lol i almost don’t even want to bother
But this is from a necro stand point so be as critical of it as you want
Warriors btw should officially be renamed “Hambow” since thats all there is. (more on this below)
I don’t dislike the game just to be clear. I dislike the balancing that is done.
In broad perspective, a class that has one OP build will have a bunch of crappy others and a class that doesnt have an OP build will have a bunch of sub-par semi-viable builds. (not viable really but whatever)
The dev team seems to say one thing and then shift to another (i think this is well understood by the playerbase). It’s been said that they “like hard counters”. Fine, whatever if thats how it is thats just how it is. So hambows are the complete counter to every necromancer build. Whatever.
So, why is it then, that when the question of engineers lack of condition clearing was brought up to their attention, they immediately said they would “like to implement more condition defense for the engineers”…………………………….
So.. What the devs TRULY mean all around, is that they like hardcounters for Necromancers. Not for any other class. Just necromancers.
I was hoping they would at least come out and say it outright. But we just have to take their meaning from their actions.
Hambows have everything. Really everything they could possibly need to be in a fight. They can leave a fight and are rewarded for leaving a fight via healing sig. They can stay in a fight, and are rewarded for staing in a fight same as the other. They are no risk, high reward, high damage, high aoe, high armor/toughness, high attrition, high cc, high condition cleanse, high healing, high everything right?
Lets look at necros.. The worst attrition (LOL because thats the class design), the worst mobility, the worst sustain, the worst aoe, the worst access to boons, the worst at stacking bleeds (yup), the worst at probably just about everything.
So.. uhhh.. Yeah. I think we need to nerf necros more. IMO. I feel like other classes might have to work just a little too hard to get the better of us. We have nowhere to go, no way to sustain in our fights, and our aoe is bad. Actually its been said by the dev team we should have sub-par aoe. So… We’re the worst. I get it.
At least come out and say it. That’s all im asking. Just say. “hello guys. We just wanted to officially say that we dislike necromancers because we dont play them and hence do not like getting beat by them. Whenever we do get beat by them, we decide to nerf them more. We cant really nerf any other class cuz we generally play them at least once in a while. So, necromancers are going to be the worst profession in this game. I hope you all do not mind that. Thanks!”
At least we can just say “well okay then.”
I’m not really sure why you guys get so involved in balance with this game.
It’s not meant to be balanced. The earliest comments said it the best by telling you how viable Necros have been throughout gw2. No teams are looking for necromancers and that should suffice for how impractical they are in spvp.
Other classes can do what necros can do and do those things better. Not much else can be done or said that hasn’t already been said by the necro community.
Mah Blood Reaper build is very fun (at least for me) and has a slight synergy with blood magic and death shroud. The only real downside is the learning curve for me but once i played it a bunch it got pretty interesting. Timing the skills is pretty important and I also use SoV on top of it so its really a mostly for fun build though I have won plenty of tpvp games with it.
Stacking immobilize after DS5/exit and then D3 – moving into SoV/BiP and just auto attacking can really dish out some crazy damage while keeping your hp pretty stable.
Check out my other stuff and rate some of the vids nahmean. I do it for fun but still its nice to know what people think.
my build compilation
Hope you all enjoy
Could we get a quick write-up of how you would use each build? Perhaps a quick rotation or tips of using each build effectively? I’m especially interested in the Lich Bomber build and how you intend to remain effective when Lich form is on CD
Well I was able to do a little rotation/play example for Lich bomber. I’ll be doing the same for the rest and some vids.
So I hate to bump this again but I completely messed up when I tried to update my older builds and had some of the numbers unchanged as well as some of the utilities in the build (scarecrow). All fixed now though.
I’m actually glad I have 2 spots for possible additions so bump ftw.
Vampire Series
Vellmancer (Video)
Zerk Vampire
I decided to make this a WvW build since I wanted to include parasitic contagion. The build also takes some inspiration from hemomancer, though with some important changes.
(edited by TheDevice.2751)
balance stealth? XDDDDDD
Good one bro… You know what game you’re playing?
Spamming pistol whip and blackpowder eh? Both of which cost 6 initiative in spvp. A thiefs standard ini pool is 12. So 2 pistol whips. Dat spam too OP. meanwhile for the next 5 seconds the thief can do absolutely nothing while you wail on him because he has no initiative
Ikr cuz thieves don’t have utilities…
oh wait..
just play a thief kitten
And Necromancers should have lots of boons and mobility, and Thieves need to tank!
Seriously though, its designed for them to be weak to conditions. The issue is the existence of Warriors who spit in the face of the “weaknesses” they are supposed to have.
Hello frands! Vee Wee here retired #1 Engi NA and world first rank 80!
Interesting input from a Necromancer frand! I bet it would be a gosh darn shame for you if your class didn’t 100% counter mine anymore! Engineers already have plenty of weaknesses! Focus fire! Burst damage! Not many stunbreaks! Retal! And of course conditions!
