Bumped up from two months ago. Having done my share of killing things out of turn just to annoy those that scream about it I started to notice how often players were asking “what is next”. Repeatedly. Then I noticed how genuinly sad they were to show up and find the thing dead already. I’m picking on these people? I was being the worst kind of kitten that I normally hate and should be above such antics. Yes they are annoying but I should be better than that. So now instead of griefing them and giving them a sad face I now do a couple rounds with them and when they ask " what next?" I respond “troll is next” my friend “troll is next”.
Yeesh someone got out of the wrong side of bed. If you bothered to read I’m not the op. Your so offended by someone who doesn’t want to play your way you cannot even stand to see a post concerning it. Go away if you cannot handle reading the forums.
3:50 server time turned on comp logged into gw2
3:57 server time posted advert in the gw2 lfg tool
“non-stacking run ac path 3, skipping trash and kholer”
3:59 server time party is full
killed queen spider and final boss without stacking
4:22 server time dungeon is complete and everyone goes their separate ways
Thank you to the players who came. There was a lvl 67 warrior in there as well.
So it is not hopeless. We can make our own groups if this one sample can be believed.
Dont party with those players. Form your own group. Problem solved.
Ever wonder why that little rock was left in CM where you could jump up and skip half the dungeon? Ive considered things like that were left in on purpose because the dungeons were kittened and Anet knew it.
Miaire is right speed runs stacking and skipping are the unwritten rule the SOP. So for a different experience it must be specified in the lfg. Whether anyone actually reads the description is a different topic.
A nice pleasant topic. 20 slot bags are very nice and they can be used by whichever character you are playing atm so you only need one set. Bring salvage kits with you. When playing with people you know you can mail excess loot to them and they can hit return to sender. Still full? Just start throwing out the real junk and plan better the next time.
Idk but the title sounds like a cool elite.
save all of your karma till 80
Since this is the only even remotely interesting topic in this section…
2000 hrs played and I have not completed personal story, not gotten 100% map, not gotten dungeon master, have not done spvp for ten months, not done fractal higher than 10, have crafted cooking to 400 on one character and not touched any other crafts, have not done any of the extra content except for the Mad King and a few Teq attempts. Bring on the Mad King! Imo there is plenty for casuals to do. What I have done is run all the dungeons except arah a bunch of times and worked towards 8 geared 80’s without using crafting, 1 and 1/2 80’s to go.
Then there is three people I play with who play only about two hours a week. If that is not casual I dont know what is. They love the game and never complain about it. They are just not like me they have other interests and hobbies that they also enjoy.
take from that what you will
If you dont mind pulling out your credit card I believe you can gear yourself in a full set of berserker (power/precision/crit damage bonus) for about $20 US. That is trinkets, armor, and a couple weapons. Then if you want the opposite of berserker save up your wvwv tokens and start getting your achievement points up to about 4000. I believe achievement point chests give a healthy portion of wvwvw tokens or at least they did. I think you will have enough wvwvw tokens at that point to get an entire set if lvl 80 exotic pvt gear from the wvwv vendor.
just another option
edit . wups i didnt even read the post above me which says buy gems convert to gold
(edited by Slither Shade.4782)
This is the kind of more epic feeling and looking dragon battle that I was expecting when I came to this game. Feels better than beating on the claw of jormag for sure. Even though I log in and see ten people on my server at the fight (just have to guest I suppose) and have yet to beat it I think you did a good job. There should be challenges out there that cannot be face rolled there already is enough face roll stuff in the game.
Im not adding anything to this topic except to say Anet I am done and have been done with pugs in your dungeons for a couple months now. They are so bad I tell my mmo friends how cheesy and unsatisfying they are.
But I also tell them that I greatly enjoy doing them with my family on our four accounts. I will just be doing each path once with them instead if multiple times with pugs. Probably for the best anyways.
One guild/family run > than all the pug runs. Kitten horrible.
Except for story modes which tend to have newer players who have yet to succumb to the cheese.
Thank you but I have always been under the impression that the correct order is 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,kite, kite, kite, kite, kite, kite, kite, whew. Most likely I am just in bad groups though.
