust: Grants 1s evade to this skill.
Flurry: Increase damage to this skill.

[merged] Warrior's New Meta Unkillable Rematch

in Warrior

Posted by: JETWING.2759


look how OP their heal/condition with 3.4k Armor . almost can heal 1.2k HP/ sec with inspiring banner trait


The “ridiculous” ins’t the video (i like it), but the insane damage and sustain of Thief with sword.
That semi-bunker warrior dealing poor raw and condition dmg, while the thief deals 5000+ with stole whirling axe (2x – 3x the actual dmg of warrior with this skills).

This vídeo reforces that warrior still needing huge buff, especially with weapon skills (that sword for example) to pair or nearly pair with that Thief

Axe should Bleed and Torment.

in Warrior

Posted by: JETWING.2759


My sugestions about Axe:

#1: The damage was good before changes in chain dmg. Put back how was before (1xdmg; 2×2dmg; 3×3dmg).
#2: This skill need additionally evade for 1s.
#3: This skill could additionally daze for 1s.
#4: This skill need grants might (2 stacks per hit, for 5s) instead fury (useless because 2 elites grants fury, without talk about FGJ and others)
#5: Increase damage (actually a thief deals more dmg than warrior with this skills)
f1: Increase Range (ridiculous a thief have 1500 with steal, and this skills have only poor 300. The range of this skill need be 900). Also steal or copy 1 boon per adrenaline bar spent.

I think these are viable and needed buffs for Warrior Axe to pair with other classes.

Just Remove Rampage now...

in Warrior

Posted by: JETWING.2759


It was a bug. It’s now fixed. You can stomp/rez while in rampage form. You can still use it to gain massive distance. 20 seconds of swiftness and stability doesn’t need to be explained of its usefulness. It’s good for ambushing. It’s fun.

And bugs are only good if they make your class more powerful than intended amirite?

Rampage = boost stats + 20s stability. CD = 150s (and lock skills)
2x balance stance = 20s stability + 20s swiftness. CD = 80s (and no lock skills).
3x balance stance = 30s stability + 30s swiftness. CD = 120s (and no lock skills).
4x balance stance = 40s stability + 40s swiftness. CD = 160s (and no lock skills).

Balance Stance >>>>>>>>>>>>> Deep >>>>>>>>>>>>>> Rampage.

(edited by JETWING.2759)

Can we get some Leaps/Pulls?

in Warrior

Posted by: JETWING.2759


Warrior need sustain.
Instead more leap, we could get evades.

One single and perma visible target could count with good evade, heal and/or some sustain.
Warrior still the easier class to kill :/

(edited by JETWING.2759)

Just Remove Rampage now...

in Warrior

Posted by: JETWING.2759


Who in earth use it?

I think Rampage could be removed.

Mesmer Phantasm 20% dmg nerf?

in Mesmer

Posted by: JETWING.2759


Spatial surge taking same damage as evicerate, and without cooldown.


Spatial surge (The mesmer greatsword auto-attack) is on par with the warrior’s axe kill-shot move known to hit 10k plus.


That being said, mesmers aren’t in the clear by any means. The nerfs will keep coming to that class, as they have since release. It’s too easy to play a mesmer by juking your way through a fight and letting your conditions do all the work.

…don’t even…

exactly. none of it is eve close to be true. i got crit for 13k by eviscerate and my spartial surge goes nowher even close there nore does any of my phantasms crit that high ever… just saying some random stuff, that isn’t even close to the truth, to get us nerfed with the next patch that why people come up with all this randomness right before patch.

I not wanted deep more in this theme, but ok, lets go:
1º 13 k eviscerate was before nerf. Actually eviscerate take me in better case 5k, no more than this.
2º eviscerate have 3 requeriments. The first are raise full adrenaline for max dmg (5k), the second are 10s cooldown, and the third are stay in melee (not tanlikg about the warrior need stay safe of blind or another dmg reductor, and the target no have with protection, aegis, auras, etc…)

- Spatial Surge hits 3x 1000 – 1500 without cooldown, and requires only stay in max range for max dmg.
- A mesmer cast 6 – 7 spatial surge in 10 seconds.
- In best case for the victim, will be 3 × 500 × 6.
- Will be 9000 dmg in 10 seconds (in best case, with low dmg, 500 instead 1000 – 1500).