And every class has weaknesses! That’s thilly! Warriors say hello! Balance!
Wahoo! Bye frands!
But like.. Necromancers don’t have alot of stability.. So it evens out yah?
My previous post was removed for some reason.. I was making the point that if the idea of GW2 is hard counters then why should engineers gain more condition cleansers while necromancers have nearly no source of stability, or vigor, or other stuff.
CC seems to be the necro’s hard counter.. why shouldn’t conditions be the engineers hard counter?
Btw I understand that engineers also lack a few things like stability or stun-breaks but if engineers gained a butt-ton of condition removal like every other class it means that necromancers are not a counter to anything….
Meaning that every class in the game counters something durr except for necro’s. If this actually does get implemented then not only does the idea of hard counters get thrown out of the window (just for engineers sake btw) but also shows how much disfavor they have for necro’s (if they haven’t already shown that).
This is a relevant post.
(edited by TheDevice.2751)
My suggestion on how this game should be played from now on:
Build A > Build B
Build B > Build C
Build C > Build A
Example 1
Build A: “hey are you build C?”
Build C: " Yeah!"
Build A: “Oh kewl you win GF!”
Build C: “Yeah!”
Example 2
Build A: “Hey are you build B?”
Build B: “Yeah!”
Build A: “Nice! I win! Gf!”
Build B: “Yeah!”
No silly skill required. Just walk up and ask what build they are using.
I vote 2h sword. Would be nice to have a 2h option and I don’t wanna see anymore 2h hammers anymore lol.
Oh its nice to pretend things
@Yuijin Lol ok full of ad hominem and misinformation. I won’t resort to looking at your post history or say ironically fail insults like “L2 read and L2 write”. I read and write just fine thanks. And you can get more than 4k crits out of a lich form if you trait properly. Try not to go schooling me on that mkay dad
Taking elixer S in a turret build isn’t inconceivable. I don’t know if you are aware of that or not. But besides that lets look at what a turret engi can take to the game since you would rather throw around childish dribble even after I’ve asked you to provide specifics:
Well lets just go Rifle with Healing, Flame, Thumper and Rocket Turret [2 / 0 / 6 / 6 / 0] with rabid (doesnt matter too much) sound ok?
So lets go over all the things they have access to:
Low projectile finisher on R1, Immobilize on R2, Knockback / Condition cleanse on R4, Leap finisher on R5
Turrets combined with Experimental Turrets trait (10s aoe boon interval)
Flame – might/ smoke screen applies smoke field on active/ detonate applies blast finisher.
Thumper -protection/ causes cripple/ creates blast finisher on active and on detonate.
Rocket – retaliation, active causes knockdown, detonate causes blast finisher
Healing – vigor, regen on OC, and blast finisher on detonate
so far = x4 blast finisher, leap finisher, low projectile finisher, smoke field, water field, condition cleanse, x2 knockback, might, vigor, protection, retaliation,
Flame – applies fire field
Thumper – stun break+ blast finisher
Healing – regen
Traits are pretty simple
x3 Knockback (per destroyed turret)
protection / elixer S or blindness. and we already covered experimental turrets.
The only boon you don’t have is Aegis.
You have burning, bleed, cripple, blind, vuln and immobilize
Your combos give you, Fire armor, Might, Burning, regen, blindness, Healing and Stealth.
Would you like to know what a MM has?
(edited by TheDevice.2751)
@Yujin: I asked for a second time not because I couldn’t read it or understand it.. I was making sure that that is what he wanted to say and gave him a chance to change what he said. I’ve read both of your comments through.
None of what you said really shows in length how the two classes are balanced to one another… aside from “certain builds offer certain things”. My point isn’t that I disagree with that, it’s that when you actually look at what you’re saying, you yourself are not taking into account everything
In your example about spike damage in lich form (which is a common complaint for some reason), this can occur only once every 3 minutes during a match and if you have played a power necro you’d also note that its usually even longer in between based on the conditions you face. So what I’m saying is that you are being more black and white about the balance than I am.
@Thiefz: I understand that necro’s can use stability and at a higher rate than even most classes.. Thats not even the issue. The issue is that the stability, where it is located as far as build, is pretty useless. First of all, its not a stun breaker, which is pretty important. Secondly, If you were to actually use your DS in that way then that’s literally all you’re doing in that build. So this makes that non-viable.
I’d also like to point out that using the stealth pot is easily splashable in a turret build since I’ve seen plenty of turret engi’s include it in theirs.
We also left out invulnerability which is pretty important not only for survivability but also stomping and reviving.
I am well aware of the aspects that relate to the mechanics themselves and I simply feel that even a small allowance even to something like invulnerability is lightyears ahead of a class, like a necro, who do not possess something similar.
