As the title suggests, my client is unable to update. It’ll open, but stay stuck at the pre-downloading screen before the launcher fully loads. All that happens is that it stays at “Downloading 0KB (0KB/sec)” for a few minutes before telling me “Connection error(s) detected… Retrying”.
I know that there are people posting about have client crashes and being unable to load into certain characters, but I can’t even get into the log part of the launcher…
Is anyone else having this specific problem? Is there a way for me to fix it on my end, or is this something that ANet has to fix from their’s?
Fix it, please.
Yes. While I don’t mind giving charr and asura the female variant of certain armor sets, these don’t fit with their anatomy in the slightest.
Some weeks ago i seen an hacker making his/her grind mobs unatackable for otehrs. she used an shine golden buff or so.
I would suggest to include souch “buff” checks to.
Are you sure the shiny gold buff wasn’t just this? It doesn’t make you undetectable by mobs, but it does give you a gold glow if you’ve used it in Auric Basin. I’d suggest you be careful with those types of allegations, or else you might end up falsely reporting people… :/
Indeed, the skill’s visual effect could have the poison cloud domes around the mordrem recaptured forts in Silverwastes. This would convey the skill much more better.
Oooo! I like this! I’d love to see the skill get a poison bubble cloud effect similar to that! :o
HoT Price Feedback + Base game included [merged]
in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns
Posted by: TriggerSad.2597
$100 for an EXTRA account you won’t even use? Ridiculous. It may even cause me not to buy this expansion!
1. The base cost for the expansion is $50. You don’t have to pay the extra $50 for anything else.
2. You’re not getting an extra account when you buy the expansion. The expansion itself costs $50 for everyone. If you don’t have an account, purchasing the expansions gives you one for free. If you already have an account, purchasing the expansion will just upgrade it.
HoT Price Feedback + Base game included [merged]
in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns
Posted by: TriggerSad.2597
“The white knights can flame this thread…”
You really don’t know how differing opinions work, do you?
Turn Shelter into a Meditation; it should have been one in the first place, but whatever. Turn Litany of Wrath into a Consecration and have its functionality changed to account for it being one.
Valkyrie and Cavalier
Only if you want vit to be main / toughness to be main
If you want power to be main then: NO there is no such combination.
Power is the main stat in Valkyrie…
Just as an fyi, I posted a link to the poll on Reddit, just for a few more votes. May not make much of a difference, but who knows.
They should keep the name solely for the QQ.
Also your strawpoll is kinda worthless since less than 10% of the pop. ever visit the forums. So you are getting the extreme minority.
Then spread it to other websites… It may only be seen by the more dedicated player base, but at least you’ll get to see a broader perspective.
Then why use the name Warrior for a profession, and why use the name Dragonhunter now? Why use broad terms to describe these professions?
That is kind of my point.
Why start complaining about it now, when it have been the case for years already?
The damage was already done, there’s no changing that, I’ll agree. My questioning now is why should they continue to do it?
No. Warriors are warrior and mesmers are mesmers. Where in the game has “warrior” been used as a blanket statement to call everyone?
This is a couple of definitions of warrior:
One who is engaged in or experienced in battle.
One who is engaged aggressively or energetically in an activity, cause, or conflict:A person engaged or experienced in warfare; soldier.
A person who has shown great vigor, courage, or aggressiveness, as in politics.A person engaged in, experienced in, or devoted to war
That fits every single profession in the game.
Then why use the name Warrior for a profession, and why use the name Dragonhunter now? Why use broad terms to describe these professions?
Why specify Warrior as Warrior when every one of our characters are warriors?
No. Warriors are warrior and mesmers are mesmers. Where in the game has “warrior” been used as a blanket statement to call everyone?
Rune of the Trapper.
Stealth Hambow coming at’cha.
I mean you’ll have to trait for bleeding, but I don’t think that burning and bleeding are enough to want to specialize as a Dragonhunter tbh.
