Death is Energy [DIE] – Gandara EU
i tried samarog with pug team and believe this is a bug. when samarog hp reaches 30% instead of 1 person get the red aoe bomb and 1 green, everyone gets it and 1 green, this result to chaos and eventually party wipe. we thought it is the normal mechanics and we were trying to solve it because repeating the boss, everyone get red bomb again at 30% hp. after a few wipe at 30% we decided to disband. when i chat with a few people that killed the boss, none encounter such so i thought it must be a bug xD I killed this boss with another pug team later on. just thought to report this. sorry no video or no screenshots.
The tricks getting split phase done quick. Gudhelm amd Rigom die fast so you can go back to boss phase. To finish Gudhelm fast.. the team need to push Rigom into under Samarog and continue to dps Gudhelm near the front of Samarog so Rigom will take damage and die under Samarog. When Rigom die inside under Samarog , Gudhelm the link broken and Gudhelm shield is broken.. this is the dps phase to kill Gudhelm fast when shield is off. If shield comes back on same way to get rid of shield otherwise the team will be under pressure with Samarog bcos time will run out. Split phase is important to get clear fast .. it involves some coordinations but nothing really that hard.. it’s really fun. Great job anet. Btw.. we found some bug tht cause party wipe that is at 30%hp everyone in party get the red bomb and one get green.. every one in down stat after .. was difficult to recover. Happen in a few runs.. we thought tht was normal but after spoken to a few others it’s unusual xD
gratz! one of most amazingly decorated guild hall. I hv been stealing your ideas on decorating our guild hall. but there is no where near the amount of decorations you have in your guild it is pretty amazing. I think you should post a walkthrough or video tour of your guild hall here
My partner and me still hv to finish the ap.. just want to check when will the ap for this going to be locked? We are currently trying to max our ap for the prof win for year of ascension part IV.. I need 3more prof to max xD
I’m looking for a team to join for EU morning session if there’s a spot for me.
Well tbh guys .. just wait patiently and it will come soon. Dev has a life too and it’s holiday season ppl are having holiday celebrating festive season and new year.. so take it easy .. the new raid content can’t be rush if you want to be surprised.
Looking to join EU raid team tht do raids in the morning and have a spot free for me.
My acc has 300li (hadnt raid for couple of weeks/months due to rl) i can roll druid (condi/magi), tempest, or necro. I also hv all other profession fully geared to meta.
I hv been pugging since w3 was out. Would really love to have a group with the same ppl to play with.
(edited by Talindra.4958)
I don’t think new raid content will come before lunar new year patch coming in two weeks time (?) or so..
raid time pls?
this is the same type of discussion that goes on and on.
can admin pls close this thread :P
usually one druid can manage seeker alone with glyph of tide and staff 4 and also celestial 5 etc etc. but this druid can not be permanent green person… he can be backup for green and he goes in between zerg and green, keeping everyone hp above 90% at all time. :p
hi….. 400 – 600 average ping here… oceanic in EU server. :p
Poor quaggan they gonna be sad to read this
I don’t really miss it :p I prefer smaller scale encounter. Having said that it doesn’t mean I discourage the update of world bosses or new world boss xD any new update is fun
Seriously :o i can’t believe you are not happy with this.
When auto loot was first introduced we were all screaming in joy. It’s still one of best add-on. Not sure why it’s so hard for some players to unlock mastery..? Am I missing something?
What? :O one of easiest fractal .
No change required re: target while down.
End of Jan??? Yay!!!! Not too early pls I believe a lot of ppl will be busy with the coming festive season or wintersday events etc : p
Hehe nothing beat good old fashioned :p
But if it isnt hard to implement.. I don’t mind extra reward to include in weekly raid tracker hehe welcome any extra reward…
oh yes .. missed read. omg! :P that’s a lot of relic :o I have always put them in my shared slot even the normal infinite ones. perhaps write to support and see if they can do anything about it.
Permanent raid food of your choice pls :p
Actually really nice to hv a DD for xera . xD so eles in group concentrate on xera only while DD looks after shards
Icy; the excess ones you can trade it back for relic at same npc
It’s pretty cool u can combine all 3 into 1. Each time you click on mistlock, it auto refresh all buff lol so handy xD definitely worth to get
really really enjoyed the challenge mote, looking forward to more
Same here lol it gets easier and easier I can sort of overcome red orbs during phase at final boss now even with 400-600 avg ping lol it’s so so fun 5men content. Enjoyed with pugs.
Looking forward for more of this fractal and harder with better reward too pls .. I used all my relic to get the infinite potions :p need to get them back somehow.
F100 cm will be my daily now xD
You get daily reward chests for each boss in cm f100
That’s what my friend said to her husband!
But ya bigger pls want it as passive pet
we did the same too today, very smooth and solid run with this pug today around ~35mins. I got a blue core sold for 12g, there is another guy got a core too at final boss.
Der Unsaubere? Really? Thats awful translation. I would translate that to " Der Unreine" .
omg :P was it just me? when I first read this I thought I read der urine lol
I was thinking that day that liadri might come back in fractal xD who knows?
