“A release is 7 days or less away or has just happened within the last 7 days…
These are the only two states you’ll find the world of Tyria.”
1. Get commander title
2. Announce raid on any orrian area/Temple clear
The only difference is that it’s in an open world.
Have a 50/50 hall and GWAMM.
I like GW2 more :/
And GW1 was amazing.
GW2 aint’ perfect and ANet keeps kicking themselves in the nuts, but it has an excellent foundation
I have 8 alts; 4 level 80s and one level 65 on his way.
Yes, I have a job…I’m just lucky it allows me to play a lot.
Why do I do it? Two reasons:
1. I enjoy testing out multiple characters and builds so that I can experience as much of the game as possible. It also allows me to understand my opponents and their strategies in WvW and PvP.
2. I enjoy PvE and play in a pretty active guild. I like the ability to bring the class that is most needed for a given situation
That’s not to say that I don’t have my favorites. For dungeons, I tend to use my guardian first (unless I’m using the dungeon to level up a character). For WvW and PvP, I bring my warrior or thief.
1. Custom Underwear
2. Bug fixes (Dynamic Event auto resets, ability to do Arah, etc.)
3. Better access to my minis
5. Get yourself something nice for Mrs. Tixx
Everyone on the forum is pessimistic. It’s the nature of us forumdwellers. If you want to keep sane, stay away from the forums
This pretty much.
That’s not to say that there aren’t valid concerns posted. However, there is far more unwarranted complaining than is needed.
I am happy with my necro, mesmer, warrior, and guardian. Haven’t gotten the rest to level 80 yet.
…mmorpg.com forum users tend to post perpetual hate for GW2.
To be fair, mmorpg.com forum users tend to post perpetual hate on almost all MMOs post-release. You’d be surprised how much vile so-called fans of the genre spew when things are not exactly as they want.
A week ago, this was the game I agreed to purchase.
99% of this game is still the game I agreed to purchase.
That 1% is REALLY pissing me off, tho.
It should cost 1-3s to invite people, at LEAST. That way, you actually care that that person stays.
In addition, guilds need more tools: calendars, member last log-in, etc.
I don’t agree…sorry.
The game has very few reasons to group up as it is.
I don’t even think story mode should be soloable…but I would concede that for a compromise.
So skill based game not so much anymore…gear based game. What a joke…
I still say that 98% of this game is skill based.
But why they added this stupid gear-based gating mechanic with such a high cost and barrier to entry…in a game with GUILD WARS on it, no less….is beyond me.
Quite frankly, I choose to ignore the higher level fractals. I’m not paying out the mouth to get gear to protect me from ONE CONDITION. Hell no.
Just ignoring the parts of this last patch that I don’t like.
Yep, ignoring it altogether as well. I will just run some Fractals with my guild mates for fun, and if I get Ascended… well fine. If I don’t… well, that’s totally fine too.
I am just really looking forward to experiencing the FotM with my friends. The gear doesn’t interest me in the least. Playing with my friends is MUCH better than any gear out there
PS. Yes, my guild is not the fastest moving guild in the world, so we really haven’t done much in FotM. There’s no race though, we will eventually get around to it
I love the fractals, by the way. The only thing i don’t like about them is that they will eventually require ascended gear.
Make sure you have HEALTHY food around you.
Also, you need to stand up for about 2 minutes every half-hour, don’t be afraid to stretch.
Plenty of water.
And don’t forget to record. Make sure your computer connection is super reliable…would suck to BSoD.
Make sure there are no new builds during your attempt…that would be a horrible way to finish.
Putting titles in addition to names would make the screen very cluttered in certain situations.
Having badges next to your name a la Exploration title, however…that would be a happy medium.
“Compare total stats of your character with full exotics, then replace the backpack and 2 rings with ascended and check your total stats. The difference is 3%”
http://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Endless_QuiverI’m sorry, but have you even SEEN the top tiered new items? Items tend to add more stats your characther then you think – it’s why with your base 900 precision, you have ~2% crit chance, while that with 1’900 you have 60+~% crit chance.
Did you just compare a masterwork item with an ascended one?
You just skipped the rare and exotic tiers…
Also, I have little time to play and enjoy fractals…I just make my own groups.
At the moment, the Ascended Tier is really pissing me off.
So I’m ignoring it.
I have no aspirations to attain it, no will to farm for it.
I’m just going to play the game like I was a week ago.
And if (or when) people start demanding I wear ascended gear, I just won’t play with them. And if everything I enjoy doing requires ascended gear, I’ll just stop playing all together.
MAYBE if (or when) it becomes easier to obtain AND ANet admits to their mistake and declares this is the final additional tier, I’ll be alright.
