Arise, opressed of Tyria!
Arise, opressed of Tyria!
the term juvenile brown bear (change colour of the bear to your situation) is not a rang or status, but it is the default name. You can change the name by pressing K, then click the Quill icon before the name and pick your own name. Keep in mind that petnames have to follow the naming policy. So calling your bear something obscene could get you in trouble
Arise, opressed of Tyria!
Only one can be applied. Wich one is more beneficial depends on the stats, but in general gems can also go on e.g. an earring, where a only goes on weapons, so they are in general better, for example, an orb (max tier gem) gives +2% crit damage while a superior Sigil of earth (max tier) has a 60% change on applying a 5 seconds bleed when dealing a crit. The bleed is bout 10 times more effective compared to the general +2% damage.
So without the stats and numbers, sigils are more beneficial then gems.
Arise, opressed of Tyria!
Yes it can be 4 times the same shortbow. Yes you can mix rare and exotics (but makes sure they are all level 76 or higher), there is no consistent data if it reduces your changes if you mix exotics and rares or use only rares. Both would make sense.
Arise, opressed of Tyria!
very short answer no.
The miniature is an item and not a pet. You can sell it to others (except the soulbound ones you got for CE or HoM rewards). Proper consistent naming is important with tradable items.
Arise, opressed of Tyria!
It replaces the enitre skin. The skin itself is a preset skin (so the same for all guild weapons and it has the guild logo on it:
The same goes for guild armor:
(the armor pieces are applying these skins on your chest-armor, the rest stays unchancged. The backpacks go into the back slot and come with their own stats, so it’s not a skin, but a back-armor piece).
Arise, opressed of Tyria!
Good to know, thnx.
And what sword does this skin belong to?
Thats Dawn of rage (the precursor to make the legendary greatsword Sunrise)
Arise, opressed of Tyria!
There are a lot of renown heart npc that sell them for karma after you finished their heart. The stats differ from one to the other, so best is to look them up, to get one near your level with the stats you want: (click the name of the vendor to see a list he is selling and what the stats are)
Arise, opressed of Tyria!
If the reports and the wiki is right, then 100 coins won’t be average for getting the 77 coins. With a 33% change of getting it out of the recipe it would mean that the average amount would be 77 times 3 is 231. though it might be a good advise to get the ingredients with bulks of 50 at a time (cause you need the claw of jormag meta DE and it has got bugged, this way you don’t get too much wasted resources if your lucky. Off course, when you got 75 clovers after the last batch, then 8 of each would be enough).
Arise, opressed of Tyria!
Yes I did, like stated before, do not fight, the OP has asked advise, we both know that it is a matter of opinion, and, so please stop acting like a teenager that wants to have a bigger weener and agree to disagree like presented before. The OP have seen your point and have seen mine point in the end it is up to him to decide. Don’t act as a troll please, cause you are not helping the OP this way. end of discussion???? Thank you!!
Arise, opressed of Tyria!
If we are talking bout the same 8600 GT card, this one only has 256 MB (graphical) memory. The minimum requiremend is 500 MB (but thats a minimum). So I think you need to upgrade your graphics card. The other components are ok, but also far from optimum. So depending on your budget, for 50 euro/USD you can get a new graphiccard that can replace your old one with results that give you a fair change of winning. However, if your budget has room for it, you might consider tackling it all at once and have an optimum gaming experience (btw has a sweepstake with a nice graphic card as a giveaway).
Optimum would be:
8GB ram or above
quadcore CPU 3 gHz or higher (the last 2-3 years I really prefer Intel above AMD)
VGA-card with 2GB RAM
and off course better mainboard and a powersupply that can handle it all.
Arise, opressed of Tyria!
Like bing said, There are very legitimate ways of going from a to b very fast. I never have played the Thief, but do nknow the shadow stepping off the sins in GW1. The ele has also a teleport skill (ride the lightning).
so to explain a bit more like the second. This skill does teleports you almost instantly from A to B. It doesn’t give an unfair advantage when walking (the distance it can maximum go is pretty short, and the amount of time to go from a to b when just walking with the ele skill windborn speed is roughly the same cause that one last longer, giving a smaller speedboost but over a longer amount of time.