(edited by TheDevice.2751)
I actually asked a second time to confirm that this is what they lacked so it’s not as if I ignored the answer to my question.
Having access to things like invulnerability, blocks, stealth, regen, vigor, etc to in fact matter imho. And I’m not the least bit surprised that the dev’s noticed that they are lacking in condition cleansing and want to fix it… this is proving my point from the very beginning.
Engineers are the most catered class. Let’s just have a small example of what the necromancers lack:
Vigor, stealth, invuln, escapes/leaps/teleports, stability, blocks.. the list goes on.
So after all that.. I’ll even agree that there is more to the balance than simply listing what a class can do because we’re talking about the entire spectrum here right…
So give me some examples of how this is all fair and balanced. Why are engi’s allowed to have most if not all of those things I listed above while necromancers are denied them? You can give any bit of relevant answer from timers, to counters, to other classes mechanics/traits or anything you like. I’d like to hear it.
Yeah L2P they’re not op.. Only..
Anyways about engineers.. They are the Dev class. They will never be nerfed or lack anything.
ANSWER THIS!! I’ve asked this question about 40 times on these forums yet people seem to dodge the question as best they can..
——What do engineers LACK? What do that HAVE?After you’ve answered that question.. I’ll get back to you.
“Never be nerfed…?” Engineers have been nerfed several times like AR and nades has seen numerous nerfs already (the most recent being the poison grenade).
Depends on what you mean by “lack”. It’s like saying that everyone has stun breaks but the Engineer doesn’t have reliable/good stun breaks. Condition cleansing? Yeah, you have Elixir C, Cleaning Formula, and the Healing Turret but getting condition spammed too many times kills the engineer.
Ok you dodged the question as people usually do
Its not hard… Name all the things that an engineer cannot do or does not have. It’s not hard. What don’t they have access to? They don’t have reliable/good stun breaks.. Is that it? I already know the answer to this question.. I simply like to see how creative engineers respond to it without revealing the obvious truth.
So.. is that it? Not so reliable stun-breakers? Cuz if that’s all I’ll start to tell you what a necromancer lacks.. It’s really easy when you’re honest about it lol.
I play different classes and I know there are varying degrees of strengths and weaknesses relative to one another. As Aberrant said, it’s not black and white. You think no one is giving you a straight answer because you’re not accepting what people are trying to say.
Before you start accusing me of “dodging” the issue look at yourself. You don’t play any other class aside from necro:
This leads me to believe that you have a poor understanding of what engineers can do and what their weak points are.
You haven’t even given an abstract answer aside from “its not black and white” or “I play other classes also”.
That doesn’t mean a whole lot especially when your second argument is that you have a deeper understanding of balance… Where’s your proof? You havent said anything. I reallly don’t have to play engineer for too long to understand its strengths.. that’s also why there is a wiki.
So tell me.. How exactly is an engineer balanced? Just give some examples I’ll respond to you. So if its not so black and white how can you say it is a balanced class or even build?
I haven’t even said how its unbalanced I simply asked what the class lacks as far as mechanics offered to classes… And nobody wants to answer that question.
As a guard the only thing that frustrates me is the Warriors ability to turn tail and run… you’re freakin warriors, get back here and fight!
You’re mistaken.. They are not warriors; they are pansies. Necromancers are the true warriros.
No other class has to stay and fight until the end like a Necromancer
No other class has to take the full effects of cc like the Necromancer.
No other class has been nerfed like the Necromancer.
No other class has to be focus-fired in every fight like the Necromancer.
Warriors are little princess wusses who can run and hide from a fight just like any other class in the game………… Except for a NECROMANCER.
Don’t ever say a warrior is the man-class of this game.. It’s the necromancer.
Yeah L2P they’re not op.. Only..
Anyways about engineers.. They are the Dev class. They will never be nerfed or lack anything.
ANSWER THIS!! I’ve asked this question about 40 times on these forums yet people seem to dodge the question as best they can..
——What do engineers LACK? What do that HAVE?After you’ve answered that question.. I’ll get back to you.
“Never be nerfed…?” Engineers have been nerfed several times like AR and nades has seen numerous nerfs already (the most recent being the poison grenade).
Depends on what you mean by “lack”. It’s like saying that everyone has stun breaks but the Engineer doesn’t have reliable/good stun breaks. Condition cleansing? Yeah, you have Elixir C, Cleaning Formula, and the Healing Turret but getting condition spammed too many times kills the engineer.
Ok you dodged the question as people usually do
Its not hard… Name all the things that an engineer cannot do or does not have. It’s not hard. What don’t they have access to? They don’t have reliable/good stun breaks.. Is that it? I already know the answer to this question.. I simply like to see how creative engineers respond to it without revealing the obvious truth.
So.. is that it? Not so reliable stun-breakers? Cuz if that’s all I’ll start to tell you what a necromancer lacks.. It’s really easy when you’re honest about it lol.
ok.. I’ve almost run out of steam for this quarter of my time on this game..
