“A release is 7 days or less away or has just happened within the last 7 days…
These are the only two states you’ll find the world of Tyria.”
There is a very general problem.
You cannot have content that creates an evolving world on the one hand and make it stay forever on the other hand. It’s a contradiction. If you defeat the dredge and flame legion, that invasion is no longer there and it makes no sense to still have its dungeons around. Either evolution or persistence. You cannot have both.
I choose evolution. It means, I cannot repeat old content and it will be forever lost and only in my memory or in the history books. That’s the price to pay for an evolving world.
I don’t think people want the entire event to be left behind…but there SHOULD be “scars”.
Scarlet’s invasions are a great example of how to do this. Tequatl stays back as well, and the TA dungeon has been changed.
In addition, if a player has completed an event, specific small DEs could occur in those areas. Let’s say a player completes flame and frost. Periodically, a veteran molten shaman could ambush a player in the shiverpeaks, or a veteran molten gunner could perform the ambush in ascalon. A simple one line voice over “You’ll pay for destroying the Molten Facility!!” would be all that’s needed.
I think they are taking a step to more permanence, but need to go a bit further.
As far as the living story goes, here are my critiques:
Character Development
Dragons and GW1 Lore
Don’t be afraid to give us the juicy stuff!
Personally, I’ve been exploring sPvP (just got rank 30 for wolf emote and can now get 15slot bags for free essentially).
I’m also working on getting my alts weapons that work for them…not legendaries, though.
I help guildies and gf with dailies in PvE and also take part in new content…
Plan on working on getting my fractal level up so that I can start gearing out in ascended stuff…really, I do what I want
1. Ascended Gear WvW players need a method of obtaining BiS gear by SOLELY PLAYING WvW. You can either do that OR scale ascended gear down to exotic gear when a player is in WvW. That would help ascended items be SO MUCH more tolerable.
2.Rewards You need more skins, crafting mats, and general rewards exclusive to WvW. Defending camps should offer greater rewards. I think that using the time a player spends at a camp as a multiplier for the exp they earn would be nice (and have a max cap, of course). Also, make some titles that are attainable.
3. Anti-Zerg Mechanics I like the direction you guys are going in with Bloodlust, trying to give players a bit more power over the zergs. It’s not perfect…not by a long shot. I honestly don’t know HOW you guys can fix it, and it’s not going to be easy. I have faith tho
Thanks for the thread! Good to be heard.
I’ve JUST started PvPing for less than a month, so forgive me:
1. Rewards: ok, here’s the deal: I love hot join PvP. However, it should not be the best way of increasing in rank. I would rather have a PvP rank (earned by hot join and tournies) and a Tournament Rank (earned ONLY in tournaments). Love the locker as well. However, can we stack the items, please? And a little silver for wins in PvP wouldn’t hurt either
2. Game Modes I feel like you guys have done an excellent jobs with the release of various maps. HOWEVER, we really…REALLY need more modes. I personally think Teamdeath match is NOT a good option in an MMO. However, GvG would be great and I think Kill Confirmed (taking an enemy “spirit” after they are killed back to a point on the map for points) would be a happy compromise.
3. More Skills I think you guys mentioned something about adding more skills to the game this year, so I’m happy to wait. I’d really like to see more weapon types available to each class. You can always place some underwater weapons and give them on land functionality as well
This isn’t really an addition, but people who exploited to rank up need to be dealt with.
thanks for this topic!!
Well, there’s a lot of signal to noise here, and not a lot of it is constructive.
Anet could implement a simple “Last read by ArenaNet at XX:XX:XX on Jan1 2013” on the top of the thread.
That’s…actually a pretty good idea.
1. Customizable Guild Halls/Player Housing: There is no measure to how much these add to the game. Such a simple concept adds SO much to guild cohesiveness and player retention.
2. Risk/Time v. Reward Ratio: This needs so much work, I honestly don’t know where to start or how to fix it. The champion loot update was a welcome addition. However, it created a system where people can gain great rewards with negligble risk. Meanwhile, dungeons that may take half an hour give 1g. Props on adding gold to dungeons, but you need to re-visit how much gold each path gets. Unique rewards/dungeon chests (a la Scarlet’s TA path) with unique skins/items/crafting materials would also help.
3. Lore Presentation: The short stories for each event are AMAZING. Even more amazing is the HUGE disconnect between the atmosphere in the short story and the actual content. The game is rated T; however, DON’T BE AFRAID TO GET DARKER. Games that are rated T: (Batman Arkham Asylum, Arkham City, Portal, Infamous, Uncharted, Star Wars: Force Unleashed, KotR, GUILD WARS). You have the talent to make amazing stories…use that talent!
just wanted to end by saying you guys are doing an excellent job! It’s amazing to have an update every 2 weeks. Keep at it…I have a feeling you’ve only scratched the surface of the possibilities of GW2.