Guardians before announcement:
“Where is my condi, where is my long range weapon”
Guardians after the announcement:
“Wah, condi, wah ranged weapon”
You guys already have strong positions in pvp, pve, and wvw. Why aren’t you excited about getting specialisation skills that make your class more intricate and unique. Or would you prefer adding another 5 shouts to your utility bar?
Although we haven’t seen any of this in detail yet it seems as though you’re getting exactly what you’ve all been calling for, condi and more viable range.
Be happy.
<- smile like this.
You know that the people that were cheering for and hoping for it, and the people not happy that they’re getting it aren’t the same people, right?
Why specify guardian as a dragon hunter when every one of our characters, which can be any of the playable profession in Guild Wars 2, is technically hunting dragons? It’s part of the main plot aside from S1 of the Living World, and even then it eventually lead to us hunting Mordremoth. It just doesn’t make much sense to me is all…
Since we getting a long bow, are they going to add long Bow to the weaponsmith list for crafting?
Why would they do that? You know you craft longbows with huntsman, right?
I’m not really that keen on Greatsword Necros, I cannot think of all those peasants ruining the Necro theme with oversized crap.
One-handed Swords or Torches would fit much, much, much better with a specialization for Siphoning.
We don’t know what the necro’s specialization is going to involve, though. I do like the idea about necromancers getting a torch, though! Would be really neat!
Oh no torch please, we can already spit fire from every hole, what would be the point?
I think that is a limited view of what the torch could be. But nevermind that, what would you guys want to see? Shortbow/Longbow maybe?
Off-hand scepter! Would be cool to see imo.
Found this from another thread here showing a thief holding a rifle so maybe one of the thief specs will be assassin.
I mean… Engi uses rifle… Still would be really cool! Here’s hoping you’re right!!!
and I’ll say it again. sylvari being dragon minions is incredibly stupid, and I’m kind of surprised mccoys work was taken seriously.
What males you assume that it was Angel’s idea to have the sylvari be dragon minions?
I’d rather see new VIP spaces… (>_>)
Bring me a room to hang out in the Grove please!!
I loved all the little differences each of characters have had in terms of there dialog with other NPCs. Having a mesmer talk about the Mesmer Collective’s invitation policies when other professions said they’d have to talk with Kasmeer about it, or how charr characters could make another charr run out of the new base with their tail between their legs, were all big surprises. I think, however, I still feel like there’s some work to be done in giving the player back their voice.
Don’t get me wrong, I’m not insinuating that I’d like to see out character’s voice back, but I’m more referring to the fact there seems to be moments where our characters are given a personality that is unlike the one we had been forming as we had originally playing the Personal Story. I know the actual Personality System is gone, but that doesn’t mean that our characters have to sound the same. We’ve seen moments where we can respond to characters with different tones, and I love that, but what I’ve seen in this episode, we weren’t given much options to express our character’s personality.
I’d love it if we were given more dialog trees to further allow us to express how we feel our characters would react when presented with certain characters or situations.
I recall meeting her beforehand at some point during my personal stories, but I don’t remember the details. Something about Trehearne introducing you (apparently he helped her with something and she was indebted to him), but it was hastily brought up as kind of an aside. They really didn’t imply that she was important in any way until much later during the Orr missions, so the moment was very easy to overlook or forget.
Oh yeah, we can totally meet her!… During one of the Greatest Fear Arc’s story lines… Which were all removed…
The idea of having a dye template is a common suggestion, and a great one. It’s been floated to the development team before, but I just raised it again as an idea to remind them about it.
While you’re at it, can you please remind them about the build and equipment template we’ve all been asking for as well. Thank you!
Fixed that for you.
I don’t know about any of you, but I’ve often heard that term being used to describe someone who is on edge/scared…
Three Blues and a Green~!
Seriously though, from the trailer, a new zone, and maybe a few events. I like the sandstorm we see in the trailer, but I’m guessing that’ll only be in instances.
Captain’s council controls the city of LA and the havens, and that’s about it.
