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Rune of Scavenging's 4-piece...

in PvP

Posted by: SobeSoul.6910


That’s not evidence it worked at all. The leech could have procced from the two-piece or sigil as he happened to heal.

Nope. Leeching sigil only works on weapon swaps, not dropping turrets.

EDIT: I have seen it proc in matches. No one was attacking me. I used my turret and voila leeching symbol on my boon bar.

(edited by SobeSoul.6910)

Rune of Scavenging's 4-piece...

in PvP

Posted by: SobeSoul.6910


Are you trying it in PvP matches?

I tried it on my engineer and it didn’t work with Heal Turret in PvP matches.

Besides, if it only counts certain things as heal skills, it wouldn’t work for Consume Conditions in the lobby, WvW, PvE, etc. It only fails in PvP matches.

Consume Conditions is the 6th util same as Heal Turret. By certain things I think it may not proc on F-skills or things that only give regen.

Rune of Scavenging's 4-piece...

in PvP

Posted by: SobeSoul.6910


It proc’d in matches.

I was watching Hiba’s stream one day and he said on an ESL it clearly showed it not working when the casters were going over builds. Later he dropped a turret in Foefire in the beginning of the match and it worked.

I haven’t watched that closely to see if works every time, but I have seen it go off in games before.

Rune of Scavenging's 4-piece...

in PvP

Posted by: SobeSoul.6910


Heal turret procs the 4th bonus. I do know the F1 heal on engie doesn’t for some reason. Haven’t really messed with the rune set on any other classes.

I’m guessing the 4th set bonus only counts certain things as heal skills.

(edited by SobeSoul.6910)

PvP - Full of anger and insuling...

in PvP

Posted by: SobeSoul.6910


If you’re doing something dumb in spvp matches and people are yelling at you then you should see what they’re yelling about but tell them to bugger off. I see a lot of newer players thinking because they get yelled at that the community is just toxic and they don’t bother to learn.

It’s frustrating for me. People shouldn’t yell at one another if something is wrong and people shouldn’t refuse to learn. Both of those things occur a lot of time.

Rune of Scavenging's 4-piece...

in PvP

Posted by: SobeSoul.6910


OP you are wrong. It works.

Stronghold Will Ruin PvE Balance

in PvP

Posted by: SobeSoul.6910


Get rekt fractal runners

does "casual community" ruin pvp balance?

in PvP

Posted by: SobeSoul.6910


I pretty much only queue Ranked solo and my win/rate isn’t that terrible.

What class do you play jason?

does "casual community" ruin pvp balance?

in PvP

Posted by: SobeSoul.6910


Only if Anet listens to these bad players! Luckily they are smart enough to ignore the low tier whiners like all those turret Engi threads!

Wahoo! Bye frands!

They ignore you. So they must be smart!


does "casual community" ruin pvp balance?

in PvP

Posted by: SobeSoul.6910


Except what ronpierce said has no basis. AI hate existed long ago.


As a PvPer

in PvP

Posted by: SobeSoul.6910


Looking around, I don’t see arenanet forcing you to buy it. I mean I am going to buy it because 60 bucks isnt that much money.

Edit: If you don’t ever play PvE then you probably shouldn’t buy the expansion nor should you even be playing guild wars 2. Guild wars 2 is a pve game with pvp features. Since I do both i get my money’s worth.

Your Edit is completely wrong. You can fully function in PVP without the other contents of the game. Many people have for long periods of time.

What you said is technically true, but that is like buying a really fast car and never driving it about 60 miles per hour, what’s the point. There are clearly better options out there.

That is not what is like whatsoever. If you are purchasing a car you usually have freedom of choice of what you want the car to come with. You can get a standard car that goes fast or you can buy a car with NO, etc.

At the beginning of the game Anet stated they wanted people to play however they see fit. If you didn’t want to grind through 80 levels to pvp there was no need. Therefore an expansion that seems largely to cater to PVE at a fixed price tag just seems like it is going back on Anet’s vision at the beginning of the game. To get the full pleasure of an expansion pack you will have to do PVE.

