Showing Posts For Wukunlin.8461:

Reporting two lovely mates

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Wukunlin.8461


send the names to anet support with the relavent time and see what they see fit to do about it.

Oceanic [LOD]

Are tanks viable, or does DPS reign supreme?

in Guardian

Posted by: Wukunlin.8461


The problem with tanking is: no matter how tanky you make yourself. in a lot of dungeons you will die in a couple of hits anyway.

Oceanic [LOD]

Need Help for a Fractal Build

in Guardian

Posted by: Wukunlin.8461


Generally in the 2x guardian setup in fotm you want:

-an AH guardian with high sustain and high toughness for aggro control in certain encounters (works in the 4 mobs room in harpy fractal and grawl shaman, others may or may not glue to you). Typical build:;4NFF40L3sF-90;9;6TT9;453A16A5;0U-k6;2CqNYCqNYm-kg0-R7;2V1W6XAYEZL4Sa-o-G-2ix

-a dps guardian to do damage and cycle defensive utilities with the AH guardian. Use GS to pull mobs behind WoR or into LoS spots. Also useful blind spamming at trash mobs. Typical build:;4NFF40L3sF-90;9;5T-T9;159A;116A5;05RV0;2udbTudbTm-FvcF35;31061B2E3M4Ra-o-G-2if

These builds, especially the utility slots, are just guidelines, definitely feel free to refine for a build that suits you better and suitable for the encounters

edit: oh pffft obal’s guild already has everything lol

Oceanic [LOD]

(edited by Wukunlin.8461)

Loot blocking the 'Leave Instance' button

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Wukunlin.8461


It also makes sure people get spiders all over their face after doing TA F/U

Oceanic [LOD]

Fractal attitude

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Wukunlin.8461


I don’t like kicking people either, and I never have. But looking back on all those wasted hours, I really wish I did. Obviously not just for playing a certain profession, but for gameplay or attitude.

Oceanic [LOD]

Solo Viable?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Wukunlin.8461


Yes, and if you have the money you can actually get to max lvl without killing a single mob.

Oceanic [LOD]

Any trick to get Fotm weapon skin?

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Wukunlin.8461


@OP, there is no tricks, just keep doing high lvl fractals until you are blue and then you may get a skin you can’t use

RNG sucks, that’s all it comes down to. I had a stretch of almost 2 months doing 48’s and 38’s daily without a single weapon drop. Then 3 in 2 days. It is pretty infuriating when you have a friend that get’s one every 2-3 runs.

I would say it’s more infuriating when “I’m healer/disruptor” Warrior gets one after he has told you how you bring nothing to the group.

such ungrateful dps’ers, don’t you know how many times I saved your life by knocking mobs out of those corners?

Oceanic [LOD]

Guardian Healing... Pacepalm

in Guardian

Posted by: Wukunlin.8461


lol so i just dinged 80 and decided i wanted to become a healing guardian and yes yes i know arena net butchered healing in this game but i thought a guardian with full healing gear would be decent… but after running a dungeon i realized its so weak loosing 50% crit chance and crit dmg for a pi pool of healing that only helps on trash mobs is rather insulting.

Its a real shame because i played a monk in gw1, paladin in wow, cleric in rift, healer in every single other game ive ever played, yet in gw2 it just feels pointless and weak to me to the point you may as well not even play it.

Doubtful but i hope one day they give us a proper healing build that actually heals, i miss the trinity i really do, mass dps does not satisfy

my whining about pugs would also go down by at least 50% if they can see the same things you have.

Oceanic [LOD]

Remove PvP in WvW

in Suggestions

Posted by: Wukunlin.8461


You don’t understand.

wow…. I do now.
Very well played.


Oceanic [LOD]

Loot blocking exit dungeon button?

