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Goodbye My Lover; Goodbye My Friend...

in PvP

Posted by: XGhoul.7426



if ruby is full of garbo ...

in PvP

Posted by: XGhoul.7426


OP doesn’t get it.
It’s not about leagues, it’s about having fun matches and the feeling of progression. Both of which are very sparsely seen this season for the majority of people.

Currently, it is also the case that ego-boosting win streaks happen at the cost of less experienced players. This should not be the case as it will drive away new players and slowly but steadily kill pvp (even more).

The devs are having some issues that Wildstar also had (not only pvp, in general). It seems that they are catering more and more to a minority of people at the expense of the majority. Taking all the feedback from hardcore players whilst ignoring the casual fanbase is rather alienating.

Since the release of HoT, Anet is really not doing a good job in my opinion. They axed Colin for it – let’s see what happens next.

Share you opinion, flame if you feel like it, either way is fine for me.

Here’s the issue in why both systems don’t work (and I have 0 clue on how anet can fix this). We had this “close game” system last season (not fully tested without all the exploits that happened early) but more experienced players were frustrated by having to play matches close to their skill level early at amber, meanwhile average joe plays his “even” matches even if they are of poor quality from an experienced players point of view, so you have 2 types of players reaching top tier: the people that shouldn’t reach it and people that worked harder for it.

Personally this current system is too extreme because more experienced players don’t really feel like they are playing a competitive match (I personally felt like playing less because it feels like a glorified unranked system in terms of the opponents you face). So in the end, is there a solution? Likely not, the previous system definitely looks better, but it would be the same person that would cost the game for more experienced players in team play. The real challenge anet has is making matches competitive while still not letting un-experienced players get carried through ranks, which I think is impossible, might as well swallow the pill that the game is extremely casual, I have.

Statistics on your last 10 games

in PvP

Posted by: XGhoul.7426


Over 450: 1
400 – 450: 3 (one of these doesn’t do it justice, since game timed out at 474-439)
300 – 400: 2
200 – 300: 2
100 – 200: 2
Less than 100: 0
Highest losing score, don’t know how to check, am dum. (I won my past 10 in a row?)

Comprehensive dream balance patch

in PvP

Posted by: XGhoul.7426


I was bored today so I typed this up on my phone. Sorry for any typos.
I went through every trait and skill and I did almost exclusively nerfs. I would only suggest these nerfs as a whole. If any of the changes to the classes happened individually the class would be dumpstered. The goal of this was to balance things and help deal with some of the massive power creep that has occurred in this game. These changes are only for pvp/wvw not pve. It’s quite long

• Hammer #2-#5 10% dmg nerf
• Electro whirl: cooldown increased to 8 seconds
• Rocket charge: now only has 2 leaps instead of 3. The 2 leaps will travel the same distance as the 3 hits but only evade for 2/3 the duration.
Shock shield: no longer does dmg, block duration increased by 1 second, still applies vuln CD increased to 24 second
• Thunderclap: 28 second cooldown
• Healing turret: exploding the turret has a 25 sec cooldown not exploding still has 15 sec CD

delete the last remaining heal for engi seems fair without seeing the consequences for it.

• Elixir B: retal decreased to 8 seconds
• Slick shoes: my least favorite skill in the game, cooldown reduced to 30 seconds. This skill can now only hit a player once
• Elixir x rampage duration decreased to 11 seconds
• Bulwark gyro CD increased to 25 seconds
• Sneak gyro: cooldown increased to 50 seconds, ½ second cast time
• Gyro detonations now cause reveal to the engi
• Function gyro now only resses at 50% speed of a player.

here comes the funny part!

