hah, its funny, xii xii (zee zee as Im Behind You Lol calls it :P) is one of the best thieves I know. who wouldn’t laugh and taunt if the other player just kept running away? I know I would. lol.
btw, I rlly hate fighting thieves (stealth, etc.) although I do manage to beat them most of the time, xii xii is a beast :P try fighting him in an spvp dueling server and see how u do
and as a side note, I saw no 222222 so… yeah
The absolute irony of a thief laughing at anyone about running away is just too much. A thief goes stealth when they think they’re going to die XDDDD. Warriros can’t do that so thay use mobility to reset fights.
He comes on forums to trash talk how much sense it makes to outrun a thief while being x4 bigger than some skinny chick makes even less sense. Put a giant beast like a bear in a room with some skinny chick and see who wins the fight. Or open the door and tell her to outrun it. Oh wait just use your imaginary poof ability to go invisible (not hiding behind anything just straight up invisible). Makes sooooo much sense. Get real bruh. You’re playing a video game.
Really cool, good design job. Heavy armor is lighter than light armor and fat dudes can run faster than athletic human chicks…
go find ur athletic chick and tell her to outrun a big fat wild boar… just sayin.
There are very few builds in this game that are not spam builds. You’re either going to spam conditions or spam your main dps ability.
If you run a 30/10/0/0/30 you’re pretty much saying you want to spam LB.
(i think everyone else covered that bit above me)
What you want to know is what power build is not a spam build. I would actually say the most common non-spam build type is MM. Minionmancers need to time many of their skills correctly to win fights efficiently. I’m not a huge fan of MM because its just not my style. But they do take some practice despite what the bulk of the community would have you believe (mostly the same people who say spamming staff marks is what staff is for).
As for me I run a couple power builds that are less LB/crit oriented and more power/toughness/aoe. It’s really up to you to find or create a build that suits you.
well the only suggestions I could give is use your defensive coditions: blind, chill, and cripple.
Hammers have pretty easy tells so you can time your dodges.
use your fears if you don’t have energy. A staff 5 or ds3 just as they leap towards you can buy you time and continue landing conditions/dps.
It was rhetorical. Ok maybe axe 3 can hit them. Aside from that: Nope
This is a pve game. The rewards are in pve, acquired by running pve, and best used in pve.
It’s not Anets fault that you fail to comprehend that pvp is a mini-game / cancelled side project.
Once you figure out that the upcoming “Soon” patch is really a Pve feature patch that negatively impacts pvp, you will begin to understand the rationale behind removing pvp rewards. One valid reason is to encourage players incorrectly spending too much time pvping to try out pve, as that is the real game.
Wha-what? XDD First off, how do you know what the devs are thinking? Do you have some psychic link to the whole team? Obviously not, so how do you know that the dev’s have made it clear that PvP is a mini game and should be “clear” that it’s unimportant to anyone? sPvP in this game is just as vital to its playerbase as a whole as WvW and PvE is. This is because they’ve highlighted each as an important and integral part of their game since pre-launch.
Secondly, if pvp wasn’t important to the dev’s they wouldn’t have attempted to bring it to esports in the first place. They wouldn’t have offered rewards or have an entire team overseeing its continuous development.
sPvP and WvW are not some drinking game or some cannon mini game. They just aren’t. They’ve made significant improvements and additions like maps and private pvp servers for players.
I hope you are being sarcastic. I get the feeling you do not play pvp at all and just because you don’t doesnt mean it’s not an important part of the game as a whole.
I concur.
They do have some diversity with minions in general just not a wide spectrum of MM builds. They can add some traits that even effect minions in a non-direct way sorta like Chilling Darkness with blind from shadow fiend/haunt.
Anyways the idea of a second skill is smart but does interfere with with having multiples of minions since directing them all through one skill is a bit difficult.
The ideas I’ve had which falls directly under attrition and benefits from both corpse and non-corpse relevance is a couple things:
Progressive/Evolving: Minions could start out a tad weaker than they are now as far as stats and allow for a passive stat and model size/appearance increase/change every time a nearby enemy died.
Passive “remains” stacks: Every time a nearby enemy died you receive a “remains” stack. These stacks would allow you to recast a minion you already have active. The amount of stacks required to recast would vary between minions and only for non-secondary active skill minions (currently are none :P).
- I actually wanted to note that this skill might be simplified by just reducing the recharge on your recastable minions every time a nearby enemy died. The only problem I see with that is it might be too strong XD. Then I though: If you recast one of your minions; your other minion recasts (XD) should be paused (disabled) for a short time (if that makes any sense)
Well those are really the only ideas I’ve come up with lol. But they are along the lines of what you’re talking about I think. The trouble with directly relating necromancy from corpses is, as we all know, the lore.
(edited by TheDevice.2751)
They wanted to pun on “nail in the coffin”, so they chose Necromancer because they’re the “undead/death magic” class.
Reading any more into it is a level of sensitivity I can’t possibly imagine.
That’s because you’re not reading any more into it.
As far as other classes who are less affected by this skill the Warrior is also in the safe zone. Their stability and passive heal healing skill make them less affected by this. Any class that has access to stability are less affected by this trait.
So when they say, “put the nail in the necro coffin”, they really mean that since we also have some of the longer cast-times among classes with obvious cast animations.
