Necro ele is the second strongest duo and also the best 2v2 in the game
Last season right? I mean I’m pretty prepared to see the 2v2’s in custom games and what comes of that.
I’m betting necro will not be as strong as you think.
Necromancers are not needed this season. Ele’s do a better job. Mesmers do a better job.
Both are harder to kill.
BTW: Devs who make class changes don’t like necromancers lol.
(edited by TheDevice.2751)
60-70% winrate without an ele solo q as a necro.
You must not be playing against any capable enemies especially thieves (or no thieves).
You must never be getting focused.
You must never have any dc’s on your team. (I’ve had a dc in my first 7 games)
Never have a bad team comp (I just played a game where my team readied up 3 thieves)
Not true or you’re just lucky.
All the “playmakers” (basically the good classes) all have some kind of access to stealth.
yes, even DH’s.
I think warriors will get stealth in the future. Maybe their next elite will get traps lol.
I’m mostly joking guys
(edited by TheDevice.2751)
Because a necro is stronger in teamfight/group play than a guardian?
A well played necro can down multiple players, massively boonstrip, and just in general wreck face.
A guardian can support his team and provide some nice tanky damage. They are also built with better heals and blocks.
Guards are CD based. Outlast or bait their CDs and they are a sitting duck. Necro, it’s all about either negating/bursting the shroud. A well played necro can sustain far longer than a guardian, especially with a support.
There’s a reason necro’s are often first target. Not just because of their squish, but because you need to keep them on the defense or they are the most brutal to a teamfight.
I can contest every singe one of those points.
Necro is CD based. You bait out all its CD’s and they are a sitting duck.
Necro’s are easier to focus. They don’t have blocks or invulnts to stop it.
Necros sustain isn’t a thing lol. They can’t heal and most of their LF gain relies on a few skills. Once that first shroud is gone he’s dead in the water. Won’t last till the shroud comes off CD.
This is fact. You can watch any pro league game where they have a necro. The necro comes in, puts out as much boon corrupt as possible, and then dies. You’re arguments just arent true. They’re just not true man lol.
This is the thing though. The community believes it. Most of whom don’t play necromancer. But such is the same for the devs.
(edited by TheDevice.2751)
Giving you the benefit of the doubt, what changes need to be made – and, more importantly, what counter-nerfs would you propose?
Your idea would seem a lot more credible if you could answer this.
What do you mean?
I don’t propose any nerfs really. Just rename the class to assassin lol.
If they wanted they could make some changes to make necro feel less weak. Guard provide plenty of aoe damage and yet can still defend against a thief. IDK why thats acceptable but its not acceptable for a necro. Oh and necro has bad mobility. Oh and necro has worse defense vs heavy focus fire.
Ohhh I know why. Cuz they can be supported This argument doesn’t make sense. Guards can be supported by an ele. anyone can be supported lol An ele can support another ele. An engi, A warrior can be supported by an ele. lol. Anyone can support anyone. How is this an argument? And they can all be healed easier XD
Necro’s are good when supported. this has to be the biggest slap in the nuts to every necro player and most of them don’t even realize it. Everyone is great when supported lol. What? Why is this a thing?
Guards, Wars, Engi, Ranger, and even a mesmer (who can also do plenty of teamfight aoe damage; usually gets the highest damage in most games; also has amazing aoe cc like shield5 and well) can all be supported. They can also 1v1. They also all have decent-great mobility.
EDIT: I know I use “lol” alot but this necro business is comical in my mind. I don’t get it. I feel like its plain as day for me but not for everyone else. Somehow Anet has convinced the playerbase that necro’s need a babysitter and thats a legitimate thing.
Just answer this: Why can guards get away with 1v1’s so well while necro’s cant?
(edited by TheDevice.2751)
Have you ever tried playing a thief? I think you’ll be singing a different tune after you realize how “op” the class is under the hands of an ordinary person against most of the meta lineup.
The average Necro has trouble against Thieves. This fact doesn’t make Thief overpowered, and it certainly doesn’t mean thief trumps every other class.
I didn’t say it trumps every other class. I didn’t say it was op either. I said Anet favors the class and that necro’s can’t even use any of their skills against a thief. Thats actually kittened up game design. No pvp game should one class just auto win vs another.
Like if you’re a necro and get caught out against a thief, you cant outrun it. Let go of your mouse and your keybard and let the rock beat scissors. No skill involved. One class just beats the other. Its purposefully made that way.