Also if anyone hasn’t noticed this, there aren’t any havens near Divinty’s Reach, and the only times you see any in Krytan territory are when they are far from the city on trade routes that lead to the other nations. You see plenty in the Maguuma, but they stop short of what could be the border of each capital city’s outskirts. Still within their land, but far from any real signs of civilization (if you were to look at it from an in-game standard). Additionally, you only find one haven in charr territory, and that one could be seen as being on norn territory instead, so it could be that the charr aren’t comfortable with the Lion’s Counsel setting a military installation within their borders. Though it could also just be because of where the trade routes were set up.
Lorewise, dervish is a no-no. All of their magical power came from prayers to the human gods, that creates a way too big of a conflict to retcon to make space for dervishes of other races.
Also, dervish didn’t use light armor, they used medium.
Other classes still get powers from the gods, so I don’t see why Dervish couldn’t. Even the Priests and Priestesses of Orr are still empowered by their respective gods.
Lore can change. Originally, in Guild Wars, elementalists would channel the elemental control that the different gods held. In Guild Wars 2, elementalists now directly channel the different elements, and can juggle them around like nothing.
Dervishes did have a strong connection to the gods, but they also held a reverence to the earth and sky. Dervishes in Guild Wars 2 could have strengthen these bonds and now use them as the catalysts for their power.
At the end of the day, lore can be changed to reflect the addition, or removal, of mechanics and content. They aren’t the law of how things should be in the game.
(edited by TriggerSad.2597)
Im pretty sure the chinese people living in EU or NA are able to speak and or read english perfectly fine…That would just be a pretty huge waste of time for anet tbh.Also,english is not even my main yet you dont see me asking for my own language being added..You start with chinese,then you got the french..and the spanish..and the germans…and the russians…You see where im going yet ?
Except the Chinese client already has the ability to play the game in Chinese, so it would be that hard to just transfer that over to the NA and EU clients which is what the OP is asking for.
Being forced when you have two options -
sir – you must pay money and skillpoints or as a special option – you may wait till you hit level 70 and map an area for that skill even though you need that skill now in order to effectively reach 70.
its a bit like –
would you like the prawns you’re allergic to for dinner or the spinach that gives you the runs?
But keep bumping the thread bro.Thing is, Both Options amount to the same thing….
Either… do the event or the map completion required…. ( Playing The Game)
Hunt down Skill points and Gold .. which is easy to earn just Playing the game ( Playing the game)
Seems that some people Just do not Like to play the game, and want things handed to them on a silver platter. I even spoke to someone I had a discussion with that disagreed with me, and after trying a Low level character told me that they liked having to do In game content to unlock traits instead of Just paying for a manual…. with all the new people On mega-server to help, it made it a communal experience again. Like an MMO should be.
The thing is, why do some of these requirements have to involve clearing a whole map and personal story? Do you know how many Events, Mini Dungeons, Jumping Puzzles, little nooks with interesting NPCs and other random content inside all of the low-mid and mid level zones? ArenaNets had hundreds of options to choose from that could easily had people out and about in the world, yet they went with the options that make players spends hours on content they may not even like doing. It gets to the point where some of these requirements feel like ArenaNet just wanting to turn them into currency sinks because they know some players wouldn’t want to go for the free way. It may have not been their intentions, but it comes across as such.
And how’s that gonna look like? The thread vanishes into the sand already again.
True. I guess no one is interested in having more armor customization options. Kinda cant blame them when there mechanics and end game stuff to focus on.
However the fact threads like this are being started proves theres a group of us who do want more freedom in the look of our armor.
It’s not that there isn’t any player interest, it’s just that we’ve tried and tried so many times post-launch and after. ArenaNet just didn’t care to listen and still went out and released armor set after armor set of long coats for Adventurers. Most of us got tired of being ignored. Luckly, with the latest set that came out, it looks as thought they’re finally starting to throw us a bone, even if the male version is still coat-esc.
