Showing Posts For Simon.3794:

Nice Balance Thief =0

in Thief

Posted by: Simon.3794


Oh wow, did you just call me a srub? yup you did

wanna duel my thief, friend? let’s see whos the real scrub

Nice Balance Thief =0

in Thief

Posted by: Simon.3794


Let’s see what this Jana has been complaining since april 2014,

“So thief is unplayable now? As there’s no way I will be able to survive like this.”
while thief pre patch has always been the OP class in every top team the whole 2014.

it’s funny when some one can’t play an OP class

Nice Balance Thief =0

in Thief

Posted by: Simon.3794


then dont make it glassy. But stop kittening about how weak thief turn out to be & get some skill’s

Ok and that is the answer to what?

to you, the noob.

The class that ruins competitive PvP...

in PvP

Posted by: Simon.3794


Hi frands, Teef Teef Teef Teef here, retired best multiclass NA!

For someone who has retired, you sure post a lot. You remind me of an ex who can’t let go. Just like an ex, you have two options: 1. beg a team to take you back. 2. move on and play a different game.

Im plat 1 in league, and I wouldn’t come back to the game unless I got into the Abjured cuz then I could farm free money off of Anet. I’m just highlighting the biggest problem I saw in PvP when I still played and how Anet could potentially fix PvP and bring people back.

@Dr GonzoWithout Thieves Mesmer would be OP???? LOL. Go play a Mesmer and tell me that they’re on the same tier as thief. Unlike Thief who can faceroll 1-2-3 in teamfights then insta-disengage, Mesmer has a very hard time doing damage. Even if there wer no thieves mesmer would still be a high skill floor class and would definitely not be OP because the class has clear weaknesses and counterplay unlike Thief. Same for rangers, but they’re easier to play, in exchange for less utility.

I play mesmer for 3 days now (mainly playing thief before that)
I must say, once you get used to shattering, beating people up is even easier on mesmer. Especially with the high ground on legacy of foefire.

You are a bad mesmer.

With mesmer only shoutbows seem challenging because it takes forever to take down those passive healing kittens. I’d much rather ANet look into that particular build first. It seems kittened for a shoutbow to survive 3 burst players for more than 20 secs <o>

duel my thief on your mesmer please, hint: i don’t have a thief, i have to create one first.

if you interested, PM me on forum, i’ll be so happy to show you how wrong and clueless you are..

So...this just happened.

in Thief

Posted by: Simon.3794


nerf thief super hard please, they one shot my mesmer and elementalist 2000 range away within 1 second with no proper tell….that’s way too OP in a broken game mode like WvW.

i can dodge killshot so easy, but i can’t dodge a thief 2400 away instantly comes to me and do CnD and then do backstab doing 17k damage all together and one shot me please.

pleas eplease nerf thief, they noob one shot my sexy mesmer and my cute asura elementalist

(edited by Simon.3794)

So...this just happened.

in Thief

Posted by: Simon.3794


Actually if you are at 1500 range away, if you move a tiny bit and the killshot will be out of range. unless you just stand there and not move at all.

he must be like around 1000 range to you and you completely missed a dude that is kneeling for 1 second +.

while a thief can one shot mesmer and elementalist 2000 range away with no proper tell within less then one second is completely fine.

yes. better nerf thief hard according to your one shot argument.

Mes, Nec, and Ranger need buffs

in PvP

Posted by: Simon.3794


The problem isn’t existing classes but meta builds.
Celestial is little overpowered ATM.

And anet is clearly going to nerf the cele amulet amirite? /sarcasm.

And your “favourite” team just got rekt despite using celestial godlike builds( well you think they are) @ArrDee say : “Get good son”

orng had the same amount of cele….

PvP condi necros: why carrion over rabid?

in Necromancer

Posted by: Simon.3794


btw if you go rabid, you get hard countered by diamond skin ele..

atleast thats what happened when i was playing rabid corrupt

Impossibly skilled ele

in PvP

Posted by: Simon.3794


he def switched if you know what is a fresh air.

So...this just happened.

in Thief

Posted by: Simon.3794


because gs/s build can kill shot, great.

Impossibly skilled ele

in PvP

Posted by: Simon.3794


yup a fresh air ele can down a thief 100-0 in 1 second if lucky enough.

Congratulation R O M & Orange Logo

in Warrior

Posted by: Simon.3794


ROM is the tactician and the leader, so good.

he leads the team so good like a real warrior.

How often you don't play Meta?

in PvP

Posted by: Simon.3794


i playedwhati enjoy which is gs/lb war most of the time.