(edited by Vorch.2985)
You’d be surprised how much more active a guild can get with guild halls.
A place where you can hang out with friends that is exclusive to your guild. A place where you can actually do normal Quality of Life functions like sell items and craft.
A simple instance can add a LOT to the game.
Yep, same here, clearly 3-4 bags at end chest OP and needed nerf.
Nothing more satisfying than opening a chest and seeing zero rewards.
I’m usually not cynical and try to be optimistic.
This change is BULL. No reward besides emperyal fragments? And even then, only ONCE???? I have NO interest in ascended items…And less in non-halloween themed items
You people should have been around in 2006/2007 when Guild Wars 1 was deemed to be rubbish, dead, useless etc. etc. It’s funny to see people here harping on about how good GW1 was and then spewing the same vitriol that I read 6-7 years ago.
And LinkR got the reply spot on. Upvote for you sir.
My sig has a perfect example.
And I think that ANet does appreciate criticism. However, there is a lot of criticism here that is absolutely useless. It may be a person’s honest reaction…but it can’t be used to make the game better and, in some cases, is only detrimental. They aren’t perfect (and a certain O’Brian needs to reconsider his attitude), but I do believe that they are actually trying.
Once constructive criticism is mastered on forums, then we can move the entire community forward…
Oh wait…this is the internet.
I really don’t think death-match/team death-match would work. I think Kill Confirmed would work if you had to bring enemy “souls” to a capture point to score.
I honestly think only 3 game modes are needed. One would be conquest. The other would be GvG. And the last would have to be KotH, KC(Kill Confirmed), or CtF.
6 PvP modes a la GW1 is too much and divided that player base quite a bit.
I’d like to vent a little here.
I’ve been a PvE player since launch. I was going to try sPvP a little bit last year, but heard that it was horendous and that only 3 classes were viable in it, so I stayed away. This lasted until about the beginning of Sept. 2013.
Then, I just decided to go in hot join and see how my warrior would fare. I wanted to use mace+shield/hammer and made a pretty decent stun lock build. After a few people complained that I was just using a cookie cutter build (actually had no idea people used mace+shield/hammer), I decided to try other classes.
Atm, I have at least one viable build on each class EXCEPT thief and elementalist…those two playstyles are not very enjoyable to me. Thieves are too squishy and elementalists have very few viable stun break/stability options (i’m looking into an invuln. spam build atm…)
During my 1 month stint into the world of sPvP, I have come to see that most issues people can be summed up as follows:
1) My class/build should be able to counter any other class at any time. This will NEVER happen. This is not a fighting game or an FPS. There will be classes and builds that you struggle against…there will be classes and builds that struggle against you.
2) Not enough modes. I actually agree with this one. I do NOT think that there should be 6 modes like GW1…that fragments the sPvP population too much. However, simply having one mode will alienate anyone who doesn’t enjoy it. The PvP team has done GREAT with providing a variety of maps, but there need to be more options for playing on them.
3) Rewards area not good enough This one, I don’t understand. Do players want more PvE rewards (gold, karma, etc.)? Do they want easier ranks? I personally think that lockers should just have stackable armor, but other than that, the rewards seem pretty great. You can even make bags using glory for alts. What I WILL agree with is the fact that hot-join will rank you up faster than tourney play. I think a compromise would be the ability to rank up to r30 in hot-join and only able to gain ranks from tourney from then on. You would still be able to gain glory in hot-join, but it should not improve your rank.
I honestly play sPvP most of the time now. I log into PvE for the LS achievements and to help out with my gf’s daily. PvP may not be perfect, but it’s a LONG way from horrible.
And I doubt the patch is going to make PvP worse…
(edited by Vorch.2985)
I’m fine with lowbies as long as their gear is up to date.
Can’t count the amount of times I’ve done AC with level 35-40s who still have level 25 gear…one guardian had kept his pauldrons from character creation.
As long as you know what to do and your gear and level are up to the recommended requirements, I’m cool with anyone.
Being level 80 just usually means that your gear is up-to-date (usually).
Alt friendly in everything except WvW (ranks) and FotM (levels).
Everything outside of FotM 21+ can be done without an emphasis on ascended gear.
I have 13 alts with full exotics and some ascended trinkets spread here and there.
