(edited by JETWING.2759)
Honestly, i still putting down warriors very easily. Healing signet haven’t changed nothing in sustain.
- No reason to cry.
I think that cry about food and buffs in WvW are unnecessary, due that all classes have access to all foods and buffs.
About this build, i change my opinon, it’s realy viable (warriors isn’t more a free kill) but no invincible. That build have some disadvantages that others classes refuse explore.
- They no want to change or adapt their play style.
yep exactly thats what i thought too…they also put an arrow above the downed mesmer to show people who the right one is..thats ridiculous
I think that ilisuon become useless with red arrow.
But Mesmer still very strong, in my opinion
I can’t take WvW vids seriously when it comes to roamers. Especially heavily edited ones. No idea if the opponents are level 2-80 and what they are specced as.
Warrior needing buff and some guys wanting nerf…
Make an warrior, try to run cond build and see yourself…
I have a fun and affectice 1h sworsd build ill post when i can. I absolutly love it. Its all i play in spvp atm
on on the remark to the guy above me on sword skills.
- damage is fine second hit need to cast faster to be able to stack bleeds.
- is fine. doesn’t need weakness
- wtf with all the evade lol. its fine as is maybe less cast time but idk I hit 5k Crits(light armor classes, 2.5k-3k on heavy) and im not even a power build.
- yes its fine as is
- . maby add a sec or two of weakness on foes
f1 DO NOT!! make this skill give torment also. the bleeds on it are fine. I do so much damage off the bleeds with this one. and another spin attack…no… it would be nice if the immobile was longer but that might make it op.
Compare warrior’s sword #5 with Mesmer’s sword #5…
- Warrior need be hited by melee skill to inflict 4 bleed, or cansel to gain 5 stack adrenaline.
- Mesmer summon a phantasm that deal huge dmg (aditionaly to mesmer’s dmg), and unlock the 4 shatter skills.
What are the better?
4 bleed > healing signet
3 torment > healing sognet
2 confusion > healing signet
2 poison > healing signet
1 burning > healing signet
1 retaliation > healing signet
No talking about aditional raw dmg.
I can’t see how powerful healing signet are. May be i am inexperient…
Finals trust are a good burst, but is too slow… And all another classes have evade or defend in sword attacks.
- Ranger has Auto Attack (follow the foe), Hornet Sting (evade) and Serpent’s Strike (evade). Also can aditionally use Pets.
- Thieves has Tactical Strike (daze + blind), Infiltrator’s Strike (teleport), Shadow Retur (teleport and cleanse), Flanking Strike (evade), Larcenous Strike (boon rip) and Pistol Whip (evade). Also can steal (teleport), attack of stealth and without cooldown.
- Mesmer has Mind Spike (rip boon), Blurred Frenzy (invul), Swap (teleport + break stun) and Counter Blade (AoE daze). Also can use all clones, phantasm and shatter habilities.
- Guardians has Flashing Blade (teleport + AoE blind), Zealot’s Defense (block). All then with good sinergi with passive and actives virtues.
All these classes can trait for sword, deal insane raw dmg and conditions on foes, and all then have 2, 3 or more sustains (wielding sword and without skills #6 – #10).
Compare with Warrior.
Considering that warrior are one single target, without any kind of mobile summon to attacks, protects or cc.
(edited by JETWING.2759)
Same classes has 2, 3 or 4 heal skills :/
Warrior still lack sustain.
Where are they? I never see them in sPvP.
I thought sword got a decent buff recently – what’s wrong with it now?
It’s got a good immobilize on F1, a lot of CC, and decent dmg from Final Thrust and a trait that easily gets you the magic 100% critical chance.
So why aren’t they played?
Because another classes have 1h sword skills much better than warrior?
Because another classes can deal huge dps and evade/block at same time with sword, and warrior can’t do it?
Because another classes sword skills sinergis with proffession mechanics in high level, and warrior doesn’t?
1h sword still needing improvemets in dps and sustain.
A good thing are:
- Increase raw damage in #1.
- Evade 1s, Cripple and Weakness with #2.
- Evade 1s with #3.
- No changes in #4, it’s Ok!
- Replace actual #5 (Risposte) with actual f1 (Flurry), and increase raw dmg of Flurry.
- Replace actual f1 (Flurry) with Torment Tornado.
Torment Tornado: Spin and attack nearby foes, leaving then tormented. Can move while spinning.
Level 1 Damage (5x): 350
Level 2 damage (10x): 700
Level 3 damage (15x): 1050
Each hit inflicts 1 stack of torment for 10s.
Obs¹: Lasts 3,75s to make all 15 attacks.
Obs²: I liked of this name https://forum-en.gw2archive.eu/forum/professions/warrior/Warrior-An-Evolution-of-Burst-Skills/first#post2591065.
(edited by JETWING.2759)
The boss will become inactive without defiant.
