At the start of the match, add all players to your friends list and nickname them so you remember what team they were on. Screenshot friends leaderboard. After the match, screen shot the leaderboard again.
This will tell you everyone’s ranking at the time the match started, and tell you how much they gained/lost after the match.
Sadly, this can only be done about once per day since the leaderboard seems to take forever to update with new friends once you’ve already checked it. Would be much simpler if Anet would just show everyone’s pre-match rating and gain/loss on the scoreboard at the end of the match.
DW Evan is going to leave us a link to show us how to find that info in-game. Prove to us all how transparent GW2 is.
……just wait.
(edited by TheDevice.2751)
Where’s the spvp leaderboard list?
Why isn’t there an easy way to see your group rating vs your enemies rating?
If you have nothing to hide.. why make it so difficult to find out these things?
Im taking ss of post game player names. I want to know total ratings and see how unfair these games have been.
BTW: am gold3 and just got a teammate saying he needs this win to hit gold himself. Im going to guess we were vs all golds maybe even some plats XD I mean at this point all we can do is guess or confront your teammates after game since GW makes sure to hide their rigged matchmaking system by doing away with any real transparency concerning yours and your enemies total ratings.
(edited by TheDevice.2751)
They specifically patched the leeching bolts caused by whirl finishers to apply healing through shroud. This was done in January of 2016.
(scroll to the necromancer section on the first post)
Oh much thanks. So i guess my bolts just never hit anything and that other thread is way out of date. Thx
I am pretty sure that at on point the siphons from dark fields worked in shroud. If it still the case i dont know but i remember testing it a long time ago.
However you are correct that siphons from items dont work in shroud (runes, food, sigils etc.).
There was a time I also thought it did. Maybe I was imagining it. More recently I’ve noticed that either I’m not getting any healing or the bolts are just missing every target.
I did a little research and found this thread
I been finding this very annoying from a design standpoint. Maybe its just me…
We have several dark fields (almost all wells along with PL)
RS4 is a strong whirl finisher but is pointless on dark fields since those siphons do not work in shroud.
I think all siphons should be allowed in shroud. It’s a minor buff, it adds consistency, and it allows us to actually benefit from our own dark fields.
There are siphon effects on runes as well which of course do not work through shroud. This is a real issue imo. You’re pretty much taking the chance of forfeiting a simple on-damaged siphon while being in shroud. Not very cool at all.
On another topic…
Unholy Sanctuary isn’t that great. I mean sure it would be appealing if not for CF being a better grab. US is just regeneration in shroud. If anything, thats a blood magic master trait.
I’d remove the second effect (auto shroud on low health) and just swap it with the warhorn master trait. Death magic doesn’t have a weapon trait and warhorn seems very fitting.
You would also have to buffs Banshees Wail. It would also be our only other GM weapon trait. The buff could be an interesting effect like a knockback or our cripples add a stack of poison. (gotta get dem poisonz in)
In total, Plaguelands does:
-10 stacks of bleed (12 with Deathly Chill).
-9 stacks of poison.
-8 stacks of torment.
-2 burning.
Along with all the other non-damaging condis. All of that is AoE. The way the skill works is that each pulse adds a new condi ON TOP of ALLL pre-existing condis. So basically each pulse stacks more and more condis. It’s actually a very very strong skill, if used well. It can turn teamfights in your favour easily, and it can deny ressing or help you res an ally.And no, it only gives you one bleed stack on yourself, not 2… unless you trait it, in which case you also get poisoned but not a huge deal. And if you get the trait… the cooldown becomes something like 80 secs… and it pulses for 10 secs…
It’s a good skill in sPvP.
So since the tooltip doesn’t exactly explain it that way.. I get it now. Thank you. I am wrong, I admit it. It’s a perfectly good elite. My apologies.
The truth is out there…
Trying to make ability-to-ability comparisons across classes is silly.
I mean fine. Don’t even compare. I get it, thats a bad idea. Why the 120 seconds though? Whats the actual reason its not 90 or somewhere around there?
plaguelands stays longer
it lasts 6 seconds longer.
How does that account for 30 second longer cooldown?
the healing rev is op guy?
yeah mangh
Im going to blow the lid off this kitten system.
I think either one.. they just have some very kittened up system to make their players have to retrace their ladder “steps” in too heavy a number to keep them playing.
Or, and trust me when I say this, they have an actualy Naughty List, that they add your name to if you’ve been mean on their forums or whatever. Making it so you are matched with people with far less rating than you.
I’m actually getting all this other evidence together. This game is going to kittening die.
(edited by TheDevice.2751)
As far as pvp, Gravity Well is just all around better lol.
The damage is comparable even thouh GW is more power-based. The cc’s are real and almost insure the final pulse to hit.
