Thankyou for a good post…
I have a strong feeling that your definition of a good post involves only those that agree with you…
Well there were undead in Guild Wars that rode skeletal horses, though those were from Orr. My best bet is that horses were primarily found in Orr, but were eradicated when the continent fell. Though why we don’t see Risen Horses galloping around… Maybe the corpses weren’t usable? Though I do believe that the Risen Knights have horse heads, so maybe they were used as spare parts for those…
@Nicholas: “Why is not Destiny’s Edge not playing a prominent role in the Living Story chain of events?”
Because they’re technically still not together, and because they have their own things to take care of. Remember, the Living Story is still in a limbo time-line-wise, and as far as I’ve seen it still isn’t 100% clear if the story takes place during, or after, the Personal and Dungeon stories.
Even without that, all the members aren’t free to tackle everything the Living Story has to throw at us. Like Konig stated, Zojja is still in the midst of discrediting the Inquest. This is also the case if you look at her actions during the Dungeon story, though it’s more directed towards finding Kudu. Eir is in retirement during the Dungeon story, but she is also on a mission to get the team back together. Post Dungeon story, it seems that Eir isn’t interested in anything outside of Hoelbrak, and keeping it safe from attacks by outside forces. Rytlock has a job, and that job is dealing with paperwork. He may have been able to step out for a small period of time to deal with his ex-team, but that still doesn’t mean that he can just go out and gallivant whenever he wants. He still has his position with in the Black Citadel to content with. Logan is in a similar position during the story, but post Dungeon Story, he made it clear that he won’t be returning to Divinity’s Reach until all the Dragons have been defeated… Though as we have seen from the Living Story, he’s still with Jenna, which makes it very hard to believe that he’s out hunting dragons.
I’ll say this; as much as the prospect of Advanced, Sub, or Whatever Classes, I don’t see them being added without there being some form of an overhaul to the existing class system in Guild Wars 2. Even if it’s not done in front of us, I’m sure there’s going to be a lot of backdoor work to be done. Meaning that if it would be an option that ArenaNet is willing to explore, I don’t see it becoming a part of the game in 2014. Maybe mid to late 2015, or later, but this coming year is a time-stamp I very much doubt.
There in lies a problem that I can see coming forth in the near future in terms of the CDI’s development within the player-base. Currently I’m seeing a lot of of people enthusiastically giving their thoughts and ideas to ArenaNet, many of which won’t actually make it into the game within the next few months, or even more possibly, ever. What worries me is the reaction people will have once they realize that a lot of what they’ve said, supported openly or to themselves, won’t make it. I have a feeling that there will be a few groups “calling ArenaNet out,” on “lying” to them about the CDI actually affecting the game. I’m worried that some will, by the end of 2014, point back to some of these threads and “demand” that ArenaNet tell us why the ideas they believed to be good for game weren’t put in in the end. A simple solution to this would be for ArenaNet to keep some sort of transparency, but I worry what would happen if they don’t keep up with every idea, or areas they are working on.
All the GW2 ads I’ve seen have just used the logo and some text about no subscription fees.
Are you sure it was a real Guild Wars 2 ad, and not something made by a third party site to try and steals your info?
Is not a real website.
For those who want new skills/weapons — that works in the short term to keep the game fresh, but it’s not sustainable. If you keep adding skills, balance becomes a nightmare (Anet’s already having a terrible time of it right now).
How do you propose they Anet deals with this?
They did it with Gw1, and are probably better at now
No they did not. Balance in Guild Wars a complete nightmare! Skills that needed buffs were ignored for a long time, and builds that desperately needed to be nerfed were around even longer. The biggest issue was the fact that although we had access to hundreds of thousands of different builds, only a small handful was used by the player-base because it otherwise wouldn’t have been playable.
(edited by TriggerSad.2597)
Sorry to sound dumb- but what does “horizontal character progression” entail?