My biggest hope, and I know this’ll never happen, is for ArenaNet to just do away with armor weight restrictions. This’ll give players complete freedom in how we can mix and match our armor, but it doesn’t look like will happen any time soon…
Which is funny because they spent the better part of a PAX event pre-launch raving about how awesome the personality system was going to be, and how it would greatly affect how you could interact with NPCs. They mentioned how some NPCs would even react to your presence as you walk near them. I think they even mentioned that someone who went balls deep into Ferocity could even punch NPCs in the face… I really wish they had had the resources to really make it work the way they talked about it. It seems like they were really excited about seeing it through, but weren’t able to… :/
(edited by TriggerSad.2597)
That’s good. I don’t understand why the rune costs 2g. Could anyone help me understand? I would think 30 hp/s is garbage.
warriors buy these for insane regen with zero healing power:
healing signet 392 hp 3 (sec)
adrenal health: 360hp (3 sec)
mango pie : 85hp ( 1 sec)
dolyak runes 30hp (1 Sec)total: 1097 healing each three seconds without regen boon,
throw in ele mist + battle presence from guard + regen boon, and you have undying warrior.
Warriors end up investing in at least 150 Healing Power when unlocking Adrenal Health due to it being the minor Master trait in the Defense line, so they don’t have 0 healing.
And here we go again…
This again… Here, I’ve written an explanation before, so have at it.
“Guild Wars 2,” the game, is named what it is for marketing reasons, to ensure that the players of the first game would know that this was a “continuation” of the original “Guild Wars,” Co-OpRPG. The original “Guild Wars” was named as such because of it’s original design, that being a PvP-based MMO, but was changed during its development into a PvX centric game (with PvE eventually taking the spotlight).
Additionally, lore-wise, both games are named after an event which predates their timelines, that being the Guild Wars. The Guild Wars were a series of wars fought by some of the largest guilds on continental Tyria, with the last one ending due to Ascalon entering into serious conflict with the Charr.“Guild Wars 2” isn’t named the way it is due to a focus on guilds, that content was never meant to be a focus of the game. It was named after its predassosor who kept its original name despite it having its original design elements changed.
@RedCobra You still shouldn’t have put Guild Wars 1 on that list. There were no active wars going on between guilds in Guild Wars. Yes there was GvG, but that would be more like scrimmaging between two guilds for sport, not war.
(edited by TriggerSad.2597)
Either this is the most amazing troll thread I have seen on these forums, or someone really needs to learn what procedures and protocol are.
Also I’m with the few other posters that have been pointing this out; this thread has essentially stopped being about the Pact’s involvement (or lack there of) with Escape/Battle for Lion’s Arch, and has devolved into some really bad fanfiction brainstorming.
Healing Power
ToughnessGive us more of a healer option.
Wouldn’t Healing Power/Boon Duration/X better suite a “healer” play style?
Tonics were in GW1, hence why they are in GW2.
Your talking about transformation tonics. They’re in Guild Wars 2 as well, but this is different. This is going to be a tonic that overlays an outfit onto your character’s armor. Why this couldn’t be converted to a regular outfit like the costume ones (i.e. the Wintersday dress outfits, the Mad King costume, and the Bloody Prince costume) is honestly what we’re trying to understand.
Also, if you’re not going to bother to read past a thread’s tittle, then don’t bother posting.
(edited by TriggerSad.2597)
Outfits will also be free to use. The wardrobe won’t charge you for putting them on from what I’ve been hearing.
The notion of turning some old Town Clothes into tonics is just as confusing to me, and honestly comes across as the developers of the system as either being lazy or incapable. That may sound harsh, but at this point I don’t have any idea that could justify the tonic conversion, nor can I figure out why they thought it would be a good idea in the first place.
From what I can remember, most channeling skills in the game were actual skills you had to hold down their respective commands in order to have the skill go I to its full use. An example being the Elementalist’s Meteor Shower required the user to hold down, and channel the skill, to power it up. The more you held it down, the stronger the skill was. However, this form of channelling required the player to stand still, from what I saw in convention videos at least, so it was scrapped since it went against the “freedom of movement while fighting,” philosophy ArenaNet was saying as part of its development process. Mind you, this is just a combination of personal an alizarin and a few pre-launch forum discussions. I don’t remember any of the developers delving into the subject.
Anyway, the channelling we now see in game is just there to show the players that their character requires, in an in-world notion, to focus while using that particular skill(s). It doesn’t serve much of a purpose outside of adding that bit of flavor.
