Krall Peterson – Warrior
Piken Square
These experience boosters are consumed immediately
why? what’s the thought behind it?
“ok, let’s quickly finish my daily” -> great, now I get +50% xp while just standing in Lions Arch to chat with someone or while I need to be afk for 10 minutes, without wanting to log out
The thought behind it is that people shouldn’t just do the daily and then walk away.
If you really want to kitten players desires you would do an actual poll before making such decisions. I’ve got some sympathy for the argument about moving reset away from when you are actively patching HOT but its clear the player base doesn’t like it on the whole.
And yet a poll wouldn’t give a true view either. Data does give unaltered information that is not biased about people being kittened off at the moment. Poll results might not.
“however they also implied that Gw1 servers would be completely wiped, yet haven’t been.”
Where did they imply that? Because I have never heard anything at all about that, and I have been playing GW1 since soon after release and still play it now and then.
I was under the impression it can’t come back because some changes in the core game weren’t mirrored in SAB.
This is indeed true. At least until they have the time and resources to put a bunch of people working on rebuilding it.
I have never disconnected during a Living Story instance.
Except that those first three days (well, drunken friday night included) is the weekend. You know, when we are supposed to enjoy our free time that we can spend on gaming?
If they want to avoid weekend as a first push, just put reset in the middle in the week instead (wednesday/thursday). But not smack in the middle of the frikking weekend, sigh…
I am aware that Friday to Sunday are weekend, you are however making a mistake thinking that everyone only works on weekdays. Not that it really matters, since that wasn’t really the point.
The point was that we have seen for quite some time that many match-ups are “decided” within those first 3 days, because those are the days when traditionally most people can play for extended amounts of time. Something that people have been complaining about since release more or less. Moving the reset slightly so that people won’t get all those days at the very start of the match up, could thus lead to more long-lived balance in the match ups, which should combat the issue of people giving up on Monday.
Like I said, time will tell. Why not give it a couple of months and see before deciding that it is apparently the worst thing ever?
Exactly, nobody wants this yet the devs shove it through our throats. WvW devs seem to have lost all touch with the community. What a sad day it is.
I don’t know.. I have heard plenty of people talk about how pointless most match-ups are on Monday/Tuesday because during Friday evening to Monday morning the gap between the servers have been made too big due to some servers having more people.
Putting reset on a Saturday instead however, would mean that they cut the time in which such difference can happen quite a bit, which might very well lead to match-ups being interesting for a larger part of the week instead of just the first three days.
Time will tell.
Another rather major thing that was mainly for WvW: Removal of culling.
^ Having a few people running in front of the zerg and thus triggering the traps without the main group getting hit?
The same thing can be done without the stealth as well. Not to mention the fact that you are actually revealed when you are trying the place the traps. But I suppose we are disregarding that slight piece of information?
When are people going to supply actual examples of all these massive amounts of retcons being made everywhere all the time? Becuase people bring that up rather often, but I have never really heard of any actual example. Maybe it is just simply a matter of people thinking that moving the story in a way that they don’t like is a retcon?
The only retcon I can recall is the calendar one. Is there anyone else that I missed?
It is also a safe-guard against things going wrong.
Lets say they released Halloween on Tuesday. Something in that patch broke something so badly that a HoT-launch on Friday would be impossible. That would be a complete catastrophe.
Sure, this might very well lead to MORE issues with the update, but at least the update will launch at the stated date. A rocky launch is forgotten rather fast, a missed launched is remembered forever.
A lot of it is still missing or we would have seen more stuff datamined.
Possibly, or people are simply decent enough to not spoil things.
I don’t doubt that there is going to be a rather large update coming at release to add in the last things, but fact remains that we have been downloading content for it for months.
We have been downloading HoT for the last 9 months more or less.
But depression and suicide is still something that is talked very little about in the world at large. Sure it might be some extra in the military due to reason (it is however very silly to compare a modern military with one that is more comparable to one from 500 years ago). This is not a real-life military simulator, it is a fantasy game.
There is plenty of seriousness in the story, you just refuse to actually see it. There have been plenty of examples in this thread alone that you seem to just outright ignore.
If i read correctly, you will also be required to participate in PvP to acquire the Gift of the Mists?
This game is officially becoming, “Play the game the way WE want you to play.”
Or rather the game is becoming: “If you want a legendary, which is suppose to show ability in all parts of the game, you have to play all parts of the game”:
And how often, in the real world, do you find people openly talking about depression and suicide?
That is wrong. It does not depict bipolar disorder. And depression is different from bipolar disorder.
Beyond that there are at most 5ish instances of extreme emotion cited. Which means either the general populace is extremely aloof or for the most part we are shown only the happy people.
Depression could be a result of bipolar disorder.
And since you keep ignoring the questions I will give it another try: How often in the real world do people shout about depression and suicide?
in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns
Posted by: lordkrall.7241
+1. Seems odd to get a new class and no slot for it.
But before you are too critical of the Anet way of doing things, reflect upon the fact that they are much, much better than some of their competitors!
We didn’t have one slot per class at release either.
So basically: You don’t want this system, but you also refuse to use the other ways available to bypass it?
Fun fact: Did you know that Guild Wars 2 was originally meant to be an expansion for Guild Wars?
That is not strictly true. What was true was that there was an campaign in the works named Utopia, which was scrapped and then reused for Eye of the North and Guild Wars 2.
The chronomancer for example was originally planned for Utopia, so where the Sylvari (but under another name) and the Asura.
We have been downloading the expansion for months already.