Cosmetics? Traits? Stats? Would appreciate a list of things I can comment on because I would really like to help. =( I type walls of text with lots of information…enticing? No? Yea, I know. But hey, its a good read
. Anyway, please answer what all I can discuss in “Horizontal Character Progression”. Thanks. =)
Oh!! And how do I get a signature that I can show?
Vertical Progression entails a player’s power within the game going up in a vertical manor. This mean getting gear or items that up their stats.
Horizontal on the other hand keeps all players on an even field in terms of their power, however, you are moving towards a goal that is more towards a player’s cosmetics. It could also entail other things like skill acquisition, and titles, and lot of other things that don’t increase stats, but do provide differing avenues for a player to feel accomplished.
Hi All,
Bump. We are close to being able to move onto the ‘focused’ Horizontal Progression part of this conversation.
Does anyone have anymore comments on the proposal above based on our discussions?
The above proposal for vertical progression really only relates to ascended gear. Since ascended gear is now pretty much all in the game (and noting your comments on ascended runes / sigils), does this mean there will be no more vertical progression going forward?
I would like to see futher vertical progression, which was not gear based.
HI Abramelin,
Can you elaborate on the type of Vertical Progression you are referencing please? This will help me better understand your question.
I guess what they’re trying to ask is if there will be any more gear stat tiers past Ascended/Legendary that are going to be released in the foreseeable future. Is there going to be any new gear stat tiers past Ascended/Legendary in the foreseeable future? :x
As the title asks, are we only going to be able to get the recipes for the Dwayna and Grenth Back items for Wintersaday only? If not, then where are we going to be able to get them from the end of the event onward?
Well, he has the build set to WvW Mode, so it’s either that or PvE. You can’t get the gear he’s using in WvW either.
That’s not even how this game works…
Or maybe we’re missing something about how this game works. ‘Cause, you know, a designer that’s worked on it should know more than us.
Is it fair to say that regarding Ascended Gear we would like to see more ways to earn it and in terms of drop rates, a higher percentage chance of acquiring them through this method?
Thats not what I want. Crafting would be pointless yet again.
No it wouldn’t. Crafting Ascended gear would just be one of several different avenues players could use to acquire Ascended gear. The current system is too narrow. Not everyone wants to craft, some just want to play the game the way they want. Having crafting becoming a focal point of their experience isn’t something people want to have to deal with.
If your concern is that adding other means of acquiring Ascended Gear would undermine crafting it, then why not make crafting a standard for acquiring the gear? If it takes a player, at minimum, 5 – 6 days to craft an Ascended chest piece, then why not make obtaining the same piece through, as an example, Dungeons, take a player 6 days to do so? Crafting would be just as viable of a method to acquire the gear, but other options are still available to players who don’t want to feel forced into crafting to get the gear.
This is about variety. Limiting the scope of acquisition to only crafting isn’t making the game enjoyable to a lot of players. Especially when the only other option that we get is luck, and I think there’s enough proof in this thread to say that placing a barrier of that caliber towards obtaining Ascended gear isn’t a good one.
Not happening. It was advertised as “Fortnight” = 14 days
Boss Week.
Which they’ve learned from. Hence the use of “Fortnight.”
Anyone here have a huge complaint against the idea of being able to buy Ascended Weapon/Armor Chests with some of our account-bound currencies?
Guild Commendations – 150 commendations, any stats
Badges of Honor – 800 badges, any stats
Dungeon Tokens – 1,000 w/ stat combinations matching the each dungeons’ existing flavors
Fractal Relics – 1,500 w/ stat combinations matching the current capacitors((all quantities subject to change and offered only to inspire thought))
Good question. And morning/afternoon everyone. Just reading through all the new pages and great discussion. This is awesome.
Honestly, I’ve been hoping that this would be the case. We have the beginnings of different means of acquiring Ascended Gear, but they aren’t fully being utilized.
As Nike pointed out we currently have different forms of currency in place that cater to different play-styles that can be used to gain Ascended Gear, though he left out a few that can also be used.
- Karma – Easily obtained through solo play & group play. Any player playing the game can gain access to this currency without much of an issue.