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Wukunlin.8461


cookie beat me to it but still


Oceanic [LOD]

Fractal attitude

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Wukunlin.8461


uh oh brazil is here, I’ll be good now

Oceanic [LOD]

Healing Builds

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Wukunlin.8461


I guess the difference is I was using it on pugs where you are teaching guildies interested to learn. In that case we can agree training wheels are beneficial

Oceanic [LOD]

Fractal attitude

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Wukunlin.8461


Can’t you Fear them against corner or something? That at least sounds useful to me.

pretty sure you can but from gameplay videos I’ve seen the direction feared target run to seems a little more difficult to control. Hmm, maybe I can go into a coe myself and test with fear me

Oceanic [LOD]

Healing Builds

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Wukunlin.8461


guys, be gentle

It’s really weird for me when I see berserk guardians. If I want to do it berserk way, I play my warrior. If I want to play guardian, I like to dedicate myself to be best supporter you can get, even though my damage is crap.

It’s not so weird if you think about it this way. When you wear berserker armor your support skills and traits are still there. You can still use them, but your damage goes up a lot more from gear.

I will share my point of view when I tried to play a babysitter healer ele:
I have amazing burst heals, I can get everyone from near death to full health if with my water magic. But… with a good group that knows how to dodge and how boss mechanics work, I rarely need to use him. So all that healing = useless. But if I get a group that takes damage often, I use them frequently so that’s good right? No, when I’m healing people I deal almost 0 damage. And those people in low health starting running around like headless chickens so they don’t do damage either. The fight drags on, people keep taking unnecessary damage and die. In other words, if a group constantly needs healing, heals won’t save them. Killing things faster for them, on the other hand, can end those encounters faster or allow them to rally.

Oceanic [LOD]

We need a new achievement.....

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Wukunlin.8461


that I can explain, I experiment with different key bindings all the time so my interact button has been moved around a lot. WASD has faded heaps though

Oceanic [LOD]

Blue flamed Torch

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Wukunlin.8461


doesn’t the sylvari T3 torch have blue flame too? The torch itself looks kinda lame though

Oceanic [LOD]

We need a new achievement.....

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Wukunlin.8461


how my 5yo $10 dollar mouse is still fully functional after playing this game for almost a year is totally beyond me.

Oceanic [LOD]

Boon duration on a zerk guard

in Guardian

Posted by: Wukunlin.8461


I don’t think might from VoJ and EM last long enough for it to be worthwhile to invest in boon duration. flat stat increase from ruby orbs, or even better scholar runes (+10% multiplier if you can maintain >90%) would help more.

Oceanic [LOD]

People say my problem is NOT a problem . . .

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Wukunlin.8461


keys do drop from mobs but they are rarer than exotics

Oceanic [LOD]

Fractal attitude

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Wukunlin.8461


Oh definitely, a fractal party can be effective without any heavy classes. The problem is for various reasons certain classes tend to be played by people that likes doing stuff making the run more painful

Oceanic [LOD]

Ideas to improve torch

in Guardian

Posted by: Wukunlin.8461


The way I see torch right now, #4 is like warrior’s offhand sword, first part adds some conditions and the second part hits hard and scales with power. #5 I see it as a condition cleansing skill with some bonus damage so if I use a torch as soon as the conditions are cleansed I interrupted #5 and go back to dpsing

having said that, I don’t usually use a torch, focus is just too good of an offhand

Oceanic [LOD]

(edited by Wukunlin.8461)

Remove PvP in WvW

in Suggestions

Posted by: Wukunlin.8461


WvW is there for PvP, end of story. This suggestion is like telling people to remove meat dishes in a steakhouse.

Oceanic [LOD]

People are doing this on PURPOSE!

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Wukunlin.8461


stupid question but maybe you already looted the chest when you looted the boss’s corpse?

Oceanic [LOD]

Are tanks viable, or does DPS reign supreme?

in Guardian

Posted by: Wukunlin.8461


In PVE, tankiness is more or less used as training wheels. There are some encounters where toughness works for aggro control but that doesn’t always work.