Why would I try as hard as you are to take offense at a joke? I had a chuckle at it.
Because its not a joke. That’s why I gave examples on why it’s more literal than you would try to have believe. Why? I have no idea. But try more I guess.
The troll is strong with this one. I’m just going to report your thread, and move on.
You haven’t even given any info on why you’re going to report. I say go for it man. You have nothing constructive to say except “I’m gonna report u gg”. Who’s the troll again?
While you’re at it report his thread too: Mesmers Grandmaster Trait
Since reading things isn’t your style you should just go ahead and report stuff you don’t understand.
They wanted to pun on “nail in the coffin”, so they chose Necromancer because they’re the “undead/death magic” class.
Reading any more into it is a level of sensitivity I can’t possibly imagine.
That’s because you’re not reading any more into it.
As far as other classes who are less affected by this skill the Warrior is also in the safe zone. Their stability and passive heal healing skill make them less affected by this. Any class that has access to stability are less affected by this trait.
So when they say, “put the nail in the necro coffin”, they really mean that since we also have some of the longer cast-times among classes with obvious cast animations.
Why would I try as hard as you are to take offense at a joke? I had a chuckle at it.
Because its not a joke. That’s why I gave examples on why it’s more literal than you would try to have believe. Why? I have no idea. But try more I guess.
They wanted to pun on “nail in the coffin”, so they chose Necromancer because they’re the “undead/death magic” class.
Reading any more into it is a level of sensitivity I can’t possibly imagine.
That’s because you’re not reading any more into it.
As far as other classes who are less affected by this skill the Warrior is also in the safe zone. Their stability and passive heal healing skill make them less affected by this. Any class that has access to stability are less affected by this trait.
So when they say, “put the nail in the necro coffin”, they really mean that since we also have some of the longer cast-times among classes with obvious cast animations.
I would actually further this title with .. "and love thieves, mesmers, and engis.. and warriors)
First off I wanna say Hi I know I’ve been off forums for a while and it’s due to this kind of stuff that I actually have been away..
Lol. So you know we all get excited when they bring out new content and we’re like “omg they’re gonna do something new and help out our class and blah blah” … Just like when they introduced sig of vampirism. But lets not revisit such unhealthy memories especially when we have brand new ones on they way XD
I hate being the bad guy. I really do. I have put so much attention and time into this game (up until recently anyways) and have always wanted to see the game do well. But the obvious favortism shown to class mechanics and balancing is just disgusting in this game XD. I can’t ever recall a game whose shown so much hate toward one of thier own classes like gw2 has.
So anyways, I wanna first off say that our new trait is meh. lol. Just like many others we’ve been given. It’s complete meh. It’s, by description, a regeneration boon that will proc when you enter DS and heal your hbar while in DS. Anyways I say great job. I think its great. I don’t even wanna cry lol.
Now check this out… PAY CLOSE ATTENTION TO THE BOLD >.>
Mesmer: Power Block
Enemies of mesmers beware: they’ve learned how to mess with your skill recharge! The new trait for mesmers allows them to gain additional benefit when disrupting enemy skills. Power Block will be introduced to the Domination line and will change the recharge of an interrupted skill from 5 seconds to 10 seconds. This will not affect skills that have no recharge, but I’d imagine that stopping a necromancer from consuming conditions would surely put a nail in their coffin.
So who do we know.. who has skills with no recharge? Thieves! yay for thieves!!
Now.. who do we know.. who has like no stability? NECROS! YAy! More necro hate!!
Can they just stop pretending? Can they just give every other class in the game a free skill that instantly kills a necromancer on sight? Lol
Anyways thought I’d share my opinion on it all. Have fun dudes!
Take a look at the posts around here…
If I were the devs, I certainly wouldn’t be in any hurry to serve up any new content for the entitled jerks that believe it’s their right to constantly berate the company giving them free updates on their $60 game.
If I were a dev, I wouldn’t have an ounce of motivation to quickly provide additional content.
If I were a dev, I wouldn’t have an ounce of motivation to try to deliver truly high quality content.
Because at the end of the day, they only thing they’ll get in return from the community is more complaints and more finger pointing.
awe man… I havent even posted on these kitten forums since idk.. lol and haven’t played for even longer XD
But this was just too cute not to pass by quietly.
hows this: how about the devs STOP asking the community for feedback? Hmm? How about that? Since any feedback given (I’m quite positive in early release) was constructive and less heated was and has continued to be ignored.
The community suggests one thing and the devs go completely another route. So why even ask us? Why even pretend? If over the course of a meal I kept asking you what you wanted me to change about your dish to make it better and then brought your food back with completely things that you didn’t ask for (not even close) over and over and over and over and over again.. you wouldn’t be upset? Wouldn’t you just say… STOP kittening ASKING ME!? Get outta my face! lol
My overall point is.. why even bother? On both ends of the table. Why? Just either play or don’t play. But Anet pretends. They pretend to give a kitten about the opinions of the players. Because they obviously know better that’s why their game is super number 1 on the charts baby. XD
And brats!? Yeah.. We’re all entitled brats thats right. We get everything we want. Or at least expect to get everything we want. The problem with that argument is… The players never get a single ounce of what they’ve asked for. AND have produced those requests because Anet ASKED US TO.
My advice to Anet: Don’t even ask for feedback anymore. Pls.