Your zerker gear and experience at burning stuff down in dungeons will make you an asset defending I think. One possible solution would be to get a cheap set of exotics with power and either vitality or toughness. Then use your traits and put 30 into power and 30 into your missing stat. Cause pvt gear is expensive in golds, karma, and wvw tokens. This was just an idea to look at other cheaper sets that may still do what you want. Idk is there a set like p/v/healing or p/t/healing?
ok call me crazy but is toughness really an asset for reducing incoming damage while dpsing the dragon? Not sure but I think most damage I take is from poison? Maybe Ive had my pvt blinders on.
(edited by Slither Shade.4782)
Im going to say that dpsing him is not hard to do without getting downed. Course Im on a warrior traited and geared pvt with three different health regens running and healing shouts. Is that coordination needed? Stacking near his leg depending on guardian reflects ect and all I saw two seconds after the event started was a kitten sea of downed players. I am talking out my kitten Ive never seen him below 50%. Almost seemed that it was being made more complicated than it is though.
I like the lfg tool. Maybe it could be made better but it is good now. People just need to remember how to read before joining.
You just took such a brow beating that I feel that I must jump in and acknowledge that you are just trying to help people even though I have written much much worse rants, which have been removed for me, about this. Kitten it grats on finishing the path however you did it. You have to try doing path 3 boss without stacking in the corner though. My small guild just four manned it tonight under the warmaster’s bubble. Two hunters, a thief, and an ele. Its way easier than you think.
I always take the side of the underdog for some reason. Lol after the revamp I personally made twenty looking for 4 noob groups, ran them through path 3, and showed them how to stack the boss. Im convinced they then each showed four people the same thing and so on. Then I came on the forums and kittened about not being able to do a run where everyone didnt cheese it. I am shamed.
(edited by Slither Shade.4782)
Instance owner needs to stay. A player should be able to start a group with a stated style of play without it being hijacked by others.
Your post is more of a statement than a question but I like Ele and Necro. All classes to 80 except Engineer and Necro which is at 50.
Stacking 25 bleeds on a dungeon baddie with my full condition ele = total garbage. Imo. Making a necro atm and kitten condition damage. Im going full zerk any condition damage I happen put on is just an incidental bonus.
am i allowed to write kitten (where you all form a circle and tug each other) or will it be replaced by kitten? probably be infracted
I do not miss it. Was random group tanking an easy dungeon (the ramparts) and a dps typed into chat that his mom was being a pain and hassling him to clean his room. So I typed /sit and stated that I was not moving for the next fifteen minutes so that he could clean his room. I went and read a book for a while. When I came back there were a couple wtk’s in chat but everyone was still there. We continued on and not a word was said. Did he clean his room? Idk.
I imagine that by now you have your tears. You wrote that on your server it is hard to find a group which leads me to believe that you are not using the lfg site. www.gw2lfg.com It can be a bit sluggish at times but the ac section has a list of lfg’s as long as cof.
Ghost Eater….. not directed at you op but just stop getting downed the first second he becomes vulnerable to attack. For kittens sake its a small window of opportunity to kill him and you are laying down doing zero dps. Stop that.
Id like to see twenty fear and chain lightning spamming cave trolls spawn with that poor abused troll and go on a rampage…… ya scale the event a bit.
What am I saying that would be farmed like crazy! Still would be cool though.
(edited by Slither Shade.4782)
Suggesting that ANET somehow immortalize the ingame character of the creator(s) of the lfg site(s). I guess I could just use the donate button on the site. Nah…maybe… If I knew for certain his account name Id send some golds for sure.
Who ever you are thank you for providing this invaluable service. Many thanks.
An achievement for killing every champ in the game to give players another reason to get back out and about.
Lt. Kholer
Also a champion Charr at the end of a mini dungeon in the zone just north of the AC dungeon zone. Forget what it is called. Its an underwater fight.
Awarded by Anet to qualifying forum posters:
A mini proctologist named Dr. kitten who occasionally will snap on a rubber glove while saying"Awww does your kitten? Let me check that."
A mini walking flower named Special Flower who holds an umbrella over its head and who occasionally says “This umbrella protects me from all the things I dont like”.
I eagerly await my own set of Dr. kitten and Special Flower minis.
edit aw kitten censor
An entertaining read thank you.
This is a rough estimate as I wasnt keeping track of time but about six hours for 40k karma from events ect. Hope that helps you in some way. How happy was I when I found a forgotten stack of 250 drops on an alt? A little but nit too much.