Btw, my original post is more of a question than an actual statement. I want to see what other people whose main or sole interest is spvp in GW2 are thinking right now about the expansion pack.

My concern with the expansion pack is if I can choose what content I want to play that they’re not providing me enough at the moment with just one additional map and a few other things.

As a PvPer

in PvP

Posted by: SobeSoul.6910


Looking around, I don’t see arenanet forcing you to buy it. I mean I am going to buy it because 60 bucks isnt that much money.

Edit: If you don’t ever play PvE then you probably shouldn’t buy the expansion nor should you even be playing guild wars 2. Guild wars 2 is a pve game with pvp features. Since I do both i get my money’s worth.

Your Edit is completely wrong. You can fully function in PVP without the other contents of the game. Many people have for long periods of time.

As a PvPer

in PvP

Posted by: SobeSoul.6910


…I need more reasons to buy an expansion than Stronghold, a new class, and new weapons to use on classes.



does "casual community" ruin pvp balance?

in PvP

Posted by: SobeSoul.6910


I don’t view so-called casuals as a problem. The problem is newer players entering spvp either don’t know where to look for information on how to play properly or are stubborn.

I personally don’t care if I win or lose as long as I know I’m making the proper choices and using my class effectively when I cannot control who I get paired with. I don’t always make the right choices in matches but I take steps to correct bad decision making.

Many players who are not casual on the other hand go on like little babies in matches when someone on their team makes mistakes or poor choices instead of calmly trying to explain to them why doing Action-X is bad after the match.

As far as balancing goes, I don’t think Anet listens to just the forums. You see Grouch and other Anet employees in game. I think they pick up on complaints from various places, see them first hand, and pass them on to the balancing team. A lot of stuff probably gets filter out where you can’t place bad balance issues with anyone but Anet.

Why do devs keep injecting PVE into PVP?!

in PvP

Posted by: SobeSoul.6910


Lol OP

Archeage had so much p2w stuff in arenas and was way more unbalanced than GW2. Pets and AIs aren’t PVE either. Learn the terms properly.

Alternative to Power necro

in PvP

Posted by: SobeSoul.6910


You could experiment with a mix of Spectral traits (Curses master major, SR adept major CDR), PoC (XIII Curses) and going for something like 2/6/0/0/6. If you want to build it for Power, of course, because there’s always Condi variation Terrormancer, possibly most common tpvp necro build.

Wouldn’t 46004 be wiser for a power based terrormancer type build for spinal shivers?

I don’t think he’s using the terror for a power build there.

If you’re going power build for boon strip you may as well go for a terror set up. Spinal Shivers Wells, PoC, Corrupt Boon, and Well of Corruption. Maybe too excessive. But that’s pretty much maximized boon ripping.

GW2 arenas 3v3 2v2

in PvP

Posted by: SobeSoul.6910


Would like arenas, but not gonna lose sleep if it doesn’t happen either.

Ready Up this Friday: Stronghold

in PvP

Posted by: SobeSoul.6910


Apparently they said somewhere stonghold will be 5v5, so the only difference I guess will be it will be open to 5 man guild teams only in basically a pve/spvp hybrid map, and hence how they can call it ‘gvg’.

I predict a big spike to start with and then six months from now a relaunch when it’s basically a dustbowl.

I’m not even sure who it will appeal to. Purist pvp’rs won’t like the pve mechanics, wvw’rs won’t like the pve mechanics, guilds will mainly laugh at the thought of 5 people playing for a 500 man guild’s ‘honour’, current pvp teams might try it for a bit and then avoid it, and pve’rs and pve guild won’t be interested past the first few weeks unless the rewards are amazing.

Opportunity missed. What is missing from the game are what the game mechanics push towards, which is 10, 15, 20 man guild teams competing on a variety of maps where being a 20 man zerg is auto fail, as well as interesting battles like the kurzon/luxon battlegrounds.

