“A release is 7 days or less away or has just happened within the last 7 days…
These are the only two states you’ll find the world of Tyria.”
If you need a necromancer build, try this Glass Cannon one. I love it: highest vitality in the game + two health bars + huge burst damage:
As far as dungeons go, yes, you can no longer res-rush. However, key bosses have also been toned down, most notably Subject Alpha in CoE.
CoF path 2 and 3 have also been changed to be more doable. Arah path 4 has been tweaked as well.
Imho, the dungeons are a bit more fun now. You no longer just let someone die knowing they can use a WP and run right back in. In addition, everyone understands that staying alive is more important now.
Try them for yourself.
Guild Missions sound like a great start to improving guilds. That interview raised a few questions that I would love Anthony or Colin to answer.
Will Guild Missions have a daily limit or some other time-gating mechanic that will require scheduling? If so, are starting Guild Missions limited by guild rank permissions so officers can start them when the most guildmembers are online?
The guild interface is …archaic, a step back from GW1 even, to put it in the mildest possible way. Are there any plans to add the following to improve guild management?
*Last online notification
*Member notes
*Officer notes
*Guild calendar
*Fix guild UI lag as was done to the contacts list lagIt seems like the Guild Missions are designed to encourage guilds to interact with other guilds and the general population. Are there any plans to help facilitate that by adding Alliances like in GW1 or even just basic custom chat channels?
If all I got was a last online notification, I’d be happy.
If I got a guild calendar as well, I’d be elated. Even if it was only a week or 2 week calendar.
Really, both of these need to be implemented to help keep everyone up-to-date.
A max sized male charr guardian with full heavy armor from Sorrow’s Embrace…while chilled and crippled.
I’m a proponent of keeping WvW unbalanced based on gear, classes, and force population.
But THAT is just stupid and an exploit. That should be bannable.
New dailies on the 26th.
You will be able to choose 5 of 9 from the list to get a laurel. You also get more achievement points if you do them all.
Also, they are adding guild missions.
Kind of off topic, but since this thread seems to disappear and reappear off and on, can we PLEASE edit the title?
gearTREADmill, not gearTRADEmill.
The problem mostly is ignorance. Most people have no idea what an engineer actually does because it’s the least encountered profession.
I play a guardian and was invited to a group the other night. A Ranger was invited after me. The leader put up a kick request. I asked why. When no response was given, I dropped from the group with a “Good luck” to them. I won’t group with people like that.
Yes, there are elitists in the game. And that is completely fine. I just wish they said what classes they were looking for instead of being complete donut-holes and kicking people for their playstyle.
I am an alt-aholic. While I usually fractal with my warrior and guardian, I LOVE my flamethrowing engineer for dungeons.
-Cowrex of Borlis Pass
I hate you guys.
-Vorch of Anvil Rock
P.S. WvW is still alive and well, even with culling…and even with BP.
Ignore that guy…forums have been polarized for quite sometime.
I personally don’t have a problem with DR, especially if you farm dungeon paths and alternate every 3rd run. (CoF path 1 is the main one atm)
Dungeons have been tweaked a bit. Encounters are much more doable, though you no longer can rez while a party member is in combat to avoid “rez rushing” content.
Fractals are pretty cool as well, if you’re into instanced content.
Guild Missions are coming in less than 2 weeks (Feb. 26th)…guilds will be able to create events in the open world and earn new buffs for the guild, like reduced WP costs guild wide.
They are also adding a CTF map to PvP, which I’m looking forward to.
WvW should be getting fixes in march, and there will be more PvE content throughout the next 3 months.
I’d come back, if I were you. If you don’t like it, try again after the 26th.
How is overall class balance? theifs still kittening every thing in WvW?
yes. there is a rendering issue called culling in WvW. Basically, sometimes you can’t see everyone who is there. They should more fixes as time goes on, but thieves are using stealth to exacerbate the issue.
[mod edit: removed offending word from quote]
(edited by Moderator)
Soloing a group event, saving a village, killing Borlis Pass people, and slaying dragons.
Reduced WP costs as a guild bonus…that’s pretty neat.
I’m interested in the others as well, now.
Most days
days with extra time
(edited by Vorch.2985)
*Find a build.
If you are looking for a starting point, start doing Ascalonian Catacombs dungeon runs. Try to NOT skip kholer and the troll. Dungeons help you fine tune your class.
I would also recommend CoF path 1 runs. Doesn’t have to be 4war/1mes speed runs either…you can make about 3 gold an hour.