As title said, please release the new raids after wintersday ! I am sure many people will be busy during the christmas season and wintersday farm and so on. After wintersday please, Crystal. <3
Dodge follow by fast jump immediately after and dodge again
It’s actually not hard. I only find it hard at the end boss split phase bcos of lag. But otherwise f100 challenge mode is not hard..not super easy but fun
So I don’t see why there need a nerf
Mmm.. no.
This is a very clever fix to fractal. With challenge mode if the daily rewards improve, we will see ppl farming it daily.
Some little flaws eg NPC not responding etc but compared to what is delivered I hv to congratulate the Dev team that works on this content. I truly enjoy exploring the new map and the story thank you for this content!
The only thing is.. it will be really really nice to hv new armour skin instead of outfit. I will definitely get it. I’m not a fan of outfit I’m sorry
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PS war or condi war, tempest or druid. If you can chrono it’s one of prof that’s always wanted in lfg. PS war i think probably the “easiest” role of all .. :p
(edited by Talindra.4958)
The jump over orb don’t get damage not very forgiving for people with 400-600 ping though I’m looking into countering it in a different way.
Happy birthday for spirit Vale. Been a great journey and experience I had in this wings . Thanks arena team for making this content xxoo
Oh… Any ap for challenge mode?
Good job guys.. this is very cleverly made for fractal
More of this update now and then please!!
Can’t wait to try out!!
Lol yes !!! Need it back soon …!!!
Take my money and sell me a home instance SAB access
Yes legendary weapons dont have unlock sigil so we have no reason to expect that armor would have that for runes
Ya I think so too. But I will keep dreaming until it comes out later.
you only need to do wing 3 escort to unlock the mastery. wing 3 escort is really easy. i have seen many lfg with no request for any li .. you need to know what is going on in there though not just jumping in a pug expect to be carried.
many other ways u can track ur kill tho, the good old fashion paper and pen too. once you done, cross it out and chuck the paper away after.
to add something into the game will take time, and its something they are lack of resources atm. rather they attend to something that need more attention first right.
i donate my decoration to guild hall every week, and i only donate it once i clear all bosses. so i know what i have and haven’t killed.
I run this healing build.. no one dies in t4. and in the uncle tom part heal thru everyone stacking in middle, also with molten and other bosses, heal through while everyone stack. healing springs recharge astral force like wonders, and basically you get into celestial mode at all time. skill 4 in celestial mode heals everyone while giving 5 stacks of land of grace, skill 3 in celestial form is a combo blast too. warhorn gives regen and also fury, swap to staff heal everyone due to the rune, and then cast 5 then 3, its a heal plus a heal combo heal blast.
basically it is concentrate on full fury at all time, full stack of land of grace as much up time as possible, protection (if team ok can replace with others) and party dps boost. I usually take glyph of tides for CC in chaos instead of one of the spirit.
u don’t need to do entire path, just need to be at the last one, that plant bomb on tree.
i have posted long time ago but got removed by dev.
if legendary armor can have a function which if we unlocked stat and unlocked runes once , then after we can just select any unlocked stat and rune from clicking it. so this makes it easier to change any build at any time.
this will be too good to be true right.
Any steady team need a druid ? I can do other progression too but prefer druid. All my other professions are fully asc geared for raids at meta build. And flexible to change at any time. 250+li here. My play time is 10am server time plus and minus. Please let me know if you have a spot . I’m in EU server.
Hi. I’m interested to join static team for raids. What is the time in server time your team is forming and how long does it take for full clear generally?
Need to know to make sure it fits my schedule and not stuff everyone else raids
Ok Since your offering I will tag along with my celestial arms/tactics/berserker warrior and clear said raids easy right?
you can raid with that if you want, look at my posts i’m not talking about CLEARING raid, i’m talking about raiding. You see the difference? you can raid, but you won’t probably succeed. But that’s just because raids are group contents and if you prefer to play your special snowflake build, that’s up to you ^^
if you want easy clear, first you’ll have to learn how to raid and how to play your class in a group content. But all raiders went through that you know. Why the situation should be different for you? are you special?
Wait……so the definition of raiding is beating your head on ONE boss for hours if not days with no progress to beating it? And that’s fun? Because to my knowledge when people talk about raiding, its ALWAYS about beating the bosses and getting the loot. Same with fractals and dungeons. Or do people really like taking 4-6 hours to down one fractal or dungeon? Because it doesn’t seem fun. (In fact its not because that’s one reason why I got turned off from those game content types, is because they took 4-6 hours to do.) (And yes I have cleared everything in less then 5-10 minutes, but I can’t carry 4 other people who don’t have a clue who to play their class, or rotation or gear, let alone 9 in raids.) So the question might be a bit sarcastic, but then again sarcasm is a form of anger, and its a bit maddening you are saying people should be content with…..well just beating there head on a boss for days with next to no reward and should not complain. Correct me if I’m wrong and I misunderstood you.
People need to understand you can’t expect to kill the boss without training. Why ? Bcos theres a lot of mechanics involve and each players has a specific task or tasks to get the team through. And if one person make mistakes that person can cause a wipe and restart. everyone needs to be good enough not saying pro but good enough and get his task/s done. it’s not like other content in the game where you can just jump in and get things done. That’s too easy and no challenge and no fun in that. This is the content you can’t solo. Theres already a 3men vg :p those creative ppl.. but I doubt anyone can solo but who knows after a while ppl manage to find a way
(edited by Talindra.4958)
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