- Dungeon Tokens – Moderately easy to obtain through group play, though incredibly difficult to obtain through solo play. The one draw back to this style of play involves the act of communicating with other players while participating in the content. Some people can’t play well with others.
- Fractal Relics & Pristine Fractal Relics – Like with Dungeon Tokens, this is moderately easy to obtain, can actually scale based on the level of the Fractal run. However, like with dungeons group play isn’t for everyone, so it can be hard for certain players to obtain this currency. Additionally, Fractals are gated content which requires Ascended Gear in order to continue progression. Simply put, you need the gear that you want in order to get the gear you want. It’s complicated, but at lower levels is still possible if not more time consuming.
- Guild Commendations – This is for players that like larger scale Group Play that requires more than five players to complete. This isn’t always for smaller guilds, though they can get by with some minor difficulties. This also still alienates solo players, and could also alienate smaller groups of people as I just mentioned. It still has a place as larger groups of people can feel a sense of group pride for getting Ascended Gear this way.
- Badges of Honor – Obtaining badges of honor works as a combination of any of the above currencies. Players can obtain this currency through solo play via roaming and scouting, smaller groups can band together to get objectives completed without much issue, and larger scale groups can band together to take on larger project such as taking keeps. WvW is an interesting monster in that it caters to a much more larger range of play-styles while still rewarding the same currency.
What’s more is the fact that these different currencies can be obtained simultaneously. A guild can complete a few Missions earning their members Commendations, then split into smaller groups to tackle a few dungeons and Fractal runs for their respective rewards. When not many people are online, guild members can earn karma and Badges for themselves by PuGing in WvW. Additionally they can tackle dungeons and Fractals in a similar manor. Mixing and matching these different methods of obtaining Ascended gear can easily cut the time it would have taken to get the gear through a single method. Which is currently happening by making crafting the most accessible method of obtaining Ascended gear.
Ok another brainstorm idea.
What if certain pieces of ascended gear could be crafted and sold on the TP such as gloves and boots?
Yes please, or even better:
All pieces could be crafted and sold on the TP.
All pieces could change stats.
All pieces could be obtained outside crafting without relying on RNG.Absolutely. Once again, no reason at all to restrict gathering of high tier gear to any one method of acquisition. Allow all pieces to be bought and sold. Allow all pieces to be traded for using a variety of the in game currencies that are already in place (dungeon tokens, karma, laurels, glory, etc.)
You do realize that even just one of these pieces will run well over 50 gold….Im thinking closer to 100. For one piece. If people have that much gold on hand, you might as well just buy your precursor as well while youre at it.
Whats interesting to think about is that if this went live and people started buying ascended gear off the TP, these are most likely going to be the people who have their legendaries already, and probably multiple legendariesalready because they have fat wallets in the real world and able to buy gems. Its amazing… people complain about legendaries being tradeable on the TP, but this would be acceptable?
Doing this would cause greater disparity between a RL richboy vs the normal joe, and the 24×7 farmer and the normal joe.
Yep this is definitely a valid concern. If the drop rate was higher though and it wasn’t just crafted then supply could be more deterministic in terms of demand.
My personal concern with being able to purchase Ascended gear on the Trading Post mirrors cesmode’s. Though there’s more; Wouldn’t adding this option essential turn Ascended level gear into a more annoying to obtain Exotic? It takes a lot more effort to craft a single piece of Ascended leveled gear than it does a whole set of exotic armor. This is somewhat proven by those that were able to craft their way from level 400 to 500 in the currently available crafting disciplines.
Not to mention that the fact that it’s incredibly rare to get an Exotic from a drop mean that Ascended will always have to be more rare of a drop. You could lower Exotic chances for the sake of lowering Ascended, but that would push Exotic onto the brink of becoming the new Rare-tier. Useless because then players would only get up to rare value, maybe get a few exotic pieces if they can, but just buy all the Ascended gear they’d need off the Trading Post. Of course the prices would more than likely mirror cesmode’s predictions, but with your thoughts on increasing their drop rates in the open world, I fear you could run the risk of diminishing the worth of Exotic tier gear to the same effect that Rare currently has in the game.