Now add this to Mirror Blade, Ilusionary Berserker, Phantasm Duelist or Ilusionary swordsman… and no talking about invul, stealth, reflect, absorv, boon rip, moa bird, teleport, and more and more and more…

woah u make it sound like we all have gs, sword, pistol and another weaponswap with sword equipped with 6-8 utilities…and a traitline of 30/30/30/30/30 … exagerating much!

-reflect has to be traited either on focus ore distortion or u gotta use feedback
- if u really manage to just stand there and get hit by spartial surge…sry none can help u in spvp

- i know u are checking wiki for this, but i dont know any mesmer using absorb.i tried it out after the game came out and sory it’s absolutely useless.

sry just reading off wiki what skills we all have aint gonna proof your point, most of these actually need traits in traitlines that arent used in the builds that are killing u. so might wanna play mesmer first and then come back here and whine.

oh and last week (and i am not glasscannon!):

No. I am fine in PvP
Just no more fight against Mesmer because are useless, and i have tryed many times.

And i have an mesmer, i like it.
I make my mesmer because i wasn’t endure my free kill warrior, but after last fix warrior become viable.

And… PvP pic plz

(edited by JETWING.2759)

PSA: Massive lag spikes on Skyhammer map NA.

in PvP

Posted by: JETWING.2759


I agree.

Was hard to play.

Don't fix AOE conditions spam before this

in PvP

Posted by: JETWING.2759


Is umbalanced fight every time.
As warrior i am unnumbered against mesmer, ranger, necros and engineers. No talking about these classes have insane sustain.

Actually the ranger’s pet have more health and armor than warrior, no talking about the spirits. Add these spirits and pets to ranger itself and have a boss.
Mesmers, Engineers and necros are the same case, sum power, armor, health and skills of all then surpass far my warrior.

Anet need reduce summon status.
The sum of all sumons could be “X” in terms of status, how more summons, more weak they are. And no forget the cooldown.
1 summon = X power, X tough, and X health.
2 summons = X/2 power, X/2 tough, and X/2 health.
3 Summons = X/3 power, X/3 tough, and X/3 health.

This prevents some classes run outnumbered, in ridiculous advantage.

Why is it always temple?

in PvP

Posted by: JETWING.2759


I don’t like skyhammer and the beach (fogot the name ). The others are ok.

Mesmer Phantasm 20% dmg nerf?

in Mesmer

Posted by: JETWING.2759


Spatial surge taking same damage as evicerate, and without cooldown.


Spatial surge (The mesmer greatsword auto-attack) is on par with the warrior’s axe kill-shot move known to hit 10k plus.


That being said, mesmers aren’t in the clear by any means. The nerfs will keep coming to that class, as they have since release. It’s too easy to play a mesmer by juking your way through a fight and letting your conditions do all the work.

…don’t even…

exactly. none of it is eve close to be true. i got crit for 13k by eviscerate and my spartial surge goes nowher even close there nore does any of my phantasms crit that high ever… just saying some random stuff, that isn’t even close to the truth, to get us nerfed with the next patch that why people come up with all this randomness right before patch.

I not wanted deep more in this theme, but ok, lets go:
1º 13 k eviscerate was before nerf. Actually eviscerate take me in better case 5k, no more than this.
2º eviscerate have 3 requeriments. The first are raise full adrenaline for max dmg (5k), the second are 10s cooldown, and the third are stay in melee (not tanlikg about the warrior need stay safe of blind or another dmg reductor, and the target no have with protection, aegis, auras, etc…)

- Spatial Surge hits 3x 1000 – 1500 without cooldown, and requires only stay in max range for max dmg.
- A mesmer cast 6 – 7 spatial surge in 10 seconds.
- In best case for the victim, will be 3 × 500 × 6.
- Will be 9000 dmg in 10 seconds (in best case, with low dmg, 500 instead 1000 – 1500).