Fractals are also a nice option. They are like mini dungeons shuffled up. Start with any fractal groups under 9 until you get to 10. Then watch out for agony
You definitely are going to see the flaws in your build as you tackle dungeon. As you progress, you will adjust your gear, your build, and your playstyle.
For a necromancer, I humbly suggest the necro glass cannon build. (Axe/Focus + Dagger/focus; 30/0/0/10/30
The gear can be attained by farming CoF or crafting. I recommend just farming the tokens as you’ll basically get the gear free AND make money.
Elementalist. Soldier’s gear makes them durable enough to excel in virtually all environments and they bring a fast-paced, challenging playstyle with great support and reasonable damage output.
Soldier’s gear? Do you mean Knight or is there an armor set I missed somewhere?
Soldier’s is Power, Vit, Toughness.
Personally, me ele runs in Rampager’s for a power/bleed build for dungeons, but everyone has their preferences.
Try a dagger/dagger ele, zerker axe/focus + dagger/focus necro, or a mesmer.
Then come back.
Guardian, ele, mesmer.
Necromancer glass cannon build is pretty nice too.
Priory Historical shield. Exclusive to durmand priory.
Elite skill capping, saving your builds (WhY is this not in Tha GaME!?!), just 8 skills but you could put ‘m everywhere you want, 2 professions, My Dhuums soul reaper :’(, a random arena, and yes…
The holy trinity!
Sorry…I have to address this. It appears there’s a lot of rose tinted glasses when looking back on GW1 (I loved that game, btw…gwamm ftw).
I’m not saying that you are wrong in your likes. I’m sure there are people who enjoyed skill capturing, people who were not concerned with balance in PvE and loved having access to almost all skills. And I admit I loved the conversations I had with my guildmates while waiting an hour for our pocket tank or healer to log on. But I don’t think GW1 was as perfect as people often make it out to be.
I always loved the level of detail they put into combat animations. They even created unique and very beautiful casting animations for melee weapon wielding Ritualists.
Who in their right mind would wield Shiro’s Daggers…on a ritualist, no less?
I would just like to reiterate that I have no problem with agony resistance. I take issue with additional stat increases to a game that appears to be initially balanced around exotics.
I am under no illusion that GW1 had vertical progression. This was in the form of title tiers. As a title was increased, it often added strength to associated PvE skills. Some titles even offered resistances to certain enemies and increased power when attacking those enemies.
I’m just wondering why we would attach these buffs to gear tiers (which is contentious) as opposed to title tiers. You would still be able to add the vertical progression without additional gear tiers OR additional levels (another topic for another time).
You could also avoid a lot of the controversy.
Wth is going on in this thread?
Overall, it seems fine. I didn’t play for the first 3 weeks of January and came back just before the laurel patch.
I love GW2.
I hate subscriptions.
This question was on mmorpg.com…and I assume it’s intended to make it seem that if people would not sub to a game, then the game must be bad.
That’s a silly assumption.
Keep in mind; you can mitigate costs by purchasing some of the intermediary materials. And those costs also assume you have gathered absolutely nothing.
Glass Cannon Necromancer…not really melee, but it’s up close and personal.
800 hours of game play and I just recently beat my story. I haven’t even got into wvw yet either.. which is why i bought the game to begin with… how do people go through the game so fast? and now there are laurels and that new content stuff coming out. guild events and whatnot.. I still dont have the exact armor or dyes that i want or the weapons-this is all endgame stuff right?
There’s plenty to do. There is just not plenty to do for every single type of player, especially purists who either find no joy in any other game mode/play style or find no desire to change their habits.
The game’s not perfect, but I find it quite funny when a thread says there is nothing to do and then others say they don’t want to do WvW, dailies, monthlies, dungeons, exploration, craft/gathering, TP bartering, PvP, or just make their own events with their guild.
The game is not going to have fun for you.
What? No endgame? Come on guys, we have Southsun Cove and the new Living Story. Two gigantic content updates! Come on, get happy!
Don’t be rude.
It can hurt feelings ya know?
So if I don’t sugarcoat the reality of the situation, that makes me rude?
You stated two parts of two updates and misleadingly represented them as the only content released for endgame. Yes, it’s implied in your statement.
I don’t know if that makes you rude, but it’s not the reality of the situation.
I play a warrior…but I choose knight’s armor instead of zerker…I’ve watched WAY too many warriors die pathetically.
If you are looking for a support/bunker type, I would recommend a GS/Staff Shout guardian with soldier runes…remove 2 conditions from the entire party with each shout + heals. In addition, you can take A LOT of damage.