The skill has also a limitaition that you can’t use it to skip blocks in the terrain (you won’t go through rocks, and when trying to cross a gap you end up at the bottom of it).
Last off al, out in the open, if you use it keep in mind that the end effect is that you deal a short range aoe damage, so you risk agroing foes in your path or at the end (foes are like arock, you wont go through them, so it ends earlky and you end up agroing them.
so beside in a real fight or when running through towns/jumping puzzles, this skill doesnt give a benefit.
To do what you are describing to have an unfair benefit you need to hack the game. This is very hard, very traceble and not really worth the effort for the effect your get (shortcut to a single node or a single skillpoint).
I therefor are (respectfully) sceptical bout your claim that the person was cheating and I think you only saw a skill you misunderstood but that doesn’t give an unfair benefit
Arise, opressed of Tyria!
Well the wiki is not saying that it is soulbound or characterbound. So if the wiki is right that means it is tradable to other accounts (they only note facts like if it is souldbound or accountbound, they don’t note things that are not) . There is only one way to find out if the wiki is right or not, that is done by trying it out.
Arise, opressed of Tyria!
I didn’t make it a fight between professions at all, I’m not even particularly fond of playing warrior, but the OP didn’t ask about a balanced class at all, he asked about what class to solo PvE, and outside of dungeons and to get map completion there is hardly any of the melee hate you mention, that is only and exclusively in some dungeons.
I don’t know where you got this idea of balance from his post honestly, all he clearly asked for is what’s the easiest to get map and story completion with, and warrior is just that hands down. Permaswiftness is a big deal too when you’re going for map, and warrior and engi have some of the longest/easiest peramswfiftness in the game.
And I totally disagree, half of all champions have meleehate. He can be very succesfully playing a warrior. but it is not balance imo.
Arise, opressed of Tyria!
Can my sister use my computer to play, if we both have paid accounts?
Posted by: mercury ranique.2170
No problem at all. Just unclick rember name/password and autoplay if you have those turend on and let her put in the login details.
(small side note if your sister is doing things that are against the ToS (botting, scamming exploiting, etc) and is banned, the public IP-adress can be banned as well, If you live in the same home (and share the same internetconnection) this will happen anyway, if not you have to trust your sister she is not going to do something stupid.
However, Arenanet have been very open to pleas in this kind of situations and they understand that promotion between friends and familly works better then billboards. so they have always have had a benefit of the doubt policy.
Arise, opressed of Tyria!
No. unless you are helping someone. I suspect that after your very basic question is a reason (hint- best is to tell what you want to do, not what you want to know :P).
If you want to relive the pleasure of the story and the sattisfaction, you can help someone else doing their instance (and you will be a guest there). You won’t get end rewards, you can’t make different choiches on your own personal story and you only get loot from defeated foes.
If you want to change your own personal story in a different direction then the answer is that it can’t be done. If you want a a different reward item the answer is also no.
I might have forgotten options to want to replay, so if not listed please ask away, if you ask what you want to do it is far more easier to answer
Arise, opressed of Tyria!
I can’t look in the game at them moment, but my first guess would be Traveler’s Loft in the home instance (when you enter great lodge and go left after the big door you are asked if you want to enter the home instance). If not it is in Knut Whitebear’s loft, but I think you have that one (you defo have the center one called fang of the serpent.)
Arise, opressed of Tyria!
At roughJaco,
Lets not make this a fight between professions. Like Bvhjdbvkjf (tempted to call you the-guy-who-smashed-his-head-on-the-keyboard) said, imo 80% off class choosing is personal preference. There is no upper class in teams and party’s and there is no upper class in solo-gameplay.
the problem with melee is that you have good protection and deal a good punch (speciually warrior’s). But there is also a lot of melee hate in this game, and the OP asked bout a balanced class.
warrior’s and guardians can still do a good punch from caster range, but are way less on damage then compared with engineers and rangers. beside that e.g. the engineer can trait to make a riffle good at longrange. I can spam bout 200-300 damage/hit without needing to watch where I stand, without risking to be in red circles, without needing to dodge, So can really spam skills.