But lets get a few things clear
China will not play this game for long. The dramatic lop-sided imbalance of the game is pretty much killing it. I used to think that they would really try to make sense of it all but not only do I just don’t see them doing it; even if they did it will most likely take them 2 more years at the rate they are moving.
They say they’re earning more than expected – I don’t believe it. I don’t believe a whole lot that comes out of the Anet camp anymore.
Just bare with this example for just a second:
I’ve asked several times to simply compare a Necro with an Engineer.
What does an engineer have access to? What attributes do they have that are lacking?
Then ask the same question for a necromancer…
It’s the simplest method ever and will just prove that this game is just… insane.
The REASONs are the biggest fail. The reasons, or class description, actually take precedence over balance.
If the description for class X stated that it had no flaws and could do everything and class Y’s description said it was.. hmm.. for example and attrition class that has to follow the strict boundaries of that concept and forgo many perks that other classes are given.. What do you even say to that?
Sadly, many people say “Well the necromancer has all these hindrances because that’s how the class was intended… like in the class description.”
So then two responses are eligible
1 (the widely more common response): Well okay. But lets try to sneak some good things in so it can still make sense of it’s description.
2 (mine and hopefully a few others respose) ……Well f*k the kitten description. Change the concept since the concept is obviously a handicap to the class.
The tight kungkittengrip the developers have on the necromancer is like a tiny glass full of liquid. Other classes have HUGE glasses and in some cases are not even reaching half of what it can allow.
Not sure if I can take it any longer lol
Yeah L2P they’re not op.. Only..
When you play tpvp there are only 3 prof to choose from
1. Engineer (cuz they’re always broke as hell. They have everything.
2. Warrior (dev’s also like warriors now. So they are ez win.)
3. Thief (dev’s always liked thieves. They hate to nerf them. Invis has no limit)
Then when you feel a bit like mixing it up and taking a chance
Guard (yeah.. they can do work. Far better siphons than necromancers, far better sustain and far better everything else)
Ele (yeah they’re buffed a bit now so they can be fun to play
unless you play a MM and pretty much barely keep up
Anyways about engineers.. They are the Dev class. They will never be nerfed or lack anything.
ANSWER THIS!! I’ve asked this question about 40 times on these forums yet people seem to dodge the question as best they can..
——What do engineers LACK? What do that HAVE?
After you’ve answered that question.. I’ll get back to you.
Ok.. Let’s get a few things clear. We are not an attrition class nor are we able to survive in fights.
Attrition is where where the longer the fight lasts, the more we wear down our enemy until they lose. Attrition means that we will have all the necessary things to fill that role………….. We don’t. It would mean that we should be able to survive for long periods of time if we build right and play right WHILE also continuing to wear down our enemy.
1. If we require outside help such as peels from an ally: We are not an attrition class. we are simply a class that needs help to survive.
2. Attrition, for us, means conditions: We need conditions to fulfill the role of attrition, whether you’re condition or power. If opponents can survive/negate those conditions by adding 1-2 easily build splashable traits or skills that do so, then we’re not really attrition.
3. When hard CC is our worst enemy along with our own lack of mobility and dodges/blocks, this makes for one of the most confusing aspects of how we are supposed to perform our role.
4. If burst is supposed to be a major weakness yet classes who burst have the following: Invisibility allowing them to reset the fight (effectively shutting down attrition)
Low cool-downs allowing consistent and frequent burst. (which necro’s cannot keep up with)
To the Devs..
My solution: Remove the idea of making this class the attrition class. Deciding that this class is the attrition class has ever since sealed its fate as being a terrible class. Attrition isn’t something you want a class to be focused around. Perhaps a team comp or strategy, maybe even just a build can revolve around attrition… But not an entire class itself. This is a germ in this class that will always make it sub-par because it cannot fill the roll in the way you envision.
Release this class from the chains of attrition. You’e declared the entirety of this class to function a certain way; that’s opposite of not only the freedom-of-build-diversity of what I gw has shown in the past but also constricting its enjoyment. Make it exciting to play and something you learn; not something you’re told.
If I felt that it actually mattered I would give an entire two pages of concepts or just some ideas to throw around. Alas, I think we’ve about seen the vicious sequence of nerf / over-buff / nerf nerf / over-buff / nerf nerf nerf. The worst part is that all these past changes have really had little relevance to what should make the class interesting and viable.
(edited by TheDevice.2751)
I don’t even care anymore….
But wait just to show how wrong this game is lets spell out our weaknesses
Worst power option in game
Worst aoe power option
Worst mobility
Worst sustain
Worst access to boons
Worst escapes
Worst access to finishers
Worst stomping capability
Worst reviving capability
Worst class ever
So.. When you can reply with any other class description with as many negative aspects then you can say this game makes sense.