Please stick to the idea of expanding the avenues of obtaining Ascended gear outside of the Trading Post, as that, to me, is a sure way of pleasing players who don’t want to craft them.
I came about this post of a several month s ago and what I really liked about it was the fact that it expanded on the current professions but added horizontal progression-without the idea of balancing classes nightmare please consider something like this:
I will just quote:
Warriors > Berserker —- Legionnaire —- Duellist
Guardians > Crusader —- Augmentor —- Patron
Necromancer > Occultist —- Visionary —- Witcher
Rangers > Hunter —- Strider —- Mystic
Thiefs > Rogue —- Infiltrator —- Saboteur
Engineers > Alchemist —- Artificer —- Pioneer
Mesmers > Chronomancer —- Fencer —- Bard
Elementalists > Runologist —- Sorcerer —- Arcanist
—-NEW CLASS – 3rd Soldier—-
Lancers > Dragoon —- Templar —- Partizan >
That way players can:
progress with their characters
individualize themself better and make them more unique
unlock alot of new skills, traits, weapons ect. just through progressing with their class specific Talents that define, into which direction you specialize your characterYep we chat about this a lot (-: It get’s me excited as a player to.
I’ll have to throw my support behind the idea of an Advanced Class System for Guild Wars 2! Personally, I find that it would be one of the best ways for players to progress their characters while not affecting gear progression in the slightest! Please continue to talk about this often! I would love to see how you guys would implement such a system into the game!
Edit: Throwing in my response to this post here since they go hand in hand.
Brainstorm statement.
I am assuming that you wouldn’t want a progression system in which new skills and traits superseded/replaced existing skills and traits.
Thus all progression must be complimentary, enhancing your current roles, perhaps creating new ones rather than just making you more powerful.
So therefore the idea of statistical power creep is redundant?
Yes, I wouldn’t want to see older skills and traits be replaced with new ones out of fear of losing the builds I worked hard to craft on my own. I’d love to see the addition of new skills and traits that gave my characters newer roles, but could also greater define their current ones. I think something like an Advance Class System could work well with this because it fleshes out the roles that the current professions have, while also opening up some avenues to new play-styles that could have only been made when greater emphasis is placed on existing ones.
An example for the Guardian being the inclusion of a Zealot Advanced Class. The zealot could be a guardian that took his role as a defender to a whole level. They don’t want to defend the weak through defense, but with a greater emphasis towards their offense. They want to be able to defeat, and not stop, the enemy before they get the chance to attack. As such, they place emphasis on the guardian’s abilities at playing offensively. Maybe the could get access to conditions that currently the guardian can’t get access to because their flavor wouldn’t allow it to, or if it could it would be stretching things at best. What if a zealot can gain access to Bleeding and Cripple and even Torment? It would make sense for a Zealot because that would be a means for one to defeat their enemies before they get the chance to strike an ally. Their defense has become their offense.
I’d love to see profession evolution take part in Guild Wars 2. It could greater add to a player’s kitten nal without touching their equipment in the same sense that gear-based progression does. Which is something that is clear a lot of players don’t like.
(edited by TriggerSad.2597)
Now, jumping right into horizontal progression. Can the ArenaNet designers begin to design a game that incorporates the orders that we joined in our personal story. The designers may already be doing this to some degree, but it is my opinion that it is lightly used.