Now add this to Mirror Blade, Ilusionary Berserker, Phantasm Duelist or Ilusionary swordsman… and no talking about invul, stealth, reflect, absorv, boon rip, moa bird, teleport, and more and more and more…

(edited by JETWING.2759)

Remove visual on Signet of Rage (warrior)

in Suggestions

Posted by: JETWING.2759


Super Sayajin Power.
I like

"The Emperor" Title.

in Suggestions

Posted by: JETWING.2759


I agree with status of power, are really hard to get this title.

But bring gender to game will result in change of severals titles.

anyone using "Stomp" ?

in Warrior

Posted by: JETWING.2759


I use stomp.

This skill could be amazing if could be used in movement or jumping.

Mesmer Phantasm 20% dmg nerf?

in Mesmer

Posted by: JETWING.2759


Send to Grandmasters trait, like berserker power and heightened focus.

A Challenge to Fight the Meta Update. 1

in PvP

Posted by: JETWING.2759


Not destroy
I can see much more diversity with this implement.

Power = Damage.
More power = More raw dmg and condition dmg.
More power + More speed/agility = More raw dps
More power + More condition duraction = More condition dmg

Mesmer Phantasm 20% dmg nerf?

in Mesmer

Posted by: JETWING.2759


I hope this is true.
Mesmers are very hard to kill, near perma invul + stealth + teleport + cc + moa + etc… Like a God :/

Ilusionist duelist hits harder than thief unload. Swordman and berserker do not stay far. Spatial surge taking same damage as evicerate, and without cooldown.

Actually a mesmer can easily change the tide of battle :/

May be i am the supreme noob here because i never win an mesme.

I put the text in bold in that quote that I thought everyone should see. Duelist hits harder than thief unload and Spatial surge (The mesmer greatsword auto-attack) is on par with the warrior’s axe kill-shot move known to hit 10k plus.

I feel just pointing that out is enough. I can’t even address the OP because of this post.

Spacial surge hits as much as eviscerate? Are you people high. At max range spatial surge may hit for 2k at most which compared to other classes AA is a joke. iDuelest can be dodged and all damage is negated thief unload is spammable iDuelist has a CD after its cast as well.

Mesmer damage especially their phantasms does not need a direct nerf. If anet wants to screw over phantasm builds then just remove empowered illusions.

With only 20 pt in dueling, the mesmer get a perfect sinergi between sword, pistol, crit rate, crit dmg, bleed spamm and perma vigor. Not talking about boon riper, near-perma invul, swith position, and 1 phantasm duelist every 16s.

Don’t need to coment about spatial surge, the hit are very very hard (3x 1000 – 1500 without cd surpass far evicerate and killshot)

- Send Empowered Ilusion to Grandmasters trait.
- Send Blade Training to Master trait.

(while warrior no have trait for sword, mesmer have one in adept trait no coments more)

(edited by JETWING.2759)

Mesmer Phantasm 20% dmg nerf?

in Mesmer

Posted by: JETWING.2759


I hope this is true.
Mesmers are very hard to kill, near perma invul + stealth + teleport + cc + moa + etc… Like a God :/

Ilusionist duelist hits harder than thief unload. Swordman and berserker do not stay far. Spatial surge taking same damage as evicerate, and without cooldown.

Actually a mesmer can easily change the tide of battle :/

May be i am the supreme noob here because i never win an mesme.

[Question] Are classes balanced in PvP?

in PvP

Posted by: JETWING.2759


Why ilusionist duelist deal more damage than thieve unload?
Why spatial surge deal same dmg than evicerate?
Why mesmer are so hard to kill and hits so strong?

1h Sword: Condi or Power?

in Warrior

Posted by: JETWING.2759


I run condition, and take 150 – 170 per second with a single bleed.

sword = condition

1h Sword: Condi or Power?

in Warrior

Posted by: JETWING.2759


Sword = condition.