The dev’s are fine with necro’s being where they are as the noob class. The class that has absolutely no range of skill cap, IS THE ONLY class in the game that requires peels or outside help to function, and has probably the most boring viable build in the game. The class is for faceroll condition nukers or MM. Once you start playing against more experienced players you’re useless. That’s called making a useless profession.
So in my last post in this forum I was too aggressive I think with the way I tried to ask this question. But since I’m not a pro gamer or not very smart in the ways of balance I just want to ask the community a few questions:
1. What is INSERT PROFESSION’s role? What is it good at, and what does it lack.
I’m mostly interested in Necromancer, Engineer, Thief, Warrior and Mesmer.
2. Does stealth count as both an offensive and defensive mechanic and what other mechanic is similar to it?
3. Is any 1 class better at 1v1 or 1vX? And is there a class that is great at both? (in a single build)
So these are just a few questions. I might add some later but just to get an initial feel of what the community thought about these things I kept it brief. Thanks.
You’re so wrong.
Necro OP? Necro has no stability you can CC burst a necro down easily. Necro’s casting time is very slow you know what to dodge. Minions have horrible AI and thiefs can outstealth them.
You’re a funny guy
Man what are you saying!?!? Necros are forever OP! I mean look at it like this.. they have health!! omg. how can necros not be op? Really? They have health. And like… conditions! yeah! Omg doe. conditions bro. conditions. Roll necro and be op like he said.
Necros need nerfs. They have only been nerfed the past 3 patches and its not enough. Nerf them more cuz they can still move. if they move then thats just unfair to the rest of the profs. They need to stand in one place and not move. Pls anet. Nerf this class.
Hello everyone.. this is your friendly necro … TheDevice.
Anyhow I been trying to do less negative speeches and postings and decided to stick to what I enjoy about the game rather than how it should be fixed.
Thought in this topic I would like to share with you all some of the concept designs I have offered up to the community for some positive or playful creative entertainment. Just a way to expand on the game in ways I found interesting and in no sense did I create any of it under the pretenses of “fixing” anything in the game as it is.
So here they are. Let me know what you think here or on the corresponding thread. Btw more to come, and Thanks!
Jagged Horrors and Hammer – New ways of implementing JH as well as a hammer concept. I do realize that since its a bit out-dated the JH concepts have already changed..
Dead Magic – A concept based on using utilities during DS in a weird inverted fashion.
Minion Masters: Alternate Functions This was actually a reply to a post concerning the possible alterations to how minions function and relate to uh.. dead stuff. I would like to produce a spin-off thread on just the concepts and go into more detail.
@sheppy HP gives wiggle room when you get stun locked. And yes, warriors do have that, but look at other classes. Guards have lots of stability but low HP. Eles have lots of escapes but low HP. Ranger has mid HP and some stability. Mesmers, mid HP but with lots of escapes, at the cost of no movement speed. Engineer, mid HP and has escapes. If you look at these classes, the necro seems pretty ok now doesn’kitten
Guards hp isnt balanced off its stability its balanced off its sustain through heals. they also have the most aoe boon stacking of any class (many of which not even offered to necros such as vigor), mobility (including leaps), CC, and blocks.
I could go through the rest for you but I’m just not going to. You’re trying to compare 2 aspects of each class as the object of balance which is just unfair. No, necro’s are not okay. They have not been okay for quite some time.
I’m really disgusted. Truly. The condition argument is bad. Just stop. Fears? Fear has the most counters of any form of CC in the game (condition removal, stability, cc, condi flips, etc).
My theory is that so few necro’s are being played now that whenever somebody has to fight them they can’t even remember how to defend themselves. Probably most people’s build are focused around not being CC’d by wars and how to stop a bunker engi.
I’ve asked the question TIME AND TIME AGAIN: What is the warriors role? What do they lack? What is the engi’s role? What do they lack? Etc..
EVERYONE knows what the necro’s role is and what they lack. They are a 1-trick pony. Necro’s lack mobility, blocks, stability, invuln, leaps, cleaves, and a ton of other stuff I don’t even want to say for the millionth time.
So many people have the audacity to say stability on a necro will cause them to be too strong. THE GALL! Explain! Explain HOW it would be too much for you to handle? Kinda like how bunker engis are immortal? Kinda like how thieves are immortal? Kinda like how wars are immortal?
Oh no if they had stability then you’d have to actually think in this game (in real time) instead of having a manual that says target the NECRO first durrrrr. Cuz he cant go anywhere and cant stop your cc like any other class.
This is a long running joke by the devs imo. And the funniest part is some of its community find it legit.
No I think this thread needs more attention. I feel the necro is too easy to use and is overpowering the meta right now. The conditions are too much and nobody can defend themselves against it. They have 7k crits on their ultimate, no other class can come close to that.