(edited by TheDevice.2751)
Thats literally all they are. They kill you. In like 4 seconds you’re dead unless you’re a guard.
This game and its love for the assassin- i mean thief.
So funny how everything on a necro is useless against a theif. Nothing a necro has can even reach the thief when he disengages to recover initiative.
Anyone want to tell me why classes who also do ambient damage / support are able to get away with having great 1v1 potential as well?
Guards and Elementalists especially. Cuz all im seeing is class favoritism lol.
But no seriously. Explain to meh reasons.
The only class you can more or less win on a 1vs1 with out much problems is vs an engi , players of equal skill ofc, necro would have the upper hand. Against the other classes you should only win if they are much weaker than u, because all other classes can desingage better, or kite better, or dps better , or some imunity or blocks, reapers are stronger in teams fights, but in 1vs 1 they are weaker
Other classes do fine in team fights. All necro’s are meant for is boon corrupt. Then they die. Sweet class design.
EDIT: also.. whats so hard about focusing a necromancer in a team fight? It’s pretty universally known that you focus the necro first. He can’t do all the stuff you just said (block, kite, disengage, etc) as well as other classes. So they die first in the fight.
This entire community is backwards. I swear. Only necromancers who play the class know the deal.
2nd edit: I don’t think necro’s are useless. I don’t think they are bad in solo queue. I think they need some help in other areas.
I think its disingenuous to suggest necromancers are just as capable at 1v1 as other classes (other comments in the thread). Anet doesn’t balance around 1v1’s which is why 2v2’s are on the horizon instead.
My very simple beef with the 1v1 thing is there should be 1 or 2 builds capable in every class to be selfish and 1v1 viable. Anet doesn’t think so. So, what can ya do -__-
(edited by TheDevice.2751)
So, instead of the overly-used 360 aoe, I suggest changing it to effect enemies in front and behind, like a heavy overhead swing. The whirl effect would still apply (the animation would look something like an overhead down, continue around to the flank and overhead again.
Why? Well, the 360 aoe is redundant on a reaper since there is already the built-in RS4 which is a continuous spin to win.
Furthermore, and the more important reason is to speed it up. narrowing the aoe should relieve the skill of its hefty cast time animation. It would also make the skill more unique and require a little more directional awareness.
Anways, just a suggestion.
(edited by TheDevice.2751)
80% of that wasn’t in regards to 1v1.
But as far as 1v1’s, are you saying you are good enough to win 1v1 vs most other classes? If so, I’d like to see it. Maybe send me a friend invite and I’ll visit your server and watch you do some 1v1’s. I have shadowplay so I can even record the games so you can show other people how well necros are at 1v1s. Sound good?
Trust me. If all you need to do is “get gud”, I’m willing to change my narrative. Just some proof would be swell.
Necro is one of the strongest 1v1 classes atm……. what u on about??
Ah cool. Can you show some footage of how well necros are doing 1v1? Maybe go and 1v1 as a necro. I’d love to see some necro 1v1 winning action.
I’m 99% sure sind is trolling.
oh thank god.
Necro is one of the strongest 1v1 classes atm……. what u on about??
Ah cool. Can you show some footage of how well necros are doing 1v1? Maybe go and 1v1 as a necro. I’d love to see some necro 1v1 winning action.
all im seeing is class favoritism
I’d love to see Karl McLain’s explanation of why [some class(es)] are stronger than others.
I honestly think the last time Karl played necro was in 2013 lol. He’s been having too much fun on his guard/war/thief
Think about your necro. And then think about how much it revolves around lf gain.
All the traits you put in LF gain. Running that Soul Reaping trait line.
I actually tried running a Dagger build with GS – A bit of hybrid. You neeeeed LF traits. You need every single LF support you can cram in your build.
Do you know why they havent changed this? Why LF is so not easily attained on more than 50% of the class? I’ll tell you.
Anet doesn’t play necromancers that often. When they do. They run the same LF support on their builds. So it doesn’t click. they think “seems all well and fine to me wahts this talk about wars can gain adrenaline easier than LF on necros? I have no problem.”
:D This game man. Cracks me up.