• Aim assisted rocket now travels at half speed
• Bunker down: bandages now heal for 400 baseline
• Protection injection: projection now lasts 1.5 seconds
• Self regulating defenses is no longer affected by elixir traits (doesn’t cure condition and doesn’t have increased activation time, and doesn’t have reduced CD)
• Perfectly weighted: 10% dmg increase on hammer. Hammer cooldown decreased by 20%
• Recovery matrix: duration decreased to 4 seconds
Rapid regeneration: swiftness now heals for 55 base and superspeed for 300 base. They can now both overlap the heal
• Adaptive armor: max stacks 5 100 per stack duration 8 seconds. A stack is earned each time an attack is blocked (reflected does not count)

I’m only going to highlight this hilarious “dream patch”

Glad you made some of the engineer changes first because the rest of the list seems bad, and like any other player, the problem with engineer stems from the bunker down trait which is more passive than scrapper. You.. .tried?

(edited by XGhoul.7426)

Working as intented.

in PvP

Posted by: XGhoul.7426


Found the problem!

You are playing theif.


Skyhammer Design Discussion

in PvP

Posted by: XGhoul.7426


Delete skyhammer, bring back raid on the capricorn, just fill the water up with sand

Druids - wtf

in PvP

Posted by: XGhoul.7426


Use hydromancy and time your burst hammer 2 (mid-animation) into egun 4 so your damage is more consistent and you control your burst, unlike the meta rng procs that could go off at the wrong time.

Hmmm. While I do do this, I havn’t tried hydromancy. Might give it a go.

The only thing you have to practice with it is not randomly blowing your hydro proc when you swap to egun, so try to keep an internal timer or a feel for when it will be back up.

Druids - wtf

in PvP

Posted by: XGhoul.7426


You have multiple CCs. Warhorn 4, Staff 5. CC them during Tides of Rejuv. Corrupt Stab works too.

So necro again? Sigh.

Use hydromancy and time your burst hammer 2 (mid-animation) into egun 4 so your damage is more consistent and you control your burst, unlike the meta rng procs that could go off at the wrong time.

S2 From a High-Level Player's View

in PvP

Posted by: XGhoul.7426



Average players that got carried into legend last league, well deserved, gg.

Whoever decided this system, needs another job, or fire the person that wanted this to be the end all be all system.

(let me preface this as I continue my ruby farm, )

This system is a joke, and it obviously isn’t working correctly, why should 1 player shoulder the weight of 4, I wont bring in screenshots, but if this gets the devs attention, then kitten your matchmaking tbh

S2 From a High-Level Player's View

in PvP

Posted by: XGhoul.7426


It’s sad how season 2 was meant to promote more players to play in it, but instead did the opposite.

gem store pip protector / guard / shield

in PvP

Posted by: XGhoul.7426


Besides the people that go for 20-50? loss streaks, bless you. KappaFace , this actually seems like a good idea! ANet should implement it now!

Best soloque carry class in your opinion?

in PvP

Posted by: XGhoul.7426


Scrapper by far, given that you can even troll 2 good players shouldn’t really happen (happened in proleague finals), hopefully anet nerfs it and addresses either rapid regen or bunker down (hopefully both) as long as every other spec is also looked at in how they are also successful and if other classes are brought up, wait, who am I kidding…… this is anet.

S2 From a High-Level Player's View

in PvP

Posted by: XGhoul.7426


Definitely agree with OP, I think the current system is good, just implemented poorly because players did not start in higher divisions. From my own personal experience, I don’t necessarily find winning 10-15 games in a row fun when the opposing team had 0 chance to win (this is also the reason why when queues were atrocious in legendary last league you could’ve played unranked but those matches are boring because you were stomping out people like now).

I initially laughed in my first 3 games when I was in a SUPER stacked team facing nobodies and smashed through it, it only took me 3 games to see how this system is terrible for new players and average people in general, the damage is done, people likely won’t touch pvp anymore because of this and I am baffled the devs didn’t see it coming.

Diamond Trolling High Rubies

in PvP

Posted by: XGhoul.7426



another matchmaking post...

in PvP

Posted by: XGhoul.7426


If you were matched with the same players for 2, 3, 4+ queues you could’ve just been patient for 5 mins and done something else so their queue can pop and you can not get paired with them again, I know, genius rite?

One pip to player in loser team with top scor

in PvP

Posted by: XGhoul.7426


Since tie games are few and far between (I can probably count my own with 2 hands since release), maybe it’s time to do away with the scoreboard.