I think we need to address the serious imbalance of this class. It’s dominating the entire game and needs NERFS. Pls Anet can you nerf this class. Reduce bleeds stacks and increase flip skill timers. Increase their cast times and allow better telegraphs to counter the skills.
DS is too overpowered. It needs to be reduced.
Reduce their terror damage by at least half and pls reduce fear times accross the board.
They are probably (like OP said) the most dominant power class in the game. Dagger needs nerf as well as Lich form.
This is a serious issue. This class is destroying the game with it’s easy-win playstyle. One-click win class is really unfair to the community. Nerf Necros condition stacks (about half of what they can do) wtih increased recharge timers (Especially on their stun-breakers).
Lemme up in this thread yo!!
Ok I do agree with everything thing you said moa. The biggest concern for me with the necro is its own lack of balance. If we should have sustain over mobility then at least give us sustain…. If we should have a sad excuse for stability at least give us access to invulns or blocks or whatever.
The thing that irks me is how we’re suppose to have all these different hindering aspects to our class because we have strong something else… not sure what the something else is though.
So we have lots of boon strips and boon flips right? But every other class can defend it now easily. EASILY.
So what do we have? Not sure. We have probably the worst sustain. Just the worst. Our so called attrition is a complete illusion. LF pool is emptied with ease and when you’re through with that you’re pretty much screwed unless you rely on your allies.
We definately do less overall damage than before the dhummfire patch. After dhummfire, terror got nerfed, staff 2 got nerfed, our sigs got nerfed, dhummfire got nerfed, spite adept passive got nerfed (weakening shroud), and the list goes on.
The nerfs are real. And all this including diamond skin, warrior anti-necro cc + healing sig, failed new healing skill (lol), and plenty of other anti-necro changes to the game across the board.
So, yeah. We’re suppose to be the worst class in the game. It’s just how anet likes it. All you’re changes are fine. They’re not going to do them. We have the worst stomping capabilities, the worst sustain, the worst mobility, the worst access to boons, the worst power options, the worst form of cc (can be cleared with condi removal and/or stunbreakers), the worst aoe (all come from utilities), the worst access to finishers (blast, projectile, whirl, etc), the worst minion AI in any game I’ve ever experienced, aaand yeah.
So that’s a bit hardcore. And yes, as it is now we’ll always get targeted first and easily stomped first. And if by some chance a teammate is downed we cant help them properly. And if we kill somebody we have the worst time trying to stomp.
Other classes get buffs. We don’t. Just nerfs yo. Deal wif it XD
When they nerf things like stealth then we can talk about fear. It’s one of the necro’s ONLY defenses. Lets also nerf invulnerability accross the board and decrease timers on blocks. Pls.
The never-surprising response from X thieves who can’t wrap their brains around what Leeto is saying and instead take the defensive saying nothing is wrong with their class, L2P, get rekt, thieve not op u just bad, qq thread again…
He’s not even saying they’re overpowered. I would. lol. I’d easily say thieves are broken beyond any shadow of doubt. When a thief has access to all and MORE of any broken mechanic in the game (siphoning, teleporting, stealth) It’s pretty obvious the devs just don’t care how unbalanced they are.
The biggest defense thieves like to relay is their low hp…. Which completely doesnt matter when they can out heal a necro (even siphoning) and rival evan a guardian. They can easily spec for more active and passive defense and remove immobilize / conditions and heal. They can heal just from spamming their skills. That’s toddler level gameplay. When you can heal off of a skill that has no cooldowns (and the heal varies between like 350-500 without even specing in healing power) there is an issue.
Anyways IDC. I’ve been playing on a thief more lately and It’s completely ridiculous. Just ridiculous the ez mode spam they can produce. There is this pretend idea they like to impress that there is this grand amount of skill involved…. not true. Spamming shadowstep in different directions, spam more skills, active evades cond cleanse, repeat. They are utter childs play.
Now you can divert all your defensive attitudes towards me and then understand what leeto is saying. He’s saying that whether or not they’re op (he doesnt find them to be so) they break the game by causing players to completely change their strategies all for the sake of their broken unique mechanics. They work completely different than any other class. No cooldowns means there is less brain activity involved and just reacting to the thiefs plays. No other class in the game forces you to play on their terms like thieves do and in a way that is set completely outside the realm of class fundamentals.
So yes, thieves are the exception to all the rules. This means you have to play ThiefWars whenever a thief is playing. A whole new game.
So since the game has had an influx of new s/tpvpers I thought It would be cool to set-up an all-necro guild for necro based tpvp team comps.
The idea is pretty fun. The majority of it’s purpose is to create unique team comps based solely around a necro team.
New players are welcome though I don’t pretend to know everything about necro’s and so I gladly welcome any vets to the team.
Many of us have seen before the damage 5 lich form necros can do in a pvp match and this guild’s purpose would be to expand on the different compositions an all necro team can offer. This way of playing may also introduce new builds that spec specifically toward a role in these compositions.