The players will chain CC all time and the boss do not will be able to even fight, move or react.
An example are am (one single) stunlock warrior spamming stun every 7s and raizing adrenaline with Axe5 or HB. He will able to solo the boss with 0 dificulty. And i am talking about one single warrior, now increase more 5 or 10 players CC boss all time.
I don’t like easy and idiot NPC :/
(edited by JETWING.2759)
I do not agree in remove defiant.
Hits damage needs be fixed.
Sword #1 deals more dmg that all Flurry hits toguether.
I think each individual hit need deal more dmg, or sword will be viable only in condition builds.
Yeah, this is a something a lot of us agree on. The current implementation of Defiant makes any kind of CC build completely pointless.
I think remove defiant make bosses useless.
Think 10 or more players chain CC on boss all time… The dificulty could be 0.
Defiant are a good and brilhant skill for increase challenge and fun.
LB are good.
The only problem are projectile speed/animation. Warrior cast 0,75s to shoot LB #1, and need wait long animation and slow projectile speed to finaly hits the foe.
All Warrior’s LB skils last to hit the foe.
I think Warrior’s LB projectle speed needs be increased in 100%
I think that fire can burn most of things in every place, and with right combustive can weaken and destroy stone walls.
Why burn don’t affects objects?
May be good for condition builds if fire affects trebuchets, gates, walls, wood boxes and turrets.
Because LB f1 are AoE and ground-targeted.
I think a good improvement to Hammer f1 is make him AoE ground-targeted and replace combo finisher for combo field.
Make #3 projectile finisher, and #5 blast finisher.
Hammer don’t hit every place.
The player can’t hit the wall or roof above, even if targeted.
(edited by JETWING.2759)
A fun thing are that Anet alredy knows how bad banners are.
While Warrior needs run to banner location, this guy (http://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Champion_Chief_Otyugh) just need snap your fingers and his banner magically comes to your hands.
Mesmer are absurdly op.
Still very good and very viable.
Virtually invincible.You’re either a new and inexperienced player or a troll. My gut feeling is telling me to lean more towards the latter.
Well he is outside the top 1000 on Leaderboards if you put any stock into them.
I could stay inside 100 top if i play Mesmer
Some classes will become ultraOP, being able to replace a long cd or less interesting elite for an more usefull/interesting or with very lower cd.
- And if this triggers gear and food skills?
- And if this allow to spamm same tipe of hability?
I don’t agree.
Mesmer are absurdly op.
Still very good and very viable.
Virtually invincible.You’re either a new and inexperienced player or a troll. My gut feeling is telling me to lean more towards the latter.
Just look better all mesmer’s potential.
I dont need teach how you can kill me faster.
Frequently i see necros with 5, 6 or 7 minions at same time, spamming hits, conditions and body shelds for entire arena.
Rangers can spamm 5 or 6, and now they have stealth for remove target ans still dealing insane damage.
Mesmers… All here alredy knows how semi-god they are. No coments more.
Elementarists and Guardians can run with 3 or 4 minions disablind, dealing damage and condition, or being body shelds.
Engineers with all that things, and insane condition spammer…
Warriors… No, warriors haven’t summon.
I think the amount of summon, the health (summon), damage (summon) and capabilities, needs be balanced with status and capabilities of summoner.
Actully some classes have 3, 4 or 5 more tough, health and power that an warrior.
Compare 5 Necros, Rangers, Engineers or Mesmers, all then with all summons, against 5 Warriors, all then with 4 bannes each.
- Just a massacre.
- Warrior pieces covering all cenário :/
(edited by JETWING.2759)
Mesmer are absurdly op.
Still very good and very viable.
Virtually invincible.
(edited by JETWING.2759)
personally i think hes made some very reasonable points all 8 boons and remove all conditions isnt in line with the other skills and especially with elites like basilisk venom having such a short cooldown it really does need to be reworked.
You’re comparing an ability tied to elites that cleanses conditions (heavy in the current meta) and gives 5s of boons at max once per minute to a number of static, always on effects. All boons for 5 seconds can vary wildly from very strong to near useless, depending on the situation you use your elite in – always on effects are…always on.
Being tied to the elite means that at times, you’re blowing your elite just for a condi cleanse – maybe the elites effect won’t help much now… but it had to be done – that’s a fair tradeoff IMO.
So you think a 45 cooldown skill which does the following is balanced:
1, Gives you every boon in the game (inc stab) for 5 seconds
2, Cures all conditions on you
3, Gives you the ability to stun a target the next time you hit him.
4, Cast time 1 secondLook at signet of stamina. 1 of those effects on 60s cd. Look at save youselves. Not even 1 of those effects on the same cooldown.
I am gonna put this in op because it proves my point.
I think you are mistaken
I run condition build, but no cost nothing reaply conditions or wait 5s to burst tons of conditions..