My advice to players: Don’t bother.
The previous post by a guy said it best: The devs actually would rather us not play. It lessens the strain (the cost) on their servers. Their aim is to GET new players not KEEP players. They know that most new players will hit up that cash shop once they are a bit hooked (and knowing they just invested 60 dollars in the game) and buy the HOT or NEW items in the store (same unlimited use picks btw they just look different). After some time they start to go through the pains in which most vets have already endured only to end up moving on to something else and the devs not giving a kitten . The End.
Focker OUT!
(edited by TheDevice.2751)
Can’t help loving this game ;/
Watch us play at 2 today!
Can you show some footage?
Where are you getting the stability on your necro? I can’t go in a game without getting ping-ponged by an engineer/warrior/mesmer/ etc anything….
Footage maybe?
edit: even a build would be nice
So.. I just got 1-shot by a thief in spvp….
Invis, popped out and killed me like nothing.
Why do people still play this game? Is it because its so easy for certain classes? I really don’t see how getting 1-shot by someone is competitive or fun at all.
Im on the brink. Waiting for other games to release officially so I can cleanse myself of gw2.
Since everyone is going to name the class they play the most as the no.1 spot anyway…
1. Necro (for so many reasons)
2. Ranger (since their pets are just as lousy and have the same low build diversity)
3. Ele (since they’ve been nerfed into dust)
So, like I said, for what its worth.
Aside from warriors and guards of course since it’s pretty obvious they’re doing just fine.
I have a feeling that the actual class that needs help is not going to get noted here. The class that people mostly play or want to play will be the no.1 spot. It’s not a matter of fixing the class needing the most attention; it seems as if this would be more on the level of catering to the majority of the playerbase. If that makes any sense. Though as long as something gets fixed right? lol
Nope there is no insults. I insult the game which has no feelings, it is an inanimate object. I never abuse anyone personally, devs or players – or I try not to.
you are not the worst offender, though one neednt go beyond 1st page of your posts to find you calling anet “money grabbers”.
but my point is not so much insult (which should straight get infractions) but overall toxicity: either enjoy the game with the rest, or quit it and let the rest of the community to enjoy it. you talk about criticism. criticism is great, but after being critical you draw a bottom line and say that overall game is good and you play it, or not and you quit it. when post after post its all about how kitten this game is, and you keep doing this month after month, please, save yourself, or at least save us.
I actually love guys like you I really do. When all the people who find this game irritating due to failed balance leave.. you will be playing with your handful of friends. Like thats it. On your server there will be about 10 people lol.
Then the devs will shut down their servers because its not worth keeping active for a few people who love their game so happily and muffins hearts and rainbows but now… don’t have a game at all. Now those people will have to go to another game.
The community is full of all kinds of people. If all the people who actually care about the game and lash out because of that care and personal investment they have, left the game entirely, you will not be playing a game at all because there will be a total of like 100 people playing on their expensive servers.
(edited by TheDevice.2751)
Hey play a necromancer with near to 0 stability and say this map is great lol
OP = thief
nuff said
hey when my terrormancer can heal through your dps then we’ll talk…
healing sig isnt op.. thats why every single war runs it…
Warriors are so broken right now It’s not even funny. Like the joke is over lol What do you see now in spvp? Warriors.. thieves…
cant go one game without those two. always if not full of wars and thieves. Thieves permastealth or blinking everywhere and dealing stupid damage. lol whatever man. Then they go hide when they might die.. ez. EASY AS HELL.XD
1. No stability: Other classes enjoy the freedom and option of having stability.
This one is not entirely true. Engineers have even worse access to stability…
Well this would almost be true but they also have elixer S. It isn’t technically stability but has the same uses.
When I qq about stability I’m loosely including things like that.
uhh I think deathshroud counts as the best oh crap button…
but yea overall good attitude keep it up. to do that avoid the forums :o
I think you’re confusing OUR best with THE best. It is certainly our best oh crap button. As for THE best… no.
And yes keep up the good attitude. I will say that the class itself, if anyone, will do all convincing necessary. I don’t really need to scare anyone away :P
But it does have its moments ^^
Well enjoy it for what its worth i guess XD
You’ll also have to get used to bugs that won’t get fixed.
Chain fearing will be your only friend unless you go mm
You’ll eventually get annoyed at other people using their “oh crap!” buttons and then you can’t.
You can only spam your staff from now on XD but try not to get used to that
You cant siphon as we ll as your guard just in case you were wondering
Get used to about 2-3 viable builds.
And have fun! XD
OH! And look forward to future nerfs not fixes. But other than that its great!
I don’t really disagree with most of you. I do like playing the underdog class myself. I actually don’t play my warrior like I used to. I still, and probably always will, play my necro as my main.
The thing that truly bothers my is the lack of skill cap. If a necro is so tough to play, if we do indeed have so many barriers and mistakes cost us more, then there should be a higher skill cap. A really good necro who makes very little mistakes and knows their class up and down should have the margin of being able to out-play any class who’s skill cap is mediocre.
It just seems that half the time you’re good just to be on par with players who’s class does half if not most the work for them.
It’s hard work being a necro. This is the main thing I’d like to get across. If you’re along side a very tight-nit team over the mic and everyone is peeling for you and holding your hand and catering to your needs then you can go pro for sure :P. But when you dive into the deep end alone even with plenty of experience the hammers will come down on you.