Is a no LB War in PvP always trolling?

in Warrior

Posted by: Simon.3794


you do know that longbow is not only used in bunker build right?..

Deluxe edition and outfit

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Simon.3794


So today i bought Profane outfit for 500 gem without realizing the Deluxe edition upgrade for 500 gem also gives profane outfit.

is there anyway i can do an exchange or anything

Please take a look at shoutheal war

in PvP

Posted by: Simon.3794


PvP Forum Specialist here

Few questions about this build:

  1. Is the problem banner? – Let’s say the build didn’t have War Banner. Would you still think this build is too strong?
  2. Is the problem killing it? – I tend to find that these die fairly quickly in team fights, but super slow in small engagements.
  3. What do you usually fight it with? – What are your tactics for fighting it, if at all

1) Shoutwar got no stab, so ye easly interuptable
2) kinda y, vulnerable to heavy cc like slick shoes and high power burst.
3) focus him with a powerburst like thief mesmer, he’s gonna die asap if well coordinated.

I mean D/D ele’s doing better at everything exept that war got that long cd and easly interuptable banner, clearly shoutwar is the most balanced spec atm, its just old warriors player who stick with this spec when there’s ingi celestial and ele DD at a better spot.

You say its not op because “focus it with thief mesmer”. Then nothing is OP. You could double all damage and healing on d/d ele and it wouldnt be OP.

EVERYTHING insta dies vs thief/mesmer. Right from bunker guardian down. Literally everything.

Maybe that is a problem in itself with the high burst of thief amd fire/air sigils though.

Nope nope nope you can survive from it ofc, but thing is warshout got not reliable acces to protection, no block, no invul, no extra dodge like dd burning speed and no stab, no cc like slick shoes wich can completly reset the thief/mesmer, you’ve only fear me if you’re not blinded and trying to dodge the first hits if you’re not already cc’ed by smth.

Yeah its harder on shoutwar

nah, dd ele is definitely harder to play..
reason why everybody and their moms are playing shoutheal while everybody and their mom know dd is better.

HoT Demo. Possible bad news for thieves.

in PvP

Posted by: Simon.3794


nah, thief will probably still be the fastest point to point class

because it’s not far, all you need is burst speed.

and greatsword alone without sword is not really fast…and easily be affected by chill and cripple

So...this just happened.

in Thief

Posted by: Simon.3794


if you have any damaging conditions ppl can still see you because of floating damage numbers)

this, def this, buff thief please. too weak! they see my blood on the floor when im stealth cuz bleeding, please buff thief, k thxbye #mostrealisticvideogame2012

(edited by Simon.3794)

Revenant: your weapons wishlist?

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Simon.3794


sword, dagger, greatsword

dps, power

mobility, fast

ANet's sollution to 5000 Ascended Rings?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Simon.3794


i throw rings away

Greatsword wish list!

in Warrior

Posted by: Simon.3794


That’s not stupid use of rush.
in fact it will bring up skill cap and lower all the BS happening

If you rush to an enemy and he does a random turn and you are stuck in one of those random LoS for like a straight second not being able to do anything, that’s not stupid use of skill, that’s just BS.

and you can’t just compare one of the most OP build in the game to no viable at all build? RTL doesnt even get affected by any soft CC if you really want to compare, and they also lack healing signet, because their signet only heals when attacking is so bad compare to healing signet, better give them that as well, right?

(edited by Simon.3794)

Greatsword wish list!

in Warrior

Posted by: Simon.3794


im surprised how no one actually want at least rush to be cancel able

Please disable profession win dailies

in PvP

Posted by: Simon.3794


i dont care about daily class
i do enjoy, i play what i want, not daily
play any of the 8 class to get ap, or 2 of 8 or 3 of 8

What do you want the most to know about?

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Simon.3794


1. revenant sword/ power dps build
2. Specializations
3. legendary

i don’t care about anything else.

Super Explosive Finisher

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Simon.3794


i won a finisher box in ToL and got mine there lol.
the finisher sure is sexy

HoT Demo. Possible bad news for thieves.

in PvP

Posted by: Simon.3794


finally they decide to fix this clearly unfair advantage in a competitive game.



in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Simon.3794


yes gw2 really lacks small things like this to make journey in a beautiful world like gw2 more fun.

its not all about combat, you know.

Please take a look at shoutheal war

in PvP

Posted by: Simon.3794


It is bad at 1v1 against zerk builds because the damage is weak.

I’d bring a lb ranger if the other team has shotbow, problem solved.

