Krall Peterson – Warrior
Piken Square
Until you find out it’s gated on AR
Also the math isn’t cumulative like that. It essentially can’t be the stat difference, it’s not significant.
Agony is most likely the way they’re going to gate it, although I expect OUTRAGE.
The other possibility is that “Ascended Gear Required” is a PR lie to make raids sound more hardkore.
They have already stated that Agony Resistance will not be needed.
Not sure what game you were playing >.>
Max level 20. Easy to buy top tier gear. Skills were bought, quested for, or captured quite easily.
Your play skill and/or build and group make-up determined how far you could go in the PvE content.
Lets see:
“Lets go back to GW1, they touted Skill > Time”
I suppose we are ignoring the fact that this wasn’t really the case in reality?
Well, basically yes? I can run, shoot a bow, ride a bike and swim, but will never be called into the olympics or even the national respective championship team, so I have not made a career out of either. So why should I continue to play GW2 at all if it is already set in stone that I will never reach the best stuff and content if my time schedule does not change and I personally change from average sportsman to world class athlete?
As you see, this is your argument turned around. Both views are possibly right from a certain angle. The important part is probably how raids will sell, as it is the case with almost everything that is produced by a company.
But what about the current content that some people might not be able to do for one reason or another? Should they remove that as well?
So you are basically saying: Because they are adding in a minuscule part of the game that is not specifically catered for you, there is no reason to keep playing? What about the 99% of the game that is not raids? Will they not count? Why should they only ever cater to the very lowest level? Heck, I will probably not be able to do raids (I don’t even have close to full Ascended Gear yet, despite playing more or less daily since release) but that doesn’t mean I am going to rage about them adding it for people that will be able to do it.
Yes Krall, lets give everyone everything and completely negate the entire reason to play what so ever. /sarcasm
Seriously, no one asked for, or even implied, that. Quit shoving words in other people’s mouths because you can’t comprehend the basic point being made.
But, people are complaining about having to “work” a bit do to a minuscule part of the content, wouldn’t that suggest that we should all just get everything for doing whatever we want. Otherwise we have to “work” in order to get it, and that is apparently a big no-no.
People are also ignoring the fact that the reason to play for some people is specifically to get better and complete very hard content?
I think too many people forget this. Probably because many play the game 40+ hours a week like it is a job.
So, why not give everyone everything for just simply logging in then?
It is not a job after all, thus everyone should just get everything from the start, right?
Maybe because it is a game and not the olympics?
Maybe because Anet needs many people to play GW2 and buy items in their shop, not a wasteland with a few really skilled people?
Maybe because it is fair?
Maybe because second class players are first unhappy and then former players?But just go on with that arguments please. It argues much better for my points than I ever could.
So because about 1% of the game is too hard for some people to do the game suddenly turns from a game to the olympics?
Raids is a single VERY minor part of the game. The vast majority of the content will still be fully possible to do for everyone.
Fair? So someone that plays for 10 minutes a day should have the exact same things as someone that plays 10 hours a day? Why should anyone bother playing any more than 10 minutes a day if everything could just be done and accessed with that time?
They have not released any information yet. It seems more like a long term goal rather than a rush for a week or two and have it all done kind of goal.
After reading stuff like this: Are you still excited about raids, casual player community? Ready to add work after coming from actual work? Exciting times!^^
Why does everything have to be doable by everyone?
I doubt ascended is needed for their stats…. (could be wrong , but I don’t think anet will make it such an indepth stat check to beat raids lol….)
Ascended will probably be needed because (this is just a guess) they are tied into masteries which BOOST/CHANGES how ascended gear will function in raids….
either that or its gonna be an Agony resist/ new infusions check….. but I doubt it will be stat related check.
Already confirmed to not be Agony.
I worry that elitists will demand FULL ASCENDED ARMOR when in reality the benefit of adding ascended armor (to someone with ascended weapon and trinkets) is <2% damage output.
I am not really sure that raids were ever supposed to be pugable anyway.
This is what was said in relation to the removal:
The entire current line of finishers will be removed from Upgrades after this week, so this is your last chance to purchase them directly using gems.
I for one think it was rather clear that they would be obtainable another way from that statement. Heck there were people speculating minutes after the blog post that they would come back as BLC items. So clearly there were others that thought the same.
in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns
Posted by: lordkrall.7241
I may have missed it somewhere but will the new legendary weapons be more powerful than the current ones or are the 3 new ones just new skins with the same stats? It seems kind of ridiculous that it would be the same because those of us who already have them only have the new armor to work towards.
They will not be more powerful. There will never be anything that is more powerful than the current Legendaries.
and thats the main problem with ranger and their pets since release….
people choose them cause of the skin
why anet dont you detach pet skins from their skills?
Because having a pig flying around breathing fire would be very weird?
Yes, they were there before HoT was announced. But they Trait system was changed AFTER HoT was announced, and thus we already knew about the Elite Specs and could save up points after unlocking what we needed/wanted from the core lines.
The trait system was changed on June 23. That was about half a year after HoT was announced.
Existing could do it as well. We knew about Elite Specializations before they changed the trait-system.
^ Since they are not stronger than the standard one I really don’t see why there would be an issue there at all.
Aye, if you play enough. But how will you know if the MMR you see is from someone who have “played enough”?
I didn’t say that it doesn’t mean anything. I said that it doesn’t NECESSARILY show how good or bad a player is.
Someone that ends up with bad teammates and/or against pre-made groups could easily have a rather bad rating, despite being a rather good player. And someone that tends to end up in good groups or against bad groups can have good rating despite not being especially good him/her/itself.