Plaguelands pulses 4 through 8 don’t even do damage. And you take 2 stacks of bleed.
The kicker? Gravity well has 90 second cooldown while plaguelands has 120.
You tell me Anet isn’t biased as kitten XD.
Plaguelands will do way more damage in a condi build if everything hits than gravity well in a power build. The reason gravity well is perceived as better is that if you get locked in it without a stunbreak or instant cast teleport then you’re free to be wailed upon for 3s which is a long time in PvP.
Drop plaguelands on a downed enemy and that guy is never getting rezzed, no way. The enemy team would have to burn too many cool downs and take too much damage.
That’s without pointing out the extremely obvious: Not all skills are designed to be equally as popular in each game mode. Dropping plaguelands in WvW before you go down or before the enemy pushes into you can result in you killing several enemy players especially with deathly chill.
Funny when I’ve actually done exactly that and people still get resd lol.
EVEN IF plaguelands did more damage.. their effects are equal in power budget. The cc offsets its lack of damage. SO WHY does Plaguelands have a higher cooldown? Anyone know?
Go on. Lets hear your unbiased opinion. Why are all of necromancers kitten on high cooldowns? Oh i know… nobody at Anet plays necro XD.
(edited by TheDevice.2751)
As far as pvp, Gravity Well is just all around better lol.
The damage is comparable even thouh GW is more power-based. The cc’s are real and almost insure the final pulse to hit.
Plaguelands pulses 4 through 8 don’t even do damage. And you take 2 stacks of bleed.
The kicker? Gravity well has 90 second cooldown while plaguelands has 120.
You tell me Anet isn’t biased as kitten XD.
I’ve seen the light. You guys are right. I’ve been so wrong. I’m sorry. Rev is actually in a really good place.
Any ideas on some more efficient condi builds?
I been using sages ammy but just wanted some tips
Tired of played the most trash class in the game XD Thanks in advance
Yeah. A lot of people saying its bad against [insert very specific scenario] and is thus unplayable/unviable.
Interesting how often it is seen in high gold/plat due to how “unviable” it is. People play it all the time. And win. Yet…. its bad. Hmm
(edited by TheDevice.2751)
As if you’ve displayed better logic ._. You think it’s broken, so obviously everybody else is just ignoring and abusing it… instead of just not thinking it’s broken?
wouldnt pros use it if its broken? So far in tourneys i hve never seen it being used
Which tourneys? The daily ones?
And you confuse solo build strength with professional, more team comp focused strengths.
As if you’ve displayed better logic ._. You think it’s broken, so obviously everybody else is just ignoring and abusing it… instead of just not thinking it’s broken?
Im not the only one who thinks its broken. Just one of the few who’ve actually said it on forums.
But yes, obviously many people will want to abuse the strength of this build to climb. That… seems pretty logical.
“nerf Rock, Paper is fine.” -Scissors
[Insert generic universally accepted statement/cliche] Point proven.
More busted thn teef? LIES or necro ele for that matter :/
XD I forgot about that ONE profession called the Necroele. Yeah. Necroele is so stronk. That prof needs a nerf asap. Been having a hard time 1v1ing that Necroele.
These forums are absurd. This game is absurd. The logic is absurd.
I’m so glad you understand.
I do. Now lets all go back to duo-ing with our rev bunker partner and pretend they are not busted.
EDIT: also, its kinda like saying there is this class that can successfully 1v5 every time and kill everyone. I tell my team not to fight them but they do anyways. So its not that the class is broken, its that my team is bad and doesn’t listen. Perfect logic.
(edited by TheDevice.2751)
are you 1v1 a bunker rev or are you saying you can’t take one down in a team fight even with necro condi and boon corrupt pressure?
I try not to fight a bunker rev at all at this point. I literally tell my team to not fight the rev and just play points he is not on. My team doesn’t listen. And we lose.
And we did have a ranger with that range pressure. Didn’t help them.
It sounds like your complaint is really about bad teammates and not bunker revs.
Also good, you shouldn’t be soloing them anyway unless you’re a decap dh or something. And also, if you are running condi meta necro you should be able to help your team take one down. A bunker rev can’t condi cleanse whilst also try to avoid power damage, he’ll burm through his energy too quickly.
Obviously…. my argument is about bad teammates. Thanks. As if this doesn’t prove my original post/point at all. No. It’s just bad teammates. Not bunker revs. They’re fine. XD
are you 1v1 a bunker rev or are you saying you can’t take one down in a team fight even with necro condi and boon corrupt pressure?
I try not to fight a bunker rev at all at this point. I literally tell my team to not fight the rev and just play points he is not on. My team doesn’t listen. And we lose.
And we did have a ranger with that range pressure. Didn’t help them.