So did you manage to find another group? Or has this terribad experience forever ruined your gw2 dungeon running days? Nice story.
Pull mobs into a group and spam them with blinds. Thief is good at this with offhand pistol. I notice necro also had a nice blind field now that I am leveling one. Guardian would be helpful with blocks and stability. Also the guardian’s number five greatsword pull ability would help to group them.
Learn Line of Sight (los) pull if you dont know it already. Mobs are dumb the will run towards you until they can see you.
Good luck.
Ok one more edit. Thief has a kitten load of blinds. Offhand pistol. Signet which blinds. A group invisibility that blinds. Short bow teleport destination blinds. Smoke screen field with the thief using elite spinning skill shoots blinding bolts. Probably some more I do not know.
(edited by Slither Shade.4782)
It is difficult to keep my head above the relentless waves of despair that are these forums. Actually I failed and drowned beneath them long ago. The game is much better without this steaming pile of forum.
Eh. I keep playing this because I play too much. Make sense? A new fresh game would just encourage me to play more so I will keep hammering on this till Im good and sick of it thus reducing my precious game playing time. Its starting to work yay!
Each story mode dungeon gets you 3/4 of a level plus incidental xp the first time you do it. So in my opinion its a good way to get a nice xp boost while playing the game. Plus you can continue to do other stuff while waiting for the group to form.
trading post polishing
I used to spend $15 per month on sub sometimes $30 on two subs. I have no problem buying $20 worth of gems each month. What? When you go to a sports event you just sit there and starve? You get a job selling hotdogs while you are there? You go to a movie and you dont buy any popcorn or drink? You just pick crushed popcorn up off the floor? This is entertainment people remember to enjoy yourselves. Hey I run dungeons ect too for fun.
After reading a bunch of comments during that election I believe that the waypoint costs did not play a big part in determining the results. At least I hope not.
Thanks for the info.
Here is what I did. Go to Orr and visit each of the green karma vendors to get a set of greens. Then run the dungeon AC till you have a full set of pvt gear.
Here is what I did for my family who is kind enough to play with me. Pulled out my visa and bought them each a full set of power/precision/crit damage gear.
Here is what I just did for my fresh 80 guardian. Took him to the wvwvs eternal battlegrounds and got him a full set of exotics from the pvp token vendor there. If you have 400 AP you should have enough. edit 4000
After making six 80’s I kind of regret not taking the time to become really good at one of them. So imo that is what the game is about. Mastering your class in every situation. You can spend hours and hours doing that. Unless I just suck :p
(edited by Slither Shade.4782)
noooooooooo! dont become one of those who lost it all.
new mini pet incoming “flame throwing quaggan”
RegnorVex. Wanted dead or alive, preferably alive so that he may be tortured, for crimes against the Charr race. Run for your worthless life.
currently I am leveling a Charr guardian and I find myself deeply insulted!
Three years he put into this. That is pretty solid. There will always be a little bit of Hroudra in here. Such drama and adventures inside those dungeons for years to come. Im sure someone of his evident quality will do just fine. Here is to moving on up. Cheers.
More like the lovers tornado from ac story. Ele retains form and skills while it is in effect. Or just reflect projectiles would be cool. Your ideas are good. I have tried it on a dungeon boss it seemed to work well at burning through stacks of defiant. It kept knocking the boss onto its behind over and over again.
Give it swirling winds to block projectiles imo.
example: engineer sprays enemies with petrol which would be the “field” and could not be cleansed except by timing out and does no damage by itself
burning is cast on the enemies or was already cast. the “petrol field” which is not a field on the ground but confined to the body of the player effects the burning condition in the following manner….
a) intensified burning
b) ignites the enemy if they touch another burning enemy
doesnt gw2wiki open ingame?
op deleted his post. but ya weird drops happen like me getting final rest three times in a row from sb
Classic outhouse with the crescent moon cutout in the door replaces character while they go. So instead of they party member the others see the outhouse where he was standing till he gets back. Suggested retail price 1,000,000 gems.
maybe it could say"no soup for you!"
or “no lemon grass soup for you”
troll item huh….. mmmm…. might be worth buying
(edited by Slither Shade.4782)
Everyone owes it to his self to make a zerk warrior or zerk something. Even if I got bored with it after a couple runs it is fun to take out for a spin once in a while.