Playstyle is dynamic and it flows. Leave it alone.
I main a guardian and I am sorry to say that spamming dodge is not dynamic gameplay. I support the nerf, it promotes skillful gameplay rather than blind dodging.
Same. I used to have Vigorous Precision in my build, but outside of using it in conjunction with Selfless Daring, I don’t see a point in needing all that Endurance. Once you’ve learned a boss’ mechanics it becomes easier to know when to avoid damage just by strafing/walking away from their attacks. Dodging becomes unnecessary at that point.
It also makes Elusive Power incredibly hard to keep up in a DPS build since you would get Vigor all the time from critical hitting things so frequently.
I had no time to go over all that has been suggested.
But i would love to see:1) (Power)/Healing/Toughness
2) (Power)/Healing/Precision
3) (Power)/Healing/FerocityMy power/vampiric necro would love to see any of these
Number 2 already exists in-game. Look up the Zealot’s stat-type!
If that’s the case, then I guess my only option will be to drop my second account… :/
I would love to get people thoughts on what stat combinations they would like to see added to the game?
I actually made a thread about this a while back! Mind you, though, that a few of these I’ve rethought and had decided they wouldn’t be the best in the world. Still, a few that I’d love to see are as follows:
- Power/Healing Power/Vitality – This is what I’ve really been hoping to see added to the game, and I was really crushed when I saw that Zealots was close to it, but used Precision instead of Vitality. Now, I know that the combo that I’m proposing isn’t something worth taking a full set of, but I think it provides a good amount of utility that one or two pieces of it could be used to supplement a player’s build if needed/wanted.
- Power/Ferocity/Condition Damage – Same as the first. I don’t think people would be making full sets of this, but it would help supplement needing/wanting an additional source of offensive power in their build.
- Ferocity/Power/Precision – We already have Berserker and Assassin, why not make this a trifecta of pure DPS stat combos?
Getting serious again, something I’d really like to see at some point is a revisit to Condition and Boon Duration. Right now we only have one weapon and armor set that respectively give each stat type in the form of Giver weapons and armor. However, we don’t have any weapons that give Boon Duration, nor do we have and armor that gives Condition Duration. I’d like to also point out that the amount each give just seems so convoluted.
Giver’s Weapons currently give 10% Condition Duration at all tiers, and does not scale based on which zone you are in. A rare level 70~ Giver’s axe gives the same 10% Condition Duration as a level 80 exotic Giver’s axe, and they will give you the 10% bonus even if you’re in Queensdale. This really needs to be fixed.
Giver’s armor only gives players 1% Boon Duration a piece, making it almost not worth bringing any pieces since it hardly gives a decent boost.
In my opinion, I think Boon and Condition Duration needs to have an overhaul like Critical Damage percentages did. I think each should have a secondary stat that affects how much of each you get. Let’s say that Concentration affects Boon Duration and Cruelty affects Condition Duration. This would not only help set better values for gear, but it would help curb them in terms of down scaling each when in lower levels.
Anyway, here’s some stat combos I’d love to see using Boon and Condition Duration.
- Condition Damage/Precision/Condition Duration – It’ll essentially be the Berserker combo for Condi builds since it combines all the offensive stats needed for those types of builds while giving up on survivability.
- Healing Power/Boon Duration/Power – It’s a support-based stat that still provides a bit of a punch. Maybe substitute Power for Precision, but that would maybe, hopefully, come with new runes/sigils that apply boons onto nearby allies on crit, or give more options for healing on crit.
(edited by TriggerSad.2597)
I write this knowing that I’m about to talk about the highest of First World problems, but I’d still like to ask ArenaNet if it would be possible to merge together two Guild Wars 2 accounts.
Originally, back when Guild Wars 2 was weeks/months away from its first Beta Weekend event, and they had begun taking pre-orders, players over at the GuildWars2Guru forums had been predicting the character limit that would be present in Guild Wars 2. Many, myself being one of them, had speculated that the game would limit the amount of characters a player would be able to create. I think most people were betting on 10 characters being the total you could have on a single account. It was because of this prediction that I had decided on buying two Guild Wars 2 accounts before launch. I had the idea of playing on both accounts equally, however the game began to change. With the addition of the Living Story (with it’s own set of Achievement tracks), Ascended gear and 500 crafting, and now the new Wardrobe system, the amount of time investments needed for two accounts is something I really don’t have the ability to do it all twice.