Show me the mmr

in PvP

Posted by: XGhoul.7426


it’s not hard, you already have the mmr, translate it into a numeric value if it is not already and print it to screen.
i don’t need to understand the logic, just the value.

My quote was when mmr was volatile, why they would not do it now is beside the point.

small side note: I assume the dev is managed by upper management because he hasn’t made a comment in almost a year, when he was actually very active on forums.

Work hard is nothing

in PvP

Posted by: XGhoul.7426



Show me the mmr

in PvP

Posted by: XGhoul.7426


Going to share a private message I had with one of the devs two years ago, when they were probably more responsive from personal pms

“I don’t recall why we don’t show MMR, but the algorithm is fairly difficult to understand. I’m sure I don’t even fully understand it, and I’m still working on that. That said, my default position is for transparency because I think trust in our systems is critical.”

I won’t call out the dev that gave me this reply, but I asked why mmr wasn’t shown through private pms on the forums 2 YEARS ago.

The Season 2 Emotional Support Thread

in PvP

Posted by: XGhoul.7426


Lost a 12 point game because I was playing drunk, sorry team.

I Survived Amber And Only Got This....

in PvP

Posted by: XGhoul.7426


Probably ambers that are really close to emerald, same thing happened to me when I was almost sapphire and got queued into games with ~7-8 sapphires in them.

Win = 0 PIP [Merged]

in PvP

Posted by: XGhoul.7426


stop farming stronghold as a legitimate gamemode would be a start /s

either blowouts or steamrolls

in PvP

Posted by: XGhoul.7426


and so i was right.

see the amount of qq of low mmr players in the forums XD

got ’im

ESL players providing balance guidance

in PvP

Posted by: XGhoul.7426




Fix your matchmaker! Season 2 edition

in PvP

Posted by: XGhoul.7426


I believe the system is making matches in favor of a high stacked experienced team vs a team stacked with not experienced people (sometimes 1 or 2 shuffled in the losing team), just as people have long losing streaks, these also happen as well.


The best way to farm Season 2?

in PvP

Posted by: XGhoul.7426


Would the best way to farm Season 2 just be running a 4-man team?
The positives:
You are getting pooled back into soloq players which may or may not be coordinated + shorter wait time.
You will never face a 5-man team (because of the solo player you pick up randomly can’t face a 5 man)
The only other matchup which can ruin your farm would be another 4-man or a good 2+2/3+1+1/3+2 but you only really lose if they are more skilled without requiring any team coordination. (leaving out 1+1+1+1+1 since I’m going to assume 4 coordinated people can’t lose to pure solos)
The (only?) negative:
The random person you pick up is an anchor, but given the overwhelming positives, it doesn’t seem you’re losing much since you can’t farm solo players if you take a 5th.

Balance + Pro League Class Stacking

in PvP

Posted by: XGhoul.7426


I expect other rules in the coming months, like forbidden traits or skills, restricted profession/amulet combo, anything to compensate for the complete lack of balance.

By the way, today is one of the 8 days anet discuss balance in a year. Morning is dedicated to watching season 1 finals. Afternoon is for analysis and, if time permits, some number tweaks. And please, don’t feed them bananas or peanuts, they need to concentrate.

What I expect:
- DH —> Increased trap damage and invulnerability duration (0 DH in finals).
- Druid --> Increased pet damage and immobilize on pet’s auto-attacks (1 druid out of 20 spots).
- Thief —> Increased staff damage coefficient, energy regeneration and mobility.
- Mesmer --> Halved CD on Signet of Humility.
- Warrior —> Bugfixed tooltips.

Crossing fingers

You’re kittening delusional, learn to read animations over l2p

send me your drugs;
I want to experience nirvana

ESL Finals: Supreme Win

in PvP

Posted by: XGhoul.7426


Finals could’ve been better for 2 reasons: shoutcasters were calling bad 1v1 deaths because they are oblivious to what was happening in the minimap when there were obvious 1v2 deaths with quick rotations, 2nd: the camera management overall was A.I.D.S. (throughout the entire event, I assume it was jebro; it was that bad) and made what should’ve been fun matches to watch, really bad.