It’s really really tough being a necro. Reasons:
1. No stability: Other classes enjoy the freedom and option of having stability. Stomping when they please. Resing when they need to. Avoiding nasty pitfall grabs in nasty little troll maps. Solid gold. Cant be shook. That means necros have to work 10x as hard evading, timing everything, and just being on their toes. If not, enjoy the ride.
2. Lifeforce build-up: Thieves, mesmers and rangers enjoy the luxury that is stealth without the need to put in any kind of work to earn it. They can hop in and out freely, make mistakes, and not feel that threatened. Guardians, engineers, warriors mesmers all enjoy their invulnerability without care. No need to actually do something to become immune to everthing that hits you for a time. Just gotta wait somewhere while it resets. Blocks, vigor, and all the other good perks are theirs for the popping. WE have to work for our extra defense. Which actually really really sucks lol.
3. No mobility: So unlike every other class in the game, when we’re in a fight, we’re pretty much not leaving until you die or the enemy decides to leave by avenue of all those buffs stated above. So.. we cant just leave. Maybe if we use a wurm but that’s not reliable. It really isn’t. So we’re meant for fighting. So why do we get thrown around like a rag doll? Who knows..
4 Hard ****ing work: Since every other class is going invis, throwing clones around, spamming their stuns and knockdowns/knockbacks our way. Constantly regenerating, cleansing (passively even), hitting us with their fury crits, jumping in every direction either by dashing or shadowsteping or just teleporting, and doing all the fun stuff we can’t, we have to do the work. We have to not make mistakes. We have to find the real mesmer, find the thief, reserve our precious stun-breakers for dire moments, evade as much cc that comes our way as possible, and pretty much do everything lol. While they smash spams like they’re playing hungry hungry hippos.
Necro’s are the enemy of every other class. lol They are all designed with specific intent to be able to combat a necro successfully. We on the other hand are susceptible to every class since they all have something we cant defend. Whether it be CC, high mobility or whatever. They have the stuff to beat us. They all good friends lol. It’s us vs them XD
I swear when they made necros they didnt really think of them as necros. Other classes they saw what they were supposed to be and showered them with all the fun stuff they could think of to accommodate it’s theme. Thieves can go stealth.. well lets give them as much freaking stealth as we can possibly crap into their skills sets. Mesmer clones and stealth… same thing. I won’t go over all of them lol
Necros… When you think of necro’s (or at least when I do) I think vampires, liches, other dark strong and powerful dudes. Not a rag doll. I can’t remember the last book I read or even movie (especially movie) I’ve seen where the vampire get’s slapped around like a ball. Tossed around. Back and forth.
Or, I cant remember when a vampire or any dark spellcasting figure was flabbergasted when somebody went invisible.
Or, I cant remember them siphoning life worse than some holy paladin guy.
Or, I cant remember when a necromancer couldnt’ raise the dead XDDD. ( im just picking on em IDC so much about the process but many do)
I cant recall when a vampire was slow and sluggish. Falling on his face. Durrrrr. Or when a necromancer needed to fight other people as if they were the villain. Wondering where they went. Figuring out how to survive. I understand it’s a game and everyone should have to do those things… (and i would say that again to assert that idea to all classes that didnt follow suit) but honestly. We have to work so freaking hard. Everyone else is zipping around, taking blasts of hammers to the face and not flinching, and we’re like the opposite lol.
Us and them people. XD
haha look at this awesomely dark hammer with a skull in the middle and just completely death-stylish.
we cant use hammers lol
I think guardians can use more necro-looking gear than we can XD
torment was supposed to help this concept. But the only form of torment we got is on DS (for those playing spvp), on a 40 second cd.
We should have more torment as well as immobilizes.
The tragedy is that guardians do a better job of this 1000 fold. They have teleports to enemies. They have pulls (to multiple foes). They have walls.
We have 1 tp to an enemy, 1 pull (on 1 enemy), and 1 wall.
When you compare a necro to a guardian you’ll have a hard time seeing why in gods name we are the way we are. Guardians can siphon harder than us in many respects, heal (not only themselves) way better, sustain more, flee from fights (if they spec for that), and keep ppl from fleeing a bit better than we can.
I’m not really complaining tbh. If our “niche” is being performed better by another class than you just have to realize that’s not our niche lol. I say work around it, make some perspective changes and make the class ur own.
Well I am a huge fan of mixing wells with minions (my vid in signature) and as far as what kind of set-up you should go for It would all depend on what role you want to fill in WvW.
Like flow said, spiteful marks are not really worth it when you can grab something better like chill of death. Thought I do believe in some way, some build, could make spiteful marks interesting; for what you’re building so far im not sure it would help.
WvW is the only thing I could maybe give some pointers on. If you’re running a hybrid type of build there’s lots of options you could go. I run a hybrid build axe/focus and staff but based around crit damage and spectral skills.
There is a really good well/DS build in the forums somewhere that is mainly a solo roam build but is highly effective.
Overall I’m mostly a sPvp player :P so most my builds are not mobility/wvw comparable.
I would suggest however using something like Flesh Wurm along with your wells adds a 100% projectile finisher if positioned right. Plus the stun-break and tele is good for wvw. Relying on your zerg buffs can give you some leeway for less mobility necessity.