In all the PVP contents however I heard survivability means everything

Oceanic [LOD]

Help me improve my Sw/Sh+GS build.

in Guardian

Posted by: Wukunlin.8461


I think 10% against burning foes is more beneficial than shattered aegis. Since you are running Sw and GS you can also consider running blind exposure for vul stacking to squeeze out more dps.

20 point in valor, well I personally prefer putting these 20 points elsewhere, either in honor for empowering might and superior aria or virtues in for consecration and absolute resolution. But this is more to do with personal preference. In valor, consider strength in numbers for group toughness bonus.

Oceanic [LOD]

Zephyr Rucksack Skin

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Wukunlin.8461


going to be using them in jumping puzzles from now on

Oceanic [LOD]

It is too hard to earn gold - A serious post

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Wukunlin.8461


It may be difficult to get gold in this game but I think the real problem lies in that it is more difficult to get actual items so you need a lot of gold to buy things

Oceanic [LOD]

People say my problem is NOT a problem . . .

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Wukunlin.8461


there some goodies you can get from them… but a lot of the stuff are junk to me

Oceanic [LOD]

People say my problem is NOT a problem . . .

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Wukunlin.8461


yes it is really strange. chests are worth a couple of coppers each. a pack of keys would cost several gold

Oceanic [LOD]

The Mysteries of Simin Solved?

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Wukunlin.8461


there was also a bug I heard from a former guildie that the cages can disappear altogether. I’ve never heard that one anywhere else so it is either fixed, exceedingly rare, or they were doing something REALLY wrong.

Oceanic [LOD]

Loot blocking the 'Leave Instance' button

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Wukunlin.8461


2 ways to get around it:

Go to character select and join back in again.

Move your minimap to the top right corner of you screen, although if you do this it feels like the world will explode

And now I cant move it back down to the bottom.kitten:<

when you hover your mouse on the minimap, a black panel appears on the right side of the minimap with some icon. Click on the black panel without clicking on the icons, you should be able to drag it back down.

Oceanic [LOD]

Fractal attitude

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Wukunlin.8461


And it is funny people start talking about the “use” of fear…

How many times have you seen a bunch of mobs coming to a nice LOS spot and gets feared all over the place?
How many times have you seen mobs get fear through a wall of reflection so people have to go the other side to kill it under the fire of ranged attacks?
How many times have you seen lava elementals get feared out of shield of avengers?

For me, too many times already.

Oceanic [LOD]

Fractal attitude

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Wukunlin.8461


Why? Isn’t it the perfect weapon to quickly apply lots of conditions and tag lots of enemies?

perfect weapon to quickly apply lots of conditions and tag lots of enemies

tag lots of enemies

I’m sure that isn’t what you mean but saying immediately make people feel you are leeching. You just opened a truckload of wurm cans.

Oceanic [LOD]

Untamed Wilds for Norn Warrior?

in Personal Story

Posted by: Wukunlin.8461


if this is the same boss I’m thinking about, yeah it is pretty stupid. Melee is almost impossible for 2 reasons:
1. you get almost permanently knocked down
2. if you push it against a rock it immediately resets, and in melee you naturally push mobs around

I did it by using a bow and constantly move side by side, dodging when necessary. Stamina signet should help if you are running into endurance issues.

Oceanic [LOD]

Fractal attitude

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Wukunlin.8461


Tl;dr the “non-trinity” classes aren’t inherently bad classes. They just attract more bad players than the others do because bad (for GW2) players think staves and bows are the coolest, always.

I didn’t read the whole post but from the tl;dr and the first few sentences you are pretty much spot on.
Ele viable in speedclears or solid fractal team? hell yeah
ele who camp staff and water attunement? nty

Oceanic [LOD]

PSA: Don't skip the risen in CoE.