You may recall that in the first Guild Wars there were two factions. I believe they were called the Luxons and the Kurzacks. In that game it was possible to compete quest for a particular faction. Doing so resulted in rewards such as special armor and weapons. I would like to see the orders work in a similar fashion (or if no one likes the orders, then create some new factions for us to be a part of. I just pick the orders because there already in the game and I like that incorporates the personal story back into the game)
Also, I believe it would be great if completing quest didnt stop at skin and title rewards. If npc’s in the world could react to you based on which order you joined that would be cool as well. Have npc’s sell you cheaper food based on the order your in. For example, the vigil could sell you cheaper food that has power at its base, where the order of whispers could sell you items that deal with vigor or stealth. Discount food has already been done in game. The dragon bash festival introduced food that could be bought with candy (which is basically another currency when you get down to it) The food had buffs similar to that of food that was already in the game it just didnt last as long. Please dont stop at just food, Im just using this as an example.
Maybe put some animosity between some of the orders and provide us with some conflict we can participate in. Thats all Ive come up with for now. Anyone else have any ideas?
Would this kind of ‘Faction’ progression outside of how NPC’s perceive you in the world allow you access to exclusive Faction based rewards? Would this be grindy?
I like the base idea a lot and obviously it is something we could build in and thus am keen to hear the thoughts of everyone in regard to this?
It depends on how players would go about obtaining favor for these Factions.
Personally, I feel that it was mistake on the Writing Teams part for having players join an Order. I feel that players could have affiliated themselves with them on an individual basis. Similarly to how Trahearne was associated with all the Orders, but wasn’t a member of any of them. This would have allowed players to get on multiple Order’s good sides, and removed the limitations that came from joining a single order. Rewards being one of them.
In a perfect world, I would have loved to have the ability of obtaining a sort of affiliation with an Order, similarly to how we did during the Cutthroat Politics story. Once within their good graces, players could do things for them, such as doing events, killing enemies of a certain Order, aiding an Order’s NPCs in obtaining items, which would give a player points for that Order. Like in Factions, if a player had more points for that Order, then the other orders would shy away from you until you affiliate with one of them more. Alternatively, players could then hand in some of their “Affiliation Points,” to their respective Order for cosmetic rewards, consumables, etc., which would then lower those points. That would have been an interesting way of allowing players to interact with the Orders of Tyria, while still giving them the freedom of not having had picked an Order, and feel trapped within them.
The flaws with its execution in GW2Skill/ Build Progression
What is skill/ build progression? It’s about getting new tools to improve or customize our builds.
- It is crippled by some of the systems set in place for vertical progression, like stats being tied to gear, which in turn is tied to huge money and time sinks.
- It is further restricted by how trait allocation works, and the lack of build templates.
- Non-profession skills are very underwhelming. Although this is done on purpose for the sake of balance, when they aren’t worth using, they do not serve their purpose to enhance world immersion, as they are left unused, nor do they add any form of horizontal progression, because no build will be created around them.
- Skill hunting is generic and lacks the charm GW1’s elite skill hunting had.
- The skill system is generally very restrictive, with few weapons per profession, very few utility slots tied to high cooldowns, and an elite skill system that isn’t acchieving the epic feel it was meant to acchieve.
- Separate the concept of (ascended) gear crafting from the concept of equipment stat customisation. Make it easy or easier to change stats, or at the very least, to craft new copies of the same gear with different stats.
- Add an universal build template system, and allows us to change traits on the fly (while not in battle, dungeons, etc). Creating and saving builds should be free. Loading/ changing them could still require a small money sink, if Anet feels it needs to be there.
- Revise how non-profession skills should be balanced. Instead of making them bad on purpose, make them decent but only fill a certain niche/ tied heavily to a specific area or situation. In theory, the new spray skill does that, but it’s a poor skill even for its intended purpose.
- It’s probably too late for a better skill hunting system, but perhaps that can still exist for something other than skill collection. More on that later.
- Anet is already adding new skills to professions, so this area is already covered.
I’ll talk about skins next.
There are some good ideas here which I would like to see us discussing as a group.
What do you all think about these ideas?
I’d have to agree that the Racial Skills have to be some of the most disappointing skills this game has to offer. It’s often to the point where racial skills feel more like a hindrance to unlock than actually fun and interesting. I know you guys do this for the sake of balance, but to me these skills don’t serve any sort of purpose at the moment. I’m not anywhere as skilled at balancing skills, but I know that you guy don’w want metas to be formed around Race/Profession combos, but it really would serve a greater purpose if you guys revisited racial skills and gave them some kind of an upgrade.