So if you’re interested or have any questions you can simply or message me for a guild invite. Thx!
warriors don’t really produce fields but necros kinda have a hefty selection.
The spectrum is suppose is that we provide more fields than we do finishers (or at least have to choose between the two or something idk)
So there is an idea of balance. Warriors can do a million more finishers than we can but can’t produce nearly as many fields.
One issue you’re going to find is that minions already have tons of fields/finishers, and giving them more, via weapon sets, would be a bit crazy. Its already 4x projectile finishers, 3x blast finishers, and 7+ poison fields, with all of them on pretty low CDs. I’m all for more finishers, since I think it’d be helpful, but it needs to be done while considering the entire class, not just some (or in this case most) builds.
If they get added, it’d have to be via a trait(s) or utility skills.
The problem there mkayy.. is that all of our fields are utilities as well. None of our weapons produce fields except for staff (only 1 field). So even if you combined all of your minions they would have to work off of that one field.
other classes not only produce more fields from their weapons sets but also finishers. I don’t think you really see the volume of fields + finishers other classes are capable of just from their weapons.
So even if we got more finishers via utilities it still wouldnt solve the lack of finisher / field accessibility our class has.
If more utilities should instead provide finishers then we should at least have more field production on our weapons. But this is why adding finishers to our weapons would be more logical since we have plenty of fields through utilities.
I would say both tbf. The amount of finishers/fields we can use compared to ANY class is pathetic XD
If you look at my signature you’ll see that I actually play a spectral power build, and has always been a viable zerker build. Same with Wellmancer, I have played that build as well with great results. And no, most people run MM as a power bunker. And yes Terrormancer is a condition build, I simply listed it cause you also complained of the lack of diversity. And maybe I just have some mysterious upperhand on thieves, but I only have trouble with a thief if he catches me offgaurd while I’m fighting someone else. So I guess I’ll just never understand the “Thief is OP!” complaint, and I get tired of reading about it in every thread.
congrats you do play a necro. Still saying that spectral power and wellmancer show good results doesn’t mean they’re viable. It means that you can get away with playing them in the right situations. I just don’t get your mindset lol. It’s like the type of person who says “yeah everything is good because it does something.”
What are you comparing it to? You’re saying a zerker necro is just as good as a zerker war or thief? DPS wise.
It is a Zerker build that comes with plenty of condition cleanses and insane Life Force generation. This gives the build plenty of survival while still being a Zerker build and dishes out 3k damage just on auto attacks. But I can already see that trying to explain all of this to someone that obviously doesn’t understand his class and and comes to the forums to cry is a waste.
Based on your forum posts you obviously lack the skill to provide any useful information, much less engage in a discussion about balance. So our conversation is over. You may continue to troll this thread if you wish, but I’d advise others to not hold any value to what you cry about.
You don’t have to explain how much damage LB does because I know first hand. I run plenty of power builds myself but just because I can do well with them I don’t discount the fact they are not viable.
And who’s crying? I told you exactly what I meant and It seems im not the only person who feels the same way about GW2 balance.
Aside from that you’re now saying that they are possess MORE survivability than say a zerker thief or war. Is that correct?
If you look at my signature you’ll see that I actually play a spectral power build, and has always been a viable zerker build. Same with Wellmancer, I have played that build as well with great results. And no, most people run MM as a power bunker. And yes Terrormancer is a condition build, I simply listed it cause you also complained of the lack of diversity. And maybe I just have some mysterious upperhand on thieves, but I only have trouble with a thief if he catches me offgaurd while I’m fighting someone else. So I guess I’ll just never understand the “Thief is OP!” complaint, and I get tired of reading about it in every thread.
congrats you do play a necro. Still saying that spectral power and wellmancer show good results doesn’t mean they’re viable. It means that you can get away with playing them in the right situations. I just don’t get your mindset lol. It’s like the type of person who says “yeah everything is good because it does something.”
What are you comparing it to? You’re saying a zerker necro is just as good as a zerker war or thief? DPS wise.
Omg with the thief complaints. It must suck to play a Thief and put up with such angry comments all the time. And in no way at all are Necros forced into conditions. Right off the bat, MM, Spectral Power, Wellmancer, and Terrormancer are all viable builds. And recent updates have put Necromancers in a really balanced spot. This game has some of the most build diversity of any mmo I’ve played so far.
terrormancer is a condition build. Wells are not viable idk where u heard that. MM is the only possible power build but most run conditions anyway. Spectral power has become less popular and was never as viable as any real zerker build on any other class.
Your naming builds but not ones that are actually seen aside from MM.
You probably don’t play a necromancer at all. That’s my guess I could be wrong. And what are you using to base their balance? I don’t see where you’re coming from at all.