When Season2 will start ? [Question]

in PvP

Posted by: XGhoul.7426


The way I see it:

in PvP

Posted by: XGhoul.7426


Wrong sub-forum, bring it to wvw or pve discussions.

More Matchmaking Tweaks

in PvP

Posted by: XGhoul.7426


You can’t really cherrypick views off twitch to mean anything, there was a semi “popular” streamer pulling in 8k views on his own today for super mario 64, twitch views don’t correlate to anything.

If the twitch viewers peaks and lows are incidental, sure. But they arent. GW2s lack of popularity on twitch is an ongoing thing. Its pretty much the least popular “big” MMO on twitch.

In a game that aims to be an esports title this is catastrophic.

Except the devs themselves (or their new team) haven’t stated they wanted to go esports. I’m all for going in that bandwagon, but gw2 has already proven itself to be a niche for some people. I’m still baffled by this “esports” statement because they are being sponsored , meaning, no money came from their dev team or their actual budget is being spent on esports, be a reasonable person and think about it more. Re-read my last sentence before a response. I’m not trying to defend them by any means, but being reasonable is one thing, and raging over a company trying to esports is another thing, ive been very critical of ANet over certain issues regarding balance, but I don’t know how “eespurts” got out of hand.

(edited by XGhoul.7426)

More Matchmaking Tweaks

in PvP

Posted by: XGhoul.7426


Everyone within the community knows that a rated q break for this long literally destroys the quality and popularity of pvp atm.

At this very moment GW2 has 73 twitch viewers. And no, off hours are no excuse when other MMOs have 1000’s of viewers at that same moment. When games that arent even out in the west (Black Desert) have 10 times the viewers during non beta weekends. GW2 is even less popular in terms of twitch viewers than low quality f2p options like APB reloaded.

A game that could be top of the heap brought down by mismanagement. Its sad really.

You can’t really cherrypick views off twitch to mean anything, there was a semi “popular” streamer pulling in 8k views on his own today for super mario 64, twitch views don’t correlate to anything.

This amount of downtime, is pointless, I’m not playing until the next “season” and I know alot other people doing the same, unranked is just boring, it was pretty fun to mess around for a week or so, then it turned into snowballed matches or getting destroyed, and nobody is tryharding unranked, that’s what scrims are for.

I dare you to play Non-Meta

in PvP

Posted by: XGhoul.7426


I assume people want the illusion of playing easier builds means they can do better overall, but actually, you can run the scummiest? build, but your rotations make up for the lack of skill, which is all this game sums up to, sure, specs are overtuned, but only in the top end* then you can blame it on class unbalance. I have played on other accounts and can attest to the mouthbreather status that “scrubs” rage at, but I don’t get it.

To sum up OPs argument, are you a top 10% player? Probably not. Should ANet fix balance based on these players and be held accountable for it? Yes. Unfortunately, we won’t see a balance patch until after the S1 Finals, which might end up being whoever comes up with the cheese spec. (debatable, but meh)

Scrapper New Meta

in PvP

Posted by: XGhoul.7426


season finals will have 4 classes, We will see all the 4 top teams abusing double revenant. guild challanger qualifier will have 5 classes. we will actually see good balanced games here. They still didn’t decide on season 2, but they will see how terrible the season final will be with every team having 2 revenants.

I hoped this wasn’t the case, but that’s a kittening shame, unless the “balance patch” addresses this, which is unlikely. wow.

the balance team and upper management only have their heads to hang in shame, what a joke.
edit: I should say now, may the best cheese win, because double stacking 1 class is going to make the finals “interesting” to watch

(edited by XGhoul.7426)

[Vid] Unranked in a nutshell

in PvP

Posted by: XGhoul.7426


Ranked doesn’t solve every problem (it just reduces the number of “boring” matches) people still play bad in ranked, but unranked is it’s own “special” place. It’s hard what differentiates bad players from good ones, but the only things off the top of my head are target priority, disengaging fights, map awareness, rotations, and then you can go on about player skill if it is is average. I think people are forgetting how bad people play in ranked too, but they aren’t as blatant as some unranked matches, which some people only play, which is fine, but we all have to drink the dank koolaid to play with them.