Do not get me wrong, it isn’t a walk in the park (no class is) but without the trinity bringing the balance, you need to bring it, and long range mid armor warriors are then the best balanced. However. If you have never played casterrange succesfully, then please go guardian and warrior. You can do an awesome job. and if you like the classic nuker/mages pls go scholar.
zhe question was, what is the best balanced (or suited), not wich one you prefer to play, and taking a look at all ( and I have played them all far enough to judge), the best balanced is medium armor (and I am not saying it is the best for everything)
Arise, opressed of Tyria!
I would say any medium armor class is best. Heavy armor are nice on support and staying alive. Low armor is very good at cuickly killing but one puff and your gone. Medium armor gives you a very nice amount of protection to stay alive but also a good punch to deal out.
Arise, opressed of Tyria!
For the lover the shortbows can be either rare or exotic, but they need to be for level 76 or higher.
The change for getting a clover is 33%. You need 1 mystic coin for the recipe and not 100. So people should expect to have 3 times 77 matirals needed for a mystic clover.
Arise, opressed of Tyria!
Also you can just click the “My Story” icon in the hero menu for a complete recap on your personal story thus far, including which order you joined.
To further expand upon this option, the mission with the title “A Fragile Peace” is one that everyone goes through. If you view the mission listed just above this, the very last line of text (no matter the mission you were one) should say “I also joined the _ order”
A fragile peace is the first Vigil mission, people who took Whispers or Durmand would have Stealing secrets or Dredging up the past. So not everyone has that.
Arise, opressed of Tyria!
Runes can stack, but then it is noted in the description and the way they stack ins’t giving the initial effect.
If you got minor runes of the noble, you can only use two of them. The first will give +5% magic find and the second will give +6 power. You can only put one rune on one armorpiece (so to stack, you need to put them on different pieces.
For more information bout the run of the traveler and how it stacks check:
Arise, opressed of Tyria!
I dunno where to get them (can’t login atm to have a look for you either), but know that the monocle-skin is called ‘eagle eye goggles’. So you might have come across the item already but wasn’t aware of it cause of the misleading name.
Arise, opressed of Tyria!
Just to add, the storyline rewards giving a back item are rewarded for your level 33 quest (100% sure, you can pick from 3 different stats). And for a personal story quest at lvl 80 The guild back is slightly better then the level 80 one.
The back can be damaged on defeat, so it counts for the amount of damaged items needed to be damaged before you start breaking armor-pieces. As far as I know that isn’t the case with the jewels.
Arise, opressed of Tyria!
Although I haven’t tested it, I think it is just 5%. The sigil only works when being used. So when you hit with skill 1,2 or 3, your mainhand will have 5% change if the sigil is on the mainhand weapon. But if you hit with skill 4 or 5, your offhand will have 5% change if the sigil is on the offhand weapon. So it won’t stack, but putting it on both has the effect that it works on all 5 weapon skills.
Arise, opressed of Tyria!
according to people are complaining bout a poor droprate. Frostgorge sound would be my best bet though and specially anything that is corrupted by Jormag (cause it would make sense if a corrupted lodestone is carried by a corupted ice creature ).
Arise, opressed of Tyria!
The monthly survivor achievement was bugged, and currently they made the ??-bars. Like Licht is saying it could very well be that they are doing a festival themed achievement instead and they don’t want to reveal it yet.
Arise, opressed of Tyria!
At level 41, if you are up to date with your personal story you have already joined an order (you do that round level 28). You prolly need to talk to your mentor in your personal story. As Alyssa pointed out you can use the wiki to check out to wich your order your mentor belongs. You will be in the same. It might als be the case that you have done your level 39 story-phase, wich means you have a flag on your log-in screen.
Durmand priory has a blue flag with a black key.
The Vigil have a black flag with a white flame.
Whispers have a red flag with a yellow reverse snowman
Arise, opressed of Tyria!
The only real teams of random people are doing dungeons. For the rest the game is in an open world, where you don’t have to form teams to work together. When your saying solo, I think you also mean the people you meet on the road and who accidently are doing the same thing. That as well is a sort of team.