The only things I’d add to GW2 are guild halls, gvg, 2 more types of PvP, more zones in PvE and WvW, and more skills
The only things I’d take away are ascended statistical advantages (while leaving infusions slots in).
Other than a few stupid cash shop items (infinite continue coin, retrait stone, and most boosts), the game is pretty good to me.
if it takes as much effort as it takes for a weapon per piece… forget it, i won’t even try because it won’t just take you a ridiculous amount of time (what am i building a house irl? wtf is supposed to take 12 weeks in a video game?) but knowing how omega fugly the armor looks, no thanks, take your ugly armor and gtfo.
If it’s like Ascended weapons it will take time, yes. Effort, no.
it does take effort because im forced to do all boring world events for ascended mats when i don’t want to.
What level fractal are you that you need to farm world events?
To be honest ? All of them. It’s an RPG, right ? Normally, you try to expand your universe as time go by if you want an interesting story…
Now, the real thing is: when will we see this ?
Probably never, seeing how Anet devs aren’t working on new stuff (not a new backpack I mean).
Just wait for the next part of Living Story ! It’ll entertain you ! …for a few hours.
erm…I HIGHLY doubt that we’ll never see these areas.
The first year, GW2 has been building a HUGE amount of resources. From here on out, they can build upon a solid foundation. And we will see some new areas in the next year (I’m thinking either the Dominion of Winds or the Magumma Wastes is next)
And to give you an idea as to how huge the world is the devs get to play with…the red square represents all of GW2 (not including Mist areas [sPvP and WvW])
(edited by Vorch.2985)
I’m pretty satisfied with GW2, though. GW1 was great, but using heroes to face roll “Hard Mode” content with 3-Sabway heroes, 3-Mesmer heroes, and an SoS ritualist was a bit silly.
And I do not miss Shadowform/55 farming…I actually do like meeting people in the world
I loved liadri ;3
And yes, I do like difficult content, especially when there is easy content mixed in.
If there aren’t expansions in the works, a 4-month LS roll out of a large area would be nice, utilizing the LS to introduce us to the new content.
After the LS roll out was done, I would expect to be allowed to take part in MY story and how MY actions effect the area for the linear story arc.
I’ve said this before and ill say it again:
Not crystal desert. It’s supposed to be filled with undead and I’ve had enough.
Not zhaitan’s zombies (which are mostly human in Orr), though. These are undead from Joko’s horde. They had a lot bigger variety (human, tengu, centaur, giants, etc.)
As long as someone else in the group has done story mode, I agree.
It’s not hard. It has a medium learning curve…
I think the OP wants a boss with 1million HP to hit for 10 minutes.
Scar of Kralkatorrik. That would then lead to the crystal desert and Elona.
Or Far Shiverspeaks + Blood Legion Homelands for EotN areas.
Welcome to the grind GW2 has become.
grind? really? I haven’t grinded for my karma, and I have gained 200k (probably more then that now I tend not to look at it often) since they nerfed it. Hell right now I am getting closer to 3m karma.
Is that so?
Tell us what you’ve been doing to get to that level.
idk about him, but karma from WvW events is a very good source.
Scarlet Invasions are another.
If you REALLY want to farm karma, get to FotM level 19 and then farm odd levels 1-9. You’ll get 12k karma per run.
Champ farming is another way of gaining karma…though you can get the same from dungeons.
63k Karma is, in my opinion, not a significant time investment, especially if you play PvE anyways. It’s not “work” by any means…
Below is the wiki entry on karma. It should tell you everything you need to know. If you still find it to be too much effort, I wish you luck in your endeavors.
i agree. gonna pass on the armor
well, not getting those.
“Until now Sylvari were divided among those that followed Ventari’s teachings, and those that didn’t. +Scarlet is unique in that respect because she doesn’t do either.”+
And yet she picks a side only 1 patch after the above was said. Here’s to hoping that’s temporary.
There are other sylvari that choose to not surrender to nightmare OR follow ventari’s teachings.
Scarlet is just a psychotic soundless.
Just don’t use illusions when dragging the clones to the boss. If they are up, shatter them.
You should be fine.
Scarlet from the short story is great.
Scarlet in game is sort of “meh”.
They should really try and get the pathos from the short stories better translated in game.
I completely agree with OP’s sentiment.
Templates should be a quality of life addition. They do not belong in the gem store. If retraiting cost 7-10s when away from a trainer traits tab, that would be welcome addition to the game.
Making retraiting cost 2-3g per use? That’s not greed…that’s stupidity. I have to wonder if the person who thought this up even plays the game.