Someone will always feel burned by designed choice, but we do know for a fact that guild wars 2 becomes unbearable to watch when the number of participates is greater than 10.

We don’t need another hotjoin.

How do we know it becomes unbearable to watch? That’s just your opinion, personally I don’t mind watching larger battles, although as with any pvp I’d much rather be doing than watching.

Watch GvGs that are streamed. There might be a lot of people into that, but if you actually watch them you cannot tell what all the players are doing skillwise. It couldn’t be presented to a general viewing audience with detailed casting.

What about nerfing turrets ?

in PvP

Posted by: SobeSoul.6910


Turret engies need to take a hit for the sheer fact Anet really needs to steer the game towards a more competitive environment (i.e. have people play builds where AIs don’t do the work for them).

In game turret engineers are more of a nuisance than anything else and if people understand the game they will realize if someone is AFK on their home it leaves a 4v5 on the other 2/3rds of the map.

Alternative to Power necro

in PvP

Posted by: SobeSoul.6910


You could experiment with a mix of Spectral traits (Curses master major, SR adept major CDR), PoC (XIII Curses) and going for something like 2/6/0/0/6. If you want to build it for Power, of course, because there’s always Condi variation Terrormancer, possibly most common tpvp necro build.

Wouldn’t 46004 be wiser for a power based terrormancer type build for spinal shivers?

Alternative to Power necro

in PvP

Posted by: SobeSoul.6910


The standard terrormancer build removes boons well enough. You could switch out the worm for safety to corrupt boon if you wanted to on that build.

If you have the money buy a gaming mouse or alternatively learn keybinds. I’m not a clicker hater by any means. Just your game play suffers from doing that.

(edited by SobeSoul.6910)

Slick Shoes Too Stronk

in PvP

Posted by: SobeSoul.6910


I remembered it from the Goonies when I started using it. I had no idea that Data actually called it Slick Shoes until I checked it.

Slick Shoes Too Stronk

in PvP

Posted by: SobeSoul.6910


Bring back the Automated Tournaments!

in PvP

Posted by: SobeSoul.6910


Automated tournies would help many mercy rune warriors find teams

Crysis is on a team………………Not sure what is happening here. Inception?

Sarcasm after reading this gem.

“I’m guessing we would see more team v teams in ranked Q, which could help the scene get better, which would make the bigger tournies a lot more competitive (we would start to see more teams take first!). "

People gotta play to win. There are several teams not built to win in the ESLs. No amount of scene building will fix that.

Bring back the Automated Tournaments!

in PvP

Posted by: SobeSoul.6910


Automated tournies would help many mercy rune warriors find teams

Stronghold - Obvious mistake?

in PvP

Posted by: SobeSoul.6910


ESL and tournies =/= entire competitive base of players. I’ve been able to farewell against some of the people who play in those tournies. Not so much the very top players. However, I know there are guys like cmc who aren’t/weren’t regulars in the ESL in solo queue who can.

To count as ‘competitive’, you need to actually compete in something right? Not a lot of players do that anymore – primarily because there’s not a lot of incentive to jump straight into a competition against those same old top teams.

That’s not what competitive means. To be competitive means you are a good opponent, not where and what you compete in.

Stronghold - Obvious mistake?

in PvP

Posted by: SobeSoul.6910


ESL and tournies =/= entire competitive base of players. I’ve been able to farewell against some of the people who play in those tournies. Not so much the very top players. However, I know there are guys like cmc who aren’t/weren’t regulars in the ESL in solo queue who can.

Stronghold - Obvious mistake?

in PvP

Posted by: SobeSoul.6910


PVErs or people like me who were roamers in WvW just don’t all of sudden become equals to people who pvp’d from the start. Competition builds over time.

Champion titles are meaningless anyhow.

It’s been almost 3 years! Are you telling me that in almost 3 years the most hyped, most anticipated, best selling MMO can only produce ~20 people across 6 continents that can compete with one another! Silly! 3 years of terrible conquest and now possibly 3 more years of this new game mode that is more PvE than PvP with no actual competitive PvP in sight! I am so very sad!