The difference with other games is that you don’t need to team up to get loot and experience if xour doing the same thing. This is in itself a positive thing. But the down side is that it lacks the need of a team. My advise in your case would be to find a guild that tackles zones as a party. You can map-chat in lions arch that your looking for a guild. But cause your preferences, my advise is to go to the guilds-section of this forum, explain your level and that your looking for a guild that likes to party up for doing personal story’s and zones and that your playing in NA (northern America) or EU (European). Even if the guild that would work for you is on a different server I would transfer there (still free at the moment).
Good luck!!
Arise, opressed of Tyria!
Aye, Tee pirate polka is pirate talk for walking tee plank, capiche?
Arise, opressed of Tyria!
@Nkuvu Being an engineer myself, I do know what you mean, but I am pretty sure this is not the case here. A starting engineer would not have a turret with them, and engineers helping others or going for world completion are prolly starting with this heart and then move on. The turrets aren’t needed for this, and if you like them for the extra damage you are very likely to use them again at the next location (and thus exploding the one still up). Specially cause I have seen this too 1 or 2 times, I don’t believe it is a coincedence. But your right that an out of range boom option would be the best option.
Arise, opressed of Tyria!
Change activity. For how long is unknown. The exact mechanic is unknown and prolly being kept a secret to make it harder for bot-programmers to work around it. Avoiding is prolly very easy as long as your not really botting, but when you see it is active, all you have to do is something else and pretty soon it will go away.
Arise, opressed of Tyria!
Mystic clovers are account bound cause in the prodction you need items that are bought with Karma, So I would assume that the wiki is wrong (not saying it can’t be wrong either btw).
Being accountbound doesnt mean they are soulbound btw. So with a second character you can get mystic clovers and give them e.g. to a character that need it on the same account.
Arise, opressed of Tyria!
I’m confident that it will stay for free for a good amount of time. Though this is an assumption. Originally (from the beta) it was planned to have a guesting service, where you could join with party members on other worlds (with the exception for accessing WvW). During the last beta weekend this system was operational and server transfer wasn’t free (although gems you bought through the cashshop where returned to you on the start of the game). The statement so far is that this feature is still intended to be part of the game, but the moment of implementation is unknown. There is no official statement bout the moment home world transfer will be a paid server, but I think it will be in sync with the implementation of the guesting system.
Arise, opressed of Tyria!
My guild has been using This has also a very nice calander/event planning feature and is free to use (pay for add free, but the adds are very small). Although this isn’t an specifick guildhosting solution, it gives more freedom to make it in your own way cause the setup is more general (except the forum, no other features are forced upon you).
Arise, opressed of Tyria!
Ye, Like excretus is saying. What I’ve also noticed is that hightdifference can cause this (again specially in the water). I suspect that the map is ’ layered’ And that if your at the bottom of one layer and the enemy’s is at the top of a lower layer, the damage won’t get there untill you or the mob moves a bit
Arise, opressed of Tyria!
I would like to ask mods when placing a topic here to explain why. I have not a clue how other players can help here. It has been common practise in many MMO’s that some sick players find it funny to obstruct noob-players. This is very sick and sad, but all I can do bout is to show my dislike of this practise and show symphaty for the person responsable.
Cause the first quests in Queensdale (or any starter area) are really import for new players cause it is their first interaction with the full community, I would rather see GM’s taking actions against the sick person doing things like this.
But bottom line, Mods, when moving a post please explain what your intention is with it..
Arise, opressed of Tyria!
Hello and gratz on lvl 80,
To answer your question very shortly… Please read sticky’s:
Any further questions? pls ask them there.
Arise, opressed of Tyria!
Today I logged in and I was greeted with a notification saying “Please consider changing your password”
Why did I get this? Is my account password too weak? Is it vulnerable to hacking? Or do passwords have to be changed now and then to keep account security high?
Well, first off all I didn’t get this message. How did you get it? Was it a log-in news message? or like a error message you had to click away? or was it an ingame email??
I can’t tell you if your password is too weak. I tend to pick famous songtext lines as my password. one I didn’t use but as an example is:
This sounds maybe redicilous. But watch the first letter of every word in the next songtext.