As to skill hunting. I miss it, but not a whole lot. I do want skill hunting to be in the game the same way it was in Guild Wars, but at the same time I like the convenience of being able to unlock my skills as I play, without having the need to travel to X location for Y skill. I have to say that I liked how you guys introduced the Toxic Cleanser skill during the Tower of Nightmare story. It gave players two options, though I feel the options were reversed. To me, if your going to introduce a skill in-game that doesn’t cost skill points, you guys needed to have made it cheaper in comparison to the skill points. I feel that unlocking the skill through spores should have been the better alternative, and it would have given players a cheaper option to unlock the skill on a character. Sadly, with how easy it currently is to gain Skill Points, and the rather outrageous price you gave the skill for gold and spore, you didn’t give the skill a better option for unlocking. I hope in the future we do get multiple options for unlocking skills, but have the cheaper of the two be the method that doesn’t involve Skill Points.
Yet an argument that can come up is that not everyone has enough time to play to get the Weekly. Should they just suck it up and work on the monthly instead? Should we also be given a Yearly for those who miss out on being able to complete the Monthly? I guess what I’m saying is that there has to be a balance to what these systems have to offer. That being getting rewards for a day of playing, and getting rewards for playing for a month. Players can get both, but that’s inevitable. Some people happen to have, or make, the time to get all of it done.
Also STRanger, that is the point of this forum. People post something that they’d like to see added to the game, and people discuss whether or not it should. Suggestions need to have counter arguments or else ArenaNet won’t know how wanted they are. They ultimately decide if it’s a good idea, or if it’s a bad idea, and giving them both sides of the coin helps them come to this conclusion.
Exotic-tier equipment doesn’t come with an offensive or defensive slot they’re all considered the same. Also exotic gear can’t be equipped with infusions.
To take the place of important loot, just like bags of coins.
Bag of coins do have a use. It’s a random money drop from mobs (opposed to fixed event rewards) which is not affected by “increased gold find”.
Karma bottles are completely pointless aside from using up space, time and lifetime of mice (called QoL).
Couldn’t the same reasoning you gave for Bags of Gold be applied to Liquid Karma? It’s a means for ArenaNet to give out karma to payers without having to worry about karma boosters from affecting it.
Uh, why is this thread empty?
Edit: Ok, never mind…. :X
I have both the Light of Dwayna and Shadow of Grenth recipes, and they do in fact give you the option to buy and sell them.
My best guess at what’s happening is that the Backpieces themselves aren’t meant to be traded, but the recipes are. However, they unintentionally made the Light of Dwayna’s recipe Account Bound on acquire, and made the Shadow of Grenth Backpiece trade-able. They seemed to have fixed the issue on what should be trade-able and what shouldn’t, but the Trading Post isn’t allowing the Light of Dwayna’s recipe to be searchable.
I believe that since the Light of Dwayna recipes weren’t trade-able before, the Trading Post doesn’t think it can put them up for sale. Hence why you can’t find them by searching for them.
(edited by TriggerSad.2597)
Sadly it’s intended since an Ascended Insignias requires 3 Bolts of Damask and light armor requires more damask than the other armor tiers because it’s mostly comprised of cloth.
Anyway, I wouldn’t mind a Cash Shop item that Un-Soul-Bound items. Would make my life a lot easier since I’ve been wanting to transfer some Armor sets I’m not using anymore onto a mule, but sadly I can’t…
I mean, I could T-Stone them to some cheap blues, but I’d rather not use them on something like that.
The boxes are stat dependant, so one could be Berserker-only, while the other is Magi. That is if they’re anything like weapon boxes, which I’m guessing they are.
I mainly posted tvat because of the poll. Also, think what you will, I just wanted to inform you about a simple rule these forums have.