Shoutbow can deal with zerker quite easily, especially something like thieves.
It is one of the easiest classes to build up 25 stack of might with easy rotation , and can just spam that ridiculously large f1 on LB and blast it with combusion shot and Warhorn 5. Also it’s one of the easiest classes to play good while you have little experience of the build itself. It has so many aoe cleanses to himself and to the group.

Shoutbow damage is not low because both weapon sets they’re using are all hybrid weapons that uses both condition and power. Because they can so easily get to 25 stacks of might even w/o any might supported rune, the damage is by no means low.
Only thing shoutbow is weak at is against outnumbered fight. (2 or more v 1).
Shoutbow doesn’t has stability/ evade/ invulnerable or block, so against any outnumbered match up, they’d quickly fall by chain CC and focus fire.

3 stacks of might(Combustion shot) + 3 stacks of might(Warhorn 5) = 25 stacks of might?

Haha, clearly someone never played a Warrior before.
Coming from the guy who said this is a troll thread XD

Sigil of Battle on one weapon + quick hand.

Precast FGJ when cd is off. Combine with traits it should gives around 6 stacks.
Engage battle, switch weapon between 1-h sword/warhorn and LB to gain easy adrenaline. You gain easy access to sigil of battle thanks to quick hand. That’s 2 stacks for 26 seconds. If you do your weapon swap properly you should get 4~6 stacks from the sigil easily

Adrenaline full, use f1 then combustion shot 3 stacks 26 seconds. Switch weapon, use warhorn to blast fire field again, 6 stacks. By the time you switch back to LB your Adrenaline should be full again, F1 then combusion shot, another 3 stacks.
If your rotation is correct, you should always get 9~12 stacks from this.

That’s 6+6+12 = 20~24 stacks of mights constantly.

If you use Signet of Rage instead of Battle Standard, you should get another 5 stacks. But it’s still more useful to bring Battle Standard in high end pvp, but if you’re solo queing, signet of rage can still be chosen.

So, in order to get 25 stacks of might you lose:

  • Valuable condi removal from F1 Longbow
  • Valuable condi removal from Warhorn
  • Valuable condi removal and heal from FGJ
  • Big damage from Longbow 3
  • and you might gain a position disadvantage.

Sounds like a fair trade.

…no not really, non of these really is a problem…if you know what you are doing…

Do Not Nerf Turret Engi

in PvP

Posted by: Simon.3794


i might be wrong, but don’t they melt to conditions.
at least thats what i switch to when i see turrets, and they just jump around helplessly and die..
sure they are extremly op against power builds.

They are strong against most zerker builds because those builds have to sacrifice survivability for raw damage and the turrets wreck them. They are strong against condition builds because conditions do not damage/cc the turrets and the engi can focus on building for survivability/high health etc because turrets.

They are strong 1vs1 because turrets, they are strong in a group because turrets, and they excel fighting on a point- where most of the fighting occurs and where the fighting is most important because turrets.

Other really easy builds like shoutheal warrior don’t have so many problems against them because of a mix of high health, regen, cc, and, condition cleanses, and condition damage.

you can try condi builds, after healing turret, they melt in seconds, you don’t even need to care about turrets. i haven’t met a single turret that goes well against condition builds.

problem about turret, it’s extremely no skill but exmtrely good against any power build, and last extremly long.

Do Not Nerf Turret Engi

in PvP

Posted by: Simon.3794


i might be wrong, but don’t they melt to conditions.
at least thats what i switch to when i see turrets, and they just jump around helplessly and die..
sure they are extremly op against power builds.

Please take a look at shoutheal war

in PvP

Posted by: Simon.3794


The problem about is build is that
Everyone and their moms are bandwagoning it while everyone and their mom knows DD ele is better.
See the problem? that makes me sad.

Greatsword wish list!

in Warrior

Posted by: Simon.3794


My wish?

Whirlwind, Rush cancel able.

Specializations in the demo?

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Simon.3794


every unlikely
so no hype

Chinese guild wars 2 is funny

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Simon.3794


The fact is
in chinese GW2

25 gem = 1 RMB
5298 gem = 211.92 RMB

the rate right now is

1 dollar = 6.26 rmb

211.92 rmb = 33.85 dollars

black wing in china =5298 gem = 211.92 RMB = 33.85 dollars

(edited by Simon.3794)

Rampage is solo fun

in Warrior

Posted by: Simon.3794


Ofc it is fun.

It is the same as lich, they have the same concept and like also the same.
both are gimmick, no skill, high damage

reason why nobody using it, because everybody and their moms are busy playing shoutheal.

while condition necro actually take a decent amount of skill, so people go with power necro which is more noob friendly.

Warriors are bad? Stop whining.

in Warrior

Posted by: Simon.3794


Old soloq stats does prove stuff.