EDIT: I want to laugh about this a little more. So most likely in their minds they think “well on these other traits its more about gaining health. This should mean that they get nearly zero LF” Makes sense right? ONLY IT DOESNT lol Oh thats right. IT doesn’t make sense that you’re basically forfeiting your CLASS MECHANIC lololol kladfj;alskfj to get some healing. I just can’t man. I cant evennnn. Does any other class forfeit their class mechanic because they started to stat more in life gain or damage or pure bunker or anything like that? No. Just necromancers and life gain. Its so broken.
The class is a mess. A mess. GO home necromancer. You’re drunk. You are a mess.
(edited by TheDevice.2751)
Anyone want to tell me why classes who also do ambient damage / support are able to get away with having great 1v1 potential as well?
Guards and Elementalists especially. Cuz all im seeing is class favoritism lol.
But no seriously. Explain to meh reasons.
Necro Community: “I don’t want to be dependant of a support class!”
Anet: “In this balance period we’ve reduced Necro’s AoE damage output by 50% but gave him 40% more health and 20% more auto attack power!” -Anet.
Necro community: “We can’t do anything in team fights that other classes can’t do better! Halp!”
I like how this guy makes up stuff lol
When did the necro pvp community ever get what you just said?
If anything, any contradictory complaints for necromancers is due to the polarity of game modes; PvP and PvE communities. This should be the same throughout all classes yet for some reason necro’s suffer from the contradictory arguments the most since the dev team can’t seem to BALANCE THE GAME AROUND TWO MODES. Go figure. lol
But again, tell me when Anet actually made the type of changes you described.
Somehow DH have been able to retain all their 1v1 ability, all their aoe ability, all their blocks/defensive ability throughout the game. Guards as a whole are also able to build support, build burst/condition, and get away clean with it.
For some reason, when it comes to Necromancers, its like pulling teeth to give them any meaningful and impactful BUFFS.
and warriors…. just saying~
jesus. Its not only Anet.. the the bulk of the GW community is also out-of-touch with the state of the necro.
(edited by TheDevice.2751)
It is terrible in pvp
I tend to forget that pvp isn’t the only mode in this game when I make statements like this.
Generally, when I pve im just soloing, running around mindlessly completing meta events in HoT maps. =/
I usually run power builds in all modes anyways.
Sounds fair then. Thanks for the feedback
+150 condition damage
+50% condition duration.
Can we lose the condition duration for something else? Condition duration seems very redundant half the time and condi’s never really last before they are cleared or flipped.
Like how about something interesting lol. Something that adds a bit of function to the scepter. Some GM weapon traits on classes give knockdown, or piercing or some other stuff.
Maybe a knockback or some other type of hard cc.
And why give scepter a GM trait? Shouldn’t GM’s be reserved for two handed weapons? I think Staff should have a GM trait with some beefy bonuses.
what do you guys think?
Reaper is a really bad pvp class. This wont be fixed. More people will leave this game for its imbalance and clear class favoritism from the devs. Sad really.
breaks my heart to see new people finding this out for the first time.. Sigh. Well, maybe in another 5 years anet will have some people who actually care about this class to make some needed changes.
This is why this game failed…. people chasing rewards.
you could literally have a game where the characters are stick figures and you had one button but there were countless rewards and people would play just to tell others how many rewards they have achieved.
Games like league of legends dont even rely on rewards for their players to stay interested. The game offers better, sharper, more tightly constructed pvp than most pvp games period. People log on to PLAY THE GAME. Not to get rewards.
Another thing that killed this game is the fact that some classes are just overloaded lol.
Engineer is needlessly overloaded.
Elementalist is needlessly overloaded.
The classes who just have too much tedious crap to push and spam are needlessly overloaded. Anet should be willing to compress the range of stand-alone abilities offered to all classes. I used to try to complain that necros did not have enough. The truth is other classes have too much.
Friends I’ve played with (who no longer play) all pretty much agreed that the Eni and Ele were unnecessarily stuffed with too many “buttons”. Just too much crap. Engi has 5 skills (f1-f5) which change on top of your normal weapon 1-5 + 3 utilities which can offer more 1-5 and bleh blah blah.
Another of League of Legends greatest achievements is creating champions with complex/ high skill ceilings while still retaining a level of simplicity (low skill floor). Vayne is the best example of this. She is pretty simple to understand but offers so much for the player to learn and advance.
Anet doesn’t really do this. Warrior is almost part of that vein(puns) but when you really look at war its just an over-the-top Tyndamere. 1 Champion = the entire warrior class.