Scrapper New Meta

in PvP

Posted by: XGhoul.7426


I’m surprised scappers don’t drop inventions for tools because:
-Adrenal implant now stacks with vigor up to 100% endurance regen (basically old vigor). Stack this with energy sigil and you now have perma- pre-nerf vigor.
- Traited toolkit is a 3s block on 13s CD, and the point-pressure from nails and pry bar are real.
- Takedown round is passive damage, which is the foundation of gw2 combat now, or otherwise streamlined kits works very well with heal-on-swiftness

yup, tools is essential for wvw roaming, but the med kits are excellent sustain that is hard to overlook, plus mecha legs is anti chill. investions is debatably better on point, but I run both in different engi builds.

still, B over TK never flew with me.

This would be the obvious engi throwback back to rifle, but it still lacks a nice recovery which hammer is outperforming, not sure if anet can fix it besides nerfing core engi traits and further gutting the class. Toolkit has been strong and the reason why most engi’s were running it before HoT, (before soldiers engis) let’s just say, it didn’t pan out how ANet thought.

Scrapper New Meta

in PvP

Posted by: XGhoul.7426


No class stacking in ESLs isn’t really a band-aid for me. There would always be more optimal builds to be stacked, champions/heroes in MOBAs would be stacked too in many cases if you could get more than 1 per team. This rule is just a obvious thing for me.

So you want to acknowledge double profession stacking is fine because there is no balance to check it since they are optimal?

He’s just saying that in any battle arena type game, when it comes to ‘picks’ there will always be rules in place to mitigate potential balance issues.

Whether it’s a picking/banning phase, a rule that only one instance of a type of class can be brought, – really it depends on what makes sense for that game.

Not so much saying class stacking is ‘fine’ more like saying it’s a separate issue than what rules are good for a competitive and fun game.

Probably should’ve been the rule from the start, even if balance is flawless at the time, it will always vary heavily on the current patch in MMOs.

Yeah, actually don’t disagree with anything you said, and actually saw what rym was trying to explain.

Scrapper New Meta

in PvP

Posted by: XGhoul.7426


No class stacking in ESLs isn’t really a band-aid for me. There would always be more optimal builds to be stacked, champions/heroes in MOBAs would be stacked too in many cases if you could get more than 1 per team. This rule is just a obvious thing for me.

So you want to acknowledge double profession stacking is fine because there is no balance to check it since they are optimal?

Scrapper New Meta

in PvP

Posted by: XGhoul.7426


so dont get me wrong rev is still strong (in the same tier as thief now), but all things considered it’s folly to say thief is “irrelevant” when it can outperform revenant as a power DPS slot.

Agree to disagree, I’d run two Revenants over a Thief any day, and I think every pro team would say the same, until I see otherwise

Obviously if it will be a 4 class stacking rule, which is still a bandaid fix for things not being brought up, rather than rant ill say, it is frustrating. (which we know isn’t at the balance devs hands)
edit: Should’ve mentioned 4 different professions per team, but my point doesn’t really change

Implementing restrictions to teams is a lazy excuse to shave off specs that outperform others.

(edited by XGhoul.7426)

Scrapper New Meta

in PvP

Posted by: XGhoul.7426


Well scrapper is definitely good, but dps rev are the new thiefs with more damage similar survivability as scrappers…

Not sure if you’re delusional or your abysmal engi plays made that statement, thiefs are more relevant now due to the new class stacking rule because anet can’t balance(anymore if a class is overpowered).

Only 3 things for balance

in PvP

Posted by: XGhoul.7426


It’s hilarious how people don’t address the obvious problems with scrapper sustain, which never happened if you ran hammer/(traits): alchemy/scrapper/x) the first problem came from Bunker Down: this skill in itself produced medkits up the kitten , this needs to be addressed because the amount of sustain that you get from that made up scrappers sustain to the point where I could spawn double bunker down medkits at full hp, and freely pick them up. Start with a shave to the cooldown on bunker down and watch how fast engis die, then work on rapid regen, I’m almost baffled at how badly people think one trait makes a profession this strong.