As far as I can tell you are going for a ranged nuker. So the build I would make would be something like this: ranged nuker
if you quit why are you still QQing here? People like you make me mad, if you have already quit why the hell are you still here?
It’s no like the game would change if you quit and stay at forums whining everyday, and I say this cuz I’ve seen you countless times saying this and that and this and that but you’re not playing the game at all lol.
Anet doesn’t owe you anything, you bought the game, you played the game and you quit.
This is why this game will never be great…..
If everone quit this game because of how terribly imbalanced PvP was… You would probably be playing with like 100 other people… in the universe. Probably only the people who play thieves mesmers and warriors. Most of whom would be the devs themselves XD
Then Anet will shut down servers and you wouldnt have a game.
I find myself at a critical point in this game as well. It’s pretty safe to say I have little to fear from leaving (or even getting banned). None of my friends play. They all own it. They all trash talk it. I’ve tried time and time again to get them interested. Hype up the game and give it support. But nothing gets fixed. So.. Just me. Just this guy.
Funny how I still see ads on GW2 around the net. Like… I always think.. “yeah probably most people who see the ad have it already and just don’t play it.” XD kinda sucks.
TW2 (trollwars2): The War of the Spamming…
Oh silly guys. This game has completely left all balance in the trashcan. There is no stopping the imbalance now. It’s only just begun.
The thing about the skills and “balance” in this game is it is all based around “fun” skills. Like if my 11-year-old cousin would get all excited about his character doing a million damage with their super cool backstab and then go back into the shadows and never get hurt, this would be his game that he’d make.
Balance: “hey.. ummm.. you know thats kinda harsh. If you just spam 1 skill and have all this endless strength and invisibility and mobility.. don’t you think thats unfair?”
11-year old: “well fine. Balance it but I don’t want any of my invisibility to be touched, I still want to spam it as often as I want or shadow step whenever I want. And I want to be able to do insane amount of damage to my enemies even like 5 at a time. And then go away unharmed.. but yeah balance it.”
Balance: exits the room
yes! more skyhammer! pls!
oh god that would be amazing. I was hoping a thread like this would pop up.
What we need is more maps that allow players to use 1 skill and kill an enemy. But it shouldnt stop there. Invisibility should last longer innately and cost less initiative so thieves can properly spam it endlessly. So even if you think you’re safe near a glass floor when nobody is near you, you’re not!!! And get hit by 1 skill and die!
This would add less skill needed (if thats possible) to win at this game or do well.
We really should not stop here. We need more spam. HS on thief, chain CC effects, immobilize/daze/stun chains from mesmers and infinite clones are not enough. We need people to no directly combat their enemies even more. Thieves need to be able to hop completely out of combat when they think they might get hurt. Mesmers need to be able to spam x2 for every 1 clone they currently can vomit out so they wont take any damage from anyone and feel safe.
We need more teleports/shadowsteps are also in dire need of aboundance in this game. Pls. It’s terrible that people have to chance even a little bit of their health when they are in a fight.
I VOTE FOR STEALTH ATTACKING> LET US DO DAMAGE WHILE STEALTH. also let us do damage from the other side of the map. Kinda like personal skyhammers so we don’t feel threatened. We need all form of threat removed. This would make me feel so happy inside.
Pls. Can we reduce the telegraphs on thieves and mesmers also. I don’t want to have my enemy respond at all when I use my shadowsteps as often as i want. I don’t want to be seen or allow my enemies counter-play when I spam my dagger 2.
Also, for necros and ele’s pls make them move slower and have less defenses. They should not be able to respond to my spams or block anything. This unfair. And reduce their weakness-based skills or allow all of my skills to cleanse everything innately so I don’t have to think about it.
This would be so much fun.
Warriors need more regen also and quicker gap-closing with insta-cast CC. Warriors should not have to even bother thinking they have to replenish adrenaline either. It’s kindof an imaginary mechanic anyways its not like we have to work for that adrenaline. XD. So why pretend? Just make warrior burst skills have like .5 second recharge and not waste all the fancy mechanic mumbo jumbo that makes it sound like we have to do something to earn it. XD
Honestly I think I play warrior more than you do by seeing what you wrote here. This is all complete mush. Warriors don’t use Axe 5 people. You heard it here first. LAWL
Have you ever played a warrior before? Where are you getting this information from? sPVP whirling axe is a 50% increase in damage. And the base damage is less than an axe1 because axe1 ISNT AN AOE. Also, the effective damage of whirling axes is INSANELY higher than axe auto since it scales off power nearly 3x as well.
And don’t even get me started on burst skill because at this point im sure you’ve never played this class before in your life. Burst skills are the easiest bar to fill in the entire game. The only thing you’ll be waiting on is the recharge. If it takes you longer to refill you burst bar than it takes the skill to recharge you must be playing the wrong class like necromancer or something. I don’t even want to get into how easy it is to refill your adrenaline.
(edited by TheDevice.2751)
If you arent a warrior or play one as a main on your account refrain from posting time wasting crap like this on our forums please we are too busy getting owned by every other class in the game in spvp and wvw to listen to your tears. IF YOU CANNOT BEAT A WARRIOR YOU ARE DOING IT WRONG.