You ever watch the pro league of GW2? the commentators have nearly completely given up on giving play-by play of the actual skills becuase there is no piont. Everthing is spammed and none of the skills have any actual weight behind them.
Nobody “lands” anything in this game. Nobody get off that trick shot. nobody makes them plays. Its all a blur. Just one big spectacle of nonsense and who-cares-whos-winning particles.
Then, in the end, Anet looks at the WoW-mentality of some of its players and caters to their need for rewards. A fleeting and short lived/sighted endeavor. These people will eat up your content in a day and want more. Let them go back to wow. Let them go.
All I see under refunds are gem refunds and game refunds not item refunds (into gems).
I really am disappointed with your new glider/back set. One can be colored, the other can’t. This should not be a bundle.
I’m Not asking for my money back. I’d just like my gems back. Please. Ty.
Seriously man. This is just… not cool. Can you just have the backpack mimic the color pallet of your glider skin if the matching glider is equipped? Or something?
THIS is what I’ve always wanted.
Perhaps I’m not a huge fan of the skimpy fishnets but if they ever decide to make a male counterpart I’ll be leaving GW2 XD.
I enjoy this game. I have always seen the potential.. and I guess that “potential” was just creative differences.
Anet dev team continues to constrict all necromancer-type builds and specs into a sluggish, easily countered, non-active-defense-having punching bag who’s unable to 1v1 and only good for ambient damage.
I understand and agree with traditional forms of a magic-user and am happy with how they’ve implemented that in the baseline necro but have always felt a bit unhappy with reaper and how it could have been. I think reaper could have really been something awesome.
The Dark Knight in black desert really shows how it is possible.
Here’s five very important things (to me at least) that I thank Anet for:
1. They gave a GS to the necro. Plenty of players have requested a two-handed power option from Anet and they gave us one. The design is cool and the effects are really well done.
2. They tried really hard to create an alternative pvp game mode that added more depth and strategy (Stronghold); and even though it didn’t quite hit the mark, the effort is appreciated. I actually like the idea behind the game mode but agree there is room for improvement.
3. Solo/Duo is a must and was surprised they really listened to the community about this and implemented it. Duo complainers are people who are not going to stop complaining. If Anet removed Duo, those people would complain about something else. Duo is really not that detrimental to your ability to climb as a purely solo player.
4. Rewards are actually nice. I personally bought GW2 to enjoy the game in its entirety (even though I haven’t really gotten into fractals just yet) and Anets attempt to string together all modes by providing gear and rewards to be used in other areas of the game is highly appreciated.
5. Trying to simplify the game a bit is actually very important when done right and Anet has done some things very right. They simplified utilities which was a must and they simplified amulets which made sense.
poison fields
yeah this “argument” is invalid.
GW2 is not based around 1v1’s. Some professions are going to be better at 1v1’s while others are better roamers, while others are better in teamfights etc.
If your statement was valid then add necromancer to that trash tier list.
If you’re saying GW2 is doing a bad job at balancing around 1v1’s then I agree. However, they’re not trying to balance around 1v1’s.
DH also has a higher skill ceiling than people think but are still not the best 1v1 class. They have plenty of tools and maybe if you showed some footage of beating some pro DH’s 1v1 then you might earn a bit more merit.
I’d much rather the money was spent on PvP and/or LS.
Samesies. And since ArenaNet has spent so much time building a game that we play alone, together, maybe we’ll see a shift towards 1v1 or at least 3v3 combat over ring-around-the-pointy.
I’d rather have quicker games that require just ME to be good than games that required my reliance on strangers that aren’t even incentivized to win (see: I’m just here for my raid gear, Season 5) in a team environment that voted to ban team-queuing (HOW?).
Gimmick builds and rock, paper, scissors – OR – inept MMR and skyrocketing toxicity during a pro-player exodus: Oh, the choices!
Well I do agree that tournament play / esports was forced too heavily by anet too soon. They should have focused their efforts into the actual game for actual players. Focusing on balancing the game and letting the playerbase itself determine gw2’s esport worth.
Anet relies too heavily on their marketing team. They do have a great marketing team tbf lol. I mean I hate to sound so bogus but all those 100 accolades they quote on their home page were all earned in the first quarter or earlier of the games release.