Polls are against the forum’s Code of Conduct. Also this is a suggestion, and should go into the Suggestion forum.
Actually, it’ll allow you to change between an Offense, Defensive, and Utility Infusion Slot. The Offensive version turns you into Ganon, the Defensive version turns you into Zelda, and the Utility turns you into Link.
Convoluted, and somewhat costly. Still a heck of a lot better than crafting a new one.
Probably just my main, and maybe one of my alts if I really want to. However I don’t think I’ll outfit all my characters into a full set until the means of acquiring the gear become more flexible. Right now with only having crafting for armor and weapons, and the array of random methods of acquiring accessories, I don’t see myself continuing doing this on all my characters.
My opinion, if we can salvage them it should be like this:
- Guaranteed 1-3 ectoplasm
- An un-common chance of also getting Dark Matter & Crystallized Mist Essene.
- A race chance of getting also Dragonite Ore, Empyreal Fragments, and Bloodstone Dust.
My question is why make all three crafting professions use cloth materials to make an insignia? Why not have Armorsmithing require metals and Leatherworking require leather materials? It would, in my opinion, help balance out the material costs when crafting armor because it removes the current strain on cloth materials that the current system does.
(edited by TriggerSad.2597)
Ascended weapons got a +1 crit bonus vs exotics
so do armor?
“Yes”. Every piece has the same +crit damage except the shoulders which get a +4% instead of +3%
Exotic shoulders that give Crit Damage offer a 2% boost, not 3%. Are you sure you’re not talking about Leggings, which at the Exotic tier offer 3%?
Combination of PVT and Valkyrie, though I’m worried about how expensive it’s going to be to get Soldier Insignias… :/
(edited by TriggerSad.2597)
Actually, anet should compare GW1 Dervish with GW 2 guardian, if half the skill of the dervish from gw 1 to get it on the guardian it would be a tanky class
I’d personally would prefer to have the Dervish return as it’s own stand alone class, and not have some of it mechanics added the the guardian. Though that’s just my opinion on the matter.
Considering how all of your skills and traits are unlocked automatically in PvP for the sake of fairness, I highly doubt any new class specific skill(s) won’t get the same treatment.
The blue is your skin tone. Sylvari don’t actually wear any of their themed armor sets, they’re actually growing it out of their bodies. The blue on the armor, which you can see on other pieces as well, is there to indicate this unique appearance sylvari have with their armor.
I would suggest that you try to use colors that can match up with your skin tone better.
Now as to the difference in shades, that’s more to do with the materials on the armor sets being different. There really isn’t any way of going around this, so the best you can do is experiment with different shades of like colors to find the one that match up the most.
Listening =/= Do what we say.
Frankly, a majority of fan ideas are either 1) Terrible, 2) Poorly thought out, or 3) Both.
and 4) better than actually is on game
Examples being…
Considering how weapons have sigil slots, then I am more than sure that armor will have rune slots.
Anyway, Considerong how Halloween thjs hear didn’t have a lot of new content added to it, I have a feeling that Wintersday will be tbs same. Meaning that I can see armkr crafting in the next patch.
Where’d you get this info from?
Thd new PvP blog post talks about them.
As the tittle says, it seems as though we’ll be getting some new heal skills added to the game. My question is what you guys expect us guardians are going to be getting?
I’m guessing we’re going to be getting a concecration. Would make sense since they’ve been buffing them up recently.
methinks i have around 20ish stacks of dragonite. i dont think we need another source of getting it. perhaps you should do more meta events.
That’s the issue though. Players in PvE can only get Dragonite Ore through completing certain Meta Events. It’s too limiting. Take for instance Empyreal Fragments, which can be gotten through dungeon completion or open world chests. That’s two methods of getting fragments versus the single method of obtaining Dragonite Ore. You could say that Bloodstone Dust can only be obtained through Champion Bags, and while true there’s something that is vastly different between the two.