Anet likes to play favorites and let everyone know which class takes skill and which are just lazy, low skill bar ez mode classes for people who are just not that smart.
Here’s a simple list of how anet likes to decide which classes are for smart people and which are for not so smart people.
High skill ceiling, carryable, playmakers. So smart. lots of buttons.
- Engineer
- Mesmer
- Elementalist
- Revenant
- Thieves
Medium skill ceiling. Deceptively higher skill ceiling.
- Guardian
- Warrior
- Ranger
Dumb people. Easy splashable unfocused/ambient damage. Lowest skill ceiling. Uses large health pool in place of more reactionary, skill-based, active defenses. Has one job. Needs a higher skill ceiling class to hold their hand. Like a handler for a handicap person.
- Necromancer
You’re welcome. Anet would even fully admit thats how they’ve designed it pretty much only they’d probably be less honest about how difficult it is to play some of these classes since they don’t want to look biased. Which they are.
I was maybe jumping the gun earlier. I actually don’t think bunker rev’s are anything to worry about. Thanks guys!
(edited by TheDevice.2751)
It still lasts longer on its damage reduction than Spectral Armor does, generally. It also stacks if you’re getting Protection from elsewhere (and if you have a support, you are). But both Spectral Armor and Rise give the same damage reduction.
I mean, so say you’re right.
Obviously you’re going to take SA then since it has a lower cooldown and a stunbreak?
>Revenant uses up all their energy to abuse the tablet
>Has nothing left for range pressure
>Nothing left for condi-cleanse/effective healing post-tablet explosion
>Basically forced to switch legends if they’re burst down afterwards
>Knockback can be blocked/evaded/stab’d throughUnless you’re a bunker trying to outbunker it, I dont see how there’s so much trouble killing them
Rev uses all their energy on tablet lololol
Yet they are constantly knocking back everyone. So no need for anything else. They are also tanky enough to withstand any mild pressure you bring.
This build needs a nerf. You should never be allowed to spam some aoe knockback every second lol . kitten that
The nerf was real on this skill man. 60 second cd makes this skill pretty much pointless. The minions die incredibly fast and I just don’t see a reason to use it over Spectral Armor which is giving a nice bit of mitigation plus life force. Am i missing something?
Rev bunker is the only build right now I’m having real issues with aside from thief. The build is way too easy to pull-off.
Blocks, evade, blocks, dodges, infuse light, evade, blocks, etc. All the while healing. Once they get you low on CD’s they start spamming Energy Expulsion. The node is just not contestable.
I’ve played vs these bunker revs plenty of times and my only answer is a very niche build as a Necro. Not even wells can make a dent in this build since they don’t just rely on blocks. They have access to plenty of stuff.
I’m not certain but don’t Necros have highest amount of Unblockables, considering this meta?
In terms of damage meditrapper DH has the most unblockable offense. (ToF, LB3, F1)
Necro unblockables are staff marks and wail of doom. However I’m going to point out that staff doesn’t deal much damage and is a pure utility weapon. Most guardians will just shrug off necro marks.
This isn’t to say necros can’t beat guardians. But people need to stop overestimating necro unblockables.
Well this isn’t true. People do overestimate necro’s viability but as far as unblockables go, necro’s have plenty.
All of their poison fields including CPC are unblockable
Corrupt Boon is unblockable.
Wells are unblockable (the three offensive ones)
Siphons are unblockable (including Signet of Vampirism siphon effect)
Traited marks are unblockable.
Wail of Doom
There’s also “Nothing can save you!” which will make all your attacks unblockable.
(edited by TheDevice.2751)
I actually tried /stuck I just didn’t know about not moving for 30 seconds.
Stealth then auto res whoever gets down. You cant do enough aoe to keep them from ressing.
(edited by TheDevice.2751)
log your character out and then log back in and you’ll be back at the respawn
I did, but why does it say “16 minute timeout?”
doesn’t clarify what that means.
What does it mean. Granted, I’ve not experience being stuck in a wall that often, (I think once before). But when I saw “16 minute timeout” I was afraid to log out. What does it mean. It doesn’t say. It could mean anything. Why isn’t there some sort of guide or something in-game that tells you what to do if you get stuck in a wall during a pvp match instead of just relying on your own guesstimation of what “Warning! 16 minute timeout” means?
(edited by TheDevice.2751)
one of which was because I decided to log out and switch my build before game started.. NOPE. I lost since I couldnt get back to game. Thanks ANET. Did i get a loss-prevented? NOPE.
My other games I swear I just get the most fail team. Im used to getting fail teams but these guys were just in a league of their own. I’m really starting to suspect foul play.
Moral of the story: Ranked is a joke. Don’t even take it the least bit serious. If you’re up there high in ranking you’re either lucky or you’ve cheated. XD t_T
That’s assuming anybody uses dagger in sPvP, which nobody does.