Hey, I just met you,
And this is crazy,
But here’s my number,
So call me, maybe?
You second question is if it is vulnerable for hacking. Well this I cannot tell you either. There are some basic rules to follow.
a: Use an unique password (don’t use it for anything else, specially not GW2 related websites or other mmorpg’s.
b: Use an unique emailadres. Best is to use a webmail based one like gmail. use a different password to log into that emailadress.
c: keep computer security serious by making sure you have your virusscanner and firewall up to date and up and running.
d: do not store your password in a document on your hadrdrive. If your roommates/housemates can be trusted make a hardcopy if you need it, or store it on a usb-drive you keep with you (best is to memorize it off course, but rule a and b makes that more difficult).
e: only use the password to log into the game or this website (check the adress everytime you log in here)
Your last question is if passwords needs to be changed from time to time for account safety. The asnwer is that it is advisable. but again this depends on your situation. at my job we have to change it every month, so most passwords are curently ending with 10 (October).
In this case, I wouldn’t wait for an answer and change it just to be sure. If there are no other people reporting this message you might want to ask support why you got the message. But most off all, in this case I wouldn’t wait and change it now.
Sorry for a long text to give a small answer, but wanted to misuse your question for a lecture bout account security
Arise, opressed of Tyria!
World completion consists of map completion of all possible maps in the game. This includes:
All cities: Rata Sum, Black Citadel, Divinity’s Reach, Hoelbrak, The Grove, and Lion’s Arch
All explorable zones
All WvW maps: ((Blue World)) Borderlands, ((Green World)) Borderlands, ((Red World)) Borderlands, and Eternal Battlegrounds
Chantry of Secrets
This does not include:
Heart of the Mists
Structured PvP areas
Hall of Monuments
This accomplishment is tracked by the Map Completion Medal on Account Medals, the Been There, Done That achievement, and the World Completion progress bar whenever you view the map.
So from what your telling me, you seem to be missing the WvW-maps.
Arise, opressed of Tyria!
Even though it is simple, I know from GW1 and other MMO’s that it has been requested many times but never made possible. However there is a simple solution: remake the guild
Arise, opressed of Tyria!
First off all, There is no decent healer class. the same as there is no decent melee class nor casterclass. This game doesn’t follow the trinity like many other mmo’s do. So with any class do not expect to use any of you past experience in other games and be totally open to playing titally different then what your used to.
Having said that my second point. Failing at the first dungeon is very usual. do not blame it on yourself or others, they are just very very hard. Do not judge your class on a dungeon.
Now back to your question. You are, as stated have always been a healer. The first thing you have to ask yourself is what you liked bout it.
- Is it the out of combat feeling? well there is no way to do that in this game, but the lower your armor the better.
- Is it the healing and protecting bit? Then the guardian was you best pick and you should stick with it
- Is it cause you hate loosing (in the way of being dead)? then again guardian is your best pick.
The bottom line is that as a healer in other mmo’s you have to re-learn to play (wich is true btw for most players of the old school mmo’s). My advise would be to start using the middle classes (medium armor) so Ranger, Engineer or Thief. The reason is that you have some good flesh around the bones to survive, but you also have good attack and support skills, and can stay back from the fight if you need to. Also find a guild of people who understand where you are comming from and are willing to help you through a process of re-learning how to play this new style of MMO. My personal favourite is the engineer. cause your supporting skills mostly benefit you and your party (like the medkit, the healing turret and the elite supply crate).But don’t be fooled, the main thing bout an enigneer is to nuke and nuke. Use turrets to distract enemy’s and use kits for either high damage, high healing or not a kit but e.g. your riffle for something in between.
Try different classes though to lvl15, then birng them to the heart of the mist and train on npc’s (I know it is a pvp area, but there is a difference with porfessions at low level and on high level, this is the way to have a glimp on how it is on high level).
Arise, opressed of Tyria!
hmmmmm, you do know that lengthy titles are shortened with …???
I don’t think changing server however is the solution. The temple is bugged on many servers and the devs are aware of that. pls be patient.