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Wukunlin.8461


Same with the norn in the snow fractal.
Once you beat the ice elemental theres 3 groups of norn and their pets.
They drop good loot too and t6 mats but everyone is skipping them…

I remember those, the loot used to be much better. People stopped killing cos the loot got ninja nerfed a while ago

Oceanic [LOD]

Fractal attitude

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Wukunlin.8461


oh I thought cookie meant fractals in general, nvm :P

Oceanic [LOD]

Fractal attitude

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Wukunlin.8461


I can’t agree with that. Everything becomes giant health sponges at higher lvls dps matters ALOT. Trash mobs also start to hit like a truck so a messed up LoS can easily cause a wipe. The last thing you need in fractals is tanking. 1 necro in fractals is okay for the blindspam on trash mobs. guardian blindspam starts when the first of the mobs start dying so a thief/necro to start the blinding before that is nice.

Having said that, I’ve seen exactly 1 pug thief that uses blackpowder when doing trash. The rest either camp shortbow or D/D for their OP backstabs.

Also, rallying by killing is the best way to revive in fractals. rooting yourself in one place to rally someone will get you killed 7 times out of 10

Oceanic [LOD]

(edited by Wukunlin.8461)

Fractal attitude

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Wukunlin.8461


Why does it seem that people are more tolerant of non-max efficient team compositions in fractals than ‘regular’ dungeons? Is there just simply something special about fractals that allows for a broader range of classes/builds to excel?

it is not as profitable (a lot of the cases not profitable at all) so harder to find groups, therefore less picky.

Oceanic [LOD]

The Mysteries of Simin Solved?

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Wukunlin.8461


I threw up a little thinking about how many times you did the grenth fight over the past few days

Oceanic [LOD]

1hSword/shield plus spirit weapons?

in Guardian

Posted by: Wukunlin.8461


even back when they were indestructible they don’t do enough to justify the slots they occupy

Oceanic [LOD]

Fix Mortar elite!

in Engineer

Posted by: Wukunlin.8461


only use I see in mortars is against world bosses that spam fear. Otherwise, it may as well not exist

Oceanic [LOD]

People are doing this on PURPOSE!

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Wukunlin.8461


yes they work on chests.

Oceanic [LOD]

1hSword/shield plus spirit weapons?

in Guardian

Posted by: Wukunlin.8461


isn’t there a trait that doesn’t destroy the weapon when you use command?

Oceanic [LOD]

Candidate Trials tier 4 solo perfect score

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Wukunlin.8461


I didn’t watch the vid but I think by perfect he means none of the treasure got taken.

Oceanic [LOD]

Fractal attitude

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Wukunlin.8461


played with 2 necros and 2 thieves yesterday.

never again

Oceanic [LOD]

1hSword/shield plus spirit weapons?

in Guardian

Posted by: Wukunlin.8461


Aside from the spirit shield for anti projectiles in pve, spirit weapons are garbage in general.

There are some dps builds using 1H sword as primary weapon. generally x/30/0/30/x. Either 10 in zeal for 10% damage against burning foes or 10 in virtues for consecrations.

Oceanic [LOD]

Your a noob if you dont use sceptor?

in Guardian

Posted by: Wukunlin.8461


I do think the staff is barely ranged and barely a weapon (the damage is that bad, I only use it for kiting, running, stacking my sigil, and the empower). But I also think you met some spoiled insecure kid playing games past his bedtime. Like the other guy said, don’t let them ruin your day.

Oceanic [LOD]

Guardian changes 7/23/13

in Guardian

Posted by: Wukunlin.8461


lol more guardian buffs. Not that I’m complaining

Guardians really deserve this buffs, the number of counter guardian skills existent in this game are alot wich one of them can put the guardian insta downed if you run under ~17k health in one hit…

P.S i still want a buff on shield of the avenger :P

what’s wrong with SoA? other than the artificial stupidity of pets in this game

Oceanic [LOD]

PVE DPS build

in Guardian

Posted by: Wukunlin.8461


Few questions:

-why binding jeopardy instead of 10% damage against burning foes?
-why sigil of earth?
-why not use a lvl 80 upgrade on the backpiece?

Oceanic [LOD]