“A release is 7 days or less away or has just happened within the last 7 days…
These are the only two states you’ll find the world of Tyria.”
(edited by Vorch.2985)
Good idea. I like it.
However, from a lore perspective, you do realize that the Zaishen are primarily isolated, right? Could still work, though.
I hate that suggestions like this will be placed into that god-awful suggestion forum and buried within 30mins…
(edited by Vorch.2985)
Buying materials and leveling all crafting skills is the quickest method. Silly, imo, but fast.
I’d be ok with it if you had to log on to collect the daily, and then could log off and do it another day. But there would definitely have to be a limit (3 would be fine with me)
However, I do prefer what ANet is doing instead.
There are very few people who like to adapt. It’s a problem.
Use gw2lfg.com if u need an lfg system. They are working on one atm.
They’ve added a new map to PvP, but the bigger improvements are coming at the end of Feb and March.
If I were you, I would sign on after Jan 28th and use gw2lfg. If that doesn’t peak your interest, just sign on at the middle and the end of each month. They’ve been religious about updates, some more popular then others…some not very popular at all. But they’ll most likely do something to peak your interests.
Good luck.
Almost every good commander has the commander title, but the majority of people with commander titles aren’t good commanders.
in 4 hours of game time, you can make a MINIMUM of 4 gold, minus drops, from AC.
That’s more than enough to fund basic needs, including full exotics. Playing 2 hours a day for a week will get you a full set.
And I do understand some of your other points, and ANet is trying to address most of them…
(edited by Vorch.2985)
The priority at the moment is whatever field your finisher goes through first.
I personally prefer this system as opposed to being able to choose your own field priority because it requires coordination rather than being able to spam a finisher knowing that you will get what you want regardless of what is occurring around you.
Pretty sure you’re a villain.
The problem isn’t that there aren’t other places to make money.
It appears that you are upset that the most effective method of farming money is not to your liking. To which I would reply: don’t do it.
Do other things in the game that make decent money as well (dungeons, other farm sites, fractals, WvW event farming, etc.) If you play a game with the goal of making as much gold in as little time as possible, you will seldomly have fun. That goes for any game.
That’s why that sort of behavior is called a “grind”.
The Flame and Frost content should roll out over the next couple months. that should add more permanent content for you.
Log in in 4-5 days.
People are trending towards staying in LA or using gw2lfg to do dungeons. Hopefully that will be mitigated in the next few days.
I’d first like guild halls and then player housing.
Both of these are completely feasible, would make ANet money, and would be received with much anticipation by PvE players. I could also definitely see the benefit for PvP and WvW guilds as well.
Anything that makes a character or guild feel unique and makes the player feel invested in their character is welcome.
Player housing could even be in the mists if they don’t want to use the home instance. It would add a lot more room for customization.
Logitech G600.
I recommend playing around with each avenue for a few days. I personally do dungeons and/or help my gf with world exploration.
Before you start doing ANYTHING, I would HIGHLY recommend that all your armor and jewelry be level 80 and of Master (green) quality. If you are unsure what type of masterwork armor you want, get level 80 masterwork Knight’s armor and Emerald jewelery.
Since you seem interested in a dungeon set, I would recommend doing Ascalonian Catacombs (dungeon in charr starting area) before delving into anything more complex. The dungeon is straight forward and can ease you in to the difficulty of mobs.
If you want the Nightmare Armor, you will need to do the Twilight Arbor dungeon in Caledon Forest (sylvari starting area). You get 60 tokens for the first run per path per day. So doing each path once in a day will net you 180 tokens. Subsequent runs on each path will only yield 20 tokens. These totals do not include bags of goods (don’t worry about those).
Some people like to just farm an area in orr, which is cool, too. I can’t personally recommend an area since I haven’t farmed there in a while, but perhaps someone else can answer that question in detail.
Good luck
They do need to make them buyable via badges or some other WvW mechanism, but they should not be available via the market UNLESS they are available through crafting.
Me and the girlfriend after her first AC explorable.
I blame the charr.
I am going to assume that after the Wintersday event, most active players have at least ONE minipet. However, these pets don’t seem to be used very often. There ARE those who like to have them in their pocket, but others let them sit in their collectible’s tab.
Here are a few things I think would not be game breaking AND would improve minipet usage:
Picking up loot
Many people have forgotten to pickup loot after a battle. Having minipets automatically loot corpses within a certain area would make them very useful. A 1200-1500 range would be ideal, imo.
Or you could adjust the auto-loot range based on the rarity of the mini (600 range for blues all the way up to 1500 range for exotics).
While mini’s are commonly thought of as a luxury item or at least purely aesthetic. However, a Mini Eir on one person will always look the same as a Mini Eir on another.