Until then…nope, not worrying about it. Right now, it’s the only thing that pisses me off.
Please name me 1 MMO that allows for you to change your character. For the life of me I cannot see where these race change topics come up in every mmo with the attitude that the player is somehow screwed, lied to, or cheated.
Did you have no fun at all playing up to level 52? Did you get no value at all from your play time?
TERA allows you to change race…for $25.00, lol.
I’m still waiting for name, appearance, and gender changes in our cash shop. Even just name and gender would be fine as you could just reselect your current gender so that you can go back and change stuff you don’t like.
I truly do not understand why there are not more exclusive cash shop armor skins.
Things I think people would buy:
- Emotes (imagine how selling the Thriller dance during Halloween would have turned out)
- Armor/Weapon skins (Sell the ones you have in chests on the cash shop while adding an aura or effect from those found in chests)
- Costumes
- Housing (Really? GET ON IT)
- Guild Hall decorations once guild halls are implemented
No. No. No. No.
why? Now I will agree, anything like this bought off the cash shop should automatically be account bound so they do not mess up the in game economy.
But really, what effect does this have on your game? Will someone with a Precursor best you because they have a better weapon?
I understand in game jealousy, I experienced that every time I knew the event was happening while I was at work.
Put simply,
This will have no effect on your game if the precursors are account bound on purchase.
This will give ANet another source of money.
This will make people like me, who have more money than time, a reason to keep playing.
I could purchase gems, then convert that to gold and purchase it that way, but I would end up purchasing the gold from a gold seller (like many do) and gain 4 times the value.
No, I want a direct cash purchase with ANet.
Legendary weapons are supposed to reflect some level of in game effort.
What you are saying is that if ANet doesn’t allow a method of circumventing that effort, you will threaten to purchase gold from gold sellers…not a great way of making your case.
…they gave enough warning, and there will be other events. In addition, the prices have dropped for precursors…working as intended.
If you DCed during the event, I can understand demanding compensation. If you were not able to log on during the event due to real life circumstances, then that’s really not their issue.
How would people who made the time to log on and play the event feel when they realize that they could have just participated later.
…you could just make your own group with no level restriction instead of trying to change someone else.
I’m going to have to agree. Even though I will get trolled to death by the fanboys and undercover employees posing as regular players.
This event was very disappointing. Don’t get me wrong, I like the idea of running around and trying to figure out where to go and what to do. But the bugs truly did ruin this event. Act one is still bugged on some servers and its a pain sitting around waiting for a fix. I’ve been waiting since yesterday to complete it. I get home from work today, and its still not fixed. And now people are telling me its impossible to finished Act one. The stupid NPC isn’t even spawning and I waited a full two hours.
I know the Dev’s are probably working hard on other things, but this is absolutely ridiculous.
I love this game, but I do agree; this event is really unplayable. However, calling anyone who disagrees with you a fanboy or an undercover dev doesn’t help anyone or solve anything.
Been hearing this throughout the forums, but have yet to see a source.
Where does it say that fractal levels reset? How often? And please post a source.
Did 7 different fractals so far, all of them awesomecake! Or well, hated the underwater one but still.
Even the underwater one was good. The jellyfish boss was meh, but I loved the light is safe/darkness kills mechanic
Just make your entire party die, and click “restart at checkpoint”, the hammer will be next to you and your friends
Yup, this is the hot fix atm.
…you do know you can use the mystic forge to turn weapons, armor, and food into commendations, right?
WOW, this topic got derailed almost INSTANTLY to bring a discussion that is occurring ELSEWHERE into it.
To answer the OP, we don’t have a time table, however they have stated that crafting, WvW, and various PvE formats will be given as methods to obtain ascended items.
Saw my first…
lf2m ranged dps fom2 lvl80 w/exotics only.link gear
Messaged them, asking if serious because I was on level ‘2’, was told they’re totally serious.
Haven’t seen any of that. One time I saw something similar a week or so ago and most of LA just laughed at the guy.
I’m interested to see what the higher level fractals require, however.
I don’t mind people requesting certain fractal levels. I consider each level to essentially be a new dungeon.
I DO mind people not allowing others to participate based on gear and not skill. I’ll wait and see if that happens or not.
I think that’s where they are going with this…if not, they are REALLY dumb.
I love the dungeon shuffle it gives. Adding more cards to the deck would be cool.
Or add more decks so we have different playlists to participate in
REALLY cool idea.
EDIT: Hell, have player contest to design a fractal level and add 3 that the community make to the deck.
I actually think it’s working as intended, which is also not good.