If you are good, you are high ranked without effort.

ostrich, nos and every single top player can easily stay in top 200 without giving a care.
and that is also the rank where you have the most fun against good players.
go lower then top 500, you will feel like playing with monkeys.

Fix Rangers

in PvP

Posted by: Simon.3794


I bet by now every one who do ranked or unranked would already realize how frustrating a longbow ranger is..

Chinese guild wars 2 is funny

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Simon.3794


It is funny i find.


Revenant Heal

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Simon.3794



Revenant has considerably low number of skills.
if you even limit that on healing, that would be even less skills.

reaction to having two heals is just as dumb as reacting to how ele has 20 weapon skills (and some of them can even heal)

(edited by Simon.3794)

Today i realized how funny greatswords are

in Warrior

Posted by: Simon.3794


OT: yes greatsword’s damage is hard to land when enemy has no intention to fight, if he just decide to run around the node in cycle, most of your skill will miss unless you land some kind of hard/soft CC.

but if the enemy has intention to go toe to toe with you, that’s where gs is fun at.

btw when theres node like in legacy, where you just whirlwind out of the node and have to run a semi circle to get in again, it’s a pain

(edited by Simon.3794)

Today i realized how funny greatswords are

in Warrior

Posted by: Simon.3794


They must not have been Skullcracker, because you would have been the one lying on the ground.

not really, mace is much gimmicky dueling build that has no spot in team other then bunker.

there was a guy who was using gs/mace/shield in soloq all the time back in 2014, but he eventually fade a away, and gs/maceshield remains to a dueling build.

and pin down will always be 5 times better at stopping someone to land team coordinated bursts etc. not to mention fire feild, and ranged damage

a good DP thief can competely shutdown your ability for skullcracking as well.

reason why i hate and never use any mace build, because any mace build are strong or even OP when up against builds with projectils in 1v1. but just not good when used in team. not even when it has lb, it just lacks in some way, reason why mace/sword lb was never in the play, instead of axe/sword lb. but m/s/lb is so much stronger in duel.
only if when they can combine mace/gs build and mace/lb to one build or something. but as of right now i see no use of it in team.
also one crucial thing about m/gs is that, it is a node fighter, it is only useful when it’s close to enemy, which cause him to stay on node for the majority of the time, but he can’t keep the node, because gs 3 will constantly get him out of the node…which cause him to lose the node, sure gs/lb can’t also gard nodes, but it will have an advantage for damaging enemy from outside of the node and has more aoe for node control.

(edited by Simon.3794)

Revenant: your weapons wishlist?

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Simon.3794


Hey check out Angry Joy interview.

There is a Revenant wielding a offhand Focus
with what appears to be a Main Hand dagger.

Opinions on this?

you must be dreaming, because the beta build they provided does not have dagger focus revenant

Super Adventure Box [merged]

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Simon.3794


But they are not ready yet!….


(edited by Simon.3794)

Show Me Your Wings!!!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Simon.3794


i don’t have wings, i think they ugly

Theif Non Existent?!

in Thief

Posted by: Simon.3794


Check back in a good year later after a break and people still think their thieves are bad? Rip. I have no issues with an inch thick of rust. I swear the average player skill in all mmos has to drop daily.

If you have no problems in PvP on Thief while being rusty you must be dueling golem dummies. Thief has a high skill floor, because it’s the most squishy class in the game.

how is it the most squishy class in the game when ele has the lowest HP and armor.


in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Simon.3794


Have a decent animation for 500 gem what!?

Please take a look at shoutheal war

in PvP

Posted by: Simon.3794


Must be so hard to understand that Shoutbow can only have 3 dodges within a small time frame and one stun break every 20 seconds. Must be so hard to understand how easy it is to bait out shouts with both CC, condi, and direct damage.

It’s like the only close to balanced cele spec in the game because of the fact that it is probably the easiest to kill out of the cele meta.

TL;DR Shoutbow is without a doubt easy to play and easy to understand, but at least it’s reasonable to deal with. I mean look at abjured, they don’t even need a shoutbow considering Ele and Engi are technically stronger.

P.S He thinks Warrior is low-skill cap but bases his “opinion” on shoutbow. Yawn. He even said Hambow took more skill, real?

You are officially the most annoying can-not-read-anything-properly person in this forum.