If you’re getting owned as a warrior by every other class in the game YOU ARE DOING IT WRONG. And sadly there isnt an easier class for you. T_T
Bunker : This is funny because any profession can bunker. But Gurdian/Ele > Warrior everything else
Support and healing allies : Ele/ Guardian > Warrior > Every other class
Solo roaming in WvW : Mesmer/Thief > Warrior > Every other class
Single target damage ( PVP) : Thief / Mesmer > Warrior > Every other class
Single target damage ( PVE) : Ele/Thief/Guardian/Ranger > Warrior > Every other class
Might stacking: Ele/ Guardian/Engi > Warrior > Every other class
Utility ( PVE – blocks, reflects, boons): Guardian/Mesmer/Ele/Engi> Warrior > Every other class
Condition damage: Necro/Engineer/Thief/Mesmer> Warrior > Every other class
AOE damage : Necros/Eles/Engis/Thiefs > Warrior > Every other class
Sustained Melee DPS Warrior > Everything eleJust because… you say so? kitten?
Highest mobility goes to warriors / thieves hands down. Cuz i say so
Highest crowd control effects (stuns, knockdowns, cripples, immobilize) go to Warriors cuz i say so.
Highest physical Aoe Goes to warriors / thieves cuz I say so.
Highest condition / effect removal utility (…including stability) Goes to warriors / engi/ guard cuz i say so.
Highest sustain melee goes to warriors. Yay we agree.
Highest bunker potential goes to warriors / guards / engi. Cuz I say so.All you did was sort out what aspects of the game you thought you can get away with saying warrior is at least 3rd tier or lower grade in. And just on your opinion. No explaining. No mechanic comparison. No numbers or real-play equivalent examples. Just creating your own boundaries in an argument you make seem covers everything so warriors seem legit. XD pls
Cleave is not AOE. AOE is 5 targets and is typically a ranged attack. A cleave is limited to 3 targets and is melee so you are wrong about that. highest condition removal goes to guardians. Highest bunker is no doubt guardians. Its one thing to say something that is true because you say so its another thing to say something false because u say so.
I never said cleave is AOE………………
But! Earthshaker is an aoe, Hammer auto3 is an aoe.. wait a second.. Whirling Axe is an AOE… probably ony of the most hard-hitting aoe’s in the game btw. These are called point-blank aoe attacks. They hit up to 5 targets near the caster. So you are wrong. Very wrong. Warriors have a lot of aoe damage.
And Guardian as the best bunker vs a Warrior is completely your opinion. Just because guardians can regen and remove conditions and grant boons doesnt mean warriors cant do the same. In fact warriors have more (effective) blocks than guardians and mainly sustain through offensive conditions and aoe CC.
Bunker : This is funny because any profession can bunker. But Gurdian/Ele > Warrior everything else
Support and healing allies : Ele/ Guardian > Warrior > Every other class
Solo roaming in WvW : Mesmer/Thief > Warrior > Every other class
Single target damage ( PVP) : Thief / Mesmer > Warrior > Every other class
Single target damage ( PVE) : Ele/Thief/Guardian/Ranger > Warrior > Every other class
Might stacking: Ele/ Guardian/Engi > Warrior > Every other class
Utility ( PVE – blocks, reflects, boons): Guardian/Mesmer/Ele/Engi> Warrior > Every other class
Condition damage: Necro/Engineer/Thief/Mesmer> Warrior > Every other class
AOE damage : Necros/Eles/Engis/Thiefs > Warrior > Every other class
Sustained Melee DPS Warrior > Everything ele
Just because… you say so? kitten?
Highest mobility goes to warriors / thieves hands down. Cuz i say so
Highest crowd control effects (stuns, knockdowns, cripples, immobilize) go to Warriors cuz i say so.
Highest physical Aoe Goes to warriors / thieves cuz I say so.
Highest condition / effect removal utility (…including stability) Goes to warriors / engi/ guard cuz i say so.
Highest sustain melee goes to warriors. Yay we agree.
Highest bunker potential goes to warriors / guards / engi. Cuz I say so.
All you did was sort out what aspects of the game you thought you can get away with saying warrior is at least 3rd tier or lower grade in. And just on your opinion. No explaining. No mechanic comparison. No numbers or real-play equivalent examples. Just creating your own boundaries in an argument you make seem covers everything so warriors seem legit. XD pls
Why what’s wrong with Burr’s message? It makes perfect sense to me. People think warrior is over-powered because of healing signet? lmao. I’ve actually switched over to playing my mesmer now in WvW because warrior vs conditions is just a joke. I run a build with healing shouts and soldier runes and also warhorn condition removal trait, necros and mesmers just melt me in seconds. It’s pointless and I don’t want to have to go everywhere with Berserker Stance.
While playing with my mesmer I’ve realised exactly how pointless it was just trying to be a good warrior, there’s no hope.
This is why Burrs post is wrong…
You actually gave reason as to why warriors are being nerfed… BECAUSE IT RESTRICTS OTHER CLASS’ BUILD OPTIONS.
Every single Qq vs my class being called OP thread infuriates me sometimes because people believe their balance logic is so brilliant when its actually linear and in essence contradictory.
IF necros and mesmers are continuously forced to PLAY CONDITION DUMPERS while warriors can have a billion build options than the game is broken. Imbalanced.