Wahoo! Bye frands!

I’m telling you your cynical attitude holds no weight in reality. Boohoohooing because you didn’t get your way is meaningless fodder.

Plus there’s quite a bit more than 20 people across the continents who can compete at highest levels.

'Looking for' thread is dead

in PvP

Posted by: SobeSoul.6910


Yes. It was a bad decision to merge :/

Stronghold - Obvious mistake?

in PvP

Posted by: SobeSoul.6910


PVErs or people like me who were roamers in WvW just don’t all of sudden become equals to people who pvp’d from the start. Competition builds over time.

Champion titles are meaningless anyhow.

Stronghold - Obvious mistake?

in PvP

Posted by: SobeSoul.6910


i dont think its very balanced that condi classes can’t take out trebs.

If this was other forums I would spam gifs after reading this.

Stronghold - Obvious mistake?

in PvP

Posted by: SobeSoul.6910


I don’t find trebs that bad in Khylo.

Congrats Dankening and Abjured

in PvP

Posted by: SobeSoul.6910


Believe the CN team has already been decided. Someone can correct me if I am wrong.

Congrats Dankening and Abjured

in PvP

Posted by: SobeSoul.6910


Kick some EU and CN butts in Boston.

wow! great comeback oRNG!!

in PvP

Posted by: SobeSoul.6910


Congrats orng.

No matter what anyone says Texbi or TCG (could’ve been a group decision) threw the last game. You guys can complain about lag and bug issues, but that last mistake was solo queue worthy.

Best profession/way to get good at PvP?

in PvP

Posted by: SobeSoul.6910


Try everything and find what you like.

Honestly, learning one of the hardest classes first would probably be better for you. It’s easier to work backwards, like going from Ele to Ranger then it is going from Ranger to Ele. However, if you don’t even like playing the class in the first place then who cares?

Warrior is easier than Guardian. I have substantial hours on those classes. Guardians have to use their skills intelligently as do Warriors, but Warriors are less prone to die instantly in smaller fights for botching a skill.


in PvP

Posted by: SobeSoul.6910


3 Lord Rush fail… now it’s typical EU

Expert advice needed – new PvP team

in PvP

Posted by: SobeSoul.6910


Only thing I have seen in this video I can say anything about is the ele should consider kiting out of points earlier and keeping themselves alive. Sometimes it is better to concede points and reinforce other teammates while your CDs come back.

Although I play Ele as one of my off classes, I am no Cmc or Phantaramen, so can’t really give advice on rotations.

Edit: Not a top player, but I do understand gameplay quite a bit.

(edited by SobeSoul.6910)


in PvP

Posted by: SobeSoul.6910


Maybe I just need a break from pvp, but I’m really getting aggravated with playing. I would never claim to be a stellar player, but some of my match ups lately have been less than fun with either a blow outs or players not seeming to know what to do, and this is ranked play. I occasionally have a fun and close match, but that occasional match isn’t worth sitting through 3 or 4 really bad ones.

Maybe it’s because I soloq or maybe I’m really being paired with people of my level and I just have to come to terms with the idea that I suck. I can deal with the latter because that just means practice.

Anyone else feeling this way? I really like to pvp, but the amount of frustration the match ups bring just isn’t worth it.

My best suggestion to you is form a team with some frands.

Even if you guys are bad at first it would be more productive since you can communicate what went wrong.

It takes true masochism to endure thousands of solo queue games. If you can’t enjoy the suffering it will lead to the burn out you are feeling.

map select 1 v 7...

in PvP

Posted by: SobeSoul.6910


Foefire is chosen so much and people throw matches in that map that I often vote for other maps in Ranked.

I never had much problem with getting Skyham or CY chosen when 1 person picked it. I don’t even care if I have them chosen in unranked. Skyham isn’t that hard of a map.

Find a Top Player.. and FIGHT THEM!

in PvP

Posted by: SobeSoul.6910


Dueling is boring in this game to me. Though I do agree with you that better competition makes you better.