To add customization to each individual mini, you could let the minis be dyeable, or have unique aura’s for minis earnable throughout the game.
Now THIS may be a bit controversial. This would suggest that minis could actually provide some sort of constant AoE effect for allies surrounding them. Statistical advantages stemming from a miniature would obviously very difficult to justify to the community.
However, I think that a constant 10-30% speed boost IN TOWNS and/or a 2-5% MF boost in the open world would be sufficient. Again, the extent of the speed boost or MF would be based on the mini’s rarity.
Minipet Battles
This is something that has already been suggested many times, but I feel it deserves mentioning. A mini-game based on pet battles would be VERY much appreciated, especially since it provides something to do for players who may be burnt out on other content. It is a mode of PvP that even PvE exclusive players would enjoy partaking in.
Exclusive Dynamic Event Chains
I know that traditional quests are not in GW2 outside of, perhaps, hearts.
However, I think it would be extremely unique to have events triggered by mini-pets. For instance, bringing a Miniature Flame Shaman to Fireheart Rise could trigger a DE chain causing the player to have to fight the flame legion. The DE could also end with a chest with a unique skin.
Exotic Miniatures could even be used to trigger more difficult DE chains with a chest at the end with a chance at precursor (I can dream).
Flamethrower on the engineer. Heh heh heh.
Staff on Ele surprised me as very useful as well. LOADS of CC and utility once u get used to it.
Can’t wait to try this out.
Don’t the devs have more important things to be doing?
If you don’t have fun making a game, the game isn’t going to be fun. These sort of easter eggs are important for the community and dev morale.
And nothing’s wrong with kittens.
I play naturally or do dungeons. Then at around an hour before reset, I finish it up if i haven’t completed it (usually the gather or kill variety is left)
Getting all 8 classes to level 80 is actually why I’ve shortened my time to about 8 hours a week.
I can step off my podium to admit that. A lot of people on these forums have way better solutions, and better ideas than what Arenanet has been pulling lately.
How long has the community been crying for a different PVP style match, and they flat out gave us the middle finger about it? Heh.But even STILL the people who are suggesting some of stuff has been done in other games.
As for japanese titles, and such. Really? Then I wish I could understand their language more. I really enjoyed Kingdom Hearts, but that’s the only JRPG I ever played.
As far as PvP goes, they have been playtesting different modes, including CTF and deathmatch. That does not mean they will make it into the game, or that it will be in a traditional form. They are fleshing out what they want to add to PvP.
I’m gonna go ahead and judge you by your question.
I wonder if Anet learned anything from all the people who got frustrated with RNG in the last several holidays and will just sell the backpack directly instead of hiding it in a box
You can buy the quaggan backpack straight from the gem store.
Good news.
I appreciate your measured responses when addressing passionate individuals.
I don’t think people would mind duels being implemented as long as they implemented measures to prevent harassment.
There is little more annoying that having someone spam a duel challenge.
are we still having this conversation?
Flame legion vs. Sons of Svanir with norn and charr caught in the middle?
Yay…finally building on the foundation while killing weeds that are choking the good parts of the game.
Look forward to the next few months with anticipation and cautious optimism.
A big war between Jormag(Frost) and Primordius(Flame)!! :o
Don’t toy with my feelings…that would be awesome, though.
IF they do it like GW1, there will be a story for characters originating from the expansion’s beginner area AND a story for those that already exist and are coming into the new land.
These two story streams eventually come together.
Right now, idk. So no, I haven’t held off on creating any classes…have all 8 at level 80
Crafting expertise is character bound, but the achievement is account wide.
Therefore, getting 2 crafts maxed on four character still makes you a Master Crafter.
It would probably be more likely that they release certain popular GW1 missions in GW2 to help tell the back story. I don’t see them creating another game to compete with themselves.
It’s an easy mistake to make when just starting dungeons, but it is a mistake on your end.
I would be fine with a suggestion to ANet that they change the names of the rare versions of the armor. But I do not think a refund is warranted as you had the ability to preview the armor and make a decision.
I’m getting that on my 7850, yea. I have a 32" 1080p display (cheap as hell on black friday, lol)
I suspect January 28th will come with the info you require.
yea, i saw that on my main character…it’s pretty awesome. Right up there with Norn doing the carleton.
Should totally use that character to make a meme. Just have “GW2? Why so serious?”
Yes, but your post was about people putting theirs up for sale and people buying them. Takes a lot of work either way.
Except if you buy gems and trade them to gold to buy the legendary. The ratio between hours spent in game to get a legendary or hours spent making the real life money to buy gems doesn’t compare at all.
So, there will be people running around showing off their legendaries that put in the work and then those who simply bought them via real cash.