Warriors only fear is condition-heavy builds well then whats the problem? durrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr
Bunker : Guardian > Warrior
Support and healing allies : Ele/ Guardian > Warrior
Solo roaming in WvW : Mesmer > Warrior
Single target damage ( PVP) : Thief / Mesmer > Warrior
Single target damage ( PVE) : Ele/Thief/Guardian > Warrior
Might stacking: Ele/ Guardian > Warrior
Utility ( PVE – blocks, reflects, boons): Guardian> Warrior
Condition damage: Necro/Engineer> Warrior
AOE damage : Necros/Eles/Engis > WarriorRead it. Understand it.
Maybe realize warriors aren’t OP.Honestly it’s more like this:
Bunker : Guardian > Warrior > Every other class
Support and healing allies : Ele/ Guardian > Warrior > Every other class
Solo roaming in WvW : Mesmer > Warrior > Every other class
Single target damage ( PVP) : Thief / Mesmer > Warrior > Every other class
Single target damage ( PVE) : Ele/Thief/Guardian > Warrior > Every other class
Might stacking: Ele/ Guardian > Warrior > Every other class
Utility ( PVE – blocks, reflects, boons): Guardian> Warrior > Every other class
Condition damage: Necro/Engineer> Warrior > Every other class
AOE damage : Necros/Eles/Engis > Warrior > Every other classRead it. Understand it.
Maybe realize warriors aren’t OP.I’m too lazy to correct some of them but you get the idea. Warrior isn’t the best, but it sure as hell is NOT the least for most of those.
Give this man a cookie
@anyone who defends warriors without a second thought.. Read it. Understand it. Then maybe you’ll realize you are simply defending a class that will beat any other class in about 8 out of 10 aspects of the game.
Warriors are actually ok and other classes need some help. Imo what makes warrior so strong. Dolyak singet and balanced stance. With these two you can have very high stability upkeep. Pretty much no other class can do this and they suffer because of it. CC needs diminishing returns or other classes need more stability.
Please dont be below average iq lvl.Warriors need stability because they are melee class and need constant time hugging the target while other classes spam their damage form range .Without stability you can keep 100% the warrior away from you and dps him down while he can’t even touch the target with his melee skills.Next time use your brain before you post please.No other class needs that much upclose uptime besides guardian and they are a support class with very high stability§/immunity uptime too.
You basicly want warriors to have stability on par with anyone else but without the teleports stealth ranged and so on.Please
wow this makes no sense lol
I mean you would be right if warriors didnt also have the best mobility in the game. So paired with the best mobility, the most stability, the most CC, best armor values, second best internal healing, and probably the highest aoe crit damage available… they are fine? Why do you tell people to think before they speak when obviously you are not.
Warriors right now are simply the strongest class due to the imbalance of skill mechanics offered across the board. They don’t need life steal since their internal healing beats any kind of life steal there is. Their condition removal is given FAR more generously than any other class is given stability.
So not only are warriors able to quickly engage into melee range but also keep your opponent in melee range and not be affected by anything that would throw them out of melee range while doing massive crit damage.
The thing about why CC especially stuns are so imbalanced is that if you stun an enemy for 3 seconds you have internally healed nearly 1300 health. This is all passive. Plus, you are probably dealing insane damage to somebody who is not given proper amount of defense to withstand it. The cooldowns allow skill chains reset that completely kill nearly any other class in the game. Gap closing, stunning, dealing massive aoe damage and cleansing when needed. Even blocking.
If a warrior is not OP u are lying to yourself.
Grimmnox says this cuteness contest is an abomination and sickens him to no end…. and asks if he won…… but not nicely.
GW2 pvp is GREAT !! But… Developers like to play around too much. Not in the sense of having fun, but ignore players with real concerns and don’t seem to take their duties seriously. They also come up with silly excuses why they must take months and months to change or even fix obviously broken things. They also lack the ability to make game-saving changes to the game mechanically, so players know we’re stuck with a kitten game and rely on balance to fill the fun-void in our hearts, not yet knowing that even with better balance we’re still at a loss because GW2 simply could have been so much more if not for pride covering up poor design choices.
eww wow ron u totally hit the nail on the head dude. I mean that’s pretty much everything lol.
At a certain point, you just get tired of arguing or flipping out and play something else lol. All exaggeration aside, all my good friends including my brother all own GW2 and do not play it except for me. They are all avid pvp gamers and just cant get past the problems in GW2. The korean hardcores wont touch it. heavy sigh
I was super excited when this game was released. I had a lot of interest and yes, expectations. I mean okay, it’s not going to get everything right; but no game does. Isn’t that telling you something? Might that not tell you the issues are eclipsing the enjoyment of the game. It’s like maybe Anet gave up a long time ago XD It’s all down-hill from here. :P
GW2 sPvP is GREAT! but.. Has nearly no shape of balance atm. Too many things to list. but heres a few:
Too many pets (zoo’s): Just too many. Can’t even hope for viewers to understand what the hell is happening in a 5v5 when there are a million AI pets running around.
Too much invisibility and game-breaking mechanics: To many spammable and prolonged invisibility skills. Throws the flow of teamfights off, if not completely reset them. Hard CC is given too generously as well imo
Skyhammer: Just replace this map with an “I win button” where the sh panel is. Or near every glass flooring. Skyhammer can even be fixed. But I don’t see that happening. The map is too game breaking, causing too much continuous focus and importance on an objective in a pvp map.