Anet pls

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: SobeSoul.6910


Either wait a week or two until you can show off more of the expansion and other content or don’t do those shows.

Last Ready Up and this week’s POI would get people fired in the business world.

HotM person – “Did they just show how to join a hot join on stream?”

I like you Anet, but the way you present yourselves is so bad at times.

Guys stop voting for foefire, really

in PvP

Posted by: SobeSoul.6910


MOST people who have played many computer RPGS , yes, because that is what they called it in all of them. SO much so, they added it to wiki for a reason. If I were playing candy crush, I would expect them to not know what people meant by pvp.. but not in an mmorpg.

Since I have played most mmorpgs past and present and in every single one of them they called player killing pvp, yea I expect the same would apply here, since this is a mmorpg as well.

mis-use and misconceptions of meanings does not make them fact.
please show me this statistic that claims most people use pvp to mean deathmatch?

By his definition, all open world pvp in all games is pve lol

stupid engi turrets

in PvP

Posted by: SobeSoul.6910


it’s not my style but that doesn’t mean it should be removed…

Learn and adapt. Turret engis have their weaknesses like anything else. If they leave turrets at other points they are gimping themselves quite a bit in whatever pt they are actually fighting at.

They should be removed. Just not for the reason stated. AI builds lead to bad and lazy players. Anet really shouldn’t be encouraging that by leaving those builds in game with them being so viable.

Guys stop voting for foefire, really

in PvP

Posted by: SobeSoul.6910


Is this lil devils guy for real?

ayy lmao

Guys stop voting for foefire, really

in PvP

Posted by: SobeSoul.6910


Considering Forest and Foefire are the only maps with PvE elements lol

No, they just have more pve elements, Courtyard is the only one without them. IF one team is focused on fighting and not capping, the other team can win easily by not fighting. YOU can stun/ bind/ knock back to win as well, and not even kill a single player.

Khylo has no PvE elements. Neither does Temple.

There’s a difference between objectives in a map and PvE.

Guys stop voting for foefire, really

in PvP

Posted by: SobeSoul.6910


Considering Forest and Foefire are the only maps with PvE elements lol

available maps in ranked arena vs unranked

in PvP

Posted by: SobeSoul.6910


Kyhlo, Temple, Foefire and Forest are the only ones in Ranked. Unranked adds Skyhammer, Courtyard and Spirit watch.

Yes, except Ranked has a leaderboard. It’s offseason. So doesn’t really matter.

Rant: Please add Filter

in PvP

Posted by: SobeSoul.6910


Firstly I want to address that I’m not a big when it comes to sPVP (rank:12). Recently my friend got me into getting dailies so I thought hey, this isn’t too bad I get a few tomes and other stuff… but noo!! some people are always there to ruin the experience. I don’t want to start drama but what happen was every time I do unranked match and it doesn’t matter if I lose or win there is this self proclaimed rank lvl80 players who talk really bad stuff on me/friends. How are the new players and people who never done sPVP gonna deal with this thing?? My Suggestion is to add filter like in WvW to not be able to talk in map chat or see enemy player names. Thanks for reading.

You can make your own filter already. If someone is being too BM or the entire mapchat is full of AIDS I turn on my damage log tab.

Ain’t nobody got time for dat.

It sounds like you aren’t experience in pvp or learning how your tabs work =p

Academy Gaming Weekly PvP Tournaments

in PvP

Posted by: SobeSoul.6910


My team has participated most weeks since these tourneys have started and we’d love to see them continue, even without a gold reward. There is also the possibility of a small entry fee to fund a prize pool, just a thought.

That is also a possibility. Charge an entry fee per team (50g?) and then most the money goes to 1st with some to 2nd? A lot of tournaments do this and I am sure most would not care. No prize is cool too, but entrant funded is always an option.

Say 8 teams are in. 50g (10 per player). Can either do a 1st=400, 2nd 100 or 1st = 350, 2nd =100, 3rd =50 (get their money back). Or different options…

Might want to check your maths Kappa