Did you buy a pre-order or a pre-purchase? Only the pre-purchase gives the title.
And yes, as soon as the expansion is released people that have bought the expansion will be able to explore the new maps (although if going by the beta there might be a small instance in the Silverwastes to do in order to get access).
“This is probably the main reason why condition damage builds don’t get made because they are boring because with the execption of torment there are NO interesting dots in the game.”
Which game mode do you play?
“and some encounters may even REQUIRE a member of your group to dust off that toughness gear to bulk up and tank some heavy hits to protect the condition-build players in the back. "
Interesting how you choose to focus on one specific word, when there is another, just as important, word more or less right next to it. I have bolded it for you.
As far as I understand it you will need to own the expansion in order to do the claiming part. After it is claimed however I believe there is a button on the guild tab that will directly teleport you to the hall, which would make it possible for non-HoT owners to access said hall after it is claimed.
I suppose we are ignoring the arguments that:
1: 2 minutes is a rather short time.
2: Stealth breaks when starting to fight.
3: A bunch of mesmers can already do the more or less the same thing as this, and clearly it haven’t been a major problem yet.
How empty are the low-level core zones right now?
How often is suicide shouted out in the real world?
It happens on a daily basis, and yet most people don’t know about it, because it is such a natural part of the world.
And yes, depression rather clearly DO exist in Tyria, but as have been said earlier in the thread depression doesn’t have to lead to suicide (and quite often do not, in the real world).
(edited by lordkrall.7241)
in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns
Posted by: lordkrall.7241
There is not gate. You can go in and do if in Mastercrafted gear if you want to. You probably won’t win it without at least Exotic, but it is not actually gated. Something being gated would suggest that you NEEDED the gear in order to even access the content.
These are all ways to combat condition damage on thief.
The main way to avoid conditions (or any damage) though would be not getting hit. Something that thieves are rather good at with their easy access to Stealth and teleports.
It is because those are already unlocked. And the price reflects that.
Wintersday != Christmas.
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If a server can get “much further than it really should” due to having players during the “night” that would suggest that the opposing servers simply aren’t good enough.
I have been in plenty of match-ups where the enemy have gained a rather good lead during the night, and yet at the end of the day the other servers had caught up and often also bypassed it.
There is no beta test going on at the moment and won’t be one before release. So you have to wait until the 23rd.
From a lot of your posts I get the feeling that you’re some low-ranked Anet employee that hates the playerbase and uses this account to bring down other opinions.
Or just a brownnoser.
Or maybe I am just realistic and understand that ArenaNet is a business and thus their first and foremost goal is to make money?
But of course, not bashing ArenaNet or the game is not allowed on these forums.
I believe the official story is basically: The Pact knew about it, thus the Commander knew about it. It basically happens off-screen in the current version of the LS.
where i havent seen this yet
During one of the livestreams at TwitchCon.
So Anet should never create new armor sets? That seems rather extreme.
That is not at all what I am saying (or even implying). But a suggestion like this would need ALL the items AT ONCE, and creating 90 armor sets (and then we also have 6 parts per set so basically 540 unique pieces) would take massive amount of time and resources. Especially considering that it is more than we have gotten in the way of armor since release.
And unless people were willing to pay extra for all that work, they would have to take that money and resources from elsewhere.
Not sure where you got the *2*5 from, but what I’m asking for is 9 new armor sets.
And I’m willing to pay 0. Same amount I paid for cool armor sets in every other MMO I’ve ever played.
*2 for genders, and *5 for races. Or should the armor sets only cater to people playing male human (or whichever you play)?
And how many of those MMOs did you play for free after initial purchase?
^ So basically: Not being able to effect the “real” match-ups at all and thus be completely “useless” to their guilds unless they play during prime time?
So basically creating 90 (9*2*5) completely new armor-sets?
How much are you willing to pay?
this is technically true that someone else’s day is someone else’s night however this is NA servers not global servers so there is a night
So, only people that live either in Europe or NA should matter?
What about the rest of the world? GW2 is a global game.
Players: We want more references to GW1 lore!
Anet: Just kitten their lore up EDIT: *further.
So… what is this “kittened up lore” people keep talking about?
What in this blog post did even remotely, in any way or form, kitten up GW1 lore?
“I’m not looking for an answer like, “No, you should play what you like to play, there is no best spec.””
So you basically only want an answer that say: Yes they will replace the old ones?
Like SERIOUSLY?! It starts OCT 18TH in GW1 but they have it start the SAME day as HoT in GW2?!
The one in GW1 is also fully automated and will be exactly the same as it have been the last 5 years or something like that, with basically no human interaction needed at all.
So basically: Everyone that pre-purchase the expansion will be able to completely by-pass a somewhat large thing coming with the expansion (precursor crafting)?
If you want to buy a precursor/legendary you can buy gems and convert them to gold and buy it form the TP.
Because if they release Halloween on lets say the 20th and there is some massive unforseen issue that makes launching HoT impossible, that would be extremely bad.
Releasing them both together on the same day on the other hand, removes that risk. Sure there might be MORE issues, but people will forget about that a few weeks after they are fixed. A missed launch on the other hand, will never be forgotten.
They’ve already ruined the Exlated. I would like to find out some info for myself IN THE ACTUAL GAME.
Who forces you to read the blog post?
Not to mention the fact that we had plenty of lore on the frogs before the BWEs and yet there were still plenty more to find out when we actually played. Why assume the same isn’t true with the rest of the races?
Until it is confirmed, it is an assumption.
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