(edited by Stand The Wall.6987)
what the hell is rev gonna do with alacrity on ventari lol.
that sounds like the stupidest thing ive ever heard, cuz all of the cds are really short.
usually power is better for balanced builds but if you are stacking other stats and lack ferocity then cruelty can give you a good boost.
just deleted it lol. you said story and I thought well maybe it will shoot you out into a public instanced map or something… I don’t really know because I haven’t done it yet. worth a shot I guess, but could be a bug as well.
I generally don’t pay attention to lore, but without it there is no atmosphere or draw. I would love to see some more lore heavy (gw1) content.
summon grub mount
we need more of you
yeah the tools aren’t quite there to make it work. the only big precision booster war has is in arms, which is pretty lackluster. hey 50% crit chance with fury kinda works if you consider you are hitting them 50% more, although the reduced offensive stats hurts. I suppose you could get rid of the sigils and rune and just go with the traits. its still some decent quickness uptime.
anywho a build to mess around with.
lol, the res signets for each class sound good at first, but in practice cuz of rally they aren’t very useful.
ya lol. with rifle you could build up a ton of adren pretty quick. pun unintended.
ofc the kick skill is a troll haha, but if you use it you will have ppl thinking “wtf is this…”
that’s happening because they are separate. if they were intermixed then the resentment wouldnt exist since they would share the land. idealist, sure, but there is no easy solution when two groups lay claim to something.
when you separate you open up ways for further wrongs.
good point.
there are a ton, but…
jumping puzzles!
anything and everything is possible in my snowman form.
next: tonic gliding
broken stairs were tonicist, then they got me stuck :\
(edited by Stand The Wall.6987)
I understand how you feel, but keeping groups of people separate is never a good idea. look at history.
I think it might be closest but I could be wrong.
you would be able to tell by looking at the squad hp levels: the farthest sub groups would die first which isn’t the case, and shouldn’t be lol. at least I hope it isn’t…
(edited by Stand The Wall.6987)
ppl are complaining about this.
one mans trash is anothers treasure I ’spose.
most of the legends left a long time ago
a lot of chest thumpers now
it will take some practice to determine when to use your stab. sometimes a commander will call for stab or youll freak out from an unseen inc (incoming group) and waste a stab. bomb baiting is a thing and it can also waste stab. some commanders know this others don’t. don’t try to run before you walk tho.
the other thing that is somewhat (hopefully) coordinated are water fields, mainly from eles but other classes can provide them too. groups use blast finishers on them to heal up to 5 others to regenerate hp before going back into the fight. try not to use any other combo fields if you think a water field call is inc.
the thing that isn’t and should be coordinated are bombs and wells (necro bomb). pretty much every commander will just say bomb now, because its really hard to get a large group of people to all do something at once.
a frontline revs job is to spam pain absorption to draw conditions from allies to himself and apply resistance to the party. imo dwarf is better then glint because all the boons from glint are provided for from other sources.
(edited by Stand The Wall.6987)
I don’t understand the argument “current population cant support this”. custom arenas certainly can. even though there are only 1 or 2 servers active most times, every time I join one there are tons of people sitting in spectator. some maps can support 8v8 others cant.
having some variance to how the game is played is a great way to keep people interested, and could bring some more specs that aren’t used often into the light.
I like most of these.
cool idea could work.
10k views in 10 hours
so I was messing around with this and it was kinda fun. just wanted to share.
thanks team.
how has it been cut?
It is just a balance patch, it ain’t that big of a deal. Or to be more precise it is better to be cautiously optimistic than overly hype.
bet youre the life of the party
that would mean no sex…
which makes no sense…
its unranked tho
lol. at least disable dailies during leagues and always for ranked. just my 2 cents.
Top stats already give pips. Unless people want MORE pips?
MORE is always good.
pips do taste good.
ye. its akin to the crack epidemic. good job guys.
ps :P
hey ben, what do you think of this? I really like the idea of separating q’s for different professions, but locking them pre match seems like it would introduce some other big problems.
idk. wish you guys well.
The ideal would be allowing swapping up till match start, disallowing after start, and hiding the enemy comp until match start.
I see your necro, and raise you minions.
ok… now look at the traits. people don’t take axe for unholy fervor and decimate defenses. most of the people that play the meta builds would rather have lf on aa.
I am so confused. Why are people acting like swapping to counter is a bad thing to the point we need to hide enemy team comp?
cuz that’s just a game of hot potato.
well the meta is meta for a reason. if you like aa’ing for vuln then I wont argue with that. its a nice synergy but ultimately its not as good as others. focus and warhorn are not nearly reliable as an aa that builds lf.
ah, I see now lol. welp. thanks for the breakdown.
for some reason I was thinking they came out that big…
which makes no sense…
ouch I don’t remember that, sounds painful. I definitely wouldn’t want to encourage that, and what I proposed wouldn’t I’m pretty sure.
if transparency means democracy? what.
youre asking for a vote. anet isn’t going to hold a vote for every little change they make to the game.
I doubt the change had anything to do with camera issues. I think it was because classes with ports had a huge advantage with the roof up. there was no way to chase unless you were a thief or guard with ji. yes the treb was a counter to that, but using a treb to combat something that shouldn’t be there in the first place doesn’t make sense.
anywho gl with the new khylo.
good point about zerging and multicapping, but isn’t this already a problem in lower tiers? if the rating gain from certain top stats was minimal I doubt it would affect much.
isn’t winning with 1 cap impossible or at least a statistical anomaly? when I say cap I mean if its either controlled or neutral.
don’t know where you got the tic idea but that’s not how I imagine it working. in my version one simply gets a point for decap/cap. for the other one the person with the highest time on a contested point wins. these could be rewarded per match or per team idk which makes more sense.
I understand the intent clearly, but if this passes, some teams will lose matches based on their comp before the match even begins, and not be able to do a thing about it.
Nothing kills competitive spirit like not being able to influence the outcome of the match.
The ideal would be allowing swapping up till match start, disallowing after start, and hiding the enemy comp until match start.
what do you guys think about this?
seems like a good idea to me.
things just got philosophical.
tbh 2.7 is probably enough haha.
could you imagine a 20 person meleetrain with all guard running high healing power? omg it would be glorious!
the game was built around counters, so what you propose I consider to be a bit too drastic. I do believe in giving each class a couple more tools though, and buffing underused/weak traits and such seems like a decent way to go about it.
If I was forced to buff anything on axe I would make the spinning axe from ghastly claws cleave upto 3 targets.
because auto attacking 12 stacks of debuff that makes target take +12% condi/dmg is bad
Removing vulnerability for life force isn’t a solution (to a non-existent problem), it’s a “carry me, I’m an auto attack hero”.
making axe 2 aoe would be kinda good but imo necro already has plenty of aoe.
the vuln on aa isn’t bad its just that in most cases having more lf is better.
not sure what you are trying to say with that last bit but most of necros damage has always been tied to aa’s. removing the vuln for lf isn’t going to change that lol, in most scenarios it will make the aa not completely useless. tbh I never really use it unless I don’t have anything else available because its like painting a huge target on my chest. all of my rotations revolve around avoiding the aa as much as possible.
I doubt this is intentional. now that you’ve posted it there is a good chance anet will take a look at it.
if you can think of any exploits to what I proposed I would like to hear them.
The ideal would be allowing swapping up till match start, disallowing after start, and hiding the enemy comp until match start.
I like this. might be the best way to go about it.