CoF path 1 is still here for you.
Indeed….but really…is it worth spending all that time in that path for those rewards? I predict this path..and I would bet all of my 8 80’s on this..that it will be even less popular than the previous F/U path…
Lol..what an utter waste of time
If reward : time ratio what you play for, there is a champion farm in Frostgorge sound. Try tarnished coast or JQ.
If you want to only play easy dungeon paths, you have CoF Path 1 and 2, AC 1 and 3, SE 1 and 3, and more.
There’s plenty of content for those who don’t want to be challenged or want to maximize their income.
CoF path 1 is still here for you.
The exclusive hairstyles/hair colors are exclusive to make-over kits and hairstyle kits.
Standard hairstyles/hair colors (of which there are numerous) are available at character creation and were included with your game purchase.
There are a few items that I did not agree with in the gem store such as the Infinite Continue Coin and the Instant Retrait Stone (which is insulting). The addition of exclusive hairstyles is really not that bad, imo…
Honestly they should make it 200 gems and infinite use. Besides that it is useless.
This pretty much.
I’d pay as high as 300-400 gems for a permanent version…no way for a limited one.
Especually when you got a Fire Sigil. They want me to buy an entirely new weapon w/o fire sigil just for 1 event?
How much does a green weapon cost? Or a rare weapon?
The biggest ones are tarnished coast, blackgate, jade quarry and a few others I can’t recall right now. But unless you’re interested in WvW you could always guest. Deleting 4 80s is a bit drastic in my opinion, well it depends on whats worth more in your opinion, time or money.
It is drastic, but pretty much the whole reason I’m transferring is because I can’t find people in PvE, nor can I find them in WvW because nobody does WvW on my server. I thought about farming the 100+ gold I need to transfer, but I just don’t think it’s worth it.
what the hell!?It cost 100+gold just for a transfer?To think it used to be free.
and thank goodness it is not free. It was so bad for the health of the game when it was free. To note, it has been known since before release that world transfers were not going to be free for long, and that it was only free while they continued working on the guesting system, and to let the players to settle to where they want to be.
Seems like gw2 is the only game with issues with free world transfer :/.
Yet the vast majority of the MMOs that I can think of charge you to move to other servers
Yes its GW2
So tell me, list the MMOs that do not charge to server transfer?
My list of MMOs that I can think of off the top of my head that charge for server transfers:
Age of Conan
Secret World
Warhammer Online
AionI can go on with more, but you get the idea. It is not “only” GW2 that charges for server transfers. I have played many many MMOs since 1999, and I have not played one yet that didn’t charge for server transfers.
I’m sure you can find them yourself?You’re only thinking about mmos that charge for server transfer lol.
You are the one saying it is only GW2 that charges for server transfers, and I just proved you wrong.
Lol learn how to read.I said only have issues but im just making an emphasis.Its not a definitive statement.
Then go ahead and name the MMOs that do not charge for server transfers, so we can get a better judgement on the effects free server transfer may or may not have on the health of a game. The games I listed, the moment server transfers became available they charged for it, and only gave free transfers when they were shutting down servers, so we have no indication what free server transfers would have done to the health of those games like what we saw with Guild Wars 2.
Well i’m pretty much sure you can do that yourself good night.I have more important things to do tomorrow.
In other words, you have nothing. Not going on a wild goose chase. When someone refuses to show proof, it is because they have none. Or you do, but the games are probably so laughably bad, or games that all of 100 people know of, that it does nothing to prove your point.
You need to learn to ignore certain people that feed off of confrontation and have nothing constructive to add.
Use blind. (Engineers, Necromancers, Thieves)
Or snare+condition damage. (engineers, Rangers, necromancers, mesmers, elementalist)
Or stability (Guardians, Necromancers, Warriors)
Or stun more (necromancers, warriors)
Purchasing Guild Halls with merits + influence + gold would be nice.
It really should be in the game by now…would have been an AMAZING anniversary gift…sigh*
I want a guild hall on an aetherblade ship.
For this skins? yes, it still works. And with the transmutation splitting, you can have the skin on one weapon and the legendary status on another.
As to what you can play that isn’t on the list, and what GW offered that GW2 does not?
- Elite areas with different rewards and rare skins that take a lot of time to get, but playing through the content to get them is fun (this one is the biggest difference imo between GW and GW2)
- Hard mode instances for those who find the current dungeon modes too easy
- Additions to story that actually require playing through involved content (versus listening to an NPC, clicking a few things on a map or in an instance, and fighting a few token mobs)
- New zones that actually have permanent things to do, that are both feasible and worth doing (see Southsun for comparison)
Also, not related to GW, but:
- Dungeon revamps that were begun with AC continuing, instead of being abandoned
Suggestion: Trade each one for 1000 karma.