I also love my staff ele…but it’s really up to you.
And who says you can’t pick them all?
I strongly dislike the whole Laurels/Daily system. Way too much grind for what was promised to be a “low-grind to grind-free” game.
dodging is now grind. Or are you talking about the items you get for dodging and killing things for half an hour for 20 days?
also, yea…there isn’t a trenchcoat shortage.
The elitism problem in GW2 is purely ncsofts fault by creating several paths and dungeons which are so pug unfriendly and require such a high degree of teamwork, it practically puts hardcore raids in WoW to shame.
Until ncsoft nerfs alot of the exp modes, we’ll just see more and more of the same.
This has to be either sarcasm or baiting.
I would not pay a sub fee for any game. Period.
<1200+ hours played.
I hope the guild missions are good as well. Those seem like something I could really get into.
oh , and why not make this system for solo..get rid of the dungeon on the monthly. Dungeons are way too hard and too long now for non-hardcore from what I hear. Why force folks to do something that is too hard to be fun?
dungeons are not difficult. They just need to be learned…3 runs on any path and you should understand exactly how to approach it.
I’d be in favor of dueling as long as there was an option to deny all requests.
I think another option would be to have duels in a specific area…the charr arena in the Black Citadel, for instance. It would also fit the lore.
I’d really like fractal levels and karma to be account wide.
However, I don’t want to see dyes be account wide…they’d have to lower the drop rate even further to compensate.
Hello and welcome.
Other than that, I hope you have fun
TIP: You can guest on other servers, so if you feel you made a poor decision, you can always play on up to two others, giving you 3 servers to choose from. YOU CAN NOT WvW ON A GUESTED SERVER.
after the first 20, I would have started simply saving up for it.
Seriously, why would people, KNOWING that RNG is bad for precursors, throw away their money at a slim chance when they can buy it out right.
Again, ANet is working on a solution and I want it as much as the next guy, but that doesn’t excuse poor financial planning on the part of the gamer.
- If your computer’s clock is set to March 9, 2013, you will see the daily for March 9 AND the monthly for March.
You can actually try it in game right now. Just click off of the achievement and then back onto it to refresh.
Oh, I see. Sort of like fooling the game on what day/time it is.
I don’t think I’m going to mess with my clock or time, I’m not the most computer savvy.
Have you though? Do you know what March’s monthly is?
They may change, but as of right now, this is what they have planned.
Charr Charr binks.
Make sure that your system clock is the EXACT correct time
I have the clock on my mini-map set to my real time, not server time. I’m on Crystal Desert and I actually think that is a SE Asian server. Or it is according to my guildies and what I hear in LA chatter.
All I know is if I log in at 6:30pm my personal time, there is no daily (because I did it that morning), but at 7:00pm, my new daily shows up. One time it was 7:04pm.
Is it related to changing maps, or does it show up in real time regardless of where you are in the world?
That’s not exactly what I am talking about.
Say it is really Feb. 9, 2013 at 06:30pm
You can actually try it in game right now. Just click off of the achievement and then back onto it to refresh.
There is a bug as well.
Make sure that your system clock is the EXACT correct time
If not, it will actually show the daily for the day selected on your computer’s clock, though you will obviously not be rewarded for doing the wrong one.
Fun Fact: you can actually get a sneak peak at future dailies by changing your system clock.
(edited by Vorch.2985)
When I realized that Queen Jennah can’t afford shoes. Seriously. Look at her feet.
MMO Players: Excellent at finding problems. Horrible at finding solutions.
Here’s my horrible solution:
(edited by Vorch.2985)
…I will give 500 gems for a tinfoil hat.
It should be more than killing a champion…it takes less than 3 minutes to take even the best ones down with a group of 5, let alone a guild.
I’m anxious to know what they have in store. I love bounty and daily content.
What the hell is the thread even discussing anymore?
I don’t want to go into too many more details until our team formally releases all of the information in our upcoming blog post. But I hope that helps for now.
Have you got an ETA on the post?
i don’t think that anet ever has an eta (besides the thermodynamic death of the universe)
i appreciate the reply, tho
i would like to ask if a “last time logged on” feature is in the works. it would help guilds manage their active membership. it would also pwrovide incentives for people to log on if the guild they like has an activity req, which is nearly impossible to do at the moment.
so true, op xD.
Dragon tokens would help a little bit, but champions and, to a lesser extent, veterans need to offer something to make them worth while.
i love the challenge of killing a champ with 2-3 people, but atm it is not rewarding at all.
now i’m hungry for chicken, lol
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