The fact of the matter is that there are Champion level mobs in every part of the game. Every PvE game mode from Events to Dungeon to Even general over world exploration, players can find Champion-level mobs without that much difficulty. Additionally, players can obtain a bag from the same Champion multiple times in a single day. Compared to Dragonite Ore, which is only obtained as a reward from a select few Meta Events once a day, you can see the discrepancy between the two.
Overall, I do think that there needs to be a secondary source for Dragonite Ore. Do I personally that we should be able to buy them for relics? Maybe, though I’m not a big fan of the idea. I personally feel that we should be able to use them to directly buy Ascended gear, even if it is super expensive.
Like Heta said, if you are an actual achievement hunter then you’ll do them for the points not for the fun of doing them. That’s the point of achievement hunting, at least at a hardcore level. If you’re not interested in doing them, then don’t do them. Likewise as lordkrall said, players need these as a means of completing the meta achievement. Without them, a lot of players would be left out of obtaining the rewards.
1. Bumping threads is against the forum’s code of conduct, so I would advise to not do that.
2. This is more of an issue with the Krytan’s mesh. You see, an armor’s mesh is made with a sort of formulaic process. The art team adheres to certain standards so as armor can be worn with as little clipping between parts as possible. The reason why the Krytan top stops so abruptly is because its leggings start where the top ends. If the top were to continue, then it would possibly clip with the leggings. However, it seems as though there are some female medium leggings that don’t start at that point, which is why you end up being able to see the line.
It is a bit jarring to look at. I won’t lie, and I have gone through the same problems when trying to outfit my characters. However, this seems more like a limitation in their tech than them not wanting to be thorough with their designs. I’m more than sure that they would have wanted armor layering to be different, and you can see that on occasion when pieces do overlap without any issues.
At the end of the day, I think this has to be something you’ll have to overlook when wearing that top. Hopefully in the future they’ll be able to spare the resources to go back and do something about this, but I wouldn’t expect this to be sooner rather than later.
Are you kidding me? Did you not read the full post?
It says right in the post that any one who bought the original version, that doesn’t like the new version, can get a refund once the new version is released.Their problem with it is that’s an Gem refund not a gold refund or cash refund.
I’m pretty sure you can ask for a cash refund. Most people have done so in the past, and they’ve done so.
Hey, everyone. We’ve been reading all your feedback about the Flamekissed Armor Skin that was released into the Gem Store yesterday.
Although the Flamekissed Armor uses the same mesh as the Tier 3 Human Cultural Armor, it was not our intention to create an armor skin that so closely matched the existing Tier 3 Human Cultural armor set. The intention was to use the mesh as a basis for creating an armor set that stands apart and is distinct in appearance. However, after reading your feedback, we agree that the Flamekissed armor is not visually distinct enough from Human Cultural Tier 3 armor.We will do a few things to address this issue.
- We will temporarily remove Flamekissed Armor Skin from the Gem Store.
- Players who have purchased Flamekissed Armor Skin will keep the skin.
- We will make new art for the Flamekissed Armor Skin that achieves our goal of making a visually distinct and attractive armor set and does not closely resemble the Human Tier 3 Cultural armor.
- Once this new artwork is completed, we will then update the Flamekissed Armor Skin so that all existing sets that players have purchased get the new art. We will also offer the Flamekissed Armor Skin for sale again at that time.
- When we update the Flamekissed Armor Skins with the new artwork, any player that has already purchased the set and who does not like the new, updated look, can get a full refund by contacting Customer Support.
Note that there is no ETA on when this change will happen. We need to work with the Character Art Team to determine when we can have a new armor skin ready, and this could take some time.
Thank you everyone for providing your feedback. We appreciate that you took the time to let us know how you feel about the new armor set.
So you’re going to take away something that people bought and enjoy without compensating them fairly. It is great to be a paying customer at ArenaNet.
Are you kidding me? Did you not read the full post?
It says right in the post that any one who bought the original version, that doesn’t like the new version, can get a refund once the new version is released.
I’m pretty sure other players can’t hear a guardian’s shout, so it can’t be used to confuse enemies.