In which word you see me saying the guy can dodge? why are even you saying bait his skills and dodge? like what, how, what, hmm? i don’t even.
your level of text understanding is just beyond my imagination

and like your body text and TLDR don’t even relate to each other, it’s sad.

like OP “omg shoutheal is so low skill floor, the guy lives too long for not dodging”

blacktruth: " no dude, l2p, man, bait his dodge!and skill!
tldr : ye, shoutheal is easy to play"

what? how?……..what? did you just wrote that body text to kitten people off or something, like whats the point, me don’t get it.
or do you even know what is a tldr?

btw i never said a single word about shoutheal being strong, but the fact that an ele at the same level as he is would be dead in seconds. people like to make things up or what.

i should really stop replying to comments that make no sense and are simply made to kitten people off, really.

(edited by Simon.3794)

Please take a look at shoutheal war

in PvP

Posted by: Simon.3794


No build should be able to be that kitten tanky, when the guy has no idea what hes doing and just spamming dodges and skills randomly.

at least DD took skill,
god please bring up the over all skill floor for warrior, this is just so sad..
even hambow took more skill than this?

Nerf Celestial Already

in PvP

Posted by: Simon.3794


Ok so heres a list of changes i made from my experience and every one’s comments in this thread.

-Nerf celestial amulet down to 400 per stat


-Increase magnetic grasp to 3/4 sec cast time*
-Half the boons duration provided by elemental attunement to allies (not to the user itself)
-Decrease the damage reduction from frozen aura

-Add animation to Overcharge*
-Slick shoes need to be looked at
-Gear block increase cooldown
-Net shot increase cooldown

*: important.

Why is the Warrior community being penalized?

in Warrior

Posted by: Simon.3794


I go away for a few months and come back to this kitten:

1) Warrior is supposed to be average at everything. Deal with it.


except the fact that warrior is not avergae at everything, but average at so little things he can do.

can he group stealth? skip? reflect projectils for team? give teamate protection?place waterfield? blind field?
nop, non of these he can do. i’m not even talking about things that he can do but insanely “average” at.

he’s “average” at a very little few things hes already limited to do, except banner.
not everything, just not everything..if you want to talk about everything, it’s definitely not warrior you are talking about.

kitten like this is the reason I quit the forums in the first place. Also the reason I came back, because arguing with stupidity is amusing.

Does your stealth/blind thief stack all the might/vuln? Does your reflect mesmer pile on banners that give huge stat buffs? Even engie can’t give fury. Warrior does all that kitten and still goes good DPS in the process, unlike your blindthief who’s puffing smoke instead of attacking like some college fratboy stoner every four seconds.

And if that still doesn’t float your boat, just delete your warrior and reroll, that’s what I did when they nerfed engies.

my stealth blind thief can also reflect projectils, safe rez any time, skip trash, smoke field, top DPS, strip protection and dancing dagger is amazing against fotm shaman
my engi can reflect projectils, group stealth for trash skip, stealth rez, smoke field, water field, fire field, strip protection.
sure mesmer might not be that good, but it can also reflect projectils, aoe stealth for rez and skip, and portal for skip, which are all fun and good.
what warrior does? dddddd drop the banna.

please, i have almost every class 80 even the ones i don’t have a few 80’d, i play them in PvP, so please, don’t try to act like i don’t know stuff and try to foul me over.

In sPvP:
Yet this guy has ZERO presence in competitive play. Not to mention bad theory crafting because he makes a Rifle build with Signet of Fury and then whines about Warrior being bad.

I actually do have competitive play presence though in sPvP, if you search through my post history.

On Topic:

Warrior is balanced and can be borderline strong, and I just have what it takes to prove it. At least for sPvP.

Please stop wasting time on the forums and watch my stream instead or Tarcis.

Was i talking about PvP in the freaking first place? You tell me.
People just can’t read some how, i mentioned PvP because adds that up, i have experience in all classes to farther prove my point on PvE dungeons.

and no i don’t have presence in GW2 PvP scene and don’t have the rig to stream and what?
I can actually duel people like hayb lite, bear, w/e in fair fight with zerker.
and i actually killed cele rifle OE with zerker in fair fight(100-0), not like i haven’t down 5g either, but sorry i don’t brag about it all day long just because i downed a half dead good player.
Im not saying im the best player in the world, but just because i don’t have presence or brag about anything at all doesn’t mean no shet.

btw ill not respond to you again, because non of what you say make any sense.
All you do is call out others for being bad, yet you fail to prove anything promising yourself, non of what you showed are wowing nor impressive at all. not like i’m here to participate some name calling drama instead of actually argue on warrior with constructive arguments that stand.

miku said it best “BlackTruth for once could you provide any substance to your claims and post without demanding people watch your stream lol?
Just because you like to play differently than other people and use completely random utilities doesn’t mean you’re a prodigy whenever you win in an encounter.”

now please excuse me.

(edited by Simon.3794)