Arise, opressed of Tyria!
ah yes the ranger pets
one thing you mention though is the DE’s, personally i have noticed a lot lot less DE’s in the under 40 zones of late, but i believe they are partially based on number of people in the area. My guardian has done a lot less of these (which is my newest alt, just hitting 40) that may be something to do with it at least partially
The amount of DE’s is discussed elsewhere already and there are several reasons.
First off all, there are some DE’s that might only start when there are enough people doing it. Secondly, there are DE chains, after the chain has finished there is a cooldown untill the chain starts again. If there are more people doing it, the quicker the next part of the chain start and the quicker the whole chain will start again. Last off all. Many DE’s require a kick-off to start. For example talking to an npc with a mark above the head. With less people around it takes longer before someone passes it and click it to start the DE.
Arise, opressed of Tyria!
There are 3 systems in use (afaik), so without the fact I have my preference (teamspeak) I will tell bout all.
1: Teamspeak. You need a central server and every user need a client. The server is free if you don ‘t exceed 512 users. Sound quality is very good and it is easy to use. If you don’t have the capacity to use a server you can use paid servers. this starts from 2 USD/ month to have access with 10 people. The client is free
2: Ventrillo, Again you need a central server and every user needs a client. Servers are free to use, so is the client. If you don’t have the capacity to host your own server you can use a paid server for the same price as teamapeak. The client takes a little les resources then teamspeak, but it has a slightly less quality. The amount of resources used are always minumal.
These two are for more experienced settled guilds cause it needs investment. But you can also use skype. Skype is officially a one two one VoIP program, but it does support having a group of people talking at the same time (conference call). The positive side is that it is free and doesn’t need a server. The negative is that one person needs to start the conversation with someone else everyday.
Arise, opressed of Tyria!
The achievement should be unlocked when you are with the last chest. If you opened the first, the second will be opened and unlootable until 24 hours have passed. But it will already have counted for the achievement.
Arise, opressed of Tyria!
I got a seraph riffle (well different name, same skin) as a reward for a personal story. After some backtracking on the wiki it was a reward for The other level 47 story’s are giving the same rewards.
I’ve also seen some asura and silvary cultural weaponskins drop from foes with different names and stats.. I haven’t seen them at a karma merchant (beside the cultural weaponsmiths), but that doesn’t mean they don’t exist.
Arise, opressed of Tyria!
A friend and I have both achieved the Combat Healer title. However, when we target each other, neither of us sees the title on the other. Is this a visual bug? I’ve played around with my visual settings a bit with no result as far as the titles go.
Achieving is not enough, you have to select it. press ‘H’ , go to the achievements tab, and on the left top corner you will see a drop down menu where you can select the title you want to be displaying. You can only display one title at a time.
Arise, opressed of Tyria!
DR is Diminishing Returns wich is a heavily debated game mechanic. It is there to prevent farming and especially botting . One of the more notable reasons they implemented is that outside of the Grove in Caledon Forrest there is a tree (the wardenlught tree). Bout every few minutes it comes under attack from termites and people are asked to save the tree in a dynamic event. After you did that and got gold reward the tree comes udner attack from a giant termite. After you kill that one (and the reward) it goes quit for a few min utes and it all starts again.
A few players decided to do only that and nothing else. So they never seen anything else of the game and got to level 80 in 2-3 days. Thats one of the many reasons DR was put in place. Now if you want top do the same you will see that after repeating that event (without doing anything significant in between) you get DR-ed meaning your experience, karma and copper gained will be lowered ot eventually zero.
How the mechanic exactly works is unknown and kept a secret. The reason it is under discussion is that also players who are, in their opinion, playing the game in an honest way are affected as well. The most notable effect is speed-farming dungeons.
The discussion and attention to it has made some side effects where people are over afraid of the effect. First off all getting hit by DR doesn’t mean you get it forever. It will wear off if you start doing other things. Secondly, it is a mechanic and there is no report made bout you when DR kicks in. Changes are if you just play the game you will never notice it.
Arise, opressed of Tyria!
Yes, email would be your only option.
Arise, opressed of Tyria!