I know, it’s my own fault for not waiting on Guild Wars 2 to come out in order to see how many characters a person can have on an account. That max is 64 for those wondering. I shouldn’t have jumped the gun like that. I also know that I can always delete those characters, and remake them on my main account a day or so later with their names. However, I have already invested enough time and gems (bought with my own money) on some of those characters that I would rather not see it all go to waste.
I honestly don’t care about the account itself, what I care about are the characters. If combining the accounts isn’t plausible, and I would say it wouldn’t be fair given the fact that I’ve unlocked the same achievements/daily/monthly on both accounts. Meaning I would get double the Achievement points in some instances. I just want the characters on my second account to get transferred over to my main account. I don’t mind losing the karma/tokens/achievement points that would be tied to that other account. I think that’s a fair loss considering I put myself in this predicament.
So, can this be done?
TLDR: I’m dumb and impatient, so I bought two Guild Wars 2 accounts before launch. Now with all of the account-based progression the game has, I don’t want to/have the time to do everything twice in order to have all of my characters decked out in awesomeness. I know this is a bit of a douchy request, but I’d still like some help on the matter.
This again… Here, I’ve written an explanation before, so have at it.
“Guild Wars 2,” the game, is named what it is for marketing reasons, to ensure that the players of the first game would know that this was a “continuation” of the original “Guild Wars,” Co-OpRPG. The original “Guild Wars” was named as such because of it’s original design, that being a PvP-based MMO, but was changed during its development into a PvX centric game (with PvE eventually taking the spotlight).
Additionally, lore-wise, both games are named after an event which predates their timelines, that being the Guild Wars. The Guild Wars were a series of wars fought by some of the largest guilds on continental Tyria, with the last one ending due to Ascalon entering into serious conflict with the Charr.“Guild Wars 2” isn’t named the way it is due to a focus on guilds, that content was never meant to be a focus of the game. It was named after its predassosor who kept its original name despite it having its original design elements changed.
I use a support build, and I don’t even use shouts (I use consecrations). I still think this new trait is dull, uninteresting, and highly inappropriate for honor.
I agree with you here, I really don’t see this Trait being useful in the Guardian’s support line. However saying that it’s uninteresting isn’t right, to me at least.
I feel like this trait being placed in Honor is ArenaNet’s way of opening up options for using Honor as a sort of self-sustain line through healing and high health pools. Though I guess the only way to see if this is the case would be to wait and see what else gets changed and added with the Feature Update.
Yeah, “spoiled” with all those skill description fixes you mean.
Clearly that “someone” isn’t allowed to have an opinion. Fyi I play an elementalist regularly as well, and I’ve also dabbled around with necromancers (not that I liked them). You shouldn’t jump to wild, ignorant conclusions like that.
Yes we are spoiled. Guardians have hardly been hit by the nerf hammer as severely as other classes have. Off the top of my head, outside of the vigor nerfs, I don’t recall anything being as drastically nerfed as some of the nerfs to the Elementalist and Necromancer.
Now, does this mean we’re always given the new, and shiny, toys all the time? No, because we honestly don’t need them. Outside of a needed overhaul to Spirit Weapons and Symbol traits, I don’t really see anything that guardian needs to be done to them.
I would think “great! Still doesn’t fit in honor though”.
They never said it was going into the Honor…
Also, that grammar.
Also that conceded, and very uncalled for, insult to someone who may not even have English as their first language.
GG mate!
(edited by TriggerSad.2597)
It’s for learning the game.
You must be kidding… Can we somehow get a ‘shortcut’ through all this… some players have 10+ 80s here. Please don’t expect us to go through all the pve stuff again and again.
Already existing characters will not have to unlock their traits once the Feature Patch goes live. New characters made after the fact will, however.