I also think the game should allow for more 1v1 balancing but as it is now it isn’t. Some classes are just giong to outperform others in 1v1’s and thats intentional. (Q_Q Reaper). Some weapons are meant for certain game modes (Q_Q Necro GS).
All this can be fixed. They can allow each class to perform all roles but perform them in their own way and their own style. This goes back to their original plans to break free of the traditional holy trinity. You can still have a holy trinity but for some reason GW2 has decided to make it class specific instead of allowing the player to spec for it.
As an example. A thief should be able to build as a support and used to have support builds like the ninja medic (which was awesome).
In the end, Anet just panic’d. They had a great idea but couldn’t see it through to the end. They let the WoW fanboys dictate their endgame and dictate their pvp when it was all just a means to sabotage the game so their friends would go back to WoW lol.
The game has consistently been simplified. Some of the changes where really good and some have just been aggravatingly uncool but all for the purposes of making their games more viewer friendly for their esport viewers. (this class is for A job, that class is for B job, etc). This is too forced and feels too synthetic.
Anyways. Nothing’s set in stone as he said. They might come back. I just hope the game gets back to its roots and tries to think more about its players than their esports viewers.
tmw you realize the only core class anet has buffed to a somewhat viable state is guardian…. T_T
I actually like this idea.
- Allow espec to wear heavy armor
- Expand on augmenting Axe through traits.
I think the death shroud should also be a melee based one but instead of like a scythe it should be a two handed executioners axe which gives added bonuses to defeating downed state enemies.
Lol only Burn guard(core) got a buff …..DH got nerft but ok Burn guard is sooooo op
Pls nerf all other classes but buff mine
Yeah i said nothing about DH getting buffs. Core guard got them and rev got nerfed. True?
The point is why no changes for other classes whether they be nerfs or buffs. Why no changes at all?
Why hasn’t Anet even said anything about it?
Why did guardian get buffed, rev get nerfed etc..
and literally no changes for necromancer, war and ranger?
So I updated the build which ended up feeling a little bit more like a meditrapper
the zeal is still there but I think it works well with the whole hybrid goal
whuchu guys think?
So when i posted this I was in-between games and didn’t save the build correctly. lol So its updated with the right traits n stuff.
(edited by TheDevice.2751)
The thing is… the ascended gear is meant to draw in those non-pve’rs so the queue times will be lower and will also promote their “esport”.
If they just allowed some method of attaining ascended gear through unranked then the queue times will be severely longer since not too many people play gw2 anymore.
I mean, does it really matter at this point?
Yes, this would be a great idea actually. Should also include the class that they played.
its just a joke. Matchmaking, Balance.. everything about spvp is just a terrible joke.
every game i get these insanely terrible matchups where the enemy is clearly better than my team. Just severely one-sided. This just goes on until i get lucky and then my team is completely destroying the enemy team.
I’ve gone maybe 7 games where my team will never use shift-t. I’m the only one who’ll target which becomes pointless since they never go for the target. Why? Do not ask me.
Its just luck. If you have crap luck you’re going to get nowhere.
Then you have the “whoever has the most DH on the side wins” scenario which apparently is an actual thing lol. I mean it just is. They’re too safe, low skill floor / high skill ceiling, damage dealing melee tank ranged aoe support yada yada. Its kinda silly actually.
Necros remain the masters of death
Wasn’t it funny how at one time Mesmers were QQing about their only purpose in high level play was support via portal. Being portal bots. They qq’d hard and Anet came to their rescue as soon as possible.
Now, when necro’s are put in this stale corrupt bot state and the MAJORITY of necromancers are upset; they say, and I quote:
We feel that necromancers have been faring quite well gamewide, providing play and counterplay in many spots over the last few months.”
The only people who believe that this is a minority of necormancers and non-necromancers (which would include Anet devs themselves). The latter is simply due to lack of personal interest / investment. (they dont care what the playstyle is like because they don’t play them).
(edited by TheDevice.2751)
What we need is LF source that scales off of incoming damage.
you mean like spectral armor/walk?
I was responding to people saying that anet hates necro and that is why it is in its current state by pointing out how absurd that is when placed in context.
Your reply has nothing to do with that.
For some context:
- Necro’s have had the longest lasting bugs in the game
- They are the ONLY class who’s HoT elite weapon is trash in spvp. (there isn’t even ONE meta build on metabattle that uses it. All other classes have a meta build which use their HoT elite weapon)
- Have you ever seen the SoV content patch video? Their faces said it all. This was one of the first and only times I actually visibly saw the lack of enthusiasm in the developers faces for a profession.