I’m sure they think that people could just hop on near the end of a level to unlock that level (which I’m sure would happen) and this was designed to prevent it.
However, I think the option for a DCer to come back in should remain. A nice compromise would be if ONLY THAT CHARACTER to enter into the dungeon if THAT CHARACTER disconnects. It would prevent people from kicking members to invite guildies/friends to finish up a fractal level and it would allow people who DC accidentally to get back in.
On the dislikes, I only agree on the Karka event and NPCs being bugged. That was VERY poorly handled and with the beta testing we’ve been through, I really did not expect that horrid lag spikes. And NPCs vital to quest not responding? come on…
I LOVE the dungeon. Sorry, can’t say it enough. TY TY TY.
My ONLY concern is the ascended gear. Granted, I will be able to afford the gear when I finally need it. However, the implications for WvW…idk. There really needs to be a method for attaining ascended gear (preferably using badges of honor). Or simply reduce the stats…the dungeon is great WITH OUT IT.
I actually prefer it. There is actually a tangible consequence that isn’t rectified simply by clicking the nearest WP.
It’s a nice blend between GW1 where wiping meant starting over and GW2 dungeons where you just click a waypoint and have repairs pretty much whenever you want.
And yes, if someone leaves, everyone has to start over. This will mean your group MEANS something. Grouping with guildies and friends is already occurring more, and pugs that stay the entire time now get to know each other more.
I like it. Not sure about the ascended tier stuff, but I do like the dungeon so far.
This dungeon is awesome. Haven’t gotten to the point where I need ascended gear yet, but I imagine by that time i’d have enough tokens.
STILL don’t know how I feel about another tier, but at it’s face value, VERY good job with the dungeon.
Actually, if you like the skins, it’s kinda worth it for the cheapest rarity.
However, the rest of the items are not worth it, i agree.
EDIT: UNLESS you value the extra inventory space…but I manage mine pretty well.
Anvil rock. Though there is a naked dance party.
you spend tokens in the middle of lion’s arch by where the lion statue used to be. The skins are cool, so if you like them go for it. The stats can be gotten elsewhere for cheaper.
If the patch poses a problem after I experience it for a few weeks, then I’ll take issue.
As of right now, we don’t know drop rates, we don’t know the alternate methods of gaining ascended gear (Crafting, WvW, merchants, tokens, etc.), and we don’t know if ANet will take measures to correct themselves a la the dungeon token update (remember how ridiculous it was at launch?)
So ANet must do a few things for me to lose faith:
1. Make an error with this patch (I’ll play through to see if the fears are well founded or not).
2. If there is an issue, not acknowledge the error (1-2weeks to acknowledge)
3. Not take steps to fix their mistake
If you’re level 80, make sure the area you are hunting in is level 55+
What part of this new patch is difficult to understand? for some people like me, grinding for legendaries is not an option and having full exotics gear is getting closer as a goal, so the ascendant tier is the new legendary tier for casual players.
I estimate I will need at least a year if not more to be just partially geared in ascendant gear.
But since I intend to continue to play even longer, I have no problem with this.In a year the bar will have moved and you will have to start grinding divine tier gear with agony mk.2 resist, or actually by the time a year has passed we will probably be on to super-divine tier with agony mk.3 resist.
The content locusts they are now catering to will NEVER be happy with just this, they will play 18 hours a day and gobble it all up in a month and whine for more.
If this really is an issue, then by all means we ( anti-locust majority) have to tell them that ascendant tier will have to suffice for the next 5 years to come.
Or else…
Name calling doesn’t bring anyone to your side…
…this post is a joke, right?
They kept the dailies the same and added something for PvPers as well…
I don’t PvP. I have 2405 achievement points…I try to do as much as I can, but this doesn’t bother me in the least.
It’s actually something GOOD that came from this patch.
Seriously, last week I held ANet on the same level as valve…idk wth happened.
The betrayed you and you don’t trust them anymore, that’s all.
I still trust them; don’t put words in my mouth or count me among those whose first reflex is to declare that the sky is falling.
This is definitely not the first time they’ve made a huge mistake.
The difference is that they have a history of owning up to their mistakes and fixing them in a reasonable time (2-4 weeks).
First, I will play the content. If it really poses a problem, then I will await ANet’s action. If they see the problem and THEN DO NOTHING ABOUT IT, then they will lose my trust.
I can understand Ascended armor being introduced with an infusion slot. It’s the stat increase that is really bugging me, now, especially since the game has been balanced for exotics.
With full ascended gear, my warrior main could tear through most classes with enough critical hits in less than 3 seconds. That’s a bit wrong.
Granted, I’ll wait to see how ANet plans on addressing these balance issues, but I think they created a problem.