Raw damage of sword is the lesser of all classes, sword don’t have sustain, and only final trust ins’t enough.
Raw damage with f1 is poor, and #4 and #5 are condition based.

Do not run power, and use something to grants some sustain like sheld or warhorn.

A Challenge to Fight the Meta Update. 1

in PvP

Posted by: JETWING.2759


Toughness should do something else, imo.


1 – Remove Condition Damage from game.
2 – Makes damage via condition scale with power (due might actually affects power and condition damage).
3 – Replace the status Condition Damage for a new status focused in speed (it’s lacking in this game). The new status could be Agility, its a bônus like Critical Damage, Boon Duraction and Condítion Duraction, that affects actions and movement speed.
4 – Makes Toughness affect damage via condítions. If Power affects damage dealt via condítion, Toughness affects damage received via condítions.

Are a huge change, but provides more fun and options for players.


in Suggestions

Posted by: JETWING.2759


Some classes and skills are impaired because finishers triggers only one iniciator.
I think some weapons, skills and classes could be more viable if finishers triggers all elegible iniciators in range.

Spiked Armor trait. Thoughts?

in Warrior

Posted by: JETWING.2759


This trait is horrible, viable only with high power due retaliation be power based.
My sugestion:
- Send Spiked Armor to Minor Adept Defense, without change effect.
- Send Thick Skin to Grandmaster Defense, and change his effect:
Thick Skin: Reduce incoming damage based on adrenaline level.
Level 1 = 5% reduction
Level 2 = 10% reduction
Level 3 = 15% reduction

The goal are provides better traits, some then sinerging with adrenaline.

Defensive Warriors use their adrenaline. Lol.

The goal are make more strategic use for adrenaline.
The use are the same of Adrenal Health, when the player can choise retain his adrenaline and grants regeneration.
In this case, retain adrenaline grants regeneration and damage reducton, but sacrifice cleansing ire and burst skills.

Are a balanced way to buff this grandmaster.

Spiked Armor trait. Thoughts?

in Warrior

Posted by: JETWING.2759


This trait is horrible, viable only with high power due retaliation be power based.
My sugestion:
- Send Spiked Armor to Minor Adept Defense, without change effect.
- Send Thick Skin to Grandmaster Defense, and change his effect:
Thick Skin: Reduce incoming damage based on adrenaline level.
Level 1 = 5% reduction
Level 2 = 10% reduction
Level 3 = 15% reduction

The goal are provides better traits, some then sinerging with adrenaline.

The fuss about Condi > DD

in PvP

Posted by: JETWING.2759


100b, eviscerate, killshot, heartseeker, backstab, unload, spatial surge, ilusionary duelist, burning speed, whirling wrath, and more and more skills disagree of opening post

The fundamental problem of conditions

in PvP

Posted by: JETWING.2759


I just no want be forced to run a predictable playstile like before. If all players be forced to run dps, some classes back to be unkilable or near unkilable.
- Elementaris and Guardians back to bunker/high dps build.
- Thieves become unkilable with perma stealth or evade.
- Stun lock warriors will raise in every place (because will be only viable build in PvP), then the next request will be: Please, nerf CC warriors!

The problem with conditions are Engineers.

Condition Damage > Direct Damage

in PvP

Posted by: JETWING.2759


“Condition Damage > Direct Damage”

Talk this to Mesmers and his illusions.

And about conditions… I think conditions are a good way to couter some buker dps classes. Forces they to sacrifice dps or sustain to carry some cleanses (i actually carry 4 cleanses to deal with conditions. Then, condition aren’t problem to me)

(edited by JETWING.2759)

Unsuspecting Foe should be moved to GM

in Warrior

Posted by: JETWING.2759


Adept is good place to this trait, because only works with Mace, Hammer and Sheld. These weapons requires aditional resources for deal dmg.
Honestly, i think this trait need an upgrade to work with disabled foes, and continue in adept trait.