I do.
I also don’t understand that line of reasoning. If nobody uses dagger because its underwhelming; why be upset about giving it buffs?
(edited by TheDevice.2751)
So much relief. It’s not fixing the long-standing issues but I’ll take what I can get.
EDIT: and hurray for quicker balance changes.
(edited by TheDevice.2751)
I mean again, I’ve yet to see proof of this godmode 2v2 match-up. Do you have any other videos (not posi vs the worst players in the world)?
Like actual 2v2 match-ups. You make it seem as if its so strong; there will be zero point in choosing any other comp. Im not saying its weak. I dont think anyone will say its a weak duo. I don’t think its half as strong as you make it out to be.
Again, you don’t really play necro that much nor do many of the people claiming necro is in some decent spot. It’s not. You’d probably know if you played necro.
Even if necro was ONLY viable with ele supporting it.. why is that a good thing?
thank you for your insight
I’m here to help
We haven’t even seen 2v2 duels in action yet. IDK why people keeps saying ele and necro are some godmode 2v2 when I’ve yet to see a real 2v2 tourney/match or whatever where the ele/necro combo was featured. Videos? Something?
2v2s? Puh-lease!! Helseth’s favourite shoutcaster can win 2v1!! Just check it:
Ok. Already the worst thief ive ever seen in my life (d2 a box). Aaaaand the worst warrior ever (stand in the middle of plaguelands for the entire duration).
It’s actually tough to decide who was worse lol.
EDIT: still upvoted
(edited by TheDevice.2751)
So all I’m hearing is Necro isn’t actually good at all. They’re only good if you queue up with a elementalist to hold your hand the whole day. Wow. So, if you don’t have an ele duo partner.. don’t play necro? Thanks
Another thing about that guy. I’ve been watching his videos, and, my god. He’s a decent player but his opponents are either extremely lazy or bad.
Why do so many people defend the state of necros? They see someone doing decent and they say the class is fine. All classes have always had somebody always do fine on it wither it be ele’s during the season before last or revs last season and so on. This isn’t proof the necro isn’t in a bad spot. I actually do just fine on it. Playing it, I understand that its pro’s are grossly outnumbered by its cons.
It also might help if some of you actually played necro and furthermore did so solo queue.
We haven’t even seen 2v2 duels in action yet. IDK why people keep saying ele and necro are some godmode 2v2 when I’ve yet to see a real 2v2 tourney/match or whatever where the ele/necro combo was featured. Videos? Something?
(edited by TheDevice.2751)
No build can work without stun break, not to mention he only has one condi transfer on staff.
Some of the crying on the same necro stuff is hilarious. We have 5 similar threads and instead of analysing what OP needs in this thread some people just repeat the same argument.
How do you know hes not running foot in the grave?
Oh noes. Necro sucks? Always funny seeing players for the first time figuring it out.
BTW new sig
Poor guy. He’s trying to use his own custom build and stuff.
You need to use an official Anet-approved build to play successfully. There’s only like 2-3.
Necro’s don’t just auto win vs Engi’s. This is a big fat lie.
You need all the boon corrupt you can get.
You need boon corrupt. If you are only running something like Corrupt boon, you will have a very difficult time and isn’t a secure win. But if you are not running any kind of lasting corrupt You will not beat an engineer
It’s a specific line of build you need to beat engi’s.
(edited by TheDevice.2751)
spectral walk, centaur runes, flesh wurm etc.
You wouldn’t want to do this however since running into a roaming thief by yourself is +5 points for your enemy. just stick with team.
Yeah, but doesn’t that make you sad?
Makes me a bit unhappy with how the dev team have pigeon-held classes to fit a single role in the game as well as assume some RPS position in the chain.
They’ve tried to manipulate the classes with such a grip to fit some system they want. This is a mistake.
Richard Garfield said something along the lines of how the players should control the way a game is played; not the other way around. (paraphrasing; I don’t know the exact quote)
Since Anet thinks otherwise, their pvp scene will remain mediocre.
(edited by TheDevice.2751)
spectral walk, centaur runes, flesh wurm etc.
You wouldn’t want to do this however since running into a roaming thief by yourself is +5 points for your enemy. just stick with team.
(edited by TheDevice.2751)
Half competent thief will always win. Stall or run. Running will not likely happen.
in the end, Anet devs have no real desire to make Necros fun or effective. They just make sure they hit the traditional bulletpoints of the necro
- Conditions
- corrupt
- Make them weak against most focusfire.
And call it a day. There’s nobody representing the necro over at anet. Nobody who’s like “oh I just came up with some fun cool designs / mechanics for the necro”. Robert Gee is not interested in the necromancer lol. He has more ideas for other classes. Kieth hasn’t played necro in like five years.