Then again I’m not surprised when people yell “dmg is too high” “well people are running power/crit based builds and expect them to hit like wet noodles”

Best Bruiser?

in PvP

Posted by: XGhoul.7426


From my own personal perspective, probably scrapper.

Might as well say that paladin’s buffed scrapper beyond their initial “nerf” of adaptive armor, so that they are even tankier than pre-nerf adaptive armor which I find quite dumb.

scrapper & necro too strong. ele=dead

in PvP

Posted by: XGhoul.7426


engi above necro, u wot m8?

You Should Apologize for Season 1

in PvP

Posted by: XGhoul.7426


Well, stronghold farming 3-4 min games will still exists in S2, so there’s that….

Can somebody explain this stupid decision?

in PvP

Posted by: XGhoul.7426


Because then it would be OP, you should be glad you don’t lose lifeforce when you are out of combat similar to how a warrior loses adrenaline.

Finally Champion Brawler?_?

in PvP

Posted by: XGhoul.7426


grats marvin, still cant compete with the first person na (/eu/world?) that did an average of 30+ games per day at a 50% win ratio, he is the 50% win ratio hero we need now though, sadly he quit/plays on and off for the past 3-4months :\.

edit: small sidenote on the first champ brawler, at least 98% of his games were soloq, I don’t think there will be another person with that much dedication to win/lose that much or be as salty

(edited by XGhoul.7426)

What'd you do if you were president of ANET?

in PvP

Posted by: XGhoul.7426


If I were The Queen at ANET;

I’d minimize the Pro PVP. It’s a non productive burden at this point, The money would be much better spent hiring several devs to help shore up critical areas.

My media policy would be to make no statement or promise that had not already been implemented. ANET’s credibility gap would be a priority concern for me.

The devs would need to be looked at very carefully to determine if personal agendas are overriding the team agenda of improving the game.

At least my lead devs would interact on forum, every business day. I’m aware that this would be non productive or even counter productive sometimes on a micro scale. The benefit would be that it would demonstrate to the players that the company was listening. More importantly, it would demonstrate that the company cared.

I’d re – establish GW1 as a design model. GW1 is still going strong and self sustaining. Clearly it’s getting a lot right.

GW2 has so much potential, if it can be saved from itself.

This money was already stated as a promotional thing from esl, none of it came from gw2/anet pockets (I still get a chuckle from the people that think they do), so I’m still confused why people think this money is anet pouring their souls into esports when esl is fronting the bill, it’s almost like people lack basic comprehension.

You can’t reintroduce a dedicated healer into guild wars 2, hence my succinct description of “Guild Wars 3” bring back skill shots in the game and give it the guild wars 1 gamemode with a gw2 facelift.

What'd you do if you were president of ANET?

in PvP

Posted by: XGhoul.7426


Make Guild Wars 3.

Druid will destroy spvp after 26th

in PvP

Posted by: XGhoul.7426


I tried hard not to laugh, but druids are going to get eaten alive, once they cant hold let alone win 1v1s in the upcoming (imo) meta.

(edited by XGhoul.7426)

LOL this Pro league

in PvP

Posted by: XGhoul.7426


So you want “pro-teams” to not run the best/optimal builds but troll themselves for viewer entertainment? That won’t happen, I honestly have been watching the last few pro leagues na/eu just for twitch chat. The devs already know how bad the balance is once they wiped out bunker meta completely and barely touched engi, and made necro god mode almost (I can go on with ele, etc.) The only team I could say went full yolo was zero counterplay in na, they had nothing to lose bringing in subs and had 0 chance, I don’t actually blame them playing yolo comps, at least it was more entertaining than seeing a terrible meta unfold. To address your last statement? I have 0 clue what you are trying to say. I think they were actually trying to have fun in what each person mained in over the tournament, since it is over for them.