I can imagine that people who worked for it in game might feel a bit cheated. All in all the karma system should provide unique rewards that are only attainable via karma. That side of the game is not used nearly enough. A missed opportunity.
It cost like $700+ and upwards to $1400 to buy enough gold from a gold selling sight to buy a legendary from the TP. I highly doubt we will see that many people who are willing to spend that kind of money
I find it quite mind boggling that anyone would spend that kind of real currency for a virtual item. Really, I don’t even believe anyone would.
Look at the portion on ZT Online. That is the most evil and genius design I’ve seen in an MMO.
Imagine if Black Lion Chests not only offered a unique award…but that there was a daily reward exclusive to the person who opened the most black lion chests each day.
Even if that reward was a mini-pet or completely aesthetic, there would be individuals who pay THOUSANDS in order to get it.
Wonderful article.
I’d love to see an exclusive account bound mini awarded daily to the person who opened the most Black Lion Chest. That sort of trick in ZT online…that’s genius and evil all wrapped into one.
I’d also like to see housing elements that deteriorate if not maintained when they DO initiate housing.
I love my skinner box. However, with games, you can always choose which box has what you consider worth while.
They should have also mentioned that a major contributing factor to whether or not people want a reward is whether or not the reward is VISIBLE to others. Sure, you may not be interested in making a legendary weapon right now…but after seeing sunrise or twilight every few days, some people start to want it.
Can’t say that I’ve noticed any drastic change when being down scaled to my 70s. Any time I’m downscaled 60 or under, I find the enemies substantially easier though.
Are you fighting the exact same kinds of enemies and struggling? Or are they using different techniques (pull, cripple, vulnerability)?
It’s got its flaws and it has a long way to go. However, I do think it has the best foundation for an MMO I’ve seen in a long time.
They appear to be getting faster with the creation of DEs, which hopefully means we’ll see more and more content in the future. I also hope they learn from the mistakes of their first 5 months going forward (I think they will).
I would like to say that while it’s great that you like the game, try to be constructive with both your praise and your criticism.
Glad you’re enjoying the game, though.
Fallout! cuz i like fallout like everyone else lol
Fallout 3 was bad and New Vegas was worse.
It’s also opposite day
My ranger’s pet bear’s name is Deathclaw.
its kinda sad that you have nothing better to do then talk crap about a game you hate rukia….if wows so great go play it and get off the GW 2 forums
If your bored at 80 level another character until future updates btw.
Don’t be rude -_-
I would like to see some of Rukia’s comments about other games implemented, but I still am a firm believer that 20 man content, if implemented, would DEFINITELY not be in the form that any raiders are familiar with. This is due to the absence of the trinity.
I’m not saying it’s not impossible. I’m just saying that it would need to be very creative, with combat possibly not even being the primary mechanic determining success.
Party chat/Guild chat being removed when I switch characters/zones/parties is actually something that ticks me off. I may make a report and send it in. Also, make a suggestion (hopefully they read it.)
I would like to see class and level (though I often switch to a different character before doing dungeons). The whole group system needs an overhaul. If it’s not addressed in their LFG update, I’d again make your voice heard.
As far as the UI, I think it’s fine. I would like the ability to switch skills around. However, I suspect it has something to do with your skills constantly changing in battle (picking up items, swapping weapons, etc.)
Direct trade is not there b/c of scamming AND adding a money sink via taxes on the TP. You can still mail with relative ease. However, if they added direct training it would either a) be used to circumvent taxes or b) have a very confusing tax code.
Inherently rewarding for console platforming fans, not so much for MMO players, where you’re hearing all the negative feedback from.
Horizontal progression IS COMING, my friend. Takes time to create.
Solanii- Sylvari Thief. Name means “nightshade”
Quivyrr- Sylvari Ranger. Self explainatory
Ignis Wyrmsblood- Charr Ash legion with a flame legion traitor father. Seriously made that backstory before I actually knew it was a choice in game, lol. Also made a charr engineer named Gear Wyrmsbane
I have 2 humans (lilith deasph and fin deasph). The last part is a made up word. Lilith is a necro (origin from bibilical text) and fin is the last of the deasph to inherit a certain blood trait.
Also have an asura mesmer named Phlucks (so glad i got that one) and a norn guardian named Kontego the Garrison (from the latin word “contego” which means shield)
I also did not post my REAL character names…just altered variants so that no one spams me or something, lol.
Some have pretty nice skins, especially pre 80. I actually use a vendor skin for my MF set (I think it’s gladiator’s with out the helm/headpiece)
EDIT: Sorry, I thought you meant HEART vendors. Yea, those weapon vendors are there just so that you always have access to a barebone weapon of your liking.
I’m actually thinking about working on the Predator. That thing looks awesome as hell. I do agree though…some look pretty…pathetic.
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