I think the problem are that some condition players want full easily in fight, no making use of strategy, positioning, or even analisis of foe.
Lissa is ok.
Make some someones, put some points in vitality, use cleanses, combos, boons and regen.
Conditions are de only way to fight some classes that can run tank + dps at same time, classes that can attack and survive at same time.
Nerf condition damage will make these classes ultraoverpower, and restart the require clicle.
(edited by JETWING.2759)
Warrior still needs sustain.
Another classes just come to close and sweeps the floor with me.
(may be i am bad warrior…)
And what i make with my actual PvE/WvW set? Just change?
I think no are reasons to increase ICD of Lissa skills. Honestly, i think the opening post are same Necro trying get beneficts from Lissa nerf.
I liked Gnashblade’s marqueting, but when i read the “when i be elected”, i remember of brazilians politics
I think Gnashblade can help who alredy have lv 80 and some resources.
For Raw Dmg + Sustain have:
- Clerig
- Knight
- Soldier
- Valkyrie
I think the problem are in player’s builds, not in amulets or conditions itself.
Warrior are nothing without fast hands. Then yes! It’s time to fast hands become base.
Learn play with balanced build, allowed to make a few of each thing.
What about a megazord?
You can’t rivalize condition builds with this.
Good luck for banner users
I just think that has no suficient reward for spend an utility slot with that. I preffer to use a stance, a control and another more usefull and less risky thing like shout :/
(edited by JETWING.2759)
Better not…in WvW, some warriors could just stand somewhere safe (say, in a tower lord room) sniping everyone passing by or trying to attack said tower without any chance to get hit back.
In this range he will need gain adrenaline to use kill shot, the use frequenci are low.
This could be better used in group combat against a fleeing foe. When the foe run to back line, kill shot will be unable to hit because range long cast time. With 3000 range he hits.A shot with 10k+ dmg every 10 secs (or less) and with a 3000 Range is to strong and to powerful. This would only more destroy the “balance” and make GW2 from a MMORPG to a MMOTPS full of riflewarriors.
I don’t think.
10k dmg requires full adrenaline, and the warrior stay static while cast that long casting.
To daing adrenaline the warrior needs stay in range of everyone, hiting.
I think stunlock warrior still weak. Use ranged attacks and he is gone.
Stunlock requires element of surprise or some distraction to work good.
Thieves alredy tons of escapes and defencives resources. A good idea are reduce his access to blind for prevent blind spamm.
Retaliation should be changed to Toughness-dependant percentile damage.
Placeholder formula would be a simple 5 + ( 0.01 * Toughness ) % as damage reflected.
The only problem here is that it wouldn’t be very effective at lower levels, but the formula can be modified to correct that.
Bad idea.
Some classes (i don’t want list) could run full rabid, and spam protection + retaliation + condition and become unkilabe.
Bad idea.
This could crash condition based traits and skills.
No are meta. Just some players looked better for conditions instead run brute all time, and some players don’t want spend resources with defence.
- They just want attack and defend at same time with summons/stealth/bunker/regen + dps.
Warrior is still just terrible compared to other classes/melee. I mean okay, stun lock one class…great. Just don’t fight anyone else or prepare to get completely worked over. Still can’t deal with conditions well and especially not in this pvp environment.
More condi nerfs (necro or otherwise) are just going to be more indirect buffs to guardians and bunker builds which is pretty unfortunate.
Nerf condition results in great buff to bunker classes.
It’s a good idea. I agree!
Chilled could reduce iniciative recharge speed.
My tactics against Thieves:
- AoE
- CC or Imobilize
- Counter with direct or condition burst
Better not…in WvW, some warriors could just stand somewhere safe (say, in a tower lord room) sniping everyone passing by or trying to attack said tower without any chance to get hit back.
In this range he will need gain adrenaline to use kill shot, the use frequenci are low.
This could be better used in group combat against a fleeing foe. When the foe run to back line, kill shot will be unable to hit because range long cast time. With 3000 range he hits.
(edited by JETWING.2759)
Tier S
+ Mesmer
+ Thief
Tier A
+ Necro
+ Engineer
= Elementarist
= Ranger
= Guardian
Tier B
Tier C
- Warrior
_______________________________________________Thieves and Mesmers still being semi-gods in terms of dmg, escape, deception, divesity, etc…
Necros and Engineers are absurdly OP in terms of spamm (summons and conditions) and sustain. they just stay in midle of ring and kill every thing that try enter in insane speed, they can drop down all foe’s health in few seconds.
Elementaris, Ranger and Guardians can mix high defense with high attack. They just can bunker and stand in 1 × 2 or 1 × 3 while deals huge dmg.
- All classes in Tier A and S can solo that base lord very fast, with no rick!
Warriors needs massive improvement.
- No summon, no deception, unable to defend a point, very easy to kill.Hotjoin player here, for sure.
And you knows everything about all and are owner of the truth… :/