Why not just have Ascended armor have exotic stats, except they also have a slot that Fractal protection can be slotted for?
Or better yet, just allow us to infuse exotic gear a la GW1 infusion, even if it’s only one piece per run.
I’m not against different tiers of armor. I’m against the imbalance that stat increases will impose.
If they do that, they also have to remove stats from infusions, otherwise ascended gear is still superior.
Also agony alone is a gating mechanic, so I’d rather remove slots and infusions completely and make ascended gear just very cool looking, with particle effects and whatnot.
It should be a sort of mini-legendary, but in the way legendaries where before this ugly patch.
I don’t mind agony being present. Spectral agony was essentially the same thing in GW1.
What I take issue with is the means by which one can defend against Agony, and that is to infuse. Infusion is only available on ascended armor. That means I must have ascended armor to progress. The dungeon itself may or may not be harder; it is simply impossible to do with out gear.
And I do agree: Ascended could just add an aura/be cool looking/add an emote/etc.
So I’m not 100% opposed to infusions; I just don’t like how they are being implemented. Again, I’ll reserve my final judgement until I’ve played through. Also, if they add another tier, I’m done. That would mean Ascended armors were not successful in bridging the gap and they are just pulling a fast one on me.
Seriously, last week I held ANet on the same level as valve…idk wth happened. My only solace is that I KNOW that they listen and that if there is enough of an outcry, they have a history of making things right. If they don’t…idk.
I can understand Ascended armor being introduced with an infusion slot. It’s the stat increase that is really bugging me, now, especially since the game has been balanced for exotics.
With full ascended gear, my warrior main could tear through most classes with enough critical hits in less than 3 seconds. That’s a bit wrong.
Granted, I’ll wait to see how ANet plans on addressing these balance issues, but I think they created a problem.
Why not just have Ascended armor have exotic stats, except they also have a slot that Fractal protection can be slotted for?
Or better yet, just allow us to infuse exotic gear a la GW1 infusion, even if it’s only one piece per run.
I’m not against different tiers of armor. I’m against the imbalance that stat increases will impose.
I’m ok with this new tier because they said it bridges the gap between acquiring an exotic and acquiring a legendary.
I will NOT be ok if they add another tier to bridge ascended and legendary. That means that they were just BSing me.
IMO, they are fixing a flaw which existed. It may not be the best way, but I’m willing to give it a go.
Good work on the ranger and necro. They still need more, though. However, I can use them in PvE a little better.
Still waiting on Heartseeker to be balanced. And eles still need much more loving.
Still waiting on the official event to start, though:
I would hate being a game developer.
Every increasing tier has better stats than the other (except legendary).
They probably thought to keep up the tradition.Which is exactly the thing we protest against.
If they keep on introducing new tiers with better stats, we´re in the treadmill.
If they stop with this tier, then what was the point of increasing stats from exotics in the first place?
To provide something between Exotics and Legendary gear to strive for that’s more powerful than Exotics and less grindy than legendary.
Frostfang Legendary Axe
http://www.gw2db.com/items/56205-frostfangCarrion Pearl Reaver
http://www.gw2db.com/items/56379-carrion-pearl-reaverStats are not identical…
You sir, are an idiot.
http://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/StormWay to use data from before the release of the kitten game.
Yup, i made a mistake…therefore I’m an idiot. My bad.
and the community shows it’s true colors…gg peeps. I’ll let you guys enjoy the hyperbole chamber.
ANet adds a tier so that people can attain stats closer to that of a legendary.
THEREFORE; GW2 is a gear grind/gear treadmill/WoW clone.
Slippery Slope Argument:
http://www.nizkor.org/features/fallacies/slippery-slope.htmlYou know, I really, really with that all this was just a mob mentality riffing on baseless assumptions, but sadly…it is not. Here is a direct quote from ANet’s blog:
The new additions in November are just the start of our item progression initiative. We’re going to add tons of new high-level content to Guild Wars 2 in the future. As we introduce the new high-level content, we’ll also roll out complimentary Ascended and Legendary items (to say nothing of the other rewards you can earn by playing the content).
It is, unfortunately, extremely clear that they are intending to keep introducing progressively more powerful item tiers.
Your quote says that they will be releasing more items of the Ascended and Legendary tier, not adding tiers above ascended; which is what people are assuming from the patch notes.
Which is why this is a slippery slope argument.
ANet adds a tier so that people can attain stats closer to that of a legendary.
You’re so uninformed. Exotics have identical stats to legendaries. Check the wiki if you don’t believe me.
Frostfang Legendary Axe
Carrion Pearl Reaver
Stats are not identical…
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