Karma Sources (take your pick or any combination)
It’s not hard. It’s just not as mind-numbingly easy.
It’s for role-playing.
Pretty much this.
They wanted to expand, but didn’t want to lock people out of rewards based on the choices they made.
It is worst. I think they’re using some AI from a game released in the 70’s or something. But then you look at gw1 and that game was better at everything compared to gw2 so yeaah. At the same time, this kind of AI and lag (how many games currently released drop to 10fps?) are unseen for a game that was released so recently.
Everything? Like the marketplace that didn’t exist? The bridge bug where you couldn’t fire arrows at something on a bridge? The lack of crafting (if you like crafting Guild Wars 1 certainly wasn’t better).
Everything about Guild Wars 1 wasn’t better than everything in Guild Wars 2.
Lol crafting. Do you mean that ridiculous mini game that is forced on you so that you would hopefully buy money in order to craft ascended gear?
Before ascended gear crafting was completly useless except for leveling up your character (or very rarely making little money from tp). Now its a crappy, boring mini game that you have to play if you want competitive gear.
Kind of off topic…
But without a durability system that causes your gear to be eventually be unusable and unrepairable, crafting in most games is “pointless” at endgame.
GW2 crafting being usable as an extremely effective method of leveling up is probably one of the best utilization in a game that does NOT have a system that renders your gear unsustainable.
Also, cooking, bag crafting, and consumable crafting is a very good way of making money if you know which ones are most popular. Hell, I made 7 gold profit making potions of undead slaying (strong and potent) since the tequatl event started.
Also, from GW1, I loved trapping on a bridge and hitting people UNDER the bridge. That was fun.
However, being scammed in Spamadan was never fun.
In GW1, did you need Superior Runes of Vitae to play in DoA, UW, or FoW?
In GW1, did you need to grind title points to literally have PvE skills become more powerful?
- Yes.
Did you need those title ranks to participate in UW or FoW?
- No.
Did you need high Sunspear/Lightbringer titles to get into DoA groups?
- Yes, actually. r6/r8 or above was the desire, if I recall correctly.
Did you need high EotN titles to get into Dungeon pugs in GW1?
- Yes, especially Hardmode.
Because it’s not like GW1 had elite instances and hardmode which people completed without PvE skills before EotN, right?
Pretty sure hardmode came out after EotN…
I do wonder why the UI isn’t more scalable and customizable.
I can choose to make everything smaller, but you really should be able to remove the things you don’t want with the option to bring them back. And it seems pretty simple to do.
At this point no1 but Vayne is happy with the direction gw2 is taking. For casuals its getting too grindy, for ‘hardcore’ audience there’s absolutely nothing to do but wvw (who the F wastes time on old boring dungeons to gain 1g per run lolz). So, anet, what’s up? Where you going with this game? Can i please have my original gw1 team back and send the current team to build Zerg Wars 2: Facebook Edition?
No one but Vayne is happy with the direction this game is taking. Really? No one. How about Vayne’s wife. There’s two right there. Immediately, you’re mistaken. What about some of Vayne’s guildies. We do have 120 people in the guild and most of them seem to be happy with the game.
What you’re really saying is players who want what you want aren’t happy. Players who want very specific things may not be happy. But for people who do a bit of everything, I’m not so sure that there’s much of a problem.
Absolutely no one but you, im sorry. Its just impossible to like their direction you know why? Because it leads nowhere else but gem store. Do you buy games to wait twice a month new gem store items as ‘new content’ while nothing worth mentioning is added to pvp/pve? They’re adding nothing else but items to their shop and a generic quest for 120 brand new hot n exciting achievements with every single patch for how many months now? I don’t even know anymore and don’t care. What do you think will be added next patch? I’ll use my crystal ball, gimme a sec!!! at least 10 new n hawt gem store garbage, generic quest that makes you WP across the map, ~20 new achievements and some crappy weapon skins. This is your next patch, enjoy.
I like the game and the GENERAL direction.
Most people on the forums, even the angry ones, like the game.
However, every patch is not for everyone. Those who the patch did not appeal to tend to get upset.
And I like how you say nothing worth mentioning is added to PvE/PvP. Short of scrapping both modes and starting over, I don’t think anything added would appeal to you.
Just as nothing can make Vayne truly upset, nothing can make Nuka Cola truly happy.
I love watching you two quote each other, btw.
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