- I’ve never seen so much backlash on another profession forum about the state of their profession whether it be in sPvP or PvE.
- Target the necro first.
So lets get back to this “target the necromancer first”. Necromancers have the least amount of active defenses to escape or disengage a fight. They have no invulns or blocks or stealths or evades.
They also have second to the least stability along side some of the longest casting times ever. This means their skills are easiest to interrupt and all CC will have a higher success rate vs the necro.
Its just simply disingenuous when people say “its cuz necros do damages” is the reason they are focused so hard. The real reasons are obvious; just as obvious to necro mains as they are to people who’ve been focusing them first for four years.
(edited by TheDevice.2751)
After 4 years ppl still havent caught on that Anet just doesn’t like necromancers as much as the other classes. They love engineer, mesmer, guard etc.
This class will never be good lol. Not ever. They actually don’t want it to be good the way other classes are good.
When the whining got bad I tried the meta necro. I was literally hitting the wrong skills half the time, and still had great aoe pressure, and the fat health pool will keep you up. They are awesome for group fights. Yeah you can’t chain blocks and invunerables, and you can’t disengage, but you can really rek the other team and keep the pressure up while they attack you. I played solo queue in both ranked and unranked. If you have a support with half a brain (doesn’t heal you in shroud) they are amazing.
Apparently you were playing vs first-timers also. Any kind of real pressure will delete a necro off the map and is why they are picked off first. They lack stability and if you’re popping your DS early for it then you’re not going to survive in the long run anyway. Its a lose/lose. This means pretty much everything you throw at a necro will be worth it. Other classes can disengage quite easily and heal back up/re-engage. Other on-point professions have real lasting power (guards/engi). If you’ve played necro as long as the bulk of its community then you’d know the true pains. Soloq-ing necro is heavily reliant on allies being good and enemies being bad.
As for the previous comment about “picking off the weaker target”, absolutely. This is absolutely a strategy in most games actually. You want to pick off the one that is easier to kill. The ones that are harder to kill will sacrifice more to chance. This is also why necro’s are so frustrating to play as. Devs have pretty much made them the only profession that requires competent supportive allies to hold your hand. Not one build but the entire necro profession lacks tools to survive heavy focus fire.
Some people will say “anyone getting focused that hard will fall”. Yes and no. If a thief/mesmer/ranger gets focused that hard they’re just going to disengage. If a warrior/guardian/engi gets focused heavily they will use all their survival tools in a chain to make the fight take as long as possible. Hell engi / war can disengage just as easily as the others. Necromancer can’t really do this. The only other one that might suffer the same issues is revenant but still not like the necro.
I must have spent over 200 dollars in black lion chest keys. Probably not as much as some people but more than others. This is also over the span of about 4 years ofc.
If i had just converted all the gems I got from the money I spent I would have gotten far more my money’s worth than this incredibly pathetic attempt at RNG.
EVEN IF, I got so lucky as to find some ridiculously expensive item that i could sell, I would have MAYBE gotten somewhere close to breaking even.
My advise; stay away from this money grab. Never been worth.
Still, i’d like to see some actual devs only play power necromancer. And they must play soloq
PRO TIP: Devs only allow necromancers to be viable when you have somebody hold your hand. Basically: Necro soloq is the hardest soloq
One more thing about actual design of the necromancer.
AOE damage isn’t the necromancers top tier aspect since Dragon Hunters, Engineers and Warriors have the best AOE damage.
Straight up Condition damage isn’t the necromancers strong point since engineers, mesmers, and warriors beat them at that.
They suck at mobility, they have second to the worst stability, no invulns or evades or blocks or invisibility… there actually isn’t any real reason other than boon corrupt that the necromancers are “viable”.
I’m sure we can bring up how several pro gamers have pretty much declared necros as kamakaze boon corrupt bots requiring no real mechanical skill other than to go in, corrupt boons, and then die.
Why not give necromancers something other than this mechanic if its SO strong it utterly guts the necromancer in every other aspect of their design?
So yeah; if they can spare the time away from playing guardian – Show us them mad soloq powremancer skills on anet twitch channel. Show us all how these powermancers are meant to be used.
(edited by TheDevice.2751)