Just plain imbalance. Players can work around a lot of things but the game doesn’t allow much else than op trolling in some fashion or another. Exploiting the imbalance at every turn. Exploiting a mechanic (such as conditions or invis or watever) as much as possible. If they would just tone down all this stuff… just tone it down XD
And finally.. build diversity. This kinda goes hand n hand with balance issues. I for one like to go against the normal flow of the herd when it comes to builds. But I think most people do. Though eventually people get tired of getting beat and conform to the strict build options or play something else :P
I earnestly second this idea. Though I personally have always sought for a 2h option, if a new 1h main was on the horizon I’d like to see this. Well done!
1. A solid idea. Melee cleaving bleed stacks is not only necro-sensible but unique.
2. Seeing as how marks are limited to staff and our 3min recharge elite, I find this most appealing.
3. Condition transfer should be more pronounced on our class as it is one of our primary defenses. Fitting all around
It’s basic attack (x2 shots) are a 100% projectile finisher proc. Blast finishers grant aoe retaliation on light fields.
But the positioning is indeed a factor in which lies most of the fun :P
Well thats just counting staff. Bone fiend is a 100% proc and is x2 per basic attack. So 10 seconds u could probably get about 8 or more if timed right and ur BF doesnt die right away. You’ll usually get at least 2 off staff, more if you’re lucky.
But yes, I do agree with the DS issue. I think Anets fear is that if you can restore your life while in DS through traits like vampiric master or vampiric rituals it will be too much. I would hope they could figure some form of compatability but we’ll have to just bare with whats given for now :P
(edited by TheDevice.2751)
for fun purposes and an equal feel for support/dps/healing I find this build to work the best for me. ^^ The build is at the start of the vid
Might work in SPvP, will get slaughtered in WvW. It is also an out dated video, looking at how the condition damage is being shown.
wut? I just made it this week the footage and everything. Not outdated at all.
But yes the fact that WvW relies heavily on mobility this build isnt quite fit for it.
Strange, the conditions shown are very different to how they are shown on my screen – that a different option or something?
I wouldn’t say that WvW relies heavily on Mobility for why it wouldnt work – what is your condition removal like? That will be more important as to why the build would have problems 3 conditions every 18 seconds won’t be alot against Condition bombs.
The healing as well is rather low. Well of Blood gives nice healing. Cool down is rather long. The Field is rather weak as well depending on the weapon set. The siphoning traits are just terrible. Until they are made to work inside DeathShroud i don’t think that a Siphon build can work. Might work in SPvP but in WvW? Nah and that’s not because of the mobility.
Yes I said it’s an option in the options screen (simple condition floaters)
If you’re talking about group/zerg as opposed to solo roaming then I suppose you might be on to something but WoP and WoB (projectile + field) gives decent condition removal/flip. The siphoning off wells is also decent especially in teamfights or vs clones. Yes, the DS and siphon incompatibility is an issue. But I still have fun and do well with this build.
for fun purposes and an equal feel for support/dps/healing I find this build to work the best for me. ^^ The build is at the start of the vid
Might work in SPvP, will get slaughtered in WvW. It is also an out dated video, looking at how the condition damage is being shown.
wut? I just made it this week the footage and everything. Not outdated at all.
But yes the fact that WvW relies heavily on mobility this build isnt quite fit for it.
I was using simple condition floaters (in options) btw
(edited by TheDevice.2751)
for fun purposes and an equal feel for support/dps/healing I find this build to work the best for me. ^^ The build is at the start of the vid
So in a thread about the lich cast being interrupted and how freaking terrible that can be when it might be a last-ditch effort to survive heavy focus-fire (as we’re all too familiar with) An idea formed in my brain that: “what if the more focus-fire you take, the stronger your skills become”
for instance:
Activating lich form with no real damage taken or impairing conditions will act normally (taking forever to cast XD)
If you suffer say 75% health in damage in a window of maybe 3 seconds, lich form becomes an instant cast.
If you use it while stunned or otherwise controlled, the cast becomes a stunbreaker and causes an aoe fear or knockback.
I mean these examples might seem extreme there would be more tinkering in numbers and such but if this was a sort of profession theme then the necro might actually have a personality XD
YES! Instant cast
And… a stunbreaker XD
…but seriously would be an awesome stunbreaker.
How about a dying animation in which the necro bursts in pale green-blue flames (like UW ambience from GW) and a lich appeares out of it with the flex/cry from charr skeletons (you know the spread arms and scream, like shrunk model grows from the middle/chest of the necro while the remains of the necro body shrink into the lich in terms of animating it).
that might be a bit too epic to behold, keeping your focus on combat will be impaired XD
an aoe knockback or fear (as the title suggests) would also add even more awesomeness to that entrance
Of course even just that animation would call for nerfs
(edited by TheDevice.2751)
YES! Instant cast
And… a stunbreaker XD
…but seriously would be an awesome stunbreaker.
So here (VAMPWellmancer) is my first video. It’s not some high-level pvp just a few hotjoins so don’t expect too much XD Mostly just trying out my editing again.
The build is in the vid if you wanna know.
Oh… I should probably do something about that.
Inbox buff inc. Prepare for OP rage qq and nerf