P.S. Angry or not none of what I said was a lie. Show me how what I said about thief was untrue?
(edited by TheDevice.2751)
When a thief can not only spam the most broken mechanic in the game (stealth) and then out-siphon a necromancer at the same time…. The game has issues.
Siphoning on necros has been so hammered by nerf in this game its almost useless. Siphoning is a mechanic that the devs have obviously thought can get out of hand so they have put lots of effort into hindering it from being useful… for necromancers.
Thieves on the other hand can siphon like nobody’s business. Try to get a heal spec thief to half health.
Then on top of that they just blew the doors open on stealth for thieves pretty much just saying “yeah stealth is broken but whatever they’re thieves they get as much as they want”
So… there is absolutely no resemblance of balance or fairness between classes at all. Roll a necro and be a condition engine like you’re suppose to while engi’s, thieves and everything else can hop around and to it all at the same time XDD
What were we talking about? Diversity? Plenty just not for the classes the devs don’t like.
go thief
Can out self-heal any class in the game and practically never be touched.
Use conditions and spam away. Shadowstep in every direction. Cleanse every incoming condition.
It’s by far the best class in the game right now. This is my second time rolling a thief since i started. I’ve never destroyed people so effortlessly in the entire time ive played this game.
Go thief. Its win.
I think its funny the amount of healing a theif can do just from their initiative skills.
Then they can siphon health better than a necro with venom
Then they have like non stop shadowsteps
this is just bleh
i was in a 2v1 vs a thief… could not be killed or even taken to half health.
Cant be immobilized
regen every dodge roll which was non-stop.
gg anet
For the above..
Byku: 8/10 I like the moth type of look. It’s very death especially when white is involved.
Otetas: 6/10 thats a very necro-standard set. The colors are a good combination though.
This is my blood magic necro.
Arachnid said most of the reasons
I think another interesting thing about the necro is the subtle learning curve.
Learning a necro isn’t very hard but performing well can be more difficult. Of course it depends on what build but each build has its own learning curve. The subtlety is how well you can know your limits and all the small details when playing.
Most other classes rely on very direct forms of defensive or offensive play like buffs or escapes to defend or a singular (main) dps skill. Though some necro builds can be similar to an extent, what I’ve found is that it’s really up to the necro to play the situation rather than play the “class”. I’m not sure if that makes sense lol.
What I mean is relying solely on the classes abilities won’t get you very far. You have to pay more attention to what the opponent is doing, what buffs they have on, positioning, hindering terrain, etc. This can be said for classes in general but the necro I find benefits from this subtle element of gameplay than most. At least I think it’s what makes a really good necro.
yeah idk why you thought I was clicking my skills XD
I have keybinds just fine XD I actually use a nostramo with this game so my keybinds are all custom.
Whos cares as long as necros are still the weakest class everything will be right with the gw2 universe XD
hah thanks man
Yeah I don’t pretend to be very good at all especially in hotjoins and I’m sure I could improve overall.
I think lately I’ve been giving a lot of slack since it feels the upcoming patch will change the game quite a bit.
here’s a fun spvp video I made featuring the vellmancer getting my daily in.
Here is the link for the build
Power builds ftw XDD
(edited by TheDevice.2751)
No one here obviously recalls those 3vs5 Naga initiations in TI3. Those people knew they were going to start a fight outnumbered but they know the mechanics of the game and how to chain their skills properly together as a team not just spam everything.
In LoL I don’t think it’s possible to start a fight outnumbered on your terms. Everything is just ultra spammy high burst low CD low mana cost and everybody even the pros AND the devs basically use the same runes and masteries because they are the most effective and sound.
I hate this constant comparison to leagues. This is an entirely different game. The issue is that even the devs are trying to simulate the moba feel. Instead of champions or heroes or whatever, they are limiting each class to a few builds. These builds will be easily recognizable and thus make them easier to convey to the audience/players.
The dev’s are shooting themselves in their own feet. This isn’t a moba. There should be no over-emphasizing particular builds for the sake of easy understanding.
The devs brought such new stuff to the table with this game and are just sabotaging it now by trying to fit it inside another games schematics. That’s not how this game won all of its accolades and it’s not how its going to succeed in esports.
why do so many ppl say there are a variety of builds? It doesn’t take a genius to figure out that anet is making your builds.
What healing skill does EVERY war use? Healing sig.
Shouts and signets are almost identical in effects and vary very little. Run a shout/heal build or your sigs it matters very little.
It’s all the same. Hambows are your standard war build. There it is. Will most likely stay that way for a long time. You can use something less effective but thats on you.
WvW you just have your mobility builds. In zergs you’ll probably run something of a gs build maybe even banners. But who the hell cares about wvw its equivalent to ZergVZerg unless ur roaming so the previous (gs/ physical skills) build.
Idk maybe its just me but even if wars have a larger diversity of builds vs other classes its not by much.