It would be really useful to tell apart the people who know their stuff and the people who pretend to, though.
Rating doesn’t necessarily show that though. One can have really bad rating but still be a good player, just like how one can have great rating but have no clue about how to play.
No, the Elite specs are not stronger. They are different, but not stronger.
You don’t have to use the Elite spec specific weapon by using the Elite spec, but you do need to use the Elite spec in order to use said weapon.
That is assuming you buy every single thing, rather than getting them yourself. Heck, even if you just get parts of it yourself you cut the price quite a bit.
I also got the impression from the stream that you would basically reuse the first part for the later parts, and thus it would probably only have to be built once rather than 3 times.
People are overestimating the amount of gold required. The majority of the collections are about doing stuff rather than buying stuff.
Aye, if you have bought HoT you will be able to use them directly in sPvP.
ArenaNet Forum Communications Team Lead
“There are no plans to allow a complete removal of the reminder, but I’m told you can hit play directly and not deal with the reminder at all.”
This is no longer accurate. You can’t play the game until you select one of the two options.
Are you sure? Checking the Play directly box should skip the launcher more or less completely and thus also the reminder. I can’t verify though, since I care enough to have my account secured already.
Here is a picture that points towards the information available in-game:
in Account & Technical Support
Posted by: lordkrall.7241
Support won’t give you a free transfer.
You can transfer for free if you delete all characters, but other than that there isn’t really anything that you can do other than buying a transfer with gems (which can be bought by in-game gold if real money is an issue)
We just told you exactly how to join it…..
Are you even reading before responding?
You don’t need to give them a phone-number. As pointed out both earlier in this thread and to you in another thread that was linked there are other options.
I have 2-step authentication and I have never given them my phone number.
You might not be risking other’s accounts but you are very much risking our enjoyment by risking getting hacked and used for gold-spamming and/or hacking.
No, since you are actively risking the enjoyment of others by refusing to secure your account they should ask you to do it every time.
Then you simply have to live with it.
You might not care if you lose your account. But the rest of us prefer to not have hackers and gold-spammers everywhere.
There is an option.
Active another form of 2-step authentication.
Well what else is there to do? Should ArenaNet simply drop all their planning and scheduling to cater to her? What about if they do that and then someone else points out that they won’t be able to join the new time? Should they change time again?
Once again: There will ALWAYS be people that miss out. That is just how the real world works. Simply have to accept it and move on.
1) Go to Heart of the Mists.
2) Queue up for Unranked.
3) ???
4) Profit!
(It also says this in the top right corner of your screen)
Well, that is not what you said. You said that they should not have BWEs every second week, which we corrected since it was false.
Sucks to be her I suppose, but as pointed out earlier in the thread they can’t really build their schedule around every single person in the whole world. Someone will always miss out.
But we were discussing “Dedicated healer”. Support is more than healing.
Not all conditions are doing damage, thus cleansing those aren’t really healing but rather support.
what’s wrong with a beta week, or maybe switch up the interval, maybe not EVERY SECOND WEEKEND, why not every third, or maybe add an extra weekend in the middle I don’t know something that would not exclude weekend workers totally
Because feedback needs to be checked during the beta events and thus having it going on constantly for a week would be very expensive and kitten the company?
They have not had BWEs every second weekend. More like once a month. The first one was August 7-10 the second was almost a month later September 4-6 and the last one will be on October 2-4 which is almost a month after the second one.
Ah, my bad. There are a few skills that does not have offensive components. They do have more than healing components though. At least Healing Rain.
Is it even legal to work three 12 hour shifts in a row?
There will always be people that can’t access time limited stuff. If they were to take every single person in the world into account they would never be able to do anything unless it was permanent.
How would you call a guy that sit 100% in water attunement wearing nomad’s gear?
Not to mention the fact that most skills do more than just heal. All of them have an offensive part to them as well.
If goldsellers and spammers can get around it, can’t you get around it as well?
It will only be unlocked at lvl 80. The character in the video is downleveled as seen in the bottom left of the screen. Otherwise it would not have access to basically nothing more than the first three weapon skills.
Leave it to Anet not to understand what the problem was in the first place!
Wasn’t the problem that it was totally RNG and no story whatsoever behind it?
I would say this seems to show rather clearly understanding of those problems, since they are removing both of them.
Where do people get all these “massive grind” parts from? Based on what we saw yesterday a THIRD of the Journey is tied to materials, while two thirds were more about doing stuff (not repeating stuff, doing different stuff).
Wait, so the whole complaints is about having to wait 20-30 seconds between sending mails..? Really?
Can the restrictions between mutual friends be lifted at least? I mail stuff between my alt accounts and main every day. The suppression means everything takes much longer. I mail then read a book for a few minutes. Mail, read the forum. Mail. Read some more….. It’s ridiculous that there are no exceptions for party members, guildies or friends.
And a change like that would make it completely useless, seeing as that would let gold sellers completely bypass the whole restrictions.
It will be every bit of grind and repetition required to maximize the chance of someone giving up and just paying cash for gold to buy one off the TP.
People keep changing the definition of grind basically daily it seems.
What, based on the information we saw on the stream, would be considered a grind for that Precursor?
As far as I saw, there were mainly: Run around and do these things in these different places. That is basically the opposite of grinding the same mob over and over and over and over and over again.
You have never heard of a “Dedicated healer” lmao
Yes, I have heard of a “Dedicated healer”. I have played other games than GW2. But there is nothing in this game that